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A Rat Tore My Psalm 35 To Pieces - Religion - Nairaland

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A Rat Tore My Psalm 35 To Pieces by princessammy: 8:19pm On May 28, 2016
recently i have been having terrible night mares almost every day. some times I wake up to see marks on my body as if someone with long nails scratched me.

I decided to see my pastor for counselling last week. when I went there he prayed for me and told me to always pray and read psalm 35 every night before going to bed.

I have been doing that for some weeks now until yesterday something funny but really shocking happened.

around 10 pm i was already feeling sleepy i just opened psalm 35 and kept on my bed. I was feeling weak and tired, I didn't know when I slept off.

while I slept a rat tore my psalm 35 to pieces. just that page. I was really shocked when I woke up. what could be the meaning of this?
Re: A Rat Tore My Psalm 35 To Pieces by Gabaleve(m): 8:21pm On May 28, 2016
just plain coincidence


Re: A Rat Tore My Psalm 35 To Pieces by montezz(f): 8:31pm On May 28, 2016
This one pass me o. Get another Bible.
Re: A Rat Tore My Psalm 35 To Pieces by nikkyshyne(f): 8:34pm On May 28, 2016
just plain coincidence
This one no be coincidence oo. Psalm 35 must be strong. Let me go read it asap.
Re: A Rat Tore My Psalm 35 To Pieces by Gabaleve(m): 8:38pm On May 28, 2016
This one no be coincidence oo. Psalm 35 must be strong. Let me go read it asap.

open urs for two weeks and see if a rat comes by
Re: A Rat Tore My Psalm 35 To Pieces by nikkyshyne(f): 8:40pm On May 28, 2016

open urs for two weeks and see if a rat comes by
No rat in my house.
Re: A Rat Tore My Psalm 35 To Pieces by Marley01(m): 8:44pm On May 28, 2016
No rat in my house.
Are you scared of Psalm 35 or rats? Lol
Re: A Rat Tore My Psalm 35 To Pieces by Gabaleve(m): 8:45pm On May 28, 2016
No rat in my house.

could be some spiritual rats
Re: A Rat Tore My Psalm 35 To Pieces by Femich18(m): 8:51pm On May 28, 2016
Go and get another Bible nah...that is the best tin to do
Re: A Rat Tore My Psalm 35 To Pieces by pimplucious: 8:52pm On May 28, 2016
Lol na people wey dey do u send the rat o. Read it from ur phone let's see what happens
Re: A Rat Tore My Psalm 35 To Pieces by Omotayor123(f): 9:01pm On May 28, 2016
OP are you sure you no hide Akara for there
Just kidding.

Pls, get another Bible, as many as possible. Pray and keep praying, tell your friends and family to join you in praying.

No weapon fashion against us shall Prosper!

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Re: A Rat Tore My Psalm 35 To Pieces by mrZENographer: 9:50pm On May 28, 2016
Then do not hesitate to come to The Lords Chosen and your demonic affliction will cease. Somebody is practicing witchcraft on you and monitoring you.

One day I had a dream fought a battle and killed my enemy by tearing it. About two days later I found a rat at my doorstep in my house being eaten by small things. I was able to judge that it died recently. Was wondering what must have killed it since i dint use any rat poison. Very unusual. and then I remembered that dream.

The LORD'S CHOSEN CRUSADE "And the ENEMIES SUBMITTED." comes up on June 11 and 12th. Don't miss it...
Call text me 08024295899
Re: A Rat Tore My Psalm 35 To Pieces by Nobody: 10:29pm On May 28, 2016
No surprise here. Rats love to eat sh1t.

Then do not hesitate to come to The Lords Chosen and your demonic affliction will cease.
Na on top rat your God wan flex muscle?


Re: A Rat Tore My Psalm 35 To Pieces by ettaetta(m): 2:37am On May 29, 2016
Re: A Rat Tore My Psalm 35 To Pieces by davien(m): 2:57am On May 29, 2016
A rat also once ate a page of my biology textbook when I was a little lad, it ate the page about dissecting rats... shocked thum.. thum.. . thum.. I refuse to believe it's a coincidence, that rat knew that page somehow.. grin

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Re: A Rat Tore My Psalm 35 To Pieces by Nobody: 3:28am On May 29, 2016
A rat also once ate a page of my biology textbook when I was a little lad, it ate the page about dissecting rats... shocked thum.. thum.. . thum.. I refuse to believe it's a coincidence, that rat knew that page somehow.. grin

I Tire O, Religious Folks And Their Meaningless Talk.


Re: A Rat Tore My Psalm 35 To Pieces by otem4eartum: 4:23am On May 29, 2016
recently i have been having terrible night mares almost every day. some times I wake up to see marks on my body as if someone with long nails scratched me.

I decided to see my pastor for counselling last week. when I went there he prayed for me and told me to always pray and read psalm 35 every night before going to bed.

I have been doing that for some weeks now until yesterday something funny but really shocking happened.

around 10 pm i was already feeling sleepy i just opened psalm 35 and kept on my bed. I was feeling weak and tired, I didn't know when I slept off.

while I slept a rat tore my psalm 35 to pieces. just that page. I was really shocked when I woke up. what could be the meaning of this?

More of these things are surely going to happen, according to what EARTUM told me. The kingdom of DOMINO REVERAD has already begun and the powers of RELIGION shall continue to be scattered. Your BIBLE ITSELF is not safe anymore. Knoliud the KNOWLEDGE OF REVERAD the true GOD of the universe has prophesied this millions of years ago and I have been saying it here everyday.

XTIANS and MUSLIMS should watch out for more funny occurrences. DOMINO REVERAD, the GOD who hates being worshipped but honors using the brain IS HERE. Let all the prophets of Yeshua(Jesus) bow.

DEORUM 21: 4- 19

4. When the beliefs of Nymphidis and Largas shall come into your midst to divide you, then shall Otem rise. And the beliefs shall be made low for the truth to stand. The truth shall trample them under like a mortar crushes the yams.
5. Now arise, prepare to publish the truth of the universe to all the world. For Otem has risen and all the prophets of Yeshua shall bow. They shall hear and they shall be cold in their hearts, for the time to scatter their powers has come. And they shall try their hypnotic power on the people again, but it shall not work, because all their sheep are fully at alert.
6. Now shall the people of the lands around Niger say, it is time to see if the priests of Nymphidis are true indeed. It is time to test the name of Faulkin to see if it is real or not. And they shall see the visions of Faulkin but they shall believe it no more.
7. Then shall they say, we have seen enough visions for more than a century, now it is time to see the manifestations. Then shall they gather the real lame people in the streets and the real blind people on the road and the amputees and the epileptics.
8. And they shall say, let us go to the sanctuary of Krish and to the synagogue of Jehoshua. Let us also visit the campground of Enorach and of Wilhelm. Let us forget not to visit the tabernacle of Daoud and the place of Suleman the homo who prophesies doom. Let us go to the gathering of Lazarus and the place of the black Daniel which is false.
9. And the people shall say, if these sick we bring to their sanctuaries are not cured of their diseases and healed of their lameness and blindness, then shall we depart from the camps of these prophets of Yahweh forever. And we shall hate them with everlasting hatred if they did not confess to us, saying, the people we put on the chairs as the lame in our displays are only paid to act according to our directives; And the people who declared that they had healing had only been paid to do so. And the people who fell down, rolling on the floor with loud voices had been hypnotised by us.
10. And the shame of the people who called themselves holy and are not shall be so grave. And all the lies of Eusebius, the father of liars shall be exposed and made known in all lands.
11. For truly I tell you, Eusebius is he who shall compile all the lies of Faulkin and shall bind it with a spell, saying, whoever shall rise to put my religion to shame, let him be suppressed. Shall he not confront the Otems with his swords to make them almost believe his threats?
12. But I say, no, it shall not take long before the Otems shall know who he really was. Eusebius, the friend of a murderer and a murderer himself also.
13. And the words given to Otem shall overcome the falsehood of both Jehoshua and Eusebius. And the falsehood of Murhamid shall bow also, because the prophecy of Daniel shall gain ground. For Daniel had said, the dominion of Domino shall be an everlasting dominion.
14. And the name of Reverad shall be reverenced forever. And the counting of times shall remain to be Anno Domini, which is the name of our God who reigns in his Anystenx and no one knew it.
15. Now when they of the lands around Niger heard this, they said, when shall these things happen? And he said, you shall have sold your gods out before this shall be done.
16. Give ears, o people of Niger. Give ears O children of the blessed land flowing with liquid power, when you have known the truth, burn off the books of Nymphidis in your possessions, for they are the cause of all your hypnotisms and poverty and limitations.
17. Are they not also the causes of your nightmares, which things you see and run into their sanctuaries for prayers. And you thought you have been delivered?

18. Again, I say to Niger and the offsprings of it, arise and set up a legacy for yourself. For after Egypt shall be your land among the wise countries of the lands of Murmoh. Then when they shall meditate, doing a strong meditation, they shall get answers to many of their problems in a few years, which they did not get from the first day of the birth of their parents till the days Otem began to establish the kingdom of Reverad.
19. Let him who has brain in his skull ponder upon this. It is the truth that sets free, not the lies of Faulkin which puts one in bondage.

Johnydon22, come and see ordinary rat destroying the book of small god Jehovah. BlueAgent where art thou? KingEbukablog come and explain this. If humans can't obey the voice of KNOLIUD to tear all the BOOKS OF SATAN(Bible/Quran), the RATS shall obey.
Re: A Rat Tore My Psalm 35 To Pieces by otem4eartum: 4:49am On May 29, 2016
Then do not hesitate to come to The Lords Chosen and your demonic affliction will cease. Somebody is practicing witchcraft on you and monitoring you.

One day I had a dream fought a battle and killed my enemy by tearing it. About two days later I found a rat at my doorstep in my house being eaten by small things. I was able to judge that it died recently. Was wondering what must have killed it since i dint use any rat poison. Very unusual. and then I remembered that dream.

The LORD'S CHOSEN CRUSADE "And the ENEMIES SUBMITTED." comes up on June 11 and 12th. Don't miss it...
Call text me 08024295899

Hello, this is just the beginning for RELIGIOUS FOLKS. I have been saying it that more and more occurrences like this will keep happening to religious folks until you learn that the BIBLE and QURAN is the course of all your problems. Well... until you people start using your brain, na so una go dey dry vulnerable.

Lemme quickly share this testimony. One spiricoco girl that I know, always going from one vigil to the other to pray was recently called by 11pm and she almost died when she received the call, saying it is spiritual attack. They spent so much on her to get her recovered. But me that was making fun of her god Jehovah when she was singing eyin sha lawimayewun, eyin sha lalewileshe. Eyin sha lasoromatase, asoromatase, awimayehun. I mocked her spiritual song, saying 'eyin sha= eggs sha... tatashe= pepper, etc.

I mocked her god and nothing happened. Then I called the number that called her and nothing happened. But see the spiricoco, na she set suffer what she calls spiritual attack, when all her brain has been conditioned to thinking that enemies are everywhere to attack her.

Another testimony was that of a spiricoco MFM guy I once shared a room with. The guy will be the one praying and fasting all the time, attending vigils and feeling that everybody is an enemy. Yet he would be the one thumping out of sleep with a loud cry to wake us up. We have to start asking, what's the matter? The matter is that his brain has been conditioned to believe that enemies are just hunting for his life.

Now let me explain what actually led to the ALMOST SUICIDAL ACTION of the first girl. According to her testimony, her prophetess had prophesied that someone in the church will receive a call that could almost lead to death. Now when she received the call at 11pm, her brain just sent the signal that it was the call of death the lying prophetess was talking about. The gush of fear that her brain sent down her heart at a single moment almost killed her.

for me I escaped all sorts of things when I intentionally deleted away the memory of all these things called religion from my head on the New Year Eve of 2015. And immediately my life began to get far far better. Now I choose what kind of dream I want by the power of using the brain.

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Re: A Rat Tore My Psalm 35 To Pieces by Nobody: 7:00am On May 29, 2016
probably a statement in psalm 35 that angers Allah.

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Re: A Rat Tore My Psalm 35 To Pieces by pikin1(m): 7:11am On May 29, 2016
Guy ur village witches dey ur matter n dem get ur address.

D Bible is jst a book n it wont protect you, but its d word in you dats scares principalities away. So meditate on it day n night and see tinz begin to happen.
Re: A Rat Tore My Psalm 35 To Pieces by johnydon22(m): 7:21am On May 29, 2016
recently i have been having terrible night mares almost every day. some times I wake up to see marks on my body as if someone with long nails scratched me.

For Goodness sake bros yes someone with nails scratched you and that person is not the ones you are chasing. you are only chasing a conjured illusion thereby employing an imaginary solution.

Someone with nails scratched you, you were sleeping and i am sure You have nails

Lets see if you can make sense of it.


Re: A Rat Tore My Psalm 35 To Pieces by johnydon22(m): 7:23am On May 29, 2016
This one no be coincidence oo. Psalm 35 must be strong. Let me go read it asap.

Yes psalm 35 is so strong that a mere rat didn't get the memo
Re: A Rat Tore My Psalm 35 To Pieces by Akposkool(m): 7:24am On May 29, 2016
Your village juju are at work. Get another Bible ASAP. Don't let them win.
Please join me celebrate am a year older today. Show a brother some love with your likes

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Re: A Rat Tore My Psalm 35 To Pieces by blueAgent(m): 7:30am On May 29, 2016

More of these things are surely going to happen, according to what EARTUM told me. The kingdom of DOMINO REVERAD has already begun and the powers of RELIGION shall continue to be scattered. Your BIBLE ITSELF is not safe anymore. Knoliud the KNOWLEDGE OF REVERAD the true GOD of the universe has prophesied this millions of years ago and I have been saying it here everyday.

XTIANS and MUSLIMS should watch out for more funny occurrences. DOMINO REVERAD, the GOD who hates being worshipped but honors using the brain IS HERE. Let all the prophets of Yeshua(Jesus) bow.

DEORUM 21: 4- 19

4. When the beliefs of Nymphidis and Largas shall come into your midst to divide you, then shall Otem rise. And the beliefs shall be made low for the truth to stand. The truth shall trample them under like a mortar crushes the yams.
5. Now arise, prepare to publish the truth of the universe to all the world. For Otem has risen and all the prophets of Yeshua shall bow. They shall hear and they shall be cold in their hearts, for the time to scatter their powers has come. And they shall try their hypnotic power on the people again, but it shall not work, because all their sheep are fully at alert.
6. Now shall the people of the lands around Niger say, it is time to see if the priests of Nymphidis are true indeed. It is time to test the name of Faulkin to see if it is real or not. And they shall see the visions of Faulkin but they shall believe it no more.
7. Then shall they say, we have seen enough visions for more than a century, now it is time to see the manifestations. Then shall they gather the real lame people in the streets and the real blind people on the road and the amputees and the epileptics.
8. And they shall say, let us go to the sanctuary of Krish and to the synagogue of Jehoshua. Let us also visit the campground of Enorach and of Wilhelm. Let us forget not to visit the tabernacle of Daoud and the place of Suleman the homo who prophesies doom. Let us go to the gathering of Lazarus and the place of the black Daniel which is false.
9. And the people shall say, if these sick we bring to their sanctuaries are not cured of their diseases and healed of their lameness and blindness, then shall we depart from the camps of these prophets of Yahweh forever. And we shall hate them with everlasting hatred if they did not confess to us, saying, the people we put on the chairs as the lame in our displays are only paid to act according to our directives; And the people who declared that they had healing had only been paid to do so. And the people who fell down, rolling on the floor with loud voices had been hypnotised by us.
10. And the shame of the people who called themselves holy and are not shall be so grave. And all the lies of Eusebius, the father of liars shall be exposed and made known in all lands.
11. For truly I tell you, Eusebius is he who shall compile all the lies of Faulkin and shall bind it with a spell, saying, whoever shall rise to put my religion to shame, let him be suppressed. Shall he not confront the Otems with his swords to make them almost believe his threats?
12. But I say, no, it shall not take long before the Otems shall know who he really was. Eusebius, the friend of a murderer and a murderer himself also.
13. And the words given to Otem shall overcome the falsehood of both Jehoshua and Eusebius. And the falsehood of Murhamid shall bow also, because the prophecy of Daniel shall gain ground. For Daniel had said, the dominion of Domino shall be an everlasting dominion.
14. And the name of Reverad shall be reverenced forever. And the counting of times shall remain to be Anno Domini, which is the name of our God who reigns in his Anystenx and no one knew it.
15. Now when they of the lands around Niger heard this, they said, when shall these things happen? And he said, you shall have sold your gods out before this shall be done.
16. Give ears, o people of Niger. Give ears O children of the blessed land flowing with liquid power, when you have known the truth, burn off the books of Nymphidis in your possessions, for they are the cause of all your hypnotisms and poverty and limitations.
17. Are they not also the causes of your nightmares, which things you see and run into their sanctuaries for prayers. And you thought you have been delivered?

18. Again, I say to Niger and the offsprings of it, arise and set up a legacy for yourself. For after Egypt shall be your land among the wise countries of the lands of Murmoh. Then when they shall meditate, doing a strong meditation, they shall get answers to many of their problems in a few years, which they did not get from the first day of the birth of their parents till the days Otem began to establish the kingdom of Reverad.
19. Let him who has brain in his skull ponder upon this. It is the truth that sets free, not the lies of Faulkin which puts one in bondage.

Johnydon22, come and see ordinary rat destroying the book of small god Jehovah. BlueAgent where art thou? KingEbukablog come and explain this. If humans can't obey the voice of KNOLIUD to tear all the BOOKS OF SATAN(Bible/Quran), the RATS shall obey.

Typical insanity.

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Re: A Rat Tore My Psalm 35 To Pieces by prahcetomi(m): 7:59am On May 29, 2016

More of these things are surely going to happen, according to what EARTUM told me. The kingdom of DOMINO REVERAD has already begun and the powers of RELIGION shall continue to be scattered. Your BIBLE ITSELF is not safe anymore. Knoliud the KNOWLEDGE OF REVERAD the true GOD of the universe has prophesied this millions of years ago and I have been saying it here everyday.

XTIANS and MUSLIMS should watch out for more funny occurrences. DOMINO REVERAD, the GOD who hates being worshipped but honors using the brain IS HERE. Let all the prophets of Yeshua(Jesus) bow.

DEORUM 21: 4- 19

4. When the beliefs of Nymphidis and Largas shall come into your midst to divide you, then shall Otem rise. And the beliefs shall be made low for the truth to stand. The truth shall trample them under like a mortar crushes the yams.
5. Now arise, prepare to publish the truth of the universe to all the world. For Otem has risen and all the prophets of Yeshua shall bow. They shall hear and they shall be cold in their hearts, for the time to scatter their powers has come. And they shall try their hypnotic power on the people again, but it shall not work, because all their sheep are fully at alert.
6. Now shall the people of the lands around Niger say, it is time to see if the priests of Nymphidis are true indeed. It is time to test the name of Faulkin to see if it is real or not. And they shall see the visions of Faulkin but they shall believe it no more.
7. Then shall they say, we have seen enough visions for more than a century, now it is time to see the manifestations. Then shall they gather the real lame people in the streets and the real blind people on the road and the amputees and the epileptics.
8. And they shall say, let us go to the sanctuary of Krish and to the synagogue of Jehoshua. Let us also visit the campground of Enorach and of Wilhelm. Let us forget not to visit the tabernacle of Daoud and the place of Suleman the homo who prophesies doom. Let us go to the gathering of Lazarus and the place of the black Daniel which is false.
9. And the people shall say, if these sick we bring to their sanctuaries are not cured of their diseases and healed of their lameness and blindness, then shall we depart from the camps of these prophets of Yahweh forever. And we shall hate them with everlasting hatred if they did not confess to us, saying, the people we put on the chairs as the lame in our displays are only paid to act according to our directives; And the people who declared that they had healing had only been paid to do so. And the people who fell down, rolling on the floor with loud voices had been hypnotised by us.
10. And the shame of the people who called themselves holy and are not shall be so grave. And all the lies of Eusebius, the father of liars shall be exposed and made known in all lands.
11. For truly I tell you, Eusebius is he who shall compile all the lies of Faulkin and shall bind it with a spell, saying, whoever shall rise to put my religion to shame, let him be suppressed. Shall he not confront the Otems with his swords to make them almost believe his threats?
12. But I say, no, it shall not take long before the Otems shall know who he really was. Eusebius, the friend of a murderer and a murderer himself also.
13. And the words given to Otem shall overcome the falsehood of both Jehoshua and Eusebius. And the falsehood of Murhamid shall bow also, because the prophecy of Daniel shall gain ground. For Daniel had said, the dominion of Domino shall be an everlasting dominion.
14. And the name of Reverad shall be reverenced forever. And the counting of times shall remain to be Anno Domini, which is the name of our God who reigns in his Anystenx and no one knew it.
15. Now when they of the lands around Niger heard this, they said, when shall these things happen? And he said, you shall have sold your gods out before this shall be done.
16. Give ears, o people of Niger. Give ears O children of the blessed land flowing with liquid power, when you have known the truth, burn off the books of Nymphidis in your possessions, for they are the cause of all your hypnotisms and poverty and limitations.
17. Are they not also the causes of your nightmares, which things you see and run into their sanctuaries for prayers. And you thought you have been delivered?

18. Again, I say to Niger and the offsprings of it, arise and set up a legacy for yourself. For after Egypt shall be your land among the wise countries of the lands of Murmoh. Then when they shall meditate, doing a strong meditation, they shall get answers to many of their problems in a few years, which they did not get from the first day of the birth of their parents till the days Otem began to establish the kingdom of Reverad.
19. Let him who has brain in his skull ponder upon this. It is the truth that sets free, not the lies of Faulkin which puts one in bondage.

Johnydon22, come and see ordinary rat destroying the book of small god Jehovah. BlueAgent where art thou? KingEbukablog come and explain this. If humans can't obey the voice of KNOLIUD to tear all the BOOKS OF SATAN(Bible/Quran), the RATS shall obey.
I swear

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Re: A Rat Tore My Psalm 35 To Pieces by Nobody: 10:34am On May 29, 2016

1 (A Psalm of David.) Plead my cause, O LORD, with them that strive with me: fight against them that fight against me.
2 Take hold of shield and buckler, and stand up for mine help.
3 Draw out also the spear, and stop the way against them that persecute me: say unto my soul, I am thy salvation.
4 Let them be confounded and put to shame that seek after my soul: let them be turned back and brought to confusion that devise my hurt.
5 Let them be as chaff before the wind: and let the angel of the LORD chase them.
6 Let their way be dark and slippery: and let the angel of the LORD persecute them.
7 For without cause have they hid for me their net in a pit, which without cause they have digged for my soul.
8 Let destruction come upon him at unawares; and let his net that he hath hid catch himself: into that very destruction let him fall.
9 And my soul shall be joyful in the LORD: it shall rejoice in his salvation.
10 All my bones shall say, LORD, who is like unto thee, which deliverest the poor from him that is too strong for him, yea, the poor and the needy from him that spoileth him?
11 False witnesses did rise up; they laid to my charge things that I knew not.
12 They rewarded me evil for good to the spoiling of my soul.
13 But as for me, when they were sick, my clothing was sackcloth: I humbled my soul with fasting; and my prayer returned into mine own bosom.
14 I behaved myself as though he had been my friend or brother: I bowed down heavily, as one that mourneth for his mother.
15 But in mine adversity they rejoiced, and gathered themselves together: yea, the abjects gathered themselves together against me, and I knew it not; they did tear me, and ceased not:
16 With hypocritical mockers in feasts, they gnashed upon me with their teeth.
17 Lord, how long wilt thou look on? rescue my soul from their destructions, my darling from the lions.
18 I will give thee thanks in the great congregation: I will praise thee among much people.
19 Let not them that are mine enemies wrongfully rejoice over me: neither let them wink with the eye that hate me without a cause.
20 For they speak not peace: but they devise deceitful matters against them that are quiet in the land.
21 Yea, they opened their mouth wide against me, and said, Aha, aha, our eye hath seen it.
22 This thou hast seen, O LORD: keep not silence: O Lord, be not far from me.
23 Stir up thyself, and awake to my judgment, even unto my cause, my God and my Lord.
24 Judge me, O LORD my God, according to thy righteousness; and let them not rejoice over me.
25 Let them not say in their hearts, Ah, so would we have it: let them not say, We have swallowed him up.
26 Let them be ashamed and brought to confusion together that rejoice at mine hurt: let them be clothed with shame and dishonour that magnify themselves against me.
27 Let them shout for joy, and be glad, that favour my righteous cause: yea, let them say continually, Let the LORD be magnified, which hath pleasure in the prosperity of his servant.
28 And my tongue shall speak of thy righteousness and of thy praise all the day long.

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Re: A Rat Tore My Psalm 35 To Pieces by Nobody: 2:02pm On May 29, 2016

The Bible is a huge book. The rat could have had its fill from any of the chapters and you'd still find it inspirational. Na wa. cheesy

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Re: A Rat Tore My Psalm 35 To Pieces by Nobody: 2:44pm On May 29, 2016

The Bible is a huge book. The rat could have had its fill from any of the chapters and you'd still find it inspirational. Na wa. cheesy
The rat is innocent. The op was probably touching the page after eating sweet spicy food with his fingers. smiley
Re: A Rat Tore My Psalm 35 To Pieces by Nobody: 3:06pm On May 29, 2016
The only reasonable explanation is that you spilled food on the page, or touched the page after eating without washing the food particles on your hand.

I once had my gas pipe eaten by rats. I was surprised at first, but I later realized that the spills from boiling foods on the cookers fell on the pipes making an hungry rat, with only the sense of smell to guide them in the dark, eat pipes.

How do you thing rat poisons work?

It is soiled with food aromas.


Re: A Rat Tore My Psalm 35 To Pieces by omoelu1(m): 3:20pm On May 29, 2016
I don't get it.
As in, the rat opened the Bible then went straight or flipped through to the psalm 35 page and ate it ? Or how exactly??


Re: A Rat Tore My Psalm 35 To Pieces by orunto27: 4:12pm On May 29, 2016
Get rat poison, clean your house and buy and another Bible.

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