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Bid'ah(innovation In The Matters Of Religion) by Nobody: 8:04am On Oct 21, 2016
Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah, the followers of the Righteous Salaf(predecessors of islam), follow the Messenger (alayhis salaam) in all of their beliefs and understandings. Hence, all of their conceptions, thoughts and understandings are founded upon what is related in his Sunnah, because they believe that final authority rests with him, and they are the greatest of people in loving, respecting and giving precedence to him. This is opposed to the way of the people of innovation who raise other authorities above and over him and prefer their sayings over and above his, despite their lip service in the claim of love and obedience to him. There is nothing which illustrates this more clearly than in the issue of the understanding of bidah (البدعة). In this article we will present the Prophetic definition of bidah. Before proceeding into the main subject of the article, we will quickly mention the linguistic definition of bidah.

The Linguistic Definition of Bidah

The linguistic definition of bidah is provided by (الشيء المخترع على غير مثال سابق), "Something invented without having any prior example." This is based upon its usage in the Qur'an in the saying of Allaah, (قُلْ مَا كُنتُ بِدْعًا مِّنْ الرُّسُلِ), "Say: "I am not a new thing amongst the Messengers" (46:9), meaning Muhammad is not a new thing amongst the Messengers, as he has precedents and prior examples before him (Eesaa, Musa, Ibrahim and so on). Also the saying of Allaah, (بَدِيعُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالأَرْضِ), "The originator of the heavens and the earth" (2:117), meaning the one who originated them without them having any prior example. This definition of bidah incorporates all new things, religious or otherwise, since its general meaning extends to all things without restriction, be they praiseworthy or blameworthy, be they from the religion or not from the religion, as the general underlying concept behind the word bidah is "anything which has no prior example for it." And there are from the Salaf those who used the word bidah specifically upon its linguistic meaning (not its Shariah meaning) within certain contexts and situations (and this is what has allowed the Innovators to confuse and deceive others about the true nature of innovation intended by the Shariah).
Shariah definitions of words differ from linguistic meanings because the Shariah may restrict, qualify, expand, or attach conditions (to the linguistic meaning) to give a new conceptual meaning which is employed by the Shariah to address the people. Examples include, prayer (الصلاة), belief, faith (الإيمان), charity (الزكاة) amongst others, all of which have intended Shariah meanings which are different to the original linguistic meaning afforded by the root words in the language. Thus, anyone who claims the Qur'an can be understood purely through the language, or primarily through language will go astray no doubt.

The Shariah Definition of Bidah is Founded Upon Five Statements of the Messenger (alayhis salaam)

The conception of the word bidah (البدعة) as intended by the Shariah and as conveyed by the Messenger (alayhis salaam) to his Ummah, and upon which warnings have been made is found completely in five ahaadeeth of the Messenger (alayhis salaam), and we will address them here one by one.

1. The First Hadeeth of Aa'ishah

Both al-Bukhari and Muslim relate the hadeeth of Aa'ishah (radiallaahu anhaa), which is the foundation of the definition of bidah in the Shariah:

عن عائشة رضي الله عنها قالت: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: مَنْ أَحْدَثَ فِي أَمْرِنَا هَذَا مَا لَيْسَ مِنْهُ فَهُوَ رَدٌ

"Whoever introduces into this affair of ours that which does not belong to it, will have it rejected."

Al-Shatibi's definition of bidah is in fact founded upon this hadeeth, since this hadeeth has provided three very important conditions or restrictions which have made the meaning of bidah intended by the Shariah to be something unique. As such, nothing is considered a bidah in the Shariah sense except when these conditions are met.

These three conditions are:

(الإحداث) - Introducing something new
(الإضافة) - Ascribing it to the religion
(عدم الدليل الشرعي) - Absence of Shariah evidence [for this newly-introduced matter] in either a general way or a specific way
These three qualifications are found in the hadeeth itself:

First, he (alayhis salaam) said, (مَنْ أَحْدَثَ), and this refers to bringing anything new without any prior example. At this point, this could refer to all newly-invented things, praiseworthy or blameworthy, religious, or otherwise. Second, he (alayhis salaam) then qualified and restricted this by saying (فِي أَمْرِنَا هَذَ), which has now made it specific to the religion, so this newly-invented thing must be ascribed to the Shariah and to the religion. This now excludes all worldly matters and customs which have no connection to the religion, and likewise all matters of sin and disobedience which are unlawful in the Shariah (like stealing, fornicating gambling and so on), since no one takes them as being from the religion when falling into them. Third, it could be the case that this newly-invented thing may have a basis in the Shariah, so he (alayhis salaam) further qualified the affair and said (مَا لَيْسَ مِنْهُ), which means, as explained by the Scholars, that it has no support from the Shariah, neither in a general sense (a general evidence) or in a specific sense (a specific evidence). An example of a general, non-specific evidence would be in the case of the compilation of the Qur'an into a single book (mushaf), since this comes under a general foundation in the Shariah which is the preservation of the religion (as one of the five essential matters it came to protect, religion, life, intellect, wealth, honour). So the compilation of the Qur'an exits from the Shariah definition of bidah. And an example of specific evidence would be that of the Tarawih prayer being prayed in congregation that was initiated by Umar bin al-Khattaab. This has a direct, specific evidence (the Prophet led the people in congregational Tarawih prayer for three nights in Ramadan in the mosque), and thus it exits from being a bidah in the Shariah sense. The same would apply to all legislated matters which have been forgotten or abandoned, and which are revived, they do not come under bidah with its Shariah meaning. And some scholars may refer to these matters as "good innovations" purely from a linguistic point of view, but what they really mean is revival of a forgotten Sunnah, and this is the meaning of the saying of Umar bin al-Khattaab (نعمة البدعة هذه), "What an excellent innovation this is" about his re-instituting the Tarawih prayer in congregation in the mosque.

This is the same understanding of bidah that is found in the explanations of the overwhelming majority of Scholars such as Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali and Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani and others. And everything that comes under this definition is what is intended by the Messenger (alayhis salaam) in his saying (وَكُلَّ بِدْعَةٍ ضَلاَلَةٌ), "Every innovation is misguidance."

Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani said:

والمراد بقوله كل بدعة ضلالة ما أحدث ولا دليل له من الشرع بطريق خاص ولا عام

And what is intended by his saying "Every innnovation is misguidance" is whatever is newly-introduced and has no evidence in the Shariah in neither a general way nor a specific way. Fath al-Bari (13/253).

And he also said:

و " المحدثات " بفتح الدال جمع محدثة والمراد بها ما أحدث ، وليس له أصل في الشرع ويسمى في عرف الشرع " بدعة " وما كان له أصل يدل عليه الشرع فليس ببدعة ، فالبدعة في عرف الشرع مذمومة بخلاف اللغة فإن كل شيء أحدث على غير مثال يسمى بدعة سواء كان محمودا أو مذموما ،

And "the newly invented matters" (المحدثات), with the fathah on the daal, is the plural of novelty (محدثة) and what is intended by it is what has been newly-introduced and does not have any basis in the legislation. It is referred to in the usage of the Shari'ah as innovation (بدعة). As for what has a basis indicated by the Shari'ah then it is not an innovation. For "innovation" in the usage of the Shari'ah is blameworthy as opposed to its usage (with its) linguistic (meaning), for everything that has been newly-invented without any prior example is named "bid'ah" irrespective of whether it is praiseworthy, or blameworthy. Fath al-Bari (13/253).

To be continued

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Re: Bid'ah(innovation In The Matters Of Religion) by Nobody: 9:59am On Oct 21, 2016
jazkillaah khayra Sissie for bringing back the thread;


2. The Second Hadeeth of Aa'ishah

Muslim relates the hadeeth of Aa'ishah (radiallaahu anhaa) with his wording, in addition to the one above, that the Prophet (alayhis salaam) said:

Whoever did an action which is not upon our affair will have it rejected.

3. The Third Hadeeth of Ai'shah (through Ibn Isa)

And Abu Dawud relates in his Sunan, from Ibn Isa, that the Prophet (alayhis salaam) said:

Whoever worked an affair in discrepancy with ours will have it rejected. Sahih. See Sahih al-Jami al-Saghir (no. 6369)

The second and third hadeeths both add further meaning to what has preceded in that whoever works an affair or does an action which is not in agreement with the Shariah in its details and particulars will have it rejected. Together with the first hadeeth, these three ahaadeeth cover a) what is newly-invented having no basis whatsoever and b) what may have a basis but which in its details and particulars deviates and differs from what is in the Shariah. Thus, both the bidah haqiqiyyah (proper innovation) and bidah idafiyyah (relative innovation) - [see this article] - are both clarified in the Sunnah, warned against, and rejected.

4. The Hadeeth of al-Irbaad bin Saariyah

There occurs in the well known hadeeth of al-Irbaad bin Saariyah (radiallahu anhu) about the Prophet's farewell sermon:

And beware of the newly-introduced affairs, for every newly-introduced affair is an innovation, and every innovation is misguidance. Reported by Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah and al-Tirmidhi.

This hadeeth establishes that everything which falls under the confines of the first three ahaadeeth - bidah haqiqiyyah, bidah idafiyyah and which meet the three conditions of a) introducing, b) ascribing and c) absence of general or specific evidence -is a misguided innovation (بِدْعَةٌ ضَلاَلَةٌ). There are no exceptions to this because the precise nature of the bidah intended has already been qualified by the Messenger (alayhis salaam) in what has preceded. Thus, the word (كُلَّ) has already been qualified, it does not mean every innovation absolutely and unrestrictedly (with its linguistic meaning), but rather every innovation qualified as such by the Shariah and as intended by the Shariah, which has narrowed down, restricted and qualified the linguistic meaning.

The Hadeeth of Jabir bin Abdullaah

Al-Nasaa'ee relates with his wording, from Jaabir bin Abdullaah (radiallaahu anhu) the following:

The Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) used to say when delivering a sermon:

To proceed: Indeed, the best speech is the Book of Allaah and the best guidance is the guidance of Muhammad and the worst of affairs are the newly-invented matters, every newly-invented matter is an innovation and every innovation is misguidance, and every (instance of) misguidance is in the Fire.
Sahih. Reported by al-Nasa'i, al-Bayhaqi, al-Aajurree and others.

This hadeeth establishes that every innovation (as qualified and defined by whatever has preceded) which is misguidance is in the Hellfire, and this completes the understanding of bidah in the Shariah, upon the Prophetic Sunnah. This also connects with the other Prophetic statements such as the hadeeth of the seventy-two sects that are threatened with the Hellfire (all of whom split away from the Sunnah and Jamaa'ah and become sects due to innovations), and the hadeeth of the straight line and the lines to the right and left at the end of which there are devils, calling the people to these divergent paths.

As for the doubts of the Innovators, then in order to justify their newly-introduced matters of worship into the religion, they deceive and confuse the people about the linguistic and Shariah definitions of the word bidah, and they provide instances where the word has been used in a linguistic sense only to deceive the people into thinking that the censure and rebuke of innovation in the Shariah sense is not absolute and general, and that it is permissible to innovate into the matters of worship. This is great deception indeed and a lie upon the Messenger himself and upon the Scholars of Islam whose words they twist.

source(with few editings): http://www.bidah.com/articles/rwmef-explanation-of-the-shariah-definition-of-bidah-and-its-proofs.cfm

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Re: Bid'ah(innovation In The Matters Of Religion) by Nobody: 10:09am On Oct 21, 2016
In addition, imam maalik(rahimahullaah) said;

"and there is every good for whoever follows the salaf, while there is every evil from the innovations of the khalaf"

Explanation of the first part;

Salaf literally means predecessor, so in this context they are the predecessors of the religion, these predecessors got their understanding of Islam from the companions of the prophet, and of course the companions got their understanding from the prophet, therefore there is so much good if we follow their understanding of Islam because that is the pristine Islam the prophet taught.

Explanation of the second part:

Khalaf literally means successor so they are the ones that came after the salafs, so every newly invented things they brought into the religion is evil, and makes the religion distorted.

So in nutshell, shun whatever innovations you see from the khalafs and follow the understanding of the salafs since that was the original Islam taught.

bid'ah is the main the reason the people of the past(yahudi and nasarah) lost their pristine religion, little by little innovations distorted the original religion, which is why bid'ah is dangerous, so whatever act of worship we want to engage in, we should be sure that it was prescribed in the sharee'ah(Quran and hadiths), don't just do act of worship because you see one "shaykh" or "mawlana" doing it, ask for proofs before engaging in it,

May Allaah protect you and me from the evil of bid'ah
– Ameen.

And Allaah knows best.

salaam alaykum..

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Re: Bid'ah(innovation In The Matters Of Religion) by belloabd1914(m): 11:21am On Oct 21, 2016
May Allah guide us aright.
Re: Bid'ah(innovation In The Matters Of Religion) by D34lw4p(m): 11:24am On Oct 21, 2016
Re: Bid'ah(innovation In The Matters Of Religion) by Ridwan1821: 11:58am On Oct 21, 2016
جزاك اللّه خير May ALLAH Almighty guide us to d right path, آمين.
Re: Bid'ah(innovation In The Matters Of Religion) by adejaresalami1(m): 12:01pm On Oct 21, 2016
There's this saying by most muslim that anyone that sleep every night with his/her leg facing the qibla will eventually die a kafir....I want kabir to through more light this, because I believe this cannot be true.

Furthermore.....please back every of your wordings with authentic hadith and please explain to me how the prophet use to pose in his sleep during his life time

I will also want to know if bidah is a sin just like fornication, backbiting and all that or kufur, because according to some scholar like yasir qadhi he said bidah is a sin.


Re: Bid'ah(innovation In The Matters Of Religion) by musttapha(m): 12:06pm On Oct 21, 2016
Jazzakallahu khairan
Re: Bid'ah(innovation In The Matters Of Religion) by adedokunn1(m): 12:25pm On Oct 21, 2016
jazaakumullaahu khayra... this is indeed beneficial may Allah keep us steadfast on the path of the salafs(righteous predecessors)
Re: Bid'ah(innovation In The Matters Of Religion) by Nobody: 12:28pm On Oct 21, 2016
@op help me clarify these questions....

1. Can bidiah be counted as shirk or only sin

2 . can bidiah be classified into two ?

Jazakumullahu khairan
Re: Bid'ah(innovation In The Matters Of Religion) by Nobody: 12:36pm On Oct 21, 2016
peace be upon you dear brother;

There's this saying by most muslim that anyone that sleep every night with his/her leg facing the qibla will eventually die a kafir....I want kabir to through more light this, because I believe this cannot be true.

This is a big fat lie which has no basis in the sharee'ah, pls discard it, anyone claiming such should bring his/her proof for it.

Furthermore.....please back every of your wordings with authentic hadith and please explain to me how the prophet use to pose in his sleep during his life time

The Prophet(sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) said: “When you go to bed, do wudoo’ as if for prayer, then lie down on your right side…” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, hadeeth no. 239).

The Sunnah is to put one’s right hand under one’s cheek.

It was narrated that Hudhayfah (Radhi Allaahu anhu) said, “When the Prophet SAWS (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) went to bed at night, he would put his hand under his cheek, then say, ‘Allaahumma bismika amootu wa ahyaa (O Allaah, in Your name I die and I live).’ Then when he woke up he would say, ‘ Al-hamdu Lillaah alladhi ahyaanaa ba’da ma amaatanaa wa ilayhi al-nushoor (Praise be to Allaah who has brought us back to life after causing us to die, and to Him is the resurrection).’” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, hadeeth no. 314).

The prophet also laid on his back putting one leg on top of the other;

‘Abbaad ibn Tameem said, narrating from his paternal uncles: I saw the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) lying on his back in the mosque, putting one leg on top of the other. (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, hadeeth no.475).

I will also want to know if bidah is a sin just like fornication, backbiting and all that or kufur,

Bid'ah is a sin, and there are two types of bid'ah

1.) bid'ah mufasiqah

2.) bid'ah mukafirah

The first makes you a sinner, the other takes you out of Islam totally.

because according to some scholar like yasir qadhi he said bidah is a sin.

yasir qadhi is no scholar of Islam, he is someone that wants to cut off ordinary Muslims from the scholars of Islam, flee from him for your own good.

And Allaah knows best.
Re: Bid'ah(innovation In The Matters Of Religion) by Nobody: 12:43pm On Oct 21, 2016
@op help me clarify these questions....

1. Can bidiah be counted as shirk or only sin

2 . can bidiah be classified into two ?

Jazakumullahu khairan

bid'ah is of two types;

1.) bid'ah mufasiqah(does not constitute kufr, but makes you a sinner)

2.) bid'ah mukafirah(that constitute kufr)

the first makes you a sinner, the second takes you out of Islam altogether, and there is a proof for the division of bid'ah.

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Re: Bid'ah(innovation In The Matters Of Religion) by Nobody: 1:06pm On Oct 21, 2016
[b] Innovation is very dangerous in Islam and it should be rejected.

When you invent new things into Islam what are you then telling the world? You're indirectly saying something has been omitted in Islam and you found it.

It's contrary to what Allah says: ...

This day I have [size=20] perfected [/size] for you your religion and [size=20] completed [/size] My favor upon you and have approved for you [size=20]Islam [/size] as religion. But whoever is forced by severe hunger with no inclination to sin - then indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. (Quran 5:3)

On the authority of the mother of the faithful, 'Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her), who said: The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: He who innovates something in this matter of ours [Islam ] that is not of it will have it [size=20] rejected [by Allah].” [/size] [Bukhari & Muslim] [/b]
Re: Bid'ah(innovation In The Matters Of Religion) by hapheeyxz: 2:55pm On Oct 21, 2016

bid'ah is of two types;

1.) bid'ah mufasiqah(does not constitute kufr, but makes you a sinner)

2.) bid'ah mukafirah(that constitute kufr)

the first makes you a sinner, the second takes you out of Islam altogether, and there is a proof for the division of bid'ah.
From all the haadith u quoted up there, I don't think anyone of it stated that bidia is a sin.. All scholars of hadith conclude that bidia is teshri'u(that is bringing your own law into the Deen) ao are you now gonna do dt.


Re: Bid'ah(innovation In The Matters Of Religion) by hapheeyxz: 2:58pm On Oct 21, 2016
[b] Innovation is very dangerous in Islam and it should be rejected.

When you invent new things into Islam what are you then telling the world? You're indirectly saying something has been omitted in Islam and you found it.

It's contrary to what Allah says: ...

This day I have [size=20] perfected [/size] for you your religion and [size=20] completed [/size] My favor upon you and have approved for you [size=20]Islam [/size] as religion. But whoever is forced by severe hunger with no inclination to sin - then indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. (Quran 5:3)

On the authority of the mother of the faithful, 'Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her), who said: The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: He who innovates something in this matter of ours [Islam ] that is not of it will have it [size=20] rejected [by Allah].” [/size] [Bukhari & Muslim] [/b]
Please help me tell the OP, with all this delil ao can he say bidia is of two types and saying one of it is a sin.. Ao can bidia in d Deen b categorise as a sin.

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Re: Bid'ah(innovation In The Matters Of Religion) by Nobody: 3:13pm On Oct 21, 2016

From all the haadith u quoted up there, I don't think anyone of it stated that bidia is a sin.. All scholars of hadith conclude that bidia is teshri'u(that is bringing your own law into the Deen) ao are you now gonna do dt.

the prophet said;

“Beware of newly-invented matters, for every newly-invented matter is an bid'ah(innovation), every innovation is a going astray, and every going astray will be in the Fire"

if you disobey the prophet's words it becomes what?
Re: Bid'ah(innovation In The Matters Of Religion) by Nobody: 3:14pm On Oct 21, 2016

bid'ah is of two types;

1.) bid'ah mufasiqah(does not constitute kufr, but makes you a sinner)

2.) bid'ah mukafirah(that constitute kufr)

the first makes you a sinner, the second takes you out of Islam altogether, and there is a proof for the division of bid'ah.
Thanks very much.
Please can you justify your fact above from sunnatic evidence because I heard some ustaz saying any bidiah is equivalent to shirk and that bidiah cannot be categorize .
They said that Allah categorize the shirk into two types from Quran but didn't Categorize the bidiah and that every bidiah is shirk equivalent.
Re: Bid'ah(innovation In The Matters Of Religion) by Nobody: 3:14pm On Oct 21, 2016

Please help me tell the OP, with all this delil ao can he say bidia is of two types and saying one of it is a sin.. Ao can bidia in d Deen b categorise as a sin.

wait a minute, are you one of those that say all bid'ah takes you out of Islam?
Re: Bid'ah(innovation In The Matters Of Religion) by Nobody: 3:25pm On Oct 21, 2016

Thanks very much.
Please can you justify your fact above from sunnatic evidence because I heard some ustaz saying any bidiah is equivalent to shirk and that bidiah cannot be categorize .
They said that Allah categorize the shirk into two types from Quran but didn't Categorize the bidiah and that every bidiah is shirk equivalent.

Well there are many evidences that all bid'ah is not shirk, a very glaring evidence is the situation of Abu israil found in sahih bukhari;

While the Prophet (ﷺ ) was delivering a sermon, he saw a man standing, so he asked about that man. They (the people) said, "It is Abu Israil who has vowed that he will stand and never sit down, and he will never come in the shade, nor speak to anybody, and will fast.'' The Prophet (ﷺ ) said, "Order him to speak and let him come in the shade, and make him sit down, but let him complete his fast."{sahih bukhari no. 6704}

1.) This man was standing under the sun with the belief that he is worshipping Allaah.

2.) What he did was clearly bid'ah!

3.) The prophet didnt call him a kafir

4.) The prophet just rejected his bid'ah and told him to continue his fasting.

5.) The prophet himself has made it clear that not all bid'ah takes you out of Islam.

Now if all bid'ah was shirk, then the prophet would've told Abu israil that all his deed including the fasting has become invalid because the ijma' of the scholars is, shirk(done knowingly or unknowingly) dismantles good deeds, here is their proof;

Say: Spend (in Allaah’s Cause) willingly or unwillingly, it will not be accepted from you. Verily, you are ever a people who are Faasiqoon (rebellious, disobedient to Allaah).”
And nothing prevents their contributions from being accepted from them except that they disbelieved in Allaah and in His Messenger (Muhammad), and that they came not to As-Salaah (the prayer) except in a lazy state, and that they offer not contributions but unwillingly”
[al-Tawbah 9:53-54]

As we can see Allaah says he wont accept the disbelievers good deeds because of their kufr.

Ibn Taymiyah (rahimahullaah) said:
Nothing cancels out good deeds except kufr, because the one who dies as a believer will inevitably enter Paradise, and he will be brought out of Hell if he does enter it, but if all his good deeds are cancelled out, he will never enter Paradise. Good deeds can only be cancelled out by that which is their opposite, and nothing can be the opposite of all good deeds except kufr. This is well known from the principles of Sunnah.{ Al-Saarim al-Maslool (p. 55) }

1.) I have shown that Abu israil did bid'ah

2.) If his bid'ah was kufr,then the prophet would've told him that his good deed(which is fasting) has been destroyed

3.) But the prophet did not, rather he rejected only the bid'ah and asked him to continue.

4.) Quran says All kufr destroys your good deeds and this is the aqeedah of the salaf as-solih

5.) So if Abu israil bid'ah was kufr, the good deed he was doing(i.e fasting) would've been destroyed.

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Re: Bid'ah(innovation In The Matters Of Religion) by Nobody: 3:30pm On Oct 21, 2016
All kind of bidi'a are prohibited but only Bidi'i that involves associating partner with God (Shirk) will take someone out of Islam.

Example of Bidi'a that doesn't take a person out of Islam is Maulud (Prophet Birthday)

Example of bidi'a that nullify Islam is prostration to someone beside Allah.


Re: Bid'ah(innovation In The Matters Of Religion) by Nobody: 3:36pm On Oct 21, 2016

Thanks very much.
Please can you justify your fact above from sunnatic evidence because I heard some ustaz saying any bidiah is equivalent to shirk and that bidiah cannot be categorize .
They said that Allah categorize the shirk into two types from Quran but didn't Categorize the bidiah and that every bidiah is shirk equivalent.

Let me Logically answer your question in few sentences.

What is Shirk? Associating partner of any kind with God or performing act of worship to someone beside Allah.

Maulud: is there any form of worship or association to anyone beside God in Maulud (Prophet Birthday) ? No

How can maulud (Prophet Birthday) be shirk. It's rather prohibited but not shirk.

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Re: Bid'ah(innovation In The Matters Of Religion) by Maverick7901: 3:47pm On Oct 21, 2016
How can you classify bidha when the prophet did not do so.....give us dalil on bidha mufassiqoh......all bidha are tashree fi deen and kullu tashree kufr liqaolihi tahala ''am lahum shurakah sharohu lahum mina deen ma lam yahzan bihi lah'' surotul shuroh verse 21..
Re: Bid'ah(innovation In The Matters Of Religion) by Nobody: 3:50pm On Oct 21, 2016
How can you classify bidha when the prophet did not do so.....give us dalil on bidha mufassiqoh......all bidha are tashree fi deen and kullu tashree kufr liqaolihi tahala ''am lahum shurakah sharohu lahum mina deen ma lam yahzan bihi lah'' surotul shuroh verse 21..

Read this reply I gave earlier;

Well there are many evidences that all bid'ah is not shirk, a very glaring evidence is the situation of Abu israil found in sahih bukhari;

While the Prophet (ﷺ ) was delivering a sermon, he saw a man standing, so he asked about that man. They (the people) said, "It is Abu Israil who has vowed that he will stand and never sit down, and he will never come in the shade, nor speak to anybody, and will fast.'' The Prophet (ﷺ ) said, "Order him to speak and let him come in the shade, and make him sit down, but let him complete his fast."{sahih bukhari no. 6704}

1.) This man was standing under the sun with the belief that he is worshipping Allaah.

2.) What he did was clearly bid'ah!

3.) The prophet didnt call him a kafir

4.) The prophet just rejected his bid'ah and told him to continue his fasting.

5.) The prophet himself has made it clear that not all bid'ah takes you out of Islam.

Now if all bid'ah was shirk, then the prophet would've told Abu israil that all his deed including the fasting has become invalid because the ijma' of the scholars is, shirk(done knowingly or unknowingly) dismantles good deeds, here is their proof;

Say: Spend (in Allaah’s Cause) willingly or unwillingly, it will not be accepted from you. Verily, you are ever a people who are Faasiqoon (rebellious, disobedient to Allaah).”
And nothing prevents their contributions from being accepted from them except that they disbelieved in Allaah and in His Messenger (Muhammad), and that they came not to As-Salaah (the prayer) except in a lazy state, and that they offer not contributions but unwillingly”
[al-Tawbah 9:53-54]

As we can see Allaah says he wont accept the disbelievers good deeds because of their kufr.

Ibn Taymiyah (rahimahullaah) said:
Nothing cancels out good deeds except kufr, because the one who dies as a believer will inevitably enter Paradise, and he will be brought out of Hell if he does enter it, but if all his good deeds are cancelled out, he will never enter Paradise. Good deeds can only be cancelled out by that which is their opposite, and nothing can be the opposite of all good deeds except kufr. This is well known from the principles of Sunnah.{ Al-Saarim al-Maslool (p. 55) }

1.) I have shown that Abu israil did bid'ah

2.) If his bid'ah was kufr,then the prophet would've told him that his good deed(which is fasting) has been destroyed

3.) But the prophet did not, rather he rejected only the bid'ah and asked him to continue.

4.) Quran says All kufr destroys your good deeds and this is the aqeedah of the salaf as-solih

5.) So if Abu israil bid'ah was kufr, the good deed he was doing(i.e fasting) would've been destroyed.
Re: Bid'ah(innovation In The Matters Of Religion) by Maverick7901: 3:55pm On Oct 21, 2016
It is true dat abu israeel in sohih bukhari falls into bidha.....but his bidha is in the ahkam not aqeedah and their is excuse of ignorance in ahkam.....dat is y d prophet did not call him kafir, and after he was told, he did not remain adamant, he left the sun......so definitely wen a bidha falls into ahkam, you explain for the doer b4 you can call him anything after the perfection of shurut....walohu ahlam
Re: Bid'ah(innovation In The Matters Of Religion) by Nobody: 3:56pm On Oct 21, 2016
It is true dat abu israeel in sohih bukhari falls into bidha.....but his bidha is in the ahkam not aqeedah and their is excuse of ignorance in ahkam.....dat is y d prophet did not call him kafir, and after he was told, he did not remain adamant, he left the sun......so definitely wen a bidha falls into ahkam, you explain for the doer b4 you can call him anything after the perfection of shurut....walohu ahlam

this will be responded to properly insha Allaah, brb.
Re: Bid'ah(innovation In The Matters Of Religion) by Aliy996: 4:18pm On Oct 21, 2016

From all the haadith u quoted up there, I don't think anyone of it stated that bidia is a sin.. All scholars of hadith conclude that bidia is teshri'u(that is bringing your own law into the Deen) ao are you now gonna do dt.
Pls can u mention some of them?
Re: Bid'ah(innovation In The Matters Of Religion) by Damjoy(m): 5:12pm On Oct 21, 2016
بارك الله لك
Re: Bid'ah(innovation In The Matters Of Religion) by suledes(m): 6:56pm On Oct 21, 2016
I am just having pity for those segregating from Islam. Using various sect names claiming their practises are the best. They are ignorant, and don't know they are deviating from the admonition of Allah (s.w.t). Whom says in the Holy Qur'an, ''Inaladhina faraqu dinahum wakanu shiya'an, lasta minihum fi shain, Inama amruhu ila Allah......(those who segregate their religion(forming sects) they are on their own......)

Segregation of Islam started after some scholars migrated from Madinah. Among them was Abdullah Ibn Mas'ood whom migrated to Iraq. Since then there had been various school of thought (e.g Ahl Sunnah, Ahl Ra'i etc).

I was watching jumat observed in Madinah this afternoon on T.V, after the Imam had made his khutbah. He supplicated for Muslims in Syria, Yemen, and even Iraq without segreagating any sect. And this people (Saudis) are Wahabist, and few Suffis.

When the West confronted the Afghanistan, and Iraq (which are majorly Shia), there was wide condemnation from the Muslim world against the world. There was no sectarism.

Why are we condeming our fellow muslim brothers to d extent of worship in d mosque?

What is d certainty that only Ahl Aqeedah, or Ahl Haqeeqah ibaadah will only enter Jannat without good deeds?
Re: Bid'ah(innovation In The Matters Of Religion) by Nobody: 7:07pm On Oct 21, 2016

Thanks very much.
Please can you justify your fact above from sunnatic evidence because I heard some ustaz saying any bidiah is equivalent to shirk and that bidiah cannot be categorize .
They said that Allah categorize the shirk into two types from Quran but didn't Categorize the bidiah and that every bidiah is shirk equivalent.

That is a Jabata thinking o.. It is like LexiconKabir said. Not all bidia takes one out of Islaam. But underrating small bidia leads to more bidia, until one commits bidia mukafirah, wallaahu allaam.
Re: Bid'ah(innovation In The Matters Of Religion) by Nobody: 7:15pm On Oct 21, 2016
One thing one should think about when he/she engages in innovations is, is it that he/she is better than the best of generation of muslims(Sahabas, tabee'n, tabee'en tabee'een, and dos that follow) and that they did not knw aw to worship Allaah?! And that he prophet did not complete his mission to the whole of mankind. The prevalent excuse ahlul bidia will tell u is, shey rasullullaah used spoon, did he use microphone!?
In a nutshell, anytyn the sahabas and the salafs did not do in acts of worship bak den, is nt worth doing at all NOW.
Re: Bid'ah(innovation In The Matters Of Religion) by Nobody: 7:22pm On Oct 21, 2016
Also yah ikhwan, every thing you do as a muslim, especially acts of worship. We MUST know the daleel, not just do things that r alien in Islaam just bcuz u met ur parents doing it. And when you're corrected, confirm abt d correction very well, don't say, "we met our fathers doing it", like those Allaah(subhanahu wata'allah) told us abt in the Qur'an. Rasullullaah brought from Allaah guidance from Allaah dat has to do with every aspect of LIFE..EVERY aspect, I tell u. Did you know a thief has a right over you in some circumstance? Even when you're in doubt, there is guidance... Allaahu musta'an.

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