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I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me - Family (7) - Nairaland

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Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by Lexusgs430: 2:23am On Apr 06, 2016

I dont care about my wife's phone cause i trust her. If i dont, and she keeps it away from me, trust is broken and we are no longer husband and wife.

My phone has a lock which i put because my wife likes digging into the phone. I have been caught before and we had problems. If my marriage to her is threatened now because of that lock, i have no option than to remove and give her full access. I expect same if it were the case with her.

You dont sound married cause if you are , you will know these things even if you are not told. Its same as keeping secrets. I can as well assume my wife has HIV and hiding from me. It will break our home.

The op's wife is an extremely foolish woman or the op is just too predicatable to her that she can do whatever she likes.

Contrary to your opinion about my marital status. I have been happily married for almost 17 years(+ 2 years of dating) 19 years all in!!! My wife and I both have smartphone's, both smartphones have passwords. I know her password and she knows mine. I don't go digging and neither does she.
Part of the ingredient of a successful marriage is trust. If trust is broken, the union is on a downward slope. I hope you now feel I am qualified to contribute to this thread.
Thank you.
NB: Securing one's phone with a password, is not only to deter detective partners. It also prevents unauthorised access, incase ones phone is lost or stolen.


Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by Taryur3(m): 2:30am On Apr 06, 2016
Black American wives don't care if you accuse them cheating or not.they will just tell you it's non of your business keep off from my private life.lols.....am a living witness.na una advice makes me write wetin I write o.
Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by Nobody: 2:33am On Apr 06, 2016
Leave her alone and stop checking her phone.
A good relationship with trust worthy partner should allowed both party access to each others phone. Especially married couples.
Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by linearity: 2:33am On Apr 06, 2016
Black American wives don't care if you accuse them cheating or not.they will just tell you it's non of your business keep off from my private life.lols.....am a living witness.na una advice makes me write wetin I write o.

Dud, you paint with too wide a brush.

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Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by Taryur3(m): 2:35am On Apr 06, 2016

Dud, you paint with too wide a brush.
How bro?
Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by Nobody: 2:42am On Apr 06, 2016
Did you pay her bride price? Is she legally married to you? Is she formarly your wife?

Abeg make us proud.


Some men are already women in their house. They just need to wear skirt to complete the transformation.
Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by linearity: 2:42am On Apr 06, 2016

How bro?

You might have some points in your comment, but your use of the generalization "Black American wives" just lump everyone that fits that demography into one bucket and labeled them the same, which is not true.

Pre phrasing it with, some or most you have met or heard about is more accurate.


Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by Nobody: 2:44am On Apr 06, 2016

Dud, you paint with too wide a brush.

He did.
Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by palsenator(m): 2:46am On Apr 06, 2016
Great nairalanders, i know you people are exceptional in giving good advice to people because i have been following this tread for some time. Though i am new.
i am suspecting that my lovely wife is cheating on me. The reason is that, each time i want to go through her phone, she picks up a fight. Whenever i want to use it for something else, that would be the time she will want to use it. I feel she is hiding something from me but i really want to get an evidence so that i could confront her. Most of the time when she is chatting with someone on phone, she hides the conversation. i wonder why?
Pls great nairalanders, what do i do in this situation? I don't want to confront her yet because i don't hv a proof.
Please no insult. Thank you
Spy her phone. I did that to my ex girlfriend and I caught her red handed . It saved me from marrying a serial cheater. Spying softwares are many.
Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by gideonvision: 2:54am On Apr 06, 2016
don,t be in hurry to know what she is hiden from u,try to check her phone at the mid night,
Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by uzo4real(m): 2:56am On Apr 06, 2016

Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by banio: 3:13am On Apr 06, 2016
Cheat on her 2. It will be draw draw.

Na Ajoke o
Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by alobright17(m): 3:16am On Apr 06, 2016

cell phones are personal, use yours and let her use hers. What you do not know won't hurt you. when you dig up the dirt, what will you do with it? Let her be. if she is sinning, her sins will find her out.
then let all the corrupt politicians or everyone keep thieving the money,let no one talk to them or probe them,since there sin will find them out.

Na your type dey stay for house things go dey spoil,phone is personal use my foot.

1 Like

Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by djpumping: 3:17am On Apr 06, 2016
You shouldn't have let her realized that you are suspecting her,that's the tactics I used until I caught my wife with undeniable evidences. Now she will be very careful with her chats and text messages and you may never get any reasonable evidence against her. Mind you,they can be very smart at times but God will always expose them if we keep our own part of the conjugal promise.

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Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by lodscott(m): 3:21am On Apr 06, 2016
Great nairalanders, i know you people are exceptional in giving good advice to people because i have been following this tread for some time. Though i am new.
i am suspecting that my lovely wife is cheating on me. The reason is that, each time i want to go through her phone, she picks up a fight. Whenever i want to use it for something else, that would be the time she will want to use it. I feel she is hiding something from me but i really want to get an evidence so that i could confront her. Most of the time when she is chatting with someone on phone, she hides the conversation. i wonder why?
Pls great nairalanders, what do i do in this situation? I don't want to confront her yet because i don't hv a proof.
Please no insult. Thank you

hoes everywhere mehn, has anything changed in her attitude, when a woman is collecting another d she starts giving her man attitude,not always 'being in the mood' and so many other bs.
Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by Taryur3(m): 3:27am On Apr 06, 2016

You might have some points in your comment, but your use of the generalization "Black American wives" just lump everyone that fits that demography into one bucket and labeled them the same, which is not true.

Pre phrasing it with, some or most you have met or heard about is more accurate.
So my omissions of some or most is the only problem you have with my own write up.Ok. seems you have time bro.90% of them dnt care.especially this young generations.
Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by olaleye1355(m): 3:33am On Apr 06, 2016


Some men are already women in their house. They just need to wear skirt to complete the transformation.

I tire for @op oooooo

1 Like

Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by sisisioge: 3:35am On Apr 06, 2016
Hian! The watsap thing mehn! Even those that aren't quilty of cheating might appear to be. If any guy should encrypt, abi na wetin them they call am, my convo on watsap, he should at least extend me the cutesy of allowing me to explain myself. It might not be what he tot it to be. All those sweetheart, babes, baby, darling....chai! No be small thing.
Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by fof1: 3:35am On Apr 06, 2016
Buy a decryptor diskette, and plug it into the phone memory via the USB port. You would see "decrypt mode" enable? Tap yes. Then gently insert the phone into an electric kettle and wait for it to discharge electronic currents in and out of the cyclonic membrance. After that, insert the pattern that's on your own phone, and wait for 5 minutes.

Whatever she does with her phone and whatever messages she's receiving will reflect on your own phone.


You're welcome.

Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by Qualer: 3:41am On Apr 06, 2016

Someone can't even play with this one, he will just implicate the pesin

the guilty are afraid!!! grin grin grin
Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by Qualer: 3:42am On Apr 06, 2016
Hian! The watsap thing mehn! Even those that aren't quilty of cheating might appear to be. If any guy should encrypt, abi na wetin them they call am, my convo on watsap, he should at least extend me the cutesy of allowing me to explain myself. It might not be what he tot it to be. All those sweetheart, babes, baby, darling....chai! No be small thing.

Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by Qualer: 3:45am On Apr 06, 2016
You shouldn't have let her realized that you are suspecting her,that's the tactics I used until I caught my wife with undeniable evidences. Now she will be very careful with her chats and text messages and you may never get any reasonable evidence against her. Mind you,they can be very smart at times but God will always expose them if we keep our own part of the conjugal promise.

Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by anitank(f): 3:48am On Apr 06, 2016
SHE IS YOUR WIFE! You don't need proof or evidence before you confront her to find out why she hides her phone from you. If it was the other way, she wouldn't go easy on you.

Be a man about it!
Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by Qualer: 3:52am On Apr 06, 2016
..i can check her phone records from our system for a fee...very simpe

Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by YelloweWest: 3:52am On Apr 06, 2016
A good relationship with trust worthy partner should allowed both party access to each others phone. Especially married couples.
Are u married? My guess is no.

Married folks should learn to trust ttheir partners
Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by YelloweWest: 3:55am On Apr 06, 2016

Shut up.

Oya ,go and tell the USA to stop policing the world. The superior sex must always check and control the weaker sex.

Life isn't fair. Life isn't meant to be fair.

Take ur opinion of marriage and shove is up ur a$$.
Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by Originalsly: 3:56am On Apr 06, 2016
Hmmm...@Op...couldn't it be she's talking with her mother? ...about your poor performance in bed?... or your snooping ways?...or you trying to be in charge of every part of her life? If you dig for dirt you will find.....keep digging your way into an early grave.
Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by YelloweWest: 3:56am On Apr 06, 2016
is it wrong for a husband to check his wife phone? hell no
Yes it is. Leave the phone of your spouse alone for peace sake.
Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by Ezedon(m): 3:59am On Apr 06, 2016
Great nairalanders, i know you people are exceptional in giving good advice to people because i have been following this tread for some time. Though i am new.
i am suspecting that my lovely wife is cheating on me. The reason is that, each time i want to go through her phone, she picks up a fight. Whenever i want to use it for something else, that would be the time she will want to use it. I feel she is hiding something from me but i really want to get an evidence so that i could confront her. Most of the time when she is chatting with someone on phone, she hides the conversation. i wonder why?
Pls great nairalanders, what do i do in this situation? I don't want to confront her yet because i don't hv a proof.
Please no insult. Thank you
get her an Android phone, install applock and automatic call recorder in it use the applock to lock the call recorder, set the applock to hide, this will help u to monitor all her daily conversations
Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by Qualer: 4:00am On Apr 06, 2016

The guy who talked about Decryptor diskette is what grabbed my attention to the thread because my moniker was mentioned! grin grin

Funny enough OP, there is a sure fire way to detect if your wife is cheating on you via the kind of conversations she has on her phone! I'm sure her phone has a memory card. If it does, leave the rest to me....that is if you are in Abuja. Just get her memory card and i will run a software which will check for cache files where chat and messages are stored on the card. The messages are usually in Unicode format and with the use of another software, i will be able to decrypt the unicode into something readable! I have done it for people before and i will do it free of charge for you.

WARNING: The findings after i do the forensics MIGHT BREAK YOUR MARRIAGE!

Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by Taiwo20(m): 4:00am On Apr 06, 2016
Get a internet enabled laptop,with the current or most recent version of mozilla browser. Find a means of getting to connect her fone to web.whatsapp.com on PC
Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by Qualer: 4:03am On Apr 06, 2016

Are u married? My guess is no.

Married folks should learn to trust ttheir partners

i'm quite sure you don't even know what the word trust stands for! you are just blabbing for the sake of it!!

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