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How To Improve Your Spiritual CGPA by shadeyinka(m): 1:30am On Oct 30, 2016
[size=19pt]"How to improve your Spiritual CGPA".[/size]

Last week, we looked at the topic: Are You A REAL Or FAKE Student Of The University Of Heaven?


First a quick summary of last weeks topic.
1. Heaven/Paradise has been compared with earthly Universities with respect to the goal of enrollment, just as here on earth, the goal is certification in your course of choice the goal of enrollment in the University of Heaven is to live eternally with God in Paradise/Heaven

2. No one is qualified to be enrolled in the University of heaven because the Entry requirement requires a sinless perfection which none of us except maybe babies can attain.

3. God, because of Love decided to make an atonement, a sacrifice for us so that our imperfections are wavered as an entry requirement. (We are actually cleansed and made a new person spiritually to qualify by the blood of Jesus).

4. The Good News (Gospel) is actually that we who could never have qualified now have received a guaranteed admission form(through the blood of Jesus)

5. Each one of us must apply for enrollment into the University of God with our hearts and mind as studentship is NOT inherited neither is it forced.

6. The four steps for securing your admission into the the university of God are:

1. You must be Qualified:
Jesus Sacrifice made us qualified.
2. You Must Apply:
Ask and you shall recieve
3. You must Sign the Matriculation Oath:
A promise to live according to Gods Holy ordinance
4. You must Receive a Matriculation Number: 
The Holy Spirit is our Seal / Matriculation Number
If you have taken these four steps, you are Born Again and you are a Bona fide student of the University of Heaven.

Every Christian starts his/her Christian journey with a Spiritual CGPA of 1.00 just enough to graduate into heaven (example is the Thief on the Right Hand of Jesus).
Lk 23:42-43
42 And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.
43 And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise.

Our Spiritual CGPA are increased by doing CGPA specific requirements rather than non CGPA specific requirements.

In our conventional Universities, there are some activities that are encouraged in students but are not CGPA specific requirements.
Examples are:
1. Being neat and orderly
2. Obeying the rules of the institution
3. Dressing honorably
4. Becoming members of productive associations on campus such as Road Safety Club, Man O War, SUG etc.

All these above are good, but none increases the CGPA of a student.

Similarly, in the Spiritual (University of Heaven), there are some activities that are encouraged and required but are NOT CGPA enhancing.
1. Attending church services
2. Paying tithes and offering
3. Avoiding sin
4. Dressing "as expected"
5. No makeup
6. Praying hard and always etc

Now, don't get me wrong. All the activities above are good and some are even required as an evidence that one is a student of the University of Heaven.

For instance as a student of a higher institution, you could be expelled for fighting, nudity, cultism etc even though none of these contribute to your final CGPA. And you are required to obey ALL rules and regulations, dress properly, attend classes etc but these do not add to your CGPA.

Factors Leading to Increase of CGPA in a conventional University:
1. Scoring High in your Assignments
2. Scoring High in your Continuous Assessment
3. Scoring High in your Exams

Factors Leading to Increase of Spiritual CGPA:
Here below are some spiritual CGPA specific requirements for students/interns of the University of Heaven.

1. Scoring High in Loving your Neigbour as Yourself
Loving your neighbour has to do with making the life of the "other person" better, more tolerable, happier irrespective of their religion, colour, race or affiliation.
Mt 25:34-50
34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:

35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:

36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.

37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?

38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?

39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?

40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

A lot of Christian miss on the fact that the most direct way of Giving to God is not in offerings and tithes but in solving the problems of other people and bringing smiles to the faces of the hurting.

2. Scoring High in Investing your Gifts and Talents to build up persons within the Body of Christ

Our Spiritual Gifts and talents are meant just for one thing: building up the Body of Christ (the Church). Our spiritual gift must NOT be commercialized for whatever reason as we see some do.

11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:
Freely you have received, freely give is the command from Jesus.

14 For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods.
15 And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey. note
16 Then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same, and made them other five talents.
17 And likewise he that had received two, he also gained other two.
18 But he that had received one went and digged in the earth, and hid his lord's money.
19 After a long time the lord of those servants cometh, and reckoneth with them.

Now, I see a lot of Christians mixing up things when it comes to the issue of spiritual gifts and talents. So, let me quickly make a distinction.

Spiritual Gift:
Supernatural ability given by the Holy Spirit to every child of God specifically for the building up of the body of Christ.

Its not my intention to teach about spiritual gifts today but generally, spiritual gives can be divided into two:
Office Gifts: Apostle, Teacher, Pastor, Evangelist and Prophets

Tool Gifts: Healing, Exhortation, Helps, Tongues, Interpretation of tongues, Faith etc.

Natural Talents:
Natural ability and skill given by God to every human being for trading, survival, uniqueness and making profit.

Examples include: Good motor skills, Artistic Skills, Musical Skills , Strength, Stamina, Oratory Skills etc.

God expects that as a Christian, you will use both your skills/talents and your spiritual gifts for building up believers in their Faith, Purity, Knowledge, Understanding and General Spiritual wellbeing.

3. Scoring High in Preaching the Gospel to the Unsaved.

The last duty of believers is actually to preach the gospel/good news to ALL. In the process of preaching the gospel, three sub assignments:
a. Heal the sick in the process
b. Cast out demons in the process
c. Make disciple (teach others to do ALL you are doing) of believers.
15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: note
20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

There is one uniqueness with the three assignments above: They ALL have their reward at Resurrection.

In summary, why do we aim for a good CGPA in our tertiary Institutions?
We aim for a good CGPA because of the day of graduation and the attendant after graduation reward we receive from it.

Why should we aim for a good spiritual CGPA?
Because we want a commendation and its attendant reward of being faithful: "Well-done my Faithful Servant"

The Bible speaks about some who will make heaven as by the skin of their teeth; as by fire! With no reward, no commendation what so ever.

1Co 3:15
 If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire.

They are born again, live right, fear sin but very useless to the kingdom of God.

Do not be ignorant of the reason for which you were saved. You were not saved by works BUT you were saved to Work for Christ. How busy are you in Gods vine yard.

Eph 2:8-10
8  For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
 9  Not of works, lest any man should boast.
 10  For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

I challenge you my brothers and sisters in Christ. Stop being just a statistics in your church. Get up, get out and start winning souls, loving others and serving God with all you have.

I pray that you will not appear before Him empty handed.

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Re: How To Improve Your Spiritual CGPA by shadeyinka(m): 1:40am On Oct 30, 2016
winner01 , kingebukasblog , Richirich713, scholar8200 , malvisguy212 , Muafrika2 Dejideji1 , truthman2012, Image123 , InesQor, Joshthefirst MrPresident1, gatiano sukkot, OLAADEGBU , vooks, UyiIredia Jeromejnr, goodmuyis
Cc' Gombs. xpmode , gaelllic
Jcross , jcross19
Scholar , scholar8200

@ analice107, @ 4everGod, @ menxer @ omosefeeguaibor

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Re: How To Improve Your Spiritual CGPA by ishayaauta(m): 1:41am On Oct 30, 2016
Re: How To Improve Your Spiritual CGPA by shadeyinka(m): 3:08am On Oct 30, 2016

I quite undestand!
Someone who has never been in the four walls of the University of God will find this funny.

I recommend this post for you, Admission is Free!

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Re: How To Improve Your Spiritual CGPA by Nobody: 3:38am On Oct 30, 2016
This reminds me of Paul who said we are running a race. ..
Re: How To Improve Your Spiritual CGPA by shadeyinka(m): 8:37am On Oct 30, 2016
This reminds me of Paul who said we are running a race. ..

Of course, its a race

Heb 12:1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us

Perseverance is needed, we the stress sometimes may make us wish to slow down or even stop.

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Re: How To Improve Your Spiritual CGPA by jcross19: 1:47pm On Oct 30, 2016
My own contribution is from the book of james 1 vs 27.
Re: How To Improve Your Spiritual CGPA by shadeyinka(m): 5:19pm On Oct 30, 2016
My own contribution is from the book of james 1 vs 27.

27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world

We are not called to live a selfish lifestyle!
Re: How To Improve Your Spiritual CGPA by jcross19: 5:51pm On Oct 30, 2016

We are not called to live a selfish lifestyle!
yes oOooooh.
Re: How To Improve Your Spiritual CGPA by shadeyinka(m): 6:27pm On Oct 30, 2016
yes oOooooh.

I still wonder why these are hardly taught in churches:

1. Scoring High in loving others as yourself
2. Scoring High in Investing your Gifts and Talents to build up persons within the Body of Christ
3. Scoring High in Preaching the Good news to all.

Especially number one: loving others

We specialize more in
Sowing to recieve
Faith for recieving and motivationals theologies rather than stressing the fact that we shall leave this world one day and after that Judgement.

Many do not know that believers to will be judged according to what they have done.

May God help us last generation Church.
Re: How To Improve Your Spiritual CGPA by jcross19: 7:06pm On Oct 30, 2016

I still wonder why these are hardly taught in churches:

1. Scoring High in loving others as yourself
2. Scoring High in Investing your Gifts and Talents to build up persons within the Body of Christ
3. Scoring High in Preaching the Good news to all.

Especially number one: loving others

We specialize more in
Sowing to recieve
Faith for recieving and motivationals theologies rather than stressing the fact that we shall leave this world one day and after that Judgement.

Many do not know that believers to will be judged according to what they have done.

May God help us last generation Church.

love is the foundation of righteousness but our churches have deviate from the true teaching of christ while they pursue their worldly things.
Re: How To Improve Your Spiritual CGPA by shadeyinka(m): 7:18pm On Oct 30, 2016
love is the foundation of righteousness but our churches have deviate from the true teaching of christ while they pursue their worldly things.

I guess its because true love helps only the weak and vulnerable. It probably doesn't add any finance to the pocket of church leadership.

How can we prove love when the pastor and a few people fly in Private Jets while 98% of the church are in abject poverty. The poor are asked to give more so that God can bless them, whereas, its the rich pastors that should take care of the flock of Christ.
Re: How To Improve Your Spiritual CGPA by xpmode(m): 9:46pm On Oct 30, 2016
nice one
Re: How To Improve Your Spiritual CGPA by shadeyinka(m): 10:43pm On Oct 30, 2016
nice one

Thanks Bro.
May you increase in good works in Jesus mighty Name!
Re: How To Improve Your Spiritual CGPA by analice107: 10:54pm On Oct 30, 2016
What? Why is it funny?
Re: How To Improve Your Spiritual CGPA by analice107: 11:06pm On Oct 30, 2016

I still wonder why these are hardly taught in churches:

1. Scoring High in loving others as yourself
2. Scoring High in Investing your Gifts and Talents to build up persons within the Body of Christ
3. Scoring High in Preaching the Good news to all.

Especially number one: loving others

We specialize more in
Sowing to recieve
Faith for recieving and motivationals theologies rather than stressing the fact that we shall leave this world one day and after that Judgement.

Many do not know that believers to will be judged according to what they have done.

May God help us last generation Church.

The lack of Love for others is where the main issue is.

SELF is Pride, and is a gigantic tree with branches which bear fruits such as, sedition, strife which engenders hate, maliciousness, unforgiveness, bitterness, competition, haughtiness, Criticism, Self righteousness, over confidence.
If someone has these in him/her, it doesn't matter if he were a general overseer, he'll be working for himself and not for God.

Jesus died for Love.

Jesus is the greatest humanist ever. He loves us so dearly and urges us to love each other with the same propensity. But today, the same things Christ was offered by Satan which he rejected, most of us have accepted, thereby accepting the SELFishness of the devil along side.
Re: How To Improve Your Spiritual CGPA by Nobody: 4:29am On Oct 31, 2016

Thanks Bro.
May you increase in good works in Jesus mighty Name!
Can Spiritual CGPA be equated to God's anointing? Because God's power is demonstrated in love, joy, patience, peace, etc So increase in these is actually increase in God's power. These are things that grow. From grace to grace.
Re: How To Improve Your Spiritual CGPA by shadeyinka(m): 5:23am On Oct 31, 2016

The lack of Love for others is where the main issue is.

SELF is Pride, and is a gigantic tree with branches which bear fruits such as, sedition, strife which engenders hate, maliciousness, unforgiveness, bitterness, competition, haughtiness, Criticism, Self righteousness, over confidence.
If someone has these in him/her, it doesn't matter if he were a general overseer, he'll be working for himself and not for God.

You couldn't have said it better. Christians working for themselves rather than Christ. The church of Christ has become the business empire of the General Overseers.

Workers of iniquity doesn't always have to do with gross sins of occultism and adultery but of Lawlessness. Jesus was simply saying, "I don't know you - You have never been under my employment, you've always worked for yourself".


Jesus died for Love.

Jesus is the greatest humanist ever. He loves us so dearly and urges us to love each other with the same propensity. But today, the same things Christ was offered by Satan which he rejected, most of us have accepted, thereby accepting the SELFishness of the devil along side.

By this shall men know that you are My disciples; when you love one another! Whatsoever you do to the least of My Brothers, you have done to me is a call by Jesus to see Him in those who hurt and are in need.

I guess, its a challenge to begin to show Love to the " visible Jesus"- our Neighbour!
Re: How To Improve Your Spiritual CGPA by shadeyinka(m): 5:52am On Oct 31, 2016

Can Spiritual CGPA be equated to God's anointing? Because God's power is demonstrated in love, joy, patience, peace, etc So increase in these is actually increase in God's power. These are things that grow. From grace to grace.

I agree with you that Gods power is demonstrated in love, joy, peace etc: the Fruit of being Filled with the Holy Spirit.

The Fruit of the Holy Spirit results in the molding of our character into the image of Christ through our submission and obedience to the daily promptings of the Holy Spirit. Hence, we become outwardly and inwardly more and more like our Master and Saviour Jesus Christ.

However, anointing is usually decieved by grace. Anointing is empowerment to do more work. Anointing is empowerment to excell in "the CGPA specific Assignments".

I will compare anointing with receiving a special " textbook containing solutions to past questions". It makes the work of study easier and faster when effectively utilized.

Anointings are not visible by themselves: it is the use of the anointing that is visible. That is, no one can see the anointing of healing; what is seen is the result of obedience in praying for the sick.

What me I see is a bunch of over anointed Christians who refuse to use the "solution book" to peoples problems. They are waiting to recieve the type of anointing given to the other m.o.g. not knowing that they already have solutions.

Effectiveness in using anointing comes with frequency of use. Like a four figure table or a slide rule.

The more the "little " anointing is used by Faith, the Faster a believer becomes in doing the work of Christ. There is no short cut!

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Re: How To Improve Your Spiritual CGPA by Nobody: 9:08am On Oct 31, 2016
... a bunch of over anointed Christians who refuse to use ...

Re: How To Improve Your Spiritual CGPA by analice107: 9:36am On Oct 31, 2016

You couldn't have said it better. Christians working for themselves rather than Christ. The church of Christ has become the business empire of the General Overseers.

Workers of iniquity doesn't always have to do with gross sins of occultism and adultery but of Lawlessness. Jesus was simply saying, "I don't know you - You have never been under my employment, you've always worked for yourself".

By this shall men know that you are My disciples; when you love one another! Whatsoever you do to the least of My Brothers, you have done to me is a call by Jesus to see Him in those who hurt and are in need.

I guess, its a challenge to begin to show Love to the " visible Jesus"- our Neighbour!
Oh, how my heart breaks when i look around and see what we who profess to be the followers of Christ do things and act towards each other.

The same people Jesus loved, we have tagged them and discarded.

At what point did we forget that if Jesus was like us today, Salvation would not have come to anyone of us?

At what point did division come into the fold?

what happened?

How did the denominations begin?

From when did we begin this SELF gospel of this one is mind, so i can care for it, but that one is not mind?

The Church of Jesus Christ had no name. They were only locations, NO NAMES.

Who brought about naming the Fold?

naming the Church(es) brought about the division, and denominations and dogmas, which then depleted the very essence of our faith which is love, and unity in the bond of peace.

Naming Churches gave room for the wolves who were hiding behind masks within the fold to bare their faces, attack and kill the very faith Christ died for.

Today human traditions which Christ rebuked the Pharisees of and called it the leaven of the pharisees' has eaten so deep into the fold that even those whom we expect to correct the errors are shying away from doing so.

Everything of our activities are so focused on "Our denomination'.

A Catholic won't marry a pentecostal without the Pentecostal subjecting his/herself to the dogmas of Catholicism.

Jehovahs Witnesses wont marry Anglicans.

The Adventists wont Marry outside of their denomination.

Christ Apostolic wont take in wives for their sons who were not raised in Christ Apostolic.

White Garment Churches are fixated with the Marine, sacrificing stuff by the watersides as though the Yahweh they claim to worship is a water god.

Olumba says he is the promised holy Spirit who shd come.

The fold is so ridden with fakes that looking from outside, one would think Christ has left His Church.

From when did all these begin?

How can we restore the love Christ into his church?

Why has the parable of the good Samaritan become just a mere story without the message Christ meant to convey to us?

Woe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! saith the LORD.

Therefore thus saith the LORD God of Israel against the pastors that feed my people; Ye have scattered my flock, and driven them away, and have not visited them: behold, I will visit upon you the evil of your doings, saith the LORD.
Jeremiah:23: 1-2

Go ahead, tell yourself that you are not a pastor, but a priest, a prophet, or a Pope. it makes no difference. Woe unto you if you are in a position to feed and care for the Sheep, but rather you steal, rape, ravish and kill the sheep.
Whether you do that by teaching them errors that keeps them back from their Christ.

Whether you are a thief masquerading as a pastor whose only message is Tithe and offering, returning them back to what Christ delivered them from.

Jesus delivered us from the fear of death, he delivered us from pride, unforgiveness, malice, strife and rancor and replaced them with love.

Where did the so, called deliverance ministries get their gospels of turning people into murderers from?

Can you love someone your prophet has told you is responsible for your problems?

you can't love who you want dead.
if you can spend your time praying for some Uncle or Aunty to die, how can you pray for them to find Christ?

In us shd not be found unforgiveness, or hatred or revenge, but these wolves have led the gullible back to where Christ delivered them from.

Do you think that if that your Uncle or Aunty was a believer you'd have the 'assumed' problem you have?

Besides, the prophets who tell you about your enemies are the ones who keep you back on week days that you she be out in the field working for money, they fix their meetings on working days from 9am to 5pm, yet you believe your Uncle is the reason you are poor?

Didn't Jesus say, a Lazy man shd not be given food?

Between your prophet and your Uncle, who is your enemy?

I knew a pastor who to him sin is when you do not pay your Tithe. Members are committing formication with others openly, but well, God understands that we are human, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.

Deacons are sleeping with church members, God is a Merciful God.

Choir Members are club girls, let them come as they are, The (none existent) message shall convict them.

But Tithe is a SIN. If you don't pay your Tithe, you are a thief, you are stealing from God and there's no worst sin than stealing from God. You'll go to hellfire. Liars.

Some Men of God now preach themselves and use the Bible to back themselves up.

Beware of dogs.

Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision.

Liberty and Grace wasn't meant to be the bane of Christianity, it was meant to have us be free to serve our heavenly father in love.

Its time to wake up and cast this devil out of our fold.

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Re: How To Improve Your Spiritual CGPA by shadeyinka(m): 3:48pm On Oct 31, 2016
Kai, I've probably never seen you pour out so much in such little space. The current development in the church as you said is despicably implorable.


Oh, how my heart breaks when i look around and see what we who profess to be the followers of Christ do things and act towards each other.

The same people Jesus loved, we have tagged them and discarded.

At what point did we forget that if Jesus was like us today, Salvation would not have come to anyone of us?

We blame the Pharisees and Scribes unfortunately, if Jesus entered our churches today, we would not recognize Him. We would throw Him out of the church because He is not conforming with our "new" way of life.


At what point did division come into the fold?

what happened?

How did the denominations begin?

From when did we begin this SELF gospel of this one is mind, so i can care for it, but that one is not mind?

The Church of Jesus Christ had no name. They were only locations, NO NAMES.

Who brought about naming the Fold?

naming the Church(es) brought about the division, and denominations and dogmas, which then depleted the very essence of our faith which is love, and unity in the bond of peace.

Naming Churches gave room for the wolves who were hiding behind masks within the fold to bare their faces, attack and kill the very faith Christ died for.

There is nothing wrong with names or denominations. The problem had been a long time again where some claim I am for Paul and others say I am for Apollos.

The scriptural recommendation is that let Christ be preached. Let the evil remain evil and the righteous remain righteous!

Churches have always been named after city or peoples home in the scripture. Denominations came up as an attempt to some some problems. Unfortunately, after solving these problems, they create their own different problems.


Today human traditions which Christ rebuked the Pharisees of and called it the leaven of the pharisees' has eaten so deep into the fold that even those whom we expect to correct the errors are shying away from doing so.

Everything of our activities are so focused on "Our denomination'.

A Catholic won't marry a pentecostal without the Pentecostal subjecting his/herself to the dogmas of Catholicism.

Jehovahs Witnesses wont marry Anglicans.

The Adventists wont Marry outside of their denomination.

Christ Apostolic wont take in wives for their sons who were not raised in Christ Apostolic.

White Garment Churches are fixated with the Marine, sacrificing stuff by the watersides as though the Yahweh they claim to worship is a water god.

Olumba says he is the promised holy Spirit who shd come.

The fold is so ridden with fakes that looking from outside, one would think Christ has left His Church.

Unfortunately, it is impossible for Christians to unite doctrinally. We are so different? We are human and our humanity and frailties run foul even when it come to spiritual things.

What are the core doctrines that should bind us?
1. Centrality of Christ
2. Salvation
3. Duty (Love, Device and Preaching the Gospel)
4. The Word
5. Faith AND
6. GOD (Trinity explained)

Most other things are placebo doctrines: days of worship, dress sense, mode of prayer etc.

Unfortunately, Wolves came in with the purpose of Eating Fat on the sheep. That's why we are in this position: the wolves!


From when did all these begin?

How can we restore the love Christ into his church?

Why has the parable of the good Samaritan become just a mere story without the message Christ meant to convey to us?

Woe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! saith the LORD.

Therefore thus saith the LORD God of Israel against the pastors that feed my people; Ye have scattered my flock, and driven them away, and have not visited them: behold, I will visit upon you the evil of your doings, saith the LORD.
Jeremiah:23: 1-2

Go ahead, tell yourself that you are not a pastor, but a priest, a prophet, or a Pope. it makes no difference. Woe unto you if you are in a position to feed and care for the Sheep, but rather you steal, rape, ravish and kill the sheep.
Whether you do that by teaching them errors that keeps them back from their Christ.

Is there hope for solution?
The painful answer is NO! Jesus said, in the parable of the Wheat and the Tares, let them grow together! At the end, the wheat is harvested and the tares burned with fire.


Whether you are a thief masquerading as a pastor whose only message is Tithe and offering, returning them back to what Christ delivered them from.

Jesus delivered us from the fear of death, he delivered us from pride, unforgiveness, malice, strife and rancor and replaced them with love.

Where did the so, called deliverance ministries get their gospels of turning people into murderers from?

Can you love someone your prophet has told you is responsible for your problems?

you can't love who you want dead.
if you can spend your time praying for some Uncle or Aunty to die, how can you pray for them to find Christ?

In us shd not be found unforgiveness, or hatred or revenge, but these wolves have led the gullible back to where Christ delivered them from.

Do you think that if that your Uncle or Aunty was a believer you'd have the 'assumed' problem you have?

Besides, the prophets who tell you about your enemies are the ones who keep you back on week days that you she be out in the field working for money, they fix their meetings on working days from 9am to 5pm, yet you believe your Uncle is the reason you are poor?

Didn't Jesus say, a Lazy man shd not be given food?

Between your prophet and your Uncle, who is your enemy?

Deliverance miniseries are real, but my major problem are thoughts who have turned it into entertainment for self advertisements and those who have successfully commercialised the activity.

Lack of doctrinal education cause many to label flesh and blood as the enemy rather than who the enemy really is. They pray for the murder and execution of "our so called enemy" instead of what Jesus taught us about praying for our enemies and those who spitefully use us.


I knew a pastor who to him sin is when you do not pay your Tithe. Members are committing formication with others openly, but well, God understands that we are human, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.

Deacons are sleeping with church members, God is a Merciful God.

Choir Members are club girls, let them come as they are, The (none existent) message shall convict them.

But Tithe is a SIN. If you don't pay your Tithe, you are a thief, you are stealing from God and there's no worst sin than stealing from God. You'll go to hellfire. Liars.

Some Men of God now preach themselves and use the Bible to back themselves up.

Beware of dogs.

Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision.

Liberty and Grace wasn't meant to be the bane of Christianity, it was meant to have us be free to serve our heavenly father in love.

Its time to wake up and cast this devil out of our fold.

Beware of Dogs!
Beware of the Wolves in Sheep Skin!
Can anyone serve God and Money at the same time? Impossible! But that is exactly what we see right now.

Whenever a scripture favours us, we do cherry picking when it doesn't, we say it is old testament and we are under grace.

Can you see why then these extremely simple things will not be taught!
I still wonder why these are hardly taught in churches:

1. Scoring High in loving others as yourself
2. Scoring High in Investing your Gifts and Talents to build up persons within the Body of Christ
3. Scoring High in Preaching the Good news to all.

Because iniquity shall abound, the Love of many shall wax COLD!

By there Fruit, you shall know them!

1 Like

Re: How To Improve Your Spiritual CGPA by analice107: 6:20pm On Oct 31, 2016
Kai, I've probably never seen you pour out so much in such little space. The current development in the church as you said is despicably implorable.

We blame the Pharisees and Scribes unfortunately, if Jesus entered our churches today, we would not recognize Him. We would throw Him out of the church because He is not conforming with our "new" way of life.

There is nothing wrong with names or denominations. The problem had been a long time again where some claim I am for Paul and others say I am for Apollos.

The scriptural recommendation is that let Christ be preached. Let the evil remain evil and the righteous remain righteous!

Churches have always been named after city or peoples home in the scripture. Denominations came up as an attempt to some some problems. Unfortunately, after solving these problems, they create their own different problems.

Unfortunately, it is impossible for Christians to unite doctrinally. We are so different? We are human and our humanity and frailties run foul even when it come to spiritual things.

What are the core doctrines that should bind us?
1. Centrality of Christ
2. Salvation
3. Duty (Love, Device and Preaching the Gospel)
4. The Word
5. Faith AND
6. GOD (Trinity explained)

Most other things are placebo doctrines: days of worship, dress sense, mode of prayer etc.

Unfortunately, Wolves came in with the purpose of Eating Fat on the sheep. That's why we are in this position: the wolves!

Is there hope for solution?
The painful answer is NO! Jesus said, in the parable of the Wheat and the Tares, let them grow together! At the end, the wheat is harvested and the tares burned with fire.

Deliverance miniseries are real, but my major problem are thoughts who have turned it into entertainment for self advertisements and those who have successfully commercialised the activity.

Lack of doctrinal education cause many to label flesh and blood as the enemy rather than who the enemy really is. They pray for the murder and execution of "our so called enemy" instead of what Jesus taught us about praying for our enemies and those who spitefully use us.

Beware of Dogs!
Beware of the Wolves in Sheep Skin!
Can anyone serve God and Money at the same time? Impossible! But that is exactly what we see right now.

Whenever a scripture favours us, we do cherry picking when it doesn't, we say it is old testament and we are under grace.

Can you see why then these extremely simple things will not be taught!
I still wonder why these are hardly taught in churches:

1. Scoring High in loving others as yourself
2. Scoring High in Investing your Gifts and Talents to build up persons within the Body of Christ
3. Scoring High in Preaching the Good news to all.

Because iniquity shall abound, the Love of many shall wax COLD!

By there Fruit, you shall know them!
May God preserve the sheep.
Re: How To Improve Your Spiritual CGPA by shadeyinka(m): 8:15pm On Oct 31, 2016

May God preserve the sheep.

His sheep are preserved by His grace.
The Lamb of God slain from the foundations of the world did the work of atonement and if not for that, who can stand!

Keep Running
Keep Fighting
Hold on to Him
Just in a short while, it will be time of Rest
Re: How To Improve Your Spiritual CGPA by analice107: 8:32pm On Oct 31, 2016

His sheep are preserved by His grace.
The Lamb of God slain from the foundations of the world did the work of atonement and if not for that, who can stand!

Keep Running
Keep Fighting
Hold on to Him
Just in a short while, it will be time of Rest
His Strength is made perfect in my weakness.

i shall run this race till i see his face, and his grace, my rewards shall be great. lol
Re: How To Improve Your Spiritual CGPA by shadeyinka(m): 9:11pm On Oct 31, 2016

His Strength is made perfect in my weakness.

i shall run this race till i see his face, and his grace, my rewards shall be great. lol
Amen o for all who desire to see and enter His presence
Re: How To Improve Your Spiritual CGPA by femzysticks(m): 1:27am On Nov 01, 2016
can I share this message to others??
Re: How To Improve Your Spiritual CGPA by shadeyinka(m): 5:18am On Nov 01, 2016
can I share this message to others??

Of course. That is the purpose of this post.
Preach it, Share it, Print it, Spread it, Publish it. Let all hear about it.

Please feel free my friend.


Re: How To Improve Your Spiritual CGPA by Image123(m): 1:35pm On Nov 01, 2016
Well said @shadeyinka. More grace.
Re: How To Improve Your Spiritual CGPA by shadeyinka(m): 4:51pm On Nov 01, 2016
Well said @shadeyinka. More grace.

Thanks my Friend. Let's spread the Word and do the task. Our Master comes very soon!
Re: How To Improve Your Spiritual CGPA by promise10: 7:21pm On Nov 01, 2016
Keep it up bro! ;DKeep it up bro!
Re: How To Improve Your Spiritual CGPA by shadeyinka(m): 10:08am On Nov 02, 2016
Keep it up bro! ;DKeep it up bro!

Thanks my friend. I wish more Christians will read this and run with the fire!

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