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The Satanic Chatbox. Everybody Is Welcome / Christian's Chatbox Game/Party Night - May 4th@ 10pm Gmt -ALL CHRISTIANS INVITED / The Christian Chatbox ( sticky) (2) (3) (4)
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Re: The Non-Christian Chatbox ( sticky ) by Nobody: 8:32pm On Feb 08, 2016 |
JackBizzle:For someone whom English is not her Lingual Franca she's doing fine. Now look for a rock around you can have my brain but I will give you my hands instead. 1 Like |
Re: The Non-Christian Chatbox ( sticky ) by JackBizzle: 2:47am On Feb 09, 2016 |
Reyginus: ![]() You are assuming that I believe her story? She claimed that she had another moniker that was an acquaintance of mine in the past. I don't have any nairalander female friend that is a non-native speaker of English. |
Re: The Non-Christian Chatbox ( sticky ) by JackBizzle: 2:51am On Feb 09, 2016 |
Tufanja: ![]() ![]() You want to keep this place welcoming? Go back and read 3 pages of you talking nonsense, trolling me and contributing nothing of essence towards a non-christian chatbox. Your story is incomplete and ridiculous. That is why I keep asking questions. You sound too fake. Something aint right |
Re: The Non-Christian Chatbox ( sticky ) by JackBizzle: 2:54am On Feb 09, 2016 |
Reyginus: Why do you lie so much? Even the title says "non-christian chatbox"! I've told you to stop being silly. I've tried. Even though I am an atheist, I think you need to go to the nearest deep spiritual church so that they can flog the lies out of you. Jesus! You can lie and be so biased. Gaddem. |
Re: The Non-Christian Chatbox ( sticky ) by JackBizzle: 3:35am On Feb 09, 2016 |
Ishilove: ![]() ![]() ![]() Old cargo. When I first knew that song, I couldn't even spell the word "blonde". Either you are old (at least 30) or you are lying. At your age, you are still like this? |
Re: The Non-Christian Chatbox ( sticky ) by JackBizzle: 3:38am On Feb 09, 2016 |
Re: The Non-Christian Chatbox ( sticky ) by sinto5(m): 6:17am On Feb 09, 2016 |
can anyone help me out? I want to know the similarities between the IFA and the BIBLE? |
Re: The Non-Christian Chatbox ( sticky ) by JackBizzle: 6:57am On Feb 09, 2016 |
sinto5: ***summoning Folykaze*** |
Re: The Non-Christian Chatbox ( sticky ) by JackBizzle: 7:42am On Feb 09, 2016 |
Chai!!! Just look at the wickedness that comes out of a christian's mouth when she hears that someone is an atheist analice107: analice107: Note that this is one of Ishitlove's troll buddies. ![]() ![]() |
Re: The Non-Christian Chatbox ( sticky ) by Ishilove: 8:01am On Feb 09, 2016 |
sonOfLucifer:The second kinda reminded me of Wonder Woman ![]() |
Re: The Non-Christian Chatbox ( sticky ) by Ishilove: 8:02am On Feb 09, 2016 |
JackBizzle:If 30 is 'old' then it is no wonder you behave like a pre-teen 2 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: The Non-Christian Chatbox ( sticky ) by Nobody: 8:06am On Feb 09, 2016 |
JackBizzle:Lol. So is there a barrier to what should be discussed here? If No, the tag is not important. |
Re: The Non-Christian Chatbox ( sticky ) by FOLYKAZE(m): 8:38am On Feb 09, 2016 |
JackBizzle: Thanks for summoning me here. @ sinto5, Ifa and bible is a compilation of ancient spiritual thoughts and esoteric knowledge. However, bible contain history, philosophy and spiritual sense of the jew while Ifa is a divination system of the Yoruba people. The only similarity is that they are both spiritual compilations. There are much differences between Ifa and bible than similarities. Ifa philosophy is conveyed in Oral form while the bible is penned down. Ifa is a spiritual system while the bible is an alterated religious compilation. Ifa predate existence and have prints in nature while bible is a document dating back to some thousand years. Ifa has no author. (asedaye la bala owo). Bible was written down by some few men. Ifa encompass monotheism, polytheism, pantheism, henotheism and atheism while bible is strictly a monotheistic document of christian. Ifa is practical, involve observation, examination and preservation of nature while bible is centred on faith without proof. Ifa does not lie, bible contain lots of historical, scientifical jagoons. The relatives of Ifa are Iching, Fa, Geomancy and Il-ram (science of the sand). The jew version of Ifa is kabbalar. What is important among this is uniformity. Bible has KJV, coptic, catholic and greek orthodox. There is no uniformity among these versions. There are more differences but I will leave that for now. Ifa encourage one to grow spiritually and acquire spiritual enlightenment while bible promote fantasy like salvation. Fear is conquered in Ifa. Bible inprison one with fear of hell. Bible have more similarity with vedas and gita or quran. These are written document that promote religion doctrine. Ifa just like Kaballar and Iching encourage spiritual growth and self enlightenment. 1 Like |
Re: The Non-Christian Chatbox ( sticky ) by FOLYKAZE(m): 8:39am On Feb 09, 2016 |
Re: The Non-Christian Chatbox ( sticky ) by Nobody: 8:44am On Feb 09, 2016 |
Re: The Non-Christian Chatbox ( sticky ) by Nobody: 8:56am On Feb 09, 2016 |
FOLYKAZE:IFA does not lie but the Bible contains scientific jagons? Ifa promotes spirituality and the bible doesn't? Are you sure about these things? IFA is a spiritual system but the bible is an altered manuscript? Are you sure about this? IFA predates existence and the bible doesn't? Let's start from these three. Why should I agree to any of these things? |
Re: The Non-Christian Chatbox ( sticky ) by JackBizzle: 9:39am On Feb 09, 2016 |
Reyginus: Let's end this discussion. Your lie was a non-starter |
Re: The Non-Christian Chatbox ( sticky ) by JackBizzle: 9:45am On Feb 09, 2016 |
Ishilove: ![]() ![]() Karashika. Sandamura. No wonder you go around looking for rich guys on nairaland. Biological clock dey tick. |
Re: The Non-Christian Chatbox ( sticky ) by JackBizzle: 9:46am On Feb 09, 2016 |
Re: The Non-Christian Chatbox ( sticky ) by JackBizzle: 9:52am On Feb 09, 2016 |
Ishilove: Wonder woman is a brunette or black haired. I don't think I have ever seen a blonde wonder woman. Well except you are talking about the 1975 one. All the movies and comics since the 80s are brunettes or black haired. You are a real old cargo. Jesus! |
Re: The Non-Christian Chatbox ( sticky ) by FOLYKAZE(m): 9:53am On Feb 09, 2016 |
Reyginus: Rey my good friend. Longest time. . . . How you dey na? Reyginus: I am very sure sire! Alot of traditional medicines have been discovered with the help of Ifa. The knowledge of how to use herbs, leave and animal parts for the purpose of safeguarding our health in a medical way is promoted by Ifa. On the other round, bible discourage one from using medicine and look up to one sky daddy. Luke was a physician but the gospels speak ill of medicines. That is medical science. Ifa does not rely on miracle. Bible does and we know miracles are fantasies. How did water turn to wine by mere words? How does the cripple walk by mere prayer? How does a blind see by mere faith? How does dead rise up by mere exaltation of God? These are illogical and opposing to natural law. No miracle in Ifa. If you have a problem, Ifa root out the problem, analyze it and provide method through which these problems can be solved. It is a known everywhere that ancient and traditional medicine is potent. Modern science indeed authenticated this medicine and approved uses of it. Yoruba got theirs with the help of Ifa, how many medicines have been developed with the help of bible? I was reading the bible sometimes ago where I found method of curing/cleansing leprosy. That is the greatest fantasy I have ever read. Ifa authenticate that the earth is spherical and it is moving round the sun (obiri laye). The bible and church told us earth is flat with pillars. And that the star will fall into a smaller earth. If this is not jargon, I dont know what else it is. Reyginus: The bible is seriously altered. The coptic bible, greek orthodox and catholic bible is different entirely with numbers of books and documentations. Where is the book of enouch, gospel of judas among others today? We all know the bible is heavily manipulated. This cannot be said with Ifa and it 256 corpus. Moses initiated the writings of what we know today as bible. Moses lived some thousands years ago. He had the revelation and wrote what he saw. Prior to this, there is nothing like bible. However, Ifa has been here long before existence. It has no author. Reyginus: Now you know and should agree. 1 Like |
Re: The Non-Christian Chatbox ( sticky ) by JackBizzle: 9:54am On Feb 09, 2016 |
Re: The Non-Christian Chatbox ( sticky ) by Nobody: 10:25am On Feb 09, 2016 |
JackBizzle:Lol. You are logician indeed. 1 Like |
Re: The Non-Christian Chatbox ( sticky ) by Nobody: 10:29am On Feb 09, 2016 |
FOLYKAZE:Really long time. But then you didn't say how Christianity doesn't talk about Spirituality in contrast to IFA |
Re: The Non-Christian Chatbox ( sticky ) by FOLYKAZE(m): 10:53am On Feb 09, 2016 |
Reyginus: there is nothing like spirituality (in it original form) in christianity. All we have is church tradition and religioun doctrine make-up by church leaders. Therefore I dont need to disturb myself with religion docrtines veiling as spirituality. |
Re: The Non-Christian Chatbox ( sticky ) by FOLYKAZE(m): 10:55am On Feb 09, 2016 |
JackBizzle: Seun jazz work on you I swear. What is it that draws you back to nairaland? |
Re: The Non-Christian Chatbox ( sticky ) by Nobody: 10:56am On Feb 09, 2016 |
FOLYKAZE:Lol. Come on! What then do you define as Spirituality if trying to fine tune one's spirit with that of a supreme spirit is not? |
Re: The Non-Christian Chatbox ( sticky ) by FOLYKAZE(m): 11:17am On Feb 09, 2016 |
Reyginus: Spirituality has been bastardized and distorted by the church. Lot of people confuse spiritualism with religion. There are some definitions that can help here.
christianity has nothing to do with spiritualism. Christianity is all about faith,praying, evangelism and salvation. Tithting, prayer, abluction and other religion rites are not in existence with spiritualists. In Fela world, To be spiritual is not by praying and going to church. Spiritualism is the understanding of the universe so that it can be a better place to live in. An Ifa priest study and understand the force of the nature he lives in. An Ifa priest explore the mystery in nature taking cue from natural substances like river, mountain, tress, metals, fire, lightening, people, animals. These effort are adopted for spiritual development and betterment of his/her life. A pastor in the church is all about garnering tithe and praying for heaven that will never come. In wiki: Nevertheless, on significant points Christian Protestantism and spiritualism are different. Spiritualists do not believe that the works or faith of a mortal during a brief lifetime can serve as a basis for assigning a soul to an eternity of Heaven or Hell; they view the afterlife as containing hierarchical "spheres," through which each spirit can progress. That one difference rule christianity out of what we know as spiritualism. 1 Like |
Re: The Non-Christian Chatbox ( sticky ) by JackBizzle: 11:22am On Feb 09, 2016 |
FOLYKAZE: Money and sex. Made 50k on one project Met one coded babe here. Slim, and butter and calm. Unlike the fat, agbero-ish and Aje pako ishitlove |
Re: The Non-Christian Chatbox ( sticky ) by Nobody: 11:26am On Feb 09, 2016 |
FOLYKAZE:I think you are properly looking at your words. I mean reading every single word and as a whole. This is your definition: ' Spirituality is the search for the sacred, for that which is set apart from the ordinary and worthy of veneration, "a transcendent dimension within human experience...discovered in moments in which the individual questions the meaning of personal existence and attempts to place the self within a broader ontological context'. Let's begin from the first claim. The search for the sacred. This simply implies the search for that which is true, the venerated, the divine, the holy. Christians believe that God is the Truth, he's also Divine and is holy. Do you agree to this if you don't tell me why? 1 Like |
Re: The Non-Christian Chatbox ( sticky ) by Nobody: 11:27am On Feb 09, 2016 |
JackBizzle:Hmmm. See life o. Okay o. |
Re: The Non-Christian Chatbox ( sticky ) by FOLYKAZE(m): 11:39am On Feb 09, 2016 |
Reyginus: Sacred has nothing to do with truth. Something that is sacred is simply worthy of awe, respect and veneration and holy. Veneration of natural entities and bodies is idolatory in christianity. Nope? 1 Like |
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