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Five Atheist Miracles by winner01(m): 10:30pm On Oct 29, 2016 |
Atheists often promote themselves as intelligent, logical, scientific, rational, etc. They even had a proposal to call themselves ‘brights’! The aggressive ‘new Atheists’, such as Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris and company, like to portray those of us who believe in a supernatural Creator as irrational, unscientific, unintelligent, ignorant, or even ‘needing help’ (Dawkins). The entertainment industry often reinforces these perceptions by portraying ‘religious’ people (Christians particularly, and especially church leaders) as buffoons or hillbillies (almost never as a university professor, for example). Reality runs against these perceptions. Isaac Newton, the greatest scientific mind of all time, was a Christian believer, as were other founders of modern science. Surveys have consistently shown that people with a strong adherence to the Bible’s authority are the least likely to be superstitious, in contrast to the average de facto Atheist. Indeed, one Atheist expressed his chagrin that “some of the most intelligent and well-informed people” he knew were Christians. There is much more to say. Atheists believe that everything came about by purely material processes—the universe, life, mind, and morality. However, do they have a rational, logical basis for this belief? They actually believe in miracles without any reasonable cause for the miracles. That is, they believe in magic, or the occurrence of things without a sufficient cause. What we commonly call ‘magic’ is actually illusion. For example, a rabbit does not just appear from an empty hat; there has to be a logical physical explanation; a sufficient cause. Illusion needs an illusionist. Stuff does not happen without something to cause it to happen. Even young children understand this law of causation. Magic, where things ‘just happen’, is the stuff of fairytales—there is no such thing. Here are five major examples of materialists believing in magic (and there are more), or miraculous events without any sufficient explanation or cause for those events. [size=13pt]1. Origin of the Universe[/size] Materialists (Atheists) once tried to believe that the universe was eternal, to erase the question of where it came from. The famous British Atheist Bertrand Russell, for example, took this position. However, this is not tenable. The progress of scientific knowledge about thermodynamics, for example, means that virtually everyone has been forced to acknowledge that the universe had a beginning, somewhere, sometime—the big bang idea acknowledges this (ideas like the multiverse only put the beginning more remotely, but do not get rid of the pesky problem). The big bang attempts to explain the beginning of the universe. However, what did it begin from and what caused it to begin? Ultimately, it could not have come from a matter/energy source, the same sort of stuff as our universe, because that matter/energy should also be subject to the same physical laws, and therefore decay, and it would have had a beginning too, just further back in time. So, it had to come from? Nothing! Nothing became everything with no cause whatsoever. Magic! “The universe burst into something from absolutely nothing—zero, nada. And as it got bigger, it became filled with even more stuff that came from absolutely nowhere. How is that possible? Ask Alan Guth. His theory of inflation helps explain everything.” So proclaimed the front cover of Discover magazine, April 2002. Physicist Lawrence Krauss, one of the loud ‘new Atheists’, has tried to explain how everything came from nothing; he even wrote a book about it. However, his ‘nothing’ is a ‘quantum vacuum’, which is not actually nothing. Indeed, a matter/energy quantum something has exactly the same problem as eternal universes; it cannot have persisted for eternity in the past, so all their theorizing only applies after the universe (something) exists. Back to square one! Materialists have no explanation for the origin of the universe, beyond ‘it happened because we are here!’ Magic: just like the rabbit out of the hat, but with the universe, a rather humungous ‘rabbit’! ‘Stuff happens!’ Materialists have no explanation for the origin of the universe, beyond ‘it happened because we are here!’ There are other aspects of the big bang, the ‘mainstream’ model of the universe’s origin, that are also miraculous. The ‘standard model’ has a period of very rapid expansion called ‘inflation’ (which Alan Guth, mentioned above, invented). There is no known cause for the initiation of this supposed expansion, no known cause for it to stop and no physical mechanism for the extremely rapid expansion (many orders of magnitude faster than the speed of light). However, these three associated miracles must have happened or the big bang does not work because of the ‘horizon problem’. More magic! “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). This is not magic, because God, who is eternal and omnipotent, is a sufficient cause for the universe. And He can exist out of time/eternally (and therefore has no beginning) because He is a non-material entity (God is spirit, as the Bible says in many places). [size=13pt]2. Origin of stars[/size] According to the big bang, the ‘only game in town’ to explain the origin of stars, there had to have been two phases of star formation. Phase 1 involved the formation of hydrogen/helium stars (which are called Population III stars). Here is the first problem: how do you get gases formed in a rapidly expanding primordial universe to coalesce together to form a critical mass so that there is sufficient gravitational attraction to attract more gas to grow a star? Gases don’t tend to come together; they disperse, especially where there is a huge amount of energy (heat). Hey presto! Cosmologists invented ‘dark matter’, which is invisible undetectable ‘stuff’ that just happens to generate a lot of gravitational attraction just where it is needed. More magic! However, we have countless stars—like the sun—that are not just hydrogen and helium, but contain the heavier elements. Phase 2 supposedly comes in here. Exploding stars (supernovas) from phase 1 produced sufficient pressure to force hydrogen and helium together to make new stars that made all the heavier elements (which astronomers call ‘metals’), including the elements of which we are made. These stars are called Population I and II stars. Now here is another problem: how do exploding stars, with matter flying at great speed in all directions, cause stars made of all those new elements to form? There has to be a coming together of the elements, not a flying apart. Pieces hitting one another would bounce off rather than coalesce. Most hypotheses involve multiple supernovas from phase 1 in close proximity, such that sufficient material collided together to form enough of a proto-star with sufficient gravity to overcome the tendency to fly apart and attract more matter and so grow a normal star. However, supernovas are not common events, especially multiple ones at the same time in close proximity. Thus, this scenario requires a huge number of very improbable events to account for the vast numbers of the heavier stars. This is more magic; miracles without a miracle worker. God made the sun and the stars on the fourth day of Creation Week. Again, this is not magic or superstition, because God is able to do such things. [size=13pt]3. Origin of life[/size] Astrobiologist Professor Paul Davies said, “How did stupid atoms spontaneously write their own software … ? Nobody knows … there is no known law of physics able to create information from nothing.” Not only must the DNA code be explained (how can a coded information storage system come about without intelligent design?), but the incredible machinery that reads the information and creates the components of life from that information has to be explained as well. Former hard-nosed English Atheist philosopher Antony Flew abandoned Atheism/materialism because of the growing evidence for such design in living things. He said, “It now seems to me that the findings of more than fifty years of DNA research have provided materials for a new and enormously powerful argument to design.” This research, “has shown, by the almost unbelievable complexity of the arrangements which are needed to produce (life), that intelligence must have been involved”. That is, only an incredibly intelligent designer could account for the information systems in living things. Well-known American Atheist philosopher, Thomas Nagel said, “What is lacking, to my knowledge, is a credible argument that the story [of cosmic evolution] has a nonnegligible probability of being true. There are two questions. First, given what is known about the chemical basis of biology and genetics, what is the likelihood that self-reproducing life forms should have come into existence spontaneously on the early earth, solely through the operation of the laws of physics and chemistry?” The scientific knowledge of life grows daily, and as it does the prospects of a naturalistic (materialistic/atheistic) explanation for its origin recede into the distance. The origin of life is another miracle. ‘Stuff happens’? More magic. The origin of life demands a super-intelligent cause, such as the Creator-God revealed in the Bible. [size=13pt]4. Origin of the diversity of life (Design? What design?)[/size] The origin of life is only the beginning of the problem for the materialist. Along with other atheistic biologists, Richard Dawkins has spent his life trying to deny that living things exhibit supernatural design. In the book that ‘put him on the map’, he wrote, “Biology is the study of complicated things that give the appearance of having been designed for a purpose.” … how do you get gases formed in a rapidly expanding primordial universe to coalesce together? The diversity of life is a huge problem. How did a microbe change itself into every living thing on earth, ranging from earwigs to elephants, from mites to mango trees? For almost a hundred years, mutations and natural selection, the mechanisms of ‘neo-Darwinism’, or ‘the modern synthesis’, have been said to explain this diversity of life. However, with our modern knowledge of living things, this has proved useless as an explanation. In July 2008, 16 high profile evolutionists met, by invitation, in Altenburg, Austria. They had come because they realized that mutations and natural selection did not explain the diversity of life, and they had come together to discuss this crisis in evolutionary biology. The only consensus was that there is a major problem, a crisis. Thomas Nagel (continuing from the earlier quote) put it this way: “The second question is about the sources of variation in the evolutionary process that was set in motion once life began: In the available geological time since the first life forms appeared on earth, what is the likelihood that, as a result of physical accident, a sequence of viable genetic mutations should have occurred that was sufficient to permit natural selection to produce the organisms that actually exist?” Think of the supposed origin of humans from a chimp-like ape in six million evolutionary years. Modern comparison of the genomes shows such large differences (of at least 20%) that this is just not feasible, even with highly unrealistic assumptions in favour of evolution. Actually, it was not even feasible when the difference was incorrectly trumpeted to be about 1%. Materialists have no sufficient explanation (cause) for the diversity of life. There is a mind-boggling plethora of miracles here, not just one. Every basic type of life form is a miracle. Genesis 1 tells us that God, the all-powerful, all-knowing Creator, made the various kinds of life to reproduce “after their kind”. Here is a sufficient cause, but even the description of the nature of living things to reproduce according to each kind has been confirmed with every witnessed reproductive event (billions of humans alone), and also in the fossil record where the transitional forms are missing and ‘living fossils’ testify to consistent reproduction ‘after their kind’ in thousands of species. [size=13pt]5. Origin of mind and morality[/size] The origin of mind and morality from energy and atoms has long been a problem for the materialist. It is a major theme of philosopher Thomas Nagel’s book, Mind and Cosmos, already referred to. "A fig tree produces figs, not apples. That seems obvious. Likewise, physics and chemistry produce physical and chemical outcomes. However, mind and morality are not just matters of physics and chemistry. Sure, creatures that are physical and chemical have mind and morality, but how did such non-material things arise from the material?" This is a serious problem for materialism, and the Atheist Nagel candidly admits it, to the extreme annoyance of his atheistic colleagues. The famous (and reluctant) convert from Atheism to Christianity, C.S. Lewis, put it well when he wrote, “If the solar system was brought about by an accidental collision, then the appearance of organic life on this planet was also an accident, and the whole evolution of Man was an accident too. If so, then all our present thoughts are mere accidents—the accidental by-product of the movement of atoms. And this holds for the thoughts of the materialists and astronomers as well as for anyone else’s. But if their thoughts—i.e. of materialism and astronomy—are merely accidental by-products, why should we believe them to be true? I see no reason for believing that one accident should be able to give me a correct account of all the other accidents. It’s like expecting that the accidental shape taken by the splash when you upset a milkjug should give you a correct account of how the jug was made and why it was upset.” The origin of life is only the beginning of the problem for the materialist. The Atheist has no sufficient cause to explain the existence of mind and morality. Magic happens! Why do apparently intelligent people resort to believing in magic—uncaused events—at so many points? By not believing in God they have put themselves into an irrational philosophical corner. Romans 1:21 in the Bible says that when people deny that the Creator-God exists, they end up with ‘futile thinking’. We have seen plenty of that in this article. Richard Lewontin admitted that (leaving God out of the picture), “We take the side of science in spite of the patent absurdity of some of its constructs … ” (he confuses ‘science’ with materialism). [size=13pt]Where to from here?[/size] God made man “in His image”, a creature with a mind and morality (Genesis 1:27). As such, we are able to think about God and ‘know’ Him. That is the very reason for our existence. Isaiah 1:18 records God speaking to the people of Israel who had turned away from Him, “Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool.” Trying to live life as if God does not exist is the ultimate rebellion (sin), and the ultimate folly. The good news is that God is in the forgiving business for those who will admit their error and seek Him: “Seek the Lord while he may be found; call upon him while he is near; let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, that he may have compassion on him, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.” (Isaiah 55:6–7). Jesus Christ came into the world to make possible our forgiveness; see Good news! Source God bless you. 9 Likes 8 Shares |
Re: Five Atheist Miracles by Pidggin(f): 10:44pm On Oct 29, 2016 |
Tell them oga Winners01 6 Likes 5 Shares
Re: Five Atheist Miracles by RabbaRabbi: 11:31pm On Oct 29, 2016 |
Pidggin:no be small twale ooo the guy can write for life ehh. 3 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Five Atheist Miracles by Kalatium(m): 1:19am On Oct 30, 2016 |
Op nice article, many materialist are trying to put God out of the picture but science keeps proving them wrong 1 Like 3 Shares |
Re: Five Atheist Miracles by Pidggin(f): 1:58am On Oct 30, 2016 |
RabbaRabbi: Na Professor |
Re: Five Atheist Miracles by SirShifty: 3:27am On Oct 30, 2016 |
It is natural to think that the universe and living things must be the handiwork of a designer but it also natural to see the world as flat or that the sun orbits the earth. Because there are things we do not know, our pockets of ignorance gives us no reason whatsoever to presume a God. We have no need to abandon our hard won principles of science and reason and accept a mystic answer. None of the holes of our ignorance have been filled by any religious dogma. God is an inappropriate explanation for anything, there is not a shred of evidence indicating that such a being exists. Ignorance and fear created the god. The descriptions of nature in any so called holy book are completely off scientifically. How peculiar is it that a God who supposedly created nature wouldn't be able to accurately describe how nature works. We will continue searching for the answers, we are on a quest to find out the mysteries of life and the universe. Knowledge is preferable to ignorance, better by far to embrace the hard truth than the reassuring fable of Jesus God is a pocket of ignorance in our understanding of the universe, using him as an explanation for some phenomena we do not understand at this moment is a display of weakness 9 Likes |
Re: Five Atheist Miracles by jonbellion(m): 4:46am On Oct 30, 2016 |
basically what u said on stars doesn't seem to make any cosmological sense because Dark matter is not "magic" first of all matter tends to come together all the time. It's called gravity. If you have enough of it, gas comes together. Roughly speaking, if the gravitational energy is large enough to overcome various pressures, you get a collapse. This doesn't happen on earth, but there are pictures of it happy happening all over the galaxy. How is dark matter made up for pete's sake . there is much more mass in the universe than we can currently detect. There are measurements of galactic rotations and galaxy cluster dynamics, along with other evidence. It is this hypothetical undetected mass that has been named "dark matter." Roughly 23% of thy universes energy is dark matter although there have been modifications to the dark matter with other gravitational theories like modified newton dynamics. It is quite good for predicting the rotation curves of galaxies but it does not easily explain the excess of mass in the galaxy. Dark matter accounts for certain features in the CMB power spectrum right now so right now it's the best hypothesis we've got cuz it accurately explains cosmological and galactic data. Wait ooooooooo did you say supernovas' are not common events in a galaxy like thy milky way a supernova can occur once in about 50 years but in the distant galaxy stars explode like every second and the big bang is not an explosion for the last time nobody said the universe doesn't have a beginning. It is expanding so it obviously started at a point. Red shift of light has proven this. The thermal heat left from the early expansion (CMB) has been observed. Since the universe was initially very hot at it's beginning the CMB is the reminsnt of what was left. This is more proof the theory is on the right track God honestly does not solve the problem. A creator that has always existed is an entity that has somehow existed without a cause. We are trying to understand the universe why can't you leave us to understand it naaaaaa. If God is thy best explanation for you that's fine but do you just expect us to leave years of astronomy and cosmology findings to say God did it so lets just not bother on observing the universe. Several thousand years ago, a small tribe of ignorant near-savages wrote various collections of myths, wild tales, lies, and gibberish. Over the centuries, the stories were mutilated, and torn into small pieces that were then repeatedly shuffled. Finally, this material was badly translated into several languages successively. The resultant text, creationists feel, is the best guide to this complex and technical subject. Woooow that's great. The best part is you can pick any God you feel like. I'm agnostic but it's obvious that doesn't solve the problem. For Gods sake studying CMB background alone even shows dark matter exists. What is wrong with creationists. Dark matter is made up? *facepalm*. The rotational speed of stars around a galaxy should drop off as you get further from the centre. Instead it tends to stay almost constant. This implies that there is invisible mass away from the galactic centre Modelling of the universe gives the correct results if dark matter is included in the situation DARK MATTER IS NOT "MAGIC"!!! Does this look like woman forming out of a mans rib *facepalm* and as for thy inflation theory there is evidence that supports it the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) probe was launched in 1992 and its initial results confirmed almost exactly the amount of variation in the CMB background radiation that was predicted by the theory It's okay to believe in a deity if you want but you don't really have to take the whole of science down because of your beliefs. This is just God of thy gaps all over again. And btw dark matter exists
Re: Five Atheist Miracles by felixomor: 6:17am On Oct 30, 2016 |
Awesome thread. 2 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Five Atheist Miracles by Niflheim(m): 8:25am On Oct 30, 2016 |
"Isaac Newton, the greatest scientific mind of all time".................................CHINEKE!!! You mean the same Isaac Newton who claimed that gravity is constant all around the solar system, because the entire solar system was the product of a perfect god? And which turned out to be false?!!! He tried to force his religious buffoonery into his scientific research, and these are what caused so many errors in his work, and this is according to you, the greatest scientist?!!! 2. "The Big Bang tries to explain the beginning of the Universe"...............................AH AH!!! HABA!!! The Big Bang simply explains the Expansion of Space and Time!!! Scientists say, "WE DO NOT KNOW WHAT HAPPENED BEFORE THE BIG BANG"........................This alone should tell you that no scientist has ever claimed that the Big Bang is trying to explain the origin of the Universe!!! It is simply a point beyond which we can see!!! 3. Because that matter should be subject to the same physical laws"..........................JEEEZUUUS FACKING CHRIST!!! Should be?!!! It should be?!!! Says who?!!! You are daft!!! Go and ask any reputable physicist, they will tell you that, "ALL OUR CLASSICAL LAWS OF PHYSICS BREAK DOWN IN THE QUANTUM WORLD!!!" They are not all subjected to the same laws!!! That is a Fallacy of Composition!!! 4. "It could not have existed eternally in the past"........................................A foolish claim, by a foolish claimant who makes a Special Pleading Case for his god, by insisting that his god/dog exists eternally in the past!!! You don't even see your own unbelievable hypocrisy until someone points it out to you, like fresh green mucous, dangling from your nostrils!!! 4 Likes |
Re: Five Atheist Miracles by raphieMontella: 9:17am On Oct 30, 2016 |
you don come with your yeye threads again.. Laced with ignorance,outright dishonesty,nauseatic arguments,reductio ad absurdum,Gosh! Too many fallacies that its not worth the stress! 7 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Five Atheist Miracles by winner01(m): 10:06am On Oct 30, 2016 |
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Re: Five Atheist Miracles by winner01(m): 10:07am On Oct 30, 2016 |
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Re: Five Atheist Miracles by KingEbukasBlog(m): 12:27am On Nov 03, 2016 |
raphieMontella: Abeg shut up jare . I'm very certain you don't know what reductio ad absurdum is but mentioned it of course to purport smartness. You always commit this logical fallacy - argumentum ad lapidem - a lot . What is wrong you ? Please abeg mbok show me where reductio ad absurdum was committed , so we can scrutinize it . 5 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Five Atheist Miracles by raphieMontella: 3:41am On Nov 03, 2016 |
KingEbukasBlog:really? You didnt see it? Honestly? |
Re: Five Atheist Miracles by SeunLanLege(m): 7:56am On Nov 03, 2016 |
I stopped reading when I saw dark matter described as magic. If you have a better explanation of gravity that disproves dark matter. Write a physics paper, publish it and get a Nobel prize, or else you realize your ramblings make no difference right? 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Five Atheist Miracles by theoneJabulani(m): 8:17am On Nov 03, 2016 |
The human mind is very proud, rather than admitting to the unknown, he simply makes up an answer of his own. The god of the gaps theory should no longer be existing in this age. winner, stop trying to form genius, dark matter is not magic. 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Five Atheist Miracles by 4everGod1: 8:28am On Nov 03, 2016 |
winner01 lovely piece here. Kudos For those who just latched on to the Dark Matter issue thereby blocked out the rest of the OP are just being Childishly mischievous. Dark Matter is invisible yet someone just gave it a convenient name to fuel his fantasy and assumption that it is what he says it is....You do not see something..you cannot measure it...you do not know its origin....its unexplainable yet you drive it and here are Atheists latching onto such by FAITH and tomorrow they will call Christians delusional.. If there is Any Atheist here who has seen dark matter or knows its origin for sure let that one stand up and be counted..... mtcheew...Winner01 you hit this ball out of the park and its a home run....Good job bro 6 Likes 7 Shares |
Re: Five Atheist Miracles by taurus25(m): 8:38am On Nov 03, 2016 |
One doesnt even have to read through this large chunk of ignorace, that have been trashed over and over again. The first blunder is the non relationship of the topic, and the content to atheism. |
Re: Five Atheist Miracles by blueAgent(m): 2:08pm On Nov 09, 2016 |
SirShifty: Who said Religeon stops people from advancing in Science? www.nairaland.com/3452546/scientists-quotes-god |
Re: Five Atheist Miracles by blueAgent(m): 2:11pm On Nov 09, 2016 |
4everGod1: The funny thing is that Science and Scientists do not support Athiesm. www.nairaland.com/3452546/scientists-quotes-god |
Re: Five Atheist Miracles by blueAgent(m): 2:15pm On Nov 09, 2016 |
Niflheim: The world greatest and brightest Scientist accept and believe in a God of creation. www.nairaland.com/3452546/scientists-quotes-god |
Re: Five Atheist Miracles by blueAgent(m): 2:22pm On Nov 09, 2016 |
“Science is incompetent to reason upon the creation of matter itself out of nothing. We have reached the utmost limit of our thinking faculties when we have admitted that because matter cannot be eternal and self-existent it must have been created.”— Physicist and mathematician James Clerk Maxwell, who is credited with formulating classical electromagnetic theory and whose contributions to science are considered to be of the same magnitude to those of Einstein and Newton. www.nairaland.com/3452546/scientists-quotes-god |
Re: Five Atheist Miracles by Nobody: 9:49pm On Nov 12, 2016 |
blueAgent:What kinda bullcrap is this one trouting? Science & Scientists do not support atheism, even though the vast majority of Scientists (physicists in particular) are atheists, and Science, having empiricist materialism & experimental verification at its heart, gives no room for God, since such a being is an incredible, unverifiable hypothesis?!! Imagine the legendary buffoonery. Scientific materialism is a philosophy, and it takes a great deal of philosophical illiteracy to make the assertion that science is not an atheistic enterprise. Religious scientists are merely irrational and intellectually dishonest fellas that have no qualms with Orwellian doublethink, holding contradictory beliefs without batting an eyelid. Or do they have any scientific evidence to back their ludicrous beliefs? 1 Like |
Re: Five Atheist Miracles by Nobody: 9:53pm On Nov 12, 2016 |
blueAgent:This moro'n does nothing other than appeal to authority. 1 Like |
Re: Five Atheist Miracles by Nobody: 10:04pm On Nov 12, 2016 |
Kalatium:HOW? Do you think before commenting or you just shoot out words at RANDOM? Isn't that as stvpid as hell? Perhaps, you're scientifically illiterate. 1 Like |
Re: Five Atheist Miracles by Kalatium(m): 10:38pm On Nov 12, 2016 |
joyContraMundum:I know what am saying. |
Re: Five Atheist Miracles by Nobody: 10:46pm On Nov 12, 2016 |
Kalatium:Yeah, right. An explanation would be superflous. Why can't I just take your word for it? Afterall, FAITH is the greatest of virtues. |
Re: Five Atheist Miracles by blueAgent(m): 11:34pm On Nov 12, 2016 |
joyContraMundum: A slowpoke who the World reckons as one of the greatest Scientists. Why are you Athiests Bigots? even after you are given facts you still choose to deny reality. You could as well explain to us how matter came into existence. 1 Like |
Re: Five Atheist Miracles by blueAgent(m): 11:52pm On Nov 12, 2016 |
joyContraMundum: Clown did you even read the article i gave U? 36. “If we need an atheist for a debate, we go to the philosophy department. The physics department isn’t much use.” —Robert Griffiths, winner of the Heinemann Prize in mathematical physics. 1 Like |
Re: Five Atheist Miracles by blueAgent(m): 11:54pm On Nov 12, 2016 |
[quote author=joyContraMundum post=50990885] What kinda bullcrap is this one trouting? Science & Scientists do not support atheism, even though the vast majority of Scientists (physicists in particular) are atheists, and Science, having empiricist materialism & experimental verification at its heart, gives no room for God, since such a being is an incredible, unverifiable hypothesis?!! Imagine the legendary buffoonery. Scientific materialism is a philosophy, and it takes a great deal of philosophical illiteracy to make the assertion that science is not an atheistic enterprise. Religious scientists are merely irrational and intellectually dishonest fellas that have no qualms with Orwellian doublethink, holding contradictory beliefs without batting an eyelid. Or do they have an y scientific evidence to back their ludicrous beliefs? . I build molecules for a living. I can’t begin to tell you how difficult that job is. I stand in awe of God because of what he has done through his creation. My faith has been increased through my research. Only a ROOKIE who knows nothing about science would say science takes away from faith. If you really study science, it will bring you closer to God.” —James Tour, one of the world’s leading nanoscientists Observe the capitalized words. |
Re: Five Atheist Miracles by Richirich713: 8:57am On Dec 08, 2016 |
Atheists have blind faith. 2 Likes 1 Share
Re: Five Atheist Miracles by foladara777(m): 9:38am On Dec 08, 2016 |
Richirich713:And Christians have proven faith?? Or they rely on logic and reason?? Plss, spare me this hogwash... U people close your eyes to everything that is incorrect about the bible and then brandish the bible as scientifically accurate 1 Like |
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