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‘Being A Feminist Is Denying Many Women Of Having A Husband' - OAP Freeze - Celebrities (9) - Nairaland

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Re: ‘Being A Feminist Is Denying Many Women Of Having A Husband' - OAP Freeze by SenatorJames(m): 9:10pm On Jun 18, 2016
That is the fact for anybody (female) that care to know
Re: ‘Being A Feminist Is Denying Many Women Of Having A Husband' - OAP Freeze by fhunn: 9:12pm On Jun 18, 2016

Exactly my point dear.

God outlines the roles of women and men as different but equally as important. He created us different physically, emotionally. Men and women can never be equal. You can say 2 + 2 = 5 if you want to, but the truth is intolerant... 2 + 2 will always equal 4.

What we ask for is that they(men and women) be given equal rights. Women should be allowed to do things they fell they can do and that is what the equal right movement was all about.

The Equal Rights Movements wanted things such as the right to vote and more equality in the work force, a law against domestic violence, maternity leave, equal pay and a law agains sexual harassment and sexual violence.

But Feminism?


That one tire me.

Feminism is no longer a movement for equal right for both genders. It is now a movement by people who want to be given everything on a earth because they have breast.

Gender equality is a noble goal, but feminism not it, rather, feminism perpetuates sexism.

It is now a movement by people who want to blame men for every little thing that goes wrong on earth. Who ridicules men to make a point.

It is now a movement by lazy women who thrown knives, scissors and chairs, etc at their man to try to get him to hit her so she could have something to hold over his head in court and claim half of everything he worked for.
Thieves and potential thieves that do not know that there are thieves yet.

Feminism is breaking up the traditional roles of the woman in a family and society. It also causes confusion among men and women as to where they stand in the family that's why you hear people say my husband is the head and I'm the neck. I could go on and on but lemme stop here.

faulty there because according to God through His Word:
1+1 = 1
that is to say
2+2 = 2

Matthew 19:5-6
Ephesians 5:31

how is that possible?
When a man and woman comes together, she submits her ego, her priorities, everything she is, is subjected to the man (you can also say she leaves everything at her fathers house, as she is paid for). Therefore, the man's priorities becomes hers, whatever decision he reaches, is what she must stand by, whether good or bad.

Ephesians 5:22-24
Re: ‘Being A Feminist Is Denying Many Women Of Having A Husband' - OAP Freeze by DivaFiva: 9:25pm On Jun 18, 2016
You are speaking already and your position on any subject will always be well received so long as it represents superior knowledge.

That for you is the only the caveat! No one is giving you the cakes merely because you have a breast and this with all due respect, DivaFiva.

My advice for you and other female folks is to stir yourself out of the illusion that society or men seek to subdue you in all things.

Face up to your own existence, embrace your condition and assigned roles and try to live a little. This your illusion isn't worth a penny.
What the hell is superior knowledge?
Do I have to be extraordinarily good before you give heed to my words?
Am I asking you for cake? I can bake and I'm ready to get my hands dirty.
It's not an illusion...and you, mister, cannot assign me a place whilst you go about in your double standard for every facet of life.
I'll like to see you cash in on your illusion


Re: ‘Being A Feminist Is Denying Many Women Of Having A Husband' - OAP Freeze by K9blunt(f): 9:32pm On Jun 18, 2016
They never born any woman wey go claim equal right with me. We are Africans and have our culture.

They brought gayism, we all rejected it. They went back and brought this gender equality, we still reject it.

But if woman wan make her hair , na problem cause you no go gree give am money..

Re: ‘Being A Feminist Is Denying Many Women Of Having A Husband' - OAP Freeze by pressplay411(m): 9:37pm On Jun 18, 2016
I laugh in Chinese. angry

The concept of gender equality originated out of the need to liberate women from societal limitations in order to access erstwhile deprivations such as employment opportunities, casting of votes, dress code, etc.
Converging that to the home front was never the plan.
So biko ladies help yourselves by dissociating from the notion that men and women are equal.
Re: ‘Being A Feminist Is Denying Many Women Of Having A Husband' - OAP Freeze by Nobody: 10:14pm On Jun 18, 2016
"The propagation of concepts such as gender equality, 'women empowerment', women liberation, etc is an insidious attempt by satan to destroy the family structure which is the bedrock of any society. Disfunctional families create dysfunctional societies which ultimately leads to dysfunctional nations.

The 'empowered' woman feels she does not 'need' a man to take care of her, and may find it difficult to submit

The quality of today's men also leaves much to be desired.

It is a dysfunctional world where satan rules."
Re: ‘Being A Feminist Is Denying Many Women Of Having A Husband' - OAP Freeze by flez09: 10:26pm On Jun 18, 2016
This Generation is all about social media and name tags....feminism, sexism, body shaming, cyber bullying, gay, metrosexual, sapiosexual etc. Why can't we all just take a chill pill and realise there's more to life than sniffing in other people's business and actually speak up and help for things that's been plaguing the world from day 1....hunger, starvation, war, poverty, slavery etc. A woman's husband beats her all day everyday and she still stays? She feels the pain not you...a man is being controlled by his wife....he feels the pressure...not you. Ranting here ain't gonna do "jack". Live your life and share happiness....and drink "coke" lol. Maybe If we show people enough love they'd treat their ladies like their moms and vice versa. We are all human beings people....show love and share love...no matter the person.....Love conquers all!!!

Re: ‘Being A Feminist Is Denying Many Women Of Having A Husband' - OAP Freeze by kikayboss(m): 10:27pm On Jun 18, 2016
lol. Anything for NL likes. It's amusing to say the least! cheesy. When you gave birth to your girls, please don't even send them to school, they are less human and definitely less than their male counterpart. Smh! undecided
so you are trying to say you weren't sent to school because you are a female??....if you were sent to school by your parents am sure they'll be disappointed with the end product of their sweat.....
all reasonable parents send "all" their kid to school no matter the gender, so try come up with a better excuse for this stupidity under the cloak of feminism......
Re: ‘Being A Feminist Is Denying Many Women Of Having A Husband' - OAP Freeze by Owliver(m): 10:33pm On Jun 18, 2016
why do you men relate everything feminism to marriage? I don't get it! Feminism isn't about marriage and the relationship between a wife and husband for God's sake! Not every woman is married, not every woman want to marry and not every woman will marry. But every woman deserve to be treated with respect for being human and not be condescended on for being a woman whatever her state is. It's about society and the way women are being subdued just for being women! Issues faced by women, especially those superimposed by culture, tradition, religion, society etc! Why do you men get all defensive and insecure by the word "feminism"? You are quick to remember God and marriage all of a sudden even when you don't obey God! These insecurity towards anything that progresses the life of a woman is shameful. Undue competition. *sigh
I focused on marriage cos that's the institution women are most likely to be treated unfairly. my dear it's either I stand on your head or you stand on my head. but that doesn't mean respect should not be awarded to everyone. can you explain why poor people are being subdued for being poor? why blacks are subdued for being blacks? that's how society rolls. religion on the other hand is a great tool. headed by men. have you ever wondered why God is a male? he only has a son and no daughter? Lolz we invented God. we invented your religion. and we accused you of being weak. deceived by a mere serpent. because we were and are still the pillars of society. so dear madam know your place and live in peace.
Re: ‘Being A Feminist Is Denying Many Women Of Having A Husband' - OAP Freeze by lonelydora: 10:41pm On Jun 18, 2016
just here feeling sorry for the unfortunate woman u're with or be with.. *sigh

My lovely wife is not unfortunate, please. She is very happy to meet me because she lacks nothing. As long as she mentions it, I give it to her.


But if woman wan make her hair , na problem cause you no go gree give am money..

OAP Freeze said this gender equality of a thing will deny most girls husband. And I am in that school of thought. And again I say WE ARE AFRICANS.
Re: ‘Being A Feminist Is Denying Many Women Of Having A Husband' - OAP Freeze by classicdea(m): 10:48pm On Jun 18, 2016

Your sex life must be boring. undecided
I mean.
Re: ‘Being A Feminist Is Denying Many Women Of Having A Husband' - OAP Freeze by trilobite: 11:16pm On Jun 18, 2016

Basically I should choose a career that is less demanding because I am a woman. But the men can go for any career. And I must make sure my husband remembers the last time he ate my food. I am the destined chef....... dully noted.

Of course I know there are some fight you just avoid/ignore for the sake of peace. But I am referring to talking back when my emotion is prompting me to. Not holding back because I am human first of all and I am allowed to express my feelings. Not be afraid of my husband. Not keeping quiet because I am the female, but because I feel thats the right thing to do.

Women should be able to pursue their careers to the best of their abilities. The men in their lives should be able to pick up the slacks and take over some of the responsibilities/duties. The wife should be able to say "honey this week(s)/month(s) I am gonna be busy at work or at school, can u take over some of my domestic duties?" Or that "I will be coming home late for the next week(s), do u mind fixing the dinner each night? "

The last paragraph. I am confused. Please explain.

Now I am intrigued. Sorry for the late response. Here we go:

Answer to your first paragraph: YES.
Second paragraph: silence is not fear, there cannot be two hot heads in a marriage, it never ends well. If he is the hot head learn to channel your anger in silence. I know women who are good at this. They don't nag or make noise when pissed, they keep quiet and wait for him to calm before giving calmly him a dose.

Lastly: yes, as long as that pursuit doesn't blur their home responsibilities. Totally agree the man should pick up the slack provided it doesn't become a routine. Once a while and that's it.

My line: if you are career oriented tell him before marriage, not after.
Re: ‘Being A Feminist Is Denying Many Women Of Having A Husband' - OAP Freeze by mikolo80: 11:17pm On Jun 18, 2016

You're not, maintain your lane.
I de my own jeje na you con comment for my post
Re: ‘Being A Feminist Is Denying Many Women Of Having A Husband' - OAP Freeze by Nobody: 11:37pm On Jun 18, 2016

What the hell is superior knowledge?
Do I have to be extraordinarily good before you give heed to my words?
Am I asking you for cake? I can bake and I'm ready to get my hands dirty.
It's not an illusion...and you, mister, cannot assign me a place whilst you go about in your double standard for every facet of life.
I'll like to see you cash in on your illusion
No one said you have to be extraordinarily good to be heard. Be you a man or a woman, the need to make sense in your contribution to issues cannot be overemphasised.

This is to be seen as a basic prerequisite in case you want your opinion to have any effect at all.

I have no intention to cause to have a change of heart and I'm certainly in no position to assign you any role whatsoever. I only spoke to the fact before you and I, which is that there's a natural order in the universe and that those who resigned to fate will be happy and those who refuse to embrace this reality will be dragged along.

Take it or leave it, the truth will endure and permeate all history, including my existence and yours and the generations after us.

Don't leave any toxin behind as you go.
Re: ‘Being A Feminist Is Denying Many Women Of Having A Husband' - OAP Freeze by MsGlobalwonder(f): 2:55am On Jun 19, 2016
I focused on marriage cos that's the institution women are most likely to be treated unfairly. my dear it's either I stand on your head or you stand on my head. but that doesn't mean respect should not be awarded to everyone. can you explain why poor people are being subdued for being poor? why blacks are subdued for being blacks? that's how society rolls. religion on the other hand is a great tool. headed by men. have you ever wondered why God is a male? he only has a son and no daughter? Lolz we invented God. we invented your religion. and we accused you of being weak. deceived by a mere serpent. because we were and are still the pillars of society. so dear madam know your place and live in peace.
so, with what I have said, you still don't understand and still spewed this? Ehen!! What exactly is so hard to understand? Women are most likely treated unfairly in marriage and u're so excited to gush about it? Are u fine? Marriage is a partnership with different role and responsibility. The man's is the leadership and the woman is the followership which is fair enough. A leader makes the Best decisions for the team and not LORD over his team. I think men of the generation are just busy chasing shadows and have even lost the essence of the so-called headship that are truly theirs all in the bid to subdue women. I scream again!! SHAME!!! Women will keep soaring!! We will keep breaking and remaking records regardless. We will keep questioning dogma and set ourselves free of bondage society,religion,culture,relatives etc have put on us! We will talk about sex and every seemingly "sacred" issues against us. We will keep flying. Cheers.

1 Like

Re: ‘Being A Feminist Is Denying Many Women Of Having A Husband' - OAP Freeze by MsGlobalwonder(f): 3:10am On Jun 19, 2016
so you are trying to say you weren't sent to school because you are a female??....if you were sent to school by your parents am sure they'll be disappointed with the end product of their sweat.....
all reasonable parents send "all" their kid to school no matter the gender, so try come up with a better excuse for this stupidity under the cloak of feminism......
your problems are way more than you know. When they were screaming "comprehension" in school then, I know u were busy doing something else. Now your past has come to hurt you as you can't even comprehend something slightly figurative. Sorry. How do I start explaining now cos apparently your brain isn't grown enough to understand. Grow up boy. Your protege said ALL MEN are above ALL WOMEN without any conditional clause and I helped her stupidity by adding the African tradition dat supports such stance thereby not sending their girl child to school or telling them their dream is not valid just for being a woman. What is so hard for you that is supposed to be a MAN to understand? U shd be ashamed to have wasted ur parent's hard earned money on ur education u just wasted. Please swerve African man that hate to hear anything progressive about women!! Ur hate will consume u cos feminism and women liberation and success is here to stay yo!! Deal with it! wink cheesy


Re: ‘Being A Feminist Is Denying Many Women Of Having A Husband' - OAP Freeze by DivaFiva: 6:44am On Jun 19, 2016
No one said you have to be extraordinarily good to be heard. Be you a man or a woman, the need to make sense in your contribution to issues cannot be overemphasised.

This is to be seen as a basic prerequisite in case you want your opinion to have any effect at all.

I have no intention to cause to have a change of heart and I'm certainly in no position to assign you any role whatsoever. I only spoke to the fact before you and I, which is that there's a natural order in the universe and that those who resigned to fate will be happy and those who refuse to embrace this reality will be dragged along.

Take it or leave it, the truth will endure and permeate all history, including my existence and yours and the generations after us.

Don't leave any toxin behind as you go.

"Natural order" from who? Who told you there is a right way to do things??
Your bible or koran?

We are living with norms set for generations and with time we shed some and borrow some.
Nothing new.
Re: ‘Being A Feminist Is Denying Many Women Of Having A Husband' - OAP Freeze by sweetgala(m): 7:09am On Jun 19, 2016
Radical Feminism is a very dangerous thing in our modern society and while Nigeria is yet to grasp the severity of things , very soon it may.

In the western sphere where such war against rape is ongoing where a “he said, she said “ situation is ongoing the woman wins all the time in a law court even if she is lyibg, many men have been sent to jail for a rape they never committed , fathers who have been deprived of their children while giving large percentages of their wealth to individuals who are equally employed.

It's a woman's world in Europe and it is why divorce is at a very high rate over 60% at the moment. It's not a matter of if you will divorce it is more like “when” you will either before the kids are teenagers or after choose one !

This false sense of feminism which is poorly understood by many women who are not at the fore front of the struggle but follow the dictates of rampant deranged leaders is also responsible as documented for a rise in effeminate behavior among young children and rise in activist lesbianism .

Misogamy is the order of the day in Europe and Americas; it is coming to Africa at the rate of things
Re: ‘Being A Feminist Is Denying Many Women Of Having A Husband' - OAP Freeze by Nobody: 7:26am On Jun 19, 2016

Your sex life must be boring. undecided

Missionary all day err day.

Funny thread. Funnier comment. To think someone out there has their eyes rolled back to the base of their skull, for sheer boredom, and probs on the reg. Quick, check the pulse. If it isn't slower than next-night business, post massacre, at the dance-floor of the FL Pulse Nightclub, I will personally eat my left sock. He kinda has a girly name, tho. grin


Re: ‘Being A Feminist Is Denying Many Women Of Having A Husband' - OAP Freeze by aalangel(f): 9:37am On Jun 19, 2016
I de my own jeje na you con comment for my post

Your name is well noted, I'll avoid your threads. I'm sure you have enough fans.
Re: ‘Being A Feminist Is Denying Many Women Of Having A Husband' - OAP Freeze by kikayboss(m): 9:49am On Jun 19, 2016
your problems are way more than you know. When they were screaming "comprehension" in school then, I know u were busy doing something else. Now your past has come to hurt you as you can't even comprehend something slightly figurative. Sorry. How do I start explaining now cos apparently your brain isn't grown enough to understand. Grow up boy. Your protege said ALL MEN are above ALL WOMEN without any conditional clause and I helped her stupidity by adding the African tradition dat supports such stance thereby not sending their girl child to school or telling them their dream is not valid just for being a woman. What is so hard for you that is supposed to be a MAN to understand? U shd be ashamed to have wasted ur parent's hard earned money on ur education u just wasted. Please swerve African man that hate to hear anything progressive about women!! Ur hate will consume u cos feminism and women liberation and success is here to stay yo!! Deal with it! wink cheesy
you mentioned traditional beliefs, so are you trying to say tradition forces ppl not to send their daughters to school..... presently there is a law that makes primary education compulsory for all, yet some ppl don't send their kids be it male or female.....so i don't even see how your so called gender equality bill will help......reasonable women know what's up.....can't even blame the parents no more.....Nigerian girls have no value, they get preg at the age of 15 so what do you think will happen to her education??.......i won't insult you but instead of you fighting for the wrong cause sensitize girls on the disadvantages of unwanted pregnancy and then try to see the number of girls that'll remain in school....

and also when Nigerian women stop depending on men for their needs i think respect Will increase....no man wants a leech draining him of his hard earned money and still demand respect....

and also the mentality that when it comes to finance you remember he's a man but when it comes to issues that might not benefit y'all they start screaming gender equality..

NB: women married to reasonable men, and are respectful and are generally good wives will be able to influence her mans decisions to favour her....cost he knows she will never do anything that won't benefit her home
Re: ‘Being A Feminist Is Denying Many Women Of Having A Husband' - OAP Freeze by SMSguru(m): 10:13am On Jun 19, 2016
This kind of issue makes me SCARED of having anything to do with getting married. Now, I feel like staying away from women for good.
Re: ‘Being A Feminist Is Denying Many Women Of Having A Husband' - OAP Freeze by MsGlobalwonder(f): 1:00pm On Jun 19, 2016
you mentioned traditional beliefs, so are you trying to say tradition forces ppl not to send their daughters to school..... presently there is a law that makes primary education compulsory for all, yet some ppl don't send their kids be it male or female.....so i don't even see how your so called gender equality bill will help......reasonable women know what's up.....can't even blame the parents no more.....Nigerian girls have no value, they get preg at the age of 15 so what do you think will happen to her education??.......i won't insult you but instead of you fighting for the wrong cause sensitize girls on the disadvantages of unwanted pregnancy and then try to see the number of girls that'll remain in school....

and also when Nigerian women stop depending on men for their needs i think respect Will increase....no man wants a leech draining him of his hard earned money and still demand respect....

and also the mentality that when it comes to finance you remember he's a man but when it comes to issues that might not benefit y'all they start screaming gender equality..

NB: women married to reasonable men, and are respectful and are generally good wives will be able to influence her mans decisions to favour her....cost he knows she will never do anything that won't benefit her home
there is no way on earth I will reply this senseless comment of yours without reminding u of how puerile and stupid it is and thereby saying how tiny your brain capacity is... but that will be breaking nl rule. So, i'll just let it slide. *sigh.


Re: ‘Being A Feminist Is Denying Many Women Of Having A Husband' - OAP Freeze by kikayboss(m): 1:23pm On Jun 19, 2016
there is no way on earth I will reply this senseless comment of yours without reminding u of how puerile and stupid it is and thereby saying how tiny your brain capacity is... but that will be breaking nl rule. So, i'll just let it slide. *sigh.
well i think your background is speaking through you...maybe ur parents deprived you of education so your response doesn't surprise me, since its coming from one with no education...
Re: ‘Being A Feminist Is Denying Many Women Of Having A Husband' - OAP Freeze by mikolo80: 1:45pm On Jun 19, 2016

Your name is well noted, I'll avoid your threads. I'm sure you have enough fans.
you think I'm like you. Lonely looking for validation?
No, I'm here just to pass the time and educate as well as learn from others
Re: ‘Being A Feminist Is Denying Many Women Of Having A Husband' - OAP Freeze by MsGlobalwonder(f): 1:48pm On Jun 19, 2016
well i think your background is speaking through you...maybe ur parents deprived you of education so your response doesn't surprise me, since its coming from one with no education...
lol. Another senseless comment. To be sincere, i'll take a contrite uneducated person seriously above you anyday lad . At least, you are a "semi-living" proof that education(that is if it's not a road side school you attended cheesy) doesn't give commonsense and comprehension. Go through my posts again.. now tell me if anyone in your entire lineage can do better, dat's for starters. Then we can now talk about education, qualifications and achievements! Bwahaha. Omo irankiran. Pls swerve. cheesy


Re: ‘Being A Feminist Is Denying Many Women Of Having A Husband' - OAP Freeze by kikayboss(m): 2:08pm On Jun 19, 2016
lol. Another senseless comment. To be sincere, i'll take a contrite uneducated person seriously above you anyday lad . At least, you are a "semi-living" proof that education(that is if it's not a road side school you attended cheesy) doesn't give commonsense and comprehension. Go through my posts again.. now tell me if anyone in your entire lineage can do better, dat's for starters. Then we can now talk about education, qualifications and achievements! Bwahaha. Omo irankiran. Pls swerve. cheesy
why won't you take an uneducated person seriously when you are of the same status.......
well i don't blame you, your father was confused while performing the action that led to your birth.....am sure he was an hopeless drunk that loves the bottle way more than the disaster he has as a family, thats the main reason for your bitterness......
go earn your respect and stop cloaking your loneliness behind the veil of feminism.... not that you even know its rudiments......cast away thing..mtcheew
Re: ‘Being A Feminist Is Denying Many Women Of Having A Husband' - OAP Freeze by aalangel(f): 2:19pm On Jun 19, 2016
you think I'm like you. Lonely looking for validation?
No, I'm here just to pass the time and educate as well as learn from others

Oghene biko!! 5 years, 3 kids, great career in the media is lonely? Are you alright??!!
Re: ‘Being A Feminist Is Denying Many Women Of Having A Husband' - OAP Freeze by mikolo80: 2:27pm On Jun 19, 2016

Oghene biko!! 5 years, 3 kids, great career in the media is lonely? Are you alright??!!
I no ask for your CV na
Re: ‘Being A Feminist Is Denying Many Women Of Having A Husband' - OAP Freeze by aalangel(f): 2:50pm On Jun 19, 2016
I no ask for your CV na

You accused me of talking on your thread, I said sorry, I won't comment on your thread again, you started calling me lonely. Please, let me be. I've left you already.
Re: ‘Being A Feminist Is Denying Many Women Of Having A Husband' - OAP Freeze by mikolo80: 3:09pm On Jun 19, 2016

You accused me of talking on your thread, I said sorry, I won't comment on your thread again, you started calling me lonely. Please, let me be. I've left you already.
who is holding you? Go now
Re: ‘Being A Feminist Is Denying Many Women Of Having A Husband' - OAP Freeze by Nobody: 4:18pm On Jun 19, 2016

"Natural order" from who? Who told you there is a right way to do things??
Your bible or koran?

We are living with norms set for generations and with time we shed some and borrow some.
Nothing new.

It appears your opinion is some wild thoughts of yours without any base to support it.

It's tough to convince anyone who has missed out on the fundamentals in the first place. The problem is not in how your mind drifts but in your foundation and learning experience.

My beliefs are well guided and I can't say the same about yours.

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