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Romance On The River - Book Review / Cries From The River “nun” Poem, Dedicated To Gabriel Imomotimi Okara / Murica: My River Wife (2) (3) (4)
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Re: The River by girlhaley(f): 7:27pm On Nov 17, 2016 |
1 Like 1 Share |
Re: The River by Lleigh(f): 7:51pm On Nov 17, 2016 |
Will update sometime before midnight 1 Like |
Re: The River by Adesina12: 10:06pm On Nov 17, 2016 |
Re: The River by Lleigh(f): 10:38pm On Nov 17, 2016 |
cc bibijay123, skarlett, Gracito, swann, twaci, fiyay, creeza, soleski01, junnyjake, girlhaley, johnwizey, jagugu88li, ritababe, ADECULATE, Prinxxdave, Missmossy, iykekelvins, greedie1, Nostradamus, Leriebloom, kingrex1, Isofdk, Laveda, makydebbie, bummybummy, Larrysun, Teel123, AJvine 4 Likes 4 Shares |
Re: The River by Ls0fdk(m): 10:38pm On Nov 17, 2016 |
Lleigh:can't read now, gat a heavy eye, but will definitely tomorrow ![]() Iykekelvins thanks for the mention 2 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: The River by Lleigh(f): 10:49pm On Nov 17, 2016 |
********************continued******************************* Chapter 4 The incessant beeping of the alarm woke Eliora up at 7.00 am, still feeling tired and groggy, she got out of bed and headed for the bathroom to shower and brush her teeth, thinking back to the dream she had the night before. Why had there been soo much red, what was Danny trying to tell her? Was it a warning? Something was telling her that there was a message in there somewhere, but right now she could not decipher it. Sighing deeply, she walked back into her bedroom, staring at the clothes she had chosen the night before, a black trouser suit with a red hot pink shirt, a present from Danny, her lucky shirt he had called it. She was starting a new job that morning and was hoping to make a good impression with her new colleagues irrespective of the circumstances, the last thing she needed was showing up there half awake. The boxes littered around the room swiftly pulled her back to the present, she still had loads of boxes to unpack, she thought despairingly to herself as she tried to find a pair of boots in one of the boxes stacked two high in her bedroom. She needed a pair that would go with the suit she was wearing. The quaint little cottage was not looking it at the moment; she had come back here after the accident, the cottage having being left unoccupied since Mary had gone to live in the home. She had insisted on her staying here, hinting that it would be Eliora’s eventually anyway. There were boxes and crates everywhere she looked, some of them open with their contents visible underneath all the paper wrapping. Would she ever finish putting the stuff away, she wondered, there was just so much she needed to do. She walked into the bathroom to finish her makeup and stared back at her reflection in the mirror. At 5’11, Eliora was quite tall, her skin the darkest shade of brown most people would ever come across, even the richly roasted Arabica coffee beans she favoured were lighter than her. In reality her skin was blacker than a dark brown; the skin smooth and velvet soft, that people would involuntarily touch it to see if it was real. The girls had given her the nickname ‘Midnight’ at boarding school when she was younger, though they had never said it to her face. Her eyes were her most striking feature, they were inky, black as night, hard as obsidian, pupils that reflected nothing even in the brightest sunlight set in a sea of the whitest cream. With a slight oriental slant, her eyes were hard to get used to by most people; they spoke of an unfathomable inner purpose and other eerie qualities. She smiled as she remembered Danny once telling her, that there was something about them that was unnerving. Danny had never been one for tact that had been him being polite trying to spare her feelings; she smiled again this time grimly. Her braids were swiftly sprayed and a scrunchy went into her pocket. Walking out of the bathroom and into the kitchen she ground some beans to make herself a cup of coffee, whilst waiting for it to percolate she scrolled through her phone to confirm the address of where she going to that morning. Coffee finished she rinsed the mug and left it on the drainer, picking her keys off the table as she checked all the windows were closed and locked, setting the alarm and double locking the doors after her as she walked to her car parked on the tiny driveway. The drive along the A2 to the Isle of Sheppey was about a 40 minute drive from the village of Cobham, but being unsure of where the office was located on the island, she decided to mount the GPS on the windscreen of her Ford Fiesta and set off. While following the GPS’s directions, Eliora’s thoughts went back to the dream she had that morning, was she reading something into nothing? She had to learn to let go and move on with her life and accept the fact that Danny was dead. She noticed that the A2 had been widened from the last time she had driven over it, as she drove over the Medway Bridge onto the M2. The rolling green fields beyond the verges promised serenity and idyllic walks on a warm summer day, a Euro star train trundling down the tracks, a blot on the green landscape, taking lovers and business people to Paris or beyond to Lille. The satnav’s sexy baritone started its speech, reminding her to take the next exit. Turning off she found that the A249 was free of traffic as she got off at junction 5; the opposite side of the A249 was snarled up with traffic adding a precious ten minutes to the journeys of the people heading into London or Maidstone town centre. The new bridge linking the island to the mainland at 1.3km long was a spectacular sight on the horizon; a testament to modern engineering, it was easy to see why it had won an engineering industry award. It must have been near impossible to build she thought to herself as she drove along it, most of the surrounding areas at that part of the island was marshland. Covering an area of 36 square miles The Isle of Sheppey had a population of 33,000 and for such a small island housed approximately 2,950 male prisoners in three prisons. It also had some very nice beaches rocky and sandy, a big plus for people like her, who used the waves to relax and unwind from the everyday stresses of life. She had done her homework or it was serendipity at work. Coming off the bridge she noticed the RSPB on the right, which provided and maintained the habitat for endangered birds, the sheep grazing on the fields on the left, staying clear of the marshy areas were oblivious to the traffic. She drove for another three minutes until she got to The SEEDA complex, where her new office was situated. It looked new and modern, with only a handful of cars in the car park, not surprising since there were signs everywhere advertising space to would be tenants, imploring them to come to this soulless place. The complex itself was on a new industrial estate near Rushenden west of the island, the aim had been to regenerate the area hoping it would eventually provide jobs for the locals. That was all dependent on getting the right tenants into the area, the island had a very high unemployment rate, compared to the rest of the towns under Swale Council. She had googled the area that morning and while driving down and noticed that there were no shops in the vicinity, much less a coffee shop. She would have to bring her own supplies; she would rather drink mineral water than pollute her body with instant coffee, shuddering at the mere thought. She parked near the middle of the car park, ten yards away from the reception door; she locked the car and walked into the reception lobby a minute later. The room was bright and cheerful with buttercup yellow paint on the walls; black leather sofas were spaced out strategically around the room creating personal space for the people waiting to be taken upstairs. Magazines and newspapers were scattered on the tables, a massive wide screen television was tuned into the BBC 24hr news channel, repeating the same breaking news story every ten minutes. She walked up to the desk and told the blond lady holding fort that she was here to see Chief Detective Superintendent Devine, she walked to a sofa at the far end of the room glancing at the other people in the room, a tall blond good looking man in a dark suit and young brunette lady in black trousers and a long blue top, waiting for their contacts to come and get them. 5 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: The River by Lleigh(f): 10:56pm On Nov 17, 2016 |
Chapter 5 Chief Detective Superintendent Devine, the Head of the Kent Cold Case Unit, sat at his desk trying to get his head round the budgeted work report the pen pushers had sent to him, his team’s productivity was suffering from lack of resources, but getting them to understand this point was another story, when the phone on his desk started ringing. ‘Good morning Sir, its reception, I have two people waiting for you downstairs.’ ‘Thanks Stacy. I’ll be downstairs in ten minutes’ he said. Returning the phone to its cradle and slipping the report back into the blue folder on his desk. At 6’1 Devine towered above all his staff, in his forties, with blue eyes, dark blond hair with just a peppering of grey, he was a handsome man by all standards, especially his. His mirror confirmed it to him every morning and the ladies did too, whenever he was near them. He was a real poster boy for the police force, his appearance from his hair down to his shoes was carefully cultivated and worn with care, he knew people talked behind his back that he had used his good looks to fast track his career, but his answer had always been ‘it’s all about equal opportunities’ followed by a wink. Dusting down his trousers he got up from his desk, walking out of his office and headed towards the stairwell downstairs to reception. He was curious to see who he was getting, he had been told to take on this new officer by the powers that be, way above him; the pill having been tempered with a sweetener; he had finally been given the budget approval to hire the Administration support person the department had direly needed for the past one year. That alone had sent mild alarm bells ringing in his head that the person being dumped on him was either trouble or useless, only time would tell which category the man joining the team would fall into. For the Kent Police force and other Police forces around the country, the topmost objective in all internal memos was all about cost cutting, voluntary redundancies, not hiring. However, it did make him look good, the extra headcount, puffing with pride as he walked down the stairs. The rest of the team were blissfully unaware that there was going to be a new addition to the team, as he had not wanted any questions that he did not want to answer. The reason being, a member of his team had recommended someone to him to join the unit, the fact that an outsider had been given the job, was going to create some conflict. The Admin person would be welcomed by the team but another officer he wasn’t too sure about that, even though they were stretched regarding resources, the rivalry and tension between his officers and the seconded Metropolitan officers made Siberia feel like the Bahamas at times. The door leading into the reception room had a pane of glass on the top half of the door, allowing people to look into the reception area before going into the room. With his hand on the door handle, he paused and looked through the glass into the reception door and got a good view of the people waiting in the reception area on the other side. He was immediately drawn to the man in the dark suit. He looked exactly like what he thought he would look like, good looking, athletic, with an arrogant bearing and tall, well over six two, great he thought. He noticed that there were also two other women in the reception area as he opened the door and walked into the room towards Stacy the receptionist. She was on the phone, fielding calls and from the tone of the conversation, this one sounded like it would take awhile. Looking towards the tall man in the dark suit, Devine said ‘Officer Lucas?’ He noticed movement towards the other end of reception and saw one of the ladies approach him. Devine quickly hid his surprise, hoping that it had not registered on his face, watching with interest the lady walking towards him, she could not have been more than twenty one, if that. There had to be some mistake surely, this child could not be an officer? Had the police force been recruiting in schools recently? She was around five feet eight, black and slim with well defined cheek bones. The black suit she was wearing subtly projected expensive taste hugging her curves in all the right places perfectly, the suit was teemed a pink shirt, her hair was in some kind of curly braid do, which helped soften what would have been a very hard aloof face. Her almond shaped eyes were very striking; they were obsidian black, cold, probing, revealing nothing, but taking in everything as they pulled him in, trying to read his thoughts, like cold wispy tendrils probing his soul; never wavering in their gaze, as those eyes studied him. It was a very uncomfortable feeling; he felt goose bumps on his arms as he shivered involuntarily in the warm room, making it hard for him to maintain eye contact with her. As his grandmother would say, there was something fey about this woman. But it could not take away from the fact that the officer was a very beautiful woman, her skin reminded him of dark chocolate, promising, rich, smooth and inviting. ‘You are Officer Lucas? ’. Still a bit unsure ‘Eliora Lucas. Good morning Sir’ He was equally shocked to hear her voice; it was a soft, gentle pure upper class voice. Well, well, now that will rub the guys the wrong way, he thought. One thing was certain; the office dynamics were about to change, what the change would be was going to be interesting and entertaining to watch. He wondered what her story was. She must have really ticked someone royally off to be dumped here with the Cold Case Unit on the Isle of Sheppey. Devine was surprised, it had never crossed his mind that the ‘Officer’ he had been told to take on would be a woman, what he had envisioned, had been another silver fox riding along with the team till retirement. Realisation dawning on him that the tall man must be the person for the new Admin Support role he had advertised with Emma’s agency, his name was James Wimer. Chuckling silently to himself, Emma knew what she was doing by not sending over a young pretty girl, she did not want anyone else competing for his attention. 5 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: The River by Creeza(m): 11:17pm On Nov 17, 2016 |
Thanks for the mention lleigh. I see strong chemistry in the loops for Devine and Eliora. But Danny's death according to the story, might make her nt to be ready to dance outside her comfort zone. NICE UPDATE miss Lleigh. Am inspired . ![]() 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: The River by Lleigh(f): 11:19pm On Nov 17, 2016 |
Creeza: Thanks for reading and commenting Creeza. ![]() 1 Like |
Re: The River by abrahamakede555: 8:03am On Nov 18, 2016 |
A nice twist, Lleigh. Your descriptive skills as usual... Top notched! I'm waiting to see how it plays out between these two. Kudos to you. Keep it up! 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: The River by Lleigh(f): 8:40am On Nov 18, 2016 |
abrahamakede555: 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: The River by Prinxxdave: 9:21am On Nov 18, 2016 |
Enjoying d story in 4D mode with 5G network. Ride on sweetheart. ![]() 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: The River by johnwizey: 10:30am On Nov 18, 2016 |
I just read the story now and I must confess the story is great even though I haven't finish reading it. Keep up the good work miss 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: The River by Lleigh(f): 10:32am On Nov 18, 2016 |
Prinxxdave: Thank you Prinxxdave more mb to your 5G.... |
Re: The River by Lleigh(f): 10:33am On Nov 18, 2016 |
johnwizey: Hi johnwizey. .... Thank you for stopping by and thanks for commenting 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: The River by johnwizey: 10:47am On Nov 18, 2016 |
Lleigh:U welcome miss |
Re: The River by Prinxxdave: 10:59am On Nov 18, 2016 |
Lleigh:u can also join me and enjoy 5G service oo...................... All u need is Nokia3310. |
Re: The River by Lleigh(f): 11:20pm On Nov 18, 2016 |
cc fiyah Ritababe Hfinest1 Cherrybrown Evatryst Miraxzeebility Drnoel Purityval Snakie86 Olojuede1 Coolval22 Mynd44 Seun Sampete Rock555 Angeless Mainland SFTW Victvames sEXGY2 Buzzboy Ozila Austinblinks Lagusta Henz24 |
Re: The River by Lleigh(f): 11:20pm On Nov 18, 2016 |
cc Shewrites Stag Jeus Pastoraji Goodheart02 Onihaxy Referee Youngest85 Iphekitan Fiyah Evakingz Fantasyisland Cuddlemii Abefe99 aphieMontella Obinnau zerojinx barbiekely dat9jakid bunsuq veekid abusafyan raphieMontella Geofavor Silla |
Re: The River by Lleigh(f): 11:21pm On Nov 18, 2016 |
cc Jagugu88li eniqurl dominique Iwakacome amtalkin Mhiz Yorhmienerd Jagugu88li Dominique Domance sexybbstar neeheeta Kphantom suwalee neeheeta StupidYorubaFool Laveda Sunshine46 elskillful IamLukas Mirob swann , remiseyi, MozB tunjilomo colik noblets adetomdx ashatoda spadazzy 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: The River by Lleigh(f): 11:21pm On Nov 18, 2016 |
cc baddchristy sod09 willzz greatface mirob wayner10 Cherrybrown johnsown1 Ozila evakinqz yinks89 olojuede01 yurme |
Re: The River by Lleigh(f): 11:31pm On Nov 18, 2016 |
creeza, junnyjake, soleski01, Adesina12, swann, Tbrak, nastynic, omamush, raphieMontella, nuelzz04, bibijay123 Chapter 6 Eliora had noticed the hesitation and surprise in Devine’s voice, and his attempt at trying to hide it as she had walked over to him. He was at least 6 feet tall and athletic his suit showing off his body to perfection, a good looking man with blue eyes and dark blond hair. He looked to be in his early forties. He certainly took care of himself and it showed. She had noticed the other guy, in reception when she had walked in; he acted like he owned the place as he tried chatting up Stacy the receptionist. Devine signed them in and they followed him through the door as he led them upstairs to the second floor of the building and punched in the security code for the door. The floor they walked into was huge, it was made up of cubicles, a bank of huge printers and photocopiers dominated one corner of the room. Row after row of filing cabinets dominated another part of the floor. There were boxes everywhere, it was a cold case unit after all, paper and boxes were part of the job description. The Kent Cold case unit must have built up enough loyalty points with Blue Mountain Office storage to take the whole building out to lunch twice. Plants had been placed around the floor to add an ambience to an otherwise generic over crowded office floor. A few round tables, used for meetings by the different teams were scattered around the room. Four huge television screens were placed around the walls, a common sight in most offices since the terror attacks that had plagued the western countries in the post 9/11 era. Eliora noticed a lot of the cubicles were empty as they approached the rear of the room, Devine stopped in front of a group of men who were scattered over two of the meeting tables. ‘Hi guys, I’d like to introduce you to James and Eliora’. ‘James is our new Admin support person and Eliora will be joining the Cold case team’ Devine introduced Eliora and James to Detective Sergeant Man Jenkins, Detective Constable Bennet and DC Terry Elgin. James had been allocated a desk near a big bank of filing cabinets; they continued walking towards the end of the room and stopped in front of an office at a quieter end of the floor. Devine turned towards Eliora ‘Some machines were delivered and installed a couple of days ago, so everything should be working.’ as he opened the door to the room. ‘There should be an envelope on the table with the log-in details for all the different databases and a pass card for coming into the building’. ‘Thank you, Sir’ she responded as she followed him into the room. ‘Right I will be in my office; can we have a quick meeting in an hour? DC Bennet will bring over some files for you to start looking at’ he said, as he walked out of her office. ###########################################################################3 The stares she had received as Devine had walked in with them and introduced her to the other officers had not been lost on her. She really hoped she would fit in here and not be labelled a freak, she sighed. This move had to work; she needed to leave her old life behind and all the things that had gone with it. Looking around the office she realised it was a reasonable sized room with a window that looked out onto the car park, but it looked like it still managed to get a lot of sun during the day. There were a few boxes stacked in one corner and four plants were placed together in one corner of the room. One plant had been placed on its own in another corner of the room; it looked different to most office plants she had ever seen. She put her bag on the table, switched on the machines and placed her index finger in the two different identification slots for the machines to continue booting. She was rummaging through the drawers when she heard a knock on the door. Eliora looked up and saw a man walking in with a stack of files in his arms. He looked like he was in his late fifties, balding, with grey eyes and a thickening waist, the broken veins that dotted his nose and the blood shot eyes signalled a heavy drinker. ‘I come bearing gifts’ he said, as he walked reluctantly into her office, his body language and eyes telling another story. ‘Hi I’m Fred Bennet’ holding out his hand ‘Hi Fred, thanks for bringing these files through’ shaking his hand. ‘Every new person who joins the team reviews the top ten cases first; it helps bring a fresh perspective to the files. Any new information should be added to the notes, located at the front of the file’. ‘The filing cabinets in front of, um, James hold a lot of the detailed information that might be missing from the files, if you need a specific item’ he said as he set the files down on her desk. ‘If you need any more information let me know, I sit in the office at the other side of that cubicle’ pointing to a cubicle to the left of the door. ‘The toilets and kitchen are down the corridor towards the left’. With that parting shot, he walked out of her office. Eliora decided to have a quick look at the files; she needed to get stuck in as soon as possible, anything to help normalise her situation. She got her notebook and a red fluffy pencil case out of her bag and placed them on the table. She was about to sharpen her pencils and line them up on the table, when she realised that the temperature in the room had dropped by at least six degrees. She was shivering; she looked towards the window to see if there was a draft coming through the vents or the windows. But all the triple glazed windows were firmly shut. She walked towards the radiators and touched them, they were warm, had the maintenance people mistakenly left the air conditioner on? She looked towards the ceiling looking for a knob or a switch to adjust the temperature. She decided to wait and see if the radiators would make a difference as she picked up the first file from the stack Fred had dropped off earlier. It was at least six years old and as freezing cold as the room she was sitting in, by the look of the dates on the cover of the file. She was about to turn to the first page, when a strange feeling came over her. The back of her head felt it as if it was trying to dispel the grey matter from her brain, trying to pop it out of her skull; her heart was racing fast as a feeling of light headedness came over her. The coldness in the room intensified, she could feel goose bumps on her arms when all of sudden a boy appeared in her office, next to her chair. 3 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: The River by Lleigh(f): 11:33pm On Nov 18, 2016 |
girlhaley: girlhaley.... your update awaits. |
Re: The River by Creeza(m): 11:45pm On Nov 18, 2016 |
my favrite.. ![]() ![]() don't mind me dear ![]() 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: The River by Creeza(m): 12:03am On Nov 19, 2016 |
Firstly, Let me say Fred is crushing on Eliora already, but his drinking habit is already a no winner for him.. The guys that were also in the room when, she was introduced by Devine: huge adrenaline and urge to get the new girl . If you know what I mean. modified, but I hope you read it , Lleigh.. *winks |
Re: The River by soleski01(m): 8:14am On Nov 19, 2016 |
Beautiful pieces, as we are now accustomed to. Thumbs up, Lleigh. Okay, I also doff my hat for you. |
Re: The River by girlhaley(f): 8:42am On Nov 19, 2016 |
Lleigh: Thanks for d mention ma'am Eliora isn't that weird nw.......just that she do see Michael's ghost........ I hope she fit in there tho More ideas to ur story ma |
Re: The River by elskillful: 2:31pm On Nov 19, 2016 |
Back then in primary school when the call our names we always shout PRESENT AUNTIE. the way you make your descriptions is superb. you got me... wow wow wow wow wow wow wow am not an ambulance. |
Re: The River by mirob(f): 10:42pm On Nov 19, 2016 |
Wow, scary but I will manage and finish, I want to see the how Eliora unravels TJ's murder cos I really felt for that young boy. |
Re: The River by Lleigh(f): 12:03am On Nov 20, 2016 |
mirob: mirob me and you both..... thank you for stopping by and reading.... |
Re: The River by Lleigh(f): 12:17am On Nov 20, 2016 |
dedicated to soleski01, mirob and to all the TJ's in the world ****** Evil exists all around us. May he deliver us from evil. Look after the children. ****** Chapter 7 Eliora eventually recovered from her shock to take a good look at the boy standing in her office. Actually STANDING in her office she thought, appearing from thin air!!! He was wearing orange shorts, with a green t-shirt, that had a slogan ‘suite life’ printed on the front of it. He could not have been more than eight, he had the kind of face, most children at that age had, innocent and trusting, but this was at odds with the horrific marks around his neck. Someone had taken a serrated edged instrument to his neck and tried to stitch it up unsuccessfully, there was still blood dripping from it, it was grotesque on one soo young. She stared, blinked; blinked and stared again, trying to convince herself that what she was seeing was not real. She tried to regularise her breathing, as her heartbeat rose causing her to feel light headed. The freezing room and the goosebumps convinced her otherwise, this was reality in 3D. The boy was staring at her intently, fascinated, a wary expression on his face, he moved around a bit and saw her eyes follow him around the room. ‘Wow, so you can see me, awesome. About time one of you guys paid attention’. ‘That’s why they gave you this office you being the, new, ah yes newbie; they all think it’s spooked, haunted. You English people use big words. I get bored sometimes and got a tiny bit carried away playing football when they refused to notice me’ ‘I’m soo excited that you can see me, though, we’re going to have a lot of fun’ looking Eliora in the eye, with a malicious smile on his face. The smile sent a cold fearful shudder down her spine. If she had been drinking, she would have choked on her drink by now she thought. Eliora was surprised to hear that, it was the last thing she had expected to hear. ‘How can I help you?’ she whispered, answering automatically in shock. The last thing she needed was the rest of the team thinking she was mad. ‘the sins of the father shall be visited on his children, give me justice or else you will……’ was delivered with extreme menace, unusual for one soo young. With a kick towards the boxes in corner, he gave her a hard look and disappeared. The contents of the files crashed and scattered on the floor. 4 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: The River by soleski01(m): 1:10am On Nov 20, 2016 |
The sight of horror... *runs away* Good one, Lleigh. 1 Like 1 Share |
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