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I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me - Family (13) - Nairaland

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Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by YelloweWest: 8:41am On Apr 06, 2016

i'm quite sure you don't even know what the word trust stands for! you are just blabbing for the sake of it!!
Yet I've been happily married for over 10 years. Most of you on this forum are kids sharr so I don't mind your ignorance.


Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by tansho(m): 8:47am On Apr 06, 2016
Nairaland will help you break up your marriage...faster than you can ever imagine

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Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by Nobody: 8:47am On Apr 06, 2016

I know its not funny but you find amusing probably because you think i am guilty. My wife thought like you too and raised a lot of dust for something i didnt do but looked like did, i locked my phone afterwards cause you never know what a harmless comment may mean to someone who doesnt really understand what really transpired.

I find it amusing that any man would get into trouble in his own house due to locking his phone.

Every single device I have is locked due to the nature of my job. My wife's phone is also locked with our family code in case I need to use it in an emergency. Her phone will be in my hand before I finish asking for it.

Not to be overly critical since each household manages themselves differently.
Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by Kakamorufu(m): 8:51am On Apr 06, 2016
Advice from nerdfrost to u.

If u are not sure,take her out,buy her what she likes,when u get home,give her a good sex then later whisper in her ear 'I know the whole truth'. If she doesn't beg u n explain, I'll chop off my stuff

Nerdfrost has spoken grin
hahahahaha. This is d icing
Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by Nobody: 8:53am On Apr 06, 2016

Your THIRD marriage?
I'm kinda hoping you forgot to add 'year of' undecided

Nope, you read right.

I live in the USA, epicenter of divorce where over 50% of marriages ends in divorce.

I don't surfer fools. Life's too short to be unfulfilled.
Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by Heineken(m): 8:53am On Apr 06, 2016
You shouldn't have let her realized that you are suspecting her,that's the tactics I used until I caught my wife with undeniable evidences. Now she will be very careful with her chats and text messages and you may never get any reasonable evidence against her. Mind you,they can be very smart at times but God will always expose them if we keep our own part of the conjugal promise.
wife? I go marry so bro? Good women scarce these days
Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by Heineken(m): 8:56am On Apr 06, 2016
SHE IS YOUR WIFE! You don't need proof or evidence before you confront her to find out why she hides her phone from you. If it was the other way, she wouldn't go easy on you.

Be a man about it!
good talk.. God bless you
Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by AfroBlue(m): 9:04am On Apr 06, 2016
@lebroske, Dan, the character played by Yul Edochie will show you how to man up. grin



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Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by AreaFada2: 9:04am On Apr 06, 2016

Write a story about it
The dude cant tell us he aint seeing other women

Anoda man will love her jare

The most damaging and unfair assumption women make is that "all men cheat". It's partly at the root of women's infidelity, aside economic benefits. A kind of justification.

But a lot of men don't cheat. I admit man has the propensity naturally to do so, and throughout history. The wealthier and influential you are as a man, the easier for you to do so.

But many don't for reasons such as: self-discipline, genuine love, ambition, frugality, religious reasons etc

Some men genuinely fall in love and have no time for other girls. Yes, some might cheat 10 or 20 years down the line BUT some will still not.

Remember, it's much easier for a woman to cheat. An average to beautiful lady can expect men to approach her almost daily. She has to just say yes or no.

Whereas, a man has to actively seek a girl. Do the calling, possibly spend, endure all the hard-to-get game, etc. There are men not ready to do that over and over again. They have a purpose, ambition, and value their time and resources.

Almost every time you mention women infidelity, women quickly go back to their default setting "the man must have cheated first". Haba!

You mean the 30% of all kids that don't belong to their supposed biological dad is because men cheat? SMH.


Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by Churchillsaug(m): 9:09am On Apr 06, 2016
Everything is cheating undecided

the thing tire me ooh. Must he know everything the wife is doing? Does the wife knows everything he's doing? If he can sincerly admit to that, then, I dont have problem with him. But I dont think so. There should be a little level of privacy whit who so ever we are dealing with. Be it your kids, your servants, your junior, your employee and your wife as well.they deserve it, and when that person is not letting you into his or her privacy, it becomes a crime, some men will call it cheating. It's wrong

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Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by halfricanadian(f): 9:09am On Apr 06, 2016

The most damaging and unfair assumption women make is that "all men cheat". It's partly at the root of women's infidelity, aside economic benefits. A kind of justification.

But a lot of men don't cheat. I admit man has the propensity naturally to do so, and throughout history. The wealthier and influential you are as a man, the easier for you to do so.

But many don't for reasons such as: self-discipline, genuine love, ambition, frugality, religious reasons etc

Some men genuinely fall in love and have no time for other girls. Yes, some might cheat 10 or 20 years down the line BUT some will still not.

Remember, it's much easier for a woman to cheat. An average to beautiful lady can expect men to approach her almost daily. She has to just say yes or no.

Whereas, a man has to actively seek a girl. Do the calling, possibly spend, endure all the hard-to-get game, etc. There are men not ready to do that over and over again. They have a purpose, ambition, and value their time and resources.

Almost every time you mention women infidelity, women quickly go back to their default setting "the man must have cheated first". Haba!

You mean the 30% of all kids that don't belong to their supposed biological dad is because men cheat? SMH.

Ok av heard u

Point noted bt in this generation
Its very very infact extremely hard to seperate good people from bad

Like me im done with dat phase of finding good people running from bad people

My relationship with humans now is strictly business u need my help i help u i nedd ur help i seek u
dat way one is free from life melo drama

i just pray people stop seeking for good people my error all my life help wen u can nd focus on ursef period!
Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by adanny01(m): 9:11am On Apr 06, 2016

Contrary to your opinion about my marital status. I have been happily married for almost 17 years(+ 2 years of dating) 19 years all in!!! My wife and I both have smartphone's, both smartphones have passwords. I know her password and she knows mine. I don't go digging and neither does she.
Part of the ingredient of a successful marriage is trust. If trust is broken, the union is on a downward slope. I hope you now feel I am qualified to contribute to this thread.
Thank you.
NB: Securing one's phone with a password, is not only to deter detective partners. It also prevents unauthorised access, incase ones phone is lost or stolen.

Good for you.

You dont dig into your wife's phone because you trust her. What if you dont trust her, will you?

Thats what i have been saying all along. The op does'nt trust his wife and she is the cause for reasons he shared. If i see those things he shared in my wife, i will be suspicious too. Am sure you will too and so digging into her phone is the only thing that will satisfy the suspicion.
NB A passworded stolen phone doesnt stop the thief access to the phone data or the phone itself. A hard reset would delete your pasword and leave most data intact by choice.

I have a password specifically because of my wife. Even when i knew i had nothing to hide and my phone wasnt passworded, we had problems cause she dug into it and misunderstood the chat she saw. Some partners over suspicious no matter how ridiculous it is.

My brother, out of love gave up his academics for the highly suspicious girlfriend he had. The guy was a sucker for her but it wasnt enough for her constant over protective demands to the extent she stopped him from going to school abroad after he was withdrawn here.

The seed of mistrust has been planted and its growing.
Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by Tocynone(m): 9:14am On Apr 06, 2016
Download partner tracker on her phone and also ur phone. Its available on Google play store. U can monitor her movement without her knowing
Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by OkoAnike(m): 9:14am On Apr 06, 2016

I like this,all we hear about marriage is tales of sorrow and pain makes me develop cold feet.

Good, but gather enough experience before going to marriage, don't marry a stranger (marry a long time friend, some who happened to be your friend before the tot of dating come in), be open, let her see by action and ways of life d reason to Trust each other... Huummmm

The challenge wit this op is far beyound what he typed on these platforms... Trust is lost in their home Hence the centre of their marriage is gone too.
Gob bless you my brother.
Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by ohis4: 9:15am On Apr 06, 2016
Guy....dnt look for a prove and dnt spile on her. dnt fell bad. your are a man and you have to behave like one now. a man is in charge of the home and he takes absolute decision.Now start taken the absolute decision you want in your married and let you yes be yes and your no be the no.if need be collect her phone from her and even seize it if need be.understand something dont do this with a heart of jealousy bt with your right mind.
Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by alaskido(m): 9:15am On Apr 06, 2016
My brother, if you know you do not want to get a heart attack or permanent stroke, I will advise you do not check her phone to read her messages because if actually she is cheating on you, you will be shocked at what you will find.

My advise to you; that is if you really love your wife is to put MAGUN on her. Any man wey mount go fall and crow like a cock. grin grin grin

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Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by halfricanadian(f): 9:16am On Apr 06, 2016
the thing tire me ooh. Must he know everything the wife is doing? Does the wife knows everything he's doing? If he can sincerly admit to that, then, I dont have problem with him. But I dont think so. There should be a little level of privacy whit who so ever we are dealing with. Be it your kids, your servants, your junior, your employee and your wife as well.they deserve it, and when that person is not letting you into his or her privacy, it becomes a crime, some men will call it cheating. It's wrong

Well my nature is complex

I love to kno wat my partner is involved into or with

But if dat is bringing pressure stress i just ignore it nd mind my business

Every body is fully aware of wat dey do bt might nt explain why dey do so

If i av such partner like op to b sincere after mch pestering cos im curious by nature

I let it go mind my business even d day such partner want to tell me d reason behind it i wud b extremely less interested

So u see im complex very very

If only op can just ignore like nothing is happening no reactions nd all he wud b happy

Cos d wife is happy with wat she is doing

Op is drying up his happiness to kno why

I wish op just do his husband duties nd leave her to her fone hide nd seek

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Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by AreaFada2: 9:18am On Apr 06, 2016

Av seen it for me o cant handle marriage abeg no wonder from childhood av been preaching surrogacy i cant handle d pressure
its nt my thing
Good luck to op nd his wife

My dear, most relationships between humans are not easy. Many children and their dad or mum never get along? Do you then severe ties with them? Some have bosses from hell at work and yet cannot leave the job. Friends, in-laws and neighbours from hell are not that unusual.

He who doesn't dare, doesn't win. Imagine that Columbus got cold feet sailing to the new world.

However, try to assess what you can bring to the table of marriage. Most focus on what they want in a wife or husband. Can you offer 70% of those yourself??

Some think they deserve everything without scrutinising themselves first. Life doesn't work like that.
Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by OkoAnike(m): 9:21am On Apr 06, 2016

Ok av heard u

Point noted bt in this generation
Its very very infact extremely hard to seperate good people from bad

Like me im done with dat phase of finding good people running from bad people

My relationship with humans now is strictly business u need my help i help u i nedd ur help i seek u
dat way one is free from life melo drama

i just pray people stop seeking for good people my error all my life help wen u can nd focus on ursef period!

My dear, how i wish i can change ur line of tot toward marriage.
But this got me thinking that u know so much and it's affecting u.
Please try and see d other side of the coin.
See positive and believe me it will be positive.
Again what your family background like?
Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by starlingbawa(m): 9:23am On Apr 06, 2016
Bros check yourself first, are you satisfying her emotionally, physically and financially? What are the things she desires which you don't do that another man will comfortably and willingly do for her? Are you proud of her? Do you showcase her like a priceless jewel that she is? If no, then you are to blame for your predicament!



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Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by adanny01(m): 9:24am On Apr 06, 2016

I find it amusing that any man would get into trouble in his own house due to locking his phone.

Every single device I have is locked due to the nature of my job. My wife's phone is also locked with our family code in case I need to use it in an emergency. Her phone will be in my hand before I finish asking for it.

Not to be overly critical since each household manages themselves differently.

I locked my phone after the trouble not before. If she needs my phone, i unlock it for her and i know she wont dig into it in my presence. When my phone is unlocked and i am not close she digs into it.

From history, its easy to deal with her on issues like this instantly, once it sleeps in her mind, it grows into a monster. So if she wants to dig into my phone, she has to do it in my presence.
Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by odedeleisaac: 9:24am On Apr 06, 2016
Buy a decryptor diskette, and plug it into the phone memory via the USB port. You would see "decrypt mode" enable? Tap yes. Then gently insert the phone into an electric kettle and wait for it to discharge electronic currents in and out of the cyclonic membrance. After that, insert the pattern that's on your own phone, and wait for 5 minutes.

Whatever she does with her phone and whatever messages she's receiving will reflect on your own phone.


You're welcome.
How do you think that Lady will allow this ur long process. The truth is that he married a clever partner. How are we sure , she is not the one that paid her dowry. If truely you are the husband, she has no right to hide any thing from you. Pls confront her with wisdom ASAP. She is your wife and not your BOSS.

Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by Nobody: 9:29am On Apr 06, 2016

Your DP na grin

Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by curvilicious: 9:29am On Apr 06, 2016
My brother, if you know you do not want to get a heart attack or permanent stroke, I will advise you do not check her phone to read her messages because if actually she is cheating on you, you will be shocked at what you will find.

My advise to you; that is if you really love your wife is to put MAGUN on her. Any man wey mount go fall and crow like a cock. grin grin grin

Lol! Heart attack or permanent stroke grin
Magun bah? U r showing him d road to babalawo
God punish satan say d baba dey eye em wife he will giv him poison as talk-nd-follow for op to lick nd die! and marry op's wife
The End
Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by starlingbawa(m): 9:32am On Apr 06, 2016
[quote author=whiteeyes post=44446125]my point is this, generally, women are wowed by very simple and easy things. For instance, a woman can respect her man to the maximum if he simply shows acts of loves eg. Talk to her when she's down, listen to her, comfort her, etc.

Hmmmm!.... I did all these things and still got 'Stabbed In The Back' if you know what i mean?

Some of the female folk are just too complicated!
Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by AreaFada2: 9:35am On Apr 06, 2016

Ok av heard u

Point noted bt in this generation
Its very very infact extremely hard to seperate good people from bad

Like me im done with dat phase of finding good people running from bad people

My relationship with humans now is strictly business u need my help i help u i nedd ur help i seek u
dat way one is free from life melo drama

i just pray people stop seeking for good people my error all my life help wen u can nd focus on ursef period!

You're right. The only person we can improve or change is ourselves. You cannot change others.

However, I'm still a proponent of positivity & altruism. Not naivety though.

I generally now give without expecting back. My mistake previously was to believe that I could rely on people I have previously assisted with advise, resource, time, etc. Bad mistake. Some people you have helped so much might not really wish you well & can be envious. Even want your downfall. Humans are extremely complex.

Usually, I have got help from people who owe me nothing, even strangers. I see it as God using such people. And that's more than good enough for me.

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Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by Prinzbeat(m): 9:37am On Apr 06, 2016
U can cook food @ home put enough weed nd give her d phone den sit down nd say weed take over
Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by mekybabe1: 9:37am On Apr 06, 2016
Is it not what you men like doing to women? Hiding your phones and not allowing us touch them. Pls leave her phone for her joor. Maybe you do the same to her.

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Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by ebosed: 9:41am On Apr 06, 2016
Oga Op. If you die trying to find out, of die after finding out or die due to hypertension, she would only mourn you for months before another man would start bleeping her. I don't get why you are worried? Can you imagine Dangote, Otedola, Billgate... Etc. Getting worried over what is getting you worried? Get a life my dear. I have been married for 9years I have never checked her phones once. Don't try what you cannot sustain. I have watched on with my full approval as 3 different doctors worked on my wife pussy during childbirth.

So 3 other guys have touched my wife pussy. What is the big deal? I would rather get worried over not making my life have real meaning, impacting lives and contributing to Humanity than checking my wife's phone. My advice, trust your wife blindly, because if you cannot trust her now, it shows you should never have trusted her enough to marry her.

Again, you cannot monitor a woman. Don't even try.
Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by drnoel: 10:01am On Apr 06, 2016
Great nairalanders, i know you people are exceptional in giving good advice to people because i have been following this tread for some time. Though i am new.
i am suspecting that my lovely wife is cheating on me. The reason is that, each time i want to go through her phone, she picks up a fight. Whenever i want to use it for something else, that would be the time she will want to use it. I feel she is hiding something from me but i really want to get an evidence so that i could confront her. Most of the time when she is chatting with someone on phone, she hides the conversation. i wonder why?
Pls great nairalanders, what do i do in this situation? I don't want to confront her yet because i don't hv a proof.
Please no insult. Thank you

If u have a strong conviction that she is then install a spynet software on her fone and connect it to ur own fone. U should be able to read all her messages, follow her calls and follow her also via GPS. You will get ur proof then. Dont thak me yet till u also secretly uninstall the spy software. But God forgive you if she finds out cos she will most definitely ask for divorce.
Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by introvertedsoul: 10:04am On Apr 06, 2016

Yet I've been happily married for over 10 years. Most of you on this forum are kids sharr so I don't mind your ignorance.

And "raising" other people's children while at it?
Re: I Am Suspecting My Wife Is Cheating On Me by deathmen12: 10:18am On Apr 06, 2016
Nice one
Buy a decryptor diskette, and plug it into the phone memory via the USB port. You would see "decrypt mode" enable? Tap yes. Then gently insert the phone into an electric kettle and wait for it to discharge electronic currents in and out of the cyclonic membrance. After that, insert the pattern that's on your own phone, and wait for 5 minutes.

Whatever she does with her phone and whatever messages she's receiving will reflect on your own phone.


You're welcome.

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