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Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. - Travel (6) - Nairaland

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Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by otunba88(m): 1:16pm On Jul 05, 2016
a country that got his best musician Lucky Dube killed by one of the citizen, so wat re we talking? who re you that you won't be fuxxed with. my brother it is well, endure or you leave to another country. canada dey there. I will never step my foot in SA cos I have not forgiven that country for killing Lucky Dube their freedom fighter(musician)
Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by sukkot: 1:17pm On Jul 05, 2016

U wuld b sorry u ever made diz statement.NT A THREAT u wuld kno wen u c it.
I rilli dnt blame u d system u find urself in got u were u r nw.PLZ DONT QOUTE ME IF U AINT GOT NOTIN USEFULL 2 SAY
nigga shut your ass up man. you think you are talking to an ordinary human being here ? you are the one who will be sorry if you dont change your ways
Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by menstrualpad: 1:17pm On Jul 05, 2016
they will get more blood-thirsty if you dont change your ways. what they are doing is expressing their anger at you the best way they know how. so you need to make them less angry by being humble and civilized and honest when in their country. so the ball is in your court not theirs

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Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by KekeNash(f): 1:18pm On Jul 05, 2016
Im South African

Black South Africans will remain jobless; HIV Carriers, poverty stricken and mentally enslaved

Black South Africans think they are better then other Africans

But Black South Africans will remain Black and Stupid.

They hate each other. Promote Tribalism. Black South Africans hate Nigerians for no reason. Its out of pure laziness and Jealousy

Selfhating Black South Africans

you hear this from South African know is White racist, Natasha your days are gone, Black will rule forever and after you can go to Nigeria
Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by menstrualpad: 1:19pm On Jul 05, 2016
a country that got his best musician Lucky Dube killed by one of the citizen, so wat re we talking? who re you that you won't be fuxxed with. my brother it is well, endure or you leave to another country. canada dey there. I will never step my foot in SA cos I have not forgiven that country for killing Lucky Dube their freedom fighter(musician)
Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by sukkot: 1:19pm On Jul 05, 2016
winnie was a prostitute who was overcirculated at ANC committees and the gay left no son... not one .... a despicable race that even the aclaimed best of your kindred ever is a gay....

his sexuality is his business, however the man was an elder-statesman. he is not fantastically corrupt like your nigerian leaders. only buhari can compare to mandela

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Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by Nobody: 1:20pm On Jul 05, 2016
i can afford to adopt 3 babies and then decide to kill them. just because you can afford to do something does not mean it is the right thing to do. weak argument. as far as the cops ? i can sympathize and empathize with why they did what they did >>> they are tired of seeing you nigerians breaking their laws. they now see all nigerians as demons and will treat you as subhuman. it is what it is. i cant necessary blame them.

Leave us as we aren't complaining about how we spend our money. So you sympathize and empathize with the cops breaking the law?
Law enforcement agents are suppose to keep their personal sentiments aside whilst abiding and enforcing the law. This applies to most professions!
If you can "sympathize and empathize" with the cops for oppressing people then can you also "sympathize and empathize" with the cops that innocently take the lives of blacks in America


Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by sukkot: 1:20pm On Jul 05, 2016
good. the sound of the defeated. when they resort to abuse means you have defeated them and they have nothing more to say. wink cheesy
Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by menstrualpad: 1:21pm On Jul 05, 2016
his sexuality is his business, however the man was an elder-statesman. he is not fantastically corrupt like your nigerian leaders. only buhari can compare to mandela

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Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by sukkot: 1:21pm On Jul 05, 2016
whats your point ? just log off cuz you are not making sense anymore
Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by Gaddafithe2nd(m): 1:22pm On Jul 05, 2016
Black South Africans finks they are superior to every other black Africans. They are bunch of lazy people. I still don't know why a Nigerian will leave Nigeria for South Africa in the name of greener pasture. I blame our music artists, the way they paint SA, as if it is one beautiful country with rich economy. Shoot your damn video in Nigeria and stop all these ish about SA. We need to start educating our people about traveling out of the country, most people wants to travel out, but they don't often do research about the country they are traveling to.

I know Nigeria economy is bad, actually really bad. But going to SA will not solve your problem unless you are one of these dubious boys.

More so, don't let all these travel agencies deceive you about SA or any other country. Do your research yourself before leaving the shore of Nigeria. I have a friend lamenting in Georgia(Not US State). My friends, do the needful and avoid future disaster.
Some people just want to leave Nigeria without no reasons. I have never liked South Africa from onset due to their xenophobic issue. As you have said, people need to do research before going into greener pastures. As we are shouting economic is bad in Nigeria, some people are still making it through a legit way.


Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by menstrualpad: 1:23pm On Jul 05, 2016

good. the sound of the defeated. when they resort to abuse means you have defeated them and they have nothing more to say. wink cheesy

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Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by sukkot: 1:24pm On Jul 05, 2016

Leave us as we aren't complaining about how we spend our money. So you sympathize and empathize with the cops breaking the law?
Law enforcement agents are suppose to keep their personal sentiments aside whilst abiding and enforcing by the law. This applies to most professions!
If you can "sympathze and empathize" with the cops for oppressing people then I can you also "sympathize and empathize" with the cops that innocently take the lakes of blacks in America
you are not complaining but the whole world is complaining. the whole world is tired of seeing you degrade their society and degrade their money when you spray it and then step on it and walk all over it while dancing in your parties. the world is tired.
Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by menstrualpad: 1:24pm On Jul 05, 2016
OF course I am. It's no coincidence your fada left ur mother to marry a fellow man and became a wyfie grin grin

whats your point ? just log off cuz you are not making sense anymore

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Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by Asiwaju9ja(m): 1:25pm On Jul 05, 2016
i just got out from the jail for what i did not do. I was accused of being in possession of drugs. My only offense was that i went to the bank (bidvest sunnyside and fnb) withdrew money and they took all the money and also beat me up inside a bush and said all you Nigerians are smart and we will make life miserable for you all. They took 35k rands plus 5 other guys., 10k, 150k plus 180k they said they are corps in sunnyside. Yet we got to their office, they wrote that i am illegal immigrate. They said they only found house keys with us no money.

They tore my passport on our way to their office and also my friend asalyum. There was a pastor in the cell jail with us also, an up coming pastor and has office which i know of yet they messed with him too. He is married to a Zimbabwean whose father is a south Africa and mother zemba...

This has been a trend for many months or yrs now. i have heard of this but never thought it will come to me. why are south Africa citizen angry with Nigerians? what is our sin? That we kept fucking their sisters, giving them drugs, taking all over the country. i never believe that a police officer will do such things. His name is: cst motian, this is the same guy who killed a Yoruba guy, he's known for sending and helping us to send money home. Because he took them to court and was wining the case. When they arrested me they said how am i making a living? i told them, lets go to my office, they say my ID's and place of work but yet...they searched me, took all phones, monies and one of them drove my friend car away.

When we got to the station police at sunnyside they told them we dont have papers, i have papers, they took it from me. i told the officer in the office that if i dont have a permit how come i was able to withdrew money from the bank? the officer said dont worry, one day is one day. now they gave me a form of detained for possession of drugs. if you are from igbo they wil write drugs on your form, if you are Yoruba they put illegal immigrate and fraud. only God knows.

if you dont have money it's a problem, when you have little it's a also a problem. they arrested me inside a taxi. i dont even have a car. how long are we going to continue to leave in fear. please step in,please step in, please step in.
i told our embassy here yet nothing. please warn all Nigerians to be careful. those staff of Bidvest bank at sunnyside works with this people. if you open a case they will send an assassin.

My Friend, there are plenty ways to make your plight known. If you can rewrite your story with more details such as the police officers's names, which police station they took you to and other pertinent information. I could send it to various South African agencies including the police service (SARS) as a petition. Even as far as the Human Rights Body in Pretoria.

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Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by menstrualpad: 1:26pm On Jul 05, 2016
your women beg us in polokwane to attend Nigerian parties don't get madd dude just get rich too...

you are not complaining but the whole world is complaining. the whole world is tired of seeing you degrade their society and degrade their money when you spray it and then step on it and walk all over it while dancing in your parties. the world is tired.

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Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by sukkot: 1:26pm On Jul 05, 2016

just shows you are the typical negro with inferiority complex. not only are you fantastically corrupt but you have inferiority complex. i am sure you have bleached your skin right ?
Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by Gaddafithe2nd(m): 1:26pm On Jul 05, 2016
Nigerians are safer in Libya than in South Africa.
Gbam! Confirm. Despite, the conflict in Libya, Nigerians do fine there and live in peace.

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Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by Nobody: 1:28pm On Jul 05, 2016
you are not complaining but the whole world is complaining. the whole world is tired of seeing you degrade their society and degrade their money when you spray it and then step on it and walk all over it while dancing in your parties. the world is tired.

Ogbeni when did you become the spokesperson for he entire world? You completely left my remarks about police brutality and decided to focus on how Nigerians spend their money at parities?

That itself speaks volume.

Case closed.

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Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by sukkot: 1:28pm On Jul 05, 2016
your women beg us in polokwane to attend Nigerian parties don't get madd dude just get rich too...

and thats why you will always get lynched. you have corrupted south african women and degraded their values. south africans are angry at you. you have turned their women to gold diggers like your nigerian women


Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by menstrualpad: 1:29pm On Jul 05, 2016
inferiority lols.....chill mentally the dullest Nigerian is smarter than any living Black south african..... I enjoy oppressing those animals after all they aren't humans.... cheesy cheesy

just shows you are the typical negro with inferiority complex. not only are you fantastically corrupt but you have inferiority complex. i am sure you have bleached your skin right ?

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Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by menstrualpad: 1:32pm On Jul 05, 2016
lynched? your head seems to be hung in reverse...have you forgotten that we nearly arrested your zulu king and transferred him to the Hague.... or you have forgotten so soon that foreigners retaliated the last time you attempted your looting spree even in PTA.... leaving four of u scums dead... we r getting stronger and more in population ....we will rule this country.... we r goin nowhere we r ur rulers! Ur women are just an added side dish

and thats why you will always get lynched. you have corrupted south african women and degraded their values. south africans are angry at you. you have turned their women to gold diggers like your nigerian women


Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by sukkot: 1:33pm On Jul 05, 2016

Ogbeni when did you become the spokesperson for he entire world? You completely left my remarks about police brutality and decided to focus on how Nigerians spend their money at parities?

That itself speaks volume.

Case closed.
yes i speak for the whole world because i am a collateral damage of the effects of negros stupidity all over the world. everywhere i go i get harassed because they think i am one of you negros. i get my passport looked at harder. i get scrutinized more. yes, us civilized negros are becoming the spokesperson of the whole negro race because we are sick and tired of your bullsshyttt and how it is affecting us. you are making us look bad. you are letting the race down. you are a cancer that has to be eradicated
Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by sukkot: 1:34pm On Jul 05, 2016
lynched? your head seems to be hung in reverse... have you forgotten that we nearly arrested your zulu king and transferred him to the Hague.... or you have forgotten so soon that foreigners retaliated the last time you attempted your looting spree even in PTA.... leaving four of u scums dead... we r getting stronger and more in population ....we will rule this country.... we r goin nowhere we r ur rulers! Ur women are just an added side dish

i am nigerian by the way, not zulu
Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by menstrualpad: 1:34pm On Jul 05, 2016
you are a negroe...ain't one....we can arrange to have you buggered .... a favor with a bayonet cheesy cheesy cheesy

yes i speak for the whole world because i am a collateral damage of the effects of negros stupidity all over the world. everywhere i go i get harassed because they think i am one of you negros. i get my passport looked at harder. i get scrutinized more. yes, us civilized negros are becoming the spokesperson of the whole negro race because we are sick and tired of your bullsshyttt and how it is affecting us. you are making us look bad. you are letting the race down. you are a cancer that has to be eradicated


Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by menstrualpad: 1:35pm On Jul 05, 2016
you are not! you r a scum of the earth originating from a cave in SA....
i am nigerian by the way, not zulu

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Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by KekeNash(f): 1:36pm On Jul 05, 2016
a country that got his best musician Lucky Dube killed by one of the citizen, so wat re we talking? who re you that you won't be fuxxed with. my brother it is well, endure or you leave to another country. canada dey there. I will never step my foot in SA cos I have not forgiven that country for killing Lucky Dube their freedom fighter(musician)
Lucky Dube was killed by a Mozambican not South african, google it!
Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by Gaddafithe2nd(m): 1:37pm On Jul 05, 2016
What did you do for them that they have to be grateful to you for ? you are in their country doing all kinds of crimes and showing off your ill gotten wealth and oppressing them in their own country..what do you expect them to do to you ?[b][/b]

Keep quiet if you have nothing to say.

Nigeria fought tooth n nail to deliver those idiots from aparthy.
Is this the way to pay Nigeria?
You dey mind that mumu. Nigerian govt/Nigerians supported South Africa since Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa till they got independent. Nigerians accommodated them. Even in Unilag history, Thabo Mbeki was allowed to do an exchange course in Unilag. Many of them were allowed to study for free in our universities. Even if some Nigerians are involved in clandestine businesses, Nigerians doesn't deserve this. As for me nothing can make me go to South Africa for greener pasture


Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by oodua1stson: 1:38pm On Jul 05, 2016
And u no fit come home abi?
Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by menstrualpad: 1:39pm On Jul 05, 2016
we must assist the whites to eradicate their culture and identity they are not fit to live in this world..... they are weak.... weak men should not exist in Africa!


You dey mind that mumu. Nigerian govt/Nigerians supported South Africa since Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa till they got independent. Nigerians accommodated them. Even in Unilag history, Thabo Mbeki was allowed to do an exchange course in Unilag. Many of them were allowed to study for free in our universities. Even if some Nigerians are involved in clandestine businesses, Nigerians doesn't deserve this. As for me nothing can make me go to South Africa for greener pasture

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Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by yankosbaba(m): 1:40pm On Jul 05, 2016
Sukkot and menstualpad...there is no need for all these insults. Give your opinion and leave or continue reading.

And you Sukkot, you have no right to address Nigerians as Negros, you are no better than us. You can refer to yourself as negro, fair enough, but I believe you are educated, and the word negro is offensive. Thank you.
Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by menstrualpad: 1:41pm On Jul 05, 2016
lynched? your head seems to be hung in reverse...have you forgotten that we nearly arrested your zulu king and transferred him to the Hague.... or you have forgotten so soon that foreigners retaliated the last time you attempted your looting spree even in PTA.... leaving four of u scums dead... we r getting stronger and more in population ....we will rule this country.... we r goin nowhere we r ur rulers! Ur women are just an added side dish
You are "FREE" to go "HOME" my friend...!!!

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