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Four Nigerian Singers Who Can't Sing by ruggedtimi(m): 2:10pm On Apr 12, 2016
Four Nigerian Singers Who Actually Can Not Sing
Good music, anywhere in the world, brings life to the saddest of soul, safe to say, Music is life. Now when you want to rate a music as being good, the first criteria on the list will definitely be the voice. A good voice is etched in timbre and tone and can withstand the heaviest of pitch be it high or low.

Good music makes you stay in that blue or pink buble, that place you feel safe and hapy at all time, which makes listening to a bad song make one feel likestanding under a tap and allowing the water run into your ear drum.

It beats me when I hear people comparing a terrible singer who sounds like he or she swallowed a huge fish and decided on using alcohol to wash it down to an excellent vocal powerhouse singer all because the latter is selling more record…till date, am stil at a loss.We will be using the number one criteria of good music (Voice) today to list five top artistes who are the worst singers yet in the industry.

1.Davido: Except most people want to lie to themselves will they claim this fine and successful gentleman is a good singer, lets face it, Davido, is a terrible singer. Some would want to claim it’s because he has a raspy voice…no child…its just clear, he is a terrible singer. When he sings, it sounds like mid aged Patrick Star of Spongebob Square pants series.

2. Kcee: Yeah, he got away with the Limpopo song and felt, ‘Hey People are enjoying me, why not keep on making people fall into coma every time I sing and make my money’ hence Bureau de Changer. No argument, no debate…Kcee, should stop singing already, but again, I think with training, he can get there. You can do it Kcee, we believe in you.

3. D’banj: No doubt you are an entertainer, but no sir, singing is a no no. D’banj, sounds like an over-riped mango sometimes having its skin peeled off aggressively with a screw cork instead of a knife.

4.Lola Rae: I have listened to her songs over and over again and all I can think of is barbie dolls making funny noises but then I realized its just her voice.

This list is solidly based on my opinion. Which singer do you guys think should make the list.


42 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Four Nigerian Singers Who Can't Sing by Nobody: 2:11pm On Apr 12, 2016
embarassed cry undecided
Mrcork's stvpidity is more sensible than the trash you just left up there for lawma to work on

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Re: Four Nigerian Singers Who Can't Sing by Nobody: 2:12pm On Apr 12, 2016

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Re: Four Nigerian Singers Who Can't Sing by dulux07(m): 2:18pm On Apr 12, 2016
Lol. This is nigeria.
Re: Four Nigerian Singers Who Can't Sing by Nobody: 2:22pm On Apr 12, 2016
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Re: Four Nigerian Singers Who Can't Sing by bayonino: 4:03pm On Apr 12, 2016
I totally support you, Nigeria is a garbage dumping ground, they only listen to beats that is alll..... I shake my head for this nation....

44 Likes 1 Share

Re: Four Nigerian Singers Who Can't Sing by bayonino: 4:04pm On Apr 12, 2016
coming from some jobless person that can't even sing in his own bathroom grin
Guy, kindly check your brain, this guy just said the obvious truth, there are many even he as not mentioned yet..

117 Likes 8 Shares

Re: Four Nigerian Singers Who Can't Sing by oglalasioux(m): 4:31pm On Apr 12, 2016
I nearly agreed until I saw Dbanj in the list. Dbanj? No. This is a musician.

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Re: Four Nigerian Singers Who Can't Sing by Nobody: 4:43pm On Apr 12, 2016
I nearly agreed until I saw Dbanj in the list. Dbanj? No. This is a musician.

Yea,,I think D'banj shouldn't be "ON" the list,,except we're talking "top 10 Artist who can not sing".

Then,,he won't escape the list...


Re: Four Nigerian Singers Who Can't Sing by DBlackCeazer(m): 4:43pm On Apr 12, 2016
Add pepenazi

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Re: Four Nigerian Singers Who Can't Sing by Sleekydee(m): 4:45pm On Apr 12, 2016
yeah no vocal identity to these guys, they no get singing voice, very few of our artists do sef

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Re: Four Nigerian Singers Who Can't Sing by IamAtribalist: 5:01pm On Apr 12, 2016
cool I disagree - Davido can sing. I agree Dbanj and KC are just trying. Who be Lola Rae? cool

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Re: Four Nigerian Singers Who Can't Sing by petrov10: 5:58pm On Apr 12, 2016
Guy, kindly check your brain, this guy just said the obvious truth, there are many even he as not mentioned yet..
u check ur brain too abi I call ur name gerarahia 1diat

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Re: Four Nigerian Singers Who Can't Sing by bayonino: 6:25pm On Apr 12, 2016
u check ur brain too abi I call ur name gerarahia 1diat
No wonder, the use of your english as said it all! I will leave you for your miserable life.


Re: Four Nigerian Singers Who Can't Sing by NobleAngell(f): 6:30pm On Apr 12, 2016
That list is incomplete without Wizkid and Di'ja. Or maybe you deliberately omitted their names cos you are referring to musicians not clowns.

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Re: Four Nigerian Singers Who Can't Sing by blesoh(f): 6:54pm On Apr 12, 2016
Davido Tonto That YBNL boy. Lil kesh .


Re: Four Nigerian Singers Who Can't Sing by Nobody: 7:00pm On Apr 12, 2016
Agree with you.... I believe most of them don't have voice coach or attend regular voice training. We nigerians like noise even me self dey nord my head if davido dey sing

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Re: Four Nigerian Singers Who Can't Sing by SerialDigits(m): 7:10pm On Apr 12, 2016

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Re: Four Nigerian Singers Who Can't Sing by DJEhimond(m): 7:18pm On Apr 12, 2016
Just remove Davido from this list and I'll order lalasticlala to push this shitt to fp.


Re: Four Nigerian Singers Who Can't Sing by freecocoa(f): 7:33pm On Apr 12, 2016
If I want to make a list of naijarian singers that can't sing, we will sleep here today.undecided

84 Likes 11 Shares

Re: Four Nigerian Singers Who Can't Sing by TheAziz: 7:33pm On Apr 12, 2016
dis op is high on something, did you just mention d'banj?

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Re: Four Nigerian Singers Who Can't Sing by mokset123: 7:49pm On Apr 12, 2016
Where is tiwa savage

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Re: Four Nigerian Singers Who Can't Sing by Bellfun(m): 7:56pm On Apr 12, 2016
Op..only four??!!

Dem plenty gan ni ooooo

1 Like

Re: Four Nigerian Singers Who Can't Sing by Nbote(m): 8:20pm On Apr 12, 2016
Wait ooo, if these ones cannot sing what would u say about Kswitch, Lynxx, Dprince in particular, Skuki, and soo many others..


Re: Four Nigerian Singers Who Can't Sing by kstyle2(m): 9:27pm On Apr 12, 2016
Vic O, tonto dike, d'prince...these guys need to take lessons from brymO...that guy was created to sing

39 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Four Nigerian Singers Who Can't Sing by oboy3(m): 9:39pm On Apr 12, 2016


Re: Four Nigerian Singers Who Can't Sing by gemale(m): 10:12pm On Apr 12, 2016
Four Nigerian Singers Who Actually Can Not Sing
Good music, anywhere in the world, brings life to the saddest of soul, safe to say, Music is life. Now when you want to rate a music as being good, the first criteria on the list will definitely be the voice. A good voice is etched in timbre and tone and can withstand the heaviest of pitch be it high or low.

Good music makes you stay in that blue or pink buble, that place you feel safe and hapy at all time, which makes listening to a bad song make one feel likestanding under a tap and allowing the water run into your ear drum.

It beats me when I hear people comparing a terrible singer who sounds like he or she swallowed a huge fish and decided on using alcohol to wash it down to an excellent vocal powerhouse singer all because the latter is selling more record…till date, am stil at a loss.We will be using the number one criteria of good music (Voice) today to list five top artistes who are the worst singers yet in the industry.

1.Davido: Except most people want to lie to themselves will they claim this fine and successful gentleman is a good singer, lets face it, Davido, is a terrible singer. Some would want to claim it’s because he has a raspy voice…no child…its just clear, he is a terrible singer. When he sings, it sounds like mid aged Patrick Star of Spongebob Square pants series.

2. Kcee: Yeah, he got away with the Limpopo song and felt, ‘Hey People are enjoying me, why not keep on making people fall into coma every time I sing and make my money’ hence Bureau de Changer. No argument, no debate…Kcee, should stop singing already, but again, I think with training, he can get there. You can do it Kcee, we believe in you.

3. D’banj: No doubt you are an entertainer, but no sir, singing is a no no. D’banj, sounds like an over-riped mango sometimes having its skin peeled off aggressively with a screw cork instead of a knife.

4.Lola Rae: I have listened to her songs over and over again and all I can think of is barbie dolls making funny noises but then I realized its just her voice.

This list is solidly based on my opinion. Which singer do you guys think should make the list.
Op r u talkn vocally or lyrically? A lot of dem can do neither. U wld tnk wt all d money dey claim 2 b getting in their songs, dey wld get singing lessons 4rm voice coaches lyk gogo majin. d reason most of their songs appeal 2 pple is because 1. dey use gud producers, mixers, sound engineers & vocal enhancement apps (autotune) 2. Most nigerians lack gud taste in music. dey only follow wts trending & wt dey can dance 2. I was flabbergasted when i discovered dt a whole p square cldnt perform wt a band onstage @ d 2014 glo/CAF awards. It was embarrassing! Vocally only a few of dem eg (largely female) r ok (suprisingly olamide is quite good vocally). Their performance @ shows r usually just exaggerated versions of karaoke & "lip sync battles". It goes 2 $hit if d DJ or sound crew messes up unlyk foreign acts (a prime example is adele's performance @ d 2016 grammys; even wt sound problems, her vocals were clearly distinguishable & as usual out of dis world). Then their lyrics... highly super hyper F. U. C. K. E. D. I can count d number of 9ja songs wt nyc lyrics i've heard dis yr on 1 hand. Have u noticed dt on music channels lyk MTV base, sound city, trace etc, dey hardly play 9ja songs on segments lyk baseline, lyrics 2 go, lyricist's lounge etc (where dey write d lyrics of songs so dt viewers can sing along)? When dey do eventually play a 9ja song & i read d lyrics, i feel ashamed. Na so so "eh eh eh", "ah ah ah" & "yea yea yea" go constitute half of d song. D rest r usually ret*rded, meaningless, weak-minded words dt make neither head nor tail. D savn grace is usually d instrumentals & sometyms d chorus. u tnk am kidn? Take 4 example, pepenazi's "illegal"- take out olamide's part & wt u hv is a wack piece of crap. Imagine "we r supportn mayweather simply because dt dy say its illegal" "dere shall b showers of blessn; showers of blessn rain on me. iya e". where's d sense in dt? d fact dt a musician wnts 2 go commercial dsnt mean dt he has 2 say dumb $hit. Even faze's "kolomental" ( a club banger in its tym) had nyc lyrics. It's lyk nwadays, 9ja artistes put in d xtra effort 2 sound stewpid. Dey sing & 1 concludes dt dey dnt write lyrics; dt dey just get high, step in2 d recordn booth & sing d dumbest thing dt entas their mind. Dey hardly ever make sense wt their lyrics. As long as it has a nyc beat, anytn goes. Tell me, wt message did korede bello's "mungo park" pass except dt he's a lyrically inept twit who urgently needs a gud songwriter 2 prevent his budding career 4rm wiltn?

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Re: Four Nigerian Singers Who Can't Sing by flawlessT(f): 10:18pm On Apr 12, 2016
I concur


Re: Four Nigerian Singers Who Can't Sing by frank1998(m): 10:28pm On Apr 12, 2016
I would have agreed with ur list, but then i saw d'bang. pls remove d'bang and put d-prince there......nice one o.p


Re: Four Nigerian Singers Who Can't Sing by gemale(m): 10:29pm On Apr 12, 2016
Where is tiwa savage
nigga maka y nw? Tiwa is very good vocally. She don sing back up 4 international acts lyk mary J. blidge. Na 9ja virus f#ck her lyrics up. u no remember "olorun mi", "kele kele love" etc?

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Re: Four Nigerian Singers Who Can't Sing by DealZ(m): 10:41pm On Apr 12, 2016
Hmmm no sure say davido should be on this list sha, with tracks like dodo and the sound u gotta give it to him, d guy sabi


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