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Nairaland Doesn't Support Nigeria Breakup:Stop Using Ijaw militants as decoy! - Politics (3) - Nairaland

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"Buhari May Cause Nigeria’s Breakup" – Frederick Fasehun / Nigeria’s Breakup Is Inevitable – Senator Okurounmu / North Ready For Nigeria’s Breakup –prof. Ango Abdullahi (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Nairaland Doesn't Support Nigeria Breakup:Stop Using Ijaw militants as decoy! by fx45(m): 10:30pm On May 27, 2016
Myndd44, Pls respond.
Is he the boss now
Re: Nairaland Doesn't Support Nigeria Breakup:Stop Using Ijaw militants as decoy! by fx45(m): 10:34pm On May 27, 2016
@OP, thanks for your concerns.

The issues you raised is already being handled and posters who both promote violence or any criminal acts are banned in accordance to rules 3 and 9
"3. Don't threaten, support or DEFEND violent acts against any person, tribe, race, animals, or group (e.g. rape).

9. Don't use Nairaland for illegal acts, e.g scams, plagiarism, hacking, gay meetings, incitement, promoting Biafra. "

As for those who promote secession, that is a clear violation or rule 9 and using alternate handles violation of rule 19 and actions. Are taking against such handles.

But you can also help by using the report feature anytime you see any rule being broken.

I sincerely hope Seun is still able to pay your salary as at when due. The way these Avengers are carrying on....

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Re: Nairaland Doesn't Support Nigeria Breakup:Stop Using Ijaw militants as decoy! by naijaking1: 10:43pm On May 27, 2016

I'm just reading this kind of serious allegation against the president from anyone and that it's coming from someone who has a pathological hatred for the president leaves me with no doubt about your real intentions is to justify your agenda which I respectfully concede to you. You have a right to disagree but there is a line and precedent set by those who opposed GEJ:oppose but don't bring in secession agenda.

Nairaland,is like the mockingbird in Harper Lee's book, Nairaland is like a beautiful songbird,Nairaland doesn't bother anyone, it makes melody and it's a sin to kill Nairaland.
Your struggle to promote secession on nairaland platform under different nomenclature is more brawn than brain. It's dead on arrival.
Nairaland doesn't support Nigeria breakup

Pathological hatred or love has nothing to do with Buhari's awful performance as a president.
His divisive, religious, and tribalistic tendencies bear testimony that he has no good intentions for Nigeria. Having professional image makers and opinion benders like you does little to hide his intentions, and there's nothing emotional about it. He started dividing Nigerians on basis of his supporters, religion, and tribe, and here you are advocating against dismemberment when all your president has to do is run an inclusive administration!

Thanks for going poetic on me, but NL cannot willfully be used by Fulani propangadists (like you, maybe) to suppress opposition voice. Yes, when you write a falsehood about Biafra, Niger delta, etc, and NL doesn't allow a full rebutal, then NL begins to look like an agent of Buhari's administration.

I know NL is not a part of Buhari propaganda machinery, I was here almost at it's inception, but then again anything is possible. We'll see. Despite a stated opposition to Biafra, NL has to in order to survive in Nigeria, but it's not to it's long term professionally, artistic, and economic interest to side with any government, especially Buhari's in order to promote dictatorship.


Re: Nairaland Doesn't Support Nigeria Breakup:Stop Using Ijaw militants as decoy! by dustmalik(m): 10:45pm On May 27, 2016
The OP is on point. Seun and Mynd44, I expect you guys to do the needful.


Re: Nairaland Doesn't Support Nigeria Breakup:Stop Using Ijaw militants as decoy! by plaetton: 10:52pm On May 27, 2016
@OP, thanks for your concerns.

The issues you raised is already being handled and posters who both promote violence or any criminal acts are banned in accordance to rules 3 and 9
"3. Don't threaten, support or DEFEND violent acts against any person, tribe, race, animals, or group (e.g. rape).

9. Don't use Nairaland for illegal acts, e.g scams, plagiarism, hacking, gay meetings, incitement, promoting Biafra. "

As for those who promote secession, that is a clear violation or rule 9 and using alternate handles violation of rule 19 and actions. Are taking against such handles.

But you can also help by using the report feature anytime you see any rule being broken.


I find it hard to believe that the OP would dictate or try to influence what shades of opinion should be allowed or banned on Nairaland.

Pls, what is the difference between talking or discussing secession as a current topic in the Nigerian political sphere , and actually promoting it ?

In other words, are you trying, is it part of your mandate , editorial policy, or business model to CENSOR public opinion ?

By what standard criteria would you use to determine is censored and what is not.

I don't think it's enough to say that Nairaland bans this or that type of opinion.
It behoves the management to give a fair and elaborate
Explanation why it is in the best interest of all concerned to CENSOR such and such.

Considering that many use the words like Ipob, iPod, etc to veil tribally bigoted insults at others, without any repercussions, from whence do you get the moral mandate to select on which opinions to CENSOR in a public forum?

Recently, Facebook took a lot of heat for sereptitiously censoring conservative news and opinions. It has since apologized.
What makes Nairaland , a public forum with almost 2 million diverse members different ?

We are lucky to live in an era where millions of people , ordinary Nigerians from every geographical region and all walks of life can assemble in an invisible forum and anonymously express their views, anger, frustrations as well as their hopes and aspirations.

I really don't think that Nairaland , as a neutral interface, ought to tamper with these freedoms.

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Re: Nairaland Doesn't Support Nigeria Breakup:Stop Using Ijaw militants as decoy! by Nobody: 11:02pm On May 27, 2016

My point exactly. You have a knowledge deficiency in things like this. Your brain has been conditioned differently and for someone like you who isn't on ground, then your judgement of current situation will be contaminated by the events of other areas you have toiled to earn a living and even live as a second class member of that foreign society.
Medicine is not superior to society. As a matter of fact, the scope of medicine is limited and predictable, sociology address the challenge a large complex society. While you're thinking of a patient, the sociologist is thinking of getting members of the society a health insurance and how it will affect other aspects of the society. I am sure you don't talk or argue like this in real life if you are truly a professional
see all this long grammar aren't making any meaning sorry to say you are still mention the same thing over and over again. Is oga seun been paid by the government or does he maintain this page and his worker so to so from the resources generated from this forum if so his major interest should be based on generating traffic to his website not even issues discussed all he created is a platform for people to come together and air their view and not a platform to give people focus of discussion after all we are solely liable to anything we update here individually


Re: Nairaland Doesn't Support Nigeria Breakup:Stop Using Ijaw militants as decoy! by plaetton: 11:08pm On May 27, 2016
Littering division and promoting evils will certainly shake up our unity. I think operator of each trends on nairaland should endeavour to filter out any news that has to do with NDA. If Seun insists to post NDA news that can trigger morale of these evil monsters, then Seun and his Co partners are one of enemies of nigeria unity.
Nairalanders should not forget that when the country is on fire no single individual will think of commenting on threads.
Let preach peace and live peace with one another.

Imagine undecided

You want Nairaland to start filtering news!
And what is this pathological fear based on ?

How come all of a sudden it's time to start censoring this and that?
Is this not the ultimate proof that we are quickly descending into despotism and fascism?

And you want Nairaland to be a facilitator of despotism and fascism ?

Have we not learnt anything at all over the past 30yrs?


Re: Nairaland Doesn't Support Nigeria Breakup:Stop Using Ijaw militants as decoy! by iconaus: 2:33am On May 28, 2016
Just cant understand why some people think that is wrong for a people to say that they want to have their own country because of the way they are being treated and having different ideology.


Re: Nairaland Doesn't Support Nigeria Breakup:Stop Using Ijaw militants as decoy! by ZUBY77(m): 5:18am On May 28, 2016
It's as if we're back to the time when these same paid agents open multiple threads on nairaland to promote PDP/Kanu Nnamdi's plan B to frustrate the current president by resuscitating biafra.Now it's the Ijaw militants who are embittered by the loss of their son in the last election that they are using as decoy.
All the first page of the politics is now filled with news on the Ijaw militants with similar slant and literary style used by the PDP/Kanu Nnamdi supporters shocked shocked shocked

They can go ahead and create their own website to promote their agenda #notournairaland.

Some of you are just too shallow minded to ever show up in public in the first place.
This is a public forum and it means it is public. People can create topics they want to create without being paid or forced to do so.

If you have any evidence they were paid to post the topics, provide it or shut up.
I think nairaland needs to put up a new rule about false accusations.
Some of you needs to be banned for telling lies against members of nairaland.


Re: Nairaland Doesn't Support Nigeria Breakup:Stop Using Ijaw militants as decoy! by HammerTheirPapa(f): 5:55am On May 28, 2016

Ogbeni, stop rubbing your sociology bullcrap on us...
I'm a medical professional, I'm have studied far and wide in both foreign institutions, stop talking shiit about sociology, sociology
Who sociology don help undecided
Medince and sociology which is more important...
Stop feeling Narcissistic



Re: Nairaland Doesn't Support Nigeria Breakup:Stop Using Ijaw militants as decoy! by ZUBY77(m): 6:06am On May 28, 2016

Thanks but sometimes you need to be sure of your data too .For example, you know that the population of Niger delta is more than 2% of Nigeria population so your 98% claim is patently false.
You also have forgotten that Nigerians are wiser now. The Ijaw threatened to blow up pipelines if Jonathan lose the election and now it's happening. But nobody knew that the PDP/Kanu Nnamdi crew will hide behind it to promote their political agenda on Nairaland.
For 6 years, power moved to the Ijaw and they made a complete mess of their states and the rest is now history.Imagine a rich state like Bayelsa can't pay salaries for 5months now.I don't even care about their epic failure but those who are hiding behind it is my focus. Imagine most threads on page one of politics section written by unpatriotic ipob youths and you want us to sit down idly and watch them destroy our Nairaland. Never!!
Nairaland doesn't support Nigeria breakup

All of a sudden, threats have become treason.
Remind me who said he will make Nigeria ungovernable if Jonathan wins.
What about the famous Baboon and monkey remark?
Who said he will form a parallel government if Jonathan wins?

I don't know where to place you yet. But like I said, you can shove your sycophancy up your throat, we don't care.
People will still say what they want to say.
If you want to help your nairaland, start pointing out the cancer called tribalism that seems to be taking over every other thing.
Leave people to fight for their rights otherwise you can show us what your state brings to the table to justify the huge allocation they recieve from Abuja every month.


Re: Nairaland Doesn't Support Nigeria Breakup:Stop Using Ijaw militants as decoy! by tsdarkside(m): 6:12am On May 28, 2016

En pain u.

God pass you and ur nairaland.
Imagine if you guys are the owners of Facebook and twitter.
Some tribes will not be allowed to use them.
Thank God nobody goes you in this Nigeria ur opinion is just for the gullible ones.

una dey do us a favour...keep on pisssing everybody off around the world....we know who you people are!!!.....

the day will come,that anybody that cheers evil,will be banned automaticaly........
Re: Nairaland Doesn't Support Nigeria Breakup:Stop Using Ijaw militants as decoy! by tsdarkside(m): 6:20am On May 28, 2016

Apparently they expect everyone to condemn the NDA actions because they don't like it. They are the first to find the news of a blown pipeline and rush it to the home page, then they expect everybody on nairaland to shout, "Kill them all, bomb Niger Delta".

No, these things don't work like that. There are some of us who don't want secession in the first place, yet we are not going to condemn what they are doing down there because they have genuine reasons to do so.

So OP, if you think you can whoop up your useless sentiments to get nairaland to ban people because they don't support the thing you support, go ahead.

are you the one to clean the enviroment,when those asssholes are finished bombing everything to oblivion??...

do you even understand cleaning up the enviroment??.....

do you even understand how nasty that crude oil product is on the enviroment??...why are you cheering them to conterminate their area for decades.....why??....

we may not agree in many things,but what you are doing is pure-evil...........
Re: Nairaland Doesn't Support Nigeria Breakup:Stop Using Ijaw militants as decoy! by ZUBY77(m): 6:35am On May 28, 2016

are you the one to clean the enviroment,when those asssholes are finished bombing everything to oblivion??...

do you even understand cleaning up the enviroment??.....

do you even understand how nasty that crude oil product is on the enviroment??...why are you cheering them to conterminate their area for decades.....why??....

we may not agree in many things,but what you are doing is pure-evil...........

You see, this is one area I dont understand some of you.
Why exactly are you so worried about people destroying their lands?
How many people decide what you do in your house?

You are supposed to be worried when I destroy your land, not when I destroy mine.


Re: Nairaland Doesn't Support Nigeria Breakup:Stop Using Ijaw militants as decoy! by naijaking1: 6:35am On May 28, 2016
The OP is on point. Seun and Mynd44, I expect you guys to do the needful.
As in ban opposition voice
I tell you, there are many people waiting to be banned forever, and happily too.


Re: Nairaland Doesn't Support Nigeria Breakup:Stop Using Ijaw militants as decoy! by agabusta: 6:54am On May 28, 2016
@OP, thanks for your concerns.

The issues you raised is already being handled and posters who both promote violence or any criminal acts are banned in accordance to rules 3 and 9
"3. Don't threaten, support or DEFEND violent acts against any person, tribe, race, animals, or group (e.g. rape).

9. Don't use Nairaland for illegal acts, e.g scams, plagiarism, hacking, gay meetings, incitement, promoting Biafra. "

As for those who promote secession, that is a clear violation or rule 9 and using alternate handles violation of rule 19 and actions. Are taking against such handles.

But you can also help by using the report feature anytime you see any rule being broken.


Whenever I want to report infractions, especially abuses and threats of violence, the pix below is what comes up. Kindly note that there is no where to write any reason and then submit.

Is the issue happening to only my profile or its a general issue?

Re: Nairaland Doesn't Support Nigeria Breakup:Stop Using Ijaw militants as decoy! by freeze001(f): 6:58am On May 28, 2016
I am not surprised. What makes me laugh is the inherent fear n confusion transmuted as hatred by th op and that's why he doesn't particularly care about the destruction of the environment of the ND for donkey years, his only fear is those supposedly behind the renewed ND agitation and to his mind it's his greatest nightmare...IPOB
cheesy grin grin cheesy tongue

I can't just get over this hilarious statement:


The Ijaw threatened to blow up pipelines if Jonathan lose the election and now it's happening.But nobody knew that the PDP/Kanu Nnamdi crew will hide behind it to promote their political agenda on Nairaland.

I don't even care about their epic failure but those who are hiding behind it is my focus. Imagine most threads on page one of politics section written by unpatriotic ipob youths and you want us to sit down idly and watch them destroy our Nairaland. Never!!

Dear Nairalanders, the bolded is the op's problem! He really doesn't care about the 'perpetual minority' as it is his birthright and his entitlement to leech their resources. However, he's is struck with morbid fear of IPOB! Even Nnamdi Kanu that has been incarcerated since October 2015 still sends shivers down his spine! grin

All of a sudden, the op n his likes are more bothered about the environment than those who live in it, meanwhile they and their agents fight very hard to ensure any special status or benefit is conferred on the ND. Any opportunity is to cry about the unfairness of NDDC and 13% derivation but they don't care about the welfare of those whose lands and regions provide them their undeserved wealth and largesse.

For years they have demanded restructuring for regional governance, resource control and fiscal federalism and their demands were always suppressed with notable agitators killed or imprisoned. Now they've decided to go the full hog for absolute divorce and people are crying, why?

Anyone with any sense of decency and fairness ought to be asking and demanding for equitable balancing with everyone contributing to the centre. Anyone that cannot understand and respect the views of Eastern Nigeria and rather calls for their decimation is a despot, parasite and evil soul.

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Re: Nairaland Doesn't Support Nigeria Breakup:Stop Using Ijaw militants as decoy! by Mynd44: 7:04am On May 28, 2016

Whenever I want to report infractions, especially abuses and threats of violence, the pix below is what comes up. Kindly note that there is no where to write any reason and then submit.

Is the issue happening to only my profile or its a general issue?
You have to give a reason why you are reporting. Just type what rules you think the post violates or why you want to report that post in the space provided
Re: Nairaland Doesn't Support Nigeria Breakup:Stop Using Ijaw militants as decoy! by agabusta: 7:17am On May 28, 2016

You have to give a reason why you are reporting. Just type what rules you think the post violates or why you want to report that post in the space provided

It is after I had already typed in the serial number of the rule broken that the picture I attached pops up.

And immediately it pops up, there is no other place to write anything.

If you look well at that pix, you will observe this.
Re: Nairaland Doesn't Support Nigeria Breakup:Stop Using Ijaw militants as decoy! by Mynd44: 7:20am On May 28, 2016

It is after I had already typed in the serial number of the rule broken that the picture I attached pops up.

And immediately it pops up, there is no other place to write anything.

If you look well at that pix, you will observe this.

Try with this post. Report it and type "Violation of rule 2" dont just type "2"
Re: Nairaland Doesn't Support Nigeria Breakup:Stop Using Ijaw militants as decoy! by agabusta: 7:31am On May 28, 2016

Try with this post. Report it and type "Violation of rule 2" dont just type "2"

It worked.

Before, I usually just type only the number, leaving you Mods to do the remaining work of checking the post. smiley

Re: Nairaland Doesn't Support Nigeria Breakup:Stop Using Ijaw militants as decoy! by ckmayoca: 7:42am On May 28, 2016

Facebook and twitter are not owned by Nigerians.The Americans own it and no American will promote treasonable actions and breakup of USA on Facebook and twitter and the owners of facebook and twitter will sit idly and watch.
It's convenient for Facebook and twitter owners to allow people who didn't vote for President Buhari and wants to frustrate his government to carry out treasonable actions against my country because Nigeria is not their country.
Nairaland doesn't support Nigeria breakup.

American govt will never call anyone 5% that very unfair for a leader to say and still never apologise for it.
Re: Nairaland Doesn't Support Nigeria Breakup:Stop Using Ijaw militants as decoy! by Mynd44: 7:49am On May 28, 2016

It worked.

Before, I usually just type only the number, leaving you Mods to do the remaining work of checking the post. smiley

Permit me to bother you once more. Please report this post by typing "2" now.

It works now.
Re: Nairaland Doesn't Support Nigeria Breakup:Stop Using Ijaw militants as decoy! by Seun(m): 7:55am On May 28, 2016
There was a bug in the code which led to it rejecting reports with an unhelpful error message if the reason given was less than 4 characters.

Due to the attention brought to the issue by mynd44 on this thread, I have fixed the issue. So your reports will go through more easily now.

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Re: Nairaland Doesn't Support Nigeria Breakup:Stop Using Ijaw militants as decoy! by Nobody: 8:08am On May 28, 2016
Why are we like this? And the most ironic thing is even this rule is placed the mockers of this region will not be considered like the IPOB example. Did that foster Unity? Not at all. It rather elevated it to a new level. You can't promote the biafran idea but you can insult the idea. This is not inclusive.

But then in all sincerity, Mr Seun, can you honestly say the goal of promoting unity for which the Biafran idea was banned has been achieved any way? No. You know why? You can't. You are not the government. I'm afraid you are only creating enemies for yourself.

You see, Seun, the best way to appease(not unite because you can't) people a bit in this case is not by silencing the promoters while the opponents insult the idea but by letting both flanks operate within a rule.

Let them talk but not cross any boundary. The Men who promote the idea and the men who insult it should be given equal treatment. Failure to do this makes the supposed unity(you can't achieve) for which the idea is banned a joke.

But then, why censor what people say on a public forum? Isn't it even wonderful to let some emotional enemies to divulge their secrets on a Public forum where the menace can be tracked? Who gains when troublemakers are silent?

You see, YOUR FORUM IS INSIGNIFICANT in determining what Nigerians do or decide to do. I feel you'd rather be creating enemies for yourself when you ban a part of free speech. In the Art of War that's a poor strategy.

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