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The Mystery Of Spiritual Husband & Wife! …What You Must Know About Them! by scriptaz18(m): 3:39am On Jan 15, 2017

(All You Need To Know About Them)

"…Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are his: And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding: He revealeth the deep and secret things: he knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him." Daniel 2:20-22

In context, the term ‘Spiritual Husband’ or ‘Spiritual Wife’ is not mentioned in the Bible but it was coined as a term by the ‘early Church’ to describe the ‘spiritual marriage’ that exists between Jesus, who is the ‘Bridegroom (Spiritual Husband)’ and the Church, who are the ‘Bride (Spiritual Wife)’ – Revelations 19: 7-9:

“Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints. And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God.”

Likewise Revelations 21:2 says:

“And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.”

John was not writing about a ‘literal city’ coming down from Heaven but he was writing about the “New Jerusalem” – the Bride (the Lamb’s wife). Jesus will not marry a literal city of buildings but will marry the New Jerusalem (the Church). Jesus is the Groom and the Church (the Saints) is His bride (the New Jerusalem). Besides, the coinage was to give a clear presentation of Jesus’ parable of ‘the Ten Virgins’ (Matthew 25: 1-13) wherein He likened Himself to the bridegroom that made a surprise appearance at his bride’s home.

On that surprise appearance, we should understand this fact about weddings in Jesus’ day:

“In Jewish society, the parents of the betrothed generally drew up the marriage contract. The bride and groom would meet, perhaps for the first time, when this contract was signed. The couple was considered married at this point but they would separate until the actual time of the ceremony. The bride would remain with her parents, and the groom would leave to prepare their home. This could take quite a while. When the home was all was ready, the groom would return for his bride without notice. The marriage ceremony would then take place, and the wedding banquet would follow.”

Remarkably, John the Baptizer speaks of Jesus Christ as the ‘bridegroom’ – John 3: 29:

“He that hath the bride is the bridegroom: but the friend of the bridegroom, which standeth and heareth him, rejoiceth greatly because of the bridegroom's voice: this my joy therefore is fulfilled.”

Likewise, the Apostle Paul used the bridegroom imagery in 1 Corinthians 6: 19-20:

“What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.”

He reminds the Church that they are Jesus’ ‘blood-bought bride’, waiting for the day He would return to take them home. This spiritual marriage is particularly beneficial to the Church as it serves as a reminder to them that they are “betrothed” and as such, should remain faithful until the return of Christ, their bridegroom. Importantly, it is strictly a ‘spiritual relationship’ and does not involve any ‘sexual relationship’.

But the ‘turning point’ is this:

With the intention of using the sanctity of marriage as a ‘portal (right of entry)’ to sexually manipulate and suppress his captives, the Devil impersonates Jesus as ‘an angel of light’ to transform as a ‘bridegroom (spiritual husband)’ – 2 Corinthians 11: 14:

“And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.”

Though people call it ‘Spiritual Marriage or Spiritual Husband or Wife’, this devilish union is known as ‘Demonic Spiritual Marriage or Demonic Spiritual Husband or Wife’.

The difference in both spiritual relationships is this:

Christ (the real Spiritual Husband) wants to sanctify the Church while but Devil (the Demonic Spiritual Husband cum Wife) wants to enslave his captives and abuse their bodies.

Since this book is concerned with the Demonic Spiritual Husband and Wife, it would be beneficial to all if the term is defined and differentiated so that we can get a grip of what Demonic Spiritual Marriage is all about, particularly on how the Devil or his ‘Fallen Angels’ can interchange as ‘Demonic Spiritual Husbands’ and ‘Demonic Spiritual Wives’.

Demonic Spiritual Marriage can be defined as a marital bondage or sexual slavery wherein the Devil or his Fallen Angels forcefully and completely possess human beings (irrespective of gender) with a view to oppressing them and sexually abusing their bodies.

This definition looks like a fairy tale since some people do not believe that Angels can ‘have sex’ with human since they do not possess ‘sexual organs’ let alone breed through sexual relationship with human. Regardless of the seeming fable on the definition, the Bible would be used to prove it, particularly on the reality of Angels reproducing through sexual contact with human; in fact, there are many biblical proofs to support it.

Genesis 6:1-4 would be presented as the first proof since it is in this passage that the ‘forbidden sex, marriage and mating’ between the Angels and mankind was first recorded:

“And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.”

To recap it: The “sons of God (Fallen Angels)” became sexually aroused when they saw how “fair (beautiful with feminine endowments)” the “daughters of men” were and “they took them wives (forceful relationship)” and “came in unto (had sexual intercourse)” them and “they bare children to them (families began through this abominable relationship)”.

Here is another biblical proof – Jude 1: 6-8:

“And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities.”

The ‘Fallen Angels (“which keepeth not their first estate, but left their own habitation”)’ are the “filthy dreamers” that defile the “flesh (mankind – man and woman)”.

Do recall the sexual perversion in Sodom and Gomorrha that provoked God and caused Him to destroy the city and her people – the Fallen Angels actually started the sexual perversion as Jude 1: 6-8 had disclosed!

Before we treat this reference (Genesis 6:1-4), be informed that the entire chapters in this book, would be intermittently turned into interactive sessions wherein every anticipated question on any disclosure made, would be tendered and answered so that the minds of the readers can be constructively sensitized and sanitized on the many pieces of disclosure and clarification that would be made on the reality of Demonic Spiritual Husbands and Wives.

Back to the book of Genesis 6:1-4: the first likely question would be based on the ‘true identity’ of these “sons of God” since they seem to be ‘Angels of God’.

The “sons of God” refer to “Angels” in the following passages:

Job 1: 6:

“Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them.”

Job 2: 1:

“Again there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them to present himself before the LORD.”

Job 38: 7:

“When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?”

Thus, the “sons of God” in Genesis 6:1-2 are the “Fallen Angels”.

The word, “Fallen Angels”, is often mentioned in the world today but many people do not know where it originated from since it cannot be contextually found in the Bible. The origin of this word lies in the Hebrew word for “Giants,” which was first recorded in the book of Genesis 6:4 wherein it was written that:

“There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.”

The Hebrew word translated as “Giants” in Genesis 6:4 is “Nephilim”, a plural, which itself was derived from the root word “Naphal”, which means to “fall”.

How did they ‘fall’ and became known as the ‘Fallen Angels’?

Though not recorded as a prelude to the book of Genesis, the prelude is this:

Before man was created, there was a battle in heaven between the Angels that were loyal to God and those to Satan in his bid to topple God (Ezekiel 28:14-17). However, Satan and his loyalist-angels lost the war, including their place in heaven as God cast them out from heaven into the earth and as such, the earth became their ‘new home’ – Revelation 12: 7-9:

“And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.”

Officially, they are the ‘first occupants’ of earth prior to ‘the creation of mankind’.

The Bible (Genesis 1: 2) says that the “earth was without form and void” before the creation; so, it would look like a contradiction to have disclosed that Satan and his fallen angels are the first occupants of earth. Without discrediting the Bible, we should reflect on this:

‘If Satan and his loyalist-Angels were not on earth prior to the creation, how did he locate the Garden of Eden and tempted Eve? How did he know that God had warned them not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil?’

They were on earth (though void and without form) and knew when God created the world!

Now, God created man with the intention of making Eden his ‘permanent home’ but as man fell, God drove Adam and Eve out of Eden to earth, which incidentally, is the home of Satan and his Fallen Angels. The highlight of this disclosure is in Genesis 3:21:

“Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them.”

Recall Genesis 2:25 says, “And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed” – now, if they were not ashamed of their unclothedness, why did God make coats of skins and clothed them?

God knew that the Fallen Angels were on earth and also knew what would befall Adam and Even when they start walking around earth in their nudity or partially-covered bodies. So, He protected them by ‘clothing’ them properly well (Genesis 3:21). Do recall also that Adam and Eve had initially “sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons” Genesis 3: 7 – God knew the fig leaves were barely covering their bodies and as such, clothed them well.

Based on that disclosure, it is very clear that God knew that their bodies, especially Eve’s (or other females) bodily endowment, would one day, arouse the Fallen Angels. That was why He had to ‘restyle’ their clothes with a long coat (tunics) of skins so that their bodies will be full covered from the prying eyes of the Fallen Angels. ...to be continued!

You have just been treated to the icing on the cake – this is a very short extract from the book – THE SECRETS OF SPIRITUAL HUSBAND AND WIFE ...What You Don’t Know About them (by Kingsley UGO Okenwa).

There are more eye-openers in the main book like how ‘spiritual husbands and wives devirginize (deflower) their captives; the ten major gateways of demonic spiritual husband and wife (how they capture and marry their captives); the strategies of demonic spiritual husband and wife (how they operate on their captives) and the ten major signs of demonic spiritual husband and wife (how to physically identify their captives).’

To order for this book; call 0812 2125 147, 0909 682 6670, 0807 1980 585

Re: The Mystery Of Spiritual Husband & Wife! …What You Must Know About Them! by jumpandpas(m): 3:57am On Jan 15, 2017
@ op, it is SPIRIT husband and wife.
Re: The Mystery Of Spiritual Husband & Wife! …What You Must Know About Them! by opejulie10: 4:03am On Jan 15, 2017

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Re: The Mystery Of Spiritual Husband & Wife! …What You Must Know About Them! by PH1stBorn: 11:59am On Jan 15, 2017

Before man was created, there was a battle in heaven between the Angels that were loyal to God and those to Satan in his bid to topple God (Ezekiel 28:14-17). 
wrong and unrelated reference.
the battle in heaven was led by Arch-Angel Michael as pointed by you in Revelation 12:7-9 and this took place after many years of fulfilment of God's prophecy starting from God's pronouncement against the seed of Adam (Jesus/Arch-Angel Michael) and seed of the serpent. Genesis 3:15.
However, its important to note those rebellious angels where not destroyed along with the Nephilims during the great floods (Genesis 7:17,23) rather they were forced to abandon their fleshly bodies and return to heaven as spirit creatures that were no longer welcomed into God's holy family (2peter2:4) hence they aligned with the Devil who became their ruler(Matthew 9:33).So, as can be noted from above, the war was after the creation of man , infact it was a war won by the resurrected Christ, the Arch-Angel Michael, the king of God's kingdom
Re: The Mystery Of Spiritual Husband & Wife! …What You Must Know About Them! by scriptaz18(m): 12:06pm On Jan 15, 2017

wrong and unrelated reference.
the battle in heaven was led by Arch-Angel Michael as pointed by you in Revelation 12:7-9 and this took place after many years of fulfilment of God's prophecy starting from God's pronouncement against the seed of Adam (Jesus/Arch-Angel Michael) and seed of the serpent. Genesis 3[b][/b]:15.
However, its important to note those rebellious angels where not destroyed along with the Nephilims during the great floods (Genesis 7:17,23) rather they were forced to abandon their fleshly bodies and return to heaven as spirit creatures that were no longer welcomed into God's holy family (2peter2:4) hence they aligned with the Devil who became their ruler(Matthew 9:33).So, as can be noted from above, the war was after the creation of man , infact it was a war won by the resurrected Christ, the Arch-Angel Michael, the king of God's kingdom

Please, it is not about who started or led the battle - the basis of that reference is disclose that Satan and his cohorts had been cast out of heaven, down to earth before the creation proper! Though the earth was without void, Satan and his fallen angels were here before mankind - that is the relationship!
Re: The Mystery Of Spiritual Husband & Wife! …What You Must Know About Them! by PH1stBorn: 12:39pm On Jan 15, 2017

Please, it is not about who started or led the battle - the basis of that reference is disclose that Satan and his cohorts had been cast out of heaven, down to earth before the creation proper! Though the earth was without void, Satan and his fallen angels were here before mankind - that is the relationship!
Hmmm! That reference was about prophetic proclamation against d Nation Tyre and its haughty king if u read through same Ezekiel 28:1 to d end to understand better. I see no parallel analogy between that to what was foretold in Revelation 12:7-12. Notice that verse 12 says" on this account be glad, you heavens and you who resides in them! Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing that he has a short period of time."
if the Devil and his Demons were cast out of heaven before the creation of d earth proper, who then was the angel addressing to, through Apostle John in this Revelations knowing that Revelation account of the scripture were meants for events yet to take place?
consider same book of Job1:6-22, u will observed that Satan was still shuttling between the heaven and Earth and was exerting his negative influences on both sides until the final grand climax in Revelations 12:7
Re: The Mystery Of Spiritual Husband & Wife! …What You Must Know About Them! by scriptaz18(m): 1:42pm On Jan 15, 2017
Hmmm! That reference was about prophetic proclamation against d Nation Tyre and its haughty king if u read through same Ezekiel 28:1 to d end to understand better. I see no parallel analogy between that to what was foretold in Revelation 12:7-12. Notice that verse 12 says" on this account be glad, you heavens and you who resides in them! Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing that he has a short period of time."
if the Devil and his Demons were cast out of heaven before the creation of d earth proper, who then was the angel addressing to, through Apostle John in this Revelations knowing that Revelation account of the scripture were meants for events yet to take place?
consider same book of Job1:6-22, u will observed that Satan was still shuttling between the heaven and Earth and was exerting his negative influences on both sides until the final grand climax in Revelations 12:7
Events yet to take place? You seem to be missing the point! When did the transformation of Lucifer to Satan (or the devil) take place - prior or after the creation? If 'after the creation,' how did he know where the Garden of Eden was and importantly, cohabit inside it to deceive Eve? I enjoy your comments, sir and I'm learning! I'm just trying to point out that the demons were on earth prior to Adam and Eve!
Re: The Mystery Of Spiritual Husband & Wife! …What You Must Know About Them! by PH1stBorn: 3:46pm On Jan 15, 2017
Sir, I guess u are still drifting away from my point.
First, I did not imply that biblical account of revelations are yet to be fulfilled as some foretold events recorded have come pass while some are yet to be fulfiiled like 1,000 years imprisonment of Satan under Christ Righteous rule (Rev 20:1-3) and restoration of the lost paradise on Earth along with resurrection of the both the Righteous and Unrighteous ones (Act 24:15) and many more events yet to take place.
2ndly,i can not dispute ur claim about time of transformation of Lucifer to Devil bcs, according to Christ who was the first born of God's creation (Colossian1:16-17) Satan d Devil has remained wicked right from the time he began (John 8:44).
3rd, we can not assert authoritatively that Satan cohabited with Adam and Eve in same Garden of Eden just bcs he manipulated the serpent to deceive Eve. As with all Angelic creations of God, Satan has and wield much power and that explain his ability to shuttle between heaven and earth and he knows and envied everything that God created on Earth and not prior the creation of Adam and Eve.

Events yet to take place? You seem to be missing the point! When did the transformation of Lucifer to Satan (or the devil) take place - prior or after the creation? If 'after the creation,' how did he know where the Garden of Eden was and importantly, cohabit inside it to deceive Eve? I enjoy your comments, sir and I'm learning! I'm just trying to point out that the demons were on earth prior to Adam and Eve!
In essence, sir am trying to refute ur believe and convince u that the Demons have not been casted out of Heaven prior to Adam and Eve. Rather Satan's dominion that was extended to the heaven was curtailed and restricted to the Earth only after the resurrected Christ ascended to heaven and later declared war on Satan and his Demons, notice the proclamation of the Angel after Satan and his Demons were hurled down to earth in Revelation 12:10, "I heard a loud voice in heaven say: Now has come to pass the salvation and power and kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ, because the accuser of our brothers (other holy angels) has been hurled down, who accuses them day and night before our God!..11 and they conquered him because of the blood of the lamb..."

the above event could only have taken place after years of Christ ministry on Earth..got it?
Re: The Mystery Of Spiritual Husband & Wife! …What You Must Know About Them! by scriptaz18(m): 5:11pm On Jan 15, 2017
Sir, I guess u are still drifting away from my point.
First, I did not imply that biblical account of revelations are yet to be fulfilled as some foretold events recorded have come pass while some are yet to be fulfiiled like 1,000 years imprisonment of Satan under Christ Righteous rule (Rev 20:1-3) and restoration of the lost paradise on Earth along with resurrection of the both the Righteous and Unrighteous ones (Act 24:15) and many more events yet to take place.
2ndly,i can not dispute ur claim about time of transformation of Lucifer to Devil bcs, according to Christ who was the first born of God's creation (Colossian1:16-17) Satan d Devil has remained wicked right from the time he began (John 8:44).
3rd, we can not assert authoritatively that Satan cohabited with Adam and Eve in same Garden of Eden just bcs he manipulated the serpent to deceive Eve. As with all Angelic creations of God, Satan has and wield much power and that explain his ability to shuttle between heaven and earth and he knows and envied everything that God created on Earth and not prior the creation of Adam and Eve.
In essence, sir am trying to refute ur believe and convince u that the Demons have not been casted out of Heaven prior to Adam and Eve. Rather Satan's dominion that was extended to the heaven was curtailed and restricted to the Earth only after the resurrected Christ ascended to heaven and later declared war on Satan and his Demons, notice the proclamation of the Angel after Satan and his Demons were hurled down to earth in Revelation 12:10, "I heard a loud voice in heaven say: Now has come to pass the salvation and power and kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ, because the accuser of our brothers (other holy angels) has been hurled down, who accuses them day and night before our God!..11 and they conquered him because of the blood of the lamb..."

the above event could only have taken place after years of Christ ministry on Earth..got it?

Then, what was Satan doing in the garden? And how did he know that God asked them not to eat from the tree with the 'fruit of knowledge of good and evil'? When did Satan transcend from Lucifer to the Devil? Remember - he was called Lucifer; so, when did his fall take place? Are you saying, based on your reference that Satan and the fallen angels are still in heaven? I don't really understand you - if it wasn't before Adam and Even, then, when were Satan and his cohorts cast away from heaven? I'm learning!
Re: The Mystery Of Spiritual Husband & Wife! …What You Must Know About Them! by PH1stBorn: 6:42pm On Jan 15, 2017
Sir, compare ur enquiry to what happened during the days of Noah.
First, Where were the angels that came down and took up freshly bodies in other to have sexual relationship with daughter's of men? (I believe u must have understood that such desire must have been due to the fact that they were listening to Satan and allowed themselves to be corrupted)
2ndly, after the great flood that destroyed everything on Earth that have life (except Noah and his family) including the Nephilims/giants, where did those angels return to?
Since all creation of God are perfect, ur question should have been, who made this "Devil", this "Satan"? Simply put, one of the powerful spirit sons of God turned himself into the Devil. How was this possible? Well, consider a person who was once decent and honest may become a thief when the person allows a wrong desire to develop in his heart. If he keeps thinking about it, that wrong desire may become very strong James 1:13-15..thats what happened in the case of Satan the Devil. He apparently heard God tell Adam and Eve to have children and fill the earth with their offspring (Gen 1:27,28)'why, all this human could worship me rather than God! Satan evidently thought. ..Eventually, he took action to deceive Eve by telling her lies about God. (Gen 3:1-5) He thus became a "Devil", which means "slanderer".at the same time he became "Satan" which means "opposer/resister"..thats what Jesus means by saying "....that one was a murderer from the BEGINNING in John 8:44.
your concept of "fallen angel" should be limited to when Satan and his demons were forcefully hurled down "falled/demoted/collapsed" their highest dominion to the earth (Revelation 12:9) as explicitly explained by the BIBLE.
Re: The Mystery Of Spiritual Husband & Wife! …What You Must Know About Them! by Uyi168: 7:48pm On Jan 15, 2017
Op,where can i get spiritual sugar mummy?..

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