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Re: Islam For Muslims: Side Talk Station by AlBaqir(m): 8:26pm On Oct 16, 2016 |
lexiconkabir: # Really this short statement abound in the Quran. If taken in isolation, you will miss the road. It usually appear in a context. We can get the true meaning of it by taking into account what enveloped it (its context) For example: Sura al-Baqarah: 213 "(All) people are a single nation; so Allah raised prophets as bearers of good news and as warners, and He revealed with them the Book with truth, that it might judge between people in that in which they differed; and none but the very people who were given it differed about it after clear arguments had come to them, revolting among themselves; so Allah has guided by His will those who believe to the truth about which they differed and Allah guides whom He pleases to the right path." Allamah Hussein Tabatabai in his Tafsir al-Mizan comments: Qur'an: whereupon Allah guided, by His will, those who believed to the truth about which they differed. And Allah guides whom He pleases to the straight path: the truth about which they differed explains the subjects of the differences and that it was the truth with which the book was sent down ("the book with the truth" ![]() At this juncture, Allah guided the believers to the truth in both differences: differences in affairs of this life, and differences in the matters of religion. The guidance of the believers was by His will,because they could not make it binding upon Allah to guide them, for the simple reason that there is none to impose upon Him. It is only He Himself who takes upon Himself whatever He pleases. Therefore, the guidance was by His will; if He were not pleased, He would not have willed and would not have guided. Accordingly, the sentence, And Allah guides whom He pleases to the straight path gives the reason of "by His will." He guided them because it is His discretion to guide whom He pleases, nobody can impose upon Him to guide this or to guide that. And He surely willed to guide the believers to the straight path. # Another ayah reads: "Surely Allah is not ashamed to set forth any parable-- (that of) a gnat or any thing above that; then as for those who believe, they know that it is the truth from their Lord, and as for those who disbelieve, they say: What is it that Allah means by this parable: He causes many to err by it and many He leads aright by it! but He does not cause to err by it (any) except the transgressors" {al-Baqarah:26} Note: Before Allah wills something, He already pleases with it. Hence Quran says: # "...Allah pleases with those who fear Him" # "...Allah pleases with those who return to Him (in forgiveness)" # "...Allah pleases with those who are righteous" # "...Allah pleases with those who are patience" # "...Allah pleases with those who purify themselves" These "people" whom Allah has pleased with earn His guidance automatically by His wills. # On the other hand, we have ayah which says Allah displeases "...transgressors, oppressors, etc". AS PER JABR (PREDESTINATION) A sect was established within the Ahlu sunnah ta'aifah who believed everything has been predestined. And man has no say. Whatever he does, is out of his control. This group were called Jabriyyah. Hasan al-Basri (d. 110 H) belong to this school. Their opponents yet within Ahlu sunnah were the Qadariyyah. Personalities like Ma'bad al-Juhani (d. 80 H), Ghaylan ibn Muslim al-Dimashqi (d. 105 H) were leading figures. They believed everything man does is out of his freewill. Allah has no part in it. To the Imami Shia, we firmly believe it is a case between these two extreme. There are somethings we have been given control over (with our choice in freewill and intellect). And there are somethings clearly out of our control. Issue of hell and paradise as regards bad deeds and good deeds is set up by man himself. Allah helps along the way (with His guidance, encouragement, threatening, trials, etc). We do not believe hell fire or paradise has been destined for man before he is even created. Indeed Allah knows where each one of us will end up but that is not our concern. In fact such knowledge is only His but that does not mean He caused it (forcibly). # Qada (measure) and Qadar (destiny) are vast oceans that only drop is given to us to understand. |
Re: Islam For Muslims: Side Talk Station by Nobody: 11:07pm On Oct 16, 2016 |
AlBaqir: so you know about this principle yet you are taking the hadith in musnad Ahmad in isolation, why o shaykh Albaqir? For example: perhaps this authentic narration might help you, a narration from tirmidhi hadith 2642, narrated by Abdullaah bin Amr says; "Allaah created His creation in darkness, then on the same day He sent His Light upon them. Whoever was touched by His Light on that day will be guided and whoever was missed will be led astray. Hence I say: the pens have dried in accordance with the knowledge of Allaah, may He be glorified." Muhammad bin Abdullaah said he was already a prophet even before Adam was given life! Adam and Musa argued, Musa blames Adam for causing his offspring to be expelled from Paradise, Adam refuted him by saying "why blame me for a matter which Allaah had decreed for me before the creation of heavens and earth?" what does All these tell you? AS PER JABR (PREDESTINATION) The issue of Qadr is very sensitive, so you have to understand it properly before speaking about it, Again, I will bring another narration perhaps you will understand, it was narrated by the same Abdullaah bin Amr in tirmidhi hadith 2141 where he said; "The Messenger of Allaah (s.a.w) came out to us with two books in hand. And he said:'Do you know what these two books are?' We said: 'No, O Messenger of Allah ! Unless you inform us.' He said about the one that was in his right hand: 'This is a book from the Lord of the worlds, in it are the names of the people of Paradise, and the name of their fathers and their tribes. Then there is a summary at the end of them, there being no addition to them nor deduction from them forever.' Then he said about the one that was in his left: 'This is a book from the Lord of the worlds, in it are the names of the people of Fire, and the name of their fathers and their tribes. Then there is a summary at the end of them, there being no addition to them nor deduction from them forever.' The companions said: 'So why work O Messenger of Allah! Since the matter is already decided (and over)?' He said: 'Seek to do what is right and draw nearer, for indeed the inhabitant of Paradise, shall have his work sealed off with the deeds of the people of Paradise, whichever deeds he did. And indeed the inhabitant of Fire, shall have his work sealed off with the deeds of the people of Fire, whichever deeds he did.' Then the Messenger of Allah motioned with his hands, casting them down and said: 'Your Lord finished with the slaves, a group in Paradise, and a group in the Blazing Fire.'" And I have already given a sahih hadith which tells us why some are destined for misguidance and some for guidance! 3 Likes |
Re: Islam For Muslims: Side Talk Station by AlBaqir(m): 8:27am On Oct 17, 2016 |
lexiconkabir: # The bogus hadith isolated itself. It talks about judgment before we are even get a chance to be born and established on earth. And its so racial and unjust and cruel that it doesn't care. # The hadith you quoted up there is no difference to the one under discussion. 1 Like |
Re: Islam For Muslims: Side Talk Station by Nobody: 8:34am On Oct 17, 2016 |
^^ now I'm not saying we carry out actions (forcibly outta control), but we have wills, choice from good and bad although our will is subject to the will of Allaah, infact its one of the pillars of Qadr according to Ahlus sunnah walwal jama'ah. So in essense just do what Allaah asks you to do, hate what he hates and love what he loves then leave the rest, we have been given little on the knowledge of Qadr... 2 Likes |
Re: Islam For Muslims: Side Talk Station by Nobody: 8:36am On Oct 17, 2016 |
AlBaqir: Well this is solely your opinion and it doesn't count, any sincere reader would've gotten my point right from my first reply on that thread. 3 Likes |
Re: Islam For Muslims: Side Talk Station by AlBaqir(m): 9:56am On Oct 17, 2016 |
lexiconkabir: ![]() |
Re: Islam For Muslims: Side Talk Station by Nobody: 9:59am On Oct 17, 2016 |
Re: Islam For Muslims: Side Talk Station by sino(m): 10:12am On Oct 17, 2016 |
AlBaqir: A simple question to clear your doubts, do you believe Allah (SWT) is the all knowing and there is no knowledge hidden from Him (SWT)?! Do you believe Allah (SWT) knows what would happen on the day of judgment?! Do you believe Allah (SWT) knows those who would inherit paradise and those who would be damned in hell?! Is there a time where and when Allah (SWT) does not know any of the above information?! 2 Likes |
Re: Islam For Muslims: Side Talk Station by Nobody: 7:31am On Oct 18, 2016 |
for those that might still be confused on the issue of qadr, this simple analogy should make the whole thing clear insha Allaah, the concept can be understood by someone who watches a movie for the second time, who knows what will happen next, while for the first time watcher the next move is unknown. if you ponder on that analogy properly, the thing should become clear. salaam. 1 Like |
Re: Islam For Muslims: Side Talk Station by Empiree: 8:39pm On Oct 18, 2016 |
Quote Of The Day 1 Like 1 Share
Re: Islam For Muslims: Side Talk Station by Empiree: 2:34pm On Oct 19, 2016 |
Hadith Of The Day
Re: Islam For Muslims: Side Talk Station by Empiree: 3:34pm On Oct 19, 2016 |
Finest African Couple ![]() ![]()
Re: Islam For Muslims: Side Talk Station by Empiree: 6:47pm On Oct 19, 2016 |
Someone Testifies Power of Qur'an {Personal Encounter}
Re: Islam For Muslims: Side Talk Station by Empiree: 12:46am On Oct 20, 2016 |
My mates are in the university My mates are getting married. My mates are getting good jobs. My mates are succeeding. My mates are living overseas. My mates are buying cars. My mates are building houses. My mates are mates are that...... It's a pity you literally forgot about: Your mates in the mortuary, Your mates in the psychatric homes, Your mates are roaming on the streets, Your mates are jobless, hungry, blind, deaf.......... You might not be where you wish to be but you have obviously transcended from where you were yesterday. [size=20pt]Be Thankful [/size] Two months from now, we'll bid 2016 goodbye. Some slept yesterday and didn't wake up today. We're sinners but God showed mercy. God still has plans for you before the year ends. Some mates are there in jail without committing any crime! You ate last night but some didn't or couldn't. You have sources for daily living while some have nothing to look up to. You are alive not because you are faithful or because you have never sinned before but it is the MERCY of God Almighty that kept you alive. Can you just appreciate God. THANK YOU GOD Copied {edited} 3 Likes |
Re: Islam For Muslims: Side Talk Station by Empiree: 1:10am On Oct 20, 2016 |
Re: Islam For Muslims: Side Talk Station by ummitoagirl(f): 1:30am On Oct 20, 2016 |
Where is lagos shia? |
Re: Islam For Muslims: Side Talk Station by Empiree: 3:31am On Oct 20, 2016 |
ummitoagirl:I suspect he's shiamuslim 1 Like |
Re: Islam For Muslims: Side Talk Station by MrOlai: 7:00am On Oct 20, 2016 |
ummitoagirl: Empiree: Busted! LagosShia = ShiaMuslim = 3D Taqiyya. ![]() |
Re: Islam For Muslims: Side Talk Station by Empiree: 8:53am On Oct 20, 2016 |
MrOlai:lol...I only said that bcus the monikers correspond 2 Likes |
Re: Islam For Muslims: Side Talk Station by ummitoagirl(f): 2:11pm On Oct 20, 2016 |
Thanks, I am looking for a Hussainiyaa in lagos ![]() ![]() |
Re: Islam For Muslims: Side Talk Station by Empiree: 2:59pm On Oct 20, 2016 |
ummitoagirl:Humm, you need him for that really. I have no idea |
Re: Islam For Muslims: Side Talk Station by Nobody: 8:08am On Oct 21, 2016 |
. |
Re: Islam For Muslims: Side Talk Station by lexiconkabir2: 8:19am On Oct 21, 2016 |
Contact17: Lexiconkabir has been banned by antispam bot, although i have mailed the mods, i hope they see it too, cuz the topic is in progress. |
Re: Islam For Muslims: Side Talk Station by Empiree: 1:55pm On Oct 21, 2016 |
There was a Sheikh who was teaching his students Aqeedah (Faith), He taught them 'La ilaha illa Allah' and explained it's meaning to them. The Sheikh loved keeping pets, so he was given a parrot by one of the students as a gift. And with days the Sheikh started to like the parrot. He used to take it to his lessons, until the parrot knew how to say "La ilaha illa Allah", and would utter it day and night. One day the students found their Sheikh crying and sobbing. When they asked him the reason, he told them that a cat attacked the parrot and killed it. They said: "Is this the reason you are crying?"... If you wish we will bring you another parrot better than that one. The Sheikh said: I am not crying because of this... But it made me cry when the cat attacked the parrot. It was shouting and screaming until it died. He used to say la ilaha illa Allah a lot. However, when he was attacked by a cat he forgot to say it. He did nothing but scream! Because he used to say it with his tongue only, and his heart did not learn it, so it didn't feel it! Then the Sheikh said: I am afraid to be like this parrot, we live our lives repeating la ilaha illa Allah with our tongues, but when death comes we forget it because our hearts did not know it. When he told his students, they started crying in fear of lack of honesty in saying "La ilaha illa Allah". ___________ May Allah grant us " ﻻ ﺍﻟﻪ ﺍﻻًﺍﻟﻠﻪ" in our hearts and on our tongues, before and at the time of death. Aameeen. [SIC] 1 Like |
Re: Islam For Muslims: Side Talk Station by Empiree: 4:26am On Oct 22, 2016 |
[size=20pt]Attempted Terrorist Attack[/size] We are all engrossed by media with Trump/Clinton brouhaha over election while ignoring a very important, dangerous and attempted terrorist attack by some White dudes who wanted to blow up Somalia immigrants in Kansas city. This was announced after juma'h this Friday. None of us heard of this until katib brought it up. This was completely off media. Caught everyone by suprise If they'd succeeded, this would have been largest terror attck since 9/11. They wanted to blow up apartment complex where Somalia Muslims live. |
Re: Islam For Muslims: Side Talk Station by Empiree: 5:06pm On Oct 22, 2016 |
Hadith Of The Day
Re: Islam For Muslims: Side Talk Station by Empiree: 5:31pm On Oct 22, 2016 |
Difference Between Knowledge & Wisdom
Re: Islam For Muslims: Side Talk Station by Empiree: 8:35pm On Oct 22, 2016 |
Who is Sheikh Dr. Ibrahim Jalo Jalingo? friendchoice, you know him?. Please listen to this audio and translate it for us Thank You Can we have more Hausa speaking people translate the audio for us please? |
Re: Islam For Muslims: Side Talk Station by Nobody: 9:39pm On Oct 22, 2016 |
Empiree: Exercise patient am writing it down. |
Re: Islam For Muslims: Side Talk Station by Nobody: 10:39pm On Oct 22, 2016 |
Empiree: I have listen to the quote audio, it is not complete. This is the translation of the 1 minute plus sarcastic audio you shared. Its a kinda direct un-edited translation. [b] " He is jealous of his uncle's son, since prophet is the son of his uncle. Its known that jealousy is more common between cousins. That is why Ali (R.d) has been trying to invalided his Islam since the time of the prophet (Pbum) and during the caliphate of the 3 other companions. He has given his support in the murder of the third caliph (USMAN R.D). He has add fuel to fire that resulted in the death of many companions just because of jealousy and hatred to the prophet (PBUM). He is hypocrite in the mixed of hypocrites. That is why among the caliphs: none of their followers claims God-ship except the followers of Ali (R.d). He is hypocrite that hides his hypocrisy. His religion is Taqiya (Saying lie that is contrary to what is in your heart). This is the reason Badniyya and Shi'a Isma'iliyya and Ubaidiyya claims to be his followers, because he taught them hypocrisy. Are you understanding my point? Now you're speaking to them (Shi'a) in Nawasid tongue. Because We Ahlus Sunnah believes Ali (R.D) is a good person. Them (Shi'a) have no shame at your presence they will curse Abubakar (R.d) and other companions (R.d). Use five minute and borrow their tongue of Nawasid to teach them a lesson. You should call and provoke them that Ali (R.d) have no Iman. ..." [/b] |
Re: Islam For Muslims: Side Talk Station by Empiree: 12:45am On Oct 23, 2016 |
Friendchoice, thanks for the translation. I appreciate it. Now, is he mimicking Shia by saying "let's borrow their tongue" And he said further [size=13pt]“Ali has always been a hypocrite from the very beginning. There’s non among the khalifas that his followers call God but the followers of Ali called him God. “His religion has always been takiya (lying). That was why Shia Ismailiya and the rest worshipped him. He’s always been a hypocrite. Ahl sunna called him a mumeen (believer) but his followers insults the sahabas. Now you show the world that Ali had no faith.”[/size] His statement above indicates slandering of saidina Ali (rodiyaAllah anihu). Source: |
Re: Islam For Muslims: Side Talk Station by Nobody: 1:03am On Oct 23, 2016 |
Empiree: This is the complete audio link on the issue: That translation is not exactly correct as mine. Concerning he is mimicking or slendering. What is my own business with that. I have translated the audio to you. What exactly do you want to ask me? That his sarcastic statement is me that do it or what? |
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