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BIAFRA: A Facebook Post By An Ibo And How People Reacted (screenshots) - Politics - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Politics / BIAFRA: A Facebook Post By An Ibo And How People Reacted (screenshots) (4732 Views)

"Buhari Unable To Eat & Drink Post By Sahara Reporters Is False" - Bashir Ahmad / #zuckerberg'svisit: This Is The Most Patriotic Post By A Nigerian In Recent Time / Checkout This Hilarious Facebook Post By Kenyan(pic) (2) (3) (4)

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BIAFRA: A Facebook Post By An Ibo And How People Reacted (screenshots) by hmuhammad(m): 5:35pm On Feb 11, 2016
Saw this post on Facebook and people's reply to the post.... enjoy

Cc; lalasticlala

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Re: BIAFRA: A Facebook Post By An Ibo And How People Reacted (screenshots) by hmuhammad(m): 5:36pm On Feb 11, 2016

Re: BIAFRA: A Facebook Post By An Ibo And How People Reacted (screenshots) by majamajic(m): 5:37pm On Feb 11, 2016
Re: BIAFRA: A Facebook Post By An Ibo And How People Reacted (screenshots) by malikombi(m): 5:39pm On Feb 11, 2016
Is he not correct? Thank God the guy who posted it is even an ''Igbo''

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Re: BIAFRA: A Facebook Post By An Ibo And How People Reacted (screenshots) by hmuhammad(m): 5:40pm On Feb 11, 2016
More replies:

Re: BIAFRA: A Facebook Post By An Ibo And How People Reacted (screenshots) by hmuhammad(m): 5:40pm On Feb 11, 2016
Is he not correct?
Thank God the guy who posted it is even an ''Igbo''
all that replied to the post are Ibo.


Re: BIAFRA: A Facebook Post By An Ibo And How People Reacted (screenshots) by BLWeb: 5:45pm On Feb 11, 2016
There is no reason for this. We should divert our minds to proper topics of discussion.

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Re: BIAFRA: A Facebook Post By An Ibo And How People Reacted (screenshots) by Eledan: 5:51pm On Feb 11, 2016
Lolz @ Biafra seeking ediot jab


Re: BIAFRA: A Facebook Post By An Ibo And How People Reacted (screenshots) by alrahmanonline(m): 5:52pm On Feb 11, 2016
Ipob youths won't like this


Re: BIAFRA: A Facebook Post By An Ibo And How People Reacted (screenshots) by Sctests: 6:09pm On Feb 11, 2016
But why haven't we seen an anti-
Kanu rally in any of the eastern states organized by the so-called anti-IPOB Igbos? Are they deceiving themselves?
Do anti-IPOB Igbos only exist online? Why are they not bold to organize an anti-kanu rally even in Imo an APC state in the East? Lolzzzzzz

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Re: BIAFRA: A Facebook Post By An Ibo And How People Reacted (screenshots) by Olarajee(m): 6:11pm On Feb 11, 2016
Long thing that thrash bout biafra... it's amirage
Re: BIAFRA: A Facebook Post By An Ibo And How People Reacted (screenshots) by Olarajee(m): 6:11pm On Feb 11, 2016
Long thing that thrash bout biafra... it's a mirage
Re: BIAFRA: A Facebook Post By An Ibo And How People Reacted (screenshots) by StunningCEO: 6:12pm On Feb 11, 2016
grin grin grin grin....I need them to start their protests again jo....Biafraudians always make NL interesting.. grin grin grin


Re: BIAFRA: A Facebook Post By An Ibo And How People Reacted (screenshots) by Nobody: 6:19pm On Feb 11, 2016
Igbophobia always on Nairaland


Re: BIAFRA: A Facebook Post By An Ibo And How People Reacted (screenshots) by Yyeske(m): 6:21pm On Feb 11, 2016
But why haven't we seen an anti-
Kanu rally in any of the eastern states organized by the so-called anti-IPOB Igbos? Are they deceiving themselves?
Do anti-IPOB Igbos only exist online? Why are they not bold to organize an anti-kanu rally even in Imo an APC state in the East? Lolzzzzzz
You can't see anti-IPOB Igbos like me protesting crap because we have better things to do with our time unlike some bunch of brainwashed low lifers who go about disturbing the peace of everyone else.

16 Likes 1 Share

Re: BIAFRA: A Facebook Post By An Ibo And How People Reacted (screenshots) by Sctests: 6:44pm On Feb 11, 2016
You can't see anti-IPOB Igbos like me protesting crap because we have better things to do with our time unlike some bunch of brainwashed low lifers who go about disturbing the peace of everyone else.

The IPOB issue is on NTA, Vanguard, BBC, IBTimesUK etc. If renown political discussants are talking about it on world media and have allocated a piece of their time to it, who are you and what do you really worth?

Though i am not an IPOB but every smart person bows to superior argument including me. Their argument sound superior so far. Stop killing them and engage Kanu in a live TV debate like Dele momodu suggested, that's the intelligent thing to do.

9 Likes 2 Shares

Re: BIAFRA: A Facebook Post By An Ibo And How People Reacted (screenshots) by PenSniper: 6:47pm On Feb 11, 2016
But why haven't we seen an anti-
Kanu rally in any of the eastern states organized by the so-called anti-IPOB Igbos? Are they deceiving themselves?
Do anti-IPOB Igbos only exist online? Why are they not bold to organize an anti-kanu rally even in Imo an APC state in the East? Lolzzzzzz

Because they are not as jobless.


Re: BIAFRA: A Facebook Post By An Ibo And How People Reacted (screenshots) by Sctests: 6:52pm On Feb 11, 2016

Because they are not as jobless.

They shouldn't pretend not to be jobless, Unemployment rate is 53% in Nigeria. Even busy people hold rally to make political statement.
They just can't do such because clearly they are in the minority in the East. Even their families might disown them.


Re: BIAFRA: A Facebook Post By An Ibo And How People Reacted (screenshots) by howardriddle: 6:56pm On Feb 11, 2016
Mehn, Shut The Bleep Up. The same thing happens among the Yoruba, Hausa, Fulani, Ijaw,

Islam (sun I, shitte), Christianity, e.t,c

Its the way of the World. Deal with it!
Re: BIAFRA: A Facebook Post By An Ibo And How People Reacted (screenshots) by Iroh88(m): 7:04pm On Feb 11, 2016
But why haven't we seen an anti-
Kanu rally in any of the eastern states organized by the so-called anti-IPOB Igbos? Are they deceiving themselves?
Do anti-IPOB Igbos only exist online? Why are they not bold to organize an anti-kanu rally even in Imo an APC state in the East? Lolzzzzzz
That is because Ipod is a violent extremist group, just like Boko Haram.

How many anti BH protests have you seen in the North, yet they aren't siding with the terrorist. Fear of repercussion is the reason and not because they support Ipod.


Re: BIAFRA: A Facebook Post By An Ibo And How People Reacted (screenshots) by xtrory: 7:57pm On Feb 11, 2016
That is because Ipod is a violent extremist group, just like Boko Haram.

How many anti BH protests have you seen in the North, yet they aren't siding with the terrorist. Fear of repercussion is the reason and not because they support Ipod.

As usual your Yoruba tribe have made careers out of lies, falsehood, noise-making, propaganda, abuse and slurs. So it's not surprising that you follow that line.


CreamyBanana: "That is nothing but the truth. I am a Yoruba man from Ondo state but I must say that Yoruba are the most wicked and hypocritical tribe in the world. Don't take their smile as love. They are the devil himself.

A Yoruba man will be laughing with you and be killing you at the same time. All the lecturers I ever had problems with were not only Yoruba but from the same state with me. They will be showing you around as their own brother but behind your back, they will be planning on how to destroy you and make sure you never reach their standards.

Yorubas prefer to destroy their own rather than help them. They don't want those below them to succeed. They always promise and fail. If a Yoruba man promise you a job, just forget it. You will just be wasting your time reminding him.

I have got more helps from Igbos and Hausas than even those that claim to be uncles. The only thing they are good at is making promises that they will never fulfil.

When I was looking for admission, it was an Igbo man that I did not even know from Adams that helped simply because he thought I was Igbo. A Yoruba man will never do that for his brother. Instead, they will be looking for every possible ways to bring him down.

My sister had problems with her supervisor who was a Yoruba man. But I never had a problem with my own supervisor who was a Hausa man.

I don't hate my people. I just hate their hypocrisy. People from other tribes are busy building their people and taking over our lands while we scheme on how to destroy ourselves.

I am in Ife. Please, anyone in Ife should go to Lagere now. All Igbos and Hausas have opened shop while my brothers are still sleeping and scheming evil against one another.

In Ilorin, Igbos, Hausas and Chinese have taken over everything because they keep on grooming and helping their brothers. Yorubas do not know how to build. They only know how to destroy one another.

Yoruba e ronu."

CreamyBanana: "You know I am telling the truth.

Do you know Igbos secrets of how they are taking over Lagos? Because, they will own a shop, train their clansman for a while and help him set up his own business. They are spreading while we are shouting instead of helping ourselves."

dominique: "I'm Yoruba and I painfully agree to some of the things said by the Op. When it comes to being your brother's keeper, most Yorubas are lacking in that regards. My mum told me of an experience she had when her car got stuck in mud. It was the Yoruba guys that told her to pass that area that the road is not that bad. When she did and got stuck, they demanded to push out the car for a fee. She got angry and told them that rather than pay them, she would look for other people to push out the car and pay them. While she was still tongue-lashing them, two Igbo (not sure of their tribe sha) guys came out from their shop and helped her push out the car. She offered them money and they declined. She felt so ashamed for her people, I also felt ashamed. I won't say my people are evil tho. Evil knows no tribe or religion. 

Yoruba e ronu tunwada (think and change your acts)"

bakynes: "Am Yoruba and you can confirm from my previous comments. I agree with the OP on the point that we don't help ourselves. Even while I was in the UK, I could notice the trend among Yorubas. Indians, Jamaicans, Ghanaians help their brothers and sisters to come to the UK and help them get papers but We Yorubas even report our fellow brothers to the Home office, we don't accommodate our family members new in a foreign country for more than 6 months. WhIle in Nigeria I met with a lot of family friends who had companies but they kept on promising on helping me secure a job. Majority not all like to see you down and want you to keep begging them for money than helping you stand on your own. Igbos on the otherhand setup their brothers to stand on their own."

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Re: BIAFRA: A Facebook Post By An Ibo And How People Reacted (screenshots) by CltrAltDel: 8:17pm On Feb 11, 2016

As usual your Yoruba tribe have made careers out of lies, falsehood, noise-making, propaganda, abuse and slurs. So it's not surprising that you follow that line.


CreamyBanana: "That is nothing but the truth. I am a Yoruba man from Ondo state but I must say that Yoruba are the most wicked and hypocritical tribe in the world. Don't take their smile as love. They are the devil himself.

A Yoruba man will be laughing with you and be killing you at the same time. All the lecturers I ever had problems with were not only Yoruba but from the same state with me. They will be showing you around as their own brother but behind your back, they will be planning on how to destroy you and make sure you never reach their standards.

Yorubas prefer to destroy their own rather than help them. They don't want those below them to succeed. They always promise and fail. If a Yoruba man promise you a job, just forget it. You will just be wasting your time reminding him.

I have got more helps from Igbos and Hausas than even those that claim to be uncles. The only thing they are good at is making promises that they will never fulfil.

When I was looking for admission, it was an Igbo man that I did not even know from Adams that helped simply because he thought I was Igbo. A Yoruba man will never do that for his brother. Instead, they will be looking for every possible ways to bring him down.

My sister had problems with her supervisor who was a Yoruba man. But I never had a problem with my own supervisor who was a Hausa man.

I don't hate my people. I just hate their hypocrisy. People from other tribes are busy building their people and taking over our lands while we scheme on how to destroy ourselves.

I am in Ife. Please, anyone in Ife should go to Lagere now. All Igbos and Hausas have opened shop while my brothers are still sleeping and scheming evil against one another.

In Ilorin, Igbos, Hausas and Chinese have taken over everything because they keep on grooming and helping their brothers. Yorubas do not know how to build. They only know how to destroy one another.

Yoruba e ronu."

CreamyBanana: "You know I am telling the truth.

Do you know Igbos secrets of how they are taking over Lagos? Because, they will own a shop, train their clansman for a while and help him set up his own business. They are spreading while we are shouting instead of helping ourselves."

dominique: "I'm Yoruba and I painfully agree to some of the things said by the Op. When it comes to being your brother's keeper, most Yorubas are lacking in that regards. My mum told me of an experience she had when her car got stuck in mud. It was the Yoruba guys that told her to pass that area that the road is not that bad. When she did and got stuck, they demanded to push out the car for a fee. She got angry and told them that rather than pay them, she would look for other people to push out the car and pay them. While she was still tongue-lashing them, two Igbo (not sure of their tribe sha) guys came out from their shop and helped her push out the car. She offered them money and they declined. She felt so ashamed for her people, I also felt ashamed. I won't say my people are evil tho. Evil knows no tribe or religion. 

Yoruba e ronu tunwada (think and change your acts)"

bakynes: "Am Yoruba and you can confirm from my previous comments. I agree with the OP on the point that we don't help ourselves. Even while I was in the UK, I could notice the trend among Yorubas. Indians, Jamaicans, Ghanaians help their brothers and sisters to come to the UK and help them get papers but We Yorubas even report our fellow brothers to the Home office, we don't accommodate our family members new in a foreign country for more than 6 months. WhIle in Nigeria I met with a lot of family friends who had companies but they kept on promising on helping me secure a job. Majority not all like to see you down and want you to keep begging them for money than helping you stand on your own. Igbos on the otherhand setup their brothers to stand on their own."
All this one you wrote na TRASH!!!!...........Dont bring yoruba into this....all the comments were made by your people so leave other tribes out of your misery
Go face them....

12 Likes 1 Share

Re: BIAFRA: A Facebook Post By An Ibo And How People Reacted (screenshots) by xtrory: 8:58pm On Feb 11, 2016

All this one you wrote na TRASH!!!!...........Dont bring yoruba into this....all the comments were made by your people so leave other tribes out of your misery
Go face them....


As usual your Yoruba tribe have made careers out of lies, falsehood, noise-making, propaganda, abuse and slurs. So it's not surprising that you follow that line.


CreamyBanana: "That is nothing but the truth. I am a Yoruba man from Ondo state but I must say that Yoruba are the most wicked and hypocritical tribe in the world. Don't take their smile as love. They are the devil himself.

A Yoruba man will be laughing with you and be killing you at the same time. All the lecturers I ever had problems with were not only Yoruba but from the same state with me. They will be showing you around as their own brother but behind your back, they will be planning on how to destroy you and make sure you never reach their standards.

Yorubas prefer to destroy their own rather than help them. They don't want those below them to succeed. They always promise and fail. If a Yoruba man promise you a job, just forget it. You will just be wasting your time reminding him.

I have got more helps from Igbos and Hausas than even those that claim to be uncles. The only thing they are good at is making promises that they will never fulfil.

When I was looking for admission, it was an Igbo man that I did not even know from Adams that helped simply because he thought I was Igbo. A Yoruba man will never do that for his brother. Instead, they will be looking for every possible ways to bring him down.

My sister had problems with her supervisor who was a Yoruba man. But I never had a problem with my own supervisor who was a Hausa man.

I don't hate my people. I just hate their hypocrisy. People from other tribes are busy building their people and taking over our lands while we scheme on how to destroy ourselves.

I am in Ife. Please, anyone in Ife should go to Lagere now. All Igbos and Hausas have opened shop while my brothers are still sleeping and scheming evil against one another.

In Ilorin, Igbos, Hausas and Chinese have taken over everything because they keep on grooming and helping their brothers. Yorubas do not know how to build. They only know how to destroy one another.

Yoruba e ronu."

CreamyBanana: "You know I am telling the truth.

Do you know Igbos secrets of how they are taking over Lagos? Because, they will own a shop, train their clansman for a while and help him set up his own business. They are spreading while we are shouting instead of helping ourselves."

dominique: "I'm Yoruba and I painfully agree to some of the things said by the Op. When it comes to being your brother's keeper, most Yorubas are lacking in that regards. My mum told me of an experience she had when her car got stuck in mud. It was the Yoruba guys that told her to pass that area that the road is not that bad. When she did and got stuck, they demanded to push out the car for a fee. She got angry and told them that rather than pay them, she would look for other people to push out the car and pay them. While she was still tongue-lashing them, two Igbo (not sure of their tribe sha) guys came out from their shop and helped her push out the car. She offered them money and they declined. She felt so ashamed for her people, I also felt ashamed. I won't say my people are evil tho. Evil knows no tribe or religion. 

Yoruba e ronu tunwada (think and change your acts)"

bakynes: "Am Yoruba and you can confirm from my previous comments. I agree with the OP on the point that we don't help ourselves. Even while I was in the UK, I could notice the trend among Yorubas. Indians, Jamaicans, Ghanaians help their brothers and sisters to come to the UK and help them get papers but We Yorubas even report our fellow brothers to the Home office, we don't accommodate our family members new in a foreign country for more than 6 months. WhIle in Nigeria I met with a lot of family friends who had companies but they kept on promising on helping me secure a job. Majority not all like to see you down and want you to keep begging them for money than helping you stand on your own. Igbos on the otherhand setup their brothers to stand on their own."

Re: BIAFRA: A Facebook Post By An Ibo And How People Reacted (screenshots) by CltrAltDel: 9:05pm On Feb 11, 2016

Re: BIAFRA: A Facebook Post By An Ibo And How People Reacted (screenshots) by xtrory: 9:11pm On Feb 11, 2016


Re: BIAFRA: A Facebook Post By An Ibo And How People Reacted (screenshots) by SurefireAsoOke: 9:51pm On Feb 11, 2016
This what BMBruce call common sense
Re: BIAFRA: A Facebook Post By An Ibo And How People Reacted (screenshots) by Nobody: 10:01pm On Feb 11, 2016

As usual your Yoruba tribe have made careers out of lies, falsehood, noise-making, propaganda, abuse and slurs. So it's not surprising that you follow that line.


CreamyBanana: "That is nothing but the truth. I am a Yoruba man from Ondo state but I must say that Yoruba are the most wicked and hypocritical tribe in the world. Don't take their smile as love. They are the devil himself.

A Yoruba man will be laughing with you and be killing you at the same time. All the lecturers I ever had problems with were not only Yoruba but from the same state with me. They will be showing you around as their own brother but behind your back, they will be planning on how to destroy you and make sure you never reach their standards.

Yorubas prefer to destroy their own rather than help them. They don't want those below them to succeed. They always promise and fail. If a Yoruba man promise you a job, just forget it. You will just be wasting your time reminding him.

I have got more helps from Igbos and Hausas than even those that claim to be uncles. The only thing they are good at is making promises that they will never fulfil.

When I was looking for admission, it was an Igbo man that I did not even know from Adams that helped simply because he thought I was Igbo. A Yoruba man will never do that for his brother. Instead, they will be looking for every possible ways to bring him down.

My sister had problems with her supervisor who was a Yoruba man. But I never had a problem with my own supervisor who was a Hausa man.

I don't hate my people. I just hate their hypocrisy. People from other tribes are busy building their people and taking over our lands while we scheme on how to destroy ourselves.

I am in Ife. Please, anyone in Ife should go to Lagere now. All Igbos and Hausas have opened shop while my brothers are still sleeping and scheming evil against one another.

In Ilorin, Igbos, Hausas and Chinese have taken over everything because they keep on grooming and helping their brothers. Yorubas do not know how to build. They only know how to destroy one another.

Yoruba e ronu."

CreamyBanana: "You know I am telling the truth.

Do you know Igbos secrets of how they are taking over Lagos? Because, they will own a shop, train their clansman for a while and help him set up his own business. They are spreading while we are shouting instead of helping ourselves."

dominique: "I'm Yoruba and I painfully agree to some of the things said by the Op. When it comes to being your brother's keeper, most Yorubas are lacking in that regards. My mum told me of an experience she had when her car got stuck in mud. It was the Yoruba guys that told her to pass that area that the road is not that bad. When she did and got stuck, they demanded to push out the car for a fee. She got angry and told them that rather than pay them, she would look for other people to push out the car and pay them. While she was still tongue-lashing them, two Igbo (not sure of their tribe sha) guys came out from their shop and helped her push out the car. She offered them money and they declined. She felt so ashamed for her people, I also felt ashamed. I won't say my people are evil tho. Evil knows no tribe or religion. 

Yoruba e ronu tunwada (think and change your acts)"

bakynes: "Am Yoruba and you can confirm from my previous comments. I agree with the OP on the point that we don't help ourselves. Even while I was in the UK, I could notice the trend among Yorubas. Indians, Jamaicans, Ghanaians help their brothers and sisters to come to the UK and help them get papers but We Yorubas even report our fellow brothers to the Home office, we don't accommodate our family members new in a foreign country for more than 6 months. WhIle in Nigeria I met with a lot of family friends who had companies but they kept on promising on helping me secure a job. Majority not all like to see you down and want you to keep begging them for money than helping you stand on your own. Igbos on the otherhand setup their brothers to stand on their own."

Ipod youths please help your brother.He needs help


Re: BIAFRA: A Facebook Post By An Ibo And How People Reacted (screenshots) by SUBWAY101(m): 10:08pm On Feb 11, 2016
All this one you wrote na TRASH!!!!...........Dont bring yoruba into this....all the comments were made by your people so leave other tribes out of your misery
Go face them....

They will rather blame Yoruba for there own misfortune, I just laugh at them cos most of them are frustrated and jobless kids.


Re: BIAFRA: A Facebook Post By An Ibo And How People Reacted (screenshots) by ifyan(m): 10:44pm On Feb 11, 2016
lol, Biafra is not igbo, igbo is part of Biafra...... And beside the reason we are humans is the capability of reasoning..... We welcome their opinion and call for a referendum. Since majority carries the vote

True bro.

Because IGBOS are the driving force for the actualisation for the sovereignty BIAFRA.

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One Thing I Noticed About IPOB; And Why I Think Gov. Wike Should Be Careful. / Governor Rochas Okorocha VS Willie Obiano - Quarrel Updates / Buhari Goes Hard!!! Voting Me Out Is Like Declaring An Unprepared War

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