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Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" - Politics (4) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Politics / Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" (42412 Views)

Buhari Never Banned From Entering America At Any Time - Femi Adesina / Dino Melaye's WASC Results Has Three Credits Only - Sahara Reporters / Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe Withdraws Suit Seeking Buhari’s Disqualification On Certificate (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by defash8: 3:55pm On Jun 11, 2016
One thing that still surprise me is that everybody just kept mute on Buhari certificate, this is fraud on the highest level.

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Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by flyca: 4:01pm On Jun 11, 2016
Even if that result he produced was real, it still beats me how more than 30million Nigerians voted a man with F9 in Mathematics Was this the best we can produce from a nation of 170 million adults?


Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by keally: 4:02pm On Jun 11, 2016
It's so unfortunate that Nigerians are supporting evil and some hypocritical people will be telling us to pray instead of condenming impunity. No wonder Nigeria is not making any progress and will never make in the present circumstance.


Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by folks4luv(f): 4:03pm On Jun 11, 2016
Is having a waec cert the only qualification for a presidential candidate? A Waec cert Is nt even mandatory, dis man should stop disgracing himself. [color=#006600][/color]

Qualification for Election
2. A person shall be qualified for election to the
office of President or the National Assembly if:-
(a) he is a citizen of Nigeria;
(b) in the case of President, he has attained the
age of 40 years;
(c) in the case of Senator, he has attained the
age of 35 years;
(d) in the case of Member of House of
Representatives, he has attained the age of 30
(e) he has been educated up to at least the
School Certificate level or its equivalent; and
(f) he is a Member of a Political Party and is
being sponsored by that party.

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Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by Wizzyblack3(m): 4:03pm On Jun 11, 2016
The ordinary south south or south east man would have to fly to get what a housa - fulani man would walk to get to

Quote me
I solely agree with you on this, call me a tribalist or whatever, the fact is that we live in Northgeria. We get controlled by dis northern cows from day 1. In Buhari's case, for northerners, you don't need to posses any certificate before joining the army unlike ppl from other part of Nigeria, they owned it. If Nigeria is to be a better place, out 56 years of our independence, those cows ruled for almost 36yrs compared to all other part of Nigeria combined. The rate at which these northern cows draw us backward in this country is so frustrating, yet they're the poorest. Their leaders are the most corrupt set of ppl. The Yoruba leaders which are suppose to call a spade a spade are not doing so because of their own selfish interest, just because of what they will eat. "Ti enu ba je, oju a ti"


Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by seunlayi(m): 4:03pm On Jun 11, 2016
Let's assume he doesn't have the said certificate. A PhD holder in the last administration who sat on the same seat was depicted as an ineffectual buffoon, the same person is now being revealed as someone who stood by and let his stooges share our collective wealth ''like they were having lunch and dinner''.
correct yourself.

The batching pmb has received in the past one year is more than GEJ'S four years.


Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by kabeergusau: 4:04pm On Jun 11, 2016

Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by KINGS100(m): 4:04pm On Jun 11, 2016
there is no iota of intergrity in the personality of our president. His quest to combat curruption is nothing far from sheer hypocricy. I blame the court for not disqualifying him from the presidential race. How unfortunate! The legal system which is suppose to protect the constitution have subjected it to redicule. I pray for my country Nigeria.

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Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by Paulancebay(m): 4:06pm On Jun 11, 2016
the Nigerian constitution is not as scarce as tomatoes. people shld read it to understand that not having wassce does not stop you from becoming the President of Nigeria.

WASC or what? It's equivalent abi? Then if it's the equivalent, then what is it in this case? Do u think you understand what you are saying, some1 entered UNILAG at 100 level without 'o level and graduated! Are u saying he merits the BSc certificate? U are indeed a Zombie!


Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by seunlayi(m): 4:06pm On Jun 11, 2016

Qualification for Election
2. A person shall be qualified for election to the
office of President or the National Assembly if:-
(a) he is a citizen of Nigeria;
(b) in the case of President, he has attained the
age of 40 years;
(c) in the case of Senator, he has attained the
age of 35 years;
(d) in the case of Member of House of
Representatives, he has attained the age of 30
(e) he has been educated up to at least the
School Certificate level or its equivalent; and
(f) he is a Member of a Political Party and is
being sponsored by that party.
kindly go and check your constitution properly


Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by Leo2flex(m): 4:12pm On Jun 11, 2016
Campaign after election
Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by MENZPRIDE(m): 4:14pm On Jun 11, 2016
Is having a waec cert the only qualification for a presidential candidate?A Waec cert Is nt even mandatory, dis man should stop disgracing himself. [color=#006600][/color]

what then is the mandatory and basic qualification to aspire for the office of the president??


Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by VicHeavens10(m): 4:15pm On Jun 11, 2016
Thank God there are a few people left who can fearlessly stand up for what is right.


Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by nortcentrallord(m): 4:15pm On Jun 11, 2016
Haters of buhari will soon start commiting suicide.And the highest victims will be from d south east-blackmailers,frustrated,good for nothing parasites !

Is that your best defense for this? Please come up with something meaningful or is the lawyer witch hunting buhari? What is then the difference between Saraki and buhari since they are both running from court to court just to stall a court case


Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by oweniwe(m): 4:16pm On Jun 11, 2016

During buhari there was nothing like WAEC but rather Cambridge exams so where did buhari get a WAEC result with eye glasses from?.

Oya where is the Cambridge Certificate nau undecided


Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by Nobody: 4:16pm On Jun 11, 2016

Dont mind them. No more ideas for them so they have to regress to the "No Certificate" wail

Try solve the matter,
it keep coming back now it come to stay

Bubu papers Pls

long live


Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by aresa: 4:19pm On Jun 11, 2016

Upon completion, the college grants its graduates a master's degree in Strategic Studies.


Silly ipobs...... grin
Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by Nobody: 4:20pm On Jun 11, 2016

I solely agree with you on this, call me a tribalist or whatever, the fact is that we live in Northgeria. We get controlled by dis northern cows from day 1. In Buhari's case, for northerners, you don't need to posses any certificate before joining the army unlike ppl from other part of Nigeria, they owned it. If Nigeria is to be a better place, out 56 years of our independence, those cows ruled for almost 36yrs compared to all other part of Nigeria combined. The rate at which these northern cows draw us backward in this country is so frustrating, yet they're the poorest. Their leaders are the most corrupt set of ppl. The Yoruba leaders which are suppose to call a spade a spade are not doing so because of their own selfish interest, just because of what they will eat. "Ti enu ba je, oju a ti"

I solely agree with you on this, call me a tribalist or whatever



Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by Ibrothehassan: 4:22pm On Jun 11, 2016

what then is the mandatory and basic qualification to aspire for the office of the president??
Go read the constitution
Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by aresa: 4:22pm On Jun 11, 2016
Even if that result he produced was real, it still beats me how more than 30million Nigerians voted a man with F9 in Mathematics Was this the best we can produce from a nation of 170 million adults?

Same way we can't believe the crooked, lazy, incompetent and corrupt bootlegged PHD zookeeper looted Nigeria and ran Nigeria to the ground..
Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by fortune1968: 4:22pm On Jun 11, 2016

Is that your best defense for this? Please come up with something meaningful or is the lawyer witch hunting buhari? What is then the difference between Saraki and buhari since they are both running from court to court just to stall a court case
is anything sensible or meaningful in the post ?Of course nothing !
Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by ehissi(m): 4:25pm On Jun 11, 2016
How about the summarized version?

Because he knew that he had no WASC but wanted to be recruited into the army that year - even though he had registered for it - he got a letter of recommendation from his school principal and used it for recruitment in lieu of that WASC.

But he never went to back to sit for the exam. University of cambridge which organised the WASC said only Buhari can give permission for his certificate to be released - inspite of many formal appeals by civil society groups to release it. And Buhari refused to write them to release it.

Which made this lawyer come to the conclusion that Buhari didn't sit for WASC.

Wait but, does it now mean he stood for it since he didn't sit grin

All these Olodo President sef whey dey fear paper............. angry

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Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by bondingman: 4:27pm On Jun 11, 2016
From the way he's running the country, it seems he didn't even attend secondary school.


Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by tosinjay(m): 4:29pm On Jun 11, 2016
This has actually changed my view of the president, i didn't support him and never voted for him, but i don't bad mouth him. This has dawn on me, i always knew that the certificate case wasn't properly concluded but to think of the man and what he has ever made as name for himself being all fraudulent is the heights of it. I felt he was not corrupt. This man shouldn't have been our president in the first place and we can even see the effect of bad governance in present affairs. All the APC people in power are all hypocrites if they know this and would rather fight and do the opposite of what's right. May God save us as none of them clean.

I always said GEJ's government was corrupt but PMB isn't an option.

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Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by zikter(m): 4:31pm On Jun 11, 2016

WASC or what? It's equivalent abi? Then if it's the equivalent, then what is it in this case? Do u think you understand what you are saying, some1 entered UNILAG at 100 level without 'o level and graduated! Are u saying he merits the BSc certificate? U are indeed a Zombie!
pls read the constitution and stop the childish name calling attitude. mind you am not immatured or uncultured and as such will not be senseless in name calling with you. once again carefully read part of the Nigerian constitution that talks about aspiring for president of the nation, educate yourself and stop drawing unnecessary analogies. thank you.
Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by Asebaba1(m): 4:33pm On Jun 11, 2016
Why not think of your life and concentrate on your family
Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by TheFreeOne: 4:34pm On Jun 11, 2016
with all the Scholars and sound minded Nigerians they could not detest this, then I asked....

Who is more Illiterate.... Buhari or the law makers

This scholar (Soyinka) made a volte-face and supported Buhari election in 2015.

There are many of such that only speak out when it suits their selfish interests.

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Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by ChikaSunday(m): 4:34pm On Jun 11, 2016
As Bola Tinubu succinctly put it in 2003 or thereabout, he said "Buhari is a destabilizing entity" this was said when Buhari was seeking to be president at the time.

Yet same Tinubu sold him like Eve's apple in the garden to the most pathetic and shallow-minded eclectrates in Nigeria-the Lagos based electrates. Everybody watch out for further episodes of this administration: did you ever heard of the people of Ai in the Bible? People should study what happened between them and Israel.

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Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by don4real18(m): 4:39pm On Jun 11, 2016
Abeg who WASC don EPP...Education is overrated... Having the highest degree doesn't guarantee that you got anything
Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by tosinjay(m): 4:42pm On Jun 11, 2016
The problem is that if it was one Stella oduah or emeagwali or okonjo iweala or soludo that had no waec certificate it would have been a different and difficult ball game with even the military and EFCC vowing to enforce rule of engagement and the whole hypocrites in the south west speaking from both sides of the mouth.

I am beginning to think Nigeria is indeed cursed.
Tunde bakare ,falana etc will pretend not to see this.
Imagine, even with them being legal practitioners. Tunde Bakare was ones my pastor when i was attending his church, mehn this people aren't close to good. He can be very outspoken oo, for some reasons they are mute probably he's regretting it wasn't his time PMB emerged winner!!

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Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by Wizzyblack3(m): 4:44pm On Jun 11, 2016
This has actually changed my view of the president, i didn't support him and never voted for him but, but i don't bad mouth him. this has done on me, i always knew that certificate case wasn't properly concluded but to think of the man and what he has ever made as name for himself being all fraudulent is the heights of it. I felt he was not corrupt. This man shouldn't have been our president in the first place and we can even see the effect of bad governance in present affairs. All the APC people in power are all hypocrites if they know this and would rather fight and do the opposite of what's the right. May God save us as none of them clean.

I always said GEJ's government was corrupt but PMB isn't an option.
My brother, if not that GEJ & PDP left us with no other option, PMB wouldn't have happen to us in Nigeria. "PMB is a result of GEJ's failure", not a choice whatsoever.
Re: Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe: "Buhari Never Sat For WASC" by Bimpe29: 4:53pm On Jun 11, 2016
Go and hug transformer na.

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