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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / With All Of The Different Religions, How Can I Know Which One Is Correct? (3777 Views)
If There’s One God, Why All The Different Religions?. / With All Of The Different Religions, How Can I Know Which One Is Correct? / The Way Different Religions See The Human Heart (2) (3) (4)
With All Of The Different Religions, How Can I Know Which One Is Correct? by winner01(m): 12:23am On Jan 06, 2016 |
There is no doubt that the number of different religions in the world makes it a challenge to know which one is correct. First, let’s consider some thoughts on the overall subject and then look at how one might approach the topic in a manner that can actually get to a right conclusion about God. The challenge of different answers to a particular issue is not unique to the topic of religion. For example, you can sit 100 math students down, give them a complex problem to solve, and it is likely that many will get the answer wrong. But does this mean that a correct answer does not exist? Not at all. Those who get the answer wrong simply need to be shown their error and know the techniques necessary to arrive at the correct answer. How do we arrive at the truth about God? We use a systematic methodology that is designed to separate truth from error by using various tests for truth, with the end result being a set of right conclusions. Can you imagine the end results a scientist would arrive at if he went into the lab and just started mixing things together with no rhyme or reason? Or if a physician just started treating a patient with random medicines in the hope of making him well? Neither the scientist nor the physician takes this approach; instead, they use systematic methods that are methodical, logical, evidential, and proven to yield the right end result. This being the case, why should theology—the study of God—be any different? Why believe it can be approached in a haphazard and undisciplined way and still yield right conclusions? Unfortunately, this is the approach many take, and this is one of the reasons why so many religions exist. That said, we now return to the question of how to reach truthful conclusions about God. What systematic approach should be used? First, we need to establish a framework for testing various truth claims, and then we need a roadmap to follow to reach a right conclusion. Here is a good framework to use: 1. Logical consistency—the claims of a belief system must logically cohere to each other and not contradict in any way. As an example, the end goal of Buddhism is to rid oneself of all desires. Yet, one must have a desire to rid oneself of all desires, which is a contradictory and illogical principle. 2. Empirical adequacy—is there evidence to support the belief system (whether the evidence is rational, externally evidential, etc.)? Naturally, it is only right to want proof for important claims being made so the assertions can be verified. For example, Mormons teach that Jesus visited North America. Yet there is absolutely no proof, archaeological or otherwise, to support such a claim. 3. Existential relevancy—the belief system should address the big questions of life described below and the teachings should be accurately reflected in the world in which we live. Christianity, for example, provides good answers for the large questions of life, but is sometimes questioned because of its claim of an all-good and powerful God who exists alongside a world filled with very real evil. Critics charge that such a thing violates the criteria of existential relevancy, although many good answers have been given to address the issue. The above framework, when applied to the topic of religion, will help lead one to a right view of God and will answer the four big questions of life: 1. Origin – where did we come from? 2. Ethics – how should we live? 3. Meaning – what is the purpose for life? 4. Destiny – where is mankind heading? But how does one go about applying this framework in the pursuit of God? A step-by-step question/answer approach is one of the best tactics to employ. Narrowing the list of possible questions down produces the following: 1. Does absolute truth exist? 2. Do reason and religion mix? 3. Does God exist? 4. Can God be known? 5. Is Jesus God? 6. Does God care about me? First we need to know if absolute truth exists. If it does not, then we really cannot be sure of anything (spiritual or not), and we end up either an agnostic, unsure if we can really know anything, or a pluralist, accepting every position because we are not sure which, if any, is right. Absolute truth is defined as that which matches reality, that which corresponds to its object, telling it like it is. Some say there is no such thing as absolute truth, but taking such a position becomes self-defeating. For example, the relativist says, “All truth is relative,” yet one must ask: is that statement absolutely true? If so, then absolute truth exists; if not, then why consider it? Postmodernism affirms no truth, yet it affirms at least one absolute truth: postmodernism is true. In the end, absolute truth becomes undeniable. Further, absolute truth is naturally narrow and excludes its opposite. Two plus two equals four, with no other answer being possible. This point becomes critical as different belief systems and worldviews are compared. If one belief system has components that are proven true, then any competing belief system with contrary claims must be false. Also, we must keep in mind that absolute truth is not impacted by sincerity and desire. No matter how sincerely someone embraces a lie, it is still a lie. And no desire in the world can make something true that is false. The answer of question one is that absolute truth exists. This being the case, agnosticism, postmodernism, relativism, and skepticism are all false positions. This leads us to the next question of whether reason/logic can be used in matters of religion. Some say this is not possible, but—why not? The truth is, logic is vital when examining spiritual claims because it helps us understand why some claims should be excluded and others embraced. Logic is absolutely critical in dismantling pluralism (which says that all truth claims, even those that oppose each other, are equal and valid). For example, Islam and Judaism claim that Jesus is not God, whereas Christianity claims He is. One of the core laws of logic is the law of non-contradiction, which says something cannot be both “A” and “non-A” at the same time and in the same sense. Applying this law to the claims Judaism, Islam, and Christianity means that one is right and the other two are wrong. Jesus cannot be both God and not God. Used properly, logic is a potent weapon against pluralism because it clearly demonstrates that contrary truth claims cannot both be true. This understanding topples the whole “true for you but not for me” mindset. Logic also dispels the whole “all roads lead to the top of the mountain” analogy that pluralists use. Logic shows that each belief system has its own set of signs that point to radically different locations in the end. Logic shows that the proper illustration of a search for spiritual truth is more like a maze—one path makes it through to truth, while all others arrive at dead ends. All faiths may have some surface similarities, but they differ in major ways in their core doctrines. The conclusion is that you can use reason and logic in matters of religion. That being the case, pluralism (the belief that all truth claims are equally true and valid) is ruled out because it is illogical and contradictory to believe that diametrically opposing truth claims can both be right. Next comes the big question: does God exist? Atheists and naturalists (who do not accept anything beyond this physical world and universe) say “no.” While volumes have been written and debates have raged throughout history on this question, it is actually not difficult to answer. To give it proper attention, you must first ask this question: Why do we have something rather than nothing at all? In other words, how did you and everything around you get here? The argument for God can be presented very simply: Something exists. You do not get something from nothing. Therefore, a necessary and eternal Being exists. You cannot deny you exist because you have to exist in order to deny your own existence (which is self-defeating), so the first premise above is true. No one has ever demonstrated that something can come from nothing unless they redefine what ‘nothing’ is, so the second premise rings true. Therefore, the conclusion naturally follows—an eternal Being is responsible for everything that exists. This is a position no thinking atheist denies; they just claim that the universe is that eternal being. However, the problem with that stance is that all scientific evidence points to the fact that the universe had a beginning (the ‘big bang’). And everything that has a beginning must have a cause; therefore, the universe had a cause and is not eternal. Because the only two sources of eternality are an eternal universe (denied by all current empirical evidence) or an eternal Creator, the only logical conclusion is that God exists. Answering the question of God’s existence in the affirmative rules out atheism as a valid belief system. Now, this conclusion says nothing about what kind of God exists, but amazingly enough, it does do one sweeping thing—it rules out all pantheistic religions. All pantheistic worldviews say that the universe is God and is eternal. And this assertion is false. So, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and all other pantheistic religions are ruled out as valid belief systems. Further, we learn some interesting things about this God who created the universe. He is: • Supernatural in nature (as He exists outside of His creation) • Incredibly powerful (to have created all that is known) • Eternal (self-existent, as He exists outside of time and space) • Omnipresent (He created space and is not limited by it) • Timeless and changeless (He created time) • Immaterial (because He transcends space) • Personal (the impersonal can’t create personality) • Necessary (as everything else depends on Him) • Infinite and singular (as you cannot have two infinites) • Diverse yet has unity (as all multiplicity implies a prior singularity) • Intelligent (supremely, to create everything) • Purposeful (as He deliberately created everything) • Moral (no moral law can exist without a lawgiver) • Caring (or no moral laws would have been given) This Being exhibits characteristics very similar to the God of Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, which interestingly enough, are the only core faiths left standing after atheism and pantheism have been eliminated. Note also that one of the big questions in life (origins) is now answered: we know where we came from. This leads to the next question: can we know God? At this point, the need for religion is replaced by something more important—the need for revelation. If mankind is to know this God well, it is up to God to reveal Himself to His creation. Judaism, Islam, and Christianity all claim to have a book that is God’s revelation to man, but the question is which (if any) is actually true? Pushing aside minor differences, the two core areas of dispute are 1) the New Testament of the Bible 2) the person of Jesus Christ. Islam and Judaism both claim the New Testament of the Bible is untrue in what it claims, and both deny that Jesus is God incarnate, while Christianity affirms both to be true. There is no faith on the planet that can match the mountains of evidence that exist for Christianity. From the voluminous number of ancient manuscripts, to the very early dating of the documents written during the lifetime of the eyewitnesses (some only 15 years after Christ’s death), to the multiplicity of the accounts (nine authors in 27 books of the New Testament), to the archaeological evidence—none of which has ever contradicted a single claim the New Testament makes—to the fact that the apostles went to their deaths claiming they had seen Jesus in action and that He had come back from the dead, Christianity sets the bar in terms of providing the proof to back up its claims. The New Testament’s historical authenticity—that it conveys a truthful account of the actual events as they occurred—is the only right conclusion to reach once all the evidence has been examined. When it comes to Jesus, one finds a very curious thing about Him—He claimed to be God in the flesh. Jesus own words (e.g., “Before Abraham was born I AM”), His actions (e.g., forgiving sins, accepting worship), His sinless and miraculous life (which He used to prove His truth claims over opposing claims), and His resurrection all support His claims to be God. The New Testament writers affirm this fact over and over again in their writings. Now, if Jesus is God, then what He says must be true. And if Jesus said that the Bible is inerrant and true in everything it says (which He did), this must mean that the Bible is true in what it proclaims. As we have already learned, two competing truth claims cannot both be right. So anything in the Islamic Koran or writings of Judaism that contradict the Bible cannot be true. In fact, both Islam and Judaism fail since they both say that Jesus is not God incarnate, while the evidence says otherwise. And because we can indeed know God (because He has revealed Himself in His written Word and in Christ), all forms of agnosticism are refuted. Lastly, another big question of life is answered—that of ethics—as the Bible contains clear instructions on how mankind ought to live. This same Bible proclaims that God cares deeply for mankind and wishes all to know Him intimately. In fact, He cares so much that He became a man to show His creation exactly what He is like. There are many men who have sought to be God, but only one God who sought to be man so He could save those He deeply loves from an eternity separated from Him. This fact demonstrates the existential relevancy of Christianity and also answers that last two big questions of life—meaning and destiny. Each person has been designed by God for a purpose, and each has a destiny that awaits him—one of eternal life with God or eternal separation from Him. This deduction (and the point of God becoming a man in Christ) also refutes Deism, which says God is not interested in the affairs of mankind. In the end, we see that ultimate truth about God can be found and the worldview maze successfully navigated by testing various truth claims and systematically pushing aside falsehoods so that only the truth remains. Using the tests of logical consistency, empirical adequacy, and existential relevancy, coupled with asking the right questions, yields truthful and reasonable conclusions about religion and God. Everyone should agree that the only reason to believe something is that it is true—nothing more. Sadly, true belief is a matter of the will, and no matter how much logical evidence is presented, some will still choose to deny the God who is there and miss the one true path to harmony with Him. source; www.gotquestions.org 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: With All Of The Different Religions, How Can I Know Which One Is Correct? by Jabodo(m): 12:29am On Jan 06, 2016 |
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Re: With All Of The Different Religions, How Can I Know Which One Is Correct? by ValentineMary(m): 3:04am On Jan 06, 2016 |
From your logic, christianity is also a false religion. 4 Likes |
Re: With All Of The Different Religions, How Can I Know Which One Is Correct? by Nobody: 6:50am On Jan 06, 2016 |
winner01:Appeal to emotion. 1 Like |
Re: With All Of The Different Religions, How Can I Know Which One Is Correct? by oglalasioux(m): 8:38am On Jan 06, 2016 |
The OP has concluded from his research that Christianity of the new testament is the right religion. By saying that he has bypassed Judaism that gave birth to it. The conflict between the religions for superiority is in fact an indictment on their falsehood. To know God we have to look at the progress of the world from the beginning and ask salient questions. 1. Why is intelligence higher today than in the past? 2. Why is it that most of the creation stories from the holy books are wrong? 3. Why must most religion resort to blackmail for people to follow it? 4. Why are the African deities and shrines still active to this day? 5. Why is the universe such a vast place? Let's look at just five out of thousands of questions plaguing mankind today. First, Christianity will say intelligence is rising because it is the end of times and the messiah is coming. Is that better than saying, "ah, maybe the human brain has attained higher capacities through evolution?" It is better than talking of an end that will never come. Scientific discoveries have made nonsense of biblical creation stories. The bible said the earth is about 6 thousand years old. But the earth is at least 4.5 billion years old. Creatures are known to have roamed earth as far as at least 350 million years ago. Adam and Eve could not have been the parents of every living man because there are fossil evidence that man evolved. Consider mosquitoes, bugs and other dangerous bacteria and viruses. Surely the creator won't have the time to make such useless creatures. The article said something about things happening by chance. That is surely correct. We might not fully know the creation story but surely the biblical account is pathetic. Then we look at religion and it's blackmail for acceptance. Was the wars and killings of the Jews in Palestine really necessary? The bible repeatedly admonished the Jews to kill and destroy 'ungodly' people. Christian Europe engaged in massive killings in the same Palestine in the name of recovering 'the holy lands' from the infidels. The Muslims also engaged in massive wipe out of peoples during their own purported instructions from God. But there is a curious thing; the efficacy of the African gods even after many years of Christianity and Islam in Africa. The deities and the shrines still work to this day. It'll be stupidity to say it's the devil that operates these African deities because God wouldn't have allowed the devil to rule Africa from the beginning of time to only about 300 years ago. Everything done by the African gods such as ritual killings, sorcery and magic are perpetrated by both Christians and Muslims alike if not worse. So one begins to wonder; if the African gods are really the gods of our ancestors why did they allow the white man conquer us? Unless you realize that the powers behind everything we know as shrine, deities, gods, miracles and prophecy is nothing but the forces of the universe in action, there is little hope in finding the true religion. The universe is a vast place and it'll be stupid to think earth man is the only occupant of this astronomical entity. Life spread out to all parts of the universe from the beginning and it survived and took shape and course according to where it found itself in the universe. The universe is 99% chance. The remaining 1% is the Sower as taught by Jesus Christ in His parable of the Sower. There is a power behind the universe. Whether that overlaying power is in human form or in the form of energy is what mankind doesn't know for now. But we do know one thing; that God and Satan as represented by religions does not exist. 7 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: With All Of The Different Religions, How Can I Know Which One Is Correct? by circuit101: 9:17am On Jan 06, 2016 |
Why all dis shi.t just to prove a particular religion..y CNT d God of dat belief just prove he is d right one and leave d choosen for us,rada dan waiting for us to look for a proof of his existence. 2 Likes |
Re: With All Of The Different Religions, How Can I Know Which One Is Correct? by Nobody: 9:24am On Jan 06, 2016 |
oglalasioux:What is LIFE? |
Re: With All Of The Different Religions, How Can I Know Which One Is Correct? by Jabodo(m): 9:50am On Jan 06, 2016 |
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Re: With All Of The Different Religions, How Can I Know Which One Is Correct? by oglalasioux(m): 10:00am On Jan 06, 2016 |
timonski:Life is energy in motion sparked by the big bang and held in motion by dark matter. It is okay to say no one knows what sparked the big bang. If you read the last paragraph of my post I believe I explained better. I'm not an atheist. I've read many holy books extensively. But my point is religion got it all wrong. If you yearn for a meaning to life, find God in science. You'll understand and appreciate Him more. |
Re: With All Of The Different Religions, How Can I Know Which One Is Correct? by winner01(m): 2:24pm On Jan 06, 2016 |
oglalasioux:The simple steps that inferred the above result is open for all to see. Throughout the old testament, there were prophesies of a coming Messiah, prophesies from prophets hundreds of years before the birth of Jesus Christ, Prophets who didnt even know themselves. Prophecies which were fulfilled. It is quite proper to say that Christianity has its roots in Judaism. The Old Testament laid the groundwork for the New, and it is impossible to fully understand Christianity without a working knowledge of the Old Testament. The Old Testament explains the necessity of a Messiah, contains the history of the Messiah’s people, and predicts the Messiah’s coming. The New Testament is all about the coming of Messiah and His work to save us from sin. In His life, Jesus fulfilled over 300 specific prophecies, proving that He was the One the Old Testament had anticipated. The initial converts to Christianity were Jews or proselytes to Judaism, and the church was centered in Jerusalem. Because of this, Christianity was seen at first as a Jewish sect, akin to the Pharisees, the Sadducees, or the Essenes. However, what the apostles preached was radically different from what other Jewish groups were teaching. Jesus was the Jewish Messiah (the anointed King) who had come to fulfill the Law (Matthew 5:17) and institute a new covenant based on His death (Mark 14:24). This message, with its charge that they had killed their own Messiah, infuriated many Jewish leaders, and some, like Saul of Tarsus, took action to stamp out “the Way” (Acts 9:1-2). The contrast between religions can be judged by mordern day scientific findings, you're incredibly wrong to say that only proves their falsehood. Fake does not disprove the existence of the original. oglalasioux: But isnt it somewhat strange that an "ancient" man, Daniel, could give an accurate prediction of what would happen in about 3000 years time, considering the fact that he had no access your type of technology many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased” Daniel 12:4. With all the knowledge you have acquired from the internet and school, maybe you should give us an accurate prediction of what could happen in year 2050? oglalasioux:Scientific discoveries have only confirmed more and more the truth contained in the scriptures. Can you provide a biblical reference of the earth being 6000 years old. In my opinion, the claim of 6000 years was gotten from Archbishop James Ussher, Bishop in the Church of Ireland in the 16th century. He took the genealogies of Genesis, assuming they were complete, and calculated all the years to arrive at a date for the creation of the earth on Sunday, October 23, 4004 B.C. Many people have also come up with dates for creation, such as Johannes Kepler (3992 BC), Gerhard Hasel (4178 BC), and Isaac Newton (~4000 BC) but have received far lesser criticisms, and i keep wondering why. But what does the Bible really say about how we can get our facts right. "But now ask the beasts, and let them teach you; And the birds of the heavens, and let them tell you. "Or speak to the earth, and let it teach you; And let the fish of the sea declare to you. "Who among all these does not know That the hand of the LORD has done this, In whose hand is the life of every living thing, And the breath of all mankind? "Does not the ear test words, As the palate tastes its food? (Job 12:7-11) Interestingly, We have learnt from the earth by examining the age of its rocks, along with the age of rocks from the moon and meteorites, which were formed around the same time. "The absolute age of the earth has been most accurately measured through radioactive decay of its rocks. Because of plate tectonics which recycles the earth's crust and the late heavy bombardment, none of the original rock formations appear on the surface of the earth at this time. So, the oldest known rock formations have been dated to 4.0-4.2 billion years old. However, tiny zircons, some of the hardest minerals on earth, have survived these catastrophic events and have been reliably dated to 4.4 billion years old. Rocks returned from the Apollo moon missions, along with meteorites derived from Mars have been dated at 4.5 billion years old. Meteorites from the solar system that have landed on the earth have been dated to 4.56 billion years old, which establishes the date at which the solar system and all its worlds were created."- godandscience.com The vast ages of the earth does not diminish the power and glory of God, but establishes that God thought that preparing the earth for human habitation was worth the billions of years of preparation. Since God is not subject to the temporal dimension of this universe, it all happened "instantly" for Him. oglalasioux:Now this sounds like emotions rather than logic. Irreligious wars have claimed 10 times more lives than religious wars, and this is a pointer to the fact that evil is perpetrated by evil men. As for God ordering the instant destruction of the ungodly, we now have a new convenant and its strange for someone who claims to have read the bible not to know the reason why we still have a religion today that seeks to forcefully and brutally gain dominion of the world. oglalasioux:The Bible never denies the powers of satan and his demons, the Bible only gives us a guide on how we can resist, counter and dominate such powers. This Bible seems to counter every single allegation you lay against it, So much for a book written by ancient/primitive minds. “A thousand times over, the death knell of the Bible has been sounded, the funeral procession formed, the inscription cut on the tombstone, and committal read. But somehow the corpse never stays put.” “No other book has been so chopped, knifed, sifted, scrutinized, and vilified. What book on philosophy or religion or psychology or belles lettres of classical or modern times has been subject to such a mass attack as the Bible? With such venom and skepticism? With such thoroughness and erudition? Upon every chapter, line and tenet?” - Bernard Ramm I love this Bible . oglalasioux:wow, chance indeed. A vast universe. Very quickly, i want you to answer how a minority product of a random universe can exist by chance in the picture below. oglalasioux:Yeah, i agree with you. There is really a power behind the universe. BUT All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.- Jesus Christ Do not pluralize, speak for yourself alone. Just as the last sentence in the Op says "Sadly, true belief is a matter of the will, and no matter how much logical evidence is presented, some will still choose to deny the God who is there and miss the one true path to harmony with Him". 3 Likes 1 Share
Re: With All Of The Different Religions, How Can I Know Which One Is Correct? by winner01(m): 3:35pm On Jan 06, 2016 |
circuit101:In other words, Why all this stress to hustle just to succeed, Why cant life just tell us where to go to find success, rather than expecting us to use our useful youthful years looking for success. Its is not sh.it to love God, its actually a priviledge. 3 Likes 1 Share |
Re: With All Of The Different Religions, How Can I Know Which One Is Correct? by chiedu7: 4:51pm On Jan 06, 2016 |
[size=14pt]JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY TO GOD![/size] John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. ALLAH CANNOT SAVE MOHAMMED LET ALONE MUSLIMS Sura 46:9 "I am not something original among the messengers, NOR DO I KNOW WHAT WILL BE DONE WITH ME OR WITH YOU(MUSLIMS)." CHRISTIAN ARE PROMISED HEAVEN UNLIKE MUSLIMS & MOHAMMED John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 HE THAT BELIEVETH ON HIM IS NOT CONDEMNED: BUT HE THAT BELIEVETH NOT IS CONDEMNED ALREADY, BECAUSE HE HATH NOT BELIEVED IN THE NAME OF THE ONLY BEGOTTEN SON OF GOD. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: With All Of The Different Religions, How Can I Know Which One Is Correct? by Nobody: 5:30pm On Jan 06, 2016 |
oglalasioux:Life: energy in motion? Can you please explain this theory of yours? |
Re: With All Of The Different Religions, How Can I Know Which One Is Correct? by oglalasioux(m): 5:56pm On Jan 06, 2016 |
timonski:It's not my theory. It's a theory that is at least 400 years old. It was perfected by Albert Einstein. To understand it, I'll urge you to read this to the end with an open mind. Life started from protein molecules. Protein molecules coalesced from what is known as the Higgs boson in physics. During the supernova that gave birth to our solar system the debris was in flight but as they were in motion they became heavy and built up mass. The physics law states that the faster you move the heavier you get. The debris or star dust made the planets and the core of the supernova is our sun. The sun's indentation in the fabric of space sent the planets hurtling towards the sun. But because of the speeds of the free fall they have stayed in motion giving the planets seasons and day and night. The earth's position to the sun made protein molecules germinate into life creating the first life; plants. Plants built up the atmosphere and oxygen which made evolution branch off from plants to animal life. Through billions of years of evolution, the earth is what it is today. Life was not exclusive to earth at the death of the star that gave birth to our solar system. Through evolution by natural selection, life was able to germinate only on earth. Consider the size of our solar system. Not the galaxy just the solar system of our star alone. Ask yourself; 1. Why are there other planets around our sun? 2. Why is Venus and Mars so like our planet but there are no life there? 3. What is our moon and why is it orbiting our earth? 4. If the earth is spherical why are we not falling off or why are Australians not walking upside down? 5. What causes ocean tides? Questions like these might seem inconsequential but they help us live better on earth. Religious beliefs can't answer any of them but science can. 2 Likes |
Re: With All Of The Different Religions, How Can I Know Which One Is Correct? by tartar9(m): 6:34pm On Jan 06, 2016 |
you are just proving xtianity wrong 1 Like |
Re: With All Of The Different Religions, How Can I Know Which One Is Correct? by winner01(m): 6:40pm On Jan 06, 2016 |
tartar9:okay |
Re: With All Of The Different Religions, How Can I Know Which One Is Correct? by bxcode(m): 7:55pm On Jan 06, 2016 |
Why Christianity is the true "religion" : Christianity is the only religion that has a saviour in the person of Jesus. Christianity is the only "religion" that the has a God who died and resurrected and is alive today. Budda, Krishna, Confucius, Mohammed all still dead and you can point to the tombs of these gods with their remains. Christianity is the only "religion" that liberates women from the confinement when it comes to worship. All men are equal before the almighty God. Christianity is the only "religion" that has the answer to the sinful nature of man. Christianity is the only "religion" that you know God intimately and personally. Christianity is the only religion that offers you salvation as a gift, you don't have to do anything whatsoever before you receive that elusive atonement that everyman desires. For it was given to us by grace lest no man should boast. And so on...... But my pains and the bitter truth is that 90% of the so called Christians today are not living like Christ. That's why we can't stand up for what we believe in. You can hardly spot the difference between a 21st century Christian and non Christian. Christianity without the person of Christ is simply hypocrisy. 4 Likes |
Re: With All Of The Different Religions, How Can I Know Which One Is Correct? by winner01(m): 8:53pm On Jan 06, 2016 |
^^True 4 Likes 2 Shares
Re: With All Of The Different Religions, How Can I Know Which One Is Correct? by habicab: 7:06pm On Jan 07, 2016 |
chiedu7: Point of correction sir... you forgot to quote in full.. Surah 46 verse 9 is as follows... "Say (O Muhammad) I am not a new thing among the messengers (of Allah i.e I am not the first messenger) nor do I know what will be done with me or with you, I only follow that which is revealed to me and I am but a plain Warner." Prophet Muhammad(Peace be upon Him) was a messenger of God Almighty as was Jesus Christ(Peace be upon Him) but you Christians do claim that Jesus(Peace be upon Him) was a begotten son of God... I'm sure you are not aware that the word "begotten" in the John 3:16 that you quoted was an interpolation which has eventually been thrown out of the bible. If you aren't aware of this, then you should go and make research on the religion you claim to follow. Jesus Christ was only a messenger sent to the people of Isreal but he is NOT GOD and he never claimed divinity. Bible cannot be regarded as the word of God as a whole, though it contains some word of God despite the numerous interpolations and errors in it. the word "bible" does not even exist in the bible itself. Jesus Christ did not preach Christianity, in fact he never heard that word. I'm sure you know how that word came to be. If you don't have the knowledge of the Quran, dont misquote verses to back your evil thoughts. Seek for knowledge and the truth and be guided. 4 Likes |
Re: With All Of The Different Religions, How Can I Know Which One Is Correct? by analice107: 9:35pm On Jan 07, 2016 |
winner01:Thank you for giving this Child this responds. Just okay. Why should I waste my precious time on you? 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: With All Of The Different Religions, How Can I Know Which One Is Correct? by analice107: 9:45pm On Jan 07, 2016 |
habicab:Please get this correctly. ALLAH IS SATAN, AND ISLAMIC IS HIS RELIGION. Go and do your research. Who was Allah before Muhammed's father (the slave of allah) was born? What was the Ka'aba before Muhammad's father was born? Why are all the rituals and ceremonies of the pre- Islamic Arab still held secret in Islam? How was Ramadan celebrated before Muhammad's father was born, how is it celebrated today? Every allegiance to the Idol Allah is still retained, and you come here to talk when humans are having a sensible discussion. |
Re: With All Of The Different Religions, How Can I Know Which One Is Correct? by chiedu7: 6:19pm On Jan 08, 2016 |
habicab: My guy if you notice Christians dont heap peace on Jesus because Jesus gives us peace. Unlike mohammed moslems heap peace on becos he has no peace John 14 (KJV) 26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. 27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. 28 Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I. In fact Jesus is the Prince of Peace, that means He owns peace. Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. And Jesus said that anybody that denies Him is an anti-christ, so mohammed is an anti-christ 1 John 2:22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. Now that why mohammed said he does not know what will happen to him, because he has no peace not knowing his end. Sura 46:9 "I am not something original among the messengers, NOR DO I KNOW WHAT WILL BE DONE WITH ME OR WITH YOU(MUSLIMS)." as you can see Mohammed himself said he is not original, confirming that he simply heard the gosple of Jesus and changed it. MY BROTHER YOU NEED TO FOLLOW JESUS THAT GIVES PEACE INSTEAD OF MOHAMMED YOU TRY TO GIVE PEACE. |
Re: With All Of The Different Religions, How Can I Know Which One Is Correct? by habicab: 12:12am On Jan 09, 2016 |
[quote author=analice107 post=41759498 [/quote] Please get this correctly. ALLAH IS SATAN, AND ISLAMIC IS HIS RELIGION. It's very obvious you really have no Idea what you are talking about. Let me just briefly tell you some things you don't know. If you say Allah is Satan, then you are implying that the Almighty God that the bible refers to as Father in heaven is Satan. If you don't know, Allah is an arabic word which means Almighty God. If you also don't know, the Father referred to in the bible was being called Ellah by Jesus Christ(Peace be upon Him) whose language was aramaic which has significant similarities with arabic language. Many people have this misconception that Islam is a new religion which came into existence about 1400 years back and that Prophet Muhammad(Peace be upon him) was the founder of this religion... In fact, Islam has been in existence since man set foot on the surface of the earth. Islam is an arabic word which was derived from the word "slm" which means "Peace" Islam simply means "Peace acquired through total submission to the will of Almighty God(Allah) Muslim is also an arabic word which means someone who submits totally to the will of Almighty God(Allah) By the way, whether you like it or not, Jesus Christ(Peace be upon him) was undoubtedly a muslim because he said it himself and the Quran confirms it aswell. If you don't know where he said it in your bible, then you haven't really studied your bible. What was the Ka'aba before Muhammad's father was born? Why are all the rituals and ceremonies of the pre- Islamic Arab still held secret in Islam?The Ka'abah was built by Prophet Ibrahim(Abraham) with the help of his son Ismail(Peace be upon them both) following the commandment of God Almighty. Before Prophet Muhammad(Peace be upon him) was born, the predominant religion of the people of arab was idol worship and they had transformed the Ka'abah into a temple for their idol worship. When Prophet Muhammad(Peace be upon him) came, he retrieved and cleansed the Ka'abah of all idolatry activities because that place is a sacred place which Almighty God Has endorsed. If you are implying that muslims worship the Ka'abah, then you are mistaking. No muslim ever worships the Ka'abah, Its just a direction where every muslim face when praying to God Almighty for unity purpose. Then as regards the pre-islamic rituals and ceremonies you claim to be performed in secret, I implore you to point out any of it and how it's being done if you are truthful. How was Ramadan celebrated before Muhammad's father was born, how is it celebrated today?For your information, Ramadan is the name of the 9th month on the Islamic calendar and it is a month in which Almighty God has ordered us to fast which is clearly stated in the Quran. (Quran chapter 2:184-185) It is after the last day of fasting that we observe the eid-el fitr celebration. Let me remind you that the Quran is the last and final revelation sent to the whole of mankind through the last and final Messenger Prophet Muhammad(Peace be upon him). The Quran was revealed to him within a period of 23 years and whatever he heard, he speaks and no single verse of the Quran has been altered neither does it have numerous versions like some other acclaimed words of God. So in view of this, I wonder where the question of ramadan celebration before the birth of Muhammad came from. Every allegiance to the Idol Allah is still retained, and you come here to talk when humans are having a sensible discussion.So with all I have said, I'm surely not passing the message to unreasonable humans who cannot seek for knowledge before ignorantly passing ill and baseless allegations. If you can't sit, study and learn effectively, try not to spread false and unconfirmed messages. Thanks 1 Like |
Re: With All Of The Different Religions, How Can I Know Which One Is Correct? by habicab: 1:36am On Jan 09, 2016 |
[quote author=chiedu7 post=41788440] Sir, It's true that christians don't heap peace on Jesus. This is not because he gives you peace, it's simply because your pastors and your bible of today didn't teach you to do so. We Muslims heap the peace and blessings of Almighty God on Jesus Christ, Prophet Muhammad, Prophet Moses, Prophet Abraham and all other prophets before them. This is what Islam teaches us, to have respect and value for all the prophets and messengers of God Almighty. They all brought the same message from the same source but some unfortunate beings along the line have altered the message and misled lots of people. John 14 (KJV) First, why must it be the KJV, why not NIV or RSV or the several numerous versions of the bible. Why all the variations and inconsistencies? If you have never asked yourself that, you should start asking. I'm sure a lot of christians have never gone through any other version of the bible let alone knowing the difference. yet you find some quoting the KJV as if it's the original version of the bible. I suggest you go back to the real manuscript of the bible which came in Hebrew for a more reliable content of the bible. Secondly, when you ask them, who does Jesus Christ(Peace be upon him) refer to when he says Comforter, they all hasten to say "Holy Ghost" as taught to them by their altered bible. Let me educate you a little, go back to your bible and read carefully... John 14:15-16 "If you love me, keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father and He shall give you another Comforter that he may abide with you forever." John 15:26-27 "But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the father, even the spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me: And ye also shall bear witness, because ye have been with me from the beginning." John 16:5-8 "But now I go my way to Him that sent me and none of you asketh me 'whither goest thou?' But because I have said these things unto you, sorrow hath filled your heart. Nevertheless I tell you the truth; for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. And when he is come, he would reprove the world of din, and approve righteousness and judgement." John 16:12-14 "I have yet many things to say unto you, but you cannot bear them now. How be it when he, the spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatever he shall hear, that shall he speak; and he will shew you things to come. He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and he shall shew it unto you." John 16:16 "A little while and ye shall not see me: and a little while, ye shall see me, because I go to my Father." Christians claim that the Comforter in the verses above refer to the Holy Ghost. According to John 16:5-8 above, the criteria for this comforter to come is clearly stated. If you require anyone to interprete it for you, then there's a big problem. It clearly states that "Nevertheless I tell you the truth; for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you." which means, if he (Jesus Christ) doesn't go away, the Comforter will not come...but only if he departs, then will he send the comforter. I'm sure every christian is aware that the Holy Ghost who they claim to be the Comforter has been there even before Jesus Christ was born, it was even there in the womb of Elizabeth. Then how does the Holy Ghost fit in as the Comforter which will come only after Jesus Christ departs...Something to think of... If you don't know, the person who is described by Jesus to come after him, in the above verses, does not comply with any other person but Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him). This person who Jesus prophesied will come after him is called in the bible as "Paraqaleeta". This word was deleted by later interpreters and translators and changed at times to 'Spirit of truth' and at other times to 'Comforter' and sometimes to 'Holy Spirit'. The original word is Greek and it's meaning is 'one whom people praise exceedingly.' and if you do not know the meaning of the arabic name Muhammad, it means 'someone who's praiseworthy'.
Islam is a religion of Peace and the message if Islam is Peace. How else do you expect a messenger of God Almighty to address his people if not with peace? I'm sure you dont even know how Jesus Christ (Peace be upon him) greets... It's same way as all muslims do by saying "Salam Alaykum which means Peace be upon you" Jesus Christ (Peace be upon his) is undoubtedly one of the mightiest messengers of God Almighty and he doesn't share in God's divinity. If anyone calls Jesus as God, then there's a problem. Perhaps you might want to explain what the trinity means and let's see how sensible and reasonable it would sound. In fact Jesus is the Prince of Peace, that means He owns peace. If the Prince of peace owns peace, then what will the King of peace own? Please be reasonable... He doesn't own it, he was sent with it by the King of Peace (Almighty God) as every other Messenger of the King was sent... Isaiah 9:6 And who authored this verse of the bible, go back and consult the original manuscript of the bible and tell us if that's what is written there... I'm sure you are also confused on this verse but you just want to contradict yourself. First his father is greater than him, now he's the everlasting father... ERROR And Jesus said that anybody that denies Him is an anti-christ, so mohammed is an anti-christ This statement of yours proves that you are really ignorant of what Islam is about. This are the kind of people who go around spreading false information about Islam and try to paint every white black. At least, if you know nothing or you are looking for errors, pick up the Holy Quran and see if you'll find anything beneficial to your ill motive. If you really want to know, no other Messenger of God Almighty has praised Jesus Christ (Peace be upon him) as Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) did. Jesus Christ was mentioned by name 25 solid times in the Holy Quran. In fact, there's a full chapter which was named after Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ (Chapter 19 of the Holy Quran). To burst your bubble further, Islam is the only non-christian faith that makes it an article of faith to believe in Jesus Christ (Peace be upon him) Hence, NO MUSLIM IS A MUSLIM IF HE DOESN"T BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST (Peace be upon him). So who's the antichrist? Muhammad or YOU... Seek for knowledge about something before you pass a comment... Now that why mohammed said he does not know what will happen to him, because he has no peace not knowing his end. I corrected this verse of yours the other day but it's very obvious that you either want to pass a wrong message as had been done with the bible or your eyes mistakenly skipped my correction. Nevertheless, I'd correct you again... Quran Chapter 46:9 says.. [b]"Say (O Muhammad):I am not a new thing among the messengers (of Allah) (i.e, I am not the first messenger) nor do I know what will be done with me or with you. I only follow that which is revealed to me, and I am but a plain warner." I purposely made it bold so you don't miss it this time.. Here in this verse, Say (O Muhammad) clearly indicates that he(Muhammad) is being told (by Alah) to pass a message across. This verse is to let us know that Muhammad (Peace be upon him) has no knowledge of that which is going to become of him or any one on the last day, indicating that the knowledge of the unknown only lies with Almighty God the Creator. Whatever is being revealed to him is what he follows (which is one of the features of the comforter in your bible). He is only a plain warner... let me equally point out a verse of your bible, I'm sure you have never com across it. You just pick verses that suits your purpose of discussion without reading through other parts... Mathew 24:36 "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my father only." This is a definite proof that the final hour is unknown to any but Almighty God, thus Jesus' knowledge is imperfect like all other men; Almighty God alone is All-Knowing, Omniscient. Mathew 24:39 And he (Jesus) went a little farther, and fell on his face and prayed, saying, 'O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as Thou wilt." It's obvious here that the person speaking is unaware of God's Will and realizes the fact that he is a servant of God Almighty. He, Almighty God alone Can cause the Change... So please wake up from your slumber and EMBRACE THE TRUTH... MY BROTHER YOU NEED TO FOLLOW JESUS THAT GIVES PEACE INSTEAD OF MOHAMMED YOU TRY TO GIVE PEACE. So My brother, you need not attack a belief blindly in the name of redeeming yours. If you must critisize, at least do it with wisdom in a sense that the recipient and other readers will learn from it. I will leave you with this verse of the Glorious Quran Quran Chapter 5:48 "And We have sent down to you (O Muhammad) the Book (this Quran) in truth, confirming the Scripture that came before it and Mohayminan (trustworthy in highness and witness i.e testifies the truth that is there in and falsifies the false that is added ) over it (old scriptures). So judge between them by what Allah has revealed, and follow not their vain desires, diverging away from the truth that has come to you. To each among you, We have prescribed a law and a clear way. If Allah Willed, He would have made you one nation, but that (He) may test you in what He has given you; so strive as in a race in good deeds. The return of you (all) is to Allah; then He Will inform you about that in which you used to differ." Search for the TRUTH and the TRUTH shall SET YOU FREE.. Goodluck! 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: With All Of The Different Religions, How Can I Know Which One Is Correct? by habicab: 4:44am On Jan 09, 2016 |
oglalasioux: Well done sir, it's very obvious that you know nothing about Islam and the Quran, but I'd gladly respond to you in that regard as soon as i can. Thanks... |
Re: With All Of The Different Religions, How Can I Know Which One Is Correct? by oglalasioux(m): 7:42am On Jan 09, 2016 |
habicab:I'll gladly wait for your educated lecture. Thanks. |
Re: With All Of The Different Religions, How Can I Know Which One Is Correct? by Rimini: 8:04pm On Jan 09, 2016 |
Op, I remember when I was in your position. I even got to the point of asking whether there was even a God, then someone randomly pointed out this bible verse jer29:13- "This is what the Lord says: "if you look for me in earnest, if you want me with all your heart, you will find me" I took this to heart and told God straight to His face that "He was confusing me" a few months went and then I saw this verse John8:32- "You will know the truth and it will set you free" The truth here is that no matter how much you ask others, people will come with this or that, show you the benefits and downsides of theirs and other's religion and confusion will set in. Facts and figures maybe placed, logical reasoning will set in, but you will never find what you are looking for. So, what do you do here?, You ask the creator Himself. (Do not be biased thinking I am a Christian advocating for my own religion.No, this is a "you and God moment".) Believe me, if you are honest He will answer. 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: With All Of The Different Religions, How Can I Know Which One Is Correct? by winner01(m): 11:30pm On Jan 09, 2016 |
Rimini:Thanks Sir, The Op wasnt actually referring to me and it pretty explanatory. Its only human to doubt-I also had my fair share of doubt. I remember asking myself certain questions such as; What if christianity is wrong, what if God does not exist(even when i was convinced of a supernatural realm), why cant God just forgive everyone, Why do christians suffer, Does God really answer prayers and other related questions. This prompted me to search deeper for the truth in truth, and I want to bless God for my life today. Ages 13-24 is an age range in which people are extremely vulnerable to demonic infiltration, mainly because of the craze for freedom, trends and enticing societal secularism and as such, the unsuspecting victims are hijacked by the devil through the appealing vanities and pleasures of the world. It takes Christ for some of them to eventually retrace their steps. Some will be lost forever. I wont even advise anyone to ask such questions here. This section is just a plot/camouflage, its actually pro-atheist carefully planned to prey on the minds of weak christians. The voices of the atheists will never be heard if there was a christian section, its why there is no christian section. Some of us come here once in a while mainly because of weak and unsuspecting minds, its the reason for the Op. Not to worry, we know the reason for the attack against christianity . As for me, I will trust and serve God till this flesh goes back to dust. Lets continue to serve God Rimini, He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. I have a song for you; Owl city-My everything. you can google and download it. Bless you. 2 Likes |
Re: With All Of The Different Religions, How Can I Know Which One Is Correct? by lepasharon(f): 1:36am On Jan 10, 2016 |
How convenient that your religion is the right one OP ! Three points for you ! |
Re: With All Of The Different Religions, How Can I Know Which One Is Correct? by winner01(m): 1:43am On Jan 10, 2016 |
lepasharon:Relax, then read again slowly. 1 Like |
Re: With All Of The Different Religions, How Can I Know Which One Is Correct? by winner01(m): 9:31am On Mar 20, 2016 |
Happy sunday all |
Re: With All Of The Different Religions, How Can I Know Which One Is Correct? by KingEbukasBlog(m): 9:32am On Mar 20, 2016 |
lalasticlala |
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