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Prostration As A Mode Of Greeting In Islam ! Why The Conflict ? - Islam for Muslims - Nairaland

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Prostration As A Mode Of Greeting In Islam ! Why The Conflict ? by Fhad: 8:24pm On May 26, 2009
Pls, can u clear this in the house 4 us mallam, lagosboy and co , pls settle this with evidences
Re: Prostration As A Mode Of Greeting In Islam ! Why The Conflict ? by Lagosboy: 8:14am On May 27, 2009
Salam bro jazakallah for your query.Muslims should not prostrate to anything aside from Allah. that is is the commandment of Allah and his rasul (AS). The prophet said in Bukhari i think that " if prostration were allowed to any other than Allah then he would have commanded the wives to prostrate to their husbands". The hadith clearly indicates that prostration is not part of islam and is not a mode of greeting.

It is the african or better still the yoruba culture that practise prostration. The hausas squat to greet an respected personality and that is better than prostration.

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Re: Prostration As A Mode Of Greeting In Islam ! Why The Conflict ? by olabowale(m): 4:12pm On May 27, 2009
Every signand action of worship (prostration is one of them) is forbidden, except ermitted/commanded/allowed by Allah. Allah commanded the Angels, and Iblis the genie being was in their company to prostrate to Adam. The Angels did, but Iblis didn't because of arrogance of his creation source (smokeless fire, while Adam (man) was created from mixtures of many hues/colors of the soil from the earth and waters). It is the very action of Iblis that let Angels know that Iblis (Shaitan) is a disbeliever, since he was deemed a believer by them before them. Allah knew the secret in the heart, always and reveals it, through the actions of the disbelievers.

Joseph (AS) dreamt that his father, Jacob (AS) and his siblings, family prostrated their faces to him. The dreams of Messengers and or Prophets are always true, the very reason that Jacob (Israel) was to prostrate to his son, Joseph. I wonder who is more important if you look at the esoteric values of their actions; the one who prostrated or the one who prostration was offered?

In the two cases, above, Allah allowed them. Based on the hadith of the Messenger, Prophet Muhammad (AS), it is apparent that no prostration is allowed. I will not do it and I dont accept it from anyone. Islam comes to improve people. Some aspects of Arabic cultures were abrogated and no not fit into Islam. Islam has its own culture. I have learnt not to take every Yoruba culture, unless it fits into Islam. I do not say Ori mi o, Eda mi o jare, since if Ori is understood, it will mean "Soul!", but not another name or word for Creator. Eda, Olorun, Eledumare, Oluwa, and names that clearly point to Creator/God are what I will say.

Lets be true muslim. Lets leave subtle "disbelief" to the actual disbelievers. Lets try to be "true believers."

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Re: Prostration As A Mode Of Greeting In Islam ! Why The Conflict ? by Jarus(m): 4:43pm On May 27, 2009

Every signand action of worship (prostration is one of them) is forbidden, except ermitted/commanded/allowed by Allah. Allah commanded the Angels, and Iblis the genie being was in their company to prostrate to Adam. The Angels did, but Iblis didn't because of arrogance of his creation source (smokeless fire, while Adam (man) was created from mixtures of many hues/colors of the soil from the earth and waters). It is the very action of Iblis that let Angels know that Iblis (Shaitan) is a disbeliever, since he was deemed a believer by them before them. Allah knew the secret in the heart, always and reveals it, through the actions of the disbelievers.

Joseph (AS) dreamt that his father, Jacob (AS) and his siblings, family prostrated their faces to him. The dreams of Messengers and or Prophets are always true, the very reason that Jacob (Israel) was to prostrate to his son, Joseph. I wonder who is more important if you look at the esoteric values of their actions; the one who prostrated or the one who prostration was offered?

In the two cases, above, Allah allowed them. Based on the hadith of the Messenger, Prophet Muhammad (AS), it is apparent that no prostration is allowed. I will not do it and I dont accept it from anyone. Islam comes to improve people. Some aspects of Arabic cultures were abrogated and no not fit into Islam. Islam has its own culture. I have learnt not to take every Yoruba culture, unless it fits into Islam. I do not say Ori mi o, Eda mi o jare, since if Ori is understood, it will mean "Soul!", but not another name or word for Creator. Eda, Olorun, Eledumare, Oluwa, and names that clearly point to Creator/God are what I will say.

Lets be true muslim. Lets leave subtle "disbelief" to the actual disbelievers. Lets try to be "true believers."
And me too, egbon


Re: Prostration As A Mode Of Greeting In Islam ! Why The Conflict ? by Fhad: 4:26pm On May 30, 2009
Hun, un Lagos boy , olabowale and jarus, I want something to be very clear, i dont prostrate, bowl or even squart, am just asking this question 4 the benefit of those that never know this b4 , But ONE more Thing is that where Allah swa commanded malaikas to sujud 4 Adam, i want us to be very careful not mis understood this 4 prostration, pls, olabowale take ibn kashir and find out the real meaning of sajda at that point, LAGOSBOY i disagree to agree with u that squating is better as u dont have evidence 4 this. I am respectful but i dont squart
Watch out for my humble opinion soon.

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Re: Prostration As A Mode Of Greeting In Islam ! Why The Conflict ? by Nobody: 5:44pm On Dec 24, 2010
hot hot hot,topic,ogbona feli feli bi amala to jina,pls lets contribute grin grin

me i dnt get on my knees when greeting,because i have to do the same for Allah everytime of salat,i will rather bend a bit and smile beauifully,like this

Eka san ma/sir or Asalamu Aleikum ma/sir.

More to come,still thinking about misnorms in our tradition that is not in conformity with Islam
Re: Prostration As A Mode Of Greeting In Islam ! Why The Conflict ? by ArcBoB: 11:02am On Jun 02, 2015
Current facing such problem @ home. My dad vow to send me out if i do not bow (te). Pls adv
Re: Prostration As A Mode Of Greeting In Islam ! Why The Conflict ? by smallrincowis16(m): 12:48pm On Jun 02, 2015
Current facing such problem @ home. My dad vow to send me out if i do not bow (te). Pls adv

bro.. that's the fitnah of Allah..
you've to endure and be firm on the truth... you live with them with best of manners.. and let them know that it's not your wish nor your desires to disrespect them as it's also not part of respect in Yoruba land...


Re: Prostration As A Mode Of Greeting In Islam ! Why The Conflict ? by PENMIGHT(m): 1:58pm On Jun 02, 2015
"Those who follow the Messenger, the Prophet who can neither read nor write (i.e. Muhammad SAW) whom they find written with them in the Taurat , - he commands them for Al-Ma'ruf (i.e. Islamic Monotheism and all that Islam has ordained); and forbids them from Al-Munkar (i.e. disbelief, polytheism of all kinds, and all that Islam has forbidden); he allows them as lawful At-Taiyibat [(i.e. all good and lawful) as regards things, deeds, beliefs, persons, foods, etc.], and prohibits them as unlawful Al-Khaba'ith (i.e. all evil and unlawful as regards things, deeds, beliefs, persons, foods, etc.), he releases them from their heavy burdens (of Allah's Covenant), and from the fetters (bindings) that were upon them. So those who believe in him (Muhammad SAW), honour him, help him, and follow the light (the Quran) which has been sent down with him, it is they who will be successful."

.......QUR'AN 7:157

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Re: Prostration As A Mode Of Greeting In Islam ! Why The Conflict ? by PENMIGHT(m): 2:23pm On Jun 02, 2015
^^ Sequel to the above verse, we have to believe the Sharia , as given to the Seal of Prophethood, Muhammad (peace on him), has come to abrogate every other preceeding laws with respect to prostration to the created either as a form of reverrence or mere respect.

Many ahadiths have been sighted in the earliest posts butressing this.

However, the seeming conflicts that exist in some culture (largely Yoruba) is because of the attitude of the ever increasing populace of the "re-awakened" Muslim youths.

Yes!, the culture demands postrations( as the rule)from the young ones, but it is the same culture that says(as an exception) : " IDOBALE KO NI IWA" (Prostration doesn't (necessarily) translate to morals).

A corollary to this fact is that what matters essentially is not the physical act of prostrating but the overall manners.

A Muslim should be very, very courteous and respectful (unfortunately, many of us lack this.)

The Messenger was reported to have said " He is not part of us (Muslim), he who does not respect the elderly ones and he is not part if us, he who does not show mercy to the young ones".

Summarily, i suggest we do not compomise our Deen and, also, we should seek to overhaul our entire conduct.

Allaah knows best! )


Re: Prostration As A Mode Of Greeting In Islam ! Why The Conflict ? by Empiree: 4:29am On Jun 03, 2015
Indeed, it's right that White people actually stole a lot from Islamic culture. Theirs is even better. They shake hands or hug. But Yoruba elders see this as a form of arrogant and disrespect. It's not necessarily true.
Re: Prostration As A Mode Of Greeting In Islam ! Why The Conflict ? by AlBaqir(m): 2:00pm On Jun 03, 2015
@ArcBoB, Empiree
First, I must say there is absolutely nothing wrong in bowing to greet elders.

In the holy Quran, surah Hajj: 77, Allah instructs:
O ye who believe, irkau (bow down) wasjudu (and prostrate) wa'budu Rabbakum (and worship your Lord)...
NB: Observe the "waw" in "wa'budu Rabbakum..." is not "waw (and)" of conjunction but "waw" that explain.

The intent (niyyat) of bowing (ruku) and prostrating (sujjud) in Salat is to Worship Allah. And even these mechanical genuflections become void if the Lordship (al-Rubbubiyyah) and Creator ship of the Lord, Allah is not established in the intention during salat or other form of ibaadat unto Allah.

The angels and the Jinns who bowed for Nabi Adam, did with what intent? Quran explains it as mark and recognition and respect for Adam's knowledge. Never for worship. Allah never command shrik (polytheism) act.

Interestingly, the first, common and probably longest part of worship in salat is "Qiyam" (standing). And Quran instructs the believers to stand for prayer with humility.
Don't you stand all the time in front of your elders, teachers etc? Has that in anyway constitute "ibadat"(worship) to them?. The only difference between standing in front of your elders or teacher and Allah is this Rubbubiyyah.

Ma sha Allah! Sahih ahadith indicate that the holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his household) used to stand up to greet and welcome her daughter, Fatima (peace be upon her) whenever she enters. Fatima used to do the same for her father, the Prophet.
Why is this when there is no indication that's the prophet's usual practice for any woman or other daughters of his or man?

This standing is a mark of respect and reverence. Question: How does the younger sahabah or sons of sahabah greet their father or elder sahabah or the holy Prophet, the spiritual father of all? Do they shake hands? Peer groups are expected to shake hands. Arabs till date have a cultural way of greeting. Young or children kiss hands or side cheek of the elders and all that.

The only thing labeled as Haram according to certain school is prostration with forehead to whoever other than Allah. Bowing, knelling for elders as mark of greetings or respect is never Haram.

"Every action shall be judge according to intention...

was salam alaykum

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Re: Prostration As A Mode Of Greeting In Islam ! Why The Conflict ? by rahamAllah: 7:14am On Jun 04, 2015
@ArcBoB, Empiree
First, I must say there is absolutely nothing wrong in bowing to greet elders.

In the holy Quran, surah Hajj: 77, Allah instructs:
O ye who believe, irkau (bow down) wasjudu (and prostrate) wa'budu Rabbakum (and worship your Lord)...
NB: Observe the "waw" in "wa'budu Rabbakum..." is not "waw (and)" of conjunction but "waw" that explain.

The intent (niyyat) of bowing (ruku) and prostrating (sujjud) in Salat is to Worship Allah. And even these mechanical genuflections become void if the Lordship (al-Rubbubiyyah) and Creator ship of the Lord, Allah is not established in the intention during salat or other form of ibaadat unto Allah.

The angels and the Jinns who bowed for Nabi Adam, did with what intent? Quran explains it as mark and recognition and respect for Adam's knowledge. Never for worship. Allah never command shrik (polytheism) act.

Interestingly, the first, common and probably longest part of worship in salat is "Qiyam" (standing). And Quran instructs the believers to stand for prayer with humility.
Don't you stand all the time in front of your elders, teachers etc? Has that in anyway constitute "ibadat"(worship) to them?. The only difference between standing in front of your elders or teacher and Allah is this Rubbubiyyah.

Ma sha Allah! Sahih ahadith indicate that the holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his household) used to stand up to greet and welcome her daughter, Fatima (peace be upon her) whenever she enters. Fatima used to do the same for her father, the Prophet.
Why is this when there is no indication that's the prophet's usual practice for any woman or other daughters of his or man?

This standing is a mark of respect and reverence. Question: How does the younger sahabah or sons of sahabah greet their father or elder sahabah or the holy Prophet, the spiritual father of all? Do they shake hands? Peer groups are expected to shake hands. Arabs till date have a cultural way of greeting. Young or children kiss hands or side cheek of the elders and all that.

The only thing labeled as Haram according to certain school is prostration with forehead to whoever other than Allah. Bowing, knelling for elders as mark of greetings or respect is never Haram.

"Every action shall be judge according to intention...

was salam alaykum

Beware of the new generation scholars. The issue of prostration has been set straight since the time of the Prophet by the Prophet himself. But here we have modern Quran translators giving us their own opinion from reasoning.
May Allah guide the Ummah.

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Re: Prostration As A Mode Of Greeting In Islam ! Why The Conflict ? by AlBaqir(m): 9:38am On Jun 04, 2015

Beware of the new generation scholars. The issue of prostration has been set straight since the time of the Prophet by the Prophet himself. But here we have modern Quran translators giving us their own opinion from reasoning.
May Allah guide the Ummah.

First, Let me re-phrase your statement @bold. "Beware of some of the new generation scholars"

So, I advice you also my brother to beware of some of the old generation of scholars.

Abu Hurayrah report:
From what I learnt from the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, he said, "Verily, Allah appoints for this Ummah, at the head of every one hundred years, someone who renews its religion for it"
{Sunan Abu Dawud, vol. 2, p. 512, #4291 (Dar al-Fikr) [annotator: Muhammad Nasir al-Din al-Albani]}

'Allamah al-Albani (d. 1420H) says: Sahih

This is an indication that from the time of the demise of the Prophet through every generation, misinterpretation of the teachings of Islam is evident. And at every age, there are some appointed servants of Allah who set things right.

Second, Arabs do not prostrate for greetings. Its definitely not from their culture. Its Alien to them. However, many of them prostrate for idols in worship abd reverence. And other cultures outside Arabian peninsula, servants prostrate to their arrogant master in the intent of Lordship and Ownership. Fir'aun, Namrood are golden example. These are the kind of "prostration" Islam condemn.

Lastly, as per your allegation of deriving facts from reasoning, a clearest evidence has been presented in the case of the Angels and Jinns who were ordered to prostrate to Adam in reverence to his knowledge. Allah NEVER order polytheism act, and His Sunnah NEVER changes.

Should you knell or bow to your parents and elders, with the intent of greetings and respect (as per for example Yoruba/African culture), absolutely Islam never condemns it. It is however sickening when people try to paint a mountain out of bare floor.

Ameen to your du'a. Wa salam alaikum.

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Re: Prostration As A Mode Of Greeting In Islam ! Why The Conflict ? by shahydbinaliyu(m): 10:00am On Jun 04, 2015
@ArcBoB, Empiree
First, I must say there is absolutely nothing wrong in bowing to greet elders.

In the holy Quran, surah Hajj: 77, Allah instructs:
O ye who believe, irkau (bow down) wasjudu (and prostrate) wa'budu Rabbakum (and worship your Lord)...
NB: Observe the "waw" in "wa'budu Rabbakum..." is not "waw (and)" of conjunction but "waw" that explain.

The intent (niyyat) of bowing (ruku) and prostrating (sujjud) in Salat is to Worship Allah. And even these mechanical genuflections become void if the Lordship (al-Rubbubiyyah) and Creator ship of the Lord, Allah is not established in the intention during salat or other form of ibaadat unto Allah.

The angels and the Jinns who bowed for Nabi Adam, did with what intent? Quran explains it as mark and recognition and respect for Adam's knowledge. Never for worship. Allah never command shrik (polytheism) act.

Interestingly, the first, common and probably longest part of worship in salat is "Qiyam" (standing). And Quran instructs the believers to stand for prayer with humility.
Don't you stand all the time in front of your elders, teachers etc? Has that in anyway constitute "ibadat"(worship) to them?. The only difference between standing in front of your elders or teacher and Allah is this Rubbubiyyah.

Ma sha Allah! Sahih ahadith indicate that the holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his household) used to stand up to greet and welcome her daughter, Fatima (peace be upon her) whenever she enters. Fatima used to do the same for her father, the Prophet.
Why is this when there is no indication that's the prophet's usual practice for any woman or other daughters of his or man?

This standing is a mark of respect and reverence. Question: How does the younger sahabah or sons of sahabah greet their father or elder sahabah or the holy Prophet, the spiritual father of all? Do they shake hands? Peer groups are expected to shake hands. Arabs till date have a cultural way of greeting. Young or children kiss hands or side cheek of the elders and all that.

The only thing labeled as Haram according to certain school is prostration with forehead to whoever other than Allah. Bowing, knelling for elders as mark of greetings or respect is never Haram.

"Every action shall be judge according to intention...

was salam alaykum

Alfa Jabata (al.sunna) has confused loads of people about this o.. as long as your head doesn't touch the ground nor you bowing like Chinese do.. it's not shirk..
. what's your opinion on video and pictures... I have canceled pictures... to be taken only when ultimately necessary..


Re: Prostration As A Mode Of Greeting In Islam ! Why The Conflict ? by AlBaqir(m): 9:51pm On Jun 04, 2015

Alfa Jabata (al.sunna) has confused loads of people about this o..

Jabata?! Everything is Shirk with him. He declared using Spoon to eat is Haram. Believing a Ebola is contagious is Shirk. Etc Etc.

He's really doing intellect imprisonment among students and innocent souls. He preaches hatred. Never hesitate to declare whoever disagrees with a Kafir or ahlu bid'a. His followers are like zombies with hatred of other muslims filled their heart.


as long as your head doesn't touch the ground nor you bowing like Chinese do.. it's not shirk..



what's your opinion on video and pictures... I have canceled pictures... to be taken only when ultimately necessary..

I absolutely don't have any problem whatsoever with it. One simply need to maintain decency by avoiding unnecessary pictures.

Pictures have helped man in his development in life so its importance is very crucial. Medicine abd Medical students can't do without various kind of pictures which have develop the field of health related matters. What about architectural designs?! Crime studies?! Personal memories?!

May Allah protect us from these takfiri scholars.


Re: Prostration As A Mode Of Greeting In Islam ! Why The Conflict ? by Empiree: 12:42am On Jun 05, 2015
Which one is Jabata?.

Anyways, this isn't big deal at all. I don't have problem with Yoruba culture greeting elderly. As rightly said up there, intention plays prerequisite role in this. Growing up, I was told "don't let your forehead touch the ground". However, it's also said that all seven (7) joints used to worship Allah should not bow to any human. Wallahu Allam

But sometimes, we need to agree with mainstream to avoid argument and allow peace . That's simply my role here.
Re: Prostration As A Mode Of Greeting In Islam ! Why The Conflict ? by shahydbinaliyu(m): 10:44am On Jun 05, 2015

Jabata?! Everything is Shirk with him. He declared using Spoon to eat is Haram. Believing a Ebola is contagious is Shirk. Etc Etc.

He's really doing intellect imprisonment among students and innocent souls. He preaches hatred. Never hesitate to declare whoever disagrees with a Kafir or ahlu bid'a. His followers are like zombies with hatred of other muslims filled their heart.


I absolutely don't have any problem whatsoever with it. One simply need to maintain decency by avoiding unnecessary pictures.

Pictures have helped man in his development in life so its importance is very crucial. Medicine abd Medical students can't do without various kind of pictures which have develop the field of health related matters. What about architectural designs?! Crime studies?! Personal memories?!

May Allah protect us from these takfiri scholars.

thanks so much... but in so many hadith... pictures is abolished..
Re: Prostration As A Mode Of Greeting In Islam ! Why The Conflict ? by AbuHammaad: 11:45am On Nov 25, 2016
And it took 7 years to get this on the FP? And you wonder why there is low participation in that section.?Let's not even talk about the anti-islamic trolls that are allowed to pollute the threads


Re: Prostration As A Mode Of Greeting In Islam ! Why The Conflict ? by AbuHammaad: 11:48am On Nov 25, 2016
Regarding the question, it's not permissible because it's akin to Rukuu which is only meant for Allah. Ibn taymiyah wrote something about this. I might have to take my time to find it

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Re: Prostration As A Mode Of Greeting In Islam ! Why The Conflict ? by ibnjarir93(m): 12:05pm On Nov 25, 2016
Every signand action of worship (prostration is one of them) is forbidden, except ermitted/commanded/allowed by Allah. Allah commanded the Angels, and Iblis the genie being was in their company to prostrate to Adam. The Angels did, but Iblis didn't because of arrogance of his creation source (smokeless fire, while Adam (man) was created from mixtures of many hues/colors of the soil from the earth and waters). It is the very action of Iblis that let Angels know that Iblis (Shaitan) is a disbeliever, since he was deemed a believer by them before them. Allah knew the secret in the heart, always and reveals it, through the actions of the disbelievers.

Joseph (AS) dreamt that his father, Jacob (AS) and his siblings, family prostrated their faces to him. The dreams of Messengers and or Prophets are always true, the very reason that Jacob (Israel) was to prostrate to his son, Joseph. I wonder who is more important if you look at the esoteric values of their actions; the one who prostrated or the one who prostration was offered?

In the two cases, above, Allah allowed them. Based on the hadith of the Messenger, Prophet Muhammad (AS), it is apparent that no prostration is allowed. I will not do it and I dont accept it from anyone. Islam comes to improve people. Some aspects of Arabic cultures were abrogated and no not fit into Islam. Islam has its own culture. I have learnt not to take every Yoruba culture, unless it fits into Islam. I do not say Ori mi o, Eda mi o jare, since if Ori is understood, it will mean "Soul!", but not another name or word for Creator. Eda, Olorun, Eledumare, Oluwa, and names that clearly point to Creator/God are what I will say.

Lets be true muslim. Lets leave subtle "disbelief" to the actual disbelievers. Lets try to be "true believers."
May Allah increase your IMAN manyfold.

1 Like

Re: Prostration As A Mode Of Greeting In Islam ! Why The Conflict ? by Nobody: 12:06pm On Nov 25, 2016
@ArcBoB, Empiree
First, I must say there is absolutely nothing wrong in bowing to greet elders.

In the holy Quran, surah Hajj: 77, Allah instructs:
O ye who believe, irkau (bow down) wasjudu (and prostrate) wa'budu Rabbakum (and worship your Lord)...
NB: Observe the "waw" in "wa'budu Rabbakum..." is not "waw (and)" of conjunction but "waw" that explain.

The intent (niyyat) of bowing (ruku) and prostrating (sujjud) in Salat is to Worship Allah. And even these mechanical genuflections become void if the Lordship (al-Rubbubiyyah) and Creator ship of the Lord, Allah is not established in the intention during salat or other form of ibaadat unto Allah.

The angels and the Jinns who bowed for Nabi Adam, did with what intent? Quran explains it as mark and recognition and respect for Adam's knowledge. Never for worship. Allah never command shrik (polytheism) act.

Interestingly, the first, common and probably longest part of worship in salat is "Qiyam" (standing). And Quran instructs the believers to stand for prayer with humility.
Don't you stand all the time in front of your elders, teachers etc? Has that in anyway constitute "ibadat"(worship) to them?. The only difference between standing in front of your elders or teacher and Allah is this Rubbubiyyah.

Ma sha Allah! Sahih ahadith indicate that the holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his household) used to stand up to greet and welcome her daughter, Fatima (peace be upon her) whenever she enters. Fatima used to do the same for her father, the Prophet.
Why is this when there is no indication that's the prophet's usual practice for any woman or other daughters of his or man?

This standing is a mark of respect and reverence. Question: How does the younger sahabah or sons of sahabah greet their father or elder sahabah or the holy Prophet, the spiritual father of all? Do they shake hands? Peer groups are expected to shake hands. Arabs till date have a cultural way of greeting. Young or children kiss hands or side cheek of the elders and all that.

The only thing labeled as Haram according to certain school is prostration with forehead to whoever other than Allah. Bowing, knelling for elders as mark of greetings or respect is never Haram.

"Every action shall be judge according to intention...

was salam alaykum
Baami if u can't practise something, don't come here to confuse people the more.
I do prostrate, though I know its not sunnatic but I won't come here to support those who do by quoting one blanket hadith.
The issue has be clarified already.
I pray Allah will make me practice the sun ah of not prostrating someday.
Know that whatever fatawa u pass shall be credited to you.
If u come here to mislead people... Toor na your palava be that oo.
The Prophet has said it clearly as reflected in the hadith of wives and husband.
I wish you the very best


Re: Prostration As A Mode Of Greeting In Islam ! Why The Conflict ? by olatex25(m): 12:30pm On Nov 25, 2016
Regarding the question, it's not permissible because it's akin to Rukuu which is only meant for Allah. Ibn taymiyah wrote something about this. I might have to take my time to find it
i think most people are getting it wrong, they are mistaken Culture with religion... If Saudi stand on greeting dere elder's or younger one's, doesn't insulnuate we nigeria as to imitate dem. There are some part of state or shud i say town in South Africa, dey grit demselve by givin eachoda a dirty Slap, niether u are an elder or young. U can attest to dis by grabin a Copy of Mr Bones Cd plate.. Dat's dere Culture, it luks ridiculous bt who are we to judge dem..
Even in indian, dey go as far as touching dere parent or guardian legs jst to show sign of respect..
Am not in support of prostrating while greeting, cos i dnt... But its total a disrespectful greeting elder's while u stand, u can easily go down witout placing ur knee or hand on d floor.. Some even go to d extend of shakin hands wit dere dad, dat's stupidity of d highest oda...
My Opinion pls
Re: Prostration As A Mode Of Greeting In Islam ! Why The Conflict ? by topsydo15(m): 12:32pm On Nov 25, 2016
I only have one question for you, if I prostrate for my parents will I enter Ja'anam, if your answer is no or not sure then you can keep ur idea to your deluded mind. You pple have continued to ignore issues that is very important and beneficial to the Muslim ummah to treat issues like this. Mind you let me lecture u a little, the prostration for almighty Allah is that which is done with ur face touching the earth. For that of our parents or anybody our face does not touch the earth which only shows mark of respect and not worship.
Re: Prostration As A Mode Of Greeting In Islam ! Why The Conflict ? by oluwableskay(m): 12:43pm On Nov 25, 2016

And me too, egbon
jazakumulah kahiran, may we withness more fruitful fridays one earth, ma sallam.
Re: Prostration As A Mode Of Greeting In Islam ! Why The Conflict ? by kingin55(m): 1:02pm On Nov 25, 2016
Most pple misquotes haddith and quran nowadays, u dont have enough knowledge about something and u will b bluffing all about.
Prophet muhammad (SAW) said your word/action will b judge according to ur intention..
Dis thing you are talking about is culture for example( the arab mode of covering their bodies the prophet did not condemn it)
prostrating for someone does nt mean that person is my god so wise up people......stop trash
Re: Prostration As A Mode Of Greeting In Islam ! Why The Conflict ? by Nobody: 1:18pm On Nov 25, 2016
Most pple misquotes haddith and quran nowadays, u dont have enough knowledge about something and u will b bluffing all about.
Prophet muhammad (SAW) said your word/action will b judge according to ur intention..
Dis thing you are talking about is culture for example( the arab mode of covering their bodies the prophet did not condemn it)
prostrating for someone does nt mean that person is my god so wise up people......stop trash
What would you say about the hadith of wives prostrating to their husband
Re: Prostration As A Mode Of Greeting In Islam ! Why The Conflict ? by Standardcosting(m): 1:34pm On Nov 25, 2016
It baffles me how people argue even with facts right in front of them
The Prophet clearly stated that prostration is prohibited in Islam.
Yet some individuals would still perpetrate their mischief by looking for a way to circumvent the sunnah.
Its a pity we live in a world where people take directions and orders from their heart and not their head!


Re: Prostration As A Mode Of Greeting In Islam ! Why The Conflict ? by AbuHammaad: 1:58pm On Nov 25, 2016

i think most people are getting it wrong, they are mistaken Culture with religion... If Saudi stand on greeting dere elder's or younger one's, doesn't insulnuate we nigeria as to imitate dem. There are some part of state or shud i say town in South Africa, dey grit demselve by givin eachoda a dirty Slap, niether u are an elder or young. U can attest to dis by grabin a Copy of Mr Bones Cd plate.. Dat's dere Culture, it luks ridiculous bt who are we to judge dem..
Even in indian, dey go as far as touching dere parent or guardian legs jst to show sign of respect..
Am not in support of prostrating while greeting, cos i dnt... But its total a disrespectful greeting elder's while u stand, u can easily go down witout placing ur knee or hand on d floor.. Some even go to d extend of shakin hands wit dere dad, dat's stupidity of d highest oda...
My Opinion pls

Firstly, this has nothing to do with culture. It's either an act is permissible or its not. The prophet clearly states that it's not permissible. That's all that matters. The best way to greet is by saying salamah which is even a prayer. You're not only greeting the person, you're praying for him or her

Secondly, there really is nothing disrespectful in greeting an elder while standing. People from different parts see things differently. Respect has different meanings to different people. You can prostrate to someone and still be disrespectful. Respect is not all about ekskus Sir and all that.


Re: Prostration As A Mode Of Greeting In Islam ! Why The Conflict ? by Dante2008(m): 2:37pm On Nov 25, 2016

i think most people are getting it wrong, they are mistaken Culture with religion... If Saudi stand on greeting dere elder's or younger one's, doesn't insulnuate we nigeria as to imitate dem. There are some part of state or shud i say town in South Africa, dey grit demselve by givin eachoda a dirty Slap, niether u are an elder or young. U can attest to dis by grabin a Copy of Mr Bones Cd plate.. Dat's dere Culture, it luks ridiculous bt who are we to judge dem..
Even in indian, dey go as far as touching dere parent or guardian legs jst to show sign of respect..
Am not in support of prostrating while greeting, cos i dnt... But its total a disrespectful greeting elder's while u stand, u can easily go down witout placing ur knee or hand on d floor.. Some even go to d extend of shakin hands wit dere dad, dat's stupidity of d highest oda...
My Opinion pls
Alhamdulillah you said your opinion, but when it comes to the matters of religion your opinion do not really count when there is a text from the Quran and sunnah of the prophet (pbuh), Please brothers and sisters in Islam, is simple let's obey Allah and his prophet in matters of our lives and see ourselves having peaceful and stress free life, and let's stop using our reasoning, as some of these things or rules are something our ordinary reasoning cannot comprehend .


Re: Prostration As A Mode Of Greeting In Islam ! Why The Conflict ? by SweetyZinta(f): 2:46pm On Nov 25, 2016
Jazakumullahu khairan!! please brothers in the House kindly tell me what to do.

today I was loosing my hair, others were tied with thread and its to strong so I used blade to cut it off in the process I mistakenly cut my hair but its not much. since its a mistake am I to fast? Lagosboy Fhad etc
Re: Prostration As A Mode Of Greeting In Islam ! Why The Conflict ? by Zaikon(m): 3:15pm On Nov 25, 2016
hhhmmm imagine how u guys misunderstood and misleading ummah.

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