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Successful Pineapple Farming Tips - Agriculture - Nairaland

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Successful Pineapple Farming Tips by yomie040(m): 11:34pm On Apr 12, 2016
[/color][color=#990000]Pineapple farming is one very sure money making farming enterprise that is yet to gain desired attention of most farmers in Nigeria.
It is a fruit with a lot of economic importance. Aside been eaten raw, to make salads and fruit cocktail, it is also processed into fruit juice, Jam, Wine etc.

Pineapple growers do not only make money from the sales of pineapple fruits but also sell suckers to other intending growers. Hence, pineapple is the current money spinner as far as farming enterprise is concerned today. If you are thinking of a profitable farming business to start in the country, then think no more. Pineapple farming is the ideal enterprise to invest on.

In the past, so many people have been discouraged about pineapple farming due to its longer time of fruiting (2years) and its inability to bear fruit, ripe, harvest and sell the whole farm at the same time. However, recent discoveries from research had alleviated these challenges. Pineapple can now be planted to bear fruit, ripe, harvest and sold at the same time within a period of 14 months.

However, pineapple farming is not a quick money making farm enterprise as compared to annual crops such as maize, cowpea, cucumber etc but it is a sure way of making sustainable income over time after it is initially established. If properly monitored and taken serious, it is a business that offers a year round perpectual stable financial life.

Now, let us discuss the tips to a successful pineapple farming.Pineapple farming is one very sure money making farming enterprise that is yet to gain desired attention of most farmers in Nigeria.
It is a fruit with a lot of economic importance. Aside been eaten raw, to make salads and fruit cocktail, it is also processed into fruit juice, Jam, Wine etc.

Pineapple growers do not only make money from the sales of pineapple fruits but also sell suckers to other intending growers. Hence, pineapple is the current money spinner as far as farming enterprise is concerned today. If you are thinking of a profitable farming business to start in the country, then think no more. Pineapple farming is the ideal enterprise to invest on.

In the past, so many people have been discouraged about pineapple farming due to its longer time of fruiting (2years) and its inability to bear fruit, ripe, harvest and sell the whole farm at the same time. However, recent discoveries from research had alleviated these challenges. Pineapple can now be planted to bear fruit, ripe, harvest and sold at the same time within a period of 14 months.

However, pineapple farming is not a quick money making farm enterprise as compared to annual crops such as maize, cowpea, cucumber etc but it is a sure way of making sustainable income over time after it is initially established. If properly monitored and taken serious, it is a business that offers a year round perpectual stable financial life.

Now, let us discuss the tips to a successful pineapple farming.
Pineapple farming is one very sure money making farming enterprise that is yet to gain desired attention of most farmers in Nigeria.
It is a fruit with a lot of economic importance. Aside been eaten raw, to make salads and fruit cocktail, it is also processed into fruit juice, Jam, Wine etc.

Pineapple growers do not only make money from the sales of pineapple fruits but also sell suckers to other intending growers. Hence, pineapple is the current money spinner as far as farming enterprise is concerned today. If you are thinking of a profitable farming business to start in the country, then think no more. Pineapple farming is the ideal enterprise to invest on.

In the past, so many people have been discouraged about pineapple farming due to its longer time of fruiting (2years) and its inability to bear fruit, ripe, harvest and sell the whole farm at the same time. However, recent discoveries from research had alleviated these challenges. Pineapple can now be planted to bear fruit, ripe, harvest and sold at the same time within a period of 14 months.

However, pineapple farming is not a quick money making farm enterprise as compared to annual crops such as maize, cowpea, cucumber etc but it is a sure way of making sustainable income over time after it is initially established. If properly monitored and taken serious, it is a business that offers a year round perpectual stable financial life.

Now, let us discuss the tips to a successful pineapple farming.

Pineapple thrive well on a well drained sandy soil because of the nature of its roots. The roots are extremely fragile and can only grow in a loose and well aerated soil with relatively good water retention. Hence, silty soils and clayey soils are not recommended for growing pineapples. A sandy soil with a PH between 4.5 and 5.5 is most appropriate for growing pineapples.

Incase your farmland has fulfilled the above requirements but it is sloopy, then ensure you plough and ridge across the slope in-order to control erosion.

Pineapple is mostly planted during the rainy season when there is an even distribution of rainfall during the early periods of planting. Although pineapples are high consumers of water and light but does well under a mild temperature. Hence, ensure to plant pineapple during the rainy season such that there is adequate water for a period of 4 months after planting so that it can grow well and guarantee good yield.
Re: Successful Pineapple Farming Tips by yomie040(m): 8:04am On Apr 13, 2016
Clear the farmland of any stumps and thereafter plough the land, leaving it for a week or two so as to expose possible insect attackers to sunlight. Thereafter, you can ridge the farmland.

Experiences have shown in recent times that pineapple grows and does well when planted on ridges than on a flat harrowed land. This is due to the fragile nature of the root. So ensure that the land is proper tilled, as well plant pineapples on ridges/beds.

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Re: Successful Pineapple Farming Tips by yomie040(m): 8:45am On Apr 13, 2016
It is important to note at this point that the success of pineapple farming is embedded in the means of propagation. Pineapple is usually propagated by sucker, slip and crown. The crown is the most common and traditional method of propagating pineapple. This is the leafy part of a pineapple fruit. Some factors are associated with the use of crown in propagating pineapples which have discouraged some many farmers in venturing into this crop on a commercial level. Among these factors include; longer time to bearing fruits and difficulty in getting them in large quantities. These factors are also peculiar in slip propagation means. Whereas, sucker allows quick growth of pineapple and it is much easier to access.
Hence, use of healthy suckers are recommended for growing pineapples.
Re: Successful Pineapple Farming Tips by yomie040(m): 5:11pm On Apr 13, 2016
There are a lot of pineapple specie in Nigeria but there is a need to conduct a demand-approach market research in order to determine the specie to grow. The two most economically viable pineapple species suitable for commercial farming are; The smooth cayenne and the Golden Yellow also know as Pure Gold pineapple. It is important to ascertain the kind of variety you want to buy by visiting the farm where the pineapple is grown.
Re: Successful Pineapple Farming Tips by Ademat7(m): 5:23pm On Apr 13, 2016
nice one,d lecture is cool by d way OP do u HV a pineapple farm? pls picture;it will boost morale
Re: Successful Pineapple Farming Tips by yomie040(m): 5:38pm On Apr 13, 2016
nice one,d lecture is cool by d way OP do u HV a pineapple farm? pls picture;it will boost morale

Yes we have an acre of demonstrated plot of pineapple. This was prepared main for teaching and training of our trainees. I shall post pictures soon.
Re: Successful Pineapple Farming Tips by yomie040(m): 2:44pm On Apr 14, 2016
Pineappe plants are usually set out in twin/double or triple rows. A spacing of 1m from centre to centre of beds/ridges, rows 60cm apart within beds/ridges and plants 30cm apart within rows is recommended (30 x 60 x 100cm) giving a plant population of 55,000 plants/ha.

Ensure that your suckers are ready like 1week before planting. Peel off the first two-leaf layers of the root base so as to expose the young roots, thereby hastening growth rate. While planting, ensure to plant the suckers at a depth of 10 cm.
Re: Successful Pineapple Farming Tips by guchilady: 6:48pm On Apr 14, 2016
Nyc 1 @ op,pix of d farm pls nd hw long does pineappl take from plantn to harvesting?
Re: Successful Pineapple Farming Tips by yomie040(m): 8:08pm On Apr 14, 2016
Nyc 1 @ op,pix of d farm pls nd hw long does pineappl take from plantn to harvesting?

I will unfold this as we move along in this discussion
Re: Successful Pineapple Farming Tips by yomie040(m): 9:05pm On Apr 14, 2016
It is important to control weeds in pineapple farm during the first four months after planting so as to avoid slow growth of pineapple plants which could arise as a result of competition for space, nutrients and air with the crop. A pre-emergence application of Atrazine @ 4kg a.i/ha is required immediately after planting to block the germination of weed seeds for as long as possible. Thereafter, a tank mixture of Atrazine and diuron can be used subsequently for weed control in pineapple.

Weeding in a pineapple farm is done at least three to four times with a growing season.
Re: Successful Pineapple Farming Tips by dgitrader(m): 11:02am On Apr 15, 2016
nice work op. following

where are the best climates or regions of nigeria best for pinapple farming, in terms of economic advantages too
Re: Successful Pineapple Farming Tips by yomie040(m): 12:36pm On Apr 15, 2016
nice work op. following

where are the best climates or regions of nigeria best for pinapple farming, in terms of economic advantages too

Pineapple plant grows well under climates and regions that are not too cold. They can only tolerate cold temperature for a short period of time in the night else the growth get stunted and reduces both in quality and fruit size.

I have also talked about the soil requirements earlier. So you need to check for these parameters where ever you desire to crop pineapple. Note that soil types and climate differs from one region in Nigeria to another.
Re: Successful Pineapple Farming Tips by yomie040(m): 12:55pm On Apr 15, 2016
Pineapple has a high demand for nutrients such as Nitrogen, Potassium and Iron but low requirement for Phosphorus and Calcium. Because of these demands, it is advisable to apply manure or NPK (20:10:10) at two months after planting if the land has a low level of these nutrients but it can be applied at four months if the farmland is rich in these nutrients at the time of planting. Thereafter, apply Urea or manure again at six months to help shift leaf colour towards a darker yellow-green. After eight months, repeat Urea or NPK (20:10:10) fertilizer to produce dark green plants. If the plants does not look yellowish in colour during the first eight months, then application of fertilizer is done only twice.

Organic Nitrogen fertilizer are good and can be applied as foliar sprays at eight months after planting.
Re: Successful Pineapple Farming Tips by cleavon(m): 11:30pm On Apr 15, 2016
Nice one sir..but tell us about weeding, fertilizer and most important..the market as pineapple is perishable
Re: Successful Pineapple Farming Tips by yomie040(m): 1:44pm On Apr 17, 2016
Nice one sir..but tell us about weeding, fertilizer and most important..the market as pineapple is perishable
I had earlier discussed weed control and Fertilizer application in pineapple farming. Pineapple production in Nigeria has not met the domestic demands due to the wide economic importance of the fruit. Hence, there is ready made market for pineapple. The juice companies has agents which cut across the tropics where this plant is grown sourcing for the fruits. Likewise, fruit shops owners also buys this fruit in large quantities. If you need the contacts of these fruit company agents, feel free to reach me.

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Re: Successful Pineapple Farming Tips by yomie040(m): 2:33pm On Apr 17, 2016
Pineapple is mostly cultivated under rainfed conditions. However, supplementary irrigation helps to produce good sized fruits in areas having optimum rainfall especially during breaks. It is also very needful the dry summer months both to establish an off-season planting and to maintain its year round production.

In situations of scanty rainfall and hot weather, irrigation should be provided atleast once in two weeks. Experiences have shown that absence of water during the dry months of summer reduces the fruit size and quality of pineapple fruits. Pineapple farmers can sink a well on the farm which they would utilize during the dry season.
Re: Successful Pineapple Farming Tips by yomie040(m): 1:19pm On Apr 23, 2016
Mealy bug is a common pest of pineapple found on the surface of the pineapple leaf as well as inside the enclosed blossom cups. It is also a vector of wilt disease in pineapple. Mealy bug can be controlled by spraying insecticide in the morning or evening on the pineapple field.

Nematodes are also serious pests of pineapple; They are controlled by fumigating the soil with 1, 3-D.

Root rot disease can be prevented by avoiding too much water around the root zone of pineapple but can be controlled by improving soil drainage.
Re: Successful Pineapple Farming Tips by yomie040(m): 4:33pm On Apr 23, 2016
It takes pineapple 9months to be of sufficient mass (dark green in colour) to produce a good sized fruit. At this point it is set for artificial inducement.

This period of time for maturity is particular by pineapples propagated by suckers only.
Re: Successful Pineapple Farming Tips by yomie040(m): 8:24pm On Apr 23, 2016
Nyc 1 @ op,pix of d farm pls nd hw long does pineappl take from plantn to harvesting?

To answer your question, if you plant suckers and induce them after 9months then be sure of harvesting pineapple in 14months after planting. But if it were to be crowns used in the process of propagating pineapple, then expect to harvest between 19-20 months after planting.

This is the reason it is advisable to use suckers for propagating pineapples regardless of the specie.
Re: Successful Pineapple Farming Tips by bunmita: 3:12am On Apr 26, 2016
Nice write up but what do you mean by artificial inducement & how to go about it. Thanks
It takes pineapple 9months to be of sufficient mass (dark green in colour) to produce a good sized fruit. At this point it is set for artificial inducement.
This period of time for maturity is particular by pineapples propagated by suckers only.
Re: Successful Pineapple Farming Tips by olushollys(m): 3:30am On Apr 29, 2016
Good work. Where and how much can we get d suckers? Pls throw more light on indusucement
Re: Successful Pineapple Farming Tips by yomie040(m): 10:38pm On Apr 30, 2016
Naturally, flower initiation or process of flowering in Pineapples take place once in a year, at the terminal axis of the stem. This occurs on short, cool days between late December and early February when the plants can sense the increasing day length. In other words, Pineapple starts the process of producing flowers between late December and early February.

The mature plants will naturally initiate flower buds which cannot be seen until the small red bud arises out of the central ring of leaves 8weeks later. It then takes another 3-4months to complete the fillings, maturation and ripening of fruits. This process is required for a naturally fruiting and artificially induced pineapple.

However, inorder to suit or meet up projected demands as well as have a constant supply of fresh fruit marketed year round, artificial inducement is recommended.
Re: Successful Pineapple Farming Tips by yomie040(m): 10:58pm On Apr 30, 2016
Artificial inducement is the process of making a mature pineapple plant to differentiate, that is change from the vegetative stage to the reproductive stage of growth.

For the sake of people who do not understand this terms, artificial inducement is the act of forcing a pineapple plant to start producing flower. This is practiced by farmers to avoid excessive fruit production during peak periods and as well as produce fruits during off-season.

A traditional way of inducement is by using calcium carbide (by burning) on the pineapple farm. This method is limited in the sense that, it can not be controlled.

However, today, introduction of hormones such as a-naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) is used to induce pineapple.

Inducement should be done when the plants are 8-9months old.
Re: Successful Pineapple Farming Tips by Ademat7(m): 1:21pm On May 07, 2016
Artificial inducement is the process of making a mature pineapple plant to differentiate, that is change from the vegetative stage to the reproductive stage of growth.

For the sake of people who do not understand this terms, artificial inducement is the act of forcing a pineapple plant to start producing flower. This is practiced by farmers to avoid excessive fruit production during peak periods and as well as produce fruits during off-season.

A traditional way of inducement is by using calcium carbide (by burning) on the pineapple farm. This method is limited in the sense that, it can not be controlled.

However, today, introduction of hormones such as a-naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) is used to induce pineapple.

Inducement should be done when the plants are 8-9months old.
thumbs up!
Re: Successful Pineapple Farming Tips by yomie040(m): 5:38pm On May 07, 2016
Good work. Where and how much can we get d suckers? Pls throw more light on indusucement

Pineapple suckers can be obtained from pineapple farmers. All you need do is locate one pineapple farm very close to you and make request. But ensure you buy specie of good grade (Queen or Cayenne). Presently, it is sold for #50 per sucker. You can also get from Nihort at Ibadan. In case you have any challenge getting suckers, we sell also at our end here (Queen specie).

On the issue of artificial inducement, I have only introduced it to our farmers but application is what really counts. If you are interested in this procedure, which I sincerely advised every pineapple farmer to do, please reach me by sending me a buzz on whatapp or call the same number.

Please be informed that this hormone is not like paraquat, Glyphosate or any kind of herbicide you can access in any agro store. It is based on request, so also the application is very technical.

I can train or conduct the inducement for any farmer who so wish.

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Re: Successful Pineapple Farming Tips by yomie040(m): 7:07pm On May 08, 2016
After Pineapple plants have been induced, the flower bud becomes visible after 8weeks. A purple bud emerges at the centre of the stem. This gradually undergo a stage called the filling phase to emerge as the pineapple fruit.
Re: Successful Pineapple Farming Tips by yomie040(m): 6:15pm On May 09, 2016
BUDDING This is another important and very technical Pineapple management practice.
What is Budding in Pineapple and why is it important? I shall be discussing this in details soon.
Re: Successful Pineapple Farming Tips by FarmTech(m): 11:31pm On May 09, 2016
pictures pls.
Re: Successful Pineapple Farming Tips by yomie040(m): 8:42am On May 12, 2016
Budding is the removal of the innermost whorl of leaflets along with growing tips of the pineapple crown. This is done 45-50 days after setting of pineapple fruits. This is done to get fruits of better size and shape. In other words, when you realize the crown is gradually getting bigger in proportion the normal (than the fruit), then there is a need to severe the growth of the crown so that resources can be mobilize further for fruit development. This operation is usually done with the aid of a budding knife.
Re: Successful Pineapple Farming Tips by yomie040(m): 3:31pm On May 16, 2016
Please note that budding requires technical know-how as pineapple can be damaged if handling is done carelessly.
Re: Successful Pineapple Farming Tips by yomie040(m): 3:20pm On May 19, 2016
Under natural condition, that is an un-induced pineapple farm, pineapples is harvested between late April to August. This can be observed around us now. The fruit usually ripens about 5 months after flowering. With irregular flowering, harvesting is spread over a long period of time, thereby bringing pineapple production from planting to harvesting between 19-20 months.

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