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Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. - Travel - Nairaland

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Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by Nobody: 7:28am On Jul 05, 2016
i just got out from the jail for what i did not do. I was accused of being in possession of drugs. My only offense was that i went to the bank (bidvest sunnyside and fnb) withdrew money and they took all the money and also beat me up inside a bush and said all you Nigerians are smart and we will make life miserable for you all. They took 35k rands plus 5 other guys., 10k, 150k plus 180k they said they are corps in sunnyside. Yet we got to their office, they wrote that i am illegal immigrate. They said they only found house keys with us no money.

They tore my passport on our way to their office and also my friend asalyum. There was a pastor in the cell jail with us also, an up coming pastor and has office which i know of yet they messed with him too. He is married to a Zimbabwean whose father is a south Africa and mother zemba...

This has been a trend for many months or yrs now. i have heard of this but never thought it will come to me. why are south Africa citizen angry with Nigerians? what is our sin? That we kept fucking their sisters, giving them drugs, taking all over the country. i never believe that a police officer will do such things. His name is: cst motian, this is the same guy who killed a Yoruba guy, he's known for sending and helping us to send money home. Because he took them to court and was wining the case. When they arrested me they said how am i making a living? i told them, lets go to my office, they say my ID's and place of work but yet...they searched me, took all phones, monies and one of them drove my friend car away.

When we got to the station police at sunnyside they told them we dont have papers, i have papers, they took it from me. i told the officer in the office that if i dont have a permit how come i was able to withdrew money from the bank? the officer said dont worry, one day is one day. now they gave me a form of detained for possession of drugs. if you are from igbo they wil write drugs on your form, if you are Yoruba they put illegal immigrate and fraud. only God knows.

if you dont have money it's a problem, when you have little it's a also a problem. they arrested me inside a taxi. i dont even have a car. how long are we going to continue to leave in fear. please step in,please step in, please step in.
i told our embassy here yet nothing. please warn all Nigerians to be careful. those staff of Bidvest bank at sunnyside works with this people. if you open a case they will send an assassin.

36 Likes 7 Shares

Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by shyling(f): 7:36am On Jul 05, 2016
South Africans are a very terrible and wicked people. I mean black south Africans..... Brideofdracula lesudafricaine punkyv you're summoned. Punky that's your city

The declaration was made by a south Africans... Penny Busetto.

47 Likes 7 Shares

Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by shyling(f): 7:39am On Jul 05, 2016
In all my journey across the world I have never met a set of lazy ungrateful and wicked humans like the black south Africans.... They're insanely wicked suffering from inferiority complex and disease ravaged
Lalasticlala please do the needful

87 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by bentlywills(m): 7:41am On Jul 05, 2016
Negros re wicked set of human beings

We just Fucking hate each other

Why won't the whites molest us

Hold on bro....dont lose faith

9ja no better than that side

27 Likes 1 Share

Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by shyling(f): 7:43am On Jul 05, 2016
Negros re wicked set of human beings

We just Fucking hate each other

Why won't the whites molest us

Hold on bro....dont lose faith

9ja no better than that side
Nigeria is far better

116 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by Nobody: 8:25am On Jul 05, 2016
The "suffering" will stop when you ultimately return to your own country.

82 Likes 7 Shares

Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by vandalZA(m): 10:30am On Jul 05, 2016
You are "FREE" to go "HOME" my friend...!!!

18 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by chelseabmw(m): 10:50am On Jul 05, 2016
Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by Firefire(m): 10:51am On Jul 05, 2016
Then come back home, Abi we pursue Una ?

27 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by Mopolchi: 10:52am On Jul 05, 2016
bobnono why not come back? Nigeria is fine despite the hardship Buhari imposed on her.


Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by sukkot: 10:52am On Jul 05, 2016
In all my journey across the world I have never met a set of lazy ungrateful and wicked humans like the black south Africans.... They're insanely wicked suffering from inferiority complex and disease ravaged
Lalasticlala please do the needful
UNGRATEFUL ? what did you do for them that they have to be grateful to you for ? you are in their country doing all kinds of crimes and showing off your ill gotten wealth and oppressing them in their own country..what do you expect them to do to you ? lolzzzz


Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by Earth2Metahuman: 10:52am On Jul 05, 2016
Come back home.
Why would anyone wanna live in south Africa anyway?
I would rather live in ajegunle than south Africa.

I always tell people, if you cannot afford western countries, stay in Nigeria and invest that little money you gathered to travel to African countries.

Nigeria is still the best country in Africa, forget our minor problems.

Nigeria is better than all these shitty African countries and their black brains.

102 Likes 6 Shares

Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by ItuExchange(m): 10:53am On Jul 05, 2016
That's no news. Nigerians at home are also suffering, plus other nationals in other countries. Poverty is as old as human history.

Neteller here: .com.ng


Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by ThatNova(m): 10:54am On Jul 05, 2016
inferiority complex at work. home is always the best, but right now I can't really say

5 Likes 1 Share

Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by seunlayi(m): 10:54am On Jul 05, 2016
Come home and endure with us


Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by Mopolchi: 10:56am On Jul 05, 2016
Reading the rubbish this confused illegal immigrant has written ,all I can say is he deserves more panelbeatings...
you sabi sharp mouth ba?

33 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by Dottore: 10:57am On Jul 05, 2016
South Africa is a rugged jungle. Their people are mean to our people yet we adore even their illiterates here. Nonsense

12 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by wildQuincy(f): 10:57am On Jul 05, 2016
If things aren't cool over there, they should please go back to Nigeria! I'm just here because things seem to be well, if not, the moment I experience any unneccesary threat to my existence over here, I'm going back to Nigeria the next minute undecided

14 Likes 1 Share

Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by Guliver(m): 10:58am On Jul 05, 2016
omo guy,pm me let me prepare jazz for u.d type DAT works on black niggas only.anyone DAT hurt u,u nack am big brokus
Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by sybarite7(m): 10:58am On Jul 05, 2016
Reading the rubbish this confused illegal immigrant has written ,all I can say is he deserves more panelbeatings...

clap for your self, you just made your self famous...
you started with xenophobia, and now this and you are happy? same punishment will be melted on you someday, retard

55 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by sumborri: 10:58am On Jul 05, 2016
Sorry @ op. South africa shouldn't be a destination for nigerians if only we got ourselves right politically. What do they have to boast about , but thanks to our partisan and tribal nature in nigeria, where nepotism rules values, you were forced to sojourn to south africa. Well if truly u are innocent, forgive them and move on.

10 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by olaremint(m): 10:58am On Jul 05, 2016
South Africans are below animals, they try to appear as successful but surely they are confused, wish Nigeria had left them when the Brits were there, they deserve to be slaves till eternity.

25 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by Trendishine: 10:58am On Jul 05, 2016
just come back home my frend...n let no south african find peace in nigeria, beginning from mtn to pabod....


Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by Sijo01(f): 10:59am On Jul 05, 2016
Same with the ones back home embarassed


Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by Sunglow: 10:59am On Jul 05, 2016
This is sad. Most south Africana males are Lazy.


Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by Nobody: 10:59am On Jul 05, 2016
grin grin we keep fucking their sisters. south african girls love nigerian prick die,if u toasting a southie babe and say u re from nigeria their pant begins to moist instanta

38 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by Nobody: 10:59am On Jul 05, 2016
I don't get it..did they use super glue to gum your yansh there??.. you're suffering and you can't bring ur arss back home? you see, those lazy motherfccking south africans just can't make it in this life with all that hatred, bitterness, jealousy and laziness in them... mtcheww..

bro bring ur yourself home before its too late..

16 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by theimmortals(m): 10:59am On Jul 05, 2016
Then come back home, Abi we pursue Una ?


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