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Kenyan Lovers Trapped During Sex (pic) - Family (4) - Nairaland

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Re: Kenyan Lovers Trapped During Sex (pic) by nathpope(m): 8:08pm On Feb 21, 2016
wouldn't mind dat gurl in d background though puttin on a white top.... cool cool cool cool
Re: Kenyan Lovers Trapped During Sex (pic) by mira4u: 8:08pm On Feb 21, 2016
Re: Kenyan Lovers Trapped During Sex (pic) by Nobody: 8:09pm On Feb 21, 2016
And single babes full town dey find free rod
hmmmmmm Lord have mercy. Your signature and comment here doesn't add up
Re: Kenyan Lovers Trapped During Sex (pic) by excellentmomma(f): 8:09pm On Feb 21, 2016
"Magun"-This is what I call Bullshitt of the African Order...It's likely a movie cus I have a divk and there's no way a man and a woman can be postioned standing like that(It might be possible but he will be in one hell of a pain.

And, Thats Vaginismus for the Superstitious dumbfvcks around...It's a severe contraction of the Vaginal muscles that clamps down on the penis during sexual intercourse some argue it's more pronounced in Africa because these lazy hoes just wannna eat shawarma and Pepsi, they don't exercise their body not to talk of kegel exercises for their pvssy so they have no control over the muscles.

They usually tend to have Borehole for Pvssy smiley

Why does only catch people cheating, I've not heard of married couples o, I think that magun stuff is real.
Re: Kenyan Lovers Trapped During Sex (pic) by Btruth: 8:11pm On Feb 21, 2016
This don't seem to be a mating position. Except they are glued body to body sha. angry
Re: Kenyan Lovers Trapped During Sex (pic) by Greataausim(m): 8:13pm On Feb 21, 2016
grin Ewooooo...... Wetin d sweet for goat mouth de kill goat fast..... shocked
Re: Kenyan Lovers Trapped During Sex (pic) by Wulfruna(f): 8:16pm On Feb 21, 2016
Please i need someone to explain the principle behind this thing. I do not believe in charms or magic. I believe in Science and of course faith.

I'm sure this magun of a thing has an indepth explanation embedded in simple human physiology. It's so mind-boggling.

You're right. Google "pënis captivus".
Re: Kenyan Lovers Trapped During Sex (pic) by tooman: 8:16pm On Feb 21, 2016
His hand still position well.grin
your eye Na 1000 M.p
Re: Kenyan Lovers Trapped During Sex (pic) by Nobody: 8:20pm On Feb 21, 2016

You're right. Google "pënis captivus".
Wow this is actually what i've been looking for. Thank you so much.
Re: Kenyan Lovers Trapped During Sex (pic) by Awoofawo(m): 8:22pm On Feb 21, 2016
Case close
Re: Kenyan Lovers Trapped During Sex (pic) by Maski87: 8:25pm On Feb 21, 2016
I like to see people fuckkk but this picture is fake.
Re: Kenyan Lovers Trapped During Sex (pic) by Nobody: 8:27pm On Feb 21, 2016
Venus mouse trap don catch im mouse
Re: Kenyan Lovers Trapped During Sex (pic) by Mackson01: 8:34pm On Feb 21, 2016
A dose of muscle relaxant like diazepam will relax the vagina muscle & free the man joystick from her pussy
Re: Kenyan Lovers Trapped During Sex (pic) by akagson: 8:34pm On Feb 21, 2016

Wats dis one saying
He's educating your superstitious illiterate mind.

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Re: Kenyan Lovers Trapped During Sex (pic) by JustHere2Observ(f): 8:36pm On Feb 21, 2016
"Magun"-This is what I call Bullshitt of the African Order...It's likely a movie cus I have a divk and there's no way a man and a woman can be postioned standing like that(It might be possible but he will be in one hell of a pain.

And, Thats Vaginismus for the Superstitious dumbfvcks around...It's a severe contraction of the Vaginal muscles that clamps down on the penis during sexual intercourse some argue it's more pronounced in Africa because these lazy hoes just wannna eat shawarma and Pepsi, they don't exercise their body not to talk of kegel exercises for their pvssy so they have no control over the muscles.

They usually tend to have Borehole for Pvssy smiley

I don't get...vaginisimus is supposed to be a contracting vaginal wall muscles making penetration impossible, so how come the whole bore hole pussy?
Re: Kenyan Lovers Trapped During Sex (pic) by akagson: 8:38pm On Feb 21, 2016

You're right. Google "pënis captivus".
Is it similar to vaginismus?
Re: Kenyan Lovers Trapped During Sex (pic) by Solozzo(m): 8:40pm On Feb 21, 2016
It's called penis captivus. Spastic contraction of the vaginal muscles traps the penis in a vice. Treatment: muscle relaxants eg Intravenois diazepam 2.5-5mg stat for the lady will relax her enough to separate the couple.
Re: Kenyan Lovers Trapped During Sex (pic) by faites(f): 8:42pm On Feb 21, 2016
This is a lie. There is no how they can be positioned like that standing unless the guy's thing is longer than a ruler. BTW, this is a movie. People should stop being silly
Re: Kenyan Lovers Trapped During Sex (pic) by Wulfruna(f): 8:45pm On Feb 21, 2016

Is it similar to vaginismus?

Yes, it is similar, but the two conditions are not exactly the same. Vaginismus can also occur on its own, and not necessarily in the middle of intercourse.
Re: Kenyan Lovers Trapped During Sex (pic) by OBAGADAFFI: 8:46pm On Feb 21, 2016
How many times have you seen legally married couples glued together? Why is it that every case of penis captivus happens when a man sleeps with another person's wife? Make we reason thos thing with small sense na! That same woman has been sleeping with her husband but nothing like this happened.

It happens to married couples too.

But it's common with cheating fellas due to anxiety and fear

Simple relaxation can solve the problem


Re: Kenyan Lovers Trapped During Sex (pic) by Nobody: 8:50pm On Feb 21, 2016
So this also happens in Kenya? According to a Kenyan, Mr. Rich, who shared the photo on facebook, the man pictured above from Kitale had the worst embarrassment of his life when he decided to mess with another man’s wife. As at this morning, they're still glued together.Lol. 

Source: http://www.trezzyblog.com/2016/02/lol-you-wont-touch-another-mans-wife.html
come,is it the same people that has nairaland and 9jaloaded.com?
Re: Kenyan Lovers Trapped During Sex (pic) by frisky2good(m): 8:50pm On Feb 21, 2016
Can you give me 5 links to married couples glued together and I will give you 20 links to adulterous couples glued together.


It happens to married couples too.

But it's common with cheating fellas due to anxiety and fear

Simple relaxation can solve the problem
Re: Kenyan Lovers Trapped During Sex (pic) by chuka9: 8:50pm On Feb 21, 2016
For those that didn't belive this one no be science dis one na original Magum from Africa. Forget about medical jargon, na our forefathers they use am catch adulterous wife Those olden days.
Re: Kenyan Lovers Trapped During Sex (pic) by akagson: 8:51pm On Feb 21, 2016
"Magun"-This is what I call Bullshitt of the African Order...It's likely a movie cus I have a divk and there's no way a man and a woman can be postioned standing like that(It might be possible but he will be in one hell of a pain.

And, Thats Vaginismus for the Superstitious dumbfvcks around...It's a severe contraction of the Vaginal muscles that clamps down on the penis during sexual intercourse some argue it's more pronounced in Africa because these lazy hoes just wannna eat shawarma and Pepsi, they don't exercise their body not to talk of kegel exercises for their pvssy so they have no control over the muscles.

They usually tend to have Borehole for Pvssy smiley
Isn't it rather ""pen!s captivus".
Re: Kenyan Lovers Trapped During Sex (pic) by oshaosha2014(m): 8:53pm On Feb 21, 2016
Science is physical. Faith is spiritual. What happned is spiritual.

Please i need someone to explain the principle behind this thing. I do not believe in charms or magic. I believe in Science and of course faith.

I'm sure this magun of a thing has an indepth explanation embedded in simple human physiology. It's so mind-boggling.
Re: Kenyan Lovers Trapped During Sex (pic) by Nobody: 8:53pm On Feb 21, 2016
You are a dumb fvck. Science is not everything, a lot of happenings you cannot explain with science knowledge or measurement. STFU!

*Clicks Report Button*
Re: Kenyan Lovers Trapped During Sex (pic) by HRich(m): 8:55pm On Feb 21, 2016
So this also happens in Kenya? According to a Kenyan, Mr. Rich, who shared the photo on facebook, the man pictured above from Kitale had the worst embarrassment of his life when he decided to mess with another man’s wife. As at this morning, they're still glued together.Lol. 

Source: http://www.trezzyblog.com/2016/02/lol-you-wont-touch-another-mans-wife.html
If it's not in Nigeria, is a movie. Thank you.
Re: Kenyan Lovers Trapped During Sex (pic) by vigasimple(m): 8:55pm On Feb 21, 2016
Ehmm....There's something fishy here, if truly the man got stuck how come they are both standing straight and facing each other? We all know that punany isn't positioned in front like our JT is....the story doesn't add up at all. Anyone who saw the case of the British people that happened a while ago due to the man dying in the process would understand my point. The story na BS!

It looks like a movie scene. The bedsheets was well wrapped and the man is holding on to the woman waist.

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Re: Kenyan Lovers Trapped During Sex (pic) by tekel(m): 8:57pm On Feb 21, 2016
A world full of conjicalities
Re: Kenyan Lovers Trapped During Sex (pic) by ajibade1965: 8:59pm On Feb 21, 2016
the pics was taken in a traditional wedding at kenya.it is never possible a man's joystick to be hooked like tgat without d lady and d man going thru severe pains.d pix was wrongly captioned or captioned to attract readers' comment
Re: Kenyan Lovers Trapped During Sex (pic) by blaquemyc: 9:03pm On Feb 21, 2016
video or adonbilivit

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