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Rooting Android Vs Jailbreaking Ios: What's The Difference? - Phones - Nairaland

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Rooting Android Vs Jailbreaking Ios: What's The Difference? by Chimdiebere(m): 4:20pm On Feb 06, 2016

Over the weekend a friend of mine told me that he was considering switching from an iPhone to Android. This friend asked me about some benefits of doing so. One of the pros I mentioned about Android was that you can root the phone.

What's the difference between Rooting and Jailbreaking?

After asking me a few questions about it, his response was "OK, yeah, but I can also jailbreak my iPhone, so no big difference there“. Lots of users, on both Android and iOS alike, actually don't know that there is a very big difference between the iOS jailbreak and Android root access. You can't actually "jailbreak" Android or "root" iOS. So this this article will explain a few of the differences between rooting Android and iOS jailbreak.
Rooting your Android is not the same as jailbreaking an iPhone.

Jailbreaking iOS- Let's start with the iPhone. Some iPhone users like to "jailbreak“ their device after purchasing it, as it allows you to perform things on the iPhone that you can't do when it's not jailbroken. So what is jailbreaking? Jailbreaking is the process of removing software restrictions put into place by Apple on devices that run the iOS operating system. To accomplish a jailbreak, a custom kernel is used to grant root access to the device. Once an iOS user has jailbroke his device, he is then able to download apps that aren't in the App Store, use themes, and extensions that Apple doesn't support. Users do still have access to the App Store and iTunes when a device is jailbroken, and it doesn't affect standard functionality. Some iPhone owners like to jailbreak their phones.

Basically, jailbreaking allows you to usesoftware that Apple doesn't authorize. Now, while iOS users might consider jailbreaking their iPhone the same thing as Android users consider rooting their phones, there is a huge difference. In fact, you can't even compare jailbreaking to rooting. Here's why.

# Android Root- Apple's operating system is not an open source system, meaning that you cannot make changes to the actual source code. Android however, is an open source operating system, and allows you to do much more than just install 3rd party apps. Android out of the box allows users to install third-party apps (also known as side loading), already allows you to install themes, and even allows you to install applications directly from your SD card or internal memory of your device. Everything that iOS users hope to accomplish with jailbreaking their device is already included as basic functionality within Android. Want more Android power? Try rooting.

So what exactly does root accomplish for Android? Well, not only does it allow you to gain privileged control of your device, overcome limitations that carriers and OEM's put on devices (skins, etc), but also allows you to completely remove and replace the entire operating system of the device. This is achievable due to the fact that Android itself was built on a Linux kernel, and allows a user to access administrative permissions on their phone or tablet. So on an Android device,rooting basically gives you access to more or less the entire operating system. You can completely remove the OS and replace it with user made operating systems that contain tweaks and enhancements (known asROMS), and you can even access and adjust settings such as your processor speeds. With the help of a custom kernel, iOS devices can be jailbroken to run custom apps. With the help of a custom kernel on Android, you can overclock or underclock your actual processor speed. Pretty big difference right? Rooting a phone requires patience.

Additionally, root users can access the flash memory chip on their device, which is not possible with iOS devices. Rooting an Android phone grants the user what's known as "Superuser“ permissions, which allows specific applications to have root rights. The process itself normally includes exploiting a security weakness in firmware shipped from the factory. Google in many cases will encourage rooting (shipping many devices with unlocked bootloaders to make the process very simple) while warning you that it can cause damage to the device. Apple on the other hand is dead set against jailbreaking(200%!), as they only want users using apps distributed from their App Store. Easiest explanation to Explain root vs jailbreaking.

Think of it like the Matrix: jailbreaking is comparable to what Morpheus could do. He could bend the rules of the system to overcome certain restrictions, but was still bound to its rules. Rooting is what Neo could do. Not only could he bend the rules, he could completely break them (my God that was a slick analogy).So root vs jailbreaking...what's the deal?

So there you are. That's a very brief and not overly technical way to describe the difference between jailbreaking and rooting. So next time you hear an iOS user saying that he can jailbreak his device the same way you root your Android device, he might actually be interested to know that there is indeed a very big difference.

And one more thing before I forget - lemme drop 2 instances here- For example, we have two kids here- iOS and Android , and they have their respective parents which are Apple and Google. iOS was born into a rich but strict family(Apple), while Android was born into a family of normal people(Google). with all things being equal, its descendants( the users of both OS) start to multiply gradually and then all of a sudden, iOS starts to misbehave because it has seen what its fellow Android is doing and he knows his parents aren't going to be happy about it. so this went on to its generation which are now it's users who rebelled against their parent (Apple) , because they're too over protective and restrictive of their behavior, Their parents try to warn them if the consequences of "walking" alone, but they wouldn't listen and they threatened to "disown" them if they disobeyed( to attempt jailbreak on iPhone) , they became prodigal and "went" their way. (After jailbreak).

On the other hand , Android which has been pampered from day one, suddenly walks up to his parents (Google) and tells them he wants to be in control of his own life, his parents didn't object to his decision, but they ask him if he was ready for that and he said yes. so they granted him special powers (Root) and told him to look for a way to harness that true power without any form of restrictions from anyone(the OEMS). but its guardians (OEMs) wouldn't allow that to happen so they practically "locked him down" (locking the boot loaders and kernels) , until he was old enough to decide what he would do later(gaining Root access and exploits) and if he did(Rooting an android device) , then he'll be free from their captivity (free from OEM restrictions and policies).

so that's how Rooting and Jailbreaking are synonymous to each other. that's just my short story there to explain it in a much more simpler way. thanks

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Re: Rooting Android Vs Jailbreaking Ios: What's The Difference? by Chimdiebere(m): 4:44pm On Feb 06, 2016
mods pls do justice abeg
Re: Rooting Android Vs Jailbreaking Ios: What's The Difference? by puresoul1(m): 5:01pm On Feb 06, 2016
Love this
Re: Rooting Android Vs Jailbreaking Ios: What's The Difference? by Chimdiebere(m): 5:30pm On Feb 06, 2016
Love this
Re: Rooting Android Vs Jailbreaking Ios: What's The Difference? by Lexusgs430: 6:22pm On Feb 06, 2016
All this dogo turunchi for difference between rooting and jailbreaking?
Oya, summarise below!!!
Re: Rooting Android Vs Jailbreaking Ios: What's The Difference? by Nobody: 7:26pm On Feb 06, 2016
Rooting is for advanced users
Jaikbreaking iOS will give you the privilege a regular non rooted android phone would
Re: Rooting Android Vs Jailbreaking Ios: What's The Difference? by Nobody: 10:21pm On Feb 06, 2016
Rooting Android is as easy as ''Saying hi to yo Babe on Whatsapp''...

Jailbreaking IOS, Hmmm: The gods must be consulted, Yo brain must be the tech-type and extreme caution is needed...

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Re: Rooting Android Vs Jailbreaking Ios: What's The Difference? by Chimdiebere(m): 11:41pm On Feb 06, 2016
Rooting Android is as easy as ''Saying hi to yo Babe on Whatsapp''...

Jailbreaking IOS, Hmmm: The gods must be consulted, Yo brain must be the tech-type and extreme caution is needed...

very true indeed
Re: Rooting Android Vs Jailbreaking Ios: What's The Difference? by Mafia4life(m): 12:00am On Feb 07, 2016
very true indeed
You are only used to rooting alone. thats why you think it is very easy. Jailbreak is very easy too.
Re: Rooting Android Vs Jailbreaking Ios: What's The Difference? by Chimdiebere(m): 12:06am On Feb 07, 2016
You are only used to rooting alone. thats why you think it is very easy. Jailbreak is very easy too.
I don't use an iPhone but the two methods are synonymous, but one thing in common- having administrative control
Re: Rooting Android Vs Jailbreaking Ios: What's The Difference? by jamecy(m): 9:36pm On Feb 09, 2016
Nice post. Jailbreak has many benefit for users. Because i have already jailbroken my iPhone, But i never root my android devices. I can install third party applications without apple store with Cydia. We recommend to use official sites for jailbreak any devices. This is free for users. I have used Cydia Installer official site - http://cydiainstaller.net/
Re: Rooting Android Vs Jailbreaking Ios: What's The Difference? by techcloud7: 7:38pm On Mar 31, 2017
here you can check out cartoon hd apk for android phones.

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