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Share Your Unforgettable Experience(s) That Brought You Closer To Allah - Islam for Muslims (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Share Your Unforgettable Experience(s) That Brought You Closer To Allah by Mujaheeeden: 1:00pm On Nov 04, 2016
I'm sure those pple u mentioned comment reasonably on christian threads. They don't comment by insulting pples valued beliefs, a practice common amongst u folks.
Nobody is insulting your belief rather we are undressing the veil surrounding religion.

The truth and hypocrisy in Christianity and Islam must be exposed.

Your fears made you to put that oath but its like a lollipop to me
Re: Share Your Unforgettable Experience(s) That Brought You Closer To Allah by NOETHNICITY(m): 1:10pm On Nov 04, 2016
Nobody is insulting your belief rather we are undressing the veil surrounding religion.

The truth and hypocrisy in Christianity and Islam must be exposed.

Your fears made you to put that oath but its like a lollipop to me
I m not a NL mod. But am sure NL authorities, whoever they re, are aware of the dreadful disgruntledness and unruliness of u guys.
Mind u, I like when pple, rationally and intellectually, interrogate the fundamental beliefs of Islam. Islam itself discourage against unquestioned beliefs and bigotry.
If u re really ready to engage then let us respect each other first.
Re: Share Your Unforgettable Experience(s) That Brought You Closer To Allah by Mujaheeeden: 1:14pm On Nov 04, 2016
I m not a NL mod. But am sure NL authorities, whoever they re, are aware of the dreadful disgruntledness and unruliness of u guys.
Mind u, I like when pple, rationally and intellectually, interrogate the fundamental beliefs of Islam. Islam itself discourage against unquestioned beliefs and bigotry.
If u re really ready to engage then let us respect each other first.
That funny moment when you want me to respect ur muslim belief but you flaunt yourself on Ipob thread because you don't like their belief is called Hypocrisy.

Live with it cos you will get what you dish out
Re: Share Your Unforgettable Experience(s) That Brought You Closer To Allah by Nobody: 1:21pm On Nov 04, 2016
Guys please don't derail the thread.

Kindly take your grievances somewhere else.


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Re: Share Your Unforgettable Experience(s) That Brought You Closer To Allah by eminikansoso(m): 1:35pm On Nov 04, 2016
When comes across a dead rich man who controlled billions of Naira and he was no more.
Re: Share Your Unforgettable Experience(s) That Brought You Closer To Allah by blizzcelebTv: 1:39pm On Nov 04, 2016
haba you are not a good muslim
why do you say that
Re: Share Your Unforgettable Experience(s) That Brought You Closer To Allah by udatso: 1:41pm On Nov 04, 2016
Wow. Ikhwatul Kiram, your experiences are inspiring enough to bring anyone closer to Allah.
May Allah make us to indulge in activities that would bring us closer to Him

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Re: Share Your Unforgettable Experience(s) That Brought You Closer To Allah by mclaaro(f): 1:57pm On Nov 04, 2016
when i listened to one imams tafsir, i became very scared to d extent that i couldn't sleep in my room alone.
I need to listen to such tafsir embarassed
Re: Share Your Unforgettable Experience(s) That Brought You Closer To Allah by NOETHNICITY(m): 2:11pm On Nov 04, 2016
That funny moment when you want me to respect ur muslim belief but you flaunt yourself on Ipob thread because you don't like their belief is called Hypocrisy.

Live with it cos you will get what you dish out
Ipob lost it all when they stayed quite until after PDP lost the 2015 presidential election. When they speak all I see re ratings of PDP.
Re: Share Your Unforgettable Experience(s) That Brought You Closer To Allah by Mujaheeeden: 2:13pm On Nov 04, 2016
Ipob lost it all when they stayed quite until after PDP lost the 2015 presidential election. When they speak all I see re ratings of PDP.
Muslims lost it when they kept quiet while their brothers engage in fruitless killing of Christian


Re: Share Your Unforgettable Experience(s) That Brought You Closer To Allah by carinmom(f): 2:26pm On Nov 04, 2016
Ok, that will be when the whole family (including me) had an accident at Iwo road when we were coming back from eid al-adha celebrations, my brothers and my sister were ok, my dad was ok and my mum was ok, i was the only one THAT ALMOST DIED, why? I was sitting behind my dad, so when he was struggling with the steering, he finally hit a tree, the branch of the tree compressed the door(beside where i sat), dislocated my arm and gave me a cut on my face.

According to my mum, my iris/pupils went up and All that was left was my sclera (i.e the whitish part), she thought i had died and was crying heavily because i stopped breathing(according to her), i was unconscious for only Allaah knows how long.

when i gained consciousness, i found my hand hanged while i was on bed, then i started thinking, I almost died, if i had died where will be my end? sincerely i lived a sinful life, I didn't pray AT ALL! the prophet(sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) said, the difference between a muslim and a kaafir is salaah, umar ibn khattab said, he who does not pray is a kaafir, therefore i was a kaafir at the point of death, so i ask where will be my abode after death? your guess is as good as mine ETERNAL HELL!

you could imagine the tears that rolled down my cheeks (not literally tho, i hardly shed tears grin), what kind of life have i been living? life of NO SALAAH, life of GIRLS(yes i had GFs), infact at the point of death i was with "punk hairstyle", so is this how i would've gone to Allaah with "punk"? grin, I had earpiece listening to the Qur'an of shaytaan(i.e music) when thr accident happened, was this how i would've died? with so much burden to carry when i stand in front of Allaah? a day when every atom weight of evil you have done will be shown to you? how bout the punishment i would've received in the grave before yaumul qiyaamah? subhanAllaah, Allaah had mercy upon me.

so when i finally gained admission, i started changing bit by bit, i walked with friends that were practicing Muslims, that way my eeman increased and became practising muslim till today, the hardest life i had to leave was the Life of Girls, it was really difficult! the greatest jihaad is jihaad an-nafs i.e fighting against ones whims and desires.

Why are you still scrolling down? story don finish na? or what else do you want me to say? undecided oh!

jumah mubarak smiley

I'm glad you are still alive, this shows that Allah SWT really loves you and we should thank Him for that.

Jumu'ah Mubarak smiley
Re: Share Your Unforgettable Experience(s) That Brought You Closer To Allah by lilAZeeZ(m): 3:04pm On Nov 04, 2016
Masha Allah I use to feel so proud with my religion especially when I start listening a quran recitation by sheikh Bandar ismail baleela,, thats only way make me feel so closer to my only an one Allah,
Re: Share Your Unforgettable Experience(s) That Brought You Closer To Allah by Nobody: 3:58pm On Nov 04, 2016

I'm glad you are still alive, this shows that Allah SWT really loves you and we should thank Him for that.

Jumu'ah Mubarak smiley

Shukran sister! Jumah mubarak.

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Re: Share Your Unforgettable Experience(s) That Brought You Closer To Allah by ringi82(m): 4:39pm On Nov 04, 2016
Fear Not. I have to bear their name then swear their oath to join them here. We need to know what they are planning grin

Yes. As you can see, we are planning to bomb a strategic location with a nuclear bomb.
Re: Share Your Unforgettable Experience(s) That Brought You Closer To Allah by Feanah(f): 5:36pm On Nov 04, 2016
As’salam alaikum brothers and sisters in Islam.

Today, I would like us to share unforgettable experience(s) that drew us closer to Allah subuhanu wa ta’ala. It does not have to be a negative experience but something you will like to share with others so we may benefit from it.
Today I will be sharing one of the many times I thought I was going to die. This is one of the times I said to myself ‘ah oti ton fun mi’/ it is over for me.
It all began about nine weeks to Ramadan. I noticed I would randomly get dizzy and nauseated. I did not really have any major health issues so I didn’t bother much. I was a little worried but I didn’t pay much attention to it.

Lesson no 1: Take care of your body as much as you can because it’s trust from Allah.

Time went by, Ramadan came, and these symptoms became more frequent especially during the last ten days. I could not pinpoint why, but I thought perhaps, it was dehydration or low blood sugar. However, during one of the last ten nights, my symptoms worsened. I was tired, vomiting, and dizzy. I had never ever felt like this before. I have felt tired and weak before but this was on another level. I felt like my body had failed me and had given up on me.

Now, I have many experiences where I thought I was going to die (like the time I almost drowned) but this was different. This time I believed I was dying.Questing started to pop in. Did I live a good life? How would my case be with Allah? What of the people that I might have backbitten, slandered, or oppressed in any way? Did I oppress people with my tongue and hands? I have not had a chance to seek their forgiveness.

Lesson no2: Repent seek forgiveness from those you may have oppressed in any way or form. If you cannot do that that make dua for them, speak and treat them in a good manner.

One of the hadith that was stuck in my mind at that time, was the Prophet’s advice (peace and blessing be upon him) to take five before five.
It was narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) advised: “Take benefit of five before five: Your youth before your old age, your health before your sickness, your wealth before your poverty, your free time before you are preoccupied, and your life before your death”. (Narrated by Ibn Abbas and reported by Al Hakim)

I couldn’t but wonder......did I take advantage of my life? My health? My time? If I were to die now, would I die a good death? Am I being hopeful of Allah?

It was narrated that Jaabir ibn ‘Abdullah al-Ansaari (may Allah have mercy on him) said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) say, three days before he died: “No one of you should die except thinking positively of Allah.” Narrated by Muslim (2877).
An-Nawawi (may Allah have mercy on him) on commentary of the hadith said: The scholars mentioned what is meant by thinking positively of Allah, may He be exalted, is thinking that He will have mercy on you and forgive you. Then, when the signs of death appear, hope should outweigh fear, or should prevail completely. Sharh Muslim (17/210)

At some point I started to wonder how much of my little wealth savings did I really keep for myself.
Al-Tirmidhi narrated that they slaughtered a sheep at the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and gave it in charity except for its shoulder. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) asked ‘As’ishah, “What is left of it?” She said: “Nothing is left except the shoulder.” He said: “All of it will remain except its shoulder.” Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Tirmidhi.

Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen on commentary of this hadith mentioned. Whatever a person eats goes and no longer remains, but that which he gives in charity is what will remain for him with Allaah and he will benefit from it on the Day of Resurrection. This hadeeth is a reference to the verse in which Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“Whatever is with you, will be exhausted, and whatever is with Allaah (of good deeds) will remain” [al-Nahl 16:96].

I would like us to pause for moment and ask ourselves how much of our time are we really spending for ourselves? And how much of our wealth are we really spending for ourselves?

I will leave you with the advice of the Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) who said; “Be in this world as if you were a stranger or a traveler along a path.” Ibn Umar said, “If you enter the evening, then do not wait for the morning. If you enter the morning, then do not wait for the evening. Take from your health for your sickness and from your life for your death.” Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 6053

We all know that death is as real as it can get and our clocks are continuously ticking, so what have we prepared for when the soul would reach the throats?

NOTE: This story has been exaggerated a little to draw lessons.

culled from https://thatislamictalk..qa/2016/11/an-unfortabale-experience.html

Jazakallahu khairan
Re: Share Your Unforgettable Experience(s) That Brought You Closer To Allah by Feanah(f): 5:38pm On Nov 04, 2016
Ok, that will be when the whole family (including me) had an accident at Iwo road when we were coming back from eid al-adha celebrations, my brothers and my sister were ok, my dad was ok and my mum was ok, i was the only one THAT ALMOST DIED, why? I was sitting behind my dad, so when he was struggling with the steering, he finally hit a tree, the branch of the tree compressed the door(beside where i sat), dislocated my arm and gave me a cut on my face.

According to my mum, my iris/pupils went up and All that was left was my sclera (i.e the whitish part), she thought i had died and was crying heavily because i stopped breathing(according to her), i was unconscious for only Allaah knows how long.

when i gained consciousness, i found my hand hanged while i was on bed, then i started thinking, I almost died, if i had died where will be my end? sincerely i lived a sinful life, I didn't pray AT ALL! the prophet(sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) said, the difference between a muslim and a kaafir is salaah, umar ibn khattab said, he who does not pray is a kaafir, therefore i was a kaafir at the point of death, so i ask where will be my abode after death? your guess is as good as mine ETERNAL HELL!

you could imagine the tears that rolled down my cheeks (not literally tho, i hardly shed tears grin), what kind of life have i been living? life of NO SALAAH, life of GIRLS(yes i had GFs), infact at the point of death i was with "punk hairstyle", so is this how i would've gone to Allaah with "punk"? grin, I had earpiece listening to the Qur'an of shaytaan(i.e music) when thr accident happened, was this how i would've died? with so much burden to carry when i stand in front of Allaah? a day when every atom weight of evil you have done will be shown to you? how bout the punishment i would've received in the grave before yaumul qiyaamah? subhanAllaah, Allaah had mercy upon me.

so when i finally gained admission, i started changing bit by bit, i walked with friends that were practicing Muslims, that way my eeman increased and became practising muslim till today, the hardest life i had to leave was the Life of Girls, it was really difficult! the greatest jihaad is jihaad an-nafs i.e fighting against ones whims and desires.

Why are you still scrolling down? story don finish na? or what else do you want me to say? undecided oh!

jumah mubarak smiley
Barakallah ,very touching.may Allah guide us,amin.
Re: Share Your Unforgettable Experience(s) That Brought You Closer To Allah by Nobody: 5:42pm On Nov 04, 2016
Barakallah ,very touching.may Allah guide us,amin.

Re: Share Your Unforgettable Experience(s) That Brought You Closer To Allah by Feanah(f): 6:01pm On Nov 04, 2016
Well I don't really have story to share..just that I school in khartoum,not one of the places you'll want to be .I started looking for admissions late (my dad wanted an islamic country) and it was the only country I managed to get apart from others who put me on waiting list,incase some students don't show up.A month after I came here,I sat for my IELTS examination,because I wasn't willing to stay;intended transferring to some other school after my first year which needed the IELTS test.
I got along quickly with my new class mates and decided to join some of them in the islamiyya they attend.SubhanaAllah, it didn't take much time before I decided I wanted to stay;the place wasn't as bad as I thought & my school was very very good too.
I had so much about my religion I needed to know,knowledge which I know will be hard for me to get if I leave this place.
The islamic rulings I didn't understand,some were easily explained to me and made alot of sense.It took me less than a year to decide I wanted to wear the hijab, willingly on my own..I just wanted to cover up.Had more peace of mind learning about my religion,my priorities changed . I've stopped going to the islamiyya for some years now and it has definitely affected me spiritually.
I've just some months left here,and I'll definitely miss this place because I've learnt so much about my religion here.
It was a blessing in disguise, something I never wanted.

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Re: Share Your Unforgettable Experience(s) That Brought You Closer To Allah by Nobody: 6:08pm On Nov 04, 2016
Well I don't really have story to share..just that I school in khartoum,not one of the places you'll want to be .I started looking for admissions late (my dad wanted an islamic country) and it was the only country I managed to get apart from others who put me on waiting list,incase some students don't show up.A month after I came here,I sat for my IELTS examination,because I wasn't willing to stay;intended transferring to some other school after my first year which needed the IELTS test.
I got along quickly with my new class mates and decided to join some of them in the islamiyya they attend.SubhanaAllah, it didn't take much time before I decided I wanted to stay;the place wasn't as bad as I thought & my school was very very good too.
I had so much about my religion I needed to know,knowledge which I know will be hard for me to get if I leave this place.
The islamic rulings I didn't understand,some were easily explained to me and made alot of sense.It took me less than a year to decide I wanted to wear the hijab, willingly on my own..I just wanted to cover up.Had more peace of mind learning about my religion,my priorities changed . I've stopped going to the islamiyya for some years now and it has definitely affected me spiritually.
I've just some months left here,and I'll definitely miss this place because I've learnt so much about my religion here.
It was a blessing in disguise, something I never wanted.

Alhamdulillaah! Really, learning about Islam on its own can encourage you to become a practicing Muslim, because every single thing makes sense if you see someone that can explain them for you, and once you get it, you feel this inner joy, satisfaction and peace.

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Re: Share Your Unforgettable Experience(s) That Brought You Closer To Allah by MeenalKd(f): 6:53pm On Nov 04, 2016
I started using medicated glass when I was in primary three..at that time I thought it was a mere fashion glass..I was diagnosed with glaucoma when I was in jss 3..In SS2 was diagnosed with asthma.. I have lived my life as a sick lady..I still can't do without my glass..I was the brilliant in my class in secondary school..I do represent my Islamiyya in competition..when I finished secondary school in 2011..I didn't gain admission(Still at home)..I lost all hope..all my junior ones were gaining admission BT here I am..I enroll in a polytechnic and got a diploma..I wrote jamb every year without success..Early this year i got engaged ..in September I got admission..Alhamdulilah. Allah has being with me even when I lost hope...

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Re: Share Your Unforgettable Experience(s) That Brought You Closer To Allah by Nobody: 7:04pm On Nov 04, 2016
I started using medicated glass when I was in primary three..at that time I thought it was a mere fashion glass..I was diagnosed with glaucoma when I was in jss 3..In SS2 was diagnosed with asthma.. I have lived my life as a sick lady..I still can't do without my glass..I was the brilliant in my class in secondary school..I do represent my Islamiyya in competition..when I finished secondary school in 2011..I didn't gain admission(Still at home)..I lost all hope..all my junior ones were gaining admission BT here I am..I enroll in a polytechnic and got a diploma..I wrote jamb every year without success..Early this year i got engaged ..in September I got admission..Alhamdulilah. Allah has being with me even when I lost hope...

BarakAllaahu feek
Re: Share Your Unforgettable Experience(s) That Brought You Closer To Allah by heftycul: 8:21pm On Nov 04, 2016
alot that i cant say
Alhamdulilah sha
Re: Share Your Unforgettable Experience(s) That Brought You Closer To Allah by munex007(m): 9:28pm On Nov 04, 2016
I lost someone emotionally and it was a hard time moving on...A friend invited me to do Itikaaf @ syrian mosque Ikoyi..

During one of my sujood..I started to think about everything and could not stop crying uncontrollably..The floor was wet and soaked in my tears..I could hear my heart beat and everything was so awesome...That was the most peaceful position have ever been..

When I read surah Qaf. "it will ask, 'Are there no more to come?' (Surah Qaf: 30) and Surah Qiyama and the last verse of Surah Luqman..I will start crying again..

When I read Surah Rahman..I started thinking about all the favours of Allah and how he has been so merciful to me..

After the itikaaf my emotional wound healed and I became stronger and still striving to be better..

Walahi Islam is the way..If you are currently facing any problem right now just wake up @ night and lost your self in sujjod..I swear by the creator of the Universe you will find the solution to your problem..

The real test of being in the presence of Allah is, that you either forget about yourself altogether or see yourself as a small,powerless, dirty object...See yourself as infinitesimal as a single sand on the beach,see yourself bowing down in front of an unimaginable being.

If you sit in the dark of the night before your master do the act of the children..this is because when a child seek for something from his father and he is not given he cries..Cry out to Allah ,pour your heart to him,ask him for your needs,ask him to save you from life tribulations and grant you the ultimate reward(Jannah)

Make ur sujood hearty and intimate sajdah where tears would flow and become the ink of message to your creator..

May Allah make us die as muslims..Amin


Re: Share Your Unforgettable Experience(s) That Brought You Closer To Allah by Demmzy15(m): 9:43pm On Nov 04, 2016
Muslims lost it when they kept quiet while their brothers engage in fruitless killing of Christian
At least be reasonable, if you can't you can leave us alone. The door is forever open!
Re: Share Your Unforgettable Experience(s) That Brought You Closer To Allah by Mujaheeeden: 9:44pm On Nov 04, 2016
At least be reasonable, if you can't you can leave us alone. The door is forever open!
go away

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Re: Share Your Unforgettable Experience(s) That Brought You Closer To Allah by Nobody: 3:08pm On Nov 05, 2016
never knew NAIRALAND threatens people with their 'i believe in Allah blah blah blah

if u wanna comment on the muslim thread.


Thank God you believe in Allaah, may Allaah guide you to Islaam proper!!!!(o_o)
Re: Share Your Unforgettable Experience(s) That Brought You Closer To Allah by freeman95(m): 3:09pm On Nov 05, 2016

Thank God you believe in Allaah, may Allaah guide you to Islaam proper!!!!(o_o)

haha i dont believe in allah... i dont know how that shiit got on my profile, im not even religious
Re: Share Your Unforgettable Experience(s) That Brought You Closer To Allah by Nobody: 3:09pm On Nov 05, 2016
Brother, won't you share an experience?

@Demmzy15 you knor?
Re: Share Your Unforgettable Experience(s) That Brought You Closer To Allah by Nobody: 3:17pm On Nov 05, 2016
Actually, my breathing OXYGEN freely without paying for it, is an EXPERIENCE o. May Allaah preserve us upon KHAYR!
Re: Share Your Unforgettable Experience(s) That Brought You Closer To Allah by Nobody: 3:22pm On Nov 05, 2016
Brother, won't you share an experience?

@Demmzy15 you knor?

LOOL, hajia... Just lemme be reading comments jere and getting INspired labele!!!!!
Re: Share Your Unforgettable Experience(s) That Brought You Closer To Allah by Nobody: 3:26pm On Nov 05, 2016

haha i dont believe in allah... i dont know how that shiit got on my profile, im not even religious

Religious kwa?! Hiaaa, who cares!!!!
Re: Share Your Unforgettable Experience(s) That Brought You Closer To Allah by Demmzy15(m): 4:21pm On Nov 05, 2016
Brother, won't you share an experience?

@Demmzy15 you knor?
Hmmmn, I've always been praying and fulfilling my duties as Muslim but I didn't do them at the appointed time, especially my Salaah.

I was going through the Qur'an one day, I came across a chapter I read almost everyday, but I didn't know it's through meaning. This is why it's necessary for us as Muslims to learn the Arabic language, so as we can understand the Qur'an. The translation is as follows:

Have you seen the one who denies the Recompense? For that is the one who drives away the orphan. And does not encourage the feeding of the poor. So woe to those who pray, [But] who are heedless of their prayer and it's stated times- Those who make show [of their deeds]. And withhold [simple] assistance. Qur'an 107

WAllahi when I read this chapter, I pondered and I concluded that it refers to me.

#I was super stingy in Junior Secondary to the extent they called me "St" aka "Saint Steve" (weird right?!)

#I didn't pray at the appointed time.

It was this one chapter that changed me, Alhamdullahi!

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