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I’tikaf, The Spiritual Retreat by eluquenson(m): 10:40am On Jun 24, 2016
Salam alaykum Warahamotulahi Wabarakatuhu
I’tikaf refers to going into seclusion in the mosque for the sole purpose of worshipping Allah and attaching oneself and one’s heart to His worship. I’tikaf provides an opportunity to the believer to get closer to Allah by temporarily freeing oneself and one’s mind from the activities and worries of this world. This provides an excellent opportunity to train oneself to disassociate temporarily from the worries of the world and to instead focus only on Allah alone.

1. Rules for I’tikaf
Following are some of the rules for I’tikaf based on the Islamic teachings that are mentioned for each case:

A person should stay in a mosque for the duration of the I’tikaf (except for certain things as described below in the prophetic sayings:

Aa’ishah reported that when the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) observed I’tikaf, he did not enter the house except to relieve himself. Narrated by Muslim (297).

Aa’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used not to enter the house except for things that a person needs when he was observing I’tikaf. [Al-Bukhari (2092) and Muslim (297)]

Ibn Qudaamah (may Allah have mercy on him) said that what is meant by things that a person needs is to urinate and defecate, because every person need to do that. Similarly, he also needs to eat and drink. If he does not have anyone who can bring him food and drink, then he may go out to get them if he needs to. For everything that he cannot do without and cannot do in the mosque, he may go out for that purpose, and that does not invalidate his I’tikaf, so long as he does not take a long time doing it. (al-Mughni (4/466)

For men, I’tikaf is to be held only in a mosque where congregation prayers are held.

Aa’ishah: “There should be no I’tikaf except in a mosque in which prayers in congregation are held (masjid jamaa’ah).” Narrated by al-Bayhaqi, classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in his essay Qiyaam Ramadan.

Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “There should be no I’tikaf except in a mosque in which prayer is established.” Al-Mawsoo’ah al-Fiqhiyyah, 5/212.

Women can be in a state of I’tikaf in mosques where congregation prayers are not held.

If a woman observes I’tikaf in a mosque in which prayers are not held in congregation, there is nothing wrong with that because she does not have to pray in congregation. Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said in al-Sharh al-Mumti’ (6/313)

Shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allah have mercy on him) was asked: How sound is the hadeeth “There is no I’tikaf except in the three mosques”? If the hadeeth is saheeh, does that in fact mean that I’tikaf can only be observed in the three mosques? He replied: I’tikaf is valid in mosques other than the three mosques, but it is essential that the mosque in which I’tikaf is observed is a mosque in which prayers are held in congregation. If no prayers are held in congregation there, then it is not valid to observe I’tikaf there. But if a person has vowed to observe I’tikaf in one of the three mosques then he is obliged to do so in fulfillment of his vow. [Majmoo’ Fataawa Ibn Baaz, 15/444.]

I’tikaf is not permissible except in a mosque in which prayers in congregation are held. I’tikaf is not valid anywhere except in a mosque if the person observing I’tikaf is a man. We do not know of any difference of opinion among the scholars concerning this.

I’tikaf on the part of a man or of a woman is not valid anywhere except in the mosque. It is not valid in the prayer-place of a woman’s house or the prayer-place of a man’s house, which is a separate area set aside for prayer. Al-Nawawi said in al-Majmoo’ (6/505)

“Shar’i I’tikaf must be in the mosques, because Allah says:: “… while you are in I’tikaf (i.e. confining oneself in a mosque for prayers and invocations leaving the worldly activities) in the mosques” [al-Baqarah 2:187]. “Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen in Fataawa Noor ‘ala al-Darb (8/176)”

“Undoubtedly I’tikaf in the mosque is an act of worship, and (observing it) in Ramadan is better than at other times. It is prescribed in Ramadan and at other times. [Fiqh al-I’tikaf by Dr Khaalid al-Mushayqih, p. 41 – Shaykh Ibn Baaz said in Majmoo’ al-Fataawa (15/437)]

Complete prohibition of sexual relations during those days

A person is prohibited from engaging in sexual relations with his wives during the period of I’tikaf. Allah tells us in the Quran:

“And do not have sexual relations with them (your wives) while you are in I’tikaf (i.e. confining oneself in a mosque for prayers and invocations leaving the worldly activities) in the mosques” [Surah al-Baqarah 2:187]

A person may leave the mosque if he is extremely sick.

That for a person in I’tikaf who is so sick that it is too hard for him to stay in the mosque because he needs to be in his bed, and he needs to be helped and to be visited by the doctor etc, it is permissible for him to leave the mosque Al-Nawawi (may Allah have mercy on him) stated in al-Majmoo’ (6/545)

Whoever needs to see a doctor may leave, otherwise he should stay in the mosque. Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) said in Jalasaat Ramadaniyyah (1411 AH/ al-Majlis al-Saabi’, 144)

Duration of the i’tikaf can be varied ranging from a short moment to many days.

With regard to the minimum length of time for I’tikaf, the majority stipulated that it must be observed in the mosque, and that it is permissible to do a lot or a little, even a hour or a moment. They quoted several reports as evidence for that: That I’tikaf in Arabic means staying, and the word may be applied to a long period of time or a short one; there is no report in sharee’ah that defines it as being a specific length of time. Al-Nawawi said in al-Majmoo’, 6/514

Ibn Hazm said: I’tikaf in the language of the Arabs means staying… any stay in the mosque for the sake of Allah with the intention of drawing closer to Him is I’tikaf… whether that is for a short time or a long time, because the Quran and Sunnah do not specify any number or length of time. Al-Muhalla, 5/179

I’tikaf means staying in the mosque to worship Allah, whether that is for a long time or a short time, because as far as I know there is no report to indicate a set time, whether one or two days or more. This is an act of worship which is prescribed in Islam unless one vows to do it, in which case it becomes obligatory. This applies equally to men and women. [Shaykh Ibn Baaz said in Majmoo’ al-Fataawa (15/441)]

2. I’tikaf during Ramadan
They (the scholars) said that one of the greatest aims of I’tikaf is to seek Laylat al-Qadr, and (to observe I’tikaf in the last ten nights of Ramadan.) [Stated by al-Sindi in Haashiyat al-Nasaa’i. See al-Mughni, 4/489]

A person should come out of I’tikaf when Ramadan ends. Ramadan ends when the sun sets on the night of Eid. Fataawa al-Siyaam, p. 502. (Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen)

Al-Shaafa’i and his companions said: Whoever would like to follow the example of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in observing I’tikaf during the last ten nights of Ramadan should enter the mosque before the sun sets on the night of the twenty-first, so that he will not miss any of it, and he should come out after the sun sets on the night of Eid, whether the month is twenty-nine days or thirty. It is better for him to stay in the mosque on the night of Eid so that he can offer the Eid prayer there, or go out to the Eid prayer-place if they pray Eid there Al-Nawawi said in al-Majmoo’ (6/323)

Certain conditions for the person in I’tikaf

‘Aa’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) said: “The Sunnah for the mu’takif is not to visit any sick person, or attend any funeral, or touch or be intimate with any woman, or go out for any reason except those which cannot be avoided.” Narrated by Abu Dawood, 2473.

I’tikaf can be performed anytime during the year. However, the best one is that which is performed during the last ten days of Ramadan.

I’tikaf is Sunnah according to consensus, and it is not obligatory unless one vowed to do it – also according to consensus. It is mustahabb to do it a great deal and it is mustahabb especially in the last ten days of Ramadan. He also said (6/514): The best I’tikaf is that which is accompanied by fasting, and the best of that is in Ramadan, and the best of that is the last ten days. (Al-Nawawi said in al-Majmoo’ (6/501).)

I’tikaf is Sunnah in Ramadan and at other times of the year. (Al-Albaani)

It is not valid for men or women to observe I’tikaf anywhere but in the mosque; it is not valid in the mosque of a woman’s house or the mosque of a man’s house, which is a space that is set aside for prayer. (Al-Nawawi said in al-Majmoo’ (6/505))

Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) was asked about where a woman who wants to observe I’tikaf should do so? He replied: If a woman wants to observe I’tikaf, she should observe I’tikaf in the mosque so long as that does not involve anything that is forbidden according to sharee’ah. If that does involve anything that is forbidden then she should not do I’tikaf. Majmoo’ al-Fataawa (20/264)

The scholars differed as to where women should observe I’tikaf. The majority are of the view that woman are like men, and their I’tikaf is not valid unless observed in the mosque. Based on this it is not valid for a woman to observe I’tikaf in the mosque of her house, because of the report narrated from Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allah be pleased with him) who asked about a woman who vowed to observe I’tikaf in the mosque of her house. He said: “(This is) an innovation, and the most hateful of actions to Allah are innovations (bid’ah).” So there can be no I’tikaf except in a mosque in which prayers are established. And the mosque of a house is not a mosque in the real sense of the word and does not come under the same rulings; it is permissible to change it, and for a person who is junub to sleep in it. Moreover if it were permissible (to observe I’tikaf at home), the Prophet’s wives (may Allah be pleased with them) would have done that at least once to show that it is permissible Al-Mawsoo’ah al-Fiqhiyyah (5/212)

Shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allah have mercy on him) said: I’tikaf means staying in the mosque to worship Allah, whether that is for a longer or shorter period, because there is no report – as far as I know – to indicate a specific length of time, whether one day, two days or more. Fataawa al-Shaykh Ibn Baaz, 15/441.

What is meant by things that a person needs is to urinate and defecate, because every person need to do that. Similarly, he also needs to eat and drink. If he does not have anyone who can bring him food and drink, then he may go out to get them if he needs to. For everything that he cannot do without and cannot do in the mosque, he may go out for that purpose, and that does not invalidate his I’tikaf, so long as he does not take a long time doing it. Ibn Qudaamah (may Allah have mercy on him) said in al-Mughni (4/466)


14 Likes 2 Shares

Re: I’tikaf, The Spiritual Retreat by IrradiatoR: 10:52am On Jun 24, 2016
may Allaah make it easy for us all...ameen
may HE accept our fasting and other 'ibaadats...ameen


Re: I’tikaf, The Spiritual Retreat by tee83: 11:10am On Jun 24, 2016
Very informative...Thanks Eluquenson

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Re: I’tikaf, The Spiritual Retreat by tee83: 11:11am On Jun 24, 2016
Very informative...Thanks Eluquenson. Allah will reward you abundantly.

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Re: I’tikaf, The Spiritual Retreat by MKO4ever(m): 12:08pm On Jun 24, 2016
Very good, I am travelling down to Ilorin tomorrow for the I'tikaf.
If you have the chance, please come with me, it is a worthy experience
At Lawal's mosque (former governor)
Registration form is N1,000.00
For me, the reason I am going back there is the Imam that coordinates the program
I have never seen such a combination of intelligence, knowledge and humility
So much to learn and take away from that young man

See you there!

3 Likes 2 Shares

Re: I’tikaf, The Spiritual Retreat by LAUWALI222(m): 12:18pm On Jun 24, 2016
GOD bless all of us
Re: I’tikaf, The Spiritual Retreat by maryhaam(f): 12:39pm On Jun 24, 2016
May Allah ease our affair
Re: I’tikaf, The Spiritual Retreat by TeamSimple(m): 12:39pm On Jun 24, 2016
Salam Alaykum. In sha Allah I intend to perform itikaf this month, but the mosque I have chosen is located in a friend's house. It's a mosque that offers both five daily and jumat prayers.

But the problem is this, I might not be able to rest my eyes inside the mosque for safety reasons , let say I want to take a rest between 10-12Am
Is it allowed for me to go into one of the rooms to rest then come out later to continue my prayer?
Salam Alaykum
Re: I’tikaf, The Spiritual Retreat by TaiKuun(m): 12:46pm On Jun 24, 2016
is there any one with information on a cool masjid to observe itikhaf around alagbado?
Re: I’tikaf, The Spiritual Retreat by BigBelleControl(m): 12:53pm On Jun 24, 2016
Salam alaykum, if one finds himself in an extreme situation where one can't do Itkaf in a mosque, is it possible to do it at home?
Re: I’tikaf, The Spiritual Retreat by DropShot: 1:00pm On Jun 24, 2016
Jazakallah khayran. May Allah reward you abundantly.

1 Like

Re: I’tikaf, The Spiritual Retreat by rileyy(m): 1:02pm On Jun 24, 2016
Is jumat prayer observed in this masjid? Even at that its not good enough what you suggested.there are reasons that can make you leave the masjid premises during ithikaf which sleep isn't among, all your activist are restricted within the masjid for the said period except if there's need to-) visit the rest room, take ghusl (ritual bath or whudhoo or incase of emergency may Allah protect us from harm.
Allah knows best

Salam Alaykum. In sha Allah I intend to perform itikaf this month, but the mosque I have chosen is located in a friend's house. It's a mosque that offers both five daily and jumat prayers.

But the problem is this, I might not be able to rest my eyes inside the mosque for safety reasons , let say I want to take a rest between 10-12Am
Is it allowed for me to go into one of the rooms to rest then come out later to continue my prayer?
Salam Alaykum
Re: I’tikaf, The Spiritual Retreat by Taasii4change: 1:03pm On Jun 24, 2016
May Allah make it easy for us to observe it Amin

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Re: I’tikaf, The Spiritual Retreat by base83: 1:08pm On Jun 24, 2016
Salam alaykum, if one finds himself in an extreme situation where one can't do Itkaf in a mosque, is it possible to do it at home?
waleakun salam, I believe the answer to your question is No, as this was explained extensively by the OP's post. Even if it is a special area in your home meant for praying so far it does not fit into the "three mosques" then it cannot be use for the purpose. Salam
Re: I’tikaf, The Spiritual Retreat by favouritesahaba: 1:27pm On Jun 24, 2016
Jazakallahu khaeran. May Almighty Allah increase you in knowledge.
Re: I’tikaf, The Spiritual Retreat by kelvinatkins(m): 1:27pm On Jun 24, 2016
please i want to know if my fast has been nullified, i took hepatatis immuniation. cos dats someone is telling me here
Re: I’tikaf, The Spiritual Retreat by LuckyLadolce(m): 2:09pm On Jun 24, 2016
Mah shaa Allah
Re: I’tikaf, The Spiritual Retreat by hopyroll(m): 2:09pm On Jun 24, 2016
Salam alaikum waramotulahi wabarakat
Pls, if someone cut him/herself and bleed a little during Ramadan, Does it nullify the fasting?
If someone had a dream of s*x in the daylight of Ramadan, Does it nullify the fasting?
Is it a must to observe more than 2 rakas in the Tahajud of Ramadan or observe base on your strength and capability?
Ramadan Mubarak
Re: I’tikaf, The Spiritual Retreat by adejaresalami1(m): 3:23pm On Jun 24, 2016
I have not seen any evidence according to the prophet say that i'itikaf can hold in any mosque apart from the three named mosque which the prophet(pbuh) metioned

Are u sure this is not bidiah.
Re: I’tikaf, The Spiritual Retreat by Yahami(m): 4:03pm On Jun 24, 2016
please i want to know if my fast has been nullified, i took hepatatis immuniation. cos dats someone is telling me here

Salamualaikum, Hepatitis Immunizations can not nullify your fasting been that it doesn't alter your body system during the time you take it and after you take it. Not only Immunizations please any thing you take that alter your system are those that can nullify your fast. Wallahu Alam(Allah know best)
Re: I’tikaf, The Spiritual Retreat by Makapounse(m): 9:25pm On Jun 24, 2016
May Allah ease our affair
[color=#000099][Ameen, so you be Muslim?
Re: I’tikaf, The Spiritual Retreat by maryhaam(f): 10:33pm On Jun 24, 2016
[color=#000099][Ameen, so you be Muslim?
Insha Allah I am
Re: I’tikaf, The Spiritual Retreat by amodu(m): 11:48pm On Jun 24, 2016
I am still praying to Allah to grant me the level of eeman necessary to observe I'tikaf.

May Allah make it easy for me and us all.

1 Like

Re: I’tikaf, The Spiritual Retreat by eluquenson(m): 6:20am On Jun 25, 2016
Salam alaikum waramotulahi wabarakat
Pls, if someone cut him/herself and bleed a little during Ramadan, Does it nullify the fasting?
It doesn't nullify your fast as long as the bleeding doesn't make you to be weak.
If someone had a dream of s*x in the daylight of Ramadan, Does it nullify the fasting?
It doesn't nullify your fast cos it's an action that Is beyond your control, even if you had a wet dream, your fasting Is intact.
Is it a must to observe more than 2 rakas in the Tahajud of Ramadan or observe base on your strength and capability?
Tahajjud Prayer does not entail a specific number of rak`ahs that must be performed, nor is there any maximum limit that may be performed.
Allah knows best.
Ramadan Mubarak
Re: I’tikaf, The Spiritual Retreat by bimpeolu(f): 2:06pm On Jun 25, 2016
I would love to attend , I wish am in Nigeria!!

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