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Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" - Politics - Nairaland

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Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by Bigchief46(m): 7:57am On Jun 11, 2016
Of all the people who filed suits to challenge President Muhammadu Buhari’s qualifications to stand for election to office of president regarding his West African School Certificate, WASC, in the run-up to the general election last year, it is only Nnamdi Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe who has refused to back down from pursuing the case in court. Others have since lost interest and moved on, Davidson Iriekpen asks why

Nigerians were taken by surprise when the Federal High Court, Abuja gave a ruling on May 26, 2016 dismissing the preliminary objections filed by President Muhammadu Buhari in response to your suit challenging his eligibility to stand for election because the general belief was that all the legal actions bothering on his qualification to stand for election to office of President or regarding his WAEC certificate had since been disposed off; what happened in this case?

My action is still pending. It went under the radar because General Buhari adopted an approach and tactics of delaying the matter; in fact the strategy was that the merits of the case would never be heard until after the President serves out his term in office. Their first tactics of course was to ensure that the case which was filed and served on them in February 2015 would not be heard and determined until after the general elections to avoid the possibility of General Buhari being barred from contesting the election. After the general election, the next tactics is to ensure the substantive action will never be heard and determined by the court. These were actualised by the filing of all sorts of frivolous objections that delayed the matter until the court was now able to give a ruling on them on the 26th May 2016 after over one year of the case being instituted. Ordinarily, this sort of matter should be given accelerated hearing and disposed within a month or two of its being instituted being a matter of the utmost national importance but for some reason, the president’s legal team wouldn’t have anything to do with an expeditious disposition of the case.

Why is that?

You mean why they do not want the case to be concluded expeditiously? We can only speculate. It is significant that no defence has been filed for the president and his party the APC in this case. After over a year they were served. Interestingly, INEC who are 1st defendants in the case promptly filed a purported defence within time upon being served but the 2nd and 3rd defendants being the APC and General Buhari have not filed any defence. so I guess that tells the whole story.

So what do we expect on the next adjourned court date being June 16, 2016?

Well, the information I have is that General Buhari’s legal team in execution of their tactics of not wanting the substantive case and the issues raised therein to be heard, are planning to file an appeal against the ruling of the Federal High Court and thereafter apply to stay proceedings in the latter court. In their calculation, the appeal will take another one or two years. If they lose, they will appeal on that interlocutory matter to the Supreme Court where it may take another three years. I am keeping an open mind about it.

So what exactly is President Buhari contesting in these interlocutory applications?

He claims he was not properly served with the originating summons. He is not saying he was not served, but that he was not properly served; that he was served at an address in Abuja instead of an address in Kaduna where he was resident as at the time of service. The court had granted an order permitting us to serve him by substituted service at the national headquarters of APC in Abuja and we did but General Buhari contends that unless he is served at an address in Kaduna, the service is not proper. Now, of course, the Federal High Court has ruled that he was properly served and that ruling is what he wants to appeal. Now you would expect that a President who rode to power on the altar of personal integrity and anti-corruption would take the first opportunity to answer to the substance of the case and clarify and/or defend the substantive issues. But Nigerians can now clearly see the hypocrisy playing out here. For example, if I hear a rumour that someone is claiming in some court that I am a fake lawyer, I will not wait to be served but will do everything to discover the court where he filed such action and defend it. I will go to the court myself and apply for a certificate tone copy of the processes so I can defend it because I am sure I am duly qualified to practice law; I will not start using technicalities to frustrate the case being heard expeditiously as it is in my interest for the matter to be concluded as soon as possible so I can continue my legal practice without any distractions.

So we are not expecting the substantive issues to be argued on June 16, 2016 as the judge has indicated?
It’s not likely, not only because I expect General Buhari to file an application to stay all further proceedings in the Federal High Court pending the outcome of an appeal or to bring a fresh preliminary objection on some other frivolous ground other than the one already disposed of, but because I will myself also be bringing an application to amend my originating summons. My application will be heard on the 16th of June 2016. The reason is that I filed the originating summons before the general elections and my prayers then was to disqualify General Buhari and bar him from contesting the elections not being constitutionally qualified to do so; now that the elections are over and General Buhari has assumed the office of President, my prayers need to be amended so I can pray the court to declare his election a nullity, order the 1st defendant (INEC) to withdraw his Certificate of Return and issue same to the party and its candidate which came second at the election and had a qualified candidate

This is the PDP and Dr. Goodluck Jonathan? Does this not confirm the speculation that this is a ploy by the PDP to come back to power through the back door?
To answer your first question, Yes. That is an idle and false speculation. I had no discussion with anyone in the PDP before I brought the action, nor have I since. I have never met Dr. Goodluck Jonathan in person. I have equally received no support whatsoever from anyone in the PDP. I am a lawyer and I saw and appreciated that the Constitution of the Federal Republic was being raped with impunity and therefore brought this action to address it. I have nothing against General Buhari as a person, but I believe he is not qualified to be President as provided by our Constitution which is the grundnorm. If he is not qualified, then he should not occupy that office; there is nothing sentimental about it. If Chief Gani Fawehinmi were alive today and brought a similar action, which he surely would have, will you accuse him of doing so to favour the PDP or anyone? So why should my own action be perceived in that light?

Because we knew you are a registered card-carrying member of PDP

I am a registered member of the PDP for sure but I am a lawyer and a citizen first and foremost. That my action might end up favoring my party is really beside the point.

So what is the substantive case all about?

I don’t want to go into that in detail because it is still a matter before the court. I will only give you the background which is a matter of public record anyway, without commenting on the specific issues before the court. [b]As everyone now knows from available records at the disposal of the general public, General Buhari registered for the Cambridge West African School Certificate when he was in his final year in Provincial Secondary School, Katsina. He was given an Examination number, but before he could sit for the examination, the Nigerian Army started recruiting with the minimum requirement being possession of a WASC or the equivalent at that time. The recruitment was supposed to be for those who had already sat for their WASC and obtained a certificate, i.e. the High School graduates of the previous year and not for General Buhari’s set who would be qualified to apply the following year after sitting for their WASC. Since he did not have any WASC not having yet sat for the exam, General Buhari got his Principal to issue him a recommendation letter in lieu of his WASC. All these are matters of public records and I am sure you also saw a bromide of that recommendation letter when it was published. General Buhari was enlisted into the Nigerian Army with his Principal’s recommendation letter and not his WASC. Having been enlisted, General Buhari reported at the Army Depot for training and commenced his military career; he never went back to sit for the WASC and that is why the Nigeria Army called a press conference at the height of the controversy and stated unequivocally that no WASC had ever been found in his file. You will recall that the Director of Army Public Relations (DAPR) at their January 2015 press conference said as follows and I quote: “In his personal file in the Nigerian Army, he does not have his original copy of his WASC, nor the Nigerian Army have the certified true copy of his WASC results, neither do we have a photocopy. We don’t have that but we do have other documents to show how he was recruited into the Nigeria Army as was entered on Form 199A”. Needless to say, that “other documents” which the Army has which shows how General Buhari was recruited is the Principal’s recommendation letter. You may also recall that at the height of the controversy in early 2015, some Nigerians wrote to the University of Cambridge requesting the School to furnish them with details of the contents of General Buhari’s file relating to the Cambridge WASC he registered for but the university responded that they can only act at the written request of the candidate himself. General Buhari blatantly refused to request Cambridge to release those details so we could confirm conclusively if he ever sat for the exam he registered for and if any certificate was ever issued to him. Indeed, you may also recall that upon assuming and being sworn into the office of President, one of General Buhari’s first official visits was to England, and the popular joke then which went viral on social media was that he would use the opportunity of that visit to go to Cambridge University and request them to release a copy of his certificate if it ever existed, but that never happened.[/b]

This is serious; are you saying the president never even sat for the examination?

I am not the one saying so. The public records say so and the army said as much too. He joined the army with a letter of recommendation from his Principal instead of any WASC and of course this means that his entire career in the army is a complete fraud along with all the ranks he was awarded. He denied some other candidate who was qualified and had his WASC an opportunity of being enlisted into the army and this puts all the ranks obtained and offices held by General Buhari in question.

Considering the serious repercussions this case will have in the polity if the court finds merit in your case, are you not concerned for your personal safety?

Of course, I am concerned and my family and friends are too; I am not naïve and some subtle threats have already been made. For now it is small comfort that if anything happens to me, even if disguised as an accident or anything, Nigerians will know exactly who is responsible. In any case, it was Professor Wole Soyinka, I think, who once said in one of his books that The Man Dies In Him Who Keeps Quiet In The Face Of Tyranny or something of the sort. Speaking of which, I am amazed at the conspiracy of silence by Nigerians. It is astounding not, that in the light of this very apparent rape of our constitution, laws, indeed the very essence of our democracy, all of our civil society advocates and activists have gone deaf and dumb in the face of tyranny. All those voluble persons (and I don’t want to name them; they know themselves and Nigerians know them too), who pretend they are activists or keepers of the moral conscience of the nation astonishingly can’t see or appreciate what is happening. This country really misses Chief Gani Fawehinmi; he was the only fearless, credible, true and genuine conscience of the nation, not the pretenders we have today; all the others only make noise when it suits them and their interests but look the other way once they are compromised. None of us today, can tie Gani’s shoe-laces. Even the Ambassadors in Nigeria of the leading world democracies who would normally make statements on issues of this sort are mute: they have left us to our fate. I think only the British Prime Minister has said something that could be related to this issue when he said that Nigeria has graduated from being corrupt under the previous dispensation to being “fantastically corrupt” under the current President. No corruption can be more fantastic than when the head of a country; it’s President and custodian of its Constitution and laws, illegally and unlawfully ascends into office corruptly and with impunity. You know the saying about when the head of a fish is rotten; the rest is fantastic.


50 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by stayTrue: 7:59am On Jun 11, 2016
As in?

3 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by MoneyGreen(m): 8:03am On Jun 11, 2016
What's this nonsense?

29 Likes 1 Share

Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by oganology33(m): 8:05am On Jun 11, 2016
The topic makes more sense Dan the entire write up. And u expext me 2 read all disHaba!!! Na project I dey read.
Anyway. . .Mr. President doesn't have a certificate. But Corruption will help him remain in office

107 Likes 6 Shares

Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by histemple: 8:07am On Jun 11, 2016
How about the summarized version?


Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by DonCortino: 8:13am On Jun 11, 2016
We know!


Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by Wildrage: 8:13am On Jun 11, 2016
The world renowned looter, the numero uno among thieves, the Indian prostitute loving Abacha had more integrity in his thumb Than Buhari has in his entire lanky frame. What stops the man from simply producing his certificate so we can all forget this needless controversy

227 Likes 20 Shares

Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by Angelo45(m): 8:13am On Jun 11, 2016
Op Wetin na.. E too long abeg angry


Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by uchelvlink(f): 8:38am On Jun 11, 2016
I read all. Bubu dosnt have Satipicate that's the summary!

148 Likes 8 Shares

Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by IsraeliAIRFORCE: 8:49am On Jun 11, 2016
I'm just waiting to hear "Court blast Buhari for delay tactics" because we all know that this case came before Dasukigate and needs to be dispense first.

First-come, first-served

72 Likes 8 Shares

Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by cocoduck: 8:54am On Jun 11, 2016
I read every word with keen interest.

48 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by babyfaceafrica: 8:55am On Jun 11, 2016
Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by brownlord: 9:46am On Jun 11, 2016

Omenka, koboko9 please report to duty


Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by hucienda: 9:49am On Jun 11, 2016
The law will run its full course.

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Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by Festy4u(m): 10:22am On Jun 11, 2016
Whew!, so much for a country sandwiched with "Ali Baba and the fourty thieves". And now, only for Ali Baba to suffice with the intention of "changing" or "Apcing" the fourty thieves! undecided

20 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by adehsenior(m): 10:43am On Jun 11, 2016
If you talk of corruption, buhari is the most corrupt man in Nigeria., quote me anytime any day just that his worshippers will only attack and devour the truth.
During buhari there was nothing like WAEC but rather Cambridge exams so where did buhari get a WAEC result with eye glasses from?
Think and be wise foolish zombies, for your information I'm not an IPOB so don't bother quoting me if you are a fulani herd man.

163 Likes 14 Shares

Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by DLondonboiy: 10:51am On Jun 11, 2016
wow...this made a whole lot of sense...

47 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by Nobody: 11:11am On Jun 11, 2016
I read every word with keen interest.

ye once you get to reading it you just can,t stop

buhari is the most corrupt man in Nigeria

long live

90 Likes 7 Shares

Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by attackgat: 11:17am On Jun 11, 2016
General Buhari got his Principal to issue him a recommendation letter in lieu of his WASC. All these are matters of public records and I am sure you also saw a bromide of that recommendation letter when it was published. General Buhari was enlisted into the Nigerian Army with his Principal’s recommendation letter and not his WASC. Having been enlisted, General Buhari reported at the Army Depot for training and commenced his military career; he never went back to sit for the WASC

There is a chance that Buhari has no qualifications. If this is true, then his presidency is a fraud.

112 Likes 11 Shares

Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by iykopy: 11:26am On Jun 11, 2016
This country is always dancing in the pool of mess. How can a president not possess minimum requirement to ascend a throne inspite of constitutional mandatory? yet he did and nobody challenges him in a country replete with scholars and sound minds? Honestly, if this is not corruption what else's?

123 Likes 9 Shares

Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by TheFreeOne: 11:32am On Jun 11, 2016
The only soldier in our known history that got enlisted into the army with "Buhari will pass" as a recommendation from his secondary school principal and later became a General, military head of state and now president.

A fraud right from day 1 in the military. No wonder he's a close friend of that fraudulent frogeye that connived to burn a school archive in Osun to conceal his school academic records and later graduated with a forged Toronto certificate.

Some simpletons still call such leaders with integrity Integrity my left yansh grin

90 Likes 7 Shares

Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by codedguy1(m): 11:40am On Jun 11, 2016
As Bola Tinubu succinctly put it in 2003 or thereabout, he said "Buhari is a destabilizing entity" this was said when Buhari was seeking to be president at the time.

35 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by sinistermind(m): 11:40am On Jun 11, 2016
This man was very detailed with his facts. And I think Nigerians shouldn't shove this aside. Recommendation letter replaces WAEC certificate... Hehehehe, and I thought we've heard it all.

81 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by kettykin: 11:49am On Jun 11, 2016
The problem is that if it was one Stella oduah or emeagwali or okonjo iweala or soludo that had no waec certificate it would have been a different and difficult ball game with even the military and EFCC vowing to enforce rule of engagement and the whole hypocrites in the south west speaking from both sides of the mouth.

I am beginning to think Nigeria is indeed cursed.
Tunde bakare ,falana etc will pretend not to see this.

110 Likes 7 Shares

Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by OlujobaSamuel: 11:51am On Jun 11, 2016
lol, na wao. nothing but an academic exercise. to the plaintiff, you tried, at least, you worked towards your belief irrespective of how worthless it might be, unlike those of us(e-warriors) that rants online daily with none ready to go out to protest or file a case in court.
seems the economic crisis is affecting reasoning also in this nation. I can't believe some are even serious about his eligibility. some don't even know that primary school plus few add-ons is the minimum qualification.
it's high time we started teaching our constitution in pry and sec schools.

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Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by IllegalMoney: 11:52am On Jun 11, 2016
[size=13pt] grin grin grin grin

In summary Buhari no go School, n Zombies expect him to perform like Obama.
Thunder fire All Zombies n APC for giving us an illiterate and sick President called Buhari, that has brought us Economic hardship in the past one year, that has never before being experienced in the history of Nigeria.
If u Quote me negatively, Thunder fire u too.
I am just making Common Sense

78 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by 1shortblackboy: 11:53am On Jun 11, 2016
The ordinary south south or south east man would have to fly to get what a housa - fulani man would walk to get to

Quote me

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Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by Brightology2(m): 12:01pm On Jun 11, 2016
What's this nonsense?
imagine the nonsense, your presidiot don't ve a certificate

58 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by Brightology2(m): 12:01pm On Jun 11, 2016
What's this nonsense?
imagine the nonsense, your president don't ve a certificate


Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by MoneyGreen(m): 12:10pm On Jun 11, 2016
imagine the nonsense, your presidiot don't ve a certificate
must you quote me twice.. It's shame you let a certificateless man to rule and your family..

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Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by MoneyGreen(m): 12:12pm On Jun 11, 2016
[size=13pt] grin grin grin grin

In summary Buhari no go School, n Zombies expect him to perform like Obama.
Thunder fire All Zombies n APC for giving us an illiterate and sick President called Buhari, that has brought us Economic hardship in the past one year, that has never before being experienced in the history of Nigeria.
If u Quote me negatively, Thunder fire u too.
I am just making Common Sense
stop reasoning lakka goat..

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Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by Nobody: 12:24pm On Jun 11, 2016
But this ain't news na!
The born-to-rule Awusas and the sophisticated Yolobas voted him in irespective of his certificatelessness.
So what should the rest of us "qualified" Nigerians do about this? Allow him to make love to our wives? No no no!


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