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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Are Muslims Truly Hoping for 72 Virgins,wine,milk and honey In Allah's Heaven? (8593 Views)
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Are Muslims Truly Hoping for 72 Virgins,wine,milk and honey In Allah's Heaven? by Stevebamdex(m): 11:40pm On Oct 05, 2016 |
Oh, yes. Well, Muslim Paradise is described in the Quran in very plain words. And in surat Mouhammed, surat number 47, verse 15, and I am reading from the Quran, so anyone who is watching could go back to the Quran and make sure that I have said that, the description of Paradise which have been promised, it said in it are rivers of water that taste and smell of which are not changed. Rivers of milk, of which the taste never changes. Rivers of wine, delicious to those who drink. And rivers of clarified honey. There are in for them in every kind of fruit, and forgiveness from their lord. So in the Muslim Paradise you'll find rivers of waters, rivers of milk, and rivers of wine. The most interesting thing, that the Quran forbids drinking alcohol. It's forbidden in any Islamic society to drink alcohol. No whiskey, no wine permitted. But in Paradise it will not be bottles, it will be rivers. You drink, and you drink, and you drink, and you drink. One time I asked a Muslim friend, "How come?" The Quran says that wine is forbidden. If it's forbidden here, why it should be permitted there? He said, "For Allah to compensate us for what we did not do during our life on Earth." Then you go to surat Al Tor, this is surat number 52. And beginning of verse 17, another description of the Paradise of the Muslims. "Verily, the pious (righteous people, good people, good Muslims) will be in gardens (Paradise means garden, you see), and the delight, enjoying in that which their lord has bestowed on them. And their lord saved them from the torment of the blazing fire, eat (Allah is telling to the Muslims) and drink with happiness because of what you used to do." Salvation here is by works, not by faith, or not by grace. "They would recline on beds, arranged in ranks, and we shall marry them to fair women with wide, lovely eyes." Oh, how many? If you go to the Hadis, it is said it is between 70 and 100 women for each man. Is that the eternal life we are looking to? Is that what we want to enjoy in the after life? Women with lovely, wide eyes? 70? 100? One of the writers in Egypt wrote an article, one day, and he said, "Listen, if any Muslim will marry 70 or 100 women in heaven, in Paradise I mean, I am sorry, then he will be occupied from morning to evening to them. He will not have time to think about spiritual things, about God, about anything. Women around him..." And then he said, in a mocking way, "One woman is enough to this terrible life? You want hundred of them?" But this is the Muslim anticipating. When they die, they want milk, pure water, they don't have pure water, plenty of pure water; they have gas in Saudi Arabia, but not pure water, not easy, you see, milk, wine, and pure water. Women with wide, lovely eyes, and that is all of it. And the most important thing is that man will sleep with these 70 or 100 women each day, and the next day they will turn to be virgins again. How come? This is what they say, that they will be virgins again, and again, and again. What kind of imagination is that, and what kind of paradise is that? And the question I ask is, "Well, all right. Men, you will enjoy 70 women. What about women? How many men they enjoy? Or is paradise for men only?? So, when you go and read the Quran, you will find out that the paradise of Islam is a sensual paradise. It is not a spiritual paradise.. So I am curiously asking this question from the muslims,are you hoping to have 72virgins,river of milk/honey and wine for yourself in allah's heaven? 5 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Are Muslims Truly Hoping for 72 Virgins,wine,milk and honey In Allah's Heaven? by Nobody: 11:44pm On Oct 05, 2016 |
The real/true ones are not. |
Re: Are Muslims Truly Hoping for 72 Virgins,wine,milk and honey In Allah's Heaven? by Cessa0(f): 11:57pm On Oct 05, 2016 |
so u left all the troubles of the world. ... it's the Quran u nw saw to criticize ba? Uve nt finished reading ur bible ohh. .. jst for d sake of creating a thread.. u came here to say nonsense. Nw to the topic, the holy books.. (The Qur'an nd Bible).. cnt jst b read by anyone. . these books if nt properly translated nd explained.. cn easily be misunderstood. just like u read t nd concluded on what d verses wer talkn abt... A Muslim cn also read d bible md make crazy conclusions. . bcoz they dnt bliv in t! do u get it? u dnt jst start making assumptions like that.. pick ur bible nd read! leave the Muslims alone! u came to luk for trouble with ds thread u created.. if they com after u, everyone will say they're violent. . they're dis.. they're dt.. they no near u nw oh. PRINCESSA 4 Likes |
Re: Are Muslims Truly Hoping for 72 Virgins,wine,milk and honey In Allah's Heaven? by favourmic(m): 12:00am On Oct 06, 2016 |
Bro you need to get your self busy |
Re: Are Muslims Truly Hoping for 72 Virgins,wine,milk and honey In Allah's Heaven? by ayoadeifee(f): 12:06am On Oct 06, 2016 |
[10/5, 11:46 PM] IFEniAYO.: Hi dear [10/5, 11:47 PM] IFEniAYO.: Please search for @oreziworldwide [10/5, 11:49 PM] IFEniAYO.: Look for my sister vedio she's contestant no 5, like the vedio and comment nicely on it |
Re: Are Muslims Truly Hoping for 72 Virgins,wine,milk and honey In Allah's Heaven? by Fidelismaria: 12:08am On Oct 06, 2016 |
so not reading dis poo |
Re: Are Muslims Truly Hoping for 72 Virgins,wine,milk and honey In Allah's Heaven? by prinsam30: 12:39am On Oct 06, 2016 |
I swear, I no go put mouth for this matter, shey na only Muslims brothers u dey refer ur questions to, no wahala, na here I go dey, dey watch the drama. No go carry Bible read make God show u the real meaning of what u just read from the Quran. And for that STC, if I talk bad against ur religion or beliefs on this thread/anywhere shouldn't result to violence, Islam is a religion of peace, so why the need for violence ![]() Let Love Lead....... Emmanuel! God Is With Us 1 Like |
Re: Are Muslims Truly Hoping for 72 Virgins,wine,milk and honey In Allah's Heaven? by alfarouq(m): 5:21am On Oct 06, 2016 |
Stevebamdex:Dude is the funniest person I have come across on this forum. So you think after dedicating yourself to God's worship on earth, you will still go and continue the spirituality after, so what then is ones reward for doing what Allah commanded and staying away from what he prohibited. In paradise, the only thing believers do is to enjoy, enjoy and enjoy, there is also no sickness, hunger and all those things which serve as a trial for man on earth, people eat and drink to enjoy not because they are hungry or thirsty, one does not become too full that he has to excrete, no menstruation etc t is the reward for living a good life and obeying Allah's commandment. In paradise you do whatever your heart desire and nobody will ask you why you are doing that even though its not possible one of teach hers use to say when you are in paradise, if anybody told you this is what you should do and what you should not do or someone come and call you let's go for worship, please look for a whip and flog the person. This is just to emphasize that in paradise no any spirituality. I will write about paradise and hell some other times insha Allah 3 Likes |
Re: Are Muslims Truly Hoping for 72 Virgins,wine,milk and honey In Allah's Heaven? by Stevebamdex(m): 7:19am On Oct 06, 2016 |
alfarouq:So you are saying ,you gonna have your own 72virgins and eternal wine? 1 Like |
Re: Are Muslims Truly Hoping for 72 Virgins,wine,milk and honey In Allah's Heaven? by Ranchhoddas: 7:25am On Oct 06, 2016 |
alfarouq:Hahaha. It's pure unhindered hedonism. Na wa. 1 Like |
Re: Are Muslims Truly Hoping for 72 Virgins,wine,milk and honey In Allah's Heaven? by Nobody: 7:44am On Oct 06, 2016 |
What do the muslim women get? 3 Likes |
Re: Are Muslims Truly Hoping for 72 Virgins,wine,milk and honey In Allah's Heaven? by hopefulLandlord: 7:53am On Oct 06, 2016 |
Lennycool: very good question I'm guessing they'll grow a deek and take their virgins too OR become one of the virgins, afterall no be only man dey enjoy sex |
Re: Are Muslims Truly Hoping for 72 Virgins,wine,milk and honey In Allah's Heaven? by Nobody: 8:14am On Oct 06, 2016 |
hopefulLandlord:I appreciate the explanation, but I think a Muslim should answer this. |
Re: Are Muslims Truly Hoping for 72 Virgins,wine,milk and honey In Allah's Heaven? by Nobody: 10:04am On Oct 06, 2016 |
See religion. Yeye dey smell. Whack! 1 Like |
Re: Are Muslims Truly Hoping for 72 Virgins,wine,milk and honey In Allah's Heaven? by Blackfire(m): 10:14am On Oct 06, 2016 |
a very embarrassing hayat in the al Qur'an Kareem. asalam walaiykum jamah. |
Re: Are Muslims Truly Hoping for 72 Virgins,wine,milk and honey In Allah's Heaven? by Pidggin(f): 10:44am On Oct 06, 2016 |
Lennycool: I wonder and also where do they manufacture these virgins? It is well 1 Like |
Re: Are Muslims Truly Hoping for 72 Virgins,wine,milk and honey In Allah's Heaven? by Thastie(f): 11:00am On Oct 06, 2016 |
Lennycool: They get the men too |
Re: Are Muslims Truly Hoping for 72 Virgins,wine,milk and honey In Allah's Heaven? by Clementor(m): 12:27pm On Oct 06, 2016 |
Cessa0:when you people make mockery of our religion we'll ask our Lord Jesus Christ to forgive you people but when we make mockery of your own religion, you people run wild and mad looking for blood to suck. 4 Likes |
Re: Are Muslims Truly Hoping for 72 Virgins,wine,milk and honey In Allah's Heaven? by Anas09: 12:30pm On Oct 06, 2016 |
Stevebamdex:You forfot to add what Abu Umama said in quran Pg351 (who even wrote the quran)... All the muslims in paradise will have an eternal errected peni.s that never softens. (Sunan Ibn Magah) Eaxh time they sleep with them(Virgins), they find them virgins again, (their cervix closes up again). The sensation you feel each time time you make love is utterly deliciius and out of this world, and were you to experience it on this earth, you'd faint. Where is that Friendchoic? Come here and praise your perverted muhammed. This is the reason he died with his Peni.s errected. Guys do you all know muhammed was buried with an errecred The pervert couldnt even wait to cross over before he starts sex agaisn. Cursed goat that muhammed. Of all the sex he had, he never had a living offspring, male or female to carry his name. The curse of human race. 3 Likes |
Re: Are Muslims Truly Hoping for 72 Virgins,wine,milk and honey In Allah's Heaven? by Anas09: 12:33pm On Oct 06, 2016 |
Cessa0:Say what you know, not what you dont. The Bible is read and understood by everyone, not like the koran which has other books writren by liars and perverts trying to explain the gibberish called koran. 2 Likes |
Re: Are Muslims Truly Hoping for 72 Virgins,wine,milk and honey In Allah's Heaven? by Anas09: 12:39pm On Oct 06, 2016 |
alfarouq:Where will allah look when everyone is going to having sex, drink wine, have sex, drink more wine, have more sex. Where will allah keep his eyes. The guy go tire with porn. And na for ever oo. Btw, what about the women muslims? Who services them? Or they all will just stand by watching their husbands get all the fun? What will u call that. And, allah even provided young boys for the homo, yet here they pretend not to like homo. Allah makes sure no one gets left out except women. Friendchoice.come in here. A case for you to answer. 1 Like |
Re: Are Muslims Truly Hoping for 72 Virgins,wine,milk and honey In Allah's Heaven? by Nobody: 1:43pm On Oct 06, 2016 |
Stevebamdex: There are no authentic narrations that state precisely the number of women given to individuals in Paradise. We hope for as many as possible. Why limit it to 72? Paradise is an aggregation of all that we enjoy here on earth, heightened and magnified thousands of times, as a reward for our faithfulness on earth. So yes, in as much as we enjoy the companionship of good friends, delicious food, tasty drinks and lawful sex on earth, we will enjoy them in unlimited quantities in Paradise.. insha Allah. All people, men and women, obtain whatever they wish. If you are really with the Quran, you will see... <<For them therein is all that they desire, for them therein, is all that they request, a gift from the All Forgiving, Most Merciful>> surat Fussilat. So, everyone; whether male or female will be granted ANYTHING that they desire. As for your other comments, they show lack of a broad view, and petty analysis from a worldly perspective. There is neither drunkenness, nor jealousy, nor sickness, nor death in Paradise. There is no need for prayers or spirituality. All deeds are unnecessary, for those are tests for this world alone. If a man of paradise is preoccupied with the rewards that God has bestowed upon him, then he has earned it. All we need to do in Paradise is to enjoy His bounty, in the companionship of those faithful men and women, who submitted in obedience to His Will since the creation of mankind. I hope that you are more enlightened now. 5 Likes |
Re: Are Muslims Truly Hoping for 72 Virgins,wine,milk and honey In Allah's Heaven? by udatso: 1:54pm On Oct 06, 2016 |
Stevebamdex:To answer your question yes. InshaAllah I look forward to all the pleasures of paradise as stated in the Quran and authentic hadith. I have a question for you. What is an ideal paradise to you? I mean how should life in paradise look like. 3 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Are Muslims Truly Hoping for 72 Virgins,wine,milk and honey In Allah's Heaven? by Adegoketheking: 1:56pm On Oct 06, 2016 |
Farmerforlife:what is the test for? |
Re: Are Muslims Truly Hoping for 72 Virgins,wine,milk and honey In Allah's Heaven? by Adegoketheking: 1:58pm On Oct 06, 2016 |
udatso:imagine houndreds of people fhurking and getting high. nakied virgins everywhere. thats your paradise? hahahahahahahahahaha islam is a joke. no wonder your prophet was a pervert. he reasoned with his penni-s ![]() 2 Likes |
Re: Are Muslims Truly Hoping for 72 Virgins,wine,milk and honey In Allah's Heaven? by udatso: 2:01pm On Oct 06, 2016 |
Adegoketheking:What kind of paradise appeal to you? |
Re: Are Muslims Truly Hoping for 72 Virgins,wine,milk and honey In Allah's Heaven? by Adegoketheking: 2:02pm On Oct 06, 2016 |
Lalasticlala seun ishilove please the world needs to see this thread ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Are Muslims Truly Hoping for 72 Virgins,wine,milk and honey In Allah's Heaven? by Adegoketheking: 2:04pm On Oct 06, 2016 |
udatso:i dont believe in any paradise. when i die i find out. but your paradise for sure is going to look like a porn industry. wtfk am i reading. lets assume 1 billion men enter allahs heaven. then thered be 77billion virgins fhurking all day till eternity? rivers of wine. highness every minute. what a joke. the christian paradise makes more sense than yours hahahahaha ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() prophet mo was a comedian. walahi ![]() ![]() |
Re: Are Muslims Truly Hoping for 72 Virgins,wine,milk and honey In Allah's Heaven? by Adegoketheking: 2:10pm On Oct 06, 2016 |
JSoE i cant enjoy this laugh alone. you too must read this oh ![]() ![]() |
Re: Are Muslims Truly Hoping for 72 Virgins,wine,milk and honey In Allah's Heaven? by udatso: 2:12pm On Oct 06, 2016 |
Adegoketheking:What's the nature of the Christian paradise? |
Re: Are Muslims Truly Hoping for 72 Virgins,wine,milk and honey In Allah's Heaven? by Adegoketheking: 2:16pm On Oct 06, 2016 |
udatso:ask them na. but why must you compare yours with that of the christians to make your point? ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Are Muslims Truly Hoping for 72 Virgins,wine,milk and honey In Allah's Heaven? by Nobody: 2:22pm On Oct 06, 2016 |
Adegoketheking: To seperate the obedient from the disobedient. |
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