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I'm A Mother Of 2 Boys, And I Can't (and Won't) Support Feminism / Girls night out discussions / 11-yr-Old Girl Gets Pregnant For Five Boys (2) (3) (4)
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Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by raumdeuter: 2:29pm On May 02, 2016 |
Kimoni: Nashville, TV01, tearoses Check this example, A wife has a thriving career in the financial industry based in London where the family stays, The husband say he is a Petroleum Engineer and there are no oil industry in London or anywhere close by, the closest place he can go is say Venezuela, Angola etc to get a job. and come home one week in 4months. Effectively seeing his family 4weeks a year. Does he quit become a stay at home husband and be with his family or just stay in Angola send money and both live their separate lives (Definitely in most of these cases their would be infidelity) What would you advise for this. I know a couple with similar scenario, wife in Wall street, husband in South America for a 5yr project and would probably be the head of the whole South America side of their business after that [size=5pt]I personally believe living together is the biggest thing in a marriage not even the ceremony and the certificate[/size] 1 Like |
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by NashvilleTN: 2:46pm On May 02, 2016 |
raumdeuter: Very good analogy. If I should add. Would you hire a stunningly beautiful woman to be your partner? If you do, I am sure she will change the story from stealing to something else. She will definitely say you are sleeping with the lady; just as Tbillz is accusing Tiwa today. Both were wrong. |
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by TV01(m): 2:55pm On May 02, 2016 |
raumdeuter:1. In my world-view, the first and probably preferable option, is he finds a fitting job - wherever that may be - and his family join him. 2. Also quite feasible and maybe more practical, is his retraining and resuming work in another industry - even if it's lower than what he would reasonably expect as a PE, or below his wife's grade. This has the advantage of avoiding disruption to the childrens education, or them having to uproot and lose their support networks, ties etc. The house-dad option could work, but may not be sustainable long-term if they both cannot maintain the right attitude. I know a woman who is a partner in one of the big 4 accounting firms. She met a guy out clubbing who was a hunk, but a carpenter, he re-trained to the more respectable teaching profession and they are dong just fine. Both status and incomes were a consideration, but not overwhelmingly so. That's the key difference between a oneness approach and a transactional approach where finances, income and livelihood are in view. How can you not expect husbands not to be wary of, and possibly agitate against their wife' success, if such success threatens and not enhances them and their union? Some arrangements are typically preferable to others, but many different ones can work if the couples are committed to the union and each other. If with every change in "status indicator" the viability of a union changed, then many marriages would crash. If the core loving husband, submissive wife dynamic is maintained, changes in other areas should have very little impact. And I certainly agree that a distance marriage, is contrary to marriages essence, and should never be a long-term thing. TV 1 Like |
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by NashvilleTN: 3:09pm On May 02, 2016 |
raumdeuter: My advice will always be "it depends on the case". Their age, number or children, financial commitment etc. If they are newly married, then one person just has to sacrifice. It is that simple. No need trying to figure things out. You don't want to leave a young man alone with those hot latina girls in Brazil or Venezuela. My brother even if the husband is a Pastor sef, it is not advisable. Same thing goes for the woman. If they are still young and looking to raise a family, most times it's the wife that has to sacrifice; since she will be pregnant anyway. Now if they are in their forties or fifties and have teenage children, then they can work it out. If they are paying private school fees for three kids, and supporting aging parents back home, then they need all the money they can get. May be they can make it work. After say 20 years of marriage, you can expect them to be more mature and behave themselves better. Even then, the situation is not ideal. You bring up something that just happened yesterday. I was chilling with some friends and a few other boys that I didn't know too well. About six of us guys and only one brought his wife. Let's say the guy that brought his wife is Tunde. The wife looked very elegant, well spoken and intelligent. I drove one of my friends there (Bola) and as we were driving home, Bola was gossiping about Tunde's wife (i don't know Tunde that well). So he told me that Tunde had a spoiled wife. So I asked him what he means by a spoiled wife. Then Bola goes to say that Tunde's wife does not work. Tunde and wife have been married for about 11 years. Tunde has a great job; he is well paid and the job takes him around the world for extended periods. He once went to Italy for two years. Tunde's wife followed him with the kids and was doing nothing the whole time. Then they moved to Thailand and same thing. Then the US too. So Bola was saying Tunde's wife was lazy, she wasn't working and all she does is follow him around the world and spend his money. I told Bola that, the woman looked classy and intelligent, so I asked if she was educated and Bola replied, Tunde's wife was a medical doctor but stopped practicing after she got married. Then I told Bola that may be she just sacrificed her medical career for her family; who knows. She didnt look lazy, may be it was her own sacrifice for her family. And I think Tunde and his wife looked good together. Much happier than my friend Bola who is having serious issues with his Bank manager wife. She works hard, but we don't know who the boss is at home. Moral of my story is that sometimes people have to make sacrifices; but the sacrifice must be worth it. Life is not always about money. Money is not everything. I know many depressed rich people. 1 Like 2 Shares |
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by raumdeuter: 4:39pm On May 02, 2016 |
TV01: 1. The wife uprooting from London to Angola or Venezuela most likely would lose her career and would resent the husband for making her not achieve to her potential 2. Same with the husband, As we have found out many women respect men they can look up to financially, If this guy was in Angola, he would be making bank and at least maintain his respect but if he comes to london and can retrain but for a job significantly lower than he would have been making e.g Making 170-200k a yr in Venzuela as per expatriate parole but in London can only get a 40K job as a school teacher. The wife would be okay with it for the short term until later the joint income cant maintain her previous lifestyle and she would remember its the husband dragging her back and how would her a top exec be married to a mere school teacher I have a real life experience with a friend, he went to Florida for a contract job and his wife was working in Texas too a stable career. The wife was always complaining how the distance is affecting the family, after the contract they offered him an extension in FLorida, he declined because of his family, he got back to Texas after 6 months he hasnt gotten anything and the wife is now starting to wahala him that he isnt making money. He is like Guy, for say I know I for don take that Florida offer and all these yawa for no dey happen. Unfortunately the offer is no more on the table and in this economy its not like job grows on the tree |
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by edwife(f): 5:04pm On May 02, 2016 |
If any of you think Teebillz is done then you need to re-evaluate your mind. ![]() Meet his third baby mama before Tiwa ![]() WOMEN WOMEN WOMEN! ![]() Kimoni! 2 Likes |
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by Bolade005: 5:10pm On May 02, 2016 |
edwife:Wife of ed, are you kidding? |
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by edwife(f): 5:12pm On May 02, 2016 |
Bolade005: Nope! It is black and white, well seasoned. ![]() Guess what ? Tiwa found out before tying the knot but she was 35 and needed a husband. ![]() |
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by Nobody: 5:17pm On May 02, 2016 |
Edwife Who is she? The skin doctor that gives health talks on radio? |
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by edwife(f): 5:18pm On May 02, 2016 |
salsera: Without any doubt ! |
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by Nobody: 5:20pm On May 02, 2016 |
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by Nobody: 5:22pm On May 02, 2016 |
It must be the sex. What some women would do if the sex is good I give up |
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by raumdeuter: 5:24pm On May 02, 2016 |
NashvilleTN: In this case they are young couples, Guy like early 40's wife late 30's. They need the money and they also need the marriage. Of course the guy dey help himself to some of those South American girls. I dont know about the woman here though But what is a sensible compromise here. Husband comes home and leaves his high profile job or the wife does the same |
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by Bolade005: 5:31pm On May 02, 2016 |
edwife:Pls, I really need to understand something. Is it Tbillz that is mad or these women that knows his story and yet still mess around with him? When I say more than 80% of 9ja female population are dumb and that they love for the wrong reason, they take it personal and start hurling invectives. 2face has 3 baby mamas, flavour has 2, wizkid's got 2 and these guys still have girls dying to bed them and I wonder to what end? Flavour came out few days ago to say he's not gonna marry none of his babymamas so what's their gain? Countless times I've heard some ladies say stuff like "if I can just have sex with 2face once" and I just shake my head. Why is it that men don't drool over rich female celebs like the females drool over male celebs? |
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by Bolade005: 5:34pm On May 02, 2016 |
salsera:It definitely has to be more than the sex. |
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by edwife(f): 5:39pm On May 02, 2016 |
Bolade005: That is why i laugh whenever they come with their sentimental talk about how " they are independent and don't need a man" blablabla Marriage is not a do or die affair but a man is that for sure and what a man! ![]() Only these women can give you the answer because honestly, i am as confused as you are. These my sisters eh.... |
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by edwife(f): 5:45pm On May 02, 2016 |
raumdeuter: Don't get it twisted, the woman helps herself too on the low. It takes a highly disciplined woman to keep herself. |
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by Bolade005: 5:48pm On May 02, 2016 |
edwife:We all know their independent talk is nothing but trash. I don't take them serious and I'm sure most guys here too don't. Honestly, I still find it hard to believe Tiwa knew about this woman and still went ahead to marry the lazy nigga. She married him because she was 35? Isn't she back to square 1 now at 37 or 38?, well she's got a consolation prize in her son. |
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by Nobody: 5:52pm On May 02, 2016 |
Bolade005: Really? DrV ain't broke so what was it? Tbills had two kids in America and DrV has been based in Lagos for a few years now and 2face was gbenshing well its when he hit money that babies came and by the way his 2babymamas were not poor so it wasn't the money. Sumbo was bank big girl and pero was omo baba olowo |
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by Nobody: 6:04pm On May 02, 2016 |
Looks like Tiwa is running a PR offensive. Tbillz skeletons are coming out of the closet like it's laundry day. It |
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by Bolade005: 6:07pm On May 02, 2016 |
salsera:So you think is not because of the money and fame?, obviously, you're naive. |
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by Nobody: 6:08pm On May 02, 2016 |
Kimoni: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Tbillz must have honey dripping off his gbola mehn !!! Chisos!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 1 Like |
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by Nobody: 6:29pm On May 02, 2016 |
Bolade005: Obviously your wrong. Who was T-bills to anyone before he struck gold with Tiwa? Those first three kids were not born when he was famous. And DrV.....cant be the fame. I've known her even before seeing her face, anyone who listens to health talks on radio would know of her. Maybe you could say wizkid and flavours case could be fame, but T-bills..naaah. Anyways enough said. It's a boys night out discussion. I enjoyed reading TV01,Dayo, Nash etc |
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by Nobody: 6:31pm On May 02, 2016 |
naijababe:My sistah I tell you! Cos ko ye mi o... |
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by NashvilleTN: 6:53pm On May 02, 2016 |
salsera: Ladies, you girls love guys with swag; even when they don't have money. Guys that can "play the game well" even when you know he is playing you. I have known Pero since Secondary School. I just cannot fathom how she will be a baby mama of 3 children for a guy like Tuface and even go to the extent of fighting Sumbo and beating her up in public. Pero comes from a very wealthy home. And yes, women sef love great sex as good as men. As they say, good guys come last with women and the bad guys win with women. As for Tbillz, you have to understand that the swag is the only thing he has and that is what he's selling. I want to predict that Tbillz will get to date another big girl before this year runs out, and when he's done with her, she will start moaning on twitter again. Some Naija girls never learn - always looking for the guy that will break their heart. |
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by Bolade005: 6:57pm On May 02, 2016 |
salsera:TBillz was a LA hustler. He wasn't famous but he got the cash and he knew the big boys in the entertainment industry. He got Tiwa in and even paid for her first video, I doubt you know this. He was ahead of Tiwa when they began their relationship. Why do u think Tiwa married him despite knowing he was previously married and got a babymama? Because sex with him was bomb? Naaah To be candid, I don't know no DrV, this is my first time of hearing anything remotely close to that name. Like you said, enough said. |
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by NashvilleTN: 6:57pm On May 02, 2016 |
raumdeuter: edwife: So if both are playing away matches, then what is the point of the marriage. They are both deceiving each other that they have a marriage they do not really have. I am sure the woman will know her husband is playing away, but I guess her career is more important. The man will also suspect his wife too. They have both chosen their career already so it is difficult to advice them. If is was me sha, one week in four months is too long to keep a marriage for such a long time. |
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by A40(m): 7:12pm On May 02, 2016 |
raumdeuter:We do not have the timeframe for whenever all these things happened but let's also agree that T-Billz is right. The only thing that has been established is that they both cheated. Tiwa never stole from T-Billz A spouse that can steal from you will kill you if they have the chance. There is stealing then there is stealing. He collected show money and did not inform his wife and the babe had to go perform for free. Habaaaaaaa!! Someone that is already sharing 40% of her earnings with you? Make he kuku kill her naa I am sure she was tolerating his misdemeanors till he literally became a nuisance on her neck. Her real error was marrying him she made a grievous mistake there It depends on the nature of the business. If her stealing is the kind that can land me in police net she would be fired with immediate alacrity. I would rather pay her a fixed amount for her upkeep while she has zero access to the business. The other shenanigans was just her way of taunting him. At what point did he apologize for his actions? What did the man do to earn back her trust? Marriage is great but staying alive is even better. Cheating is bad but to cheat and steal from a woman you claim you love? That one is too much |
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by A40(m): 7:25pm On May 02, 2016 |
NashvilleTN:Loool the accuser is also a serial cheat so that kind of makes you question their accusation but let's assume they are both right. One stole from the other and the firing buttresses that. Abi why was he fired? That is why Notorious B.I.G said blood and business don't mix like two deeks. If your spouse is the type that can steal from you and not even use the funds productively then I'm sorry for the sake of that business that spouse has to go |
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by A40(m): 7:43pm On May 02, 2016 |
raumdeuter:That your guy for take the job tbh. I know I would. It literally made no sense to come back when a job was not waiting for him back home and I expect his wife to have understood that. |
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by A40(m): 7:46pm On May 02, 2016 |
Bolade005:Loool they talk a good one but most of them are like that popular Sean Tizzle song You should see them drooling over old Papa RMD ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by NashvilleTN: 7:48pm On May 02, 2016 |
A40: The more I think about it, the more I realise that may be we are beating Tbillz too much. The guy is a useless guy quite all right, but Tiwa isn't a saint either. Okay, so Tiwa fires Tbills as manager and he has no other source of income. What is he expected to do? Apply for a job at First Bank, MTN or Shell? I don't think he will get in anyway. Tiwa only funded his lifestyle because of her own image as well. She didn't want her husband driving a 1999 Honda Accord. Even if that is all he could afford, she would have willingly bought him the Benz because of her image. Let's get this straight, she bought him those things for herself so that she could continue to post pictures on Instagram and get all the likes. But let's look at the story more closely. Tbillz and Tiwa built the rand "Tiwa Savage" together. They both contributed to what she is today. If this happened in the UK, he can sue Tiwa and get some money off her. He left everything he was doing to build the Tiwa Savage brand, got used to the lifestyle and now she just fired him and divorced him, and he now has nothing. I tell you, if this were abroad, he would have a strong case. The only reason why we are all dissing Tbillz is because he is a guy. If the story were turned around and Tiwa was the guy and he just divroced his wife and manager who invested alot in him, we will view the case very differently. It's very easy for women to play the victim card in a divorce case. 2 Likes |
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