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Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. - Travel (7) - Nairaland

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Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by menstrualpad: 1:44pm On Jul 05, 2016
lezzlie etal... those scums are subhuman......
Sukkot and menstualpad...there is no need for all these insults. Give your opinion and leave or continue reading.

And you Sukkot, you have no right to address Nigerians as Negros, you are no better than us. You can refer to yourself as negro, fair enough, but I believe you are educated, and the word negro is offensive. Thank you.

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Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by akpur1(m): 1:44pm On Jul 05, 2016
yes i speak for the whole world because i am a collateral damage of the effects of negros stupidity all over the world. everywhere i go i get harassed because they think i am one of you negros. i g the race down. you are a cancer that has to be eradicated
South African blackie tell me where I can bang the hell out of beautiful south African woman may be carry am come Niaja if she is loyal or else. I love their women waist


Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by Gaddafithe2nd(m): 1:46pm On Jul 05, 2016
we must assist the whites to eradicate their culture and identity they are not fit to live in this world..... they are weak.... weak men should not exist in Africa!

I support you.

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Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by menstrualpad: 1:46pm On Jul 05, 2016
you are more ordinary than the poo of a dogg. cheesy cheesy cheesy

nigga shut your ass up man. you think you are talking to an ordinary human being here ? you are the one who will be sorry if you dont change your ways

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Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by menstrualpad: 1:48pm On Jul 05, 2016
be careful hiv/aids no get part 2, testing compulsory before not after!


South African blackie tell me where I can bang the hell out of beautiful south African woman may be carry am come Niaja if she is loyal or else. I love their women waist
Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by sukkot: 1:48pm On Jul 05, 2016

South African blackie tell me where I can bang the hell out of beautiful south African woman may be carry am come Niaja if she is loyal or else. I love their women waist
thats all nigerian negros are good for mayne. debauchery and hedonism. someone needs to put you out of your misery. a good flogging will solve your problem and reset your brain to factory default
Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by KekeNash(f): 1:50pm On Jul 05, 2016
I support you.
you will lose like your white masters
Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by menstrualpad: 1:52pm On Jul 05, 2016
boi tell me how good was it seeing ur fada butt bleeped as a wyfie? cheesy cheesy

thats all nigerian negros are good for mayne. debauchery and hedonism. someone needs to put you out of your misery. a good flogging will solve your problem and reset your brain to factory default
Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by whocanbewho(m): 1:52pm On Jul 05, 2016
brother, I am being very generous with the 1 percent
with 1% generous you say? There are many Nigerian professional in S.A. Our students come there and do better than you lazy goats. Just because you were colonized for a longer period and the whites developed your country doesn't make you superior to your fellow Africans. You lots should be grateful to the white folks anyway because if not, your country will not be any better than zmbabwe and malawi.
Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by sukkot: 1:54pm On Jul 05, 2016
Sukkot and menstualpad...there is no need for all these insults. Give your opinion and leave or continue reading.

And you Sukkot, you have no right to address Nigerians as Negros, you are no better than us. You can refer to yourself as negro, fair enough, but I believe you are educated, and the word negro is offensive. Thank you.
the etymology of the word is from latin ' niger ' which means black. in the bible it is used in the book of acts chapter 13 to refer to the apostles who were black. so i suggest you check the etymology and history of words before taking offense to them. you are a victim of 400 years of word misappropriation by the white man who has made you hate certain words or think certain words are offensive when in fact those words predate the existence of the white man. negro is one of those words. it just means ' black '. lets hope you have being enlightened by this mini lecture wink

Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by menstrualpad: 1:54pm On Jul 05, 2016
we r already winning ur women are carrying bastards in ur homes with our perfect cooperation.... cheesy cheesy cheesy don't just get madd be a man

you will lose like your white masters
Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by sukkot: 1:56pm On Jul 05, 2016
with 1% generous you say? There are many Nigerian professional in S.A. Our students come there and do better than you lazy goats. Just because you were colonized for a longer period and the whites developed your country doesn't make you superior to your fellow Africans. You lots should be grateful to the white folks anyway because if not, your country will not be any better than zmbabwe and malawi.
yea we were colonized and stopped being colonized in 1960. I am nigerian not south-african.
Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by akpur1(m): 1:57pm On Jul 05, 2016
thats all nigerian negros are good for mayne. debauchery and hedonism. someone needs to put you out of your misery. a good flogging will solve your problem and reset your brain to factory default

You're not even happy Nigerian men want to help your situation, with your HIV South African women. This forum is Nairaland not randyland. Nigerians are creative we will keep giving south Africans nightmare with success

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Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by menstrualpad: 1:57pm On Jul 05, 2016
you are a scum black south african!
yea we were colonized and stopped being colonized in 1960. I am nigerian not south-african.
Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by whocanbewho(m): 2:05pm On Jul 05, 2016
yea we were colonized and stopped being colonized in 1960. I am nigerian not south-african.
for you to say only 1% of your countrymen in south Africa are good then You are a fake Nigerian .
Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by Gaddafithe2nd(m): 2:05pm On Jul 05, 2016
you will lose like your white masters
Look at this Buffoon. You South Africans need to stop behaving like an animals. There are good ones among you but, hating all Nigerians isn't good for your health. There was a time you treated your women, married to Nigerians as an outcast. Deal with individuals not a race/ethnic/nationality/religion. Stop being Xenophobic.

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Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by whocanbewho(m): 2:05pm On Jul 05, 2016
yea we were colonized and stopped being colonized in 1960. I am nigerian not south-african.
for you to say only 1% of your countrymen in south Africa are good then You are a fake Nigerian .
Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by sukkot: 2:07pm On Jul 05, 2016
for you to say only 1% of your countrymen in south Africa are good then You are a fake Nigerian .
I am a realistic nigerian. I deal in reality not fables
Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by KilluminatiX87(m): 2:08pm On Jul 05, 2016
i just got out from the jail for what i did not do. I was accused of being in possession of drugs. My only offense was that i went to the bank (bidvest sunnyside and fnb) withdrew money and they took all the money and also beat me up inside a bush and said all you Nigerians are smart and we will make life miserable for you all. They took 35k rands plus 5 other guys., 10k, 150k plus 180k they said they are corps in sunnyside. Yet we got to their office, they wrote that i am illegal immigrate. They said they only found house keys with us no money.

They tore my passport on our way to their office and also my friend asalyum. There was a pastor in the cell jail with us also, an up coming pastor and has office which i know of yet they messed with him too. He is married to a Zimbabwean whose father is a south Africa and mother zemba...

This has been a trend for many months or yrs now. i have heard of this but never thought it will come to me. why are south Africa citizen angry with Nigerians? what is our sin? That we kept fucking their sisters, giving them drugs, taking all over the country. i never believe that a police officer will do such things. His name is: cst motian, this is the same guy who killed a Yoruba guy, he's known for sending and helping us to send money home. Because he took them to court and was wining the case. When they arrested me they said how am i making a living? i told them, lets go to my office, they say my ID's and place of work but yet...they searched me, took all phones, monies and one of them drove my friend car away.

When we got to the station police at sunnyside they told them we dont have papers, i have papers, they took it from me. i told the officer in the office that if i dont have a permit how come i was able to withdrew money from the bank? the officer said dont worry, one day is one day. now they gave me a form of detained for possession of drugs. if you are from igbo they wil write drugs on your form, if you are Yoruba they put illegal immigrate and fraud. only God knows.

if you dont have money it's a problem, when you have little it's a also a problem. they arrested me inside a taxi. i dont even have a car. how long are we going to continue to leave in fear. please step in,please step in, please step in.
i told our embassy here yet nothing. please warn all Nigerians to be careful. those staff of Bidvest bank at sunnyside works with this people. if you open a case they will send an assassin.
This your story e get as e be. You didn't say what you do for a living and how long you've been there.
Anyways, not everything you said is a lie. Contrary to what some South Africans say on here, they do have some very bleeped up cops. It's not right to try and lump up all Nigerians as drug dealers and fraudsters just like it's not right to call every south African aids infested racist people.
Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by menstrualpad: 2:08pm On Jul 05, 2016

I am a realistic nigerian. I deal in reality not fables

kip kwayet Zulu animal
Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by KilluminatiX87(m): 2:11pm On Jul 05, 2016
brother, I am being very generous with the 1 percent
One percent is definitely low. Have you lived in SA?? If yes, how long?
Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by Gaddafithe2nd(m): 2:11pm On Jul 05, 2016
the guy is right he was a gay!
Really! I knew he was a violent person. If you can share me links that shows that he was a gay, I would be glad.
Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by menstrualpad: 2:12pm On Jul 05, 2016
black south africans are NOT racist....they are poor, traumatized, a very angry set of individuals and lazy. Hence they find it difficult to mount a challenge to foreigners moneywise, intelligencewise, womenwise, in all things. So like d coward they really are, they bandy together to loot under the pretext of xenophobia......


This your story e get as e be. You didn't say what you do for a living and how long you've been there.
Anyways, not everything you said is a lie. Contrary to what some South Africans say on here, they do have some very bleeped up cops. It's not right to try and lump up all Nigerians as drug dealers and fraudsters just like it's not right to call every south African aids infested racist people.

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Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by torqque7(m): 2:13pm On Jul 05, 2016
you are not! you r a scum of the earth originating from a cave in SA....

The dude is even confused now and is claiming to be a Nigerian,smh just proves that they know we are more than them in everything..the female specie loves the alpha and Nigerian men are alphas in your own land.

The sooner you guys realise and make peace with the fact that your women will always be fvckd by our Nigerian men the better for you guys.

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Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by menstrualpad: 2:13pm On Jul 05, 2016
do not mind that scum..... the most scarce thing in SA is a black PG student! In doubt please check


One percent is definitely low. Have you lived in SA?? If yes, how long?
Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by elopee3000(m): 2:15pm On Jul 05, 2016
alright so tell us which country people don't get killed?
Nigeria is not the only country with power outage. No country in Africa can boast of constant power supply.

And you don't think you have already been brainwashed to think Nigeria is the most terrible country In the world even when you probably have not been to muritala Muhammed before?pls dont call that name of a murderer muritala that airport is one the worst in world after afganistan and Bangladesh airport , nigeria airport that dont even ve water to flush toilet or Ac to chill one angryfor ur mind going to ur so called muritala is achievement eeeh kwa?pls tell me about heathrow or Charles de gaul or vienna airport where am based ur call muritala angry

Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by slumcat(m): 2:15pm On Jul 05, 2016
Nigerians are something else. Even in America. They are always in competition with themselves lol.

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Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by menstrualpad: 2:19pm On Jul 05, 2016
90%of Nigerians here are into drugs or internet fraud. Igbos dominate drugs while Yoruba dominate internet fraud
the other 10% are professionals, business men and students.
brother if you're clean and crime free, what are you doing in Sunnyside.
Sunnyside and hilbrow (dominated by naija guys) are both the crime capitals of guateng province. I wouldn't dare live in any of them.
That you do drugs and your friend who invited you over is into fraud does not mean 90% of Nigerians are into crime. Now shut up and get away!

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Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by sukkot: 2:19pm On Jul 05, 2016

One percent is definitely low. Have you lived in SA?? If yes, how long?
am speaking worldwide, india, malaysia, china, south-africa etc etc. nigerians abroad. less than 1 percent have noble intentions, the rest 99 percent have criminal intentions.
Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by menstrualpad: 2:22pm On Jul 05, 2016
Your ancestral lineage is NOT a description of Nigerians. Try and check with reputable families..... and how would a zulu scum like you know anything about Nigerians?

am speaking worldwide, india, malaysia, china, south-africa etc etc. nigerians abroad. less than 1 percent have noble intentions, the rest 99 percent have criminal intentions.

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Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by Earth2Metahuman: 2:22pm On Jul 05, 2016
[quote author=elopee3000 post=47231573][/quote]it means you have not been outside of the country before. Gee you slow.

You need holy water against self hate.
Please travel to south Africa they need you there. May be it will reed you of self hate. grin
Re: Nigerians In Pretoria, Sunnyside, South Africa Suffering. by KilluminatiX87(m): 2:25pm On Jul 05, 2016
black south africans are NOT racist....they are poor, traumatized, a very angry set of individuals and lazy. Hence they find it difficult to mount a challenge to foreigners moneywise, intelligencewise, womenwise, in all things. So like d coward they really are, they bandy together to loot under the pretext of xenophobia......

Oh I know the issues surrounding SA too well. Lived there for over 6 years.
I don't understand why some of them would do what they're doing despite BEE and the bursary they have available to them for education.

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