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Renewing Nigerian Passport In The Uk - Travel - Nairaland

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Renewing Nigerian Passport In The Uk by Skywalker5(m): 8:17pm On Mar 02, 2010
Hello Nairalanders

My passport is expiry soon.I am using the old type of passport. on the website,nhcuk.org and immigration.gov.ng it shows that they can only extend the passport till december 2010. but the link to passport re-issue is broken. angry

The information on the website is very confusing. Do i need to apply for a new e-passport? cuz the information required for registering for the e-passport is not asking for the details of my old passport number or if i have old one.

Please whats is the difference between epassport and MRP passport? this is really confusing. No explanation on type of passports or who is eligible.

No explanation on type of passports or type of Visas. Just $$$$ angry angry angry angry

please anyone with experience, i would be glad if u can share. i want to get the new passport
Re: Renewing Nigerian Passport In The Uk by justwise(m): 8:35pm On Mar 02, 2010
Check the discusion here, it will help u.

Re: Renewing Nigerian Passport In The Uk by Skywalker5(m): 9:05pm On Mar 02, 2010
Re: Renewing Nigerian Passport In The Uk by joxiri: 2:59pm On Mar 04, 2010
poster you are best off getting the new e-passport
Re: Renewing Nigerian Passport In The Uk by eyejae(m): 2:22pm On Feb 02, 2012

Has anyone renewed his/her passport successfully in the UK? If so could you please provide me a list of the documents you used?

According to the NIS online application form it says to take printed and signed application forms + 2 recent photos + payment confirmed + acknowledgement slip. I have all of these.

But on the website it also says to take a Guarantor's form sworn before a commissioner of Oaths / Magistrate / High Court Judge + Local Government letter of identification + a Guarantor's (a) Photocopy of Data page of Nigerian standard Passport and (b) Driving License or National Identity Card. I don't have any of these.

Any info or advice from someone who has renewed successfully in the UK will be much appreciated.

Re: Renewing Nigerian Passport In The Uk by eyejae(m): 1:04am On Feb 25, 2012
Just got my new passport. The process was very easy, except it involved me travelling twice to London.

Because I got little or no info online on how to go about the renewal, I've decided to tell my own experience. Perhaps it could help someone.

These are the documents I took to my first appointment:

1) Copy of my completed and signed online application form
2) Copy of my acknowledgement slip
3) Copy of my payment confirmed slip
4) My old passport
5) £20 Postal order
6) 2 photos

Contrary to the info on the application form, there is no need to take 2 photos. This is because the HC would take your picture and biometrics there.

Very important: you have to go on the date of your appointment (as stated in your application form), whether or not that date is after the expiry date on your passport.

I arrived at around 9:45am on the day of my appointment. There was a queue, but it moved very quickly. Some1 at the entrance checked my forms, and particularly highlighted my appointment date. Then, I was directed to a large room, where I was given a ticket number and simply waited until my number was called.

When called, I presented those documents I've listed and then waited again until I was called to go upstairs to do my biometrics + photo.

After this I was given another appointment date for the collection of my new e-passport.

Very easy process. It took about 2 hours on my first appointment, and less than 45 minutes on my next.

By the way, I got this extra info from 1 of the officials there:

Those who are under 18 would need to include a guarantor’s form filled by their parents/guardian. They also have to include a photocopy of the guarantor’s passport data page.

Also, very important: if you already have a Nigerian passport and you did not get it in the UK, they would check for your visas. If they don't find any visa, they would ask you how and where you got your passport.

There’s 1 more point that was made about the passport for another category of people. Unfortunately, I do not remember it right now.

So, this is my experience. Hope it helps someone.



Re: Renewing Nigerian Passport In The Uk by tayorsnr81: 8:24am On Apr 11, 2012
Thank you for sharing your information Bros. Concerning your passport renewal, do you mean it is possible to renew an E passport at the Nigeria high commission in UK because I am holding the new E passport and it will expire in November 2012 and I contacted Nigeria embassy in Germany but they told me I should start the new application online.

Please bros I would like to how many months left on your passport before you make the application online and did your passport expired before they gave you a new E passport.

Lastly, do you pay additional fees with $65 online application fees.

I look forward to your reply.
Re: Renewing Nigerian Passport In The Uk by naijapay: 3:14pm On Apr 12, 2012
@ eyejae

Thanks for sharing your experience. Been worried about how to get mine too. One problem I had though is making the payment through SW 'something'(don't remember their name now). Three times now their system did not process my card payment. I emailed them twice and have heard nothing since January this year. That effectively put a stop to my application.
Re: Renewing Nigerian Passport In The Uk by tayorsnr81: 10:11pm On May 08, 2012
@ Eyejae I will be very grateful if you can elaborate more about the passport reissue process because Nigeria embassy in Netherlands are demanding close to 300 euros for E passport reissue. Nigeria embassy in Berlin, Brussels, and Paris are saying they don't have authority to reissue E passport.

But if any1 know or have experience on reissue process particularly in Europe kindly share your experience with us. ESe, Dalu, Nagode
Re: Renewing Nigerian Passport In The Uk by 19naia(m): 5:19am On May 19, 2012
So what happens in case of some one like me who never seen my Naija passport in 20 years now and want to renew it with lost passport report,,But in my case I DONT KNOW MY PASSPORT NUMBER,I NEVER KNEW IT...i was young and my father kept all the passports...i guess i call naijah immigration and ask if they can help me find my old passport number? my dad is so old now he cannot remember his own needs and then for me expect him remember my 28 year old issue passport numberdo they help find lost info? i try e-mail internet help line at -nigeria immigration .org- but the line is not connecting as is the nigerian style of operating goes....

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Re: Renewing Nigerian Passport In The Uk by jumzy24: 11:44pm On Jun 06, 2013
Hi all, my Nigerian e-passport is about to expire and I intend going to Nigerian High commission in London for renewal. However, I'm considering getting the new passport in my new surname as my old e-passport has my maiden name. Does anyone know if this is possible in London or can the passport only be renewed in my maiden name in London? Please help.
Re: Renewing Nigerian Passport In The Uk by kidirin: 10:01pm On Jul 18, 2013
Yes,it is possible to renew your e-passport in your new surname at the NHC. In addition to the docs listed above by eyejae,you will need a copy of the bio-data page of your husband's passport. A written letter of consent from your husband for your name change, original and copy of your marriage certificate.
Re: Renewing Nigerian Passport In The Uk by infograbber: 5:12pm On Aug 13, 2013
[color=#770077][/color] cheesy Hi all! can you please help me, Im a Nigerian living in London UK, i have not renewed my passport since 1997 i have a child passport but now im a fully grown adult, and im pretty much having trouble finding a job with an expired passport. My visa is fine but everywhere i go every new interviewer tells me i need a new valid passport. Can someone please tell me how much it cost to renew my nairaland passport in the UK? My nearest Nigerian embassy is in Northumberland avenue London.
Re: Renewing Nigerian Passport In The Uk by ringofGod: 11:37am On Sep 20, 2013
hello... i am a nigerian but studying in the UK. my passport is soon to expire and i want to renew it, i have a valid visa up till 2015.

how do i do this pls...?? pretty pleaseee
Re: Renewing Nigerian Passport In The Uk by Nobody: 9:07am On Sep 21, 2013
Go to Nigeria high commission website, the requirements and procedures are listed there
Re: Renewing Nigerian Passport In The Uk by lagosianuk: 4:09pm On Oct 12, 2013
I think its high time we start Blog about staff of Nigerianhouse,the way they work there really sucks!!! i think i would just go home and renew my passport
Re: Renewing Nigerian Passport In The Uk by erico2k2(m): 6:12pm On Oct 13, 2013
Just done mine,easy like ABC
Re: Renewing Nigerian Passport In The Uk by erico2k2(m): 6:16pm On Oct 13, 2013
lagosianuk: I think its high time we start Blog about staff of Nigerianhouse,the way they work there really sucks!!! i think i would just go home and renew my passport
When was the last time U gone there?U are assuming and steriotyping,I was there last week and it was orderly and prof.
Re: Renewing Nigerian Passport In The Uk by joxiri: 5:37pm On Aug 14, 2014
Please how long does it take to renew a Nigerian passport in the uk at the moment
Anyone who has renewed recently

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Re: Renewing Nigerian Passport In The Uk by odafeasini: 12:21pm On Dec 22, 2015
Hi all,
I need some advise please.

I have made and application for reissue of my E-Passport online due to my change of name by marriage. I also have printed the application form, payment slip and acknowledgement slip.

On the acknowledgement slip I have been given an interview date of 14/01/2016 however when I went to the e-passport appointment booking system online to pick a slot, 14/01/2016 seemed to be unavailable.

What do I do next please;
Do I show up at the high commission on 14/01/2016 as is on my acknowledgement slip? Thereby disregarding picking a slot online?

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Re: Renewing Nigerian Passport In The Uk by Lexusgs430: 10:56pm On Dec 22, 2015
Hi all,
I need some advise please.

I have made and application for reissue of my E-Passport online due to my change of name by marriage. I also have printed the application form, payment slip and acknowledgement slip.

On the acknowledgement slip I have been given an interview date of 14/01/2016 however when I went to the e-passport appointment booking system online to pick a slot, 14/01/2016 seemed to be unavailable.

What do I do next please;
Do I show up at the high commission on 14/01/2016 as is on my acknowledgement slip? Thereby disregarding picking a slot online?

Forget about the slot, you would pick a tally number when you arrive NHC.
Points to note - :
- Make sure you print all documentation you filled out
- Make sure you have £20.00 postal order
- And if you require them to post passport back to you after amendment. Include a self addressed express prepaid envelope(it cost about £7.00) If picking up don't bother.
- Expect to spend about 6 hours!!!
- I think all applicants would not be seen after 1300hrs,if you have tally number, you would still be seen.

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Re: Renewing Nigerian Passport In The Uk by techie(m): 6:59pm On Dec 24, 2015
@OP all that online stuff is not for real the famous "Nigerian factor" still works.

Just go there book a slot if you want a fast track service talk to the high commission staff they will arrange for you
Re: Renewing Nigerian Passport In The Uk by Lexusgs430: 11:45pm On Dec 24, 2015
@OP all that online stuff is not for real the famous "Nigerian factor" still works.

Just go there book a slot if you want a fast track service talk to the high commission staff they will arrange for you

At normal price or about £50 extra? Let's not encourage illicit acts!!!!
Re: Renewing Nigerian Passport In The Uk by helovesme(f): 1:08pm On Jan 12, 2016

Forget about the slot, you would pick a tally number when you arrive NHC.
Points to note - :
- Make sure you print all documentation you filled out
- Make sure you have £20.00 postal order
- And if you require them to post passport back to you after amendment. Include a self addressed express prepaid envelope(it cost about £7.00) If picking up don't bother.
- Expect to spend about 6 hours!!!
- I think all applicants would not be seen after 1300hrs,if you have tally number, you would still be seen.

pls are you saying if i turn up there earlier than the slot on my slip, i will be attended to?
Re: Renewing Nigerian Passport In The Uk by helovesme(f): 1:23pm On Jan 12, 2016
@OP all that online stuff is not for real the famous "Nigerian factor" still works.

Just go there book a slot if you want a fast track service talk to the high commission staff they will arrange for you

pls are you saying if i turn up there earlier than the slot on my slip, i will be attended to?

i have a slot booked for next month but i really need the passport earlier than that
Re: Renewing Nigerian Passport In The Uk by Lexusgs430: 1:35pm On Jan 12, 2016

pls are you saying if i turn up there earlier than the slot on my slip, i will be attended to?

You are still going to pick a tally number, upon arrival. Just ensure you arrive before 1300 hrs!!!
Re: Renewing Nigerian Passport In The Uk by Lexusgs430: 1:37pm On Jan 12, 2016

pls are you saying if i turn up there earlier than the slot on my slip, i will be attended to?

i have a slot booked for next month but i really need the passport earlier than that

Go online and check and change date availability. And change date if earlier dates are available.
Re: Renewing Nigerian Passport In The Uk by helovesme(f): 1:51pm On Jan 12, 2016

Go online and check and change date availability. And change date if earlier dates are available.

what website can i change the date? is it the immigration website or the website of the nigerian high commission?
Re: Renewing Nigerian Passport In The Uk by helovesme(f): 1:53pm On Jan 12, 2016

You are still going to pick a tally number, upon arrival. Just ensure you arrive before 1300 hrs!!!

yes, i know i will be given a tally number on arrival. my question is can i turn up at the embassy on a date earlier than what is on the payment slip?
Re: Renewing Nigerian Passport In The Uk by Lexusgs430: 2:04pm On Jan 12, 2016

what website can i change the date? is it the immigration website or the website of the nigerian high commission?

On the immigration's website. It would ask for your application reference
Re: Renewing Nigerian Passport In The Uk by helovesme(f): 3:37pm On Jan 12, 2016

On the immigration's website. It would ask for your application reference

thanks for your help. i tried it but no 'calender' pops up for me to view available dates. instead, its reschedules me automatically for the same date i was given originally

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