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A Catholic Priest Holds Mass In An Open Church (Photos) - Religion (6) - Nairaland

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Re: A Catholic Priest Holds Mass In An Open Church (Photos) by Eaugusta(f): 11:37am On Dec 26, 2016
do you know don't know Jesus?
Dear sis you need to get out of that empty religion.
Empty religion is the greatest scam!

Please enlighten me
Re: A Catholic Priest Holds Mass In An Open Church (Photos) by nwamehn: 12:51pm On Dec 26, 2016

"You are Peter, and on this rock, I will build my Church..." Peter was the first pope. Ever wondered why the Catholic church has been the same for over 2000 years, with the same mass said everywhere in the world, all under one man Jesus Christ, under the leadership of the Pope? The Anglican Church and many other churches are splitting but the Catholic church is still the same and you think it is man made? Every empire falls, but the Catholic church will never fall, and you think it's man made? Edakun reason well.

Nnaa, telling me to reason well sounds like I haven't been reasoning well before, pls soft-pedal on the insults, I don't do online insults. U can make ur point without being insulting. To the point:
1. Thank God Jesus said "my church" according to ur quotation, and not Roman Catholic, Anglican or Redeemed church. So he would build his church upon this rock - Peter and not that he would build his Roman Catholic church upon this rock.
2. U claim that Peter was the first pope, Jesus never made him the first pope of the Catholic church or Archbishop of Anglican church or General Overseer of Winners church. Jesus made him the head of his church which was the entire body of Christ and no specific denomination oga. Otherwise, a Pentecostal can also claim that Peter was their first General Overseer, which we all know is pure lie.
3. The Peter u claim was ur first pope who made him ur first pope if Jesus never did according to the Bible? Funny enough, the Bible never recorded that Peter set foot in Rome for evangelism, so how did any supposed cardinals assemble to make him pope at Vatican city?
4. Do u know that the word pope was actually adopted for the Bishop of the Catholic church at Rome when Romans adopted Christianity? Christianity was forbidden from when Jesus died and that's why the disciples were being persecuted by the Roman Authority which were ruling the world by then. The Christians who worshipped in Rome then did it in hiding. It only became legalised in AD 313 by Emperor Constantine and adopted as the Roman state religion in AD 380. Roman catholic church couldn't have been in existence before AD 313 when Christianity as a whole was forbidden in Rome. Christianity was in existence from AD 33 but Roman Catholic Church only came into existence in AD 313 when Rome merged with Christianity to form it. It was only when it was legalised and the Roman authority bought into it to establish the Roman Catholic Church that the first bishop of the Christian church at Rome was created which was regarded as the Pope. So tell me, how did Peter become the first pope of the Roman Catholic church in AD 33 whereas the Roman Catholic church came into existence in AD 313?
How Roman Catholics manufactured the story that Peter was the first pope of the Roman Catholic church in spite of the fact that true history says otherwise is what baffles people till today. OK, do u also support an Anglican claiming that Peter was the first Bishop of the Anglican church or a Watchman claiming that Peter was the first General Overseer of Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement?
5. U claim that the Anglican and other churches ar splitting but the Catholic doesn't split, have u forgotten that so many churches in existence today including the Anglican church u used as example and other Orthodox churches split from the Roman Catholic church? Doesn't it amount to fallacy what u stated that the Catholic church hasn't split before?
Finally, I don't care about whether any church fails or not as u alluded because I don't believe in churches, I believe in Christ, anyhow u want to gain access to that Christ isn't my problem. Like I said earlier, u ar free to believe whatever u like but don't quote the Bible wrongly to achieve that, otherwise it amounts to heresy.
Re: A Catholic Priest Holds Mass In An Open Church (Photos) by Nobody: 1:20pm On Dec 26, 2016

Your life is empty, your future also seems empty. You have to pray to God to have mercy on you.

God bless.
showing your true character. Your father the devil must be proud of you. My life has Jesus. If you don't repent Sodom and Gomorrah would be better than you.
Re: A Catholic Priest Holds Mass In An Open Church (Photos) by Nobody: 1:27pm On Dec 26, 2016
glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images." —Isaiah 42:8

There is NO bigger HOAX on planet earth than the Roman Catholic Church! Oh how I wish I could get people to wake up to the truth. I don't even call the Roman Catholic organization a "church"...it is a RELIGION of manmade traditions and lies of the devil. It certainly is NOT a Biblical New Testament church. Let me clarify right from the very start that I do NOT hate anyone.

I love the Pope and all Catholics just as I do all people (I really do). I love them with God's love. I love them enough to risk being unpopular by telling them the truth of God's Word. Though I may not like someone, I am still commanded in the Bible to love them. I have no intentions to be unkind to anyone, I simply want to preach the TRUTH of God's Word.

Undoubtedly, many people will be offended because the truth always offends those who are living in sin and darkness. Just as Jesus Christ my Saviour, I am more willing to be divided over truth than to be united by error.

I cannot compromise because the Bible does not compromise. God said what He meant and meant what He said. Many of the foundational doctrines of Roman Catholicism are NOT found anywhere in the Bible. It is evil to reject the plain teachings of Scripture in exchange for the traditions of men.

God Will Not Share His Glory

God will NOT share His glory with another (Isaiah 42:cool. In Exodus 20:3-5 we read that God is a jealous God, so jealous that we are commanded NOT to even BOW to a statue or image.

"Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God" -Exodus 20:3

God is more jealous than any husband or wife could ever be. It is a dangerous thing to commit idolatry. It is a sin to bow to any saint. Roman Catholicism twists the Bible, actually condoning the idolatrous glorifying of dead people (saints). It is a sin to pray to anyone or anything in an attempt to influence God. There is ONLY One Mediator between God and men--The Lord Jesus Christ...

"For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus" -1st Timothy 2:5

The ONLY Way to God the Father is through God the Son. John 14:6 declares...

"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

To pray or even bow to any statue, image or crucifix is wicked sin. Jesus NEVER even once asked anyone to create an image of Him dying on a cross. The Catholic Church is infested with idols, crucifixes and superstitions.

It is wicked to pray or even BOW to "Mother Mary." Pope John Paul II is committing idolatry in the image to the left. Mary is NOT my mother, and she's NOT your mother either. Mary is NOT the "Queen of Heaven." Mary is NOT the mother of the church. Mary was just a godly woman chosen by God the Father to be the earthly mother of Jesus Christ, God incarnate. In heaven, Mary is no more special than any other godly woman who fears and loves God. It is wicked to teach that Mary was anything more than a godly woman.

John the Baptist was called the greatest man born amongst men (Mathew 11:11), yet Jesus said that he that is LEAST in the kingdom of heaven is greater than John. The same is true with Mary or anyone else. If it were not for God's merciful grace, we would all be hopelessly bound for hell damnation (and that includes Mary).

By the way, the teaching of Catholics that Mary was born without any "original sin" is absurd, she was born with a sinful nature just like any other human being. The Bible does NOT teach any nonsense about an "Immaculate Conception" or anything about "original sin." The word "original" is not even found in the Bible.

To Hail Mary is to Hail Satan! Mary is NOT a co-redeemer with Jesus.

Can The Catholics Ever Make Up Their Minds?

The Catholic crowd likes to do the same thing as the Wiccan witches do...claim that all Christians are ignorant of history. How convenient that so many heathen groups can claim legitimacy and trustworthiness based upon ambiguous history. If anything, history reveals that the Catholic religion is composed today of a series of invented heresies from over the centuries.

What will be the next invention? The Roman Church says it never changes; yet, it has done nothing else but invent new doctrines which are contrary to the Bible, and has practiced rites and ceremonies taken bodily from paganism. Some scholar has found that 75% of the rites and ceremonies of the Roman Church are of pagan origin.

Note:-- Cardinal Newman, in his book, "The Development of the Christian Religion," admits that ... "Temples, incense, oil lamps, votive offerings, holy water, holidays and season of devotions, processions, blessing of fields, sacerdotal vestments, the tonsure (of priests and monks and nuns), images ... are all of pagan origin..." (Page 359).

HERESIES are those doctrines and practices which are contrary to the Bible. They are also called "human traditions" or "doctrines of men". Both Peter and Paul predicted and warned that in the later times "false teachers" would rise within the Church and bring in "damnable heresies" and "doctrines of devils". (Read II Peter 2:1-3, and I Tim. 3:2-5). Jesus rebuked the Pharisees, for they transgressed the commandments of God by keeping their traditions. "in vain," He said, "they worship me by keeping for doctrines the commandments of men" (Matt. 15:3,9).

The real heretics therefore, are the Roman Catholics and the true orthodox are the Evangelical Christians.

BRETHREN! The Word of God commands us to get out of Babylon, saying: "Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues." (Rev. 18:4). All true Christians will remain faithful to the religion of Christ as taught in the Bible, and heed the warning of the Apostle Paul, who said: "But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other Gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed." (Gal. 1:cool.

Roman Catholicism openly admits that many of their doctrines did NOT originate from the Bible, but from the church itself. It is blasphemy to recognize the writings of the church fathers as inspired by God. For example, in 1834, the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary was proclaimed by Pope Pius IX. The Bible states that all men, with the sole exception of Christ, are sinners.

Mary herself had need of a Saviour (Romans 3:23; 5:12; Psalm 51:5; Luke 1:30,46,47). In 1439, the doctrine of Purgatory was proclaimed as a dogma of faith by Council of Florence. The Bible says that Christ instituted only two ordinances, Baptism and the Lord's Supper (Matthew 28:19-20; 26:26-28). Read more!

The Catholic heresy of the "Assumption of Mary" isn't found in the Bible or even in their own magisterium.

Roman Catholics Reject the Commandments of God

Matthew 23:9 forbids calling any man "Father" in the sense of reverence...

"And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven." -Matthew 23:9

Catholics disobey the Bible by calling the priest "Father." Only God is to be reverenced by such a title. The Pope is NOT the "vicar" of God, but is rather a false prophet of Satan.

1st Timothy 4:1-3 warns...

"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth."

Are Catholics blind? Or perhaps Catholics just don't read the Bible. 1st Timothy 4:1-3 clearly WARNS us about cults that forbid people to eat meat (every Friday for Catholics) or get married (Catholic celibacy laws that forbid priests from getting married).

I recently listened to a Catholic priest on TV speaking to his parish. He told the people that the best way to know what's right on all matters of faith and morals is to just "listen to the Pope." What a contrast to the teachings of the Word of God. The Bible declares...

"...let God be true, but every man a liar..." -Romans 3:4

Peter Was NOT The Rock Upon Which the Church is Built

The Catholic religion teaches that Jesus chose the Apostle Peter as the "rock" upon which Christ would build the Church. Matthew 16:18 reads "And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." A simple cross reference of Matthew 16:18 with 1st Peter 2:7 reveals the true context, "Unto you therefore which believe he is precious: but unto them which be disobedient, the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner."

JESUS is the cornerstone upon which the Church is built. Even today, architects and builders realize that to build ANY structure, you MUST have a very accurate starting point upon which everything else can be built. Jesus is that Precious and Perfect cornerstone upon which everything in the Christian life is based. Surely, a flawed sinful man such as Peter could NOT have been the cornerstone of the church.

In Matthew 16:23, just five verses after Jesus spoke of the "rock," he called Peter "Satan." There's no way Jesus was referring to Peter as the "rock" in Matthew 16:18. Jesus Christ is the ONLY Rock upon which the Church is built..."For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ" (1st Corinthians 3:11).

Rosary From Hell

The Catholics teach that the rosary should be performed every day. I'd like to have ANYONE show me that from the Bible. Where did God tell us to perform a rosary? The Rosary, or prayer beads, was introduced by Peter the Hermit, in the year 1090...copied from Hindus and Mohammedans. The counting of prayers is a pagan practice and is expressly condemned by Christ (Matthew 6:5-13). The rosary should NEVER be performed by anyone, it is sinful. Jesus condemned chants and recited prayers...

"But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking." —Matthew 6:7

I listened to a bunch of nuns chanting today on the EWTN (Eternal Word Television Network) cable channel. It's a cable channel just for Catholics, also used to brainwash children with Catholic heresies. Those nuns in their penguin outfits looked so silly. It was all vain repetitions. They were just moaning, repeating the words of the head nun (the kind of nun that looked like she'd hit you with a ruler). It was so dead and formal, no life and joy of the Lord. I couldn't help but feel sorry for those blinded people, carrying heavy religious burdens, grievous to be borne...

"For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men's shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers." —Matthew 23:4

Jesus offers restful salvation to anyone who will receive it. Salvation is simple. God doesn't require us to perform sacraments or give our lives to the Catholic Church. Jesus said that the kingdom of heaven is within our hearts, not in temples or extravagant buildings made by men. God is a Spirit and they that worship Him MUST worship Him in Spirit and in TRUTH (John 4:24). You CANNOT worship God in heresy or tradition.

Jesus offers us rest from the heavy burdens placed upon us by the religions of mankind. Religion is a sure road to hell, ONLY through Christ Jesus can anyone be forgiven and their name written in heaven.

"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." -Matthew 11:28

Salvation is found in Christ alone --NOT by baptism, NOT by the sacraments, NOT by church membership, NOT by good works, NOT by praying the rosary, NOT by sacrificing, NOT by religion, NOT by mass, NOT by the Pope, NOT by the priest...ONLY by Jesus Christ.
Re: A Catholic Priest Holds Mass In An Open Church (Photos) by Nobody: 1:31pm On Dec 26, 2016
The Fiction of Fatima (the Hoax of Our Lady of Fatima)

Devotion to Mary is Unscriptural

The following excellent article was written by a former devout Roman Catholic (Tony Capoccia) concerning the unscriptural following of Mary:

"No one who has carefully examined the events of and surrounding Fatima could possibly share your opinion of the Blessed Mother.

I was a Catholic for 34 years. I was a great devoted follower of Mary. But after I became a Christian, I went to four years of seminary and made it a point to carefully study the doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church. I compared their doctrines to the truths of the Bible, and they (the Catholic Church) are without a doubt full of false doctrines, and therefore a false religion.

Mary was a wonderful person, and blessed, but she, like every other human was a sinner, before and after the birth of Christ. So was Joseph, and the Apostles. The Bible says "all" have sinned, there is not one who does good, no not one! Mary was a sinner and needed a Savior. The lie of the Catholic doctrine of the Immaculate Conception, is that Mary (just like Jesus) was born without sin. But this is a direct contradiction to the Bible.

The Catholic Church also claims that Mary, was a perpetual virgin all of her life. Yet the Bible says this is simply not true, for Mary was a virgin until Jesus was born, and then had normal sexual relations with her husband Joseph, and had other children, see Matthew 1:23-25:

"The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel" - which means, "God with us." When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife. But he had no union with her "until" she gave birth to a son. And he gave him the name Jesus. [Matthew 1:23-25]

The Catholic Church dishonors Mary by giving her honor God never intended.

There was an incident when Jesus' mother and "brothers" (Mary's children), went to get Jesus: "When his family heard about this, they went to take charge of him, for they said, "He is out of his mind." [Mark 3:21]

"Someone told Jesus, 'Your mother and brothers are standing outside, wanting to speak to you.' He replied to him, 'Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?' Pointing to his disciples, Jesus said, 'Here are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.'" [Matthew 12:47-50]

The point Jesus was making is that Mary, his earthly mother, had no special position or honor over any other Christian who does God's will. Mary is blessed, as was the Apostles, they were used by God in a special way, but she was never to be worshipped and elevated as the Catholics do--this is a dishonor to her and to Christ. Mary is in heaven and doesn't have clue what we are doing here and could care less, she is focused on Jesus her Lord and Savior. The prayers of Catholics to Mary and the other saints are an abomination and a stench in the nostrils of God, for, "there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus." [1 Timothy 2:5]

See that, only one mediator! Mary is not a mediator, she can't hear us nor intervene in any way.

You are caught up in a great deception, and will someday pay a tremendous price of eternal suffering in the Lake of Fire unless you bow down to Jesus, and Jesus alone, repenting of your sins, confessing belief in who Jesus claimed to be: God, the "ONLY" mediator, the only way of salvation, and then submitting to His Word and will.

Also, Fatima is a lie straight from the pit. Satan stages false healings, or removes his crippling effects at the right time to give "Our Lady of Fatima" the credit, in order to keep the people duped. It is like a bunch of pagans bowing down and praying to a rock. If the rock never answered a prayer, then in time they would throw the rock away, but if "once in a while" the rock would do something for them, then they will keep praying to the rock. Fatima is the Catholic rock, a plaster statue, that Satan uses once in a while to fake a healing to keep the Catholics deceived and it seems to be working." -Tony Capoccia (former devout Roman Catholic for 34 years).
Re: A Catholic Priest Holds Mass In An Open Church (Photos) by Nobody: 1:33pm On Dec 26, 2016
Catholicism is Straight From the Pits of Hell

Catholicism is of the devil, no doubt about it. I say this from a Biblical perspective. You cannot argue with me unless you have already reject the Bible. The traditions of the Catholic Church are NOT inspired. Nearly every cult in the world claims inspiration to some writings written by heretics. The Seventh Day Adventists teach that the writings of Ellen G. White are inspired. So also do Mormons claim inspiration to the Book of Mormon. Don't be deceived my friend, the ONLY God-breathed Book on this planet is the Bible (which I believe to be the preserved 1611 King James Bible). Satan wants to deceive you, he has already deceived the masses...

"And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world" -Revelation 12:9

Upon the death of Pope John Paul II, the world came together in unity to praise the departed Catholic idol. The Bible clearly teaches that the world loves it's own...

"If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." -John 15:19

I am hated because I am not of the world, I am against the world (James 4:4). Roman Catholicism is of the world, devilish in it's doctrines. I am on God's side, exposing the lies and the heresies. The Bible teaches that Satan is deceiving the masses of the world. Please do not allow the Catholic religion to lead you into hell. Don't be deceived by the Catholic priest's familiar use of Biblical terms and lingo, you are being LIED TO! The Bible doesn't teach many of the teachings that the Catholic Church propagates. Do your homework! Read your Bible! Pray to the Holy Spirit directly and ask God to guide you into all truth.

Tradition Verses the Bible

Here is the Scripture that I think describes Roman Catholicism the best...

"He answered and said unto them, Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do. And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition." -Mark 7:6-9

The Roman Catholic Church is a BIG HOAX because it teaches the TRADITIONS of men instead of the commandments of God. In so doing, the Vatican has created a non-spirit based religion that offers faithless heathens a structured system of religion from the cradle to the casket. No faith is required to be a Catholic, just do as you are told. Do you know who the first Catholic was? It was Cain who tried to impress God with his works. Able had faith and it pleased God. Listen friend, it all comes down to Catholic tradition (dogma) verses the Bible. Upon what authority does the Catholic church makes these bizarre claims? They play too many word games, thus confusing their own people. Catholic worship is false worship.

Please read through these several links and ask God to open your heart. I triple-dog dare you to find all the Catholic traditions in the Bible. You won't!

May God bless you with discernment to see the TRUTH,

David J. Stewart
Re: A Catholic Priest Holds Mass In An Open Church (Photos) by Nobody: 1:39pm On Dec 26, 2016
Please notice that they've removed the 2nd commandment which forbids anyone from “bowing” to any graven image. It's clearly obvious that the Catholic Church is trying to hide their sin of idolatry. There is NO Biblical teaching to honor Mary nor the saints by bowing to them. God strictly forbids bowing to the likeness of anyone or anything in Heaven or earth. Exodus 20:4,5, “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou SHALT NOT BOW DOWN thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God.”

In the Catholic Catechism (part 3) you'll read the following words of blasphemy...

2132 The Christian veneration of images is not contrary to the first commandment which proscribes idols. Indeed, "the honor rendered to an image passes to its prototype," and "whoever venerates an image venerates the person portrayed in it."[70] The honor paid to sacred images is a "respectful veneration," not the adoration due to God alone:

That is what Catholic men teach; but it's not what God says, “THOU SHALT NOT BOW DOWN THYSELF TO THEM.”

First of all, not bowing to a graven image is the 2nd command, not the first. The evil men who wrote the preceding Catholic Catechism deceitfully split the 10th commandment into two to make up for the missing 2nd commandment. Why are there two commandments telling us not to covet? It seems mighty strange don't you think? It's obvious what the Devil has done here. You can't just eliminate the 2nd Commandment!

Secondly, the quoted passage I have given you from the Catholic Catechism is blasphemy. God clearly warns us in Exodus 20:4-5 NOT to make unto ourselves ANY graven images.

Catholics attempt to justify their idolatry by comparing what they do to the brazen serpent in the Wilderness in Moses' time. The children of Israel had murmured (complained) so much that God decided to judge them with fiery serpents. 16,000 Israelites had already died and Moses pleaded with the Lord to spare Israel. God told Moses to fabricate a serpent made of brass, to hold it up before the Jews, and tell them to look unto the serpent to live. That serpent symbolized Jesus Christ, Who became as sin to save us.

This is why we read in John 3:14-15, "And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life." Carefully notice that the brazen serpent was God's idea, not Moses. God never told us ANYWHERE in the Word of God to make a statue of anyone nor anything. The Israelites were instructed to “look” to the serpent (which pictured Christ) so they could live. The people were NOT instructed to bow, honor, nor pray to the brazen serpent (statue).

It is sinful for Catholics to attempt to justify their idolatry by taking the incident of the brazen serpent out of context. The entire focus of the brazen serpent is to LOOK TO JESUS TO LIVE. Isaiah 45:22, " Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else." It is a sin to look to Mary.

The Catholics can devilishly call their idolatry "Respectful Veneration" if they want to, but it's a direct violation of the 2nd Commandment (which they don't have in Catholicism). Anything can be justified if one is willing to twist the truth far enough. The FACT of the matter is that neither Jesus, nor any of the Apostles, elevated Mary in any capacity. Yet Catholics have created a monstrosity of adoration toward Mary, refusing to obey the Scriptures. Jesus Christ is magnified in the Word of God, not Mary. A standard Rosary contains 53 Hail Marys. It is sinful idolatry.

The next time you go to Mass, watch the priest when he prays and you will see that every single word he speaks is read from a piece of paper. There is no heartfelt sincerity or communication with God. It is all formalized religion, preplanned and prewritten, and God is not worshipped from men's hearts as He should be. Matthew 15:7,8, "Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying, This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me."

Prayer should NEVER be read from a piece of paper, which is really not prayer at all. Catholics recite the SAME dead words over and over and over. I believe most Catholic people are sincere—hearing the pretty music and bells, seeing the beauty of religion and a magnificent worship building, hearing about Jesus' death and resurrection—but what they fail to realize is that Catholicism officially teaches that a person MUST do good works, get water baptized, go to Mass, keep all the Seven Sacraments, and become a member of the Catholic Church in order to get to Heaven.

The Word of God teaches you just need to acknowledge your guilt of sin and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ to be forgiven. There is NO religion involved, which is very difficult for some people to grasp, because they were brought up in a religious family. The only work which we must do to be saved is to believe on Christ, John 6:29, “Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.” Salvation is not found in ANY religion; but in a Person—the Lord Jesus Christ!

Note: The teaching not to bow to statues is found BURIED in the Catholic Catechism, but it's avoided like the Black Plague, and is not mentioned when priests or Catholic speakers recite the Ten Commandments. It is avoided for good reason—because it is an indictment against their idolatry! Catholics DO bow to all manner of statues. If you ask any Catholic to quote the Ten Commandments to you, they'll never mention anything about not bowing to statues or idols (because that's the heart of their religious). They bow to Mary. They bow to Our Lady Of Fatima. They bow to idols of patron saints at home.

“Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God...” —Exodus 20:4,5

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Re: A Catholic Priest Holds Mass In An Open Church (Photos) by Nobody: 1:53pm On Dec 26, 2016
History of the Catholic Heresy of Mary's Immaculate Conception

According to Catholics, the Immaculate Conception, a solemnity, is the patronal feast of the United States. It is one of the few Holy days of obligation on the Catholic Church calendar (i.e., all Catholics are obligated to attend Mass on this day...December 8th). As this feast occurs early in Advent, it is a time for Catholics to consider Mary and her important role in the celebration of Christmas.

In 1854, Pope Pius IX's solemn declaration, Ineffabilis Deus, clarified with finality the long-held belief of the Church that Mary was conceived free from original sin. In proclaiming the Immaculate Conception of Mary as a dogma of the Church, the pope expressed precisely and clearly that Mary was conceived free from the stain of original sin. This privilege of Mary derives from God's having chosen her as Mother of the Savior; thus she received the benefits of salvation in Christ from the very moment of her conception. (The picture above shows her mother, Anna, with the infant Mary within her womb). This great gift to Mary, an ordinary human being just like us, was fitting (according to Catholicism) because she was destined to be Mother of God. Thus, Catholics believe that the purity and holiness of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a model for all Christians (Catholics).

The Catechism of the Catholic Church says of the Immaculate Conception of Mary:

490. To become the mother of the Savior, Mary "was enriched by God with gifts appropriate to such a role." The angel Gabriel at the moment of the annunciation salutes her as "full of grace." In fact, in order for Mary to be able to give the free assent of her faith to the announcement of her vocation, it was necessary that she be wholly borne by God's grace.

491. Through the centuries the Church has become ever more aware that Mary, "full of grace" through God, was redeemed from the moment of her conception. That is what the dogma of the Immaculate Conception confesses, as Pope Pius IX proclaimed in 1844:

"The most Blessed Virgin Mary was, from the first moment of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege of almighty God and by virtue of the merits of Jesus Christ, Savior of the human race, preserved immune from all stain of original sin." (Pius IX, Ineffabilis Deus, 1854.)

492. The "splendor of an entirely unique holiness" by which Mary is "enriched from the first instant of her conception" comes wholly from Christ: she is "redeemed, in a more exalted fashion, by reason of the merits of her Son." The Father blessed Mary more than any other created person "in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places" and chose her "in Christ before the foundation of the world, to be holy and blameless before him in love."

493. The Fathers of the Eastern tradition call the Mother of God "the All-Holy" (Panagia) and celebrate her as "free from any stain of sin, as though fashioned by the Holy Spirit and formed as a new creature". By the grace of God Mary remained free of every personal sin her whole life long.

For more on the role of Mary in Salvation History, read the entire section of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, §§ 456-511.

What Does The Word of God Teach?

The Bible NEVER teaches any such nonsense about the "immaculate conception" of Mary. In fact, the Bible clearly teaches the exact opposite concerning Mary...

"As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one." -Romans 3:10-12

The Immaculate Conception of Mary is a fraud, a big hoax! God's Word clearly declares that all of humanity is sinful The ONLY person who ever walked this earth without sin was the Lord Jesus Christ. We know this is true because the Bible clearly proclaims Christ's sinlessness...

"For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him." -2nd Corinthians 5:21

"For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin." -Hebrews 4:15

Jesus was perfect! Jesus never did or said anything which He should not have. Jesus was the Lamb of God, without spot or blemish. Mary, Jesus' earthly mother, was a sinner just like you and me. Mary was a sinner just like Hitler or Gacy (a mass murderer). We are ALL horrible sinners. We tend to think that we're not so bad because we compare ourselves to worse sinners. However, the ONLY accurate measuring stick is the Word of God and the Lord Jesus Christ. If we compare ourselves to God's Word, then we will see just how filthy and wicked we really are in God's eyes...

"But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away." -Isaiah 64:6

The Bible teaches that even our good works are "filthy rags" in the sight of God. Why? Simply because God cannot be impressed with our self-righteousness. The whole reason why Jesus came to earth to atone for our sins is because we cannot save ourselves. How can a sinner make himself clean? How can a trapped man free himself? ONLY through Jesus Christ can anyone be saved and go to heaven. ONLY through Jesus can we have our sins forgiven. Salvation is all about getting your sins forgiven and having your name written in heaven in the Lamb's book of life. No amount of religion or personal effort can merit a person heaven. We must rest in the finished work of Christ's atonement by trusting upon the Lord. We must believe upon the Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 16:31).

Again, there is NOT one Scripture in the entire Bible which even hints to such nonsense as the "immaculate conception of Mary." Mary was born with a sin-nature just like any other fallen human. ONLY the Lord Jesus Christ was born without a sin-nature. This is because Jesus did NOT have an earthly father, but God in heaven was His Father. Jesus had God's blood flowing in His veins, not man's (Acts 20:28). Jesus had Adam's flesh, but not Adam's sin-tainted blood. The Life is in the blood (Leviticus 17:11). It's the father's blood type that is carried to the child, not the mother's. Mary was simply an instrument used for God's glory and purpose. There was NO sexual relations between Mary and God (contrary to the wicked lies of the perverted Mormon religion).

The Scriptures are clear that ALL humans are sinners. ONLY the virgin born Son of God, Jesus Christ, was without sin. Please don't believe the damnable heresies of Roman Catholicism. Mary was a sinner deserving of hell, as are ALL sinners (Romans 6:23; Revelation 20:15; 21:cool.

Mary Did NOT Remain a Virgin!

The "Blessed Virgin Mary" did NOT remain a virgin. Joseph had intimate relations with Mary after Jesus was born. Joseph was her husband, what else would you expect?

"Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife: And knew her not (this means he did not have relations with her) TILL SHE HAD BROUGHT FORTH HER FIRSTBORN SON: and he called his name JESUS." -Matthew 1:24-25

Jesus' unbelieving neighbors were stupefied by His power because they knew His whole family--His mother, Joseph, His SISTERS, and His BROTHERS. When these unbelievers referred to Jesus' brothers and sisters they were in no wise be referring to His disciples. It is obvious that they were talking about His physical family who they all knew and grew up with...

"Is not this [referring to Jesus] the carpenter, the son of Mary, the BROTHER of James, and Joses, and of Juda, and Simon? and are not HIS SISTERS here with us? And they were offended at him." -Mark 6:3

John's gospel records a fulfilled prophesy from the book of Psalms--in it, Jesus tells us He has brothers and sisters.

"And his disciples remembered that it was written, The zeal of thine house hath eaten me up." -John 2:17

"I am become a stranger unto my brethren, and an alien unto MY MOTHER'S CHILDREN. For the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up; and the reproaches of them that reproached thee are fallen upon me." -Psalms 69:8-9

Why was He an alien to His mother's children? Jesus' brothers did not believe in Him.

"For neither did his brethren believe in him." -John 7:5

The apostle Paul saw the Lord Jesus' half-brother James.

"But other of the apostles saw I none, save James the Lord's brother." -Galatians 1:19

The Catholic religion says the word translated "brother" should be "cousin". Wrong again. The word "cousin" is clearly found in the scripture and it means--you've got it--cousin!

"And, behold, thy cousin Elisabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren." -Luke 1:36

"And her neighbours and her cousins heard how the Lord had shewed great mercy upon her; and they rejoiced with her." -Luke 1:58

The Catholic teaching that Mary was a perpetual virgin is utter nonsense in light of the Scriptures we have just observed. Mary and Joseph were married and bore several children together. In Luke 2:41-49, we read about Joseph and Mary searching for Jesus when He was twelve. It's obvious from these Scriptures that Joseph and Mary were still together as husband and wife twelve years later. Do you really think Joseph and Mary lived together without being intimate? The Vatican would lead us to believe so. The entire Catholic religion crumbles to naught in the plain light of God's Inspired Word. How ridiculous that the Catholics have idolized Mary even to the point of making her Christ's co redeemer?

Where does this infatuation with Mary end? Unbelievably, during one rosary prayer (a chaplet), a Catholic will pray 53 hail Marys! (as seen below). Each "hail Mary" prayer is 42 words long. 42 x 53 = 2,226 words just praising Mary! The devout Catholic who prays the rosary every day will praise Mary with 812,490 words in a year's time. That is idolatry! Though someone might contend that half of the hail Mary prayer is a Bible verse, it surely has been taken way out of context. Jesus NEVER taught us to recognize Mary in any way. God NEVER asked us to recognize Mary in any way. Mary didn't even exist in the Old testament, but the Babylonian false god, the "Queen of Heaven," existed (Jeremiah 7:18;44:17-19,25). Catholics even refer to Mary as the "Queen of Heaven." In fact, they do it continually in their prayers. The Roman Catholic's fictitious Mary is the Great LovePeddler of Revelation, NOT Jesus' mother. Jesus' mother was a sinner who needed to have her sins forgiven by believing upon Christ, just like everyone else does.

Catholic's Disregard the Plain and Clear Teachings of God's Word

Roman Catholicism teaches LIES, despicable lies of the devil. It's hard to imagine over 1,000,000,000 Catholics in the world who blindly follow the Catholic religion, totally disregarding the plain and clear teachings of God's Word. The problem is that Catholics are taught by the Vatican that the Catholic Church is "infallible" in addition to the Bible. Catholics are sinfully taught that the Vatican knows best. I heard a priest tell his congregation to "listen to the Pope" to be safe on all matters of morality and faith. No Sir!, you listen to the Word of God!

Jesus did not build His church upon Peter, not at all. The Bible CLEARLY proclaims that Jesus Christ Himself is the "Rock" upon which the Church is built...

"For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ." -1st Corinthians 3:11

Jesus Christ is the ONLY foundation! How clearer can the Bible be?, "For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ." Everything is build upon the Saviour, not the church priests and popes. How arrogant for Catholic popes and priests to claim superiority over the plain teachings of God's Word. Jesus met this stubborn group of unbelievers in His own earthly ministry...

"He answered and said unto them, Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do. And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition." -Mark 7:6-9

The Catholic religion is composed of pagan religions and manmade traditions. Read more on Catholic traditions. Don't you see friend, you have been deceived by the devil. Here is a list of Catholic heresies and the years they were invented. As you can see, the "Immaculate Conception" of Mary heresy wasn't officially recognized by the Catholic Church until 1834 when Pope Pius IX made it so. How can you just make up doctrines as you go? It's just a big game to the Vatican. It was in 1950 that Pope Pius XII decided to recognize the Assumption of Mary, a ridiculous Catholic teaching no where found in God's Word. Wake up folks!!! Roman Catholicism as well as Russian Orthodox Catholicism is straight out of the pits of hell. I do not say this to be unkind, but to proclaim the eternal truths of God's Word.

The Immaculate Conception of Mary is a hoax, NOT based upon Biblical doctrines. I beseech you to consider your ways and turn away from false religion, and TO the precious Lord Jesus Christ Who died upon the cross to pay for your sins and mine. It doesn't take a mountain of faith to be saved, just enough faith to call upon the Lord to forgive your sins and save you. May God bless you.

The Immaculate Deception of Mary!

Ye Must Be Born Again

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Re: A Catholic Priest Holds Mass In An Open Church (Photos) by HelloItsMe: 10:23pm On Dec 26, 2016

Nnaa, telling me to reason well sounds like I haven't been reasoning well before, pls soft-pedal on the insults, I don't do online insults. U can make ur point without being insulting. To the point:
1. Thank God Jesus said "my church" according to ur quotation, and not Roman Catholic, Anglican or Redeemed church. So he would build his church upon this rock - Peter and not that he would build his Roman Catholic church upon this rock.
2. U claim that Peter was the first pope, Jesus never made him the first pope of the Catholic church or Archbishop of Anglican church or General Overseer of Winners church. Jesus made him the head of his church which was the entire body of Christ and no specific denomination oga. Otherwise, a Pentecostal can also claim that Peter was their first General Overseer, which we all know is pure lie.
3. The Peter u claim was ur first pope who made him ur first pope if Jesus never did according to the Bible? Funny enough, the Bible never recorded that Peter set foot in Rome for evangelism, so how did any supposed cardinals assemble to make him pope at Vatican city?
4. Do u know that the word pope was actually adopted for the Bishop of the Catholic church at Rome when Romans adopted Christianity? Christianity was forbidden from when Jesus died and that's why the disciples were being persecuted by the Roman Authority which were ruling the world by then. The Christians who worshipped in Rome then did it in hiding. It only became legalised in AD 313 by Emperor Constantine and adopted as the Roman state religion in AD 380. Roman catholic church couldn't have been in existence before AD 313 when Christianity as a whole was forbidden in Rome. Christianity was in existence from AD 33 but Roman Catholic Church only came into existence in AD 313 when Rome merged with Christianity to form it. It was only when it was legalised and the Roman authority bought into it to establish the Roman Catholic Church that the first bishop of the Christian church at Rome was created which was regarded as the Pope. So tell me, how did Peter become the first pope of the Roman Catholic church in AD 33 whereas the Roman Catholic church came into existence in AD 313?
How Roman Catholics manufactured the story that Peter was the first pope of the Roman Catholic church in spite of the fact that true history says otherwise is what baffles people till today. OK, do u also support an Anglican claiming that Peter was the first Bishop of the Anglican church or a Watchman claiming that Peter was the first General Overseer of Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement?
5. U claim that the Anglican and other churches ar splitting but the Catholic doesn't split, have u forgotten that so many churches in existence today including the Anglican church u used as example and other Orthodox churches split from the Roman Catholic church? Doesn't it amount to fallacy what u stated that the Catholic church hasn't split before?
Finally, I don't care about whether any church fails or not as u alluded because I don't believe in churches, I believe in Christ, anyhow u want to gain access to that Christ isn't my problem. Like I said earlier, u ar free to believe whatever u like but don't quote the Bible wrongly to achieve that, otherwise it amounts to heresy.

Lool. A Pentecostal can't claim Peter is the head of their church because you already know they are not even up to 20 years old. Plus, no such fallacy exists from my previous post - yes, those churches broke out of the Roman Catholic church but that didn't make the Catholic Church deviate from it's doctrine, and system. Everything is in order, and all the Catholic churches in the world are in sync. Compare it to the Anglican Church that now has factions around the world or the apostolic Church that even has Igbo and Yoruba factions. Division is in every other church, except the Catholic church.

And yes, I believe in Jesus Christ too. Being a Catholic wouldn't guarantee you heaven, but how you lead your life and follow the word of God. But please don't compare the Catholic church to any other church, and why didn't you just appreciate the picture without bringing stupid debate? Also, please don't reference Wikipedia for facts, your university should have taught you better.

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Re: A Catholic Priest Holds Mass In An Open Church (Photos) by HelloItsMe: 10:28pm On Dec 26, 2016
showing your true character. Your father the devil must be proud of you. My life has Jesus. If you don't repent Sodom and Gomorrah would be better than you.

Your life has Jesus, and yet you don't act in a manner that shows you have Jesus? Lmao! Oga please shift! People should be able to tell you have Jesus from your behaviour/character, not you telling them.

P.S: Feel that emptiness in your life with Jesus.

God bless.
Re: A Catholic Priest Holds Mass In An Open Church (Photos) by nwamehn: 7:02am On Dec 27, 2016

Lool. A Pentecostal can't claim Peter is the head of their church because you already know they are not even up to 20 years old. Plus, no such fallacy exists from my previous post - yes, those churches broke out of the Roman Catholic church but that didn't make the Catholic Church deviate from it's doctrine, and system. Everything is in order, and all the Catholic churches in the world are in sync. Compare it to the Anglican Church that now has factions around the world or the apostolic Church that even has Igbo and Yoruba factions. Division is in every other church, except the Catholic church.

And yes, I believe in Jesus Christ too. Being a Catholic wouldn't guarantee you heaven, but how you lead your life and follow the word of God. But please don't compare the Catholic church to any other church, and why didn't you just appreciate the picture without bringing stupid debate? Also, please don't reference Wikipedia for facts, your university should have thought you better.

Mister, it's like u ar the insulting type. What do u mean by stupid debate? Did I beg u for a debate? Did I quote u? Who send u sef? Were u not the person that quoted me when I only said that I can't find any place in the Bible where Jesus established the Roman Catholic church? Jesus established his church but never instituted Roman Catholic or Anglican or Winners Church. I'm not comparing any church as it's none of my business, abeg. Whether these other Pentecostal churches ar 20years old or centuries old like the Roman Catholic church changes nothing, the fact remains that Jesus never established any of them. Before Roman Catholic Church came into existence, Jewish Christianity and Judaizing (not Judaism) had been in existence, even around the centuries Roman Catholicism existed, Proto-Orthodox Christianity also existed, but none of these sects can claim to me that Jesus established any of them because he never did. And Peter was never a pope because he operated and died even before Roman Catholic Church was established, according to history, unless u mean u guys adopted him as pope long after his death, then no wahala. If u claim Jesus established Roman Catholic or Anglican or Apostolic church, then produce where the Bible recorded that he did that. Jesus made Peter the head of his church which doesn't in anyway translate to Catholic or Anglican or Redeemed church. So, if u claim that Jesus made Peter the pope of the Roman Catholic Church just show me where in the Bible he did that.
Professor, I'm not arguing with u whether wikipedia is good or not, but if u say that wikipedia is not good for references, why don't u provide ur own reference to counter my claims aside saying things that have no Biblical or Historical basis?
Once again, I didn't beg u for any stupid debate as u call it so I wonder why somebody like u who claim not to be stupid will be engaging in a stupid debate.
Re: A Catholic Priest Holds Mass In An Open Church (Photos) by Themandator: 8:46pm On Dec 27, 2016

Your church is upside down. You guys have thrown away the truth as you are now searching for earthly wealth. It is so bad that you even quote the scriptures upside down just to satisfy your earthly , sensual and carnal lust for wealth and riches. This is shameful. Very shameful.

The right thing in Revelation 5:10 is:

And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.

When the Bible says reign in the earth, it is talking about reigning in the earth after the second coming of Christ and not before.

Do you realise that God is going to destroy this world after the Antichrist has taken over? Or your pastors have covered the truth from you about Jesus' coming and are only telling you erroneous and sweet things to make you happy.

Firstly you interpreted John 3:16 to suit your church doctrine..... For God so loved the world was interpreted by you as humans.... You sated that the world in that chapter means human beings.... . That is falsehood of the highest order..... God so love the world because the world was and is handiwork in the book of creation... genesis

When Lucifer fell and became Satan he went about corrupting the world that God created and saw that it was good through manipulation of the first many and woman.

God then promised Satan a second defeat through the seed of the woman who shall crush his head..... Jesus came to save the WORLD so that WHOSOEVER believeth in HIM shall not know a second death.

Jesus rescues what the father already called good... M the world and then whosoever believeth.

Having quoted Rev 5:10 according to your all knowing teacher you have added to the portion the time for the reign without bothering to ask yourself which kingdom would you be reigning over if all that would be in that your after world would be all kings and priest.

You can hate wealth for all yournhste is worth but it is one of the reason Christ died and I don't know if it is in that your other world that we will also need the weather and riches..... God takes delight in the prosperity of his people.

Those who know their God don't search for earthly riches for it is theirs for the asking.. .. Those who know their God do exploit.. . They don't beg the situation.
Re: A Catholic Priest Holds Mass In An Open Church (Photos) by Themandator: 8:59pm On Dec 27, 2016

Mister, it's like u ar the insulting type. What do u mean by stupid debate? Did I beg u for a debate? Did I quote u? Who send u sef? Were u not the person that quoted me when I only said that I can't find any place in the Bible where Jesus established the Roman Catholic church? Jesus established his church but never instituted Roman Catholic or Anglican or Winners Church. I'm not comparing any church as it's none of my business, abeg. Whether these other Pentecostal churches ar 20years old or centuries old like the Roman Catholic church changes nothing, the fact remains that Jesus never established any of them. Before Roman Catholic Church came into existence, Jewish Christianity and Judaizing (not Judaism) had been in existence, even around the centuries Roman Catholicism existed, Proto-Orthodox Christianity also existed, but none of these sects can claim to me that Jesus established any of them because he never did. And Peter was never a pope because he operated and died even before Roman Catholic Church was established, according to history, unless u mean u guys adopted him as pope long after his death, then no wahala. If u claim Jesus established Roman Catholic or Anglican or Apostolic church, then produce where the Bible recorded that he did that. Jesus made Peter the head of his church which doesn't in anyway translate to Catholic or Anglican or Redeemed church. So, if u claim that Jesus made Peter the pope of the Roman Catholic Church just show me where in the Bible he did that.
Professor, I'm not arguing with u whether wikipedia is good or not, but if u say that wikipedia is not good for references, why don't u provide ur own reference to counter my claims aside saying things that have no Biblical or Historical basis?
Once again, I didn't beg u for any stupid debate as u call it so I wonder why somebody like u who claim not to be stupid will be engaging in a stupid debate.

Don't argue with his kind... When you are done with his issue just ignore them.

From the Bible you understand that there were many churches... The apostles were continually writing to them to settle one issue and clarify something... You have the church at Antioch, at Corinth etc

The apostles tried to create uniformity of beliefs and teachings... The Catholic Church celebrates religion that you can't find anywhere in the scripture

From good Friday where meat is forbidden to ash ash Wednesday to partial communion, infant baptism and the upholding of the falacy about Mary being a Virgin and therefore not having any other issue aside Christ.
Re: A Catholic Priest Holds Mass In An Open Church (Photos) by blazer234: 10:42pm On Dec 27, 2016

Firstly you interpreted John 3:16 to suit your church doctrine..... For God so loved the world was interpreted by you as humans.... You sated that the world in that chapter means human beings.... . That is falsehood of the highest order..... God so love the world because the world was and is handiwork in the book of creation... genesis

When Lucifer fell and became Satan he went about corrupting the world that God created and saw that it was good through manipulation of the first many and woman.

God then promised Satan a second defeat through the seed of the woman who shall crush his head..... Jesus came to save the WORLD so that WHOSOEVER believeth in HIM shall not know a second death.

Jesus rescues what the father already called good... M the world and then whosoever believeth.

Having quoted Rev 5:10 according to your all knowing teacher you have added to the portion the time for the reign without bothering to ask yourself which kingdom would you be reigning over if all that would be in that your after world would be all kings and priest.

You can hate wealth for all yournhste is worth but it is one of the reason Christ died and I don't know if it is in that your other world that we will also need the weather and riches..... God takes delight in the prosperity of his people.

Those who know their God don't search for earthly riches for it is theirs for the asking.. .. Those who know their God do exploit.. . They don't beg the situation.

It is clear you know nothing about the Bible or Christianity. Are you even a Christian at all? Or you just go to church because they preach things you love to hear? I doubt if they ever preach salvation or second coming of Jesus in your church. Maybe they only emphasise on prosperity. Such teaching has really affected your spiritual reasoning. You now see wealth as the reason Jesus died? Jeez. You Pentecostal Christians have lost it. Yes, you have really lost it.

Let me ask. All these absurd and upside down translations, are they your personal translations of what your pastor told you?
Re: A Catholic Priest Holds Mass In An Open Church (Photos) by blazer234: 10:52pm On Dec 27, 2016

Don't argue with his kind... When you are done with his issue just ignore them.

From the Bible you understand that there were many churches... The apostles were continually writing to them to settle one issue and clarify something... You have the church at Antioch, at Corinth etc

The apostles tried to create uniformity of beliefs and teachings... The Catholic Church celebrates religion that you can't find anywhere in the scripture

From good Friday where meat is forbidden to ash ash Wednesday to partial communion, infant baptism and the upholding of the falacy about Mary being a Virgin and therefore not having any other issue aside Christ.

I think you should focus on the decays in the Pentecostal church instead of wasting your time over the Catholic Church. The decay in your socalled Pentecostal churches are too much and I think that should keep you busy.

After removing the big log in your eyes, you can then remove the spec you think Catholics have in their eyes.

You guys have welcome the spirit of Mamon into your midst. Chase him out first and then you can have the moral justification to correct Catholics.

Catholics have false doctrine according to you, and you too worship money. So, which of us is doing the will of God? None! So, you can see you aren't different from us? We will both go to hell fire together.

1 Like

Re: A Catholic Priest Holds Mass In An Open Church (Photos) by blazer234: 11:05pm On Dec 27, 2016
History of the Catholic Heresy of Mary's Immaculate Conception

According to Catholics, the Immaculate Conception, a solemnity, is the patronal feast of the United States. It is one of the few Holy days of obligation on the Catholic Church calendar (i.e., all Catholics are obligated to attend Mass on this day...December 8th). As this feast occurs early in Advent, it is a time for Catholics to consider Mary and her important role in the celebration of Christmas.

In 1854, Pope Pius IX's solemn declaration, Ineffabilis Deus, clarified with finality the long-held belief of the Church that Mary was conceived free from original sin. In proclaiming the Immaculate Conception of Mary as a dogma of the Church, the pope expressed precisely and clearly that Mary was conceived free from the stain of original sin. This privilege of Mary derives from God's having chosen her as Mother of the Savior; thus she received the benefits of salvation in Christ from the very moment of her conception. (The picture above shows her mother, Anna, with the infant Mary within her womb). This great gift to Mary, an ordinary human being just like us, was fitting (according to Catholicism) because she was destined to be Mother of God. Thus, Catholics believe that the purity and holiness of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a model for all Christians (Catholics).

The Catechism of the Catholic Church says of the Immaculate Conception of Mary:

490. To become the mother of the Savior, Mary "was enriched by God with gifts appropriate to such a role." The angel Gabriel at the moment of the annunciation salutes her as "full of grace." In fact, in order for Mary to be able to give the free assent of her faith to the announcement of her vocation, it was necessary that she be wholly borne by God's grace.

491. Through the centuries the Church has become ever more aware that Mary, "full of grace" through God, was redeemed from the moment of her conception. That is what the dogma of the Immaculate Conception confesses, as Pope Pius IX proclaimed in 1844:

"The most Blessed Virgin Mary was, from the first moment of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege of almighty God and by virtue of the merits of Jesus Christ, Savior of the human race, preserved immune from all stain of original sin." (Pius IX, Ineffabilis Deus, 1854.)

492. The "splendor of an entirely unique holiness" by which Mary is "enriched from the first instant of her conception" comes wholly from Christ: she is "redeemed, in a more exalted fashion, by reason of the merits of her Son." The Father blessed Mary more than any other created person "in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places" and chose her "in Christ before the foundation of the world, to be holy and blameless before him in love."

493. The Fathers of the Eastern tradition call the Mother of God "the All-Holy" (Panagia) and celebrate her as "free from any stain of sin, as though fashioned by the Holy Spirit and formed as a new creature". By the grace of God Mary remained free of every personal sin her whole life long.

For more on the role of Mary in Salvation History, read the entire section of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, §§ 456-511.

What Does The Word of God Teach?

The Bible NEVER teaches any such nonsense about the "immaculate conception" of Mary. In fact, the Bible clearly teaches the exact opposite concerning Mary...

"As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one." -Romans 3:10-12

The Immaculate Conception of Mary is a fraud, a big hoax! God's Word clearly declares that all of humanity is sinful The ONLY person who ever walked this earth without sin was the Lord Jesus Christ. We know this is true because the Bible clearly proclaims Christ's sinlessness...

"For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him." -2nd Corinthians 5:21

"For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin." -Hebrews 4:15

Jesus was perfect! Jesus never did or said anything which He should not have. Jesus was the Lamb of God, without spot or blemish. Mary, Jesus' earthly mother, was a sinner just like you and me. Mary was a sinner just like Hitler or Gacy (a mass murderer). We are ALL horrible sinners. We tend to think that we're not so bad because we compare ourselves to worse sinners. However, the ONLY accurate measuring stick is the Word of God and the Lord Jesus Christ. If we compare ourselves to God's Word, then we will see just how filthy and wicked we really are in God's eyes...

"But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away." -Isaiah 64:6

The Bible teaches that even our good works are "filthy rags" in the sight of God. Why? Simply because God cannot be impressed with our self-righteousness. The whole reason why Jesus came to earth to atone for our sins is because we cannot save ourselves. How can a sinner make himself clean? How can a trapped man free himself? ONLY through Jesus Christ can anyone be saved and go to heaven. ONLY through Jesus can we have our sins forgiven. Salvation is all about getting your sins forgiven and having your name written in heaven in the Lamb's book of life. No amount of religion or personal effort can merit a person heaven. We must rest in the finished work of Christ's atonement by trusting upon the Lord. We must believe upon the Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 16:31).

Again, there is NOT one Scripture in the entire Bible which even hints to such nonsense as the "immaculate conception of Mary." Mary was born with a sin-nature just like any other fallen human. ONLY the Lord Jesus Christ was born without a sin-nature. This is because Jesus did NOT have an earthly father, but God in heaven was His Father. Jesus had God's blood flowing in His veins, not man's (Acts 20:28). Jesus had Adam's flesh, but not Adam's sin-tainted blood. The Life is in the blood (Leviticus 17:11). It's the father's blood type that is carried to the child, not the mother's. Mary was simply an instrument used for God's glory and purpose. There was NO sexual relations between Mary and God (contrary to the wicked lies of the perverted Mormon religion).

The Scriptures are clear that ALL humans are sinners. ONLY the virgin born Son of God, Jesus Christ, was without sin. Please don't believe the damnable heresies of Roman Catholicism. Mary was a sinner deserving of hell, as are ALL sinners (Romans 6:23; Revelation 20:15; 21:cool.

Mary Did NOT Remain a Virgin!

The "Blessed Virgin Mary" did NOT remain a virgin. Joseph had intimate relations with Mary after Jesus was born. Joseph was her husband, what else would you expect?

"Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife: And knew her not (this means he did not have relations with her) TILL SHE HAD BROUGHT FORTH HER FIRSTBORN SON: and he called his name JESUS." -Matthew 1:24-25

Jesus' unbelieving neighbors were stupefied by His power because they knew His whole family--His mother, Joseph, His SISTERS, and His BROTHERS. When these unbelievers referred to Jesus' brothers and sisters they were in no wise be referring to His disciples. It is obvious that they were talking about His physical family who they all knew and grew up with...

"Is not this [referring to Jesus] the carpenter, the son of Mary, the BROTHER of James, and Joses, and of Juda, and Simon? and are not HIS SISTERS here with us? And they were offended at him." -Mark 6:3

John's gospel records a fulfilled prophesy from the book of Psalms--in it, Jesus tells us He has brothers and sisters.

"And his disciples remembered that it was written, The zeal of thine house hath eaten me up." -John 2:17

"I am become a stranger unto my brethren, and an alien unto MY MOTHER'S CHILDREN. For the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up; and the reproaches of them that reproached thee are fallen upon me." -Psalms 69:8-9

Why was He an alien to His mother's children? Jesus' brothers did not believe in Him.

"For neither did his brethren believe in him." -John 7:5

The apostle Paul saw the Lord Jesus' half-brother James.

"But other of the apostles saw I none, save James the Lord's brother." -Galatians 1:19

The Catholic religion says the word translated "brother" should be "cousin". Wrong again. The word "cousin" is clearly found in the scripture and it means--you've got it--cousin!

"And, behold, thy cousin Elisabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren." -Luke 1:36

"And her neighbours and her cousins heard how the Lord had shewed great mercy upon her; and they rejoiced with her." -Luke 1:58

The Catholic teaching that Mary was a perpetual virgin is utter nonsense in light of the Scriptures we have just observed. Mary and Joseph were married and bore several children together. In Luke 2:41-49, we read about Joseph and Mary searching for Jesus when He was twelve. It's obvious from these Scriptures that Joseph and Mary were still together as husband and wife twelve years later. Do you really think Joseph and Mary lived together without being intimate? The Vatican would lead us to believe so. The entire Catholic religion crumbles to naught in the plain light of God's Inspired Word. How ridiculous that the Catholics have idolized Mary even to the point of making her Christ's co redeemer?

Where does this infatuation with Mary end? Unbelievably, during one rosary prayer (a chaplet), a Catholic will pray 53 hail Marys! (as seen below). Each "hail Mary" prayer is 42 words long. 42 x 53 = 2,226 words just praising Mary! The devout Catholic who prays the rosary every day will praise Mary with 812,490 words in a year's time. That is idolatry! Though someone might contend that half of the hail Mary prayer is a Bible verse, it surely has been taken way out of context. Jesus NEVER taught us to recognize Mary in any way. God NEVER asked us to recognize Mary in any way. Mary didn't even exist in the Old testament, but the Babylonian false god, the "Queen of Heaven," existed (Jeremiah 7:18;44:17-19,25). Catholics even refer to Mary as the "Queen of Heaven." In fact, they do it continually in their prayers. The Roman Catholic's fictitious Mary is the Great LovePeddler of Revelation, NOT Jesus' mother. Jesus' mother was a sinner who needed to have her sins forgiven by believing upon Christ, just like everyone else does.

Catholic's Disregard the Plain and Clear Teachings of God's Word

Roman Catholicism teaches LIES, despicable lies of the devil. It's hard to imagine over 1,000,000,000 Catholics in the world who blindly follow the Catholic religion, totally disregarding the plain and clear teachings of God's Word. The problem is that Catholics are taught by the Vatican that the Catholic Church is "infallible" in addition to the Bible. Catholics are sinfully taught that the Vatican knows best. I heard a priest tell his congregation to "listen to the Pope" to be safe on all matters of morality and faith. No Sir!, you listen to the Word of God!

Jesus did not build His church upon Peter, not at all. The Bible CLEARLY proclaims that Jesus Christ Himself is the "Rock" upon which the Church is built...

"For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ." -1st Corinthians 3:11

Jesus Christ is the ONLY foundation! How clearer can the Bible be?, "For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ." Everything is build upon the Saviour, not the church priests and popes. How arrogant for Catholic popes and priests to claim superiority over the plain teachings of God's Word. Jesus met this stubborn group of unbelievers in His own earthly ministry...

"He answered and said unto them, Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do. And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition." -Mark 7:6-9

The Catholic religion is composed of pagan religions and manmade traditions. Read more on Catholic traditions. Don't you see friend, you have been deceived by the devil. Here is a list of Catholic heresies and the years they were invented. As you can see, the "Immaculate Conception" of Mary heresy wasn't officially recognized by the Catholic Church until 1834 when Pope Pius IX made it so. How can you just make up doctrines as you go? It's just a big game to the Vatican. It was in 1950 that Pope Pius XII decided to recognize the Assumption of Mary, a ridiculous Catholic teaching no where found in God's Word. Wake up folks!!! Roman Catholicism as well as Russian Orthodox Catholicism is straight out of the pits of hell. I do not say this to be unkind, but to proclaim the eternal truths of God's Word.

The Immaculate Conception of Mary is a hoax, NOT based upon Biblical doctrines. I beseech you to consider your ways and turn away from false religion, and TO the precious Lord Jesus Christ Who died upon the cross to pay for your sins and mine. It doesn't take a mountain of faith to be saved, just enough faith to call upon the Lord to forgive your sins and save you. May God bless you.

The Immaculate Deception of Mary!

Ye Must Be Born Again

Have you checked the book of life and you found your name there? Are you sure of your own salvation? Are you sure you will enter heaven today if the trumpet should sound? Why not work out your own salvation with fear and trembling first instead of acting like a stupid idiot, talking about things you don't understand? What exactly will take you to heaven? Your eagerness to condemn Catholics or your consistency in obeying God's words in truth? Are you sure you are not just an ordinary signboard that will never arrive at the destination? If you have any sense left on your head, you will focus on making sure you will ever reach heaven. If your salvation is not sure, you and the Catholics you are condemning will end up on hell fire. I don't expect you to repent.
Re: A Catholic Priest Holds Mass In An Open Church (Photos) by nwamehn: 11:24pm On Dec 27, 2016

Don't argue with his kind... When you are done with his issue just ignore them.

From the Bible you understand that there were many churches... The apostles were continually writing to them to settle one issue and clarify something... You have the church at Antioch, at Corinth etc

The apostles tried to create uniformity of beliefs and teachings... The Catholic Church celebrates religion that you can't find anywhere in the scripture

From good Friday where meat is forbidden to ash ash Wednesday to partial communion, infant baptism and the upholding of the falacy about Mary being a Virgin and therefore not having any other issue aside Christ.

Boss, it's like u know well. Though I really have no problem with someone having so many practices or fallacies not found anywhere in the Bible because I believe any person is free to practise whatever they want, but it's when u want to merge those fallacies with the Bible is where I would have issues. I disagree to heresy.

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Re: A Catholic Priest Holds Mass In An Open Church (Photos) by Nobody: 7:57am On Dec 28, 2016

Have you checked the book of life and you found your name there? Are you sure of your own salvation? Are you sure you will enter heaven today if the trumpet should sound? Why not work out your own salvation with fear and trembling first instead of acting like a stupid idiot, talking about things you don't understand? What exactly will take you to heaven? Your eagerness to condemn Catholics or your consistency in obeying God's words in truth? Are you sure you are not just an ordinary signboard that will never arrive at the destination? If you have any sense left on your head, you will focus on making sure you will ever reach heaven. If your salvation is not sure, you and the Catholics you are condemning will end up on hell fire. I don't expect you to repent.
truth really hurt! My salvation is sure in Christ! Halleluyah Jesus has paid the price but you either pay for your sin or let someone else pay it for you!
Its not just catholics but all have sinned only the blood of Jesus shed on the cross can make you clean.
Re: A Catholic Priest Holds Mass In An Open Church (Photos) by blazer234: 10:30am On Dec 28, 2016
truth really hurt! My salvation is sure in Christ! Halleluyah Jesus has paid the price but you either pay for your sin or let someone else pay it for you!
Its not just catholics but all have sinned only the blood of Jesus shed on the cross can make you clean.

What stupid truth is he talking about? Immaculate conception of Mary is true. I didn't read the nonsense you posted there since I know you all write Jargons you don't know about. And I dont have time to tell you why it is true. It is better you remain in your ignorance. No problem, you can continue to post your error about the place, it is your choice. My faith as Catholic is strong. So you are wasting your time

Is every member of your church going to heaven? Have you checked the book of life and you saw your name there? If not, I suggest you go cure your church members before wasting your time on Catholics.

Your pastors commit abnormalities everyday, you haven't corrected that. Spirit of mammon resides in many of your pastors, you didn't see that. Even many socalled Pentecostals only go to church because of the promise of blessings, having a form of godliness bit denying the power thereof. Instead of you to mend your broken roof, you all turn Catholics to your target of attack. Isn't that stupid? Your lives are getting entrenched in destruction everyday. You refuse to mend your own life and start focusing on another person's life like a fool.

If you are too weak to accept teachings about Mary, it is your problem. We Catholics are strong enough to accept the teaching. So, Mr buzz off and stop acting like a self righteous idiot.
Re: A Catholic Priest Holds Mass In An Open Church (Photos) by blazer234: 11:26am On Dec 28, 2016
truth really hurt! My salvation is sure in Christ! Halleluyah Jesus has paid the price but you either pay for your sin or let someone else pay it for you!
Its not just catholics but all have sinned only the blood of Jesus shed on the cross can make you clean.

Check the picture and tell me which Holy Spirit prompted this pastor to organize such nonsense program.

Idiotic fools like you will not see things like this among yourselves and correct them. Instead, you will be wasting your stupid lives on researching why Catholic faith is false.

Your houses are leaking badly. Instead of you to repair them, you are focusing on your neighbour's house. Doesn't that makes you a stupid hypocrite.

Re: A Catholic Priest Holds Mass In An Open Church (Photos) by Themandator: 2:38pm On Dec 28, 2016

It is clear you know nothing about the Bible or Christianity. Are you even a Christian at all? Or you just go to church because they preach things you love to hear? I doubt if they ever preach salvation or second coming of Jesus in your church. Maybe they only emphasise on prosperity. Such teaching has really affected your spiritual reasoning. You now see wealth as the reason Jesus died? Jeez. You Pentecostal Christians have lost it. Yes, you have really lost it.

Let me ask. All these absurd and upside down translations, are they your personal translations of what your pastor told you?

No. They are from the scripture you claim to know too well than others......i will help you with some but while am I doing that I want you to address this matter of the world being same as humans, according to your right teachings if salvation.... From John 3:16

Rev 5:12
King James Bible
Saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing.

Those who have understanding of the scripture don't discussed the life after without the now life that is very present.... All the men and women that had covenant walk with God had proofs in their lifetime to show that they were blessed in the present world


Gen 24:1
King James Bible
And Abraham was old, and well stricken in age: and the LORD had blessed Abraham in all things.

Wealth is a proof of God's blessing, if you hate it is is because you have no understanding..... Salvation has proof and lack is not one of it.... You can't be saved into poverty or sickness or endurance trek or exercise of waiting for an after life to become rich

New International Version Gen 26:12
Isaac planted crops in that land and the same year reaped a hundredfold, because the LORD blessed him.

Verse 13 The man became rich, and his wealth continued to grow until he became very wealthy.

If the secret of the Lord is with you wealth and riches are inevitable.... Job was rich because he had this secret..Job 29:4 ..

Jesus Christ came so you can have life more abundantly not sparingly... John 1:10

There is no one father if the faith that lackwe wealth in abundance... Solomon but the temple with gold...... Jacob had so much he only asked where he could get food his household not where to beg... He gave them money in excess when they returned he gave again

There is no genuine encounter of the word and it spirit without proof... The widow of zareptha had once encountered and swarm in abundance

Salavation, genuine one doesn't leave you at the mercy of the world, it puts you in charge for they they know their God do exploit not in the after world where only one king reins..... The almight but now.

The beginning of exploit is a genuine love for God... 1 Cor 2:9... eyes have not seen nor has it entered into the hearts of men the things God hath reserved for they that love him.

I pray you climb down from your high horse and seek genuine understanding of the word.... Afterlife is a returne to your maker in spirit for God is a spirit, and not starting afresh in new flesh and brain.
Re: A Catholic Priest Holds Mass In An Open Church (Photos) by Nobody: 7:32pm On Dec 28, 2016

What stupid truth is he talking about? Immaculate conception of Mary is true. I didn't read the nonsense you posted there since I know you all write Jargons you don't know about. And I dont have time to tell you why it is true. It is better you remain in your ignorance. No problem, you can continue to post your error about the place, it is your choice. My faith as Catholic is strong. So you are wasting your time

Is every member of your church going to heaven? Have you checked the book of life and you saw your name there? If not, I suggest you go cure your church members before wasting your time on Catholics.

Your pastors commit abnormalities everyday, you haven't corrected that. Spirit of mammon resides in many of your pastors, you didn't see that. Even many socalled Pentecostals only go to church because of the promise of blessings, having a form of godliness bit denying the power thereof. Instead of you to mend your broken roof, you all turn Catholics to your target of attack. Isn't that stupid? Your lives are getting entrenched in destruction everyday. You refuse to mend your own life and start focusing on another person's life like a fool.

If you are too weak to accept teachings about Mary, it is your problem. We Catholics are strong enough to accept the teaching. So, Mr buzz off and stop acting like a self righteous idiot.
you can't stop me from preaching the truth cause only the truth set free. You think I care about which church you belong no my dear only Jesus can save not Pentecostalism, catholism or islam the gospel doesn't have sections its for all.
Your insults cannot stop me from preaching Jesus!
Catholism is of the devil himself get out from hell!

1 Like

Re: A Catholic Priest Holds Mass In An Open Church (Photos) by HelloItsMe: 4:53am On Dec 29, 2016

Mister, it's like u ar the insulting type. What do u mean by stupid debate? Did I beg u for a debate? Did I quote u? Who send u sef? Were u not the person that quoted me when I only said that I can't find any place in the Bible where Jesus established the Roman Catholic church? Jesus established his church but never instituted Roman Catholic or Anglican or Winners Church. I'm not comparing any church as it's none of my business, abeg. Whether these other Pentecostal churches ar 20years old or centuries old like the Roman Catholic church changes nothing, the fact remains that Jesus never established any of them. Before Roman Catholic Church came into existence, Jewish Christianity and Judaizing (not Judaism) had been in existence, even around the centuries Roman Catholicism existed, Proto-Orthodox Christianity also existed, but none of these sects can claim to me that Jesus established any of them because he never did. And Peter was never a pope because he operated and died even before Roman Catholic Church was established, according to history, unless u mean u guys adopted him as pope long after his death, then no wahala. If u claim Jesus established Roman Catholic or Anglican or Apostolic church, then produce where the Bible recorded that he did that. Jesus made Peter the head of his church which doesn't in anyway translate to Catholic or Anglican or Redeemed church. So, if u claim that Jesus made Peter the pope of the Roman Catholic Church just show me where in the Bible he did that.
Professor, I'm not arguing with u whether wikipedia is good or not, but if u say that wikipedia is not good for references, why don't u provide ur own reference to counter my claims aside saying things that have no Biblical or Historical basis?
Once again, I didn't beg u for any stupid debate as u call it so I wonder why somebody like u who claim not to be stupid will be engaging in a stupid debate.

Last time I will answer you. Look at the Roman Catholic church, and you see that it isn't man made. You can't retain the same church for over 2,000 years without factions and divisions if it's man made. At some point, greed will set in, and the church will have different factions in different countries. Many of these new generation churches would tear apart once their founders die, but the Catholic church wouldn't because it wasn't founded by man. There are proper systems in place, and no one or country can go against it. Have a blessed day mister!
Re: A Catholic Priest Holds Mass In An Open Church (Photos) by nwamehn: 5:48am On Dec 29, 2016

Last time I will answer you. Look at the Roman Catholic church, and you see that it isn't man made. You can't retain the same church for over 2,000 years without factions and divisions if it's man made. At some point, greed will set in, and the church will have different factions in different countries. Many of these new generation churches would tear apart once their founders die, but the Catholic church wouldn't because it wasn't founded by man. There are proper systems in place, and no one or country can go against it. Have a blessed day mister!

Lol. U would have said last time u will quote me and not last time u will answer me because I never asked u any question. U have been quoting me to seek a "stupid debate" as u called it, which no one begged u for. Abeg, no quote me again. I do facts not beer parlour stories. Even after all ur quotes, u still haven't been able to show me facts, biblical or historical references that stated that "Jesus established the Roman Catholic Church" and that "Peter was ordained the first Pope of the Roman Catholic Church". It's all the same stories u have been saying. Look at even what u saying, that many of the churches would tear apart if their founder were to be dead but Roman Catholic hadn't torn apart even after the founders' death, and that's criteria that showed that Jesus established the Roman Catholic Church, so what of Redeemed whose founder had also been dead since yet the church is still waxing strong and hasn't torn apart yet? Would u also say that it shows that Jesus established Redeemed?
Please oga, it was nice engaging u in this "stupid debate" as u called it, I would really wish that u don't quote me again, abeg. Thanks.

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Re: A Catholic Priest Holds Mass In An Open Church (Photos) by Themandator: 8:44am On Dec 29, 2016

I think you should focus on the decays in the Pentecostal church instead of wasting your time over the Catholic Church. The decay in your socalled Pentecostal churches are too much and I think that should keep you busy.

After removing the big log in your eyes, you can then remove the spec you think Catholics have in their eyes.

You guys have welcome the spirit of Mamon into your midst. Chase him out first and then you can have the moral justification to correct Catholics.

Catholics have false doctrine according to you, and you too worship money. So, which of us is doing the will of God? None! So, you can see you aren't different from us? We will both go to hell fire together.

There is no so called decay in the pentecostal churches that is missing in your Catholic church, from financial malfeasance to sexual immorality at the very top most top.

And even though your statement of worship of money should not attract a rejoinder I will like to point out that the worship or reference for money and the rich is more common in the Catholic Church than anywhere else.

There is no well to do within the Catholic Church that is not been invited to join one of the knights... Mulumba, John, there is scarcely any seat in the church that doesn't have the name of a family as donor, there is all manner of ridiculous and unscriptural titles like, pillar of the church, supporter of the church that is given out to rich persons, it is rare to find any kind of contribution towards any project in the church were the donor is not publicly acknowledged and announced, multiple offering, AMC card etc

In contrast the churches you accuse of worshipping money never permits launching.. It is actually forbidden, no acknowledgement of any mortal for any contribution of any kind, any seat is named after anyone, no window is acknowledged as having being paid for by any mortal.... It is to each according to his understanding and willingness.

As a matter of fact you seek permission to do anything for the church which you must get before embarking on such project..... As large as my church is an individual sought approval and started repainting the fence and another person went to the pastor and wrote a cheque to be given to whosoever is doing the painting as part contribution.. ... No name, no please stand up to be acknowledged
Re: A Catholic Priest Holds Mass In An Open Church (Photos) by Themandator: 9:12am On Dec 29, 2016
Why don't you just provide biblical support for your assertions than a resort to insult of the other person.... If you say Jesus founded the Catholic Church wouldn't it be easier to state this is where he did it and if Peter who never entered Rome is the first pope you should be able to state how that was done and by who

In my encounter with Catholics I have come to realise that they scarcely can maintain a discussion on their faith and practices without resorting to insults like when was your church founded that you are claiming to know better than us, your pastor that owns a jet while his members are poor, etc

The apostles led by Peter were the administrators of many churches that they frequently wrote to... You have letters to the church at Antioch,..... Not the Catholic Church at so and so place but the church at...... Once a group comes together and belive in the mystery of the death of Christ, they become a church and the apostle were obligated to provide guide.

Have you checked the book of life and you found your name there? Are you sure of your own salvation? Are you sure you will enter heaven today if the trumpet should sound? Why not work out your own salvation with fear and trembling first instead of acting like a stupid idiot, talking about things you don't understand? What exactly will take you to heaven? Your eagerness to condemn Catholics or your consistency in obeying God's words in truth? Are you sure you are not just an ordinary signboard that will never arrive at the destination? If you have any sense left on your head, you will focus on making sure you will ever reach heaven. If your salvation is not sure, you and the Catholics you are condemning will end up on hell fire. I don't expect you to repent.
Re: A Catholic Priest Holds Mass In An Open Church (Photos) by blazer234: 8:04pm On Jan 02, 2017
Why don't you just provide biblical support for your assertions than a resort to insult of the other person.... If you say Jesus founded the Catholic Church wouldn't it be easier to state this is where he did it and if Peter who never entered Rome is the first pope you should be able to state how that was done and by who

In my encounter with Catholics I have come to realise that they scarcely can maintain a discussion on their faith and practices without resorting to insults like when was your church founded that you are claiming to know better than us, your pastor that owns a jet while his members are poor, etc

The apostles led by Peter were the administrators of many churches that they frequently wrote to... You have letters to the church at Antioch,..... Not the Catholic Church at so and so place but the church at...... Once a group comes together and belive in the mystery of the death of Christ, they become a church and the apostle were obligated to provide guide.

I was forced to insult you because you guys claim you are holier and better than Catholics, yet your comments are riddled with ignorance.

You are highly ignorant sha.

For one, you think it is only when they enter Rome that they are called Pope? Jesus!! ! That ignorance is disgusting. For your information, Pope is just title for church leader in the Catholic Church. Because present day popes are in Rome doesn't mean you have to be in Rome to be the church leader.

In the time of the apostles, there was only one church and Peter was the head of that church. Paul took over after him, then Timothy, and so on till the time of Pope Benedict.

Pope is just a title, the same way your church head has title. So being called a Pope is not about entering Rome or not.

You are so ignorant that you don't even know that Catholic is an English word that means UNIVERSAL. And this was the state of the Christian faith starting from the times of Peter till the Anglican church broke away. It means every church in the universe was one.

Those churches in Antioch, Laodecia, Jerusalem and co were all under one leadership of the apostles in Jerusalem. But your churches today, are they under one leader or millions of leaders?

I don't even know how to explain. Your comment sounds so dumb and ignorant that I don't know how to simplify it for you.

When your pastor only attends Bible school for 3 months, ignorance won't be far away from you.
Re: A Catholic Priest Holds Mass In An Open Church (Photos) by blazer234: 8:42pm On Jan 02, 2017

There is no so called decay in the pentecostal churches that is missing in your Catholic church, from financial malfeasance to sexual immorality at the very top most top.

And even though your statement of worship of money should not attract a rejoinder I will like to point out that the worship or reference for money and the rich is more common in the Catholic Church than anywhere else.

There is no well to do within the Catholic Church that is not been invited to join one of the knights... Mulumba, John, there is scarcely any seat in the church that doesn't have the name of a family as donor, there is all manner of ridiculous and unscriptural titles like, pillar of the church, supporter of the church that is given out to rich persons, it is rare to find any kind of contribution towards any project in the church were the donor is not publicly acknowledged and announced, multiple offering, AMC card etc

In contrast the churches you accuse of worshipping money never permits launching.. It is actually forbidden, no acknowledgement of any mortal for any contribution of any kind, any seat is named after anyone, no window is acknowledged as having being paid for by any mortal.... It is to each according to his understanding and willingness.

As a matter of fact you seek permission to do anything for the church which you must get before embarking on such project..... As large as my church is an individual sought approval and started repainting the fence and another person went to the pastor and wrote a cheque to be given to whosoever is doing the painting as part contribution.. ... No name, no please stand up to be acknowledged

First of all, the Catholic Church isn't owned by an individual. Those churches are owned by individuals. Seats are labeled after people in appreciation and to encourage others to contribute towards church development.

Do you know what knights do? They dedicate their lives to God's service. Looks like you are ignorant of that.

And you committed error when you say they don't ask for donations. They ask for it. There is an American branch of winners chapel where worshippers were asked to donate money using POS as they were stepping out of the church. Have you heard of Mike Murdoch before? He told people to see $1000 into his ministry and expect miracles from God.

By saying immoralities also occur in the Catholic Church, are you not saying Catholic Church is the same as Pentecostal church ? If that is the case, do you think anybody from Pentecostal church has the moral justification to judge the Catholic Church?
Re: A Catholic Priest Holds Mass In An Open Church (Photos) by blazer234: 8:44pm On Jan 02, 2017
you can't stop me from preaching the truth cause only the truth set free. You think I care about which church you belong no my dear only Jesus can save not Pentecostalism, catholism or islam the gospel doesn't have sections its for all.
Your insults cannot stop me from preaching Jesus!
Catholism is of the devil himself get out from hell!

Catholism is the devil? Is it the Holy Spirit that told you that or your thoughtless human spirit? You are an ignorant soul. Do you celebrate Christmas? Then you are also under the command of the devil.
Re: A Catholic Priest Holds Mass In An Open Church (Photos) by blazer234: 8:46pm On Jan 02, 2017

No. They are from the scripture you claim to know too well than others......i will help you with some but while am I doing that I want you to address this matter of the world being same as humans, according to your right teachings if salvation.... From John 3:16

Rev 5:12
King James Bible
Saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing.

Those who have understanding of the scripture don't discussed the life after without the now life that is very present.... All the men and women that had covenant walk with God had proofs in their lifetime to show that they were blessed in the present world


Gen 24:1
King James Bible
And Abraham was old, and well stricken in age: and the LORD had blessed Abraham in all things.

Wealth is a proof of God's blessing, if you hate it is is because you have no understanding..... Salvation has proof and lack is not one of it.... You can't be saved into poverty or sickness or endurance trek or exercise of waiting for an after life to become rich

New International Version Gen 26:12
Isaac planted crops in that land and the same year reaped a hundredfold, because the LORD blessed him.

Verse 13 The man became rich, and his wealth continued to grow until he became very wealthy.

If the secret of the Lord is with you wealth and riches are inevitable.... Job was rich because he had this secret..Job 29:4 ..

Jesus Christ came so you can have life more abundantly not sparingly... John 1:10

There is no one father if the faith that lackwe wealth in abundance... Solomon but the temple with gold...... Jacob had so much he only asked where he could get food his household not where to beg... He gave them money in excess when they returned he gave again

There is no genuine encounter of the word and it spirit without proof... The widow of zareptha had once encountered and swarm in abundance

Salavation, genuine one doesn't leave you at the mercy of the world, it puts you in charge for they they know their God do exploit not in the after world where only one king reins..... The almight but now.

The beginning of exploit is a genuine love for God... 1 Cor 2:9... eyes have not seen nor has it entered into the hearts of men the things God hath reserved for they that love him.

I pray you climb down from your high horse and seek genuine understanding of the word.... Afterlife is a returne to your maker in spirit for God is a spirit, and not starting afresh in new flesh and brain.

Can you explain why Jesus Christ said "my kingdom is not of this world"?
Re: A Catholic Priest Holds Mass In An Open Church (Photos) by nwamehn: 4:18am On Jan 03, 2017

I was forced to insult you because you guys claim you are holier and better than Catholics, yet your comments are riddled with ignorance.

You are highly ignorant sha.

For one, you think it is only when they enter Rome that they are called Pope? Jesus!! ! That ignorance is disgusting. For your information, Pope is just title for church leader in the Catholic Church. Because present day popes are in Rome doesn't mean you have to be in Rome to be the church leader.

In the time of the apostles, there was only one church and Peter was the head of that church. Paul took over after him, then Timothy, and so on till the time of Pope Benedict.

Pope is just a title, the same way your church head has title. So being called a Pope is not about entering Rome or not.

You are so ignorant that you don't even know that Catholic is an English word that means UNIVERSAL. And this was the state of the Christian faith starting from the times of Peter till the Anglican church broke away. It means every church in the universe was one.

Those churches in Antioch, Laodecia, Jerusalem and co were all under one leadership of the apostles in Jerusalem. But your churches today, are they under one leader or millions of leaders?

I don't even know how to explain. Your comment sounds so dumb and ignorant that I don't know how to simplify it for you.

When your pastor only attends Bible school for 3 months, ignorance won't be far away from you.

Boss, I don't support denominations, whether Roman Catholic or Winners or Anglican. So, I am not in for any church but the truth.
I just wish to point out one or two things from this and ur previous posts here:
1. Pope is not just title for church leader in Roman Catholic Church, Pope is the title for the Bishop of the Roman Catholic Church at Rome, even the Roman Catholic laws say that. U can't be the leader of the Roman Catholic Church without being the bishop of the Roman Catholic Church at Rome. Therefore saying that Peter was the first pope means that Peter was the first Bishop of the Roman Catholic Church at Rome, a city u also agree he never visited.
2. U said, "In the time of the apostles, there was only one church and Peter was the head of that church. Paul took over after him, then Timothy, and so on till the time of Pope Benedict."
So u mean from this ur statement that Paul was the second pope after Peter, followed by Timothy, the third pope till Pope Benedict XVI, or even Pope Francis who came after Pope Benedict XVI? So, how come Paul and Timothy were never recognised as Popes according to the Roman Catholic documentations or ar u saying something different from what the Roman Catholic history says?
3. Roman Catholic church is Roman Catholic church and shouldn't be mistaken just because people recently generally love to refer to it as Catholic church. Catholic church which was originally and is still Roman Catholic Church doesn't refer to the whole church established by the apostles of Jesus as universal. Catholic simply means universal just as Winners also means Conquerors, Apostolic means relating to the Apostles, Redeemed means Regained by paying a Price, Salvation means saved from sin, The Lord's Chosen means chosen by the Lord. If u say that the church established by Jesus was universal and thus is the present day Roman Catholic church, would u also say that the church established by Jesus was through his apostles and thus is the present day Apostolic Church? Would u also say that the church established by Jesus that conquered the devil is the present day Winners Chapel? Would u also say that the church established by Jesus by redeeming everybody through his blood is the present day Redeemed? Would u also say that the church established by Jesus by saving us from sin is Salvation Ministries? Would u also say that the church established by Jesus after he chose his followers is The Lord's Chosen?
Catholic meaning universal doesn't in any way translate to the fact that the church is the original church run by the apostles of Jesus then or that Jesus established any Roman Catholic church while on earth. If not, The Lord's Chosen would also claim that Jesus established them because even the apostles u claim that founded the universal church were also all chosen by the Lord.
4. The churches in Antioch, Laodecia, Jerusalem etc were all Christian churches but never Roman Catholic, Anglican nor Apostolic churches.
5. Before Roman Catholicism began in Rome, so many denominations had also existed in Christianity, the most popular among them were Jewish Christianity, Greek Orthodox Church and Judaizing (not Judaism). After Roman Catholic began, so many other churches also operated which includes Anglican, that broke away from Roman Catholic and Proto-Orthodox Christianity that operated at the same time that Roman Catholic church did. But the fact remains that Jesus never established any of them. In fact, he didn't establish any denomination on earth so it amounts to fallacy if not blasphemy for any person to attach him to any denomination. If u believe he did, then u provide biblical or historical references that show that he did. He also made Peter the head of his church which wouldn't in any way translate to head of Jewish Christianity, head of Judaizing, Pope of Roman Catholic church, Archbishop of the Anglican church, General Overseer of Winners Chapel etc. If Roman Catholics would adopt Peter as their first Pope, then it wouldn't be wrong if Christ Embassy, Winners Chapel or even Jewish Christianity that had existed long before Roman Catholic church also adopt Peter as their first General Overseer.
Re: A Catholic Priest Holds Mass In An Open Church (Photos) by blazer234: 7:50am On Jan 03, 2017

Boss, I don't support denominations, whether Roman Catholic or Winners or Anglican. So, I am not in for any church but the truth.
I just wish to point out one or two things from this and ur previous posts here:
1. Pope is not just title for church leader in Roman Catholic Church, Pope is the title for the Bishop of the Roman Catholic Church at Rome, even the Roman Catholic laws say that. U can't be the leader of the Roman Catholic Church without being the bishop of the Roman Catholic Church at Rome. Therefore saying that Peter was the first pope means that Peter was the first Bishop of the Roman Catholic Church at Rome, a city u also agree he never visited.
2. U said, "In the time of the apostles, there was only one church and Peter was the head of that church. Paul took over after him, then Timothy, and so on till the time of Pope Benedict."
So u mean from this ur statement that Paul was the second pope after Peter, followed by Timothy, the third pope till Pope Benedict XVI, or even Pope Francis who came after Pope Benedict XVI? So, how come Paul and Timothy were never recognised as Popes according to the Roman Catholic documentations or ar u saying something different from what the Roman Catholic history says?
3. Roman Catholic church is Roman Catholic church and shouldn't be mistaken just because people recently generally love to refer to it as Catholic church. Catholic church which was originally and is still Roman Catholic Church doesn't refer to the whole church established by the apostles of Jesus as universal. Catholic simply means universal just as Winners also means Conquerors, Apostolic means relating to the Apostles, Redeemed means Regained by paying a Price, Salvation means saved from sin, The Lord's Chosen means chosen by the Lord. If u say that the church established by Jesus was universal and thus is the present day Roman Catholic church, would u also say that the church established by Jesus was through his apostles and thus is the present day Apostolic Church? Would u also say that the church established by Jesus that conquered the devil is the present day Winners Chapel? Would u also say that the church established by Jesus by redeeming everybody through his blood is the present day Redeemed? Would u also say that the church established by Jesus by saving us from sin is Salvation Ministries? Would u also say that the church established by Jesus after he chose his followers is The Lord's Chosen?
Catholic meaning universal doesn't in any way translate to the fact that the church is the original church run by the apostles of Jesus then or that Jesus established any Roman Catholic church while on earth. If not, The Lord's Chosen would also claim that Jesus established them because even the apostles u claim that founded the universal church were also all chosen by the Lord.
4. The churches in Antioch, Laodecia, Jerusalem etc were all Christian churches but never Roman Catholic, Anglican nor Apostolic churches.
5. Before Roman Catholicism began in Rome, so many denominations had also existed in Christianity, the most popular among them were Jewish Christianity, Greek Orthodox Church and Judaizing (not Judaism). After Roman Catholic began, so many other churches also operated which includes Anglican, that broke away from Roman Catholic and Proto-Orthodox Christianity that operated at the same time that Roman Catholic church did. But the fact remains that Jesus never established any of them. In fact, he didn't establish any denomination on earth so it amounts to fallacy if not blasphemy for any person to attach him to any denomination. If u believe he did, then u provide biblical or historical references that show that he did. He also made Peter the head of his church which wouldn't in any way translate to head of Jewish Christianity, head of Judaizing, Pope of Roman Catholic church, Archbishop of the Anglican church, General Overseer of Winners Chapel etc. If Roman Catholics would adopt Peter as their first Pope, then it wouldn't be wrong if Christ Embassy, Winners Chapel or even Jewish Christianity that had existed long before Roman Catholic church also adopt Peter as their first General Overseer.

You are an ignorant dunce.

It is Roman because it's headquarters is in Rome. And anybody who must lead must lead from the headquarters. Even a fool should understand that.

Jesus! I don't even know how to explain to you. You commented like a demented dead brain. You are so obstinate. I think the best thing to do is to leave you to believe whatever you want to believe about the Catholic Church. It is your problem. Go on spreading confusion to as many as will listen to you, it is your wahala.

Whatever you think will take you to heaven, do it. Whatever I think will take me to heaven, I do it.

If you think condemning one church or the other, because you are God, is what will take you to heaven, continue. But I must tell you that you are living in deepsitted error and disgusting stupidity. You even lack simple knowledge and understanding that a simple primary school pupil should have.

Please don't change. At least, it will keep up your "idolatry narrative " about the Catholic Church. At least it will boost your ego, make you feel like you are right, and make you feel happy and fulfilled.

Like I said earlier, you are an ignorant dunce. It is clear you aren't speaking from the Holy Spirit, but from your blind human spirit.

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