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Follow Your Heart But Take Your Brain Along!!! - Romance - Nairaland

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I Love This Girl With All My Heart But She Not Giving Me Attention. / Girls Please Learn To Follow Your Heart And Not Your Friends / I Gave Him My Heart But He Returned It To Me Broken (2) (3) (4)

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Follow Your Heart But Take Your Brain Along!!! by whytepawn1(m): 7:04pm On Apr 20, 2016
in a relationship don't do away with the voice of reason just because you are head over hills...

Re: Follow Your Heart But Take Your Brain Along!!! by Lovelynature(m): 7:20pm On Apr 20, 2016
Re: Follow Your Heart But Take Your Brain Along!!! by DesChyko: 7:35pm On Apr 20, 2016
So, which one be you there? The Bicycle?

Re: Follow Your Heart But Take Your Brain Along!!! by 0ubenji(m): 8:28pm On Apr 20, 2016
God knows I've never told and wil neva tel a gurl "I LOVE U WITH ALL MY HEART" All I ever said nd wil always say is "I LOVE U WITH ALL MY BRAIN"
Re: Follow Your Heart But Take Your Brain Along!!! by Nobody: 8:35pm On Apr 20, 2016
OP, you're making a grave mistake here. You are assuming they have a brain
Re: Follow Your Heart But Take Your Brain Along!!! by whytepawn1(m): 7:19am On Apr 21, 2016
God knows I've never told and wil neva tel a gurl "I LOVE U WITH ALL MY HEART"
All I ever said nd wil always say is "I LOVE U WITH ALL MY BRAIN"
Lol... and what do you think her response will be??
Re: Follow Your Heart But Take Your Brain Along!!! by whytepawn1(m): 7:20am On Apr 21, 2016
OP, you're making a grave mistake here. You are assuming they have a brain
well... that's the impression we are trying to correct.
Re: Follow Your Heart But Take Your Brain Along!!! by whytepawn1(m): 7:21am On Apr 21, 2016
So, which one be you there? The Bicycle?
Re: Follow Your Heart But Take Your Brain Along!!! by 0ubenji(m): 7:58am On Apr 21, 2016

Lol... and what do you think her response will be??
they always smile wit d full understanding of the reason behind d statement.. if dat statement vexes u as a Lady.. plz use d exit door nd never look back..
i treat/pamper my ladies with discipline

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Re: Follow Your Heart But Take Your Brain Along!!! by DesChyko: 10:07am On Apr 21, 2016

I prefer to eat beans and pap from one plate such that they are both mixed together properly. The pap then assumes the colour of the beans with all the ingredients used in cooking the beans scattered in the pap. Do you think there's something wrong with me?
Re: Follow Your Heart But Take Your Brain Along!!! by 0ubenji(m): 12:28pm On Apr 21, 2016

I prefer to eat beans and pap from one plate such that they are both mixed together properly. The pap then assumes the colour of the beans with all the ingredients used in cooking the beans scattered in the pap. Do you think there's something wrong with me?
Thrz nothing wrong with u buh the food
Re: Follow Your Heart But Take Your Brain Along!!! by DesChyko: 1:36pm On Apr 21, 2016

Thrz nothing wrong with u buh the food

Cool. Then perhaps you should try to cut the ladies some slack. Some may not find the 'brain' talk endearing simply because the world is used to 'heart', same way virtually everyone would prefer pap and beans in separate plates. ;-)
We all know everything about love and loving takes place in the brain, same way both the beans and the pap end up mixed in the stomach, but sometimes, we just ignore the complexities and let it slide grin
Re: Follow Your Heart But Take Your Brain Along!!! by 0ubenji(m): 4:10pm On Apr 21, 2016

Cool. Then perhaps you should try to cut the ladies some slack. Some may not find the 'brain' talk endearing simply because the world is used to 'heart', same way virtually everyone would prefer pap and beans in separate plates. ;-)
We all know everything about love and loving takes place in the brain, same way both the beans and the pap end up mixed in the stomach, but sometimes, we just ignore the complexities and let it slide grin
clown grin grin grin grin grin
i knew dis was whr u were headed

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