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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Politics / Annual Report Of 1914: Palm Oil Highest Revenue Earner (46496 Views)
The Colonial Flag Of Nigeria Between 1914-1960 (Photo) / 1931 Population Figures Of Nigerian Ethnic Groups- Colonial Annual Report 1933. / Annual Report Of Nigeria 1914: Palm Oil Highest Revenue Earner, See Others (2) (3) (4)
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Re: Annual Report Of 1914: Palm Oil Highest Revenue Earner by Trut(m): 12:12am On Sep 10, 2016 |
We bust Oluwole lies every day 15 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Annual Report Of 1914: Palm Oil Highest Revenue Earner by VulgarVulvas: 12:26am On Sep 10, 2016 |
Trut: These people are truly the children of a fallen angel lucifer aka oduduwa 13 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Annual Report Of 1914: Palm Oil Highest Revenue Earner by coolscott(m): 12:43am On Sep 10, 2016 |
Hagm0nd:Sure. Anywhere there is enough humidity et al to grow the trees, palm trees can be cultivated. And I believe everywhere from the west all the way to southern Benue state/norther Cross Rives state can produce palm trees. Cross Rivers state (along with Akwa Ibom) is already well reputed for producing palm oil 7 Likes |
Re: Annual Report Of 1914: Palm Oil Highest Revenue Earner by InyinyaAgbaOku(m): 2:31am On Sep 10, 2016 |
aribisala0:What was used to convey groundnut from the north to Lagos? 18 Likes |
Re: Annual Report Of 1914: Palm Oil Highest Revenue Earner by aribisala0(m): 2:50am On Sep 10, 2016 |
InyinyaAgbaOku:Why are you asking ME ? Am I a Groundnut seller?. If you want information you look for it or pay for it.Don't ask me foolish questions 5 Likes |
Re: Annual Report Of 1914: Palm Oil Highest Revenue Earner by Trut(m): 3:27am On Sep 10, 2016 |
aribisala0: You don't know what to answer because Afonjas lies and propaganda has been busted. 16 Likes |
Re: Annual Report Of 1914: Palm Oil Highest Revenue Earner by Jarus(m): 3:59am On Sep 10, 2016 |
Igboid: Are you joking? Do I look like a coward that will hide under another name to express my views? 11 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Annual Report Of 1914: Palm Oil Highest Revenue Earner by felixomor: 4:49am On Sep 10, 2016 |
This is a nice post. The more we dig up and study history, the stronger we will be. Kudos. 9 Likes |
Re: Annual Report Of 1914: Palm Oil Highest Revenue Earner by LMFashions: 5:05am On Sep 10, 2016 |
Hagm0nd: Of course SW cultivates oil palm but its like comparing the crude oil in Ondo and Lagos with dat of the Niger Delta. The fact is dat Eastern Nigeria cultivated and contributes way much more. 13 Likes |
Re: Annual Report Of 1914: Palm Oil Highest Revenue Earner by OBAGADAFFI: 5:26am On Sep 10, 2016 |
Adminisher: Best comment so far. At no time did the Colonialist use raw materials to feed their host. 10 Likes |
Re: Annual Report Of 1914: Palm Oil Highest Revenue Earner by Sealeddeal(m): 5:29am On Sep 10, 2016 |
Is Southwest Nigeria now claiming Palm oil instead of Cocoa as their Major export before independence? So no more cocoa? So cocoa was useless? Those people... The Eastern Nigeria has always fed Nigeria with everything. 11 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: Annual Report Of 1914: Palm Oil Highest Revenue Earner by Sealeddeal(m): 5:31am On Sep 10, 2016 |
OBAGADAFFI:Sure they didn't but they used some to build Seaports and Railways. 4 Likes |
Re: Annual Report Of 1914: Palm Oil Highest Revenue Earner by OBAGADAFFI: 5:42am On Sep 10, 2016 |
Sealeddeal: Seaports are built on the coastal areas from Calabar to Lagos. Railways were regional. They are just transportation means . 7 Likes |
Re: Annual Report Of 1914: Palm Oil Highest Revenue Earner by jneutron4000: 6:39am On Sep 10, 2016 |
VulgarVulvas:now you are confusing yourself just a simple question that require a straight answer and you are just beating around the bush. Back then, Akwa Ibom produced more palm oil and the following states just produced to the best they can in which at least three states from SW region also produced Palm oil Ondo, Ekiti and Ogun state produced in large quantity too also some states in SE produced too in a very large quantity. So therefore that export of Palm oil that year was all gotten from all the states producing Palm oil. 11 Likes |
Re: Annual Report Of 1914: Palm Oil Highest Revenue Earner by jneutron4000: 6:44am On Sep 10, 2016 |
Now it got to a stage where Palm oil was not much required back then and it market fell just like was is happening to crude oil these days and Cocoa and Timber became very important in the Nigeria economic Cocoa production in Nigeria Cocoa production is important to the economy of Nigeria. Cocoa is the leading agricultural export of the country and Nigeria is currently the world's fourth largest producer of Cocoa, after Ivory Coast, Indonesia and Ghana,[1] and the third largest exporter, after Ivory Coast and Ghana.[2] The crop was a major foreign exchange earner for Nigeria in the 1950s and 1960s and in 1970 the country was the second largest producer in the world but following investments in the oil sector in the 1970s and 1980s, Nigeria's share of world output declined. In 2010, Cocoa production accounted for only 0.3% of agricultural GDP.[1] Average cocoa beans production in Nigeria between 2000 and 2010 was 389,272 tonnes per year [1] rising from 170,000 tonnes produced in 1999.[3]. 8 Likes |
Re: Annual Report Of 1914: Palm Oil Highest Revenue Earner by jneutron4000: 6:53am On Sep 10, 2016 |
So op thinking SW did not and is not feeding Nigeria is a big lie. The region has got everything. Crude oil, Agriculture, industrialization etc. apart from the SS can you pls tell us what the SE contribution that is increasing this country GDP? 8 Likes |
Re: Annual Report Of 1914: Palm Oil Highest Revenue Earner by jneutron4000: 6:59am On Sep 10, 2016 |
Even in the report, the SW region i.e. Lagos sea port was used to export good from every parts of the country to overseas and some of you will say it was crude oil money that was used to build Lagos sea port. Even for using Lagos port shows the SW region Have being useful since the time of Adam and Even. Now don't give me that flimsy excuse that is because Lagos was the Sit of power then why then no put sit of power for Imo then? ![]() 12 Likes |
Re: Annual Report Of 1914: Palm Oil Highest Revenue Earner by Souljaboi1: 7:07am On Sep 10, 2016 |
Jarus: Egbon, all the way from Mina ! ![]() Don't forget your Aburos in du'a. |
Re: Annual Report Of 1914: Palm Oil Highest Revenue Earner by Lushore1: 7:13am On Sep 10, 2016 |
VulgarVulvas: Cocoa.—The increase here is very satisfactory indeed, but it should not be taken as indicating that Lagos, so rich in indigenous palm products, will make such rapid and substantial progress in this industry as has been accomplished on the Gold Coast. Every encouragement is being given to planters, and the recently formed Agricultural Union, which has branch societies at Abeokuta, Ibadan, and Oyo, is doing good work. The Government realises how desirable it is, look-ing to the future, that Lagos should not be so entirely depen-dent upon the palm tree, and not only with regard to cocoa but other products as well is it hoped that our export trade may be rendered less narrow than at present 2 Likes |
Re: Annual Report Of 1914: Palm Oil Highest Revenue Earner by Lushore1: 7:25am On Sep 10, 2016 |
VulgarVulvas: Bros, he never said southwest produced palm products more than eastern or midwest region. It was you guys that initial claimed that niger delta was feeding everyone before you changed it to eastern region and eventually added midwest to your claim. Forgeting that midwest region was not part of eastern region but western region. The total of palm products you guys were quoting came from all over the country and at least four states from SW region also produced palm products. Ondo, Ekiti, Ogun and Lagos state produced in large quantity. 7 Likes |
Re: Annual Report Of 1914: Palm Oil Highest Revenue Earner by jneutron4000: 7:35am On Sep 10, 2016 |
Lushore1:Dont mind them, they are just confused. I just asked the OP a simple question and the guy just twisted everything. They just want to bad mouth SW region so that they will be happy ![]() ![]() 10 Likes |
Re: Annual Report Of 1914: Palm Oil Highest Revenue Earner by Lushore1: 7:43am On Sep 10, 2016 |
jneutron4000: I really dont know when this chestbeating is going to Stop. 6 Likes |
Re: Annual Report Of 1914: Palm Oil Highest Revenue Earner by timeman: 8:00am On Sep 10, 2016 |
APCHaram:You could have been done smoking before putting up this thread. Your knack for sensationalism has beclouded you from reading between the lines. One question for you: why was the market for palm oil declined in the 50s? i hope soon we shall revisit this. 7 Likes |
Re: Annual Report Of 1914: Palm Oil Highest Revenue Earner by Igboid: 8:21am On Sep 10, 2016 |
Lushore1: No. As of the time in discuss, there was no Western region or Eastern region. It was Bourdillon in 1939 that created those regions. But the Palm oil were produced in areas of the pre 1906 Southern Nigeria ie SS and SE, that eventually became Mid west and Eastern region. You can't use because Bourdillon added the part of the Southern Nigeria known as the Midwest into your Lagos colony, to create western region in 1939, to now claim the Palm oil produced by the Mid westerners. 5 Likes |
Re: Annual Report Of 1914: Palm Oil Highest Revenue Earner by timeman: 8:34am On Sep 10, 2016 |
VulgarVulvas:If only you had patience, maybe knowledge would have smiled at you, unfortunately, you were way ahead of yourself. if you had read with keen insights you would've realised that you gloated on mere trivial. Ask yourself why the market for palm oil declined from early 40s. Kiss the truth! 7 Likes |
Re: Annual Report Of 1914: Palm Oil Highest Revenue Earner by Igboid: 9:17am On Sep 10, 2016 |
timeman: Quit hiding your ignorance behind vague posts. If you have a point/ information relevant to the discussion, bring it out now or forever remain silent. 10 Likes |
Re: Annual Report Of 1914: Palm Oil Highest Revenue Earner by Igboid: 9:23am On Sep 10, 2016 |
jneutron4000: Cocoa became Western Nigeria major source of income, after independence, but even that was debatable, as some had argued that rubber mainly from the Midwest area was the real forex earner for the region. Either way., Western region Cocoa was strictly for Western region, they fed no one else, they only paid their loyalty to the FG, like the the Eastern region and Northern region did. Moreover, Cocoa was also produced in Cross Rivers and Northern Abia parts of the Eastern region, but not in the scale it was produced in Western region, just as Western region Palm produce were not in the scale as produced in the Eastern region and mid western parts. 10 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Annual Report Of 1914: Palm Oil Highest Revenue Earner by SairikiDurri: 9:47am On Sep 10, 2016 |
timeman: You guys are born liars. Prove that west Nigeria produced more palm oil than present day SS/SE region. You guys are shameless liars. Not one single fact as presented by the OP has been recounted by your shameless liars rather all I see is pure foolishness in trying to claim that your waste land was richer in terms of palm exports. You guys are truly the problem! 8 Likes |
Re: Annual Report Of 1914: Palm Oil Highest Revenue Earner by Eastlink(m): 9:54am On Sep 10, 2016 |
APCHaram:@OP, the report states 'Eastern Nigeria' and not 'Niger-Delta'. Eastern Nigeria or Oil Rivers was what the areas contituting the palm oil belt was known as then. The term 'Niger-Delta' is a new invention, synonymous with crude oil. 9 Likes |
Re: Annual Report Of 1914: Palm Oil Highest Revenue Earner by Igboid: 10:02am On Sep 10, 2016 |
Eastlink: Nna, leave that matter for Matthias for now. We have common foe, ie the North and their Yoruba Muslim brothers. No need splitting hairs over irrelevant semantics for now. Whether Niger Delta or Eastern region, we are all saying same thing. If you put just Eastern region, you exclude the Western Igbos, if you put just Niger Delta, you exclude Anambra, Enugu and Ebonyi. So, you see, it doesn't matter either of the terms we use, what matters is that we establish the fact that the Yorubas and the North had always been lacking, which is why they are still clinging unto Nigerian unity till today. Udo. 9 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Annual Report Of 1914: Palm Oil Highest Revenue Earner by Lushore1: 10:07am On Sep 10, 2016 |
Igboid: It was the op that was attributing the total palm oil production in the country to niger delta. He later changed it to eastern region and eventually added midwest. Go through the cited report again and you will see that the present southwest region is also part of southern provinces. Example the regeneration of cocoa farm in agege district and apapa saw mill (lagos), the oni forest reserve (ogun state) and many others.... 6 Likes 1 Share |
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