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Redeemed Pastor Burnt Maid's Buttocks For Telling Lies (Photos) - Religion (3) - Nairaland

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Re: Redeemed Pastor Burnt Maid's Buttocks For Telling Lies (Photos) by 2badForReal: 6:41am On Oct 25, 2016
Addressing him as a Pastor to me will bring in centiment, let call him by his real name and traet this matter the way it should be treated by the Police. It's certain he can't do this to his adopted child not to talk of his real child.
Re: Redeemed Pastor Burnt Maid's Buttocks For Telling Lies (Photos) by Laredojohn(m): 6:54am On Oct 25, 2016
Hmmm soo sad, many things wrong in the house of God and members never say the truth because it's their pastor or deacon...some will still come out to defend him,if truly he did dis he should face the full wrath of the law, a lot of our soo called men of God guilty of what they preach to us against,I am a Rccg member, but will never stand to support anything I see wrong even if the top echelon(the GO, Pastors, Deacon, etc) is involved..
Re: Redeemed Pastor Burnt Maid's Buttocks For Telling Lies (Photos) by ambush: 7:12am On Oct 25, 2016
This cannot be a teenager's buttocks. I suspect blackmails.
Re: Redeemed Pastor Burnt Maid's Buttocks For Telling Lies (Photos) by arsenal33: 7:30am On Oct 25, 2016
The Pastor must have been eyeing her buttocks

Hope the police do their duty
Re: Redeemed Pastor Burnt Maid's Buttocks For Telling Lies (Photos) by ArabMopol(m): 7:44am On Oct 25, 2016
Buhari is fantastically stupid
Re: Redeemed Pastor Burnt Maid's Buttocks For Telling Lies (Photos) by Nobody: 7:46am On Oct 25, 2016
When one believes that the Almighty burns humans in an everlasting fire for being sinners, any wonder s\he will feel justified in burning others? I feel so sorry for the girl.
Re: Redeemed Pastor Burnt Maid's Buttocks For Telling Lies (Photos) by Walelavender(m): 7:48am On Oct 25, 2016
This is barbaric and wicked! This man should be prosecuted. This is when the fruit of the Spirit is lacking in a life of Christian. You can't give what you don't have.
Re: Redeemed Pastor Burnt Maid's Buttocks For Telling Lies (Photos) by Kenobus: 7:51am On Oct 25, 2016
This is madness from the man. I doubt if he is a pastor!
Re: Redeemed Pastor Burnt Maid's Buttocks For Telling Lies (Photos) by jolomiurenyi(m): 7:51am On Oct 25, 2016
How can a maid have such fresh buttock

Lolz, I think when I get married, I will look for a maid with this type of buttock..."Lalastica.......lolz......
Re: Redeemed Pastor Burnt Maid's Buttocks For Telling Lies (Photos) by noble2faith(m): 7:58am On Oct 25, 2016
Buhari is fantastically stupid

Where were you when God was freely giving out common sense?
Re: Redeemed Pastor Burnt Maid's Buttocks For Telling Lies (Photos) by nigeriantrend: 8:06am On Oct 25, 2016
This is wickedness at it peak.. How can a man of God do such thing
Re: Redeemed Pastor Burnt Maid's Buttocks For Telling Lies (Photos) by dorox(m): 8:19am On Oct 25, 2016
This is wickedness at it peak.. How can a man of God do such thing
A man of God cannot do such a thing, he did it. Therefore, the pastor is not a man of God.
Re: Redeemed Pastor Burnt Maid's Buttocks For Telling Lies (Photos) by ArabMopol(m): 8:34am On Oct 25, 2016

Where were you when God was freely giving out common sense?

Re: Redeemed Pastor Burnt Maid's Buttocks For Telling Lies (Photos) by Elviswhite0007: 9:24am On Oct 25, 2016
Y dis, sometimes I feel God should just end end dis world and let us go. That incident didn't just happen because of that, bliv me there's more to it. I advice dat d girl should stay with the right family for a while then the real truth will b out .
Re: Redeemed Pastor Burnt Maid's Buttocks For Telling Lies (Photos) by Prestigenedu: 9:50am On Oct 25, 2016
To hell with touch not my anointed, this man is evil and so is anyone who tries to defend him because he is a pastor.
I agree with you, but only if he actually did commit the crime....
Re: Redeemed Pastor Burnt Maid's Buttocks For Telling Lies (Photos) by ginggerxy: 10:00am On Oct 25, 2016
Christians always denying one of theirs when they fvcked up undecided
but when we call boko haram Muslims you will say they are not Muslims.and now the Bros is trying to let you know that they are bad eggs every where even the twelve had judas.
Re: Redeemed Pastor Burnt Maid's Buttocks For Telling Lies (Photos) by theGistsonline: 10:12am On Oct 25, 2016
How can a maid have such fresh buttock
you're a very sick person, you need psychological & spiritual help!
Re: Redeemed Pastor Burnt Maid's Buttocks For Telling Lies (Photos) by Laid2001: 10:26am On Oct 25, 2016
Yaa, you can not call someone a house help but yet you have one in your own house!.

Why are Nigerians so stupid! haven't you tell us she is househelp already!. Good that you treat your "househelp" as a daughter. But she is still not a daughter!

For your info, it is about God, the source of our good morals. this is a man that preaches about kindness to others while he himself is more wicked than Satan. If you don't like the girl free her and get another house help!


You in particular need to know that ones salvation does not qualify another and certainly cannot speak for another. Salvation is a personal race and everyone has their individual levels of submission to God . While many have dropped all old habits in order to serve God others have retained some of theirs and called it WISDOM.

This Pastor is one of such and anyone who is still acting in this manner and claims to be a minister of the gospel has a very long way to go. My God is loving and merciful and would not even permit me to call someone a househelp....I have one in my house and she is like my daughter and she is given royal treatment so much so that everybody assumes she is related to me.

Love is what we need and sadly many have lost theirs. This is not about God but about this particular individual.
Re: Redeemed Pastor Burnt Maid's Buttocks For Telling Lies (Photos) by bros856: 10:57am On Oct 25, 2016
This Pastor deserves a jail term to serve as a retardant to others like him. This is wickedness of the highest order. A child is a child. He can't and i know he has not done this yet to anyone member of his family. Please Please police arrest this pastor immediately. Where are lawyers in the house.
Re: Redeemed Pastor Burnt Maid's Buttocks For Telling Lies (Photos) by nyabinghi(m): 11:28am On Oct 25, 2016
Chriscamity the religion of scam where a wicked god klled his only son to please himself.
Re: Redeemed Pastor Burnt Maid's Buttocks For Telling Lies (Photos) by lakeside3020(m): 12:17pm On Oct 25, 2016
I suspect blackmail, I used to live in that area before, I also attend the same redeemed before, except I found out the truth, this pastor cant do this, he hardly talk, gentle and easy going. Something must have been wrong somewhere
Re: Redeemed Pastor Burnt Maid's Buttocks For Telling Lies (Photos) by lakeside3020(m): 12:21pm On Oct 25, 2016
God told him to do so.......

When a sane man believes in the religion of the Middle-East, then his bound to face the consequence.

How can an intellectual logically believe that a man from the Middle-East died for his sins in Africa? #OutrightStupidity. Or a Prophet in same Middle-East was the way to God?

Leave bt the consequence of your foolishness!

98% of African inherited religion, NOBODY found it!

assorted weed in action
Re: Redeemed Pastor Burnt Maid's Buttocks For Telling Lies (Photos) by missKiffy(f): 3:22pm On Oct 25, 2016
Just Joking actually
What an expensive joke
Re: Redeemed Pastor Burnt Maid's Buttocks For Telling Lies (Photos) by lawrenzoo: 5:47pm On Oct 25, 2016
Lakeside, I guess you can easily be deceived by look, I know him better than you do, I was a tenant in the house and watched the incident happened, schools are aware of it, the neighbourhood also are aware of it, you can ask around. He is just a pretender and a snake under the green grass.
I suspect blackmail, I used to live in that area before, I also attend the same redeemed before, except I found out the truth, this pastor cant do this, he hardly talk, gentle and easy going. Something must have been wrong somewhere

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Re: Redeemed Pastor Burnt Maid's Buttocks For Telling Lies (Photos) by AwedaDami: 5:51pm On Oct 25, 2016
Its easy to just copy and paste news without first finding out the facts. This is just pure lie and slander, I know this pastor well and know what happened, he never burnt the girl in question. Please don’t join in spoiling this man’s image.
Re: Redeemed Pastor Burnt Maid's Buttocks For Telling Lies (Photos) by noble2faith(m): 6:06pm On Oct 25, 2016
Its easy to just copy and paste news without first finding out the facts. This is just pure lie and slander, I know this pastor well and know what happened, he never burnt the girl in question. Please don’t join in spoiling this man’s image.

Tell us what really happened
Re: Redeemed Pastor Burnt Maid's Buttocks For Telling Lies (Photos) by lawrenzoo: 6:06pm On Oct 25, 2016
Its easy to just copy and paste news without first finding out the facts. This is just pure lie and slander, I know this pastor well and know what happened, he never burnt the girl in question. Please don’t join in spoiling this man’s image.

Pls tell us what happened since you know him so much.. Do you know him more than the tenants that lives with him? Or do you know him more than people in the neighbourhood? This Man is wicked and so is anyone who tries to defend him

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Re: Redeemed Pastor Burnt Maid's Buttocks For Telling Lies (Photos) by femicyrus(m): 7:59pm On Oct 25, 2016
I wonder why "touch not my anointed" is still missing on this thread
Re: Redeemed Pastor Burnt Maid's Buttocks For Telling Lies (Photos) by iukpe: 8:16am On Oct 28, 2016
I wonder why "touch not my anointed" is still missing on this thread

Its already here na!

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