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Nairaland Forum / Science/Technology / Programming / I Want To Learn Programming. Which Language Should I Start With? (715955 Views)
As A Computer Science Student,which Language Should I Start Learning / Which Programming Language Should He Go For? / I Want To Learn Computer Programming, What Language Should I Learn First? (2) (3) (4)
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Re: I Want To Learn Programming. Which Language Should I Start With? by neightman: 2:48pm On Aug 10, 2016 |
I believe Python is an ideal language to learn how to code in, and when you get it, you can still build advanced programs with it, because it is a very matured language. It is free, has a great and helpful community (for the inevitable time when you get stuck), and has libraries for just about anything in the world (Biology, Astronomy, Data Analysis, Computer Game design, etc). Here is a compilation of online resources with which to start your journey: |
Re: I Want To Learn Programming. Which Language Should I Start With? by MrKamar(m): 2:31pm On Aug 12, 2016 |
Re: I Want To Learn Programming. Which Language Should I Start With? by hanif5525(m): 11:32am On Aug 13, 2016 |
I tried about least It worked.thanks a lot |
Re: I Want To Learn Programming. Which Language Should I Start With? by Jozebrain(m): 2:26pm On Aug 15, 2016 |
Thanks iam new in programming |
Re: I Want To Learn Programming. Which Language Should I Start With? by pwetie: 10:30pm On Aug 16, 2016 |
! it depends on lots of factor. Like your chosen field..., if you do elect/elect and DIY stuffs i.e you want to communicate with hardwares and ports, you learn C. or object oriented using C# or Java or Arduino, matlab. |
Re: I Want To Learn Programming. Which Language Should I Start With? by KvnqPrezo(m): 12:54am On Aug 17, 2016 | seeinq gals in programming section..thumb up |
Re: I Want To Learn Programming. Which Language Should I Start With? by donzi(m): 2:45pm On Aug 18, 2016 |
[size=16pt]i read about writing a programm that will help make the jamb site to stop jaming due to excess traffic ,pls how do one get that[/size]....... am still a computer sciecnce undergraduate i think i have a lot to learn from u |
Re: I Want To Learn Programming. Which Language Should I Start With? by MrKamar(m): 1:51pm On Aug 22, 2016 |
Spent the weekend practicing JavaScript and at least I'm getting somewhere.. From JavaScript to Jquery > bootstrap > revision of HTML and CSS then from there I could move to server side scripting languages ![]() Still have a long way to go but I know I must get there. ![]() 2 Likes |
Re: I Want To Learn Programming. Which Language Should I Start With? by Nobody: 6:43am On Aug 26, 2016 |
stack1:Very correct. The irony is: Even senior devs still use W3schools for reference purposes. I use them sometimes to work on css gradients and some stuff. To be honest with Id be scared to hire you if you learnt all you claim from only W3Schools |
Re: I Want To Learn Programming. Which Language Should I Start With? by Nobody: 6:58am On Aug 26, 2016 |
MrKamar:Don't loose that drive, same drive that got me started 5+ years ago. |
Re: I Want To Learn Programming. Which Language Should I Start With? by MrKamar(m): 4:28pm On Aug 27, 2016 |
Please can someone explain this code to me? It's JavaScript. I have been trying to understand it but I can't figure how the script returns 500 which is maximum number in the argument. Pls come to my aid. I'm a newbie <script> function findMax() { var i, max = 0; for (i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { if (arguments[i] > max) { max = arguments[i]; } } return max; } document.write( findMax(1, 123, 500, 115, 44, 88)) //returns 500 </script> |
Re: I Want To Learn Programming. Which Language Should I Start With? by Charmander: 10:53am On Aug 30, 2016 |
Newbie,I'm interested in c# but I am confused on the ide to use. So which should I go for: visual studio express,mono develop, sharp develop or xamarin studio...Also is there any other tools I would need? |
Re: I Want To Learn Programming. Which Language Should I Start With? by creamyworkz: 11:44am On Aug 30, 2016 |
MrKamar: Am not much of a javascript person, but from my experience with other programming languages i can tell you this: "findMax" in that code is a function that was declared with the keyword "function" in that function, two variables were declared "i" and "max" with the intention of using "i" as our counter to loop through the arguments. and "max" to hild the maximum value. what the for loop is doing is "it equates "i" to zero for the first iteration and checks if "zero" is less than the number of "arguments parsed into the function "findMax", if it is it goes to the if statement to check if the argument with the index of "zero" is greater than "max" if it is then the value of max is replaced by the value of the agrument with that index, else it goes back to the if statement and adds one to the value of "i" and repeats the loop, recall it checks to be sure "i" is less than the number of items in the argument |
Re: I Want To Learn Programming. Which Language Should I Start With? by MrKamar(m): 12:33pm On Aug 30, 2016 |
creamyworkz: How does the program now returns 500? The rest arguments are greater than 0. Why did the program returns 500, how does it know that 500 is greater than the rest arguments? |
Re: I Want To Learn Programming. Which Language Should I Start With? by creamyworkz: 2:47pm On Aug 30, 2016 |
MrKamar:looking at the function being called by this statement document.write( findMax(1, 123, 500, 115, 44, 88)) the arguments parsed are "1" "123" "500" "115" "44" "88" however in programming, these numbers are automatically assigned the index numbers "0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" respectively, which is represented by the "i" now this is what happens: it starts at i=0 and picks the argument with that index, then runs the following block of code: if (arguments[i] > max) { max = arguments[i]; } which aimply means if the argument with index "i" (note that at the beginning i=0 so the argument at index 0 is "1" ) is greater than "max" (note that at the begining max =0 ) then the value of "the argument at index "i" should be assigned to max(i.e the value of max should change to the value of that argument). and then the loop repeats itself again after adding 1 to the value of "i" (simply put it moves to the next index and picks the value of the argument with that index in this case "123" ![]() |
Re: I Want To Learn Programming. Which Language Should I Start With? by MrKamar(m): 3:16pm On Aug 30, 2016 |
creamyworkz: I know what you're explaining. What I'm asking is that how does the loop knows 500 is greater than the rest arguments. I also know that I could simply do this by using the Math.max() but I want to know how it works |
Re: I Want To Learn Programming. Which Language Should I Start With? by ositadima1(m): 7:13pm On Aug 30, 2016 |
MrKamar: I am not much of a programmer, but i will try to interprete. From creamyworkz explanation i figured these; 1. The for loop will keep executing the "if" statement while increamenting i by one each time until i<arguments.length stop being true. 2. arguments.length appears to be 6 (1, 123, 500, 115, 44, 88) 3. As for the "if" statement, it does its indexing conversion thing ,compares values (1, 123, 500, 115, 44, 88) with the current value of max and if greater it assign value to max for each iteration. 4. because 115 and 44 are less than 500, max maintain its value at 500. 5. at the for loop, the moment i=6 the loop stops because i<arguments.length no longer holds (6<6). 6. The last statement executes, return max (max=500) I hope the logic is clear now. |
Re: I Want To Learn Programming. Which Language Should I Start With? by Nobody: 12:57am On Sep 02, 2016 |
Javanian: Hi, I wanna learn how to develop Android apps but not only that, I still wanna learn to code and almost anything and also be able to develop web pages Can you give me a combination to go with? Like Java + Python and what other for web page development, What evwr reference you give to me is accepted be it your personal programing language you like, whatever I will go with it since you are the boss ![]() |
Re: I Want To Learn Programming. Which Language Should I Start With? by Karleb(m): 1:19am On Sep 02, 2016 |
MrKamar: What I believe is that the loop through the means that i don't know ![]() |
Re: I Want To Learn Programming. Which Language Should I Start With? by Nobody: 3:22am On Sep 02, 2016 |
MARK ZUCKERBERG(Facebook) AND Google Venture INITIATIVES.* Am sure you recently heard that *Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook founder)* came to Lagos Nigeria, Well, He came for a very important reason which is of great benefit to anyone of us who desires to be an international developer or programmer. His coming to *Andela* was because of his 24 billion dollars investment at Andela. Which means *him(Mark),* along side *Google* are behind Andela. *Andela* is a company whose primary objective is to train and raise world class developers and assign them to TOP tech companies in the world. During this training, participants get *paid*. To *Apply* go to To get to the final training, you are required to pass through series of tests and interview one of which requires you to understand the basics of programming using python programming language. To avail yourself of this great opportunity of becoming an international developer, *join* us at BLUESOFT INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY as we take through the basics of computer programming using python in our upcoming *2 DAY FREE PYTHON PROGRAMMING WORKSHOP* starting on 12th September 2016. *VENUE*: 4, Fasipe street, Moshalashi bus stop, shasha, Lagos *BATCHES:* Batch one: 12th and 13th Sept 2016 TIME: 5pm – 7pm Batch two: 14th and 15th Sept 2016 TIME: 5pm – 7pm Batch three: 16th and 17th Sept 2016 TIME: 5pm – 7pm *WhatsApp*: 08112449820 *BONUSES:* * Videos Tutorials * Lecture Slides * IDE * Python softwares *REGISTRATION*: go to https:///forms/t68oZ4dADQARSkx42 to register for the workshop Hurry now and apply, Andela Fellowship Training application closes this September... The ball is in your court now. #rebroadcastToHelpA_Friend [color=#006600][/color]
Re: I Want To Learn Programming. Which Language Should I Start With? by Nobody: 3:28am On Sep 02, 2016 |
I will advice u start with SCRATCH this is a programming language developed by MIT media lab, with the primary purpose of helping beginners and children learn programming. Again you can dive into python, it is simple and easy to learn and read, less syntatic, beginners friendly. .................Thank you To get scratch, go to To get python, go to 1 Like |
Re: I Want To Learn Programming. Which Language Should I Start With? by timothyuche1(m): 6:00pm On Sep 03, 2016 |
I am a novice in programming, so pardon this question. I have learned some code in programming but after writing all these codes, are there softwares that can translate it into something like games, apps, etc. 2 Likes |
Re: I Want To Learn Programming. Which Language Should I Start With? by heywhy824(m): 8:05pm On Sep 03, 2016 |
I'm happy to release the first official release of the BucketJS library version 0.1.0. The aim of the library is to implement namespacing system which is present in languages like c++, php and so on. I hope you guys can help embrace it and improving. Because having a class or context per file makes you more organized and its always easy to amend errors since you know the class having fault, you just go straight to file to fix it. I will be more happy if you all can embrace the concept. behind the library. I will like you all to give your comments for that's what help in improving the library. # BucketJS Library * it tries to help you make your codes well organised i.e. a class per file ...* var control = Bucket('App/Core/Controller') matches app/core/controller.js file in the base directory. ...* Bucket(['App/Game'], function(){ this.init = function(){ console.log('game started'); } }); // matches www/app/game.js ...* you will find some examples below * trying to implement Namespacing in the other languages * Include the src/Bucket.js file in your page and you are set to use it. * The dist directory consists of the different aspects implemented into the library it is very simple to use /** * the files are fetched from a default folder App e.g. www/app, www/js/app * you can also set the base directory where the app folder is * e.g. Bucket({fetch: true, base: js/app/}); * it will fetch the files from www/js/app directory */ // to define a class, the classname must match the path to the file // file: www/app/core/hello.js Bucket(['App/Core/Hello'], function(){ = function(){ alert('hello world'); } }); // file: www/index.html including the library // to get the instantiated copy var hello = Bucket('App/Core/Hello');; // 'hello world' /** * defining a class with dependencies to other classes * a class can have as many dependencies as possible but they will all * be passed as parameters in the order they were declared to the class depending on them. * if a dependency depends on another class they all get passed for the library * is smart enough to sort that. */ // file: www/app/core/welcome.js Bucket(['App/Core/Welcome', ['App/Core/Hello', 'App/Core/Bye']], function(hello, bye){ // the hello param will be an object of App\Core\Hello::class this.welcome = function(){; } this.bye = function(){ bye.bye(); } }); // file; www/app/core/bye.js Bucket(['App/Core/Bye'], function(){ this.bye = function(){ alert('Thank you for trying me out. Courtesy: BucketJS'); } }); // file: www/index.html including the library // to get the instantiated copy var app = Bucket('App/Core/Welcome'); app.welcome(); // => 'hello world' app.bye() // => 'Thank you for trying me out. Courtesy: BucketJS' composer: require heywhy/bucketjs github link: https// when defining a class if 'App' is not part of the definition it assumes that the namespace is a subpath in tbe app directory. e.g Bucket(['Core/Hello'], function(){ = function(){ alert('hello'); } }); defaults to App/Core/Hello.js, if 'App' was included it is omitted before requiring the file; if a file has been require before it gets cached, while subsequent calls to file will be fetched from the cache instead of requesting it from the server, which can be an overkill. |
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