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Christian Nigerian Lady Visits Mosque In Abu Dhabi (Photos) - Religion (5) - Nairaland

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Mary Mother Of Jesus Mosque Spotted In Abu Dhabi. / "I Fasted 29 Days With Muslims " -Christian Nigerian Lady Reveals. Photos/ Video / Nigerian Lady Visits Jesus' Birthplace & Tomb (Photos) (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Christian Nigerian Lady Visits Mosque In Abu Dhabi (Photos) by Nobody: 8:15pm On Jan 19, 2017
Re: Christian Nigerian Lady Visits Mosque In Abu Dhabi (Photos) by Alinobrown1(m): 8:15pm On Jan 19, 2017

its people like u dat turn islamic terrorists. always trying to undermine the story of Jesus simply because Mohammad isn't given half the respect, honor and glory people gv Jesus.
dis 1 well xo... go and google Jesus and Mohammed and see who is well honored... you think it is nigerians that accept anything their pastor say as true.

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Re: Christian Nigerian Lady Visits Mosque In Abu Dhabi (Photos) by Nobody: 8:15pm On Jan 19, 2017
Poverty and religious fanatism are close cousins

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Re: Christian Nigerian Lady Visits Mosque In Abu Dhabi (Photos) by Uyi168: 8:16pm On Jan 19, 2017
continue wallowing in the abjectivity of uour mental poverty. People working on your psychi will never relax untill you become a complete slave to what they program u to be. Many countries do not even worship either ur yaweh or allah and they are better off for it. Remain there mk dem dey scam you.
..I have no idea of what u talking abt..i'm neither a christian nor muslim..

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Re: Christian Nigerian Lady Visits Mosque In Abu Dhabi (Photos) by oloriooko(m): 8:16pm On Jan 19, 2017

You are 100% right... We dont worship mere mortal like Holy prophet Jesus, we worship the ONE who sent JESUS...
Stop magnifying your ignorance, Christianity is too high for the simple minded

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Re: Christian Nigerian Lady Visits Mosque In Abu Dhabi (Photos) by FuckTheMod: 8:17pm On Jan 19, 2017

Jesus is the only way to God as he is the peace maker, no one kills for him cuz he is not an idle. Reason well u can decipher
Jesus is the way to God my assholë.
Be deceiving yourself. Jesus will definitely forsake you on the last day because you people have just been lying against him. He'll forsake you just as the way he thought God forsook him on the cross. Time wasters.

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Re: Christian Nigerian Lady Visits Mosque In Abu Dhabi (Photos) by Alinobrown1(m): 8:17pm On Jan 19, 2017
Why do we even give a fvck about both Yahweh(Jewish tribal god) and Allah(Arabian god) in Nigeria, West Africa

Let both gods go to blazes! angry
omo warey.... this 1 is stroooong.
Re: Christian Nigerian Lady Visits Mosque In Abu Dhabi (Photos) by oloriooko(m): 8:19pm On Jan 19, 2017

Jesus is the way to God my assholë.
Be deceiving yourself. Jesus will definitely forsake you on the last day because you people have just been lying against him. He'll forsake you just as the way he thought God forsook him on the cross. Time wasters.
Hmm you were dead b4 you died

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Re: Christian Nigerian Lady Visits Mosque In Abu Dhabi (Photos) by Uyi168: 8:19pm On Jan 19, 2017
Jesus is not our God . He's a "messanger" of God/Allah -the creator of Jesus, Muhammad , other prophets/massangers , you and I.
..Ok,i get ur point..well,i do not suscribe to any of d gods...they are figment of human's imagination...
Re: Christian Nigerian Lady Visits Mosque In Abu Dhabi (Photos) by Minirakiza: 8:20pm On Jan 19, 2017
Look! U can visit any mosque of ur choice
because ur visit there I believe is for one thing, and ur aim of going there is another. na u sabi, but one thing that will make me to agree that we all worship the same God is when u pray in the NAME OF JESUS and yet come back the same...

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Re: Christian Nigerian Lady Visits Mosque In Abu Dhabi (Photos) by Weedcrusher: 8:20pm On Jan 19, 2017
Nigeria problem is peculiar... It has nothing to do with religion. We are blessed with bad leadership

I totally disagree

Nigerians are one of the most intolerant people religiously and tribally
Re: Christian Nigerian Lady Visits Mosque In Abu Dhabi (Photos) by mengho(m): 8:22pm On Jan 19, 2017

I know its hard to believe, but the truth is Jesus isn't a prophet sent by God. Jesus is 100% God.
He came, and functioned as a man to redeem man and without him, no one can get to, reach or worship God....He's the only WAY.

So, if you do not receive the life JESUS offers........then you've got no life mehn

Dude you are so lost, I have no idea how to even start guiding you in d right direction

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Re: Christian Nigerian Lady Visits Mosque In Abu Dhabi (Photos) by Uyi168: 8:22pm On Jan 19, 2017

You are 100% right... We dont worship mere mortal like Holy prophet Jesus, we worship the ONE who sent JESUS...
..d attributes of yahwey and allah are quite different..i do nt subscribe to any d gods though..
Re: Christian Nigerian Lady Visits Mosque In Abu Dhabi (Photos) by vannessa7(f): 8:23pm On Jan 19, 2017
she is right, if God understand every language and whatever you call Him in your language when you pray He hears then Allah is God because Arabic is the language of some people and that is what they callGod in their language, its a heart thing, even in Nigeria here there are so many names of God,

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Re: Christian Nigerian Lady Visits Mosque In Abu Dhabi (Photos) by jnrbayano(m): 8:24pm On Jan 19, 2017
i don't servesame God with Muslim.

John 3:16 is self explanatory

Are they or are they not the descendants of Abraham through Ishmael?

Yes or No?
Re: Christian Nigerian Lady Visits Mosque In Abu Dhabi (Photos) by jnrbayano(m): 8:26pm On Jan 19, 2017

In Trump's voice, WRONG!!!
Even a baby Christian, the ones they call "people of the book", cannot open his/her to say that they worship the same God with monghals, as they are called in India.
Ignorance is worse than a disease.
My people perish for lack of knowledge.
In case you don't know, Yahweh/Jah is not the author of confusion neither is He the architect of of religious duplicity and plurality.
One wirh God is God's ultimate wish for man whom He made in His Image. Murders and killers, and those who shed innocent blood has no place in His kingdom.

You are confused.

Muslems are descendants of Abraham through Ishmael.

Re: Christian Nigerian Lady Visits Mosque In Abu Dhabi (Photos) by abdulkabirO(m): 8:28pm On Jan 19, 2017
See the way they are dressed in the mosque. You can't try it here in Nigeria.

E be like say we carry the religion for head pass the Arabs wey get am

get what sir?
Re: Christian Nigerian Lady Visits Mosque In Abu Dhabi (Photos) by Caseless: 8:28pm On Jan 19, 2017
..Ok,i get ur point..well,i do not suscribe to any of d gods...they are figment of human's imagination...
oh! Respect !

But don't you think there's ba supernatural being behind everything we see?
Re: Christian Nigerian Lady Visits Mosque In Abu Dhabi (Photos) by FuckTheMod: 8:28pm On Jan 19, 2017

Hmm you were dead b4 you died
I was dead before your Jesus was born.
Re: Christian Nigerian Lady Visits Mosque In Abu Dhabi (Photos) by doskie(m): 8:29pm On Jan 19, 2017
Yahwey and allah are different..
the muslims and christians do not worship this same god
Azen wekhin.
Re: Christian Nigerian Lady Visits Mosque In Abu Dhabi (Photos) by sanerugwei: 8:30pm On Jan 19, 2017
There is a quote I like to refer everyone to when believing that one religion is greater than the other but before I do that, we all agree on two things:

1. God is powerful and omnipotent

2. There is only one True God

If the above sentences are true then let's deeply think about the quote:

"If God wanted us all to worship him the same way, wouldn't it have been easy for him to make it so?"

God is mysterious, truly indeed!
God never made any religion, He created man to fellowship with him and have dominion over the elements not to kill and abuse one another for the sake of religion claiming that they are worship God.
Can you tell me the true meaning of worship, Do you think its going to church wveryday or knocking head on the ground five times a day, chanting poems in the guise of prayer.
God is love. Love your neighbor as yourself. If you hate your neighbor (God's image) how can you claim that you love talkleas of worshipping God?
Think about it with opwn mind, it was not meant to disparage anybody, just the naked truth, which is an open aound only conscience can heal us all.
Peace and shalom to you.

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Re: Christian Nigerian Lady Visits Mosque In Abu Dhabi (Photos) by Uyi168: 8:36pm On Jan 19, 2017
oh! Respect !

But don't you think there's ba supernatural being behind everything we see?
..yea,i do,i'm a deist actually..
Re: Christian Nigerian Lady Visits Mosque In Abu Dhabi (Photos) by Uyi168: 8:36pm On Jan 19, 2017
Azen wekhin.
..meaning pls?
Re: Christian Nigerian Lady Visits Mosque In Abu Dhabi (Photos) by abbey621(m): 8:37pm On Jan 19, 2017

God never made, He created man to fellowship with him and have dominion over the elements not to kill and abuse one another for the sake of religion claiming that they are worship God.
Can you tell me the true meaning of worship, Do you think its going to church wveryday or knocking head on the ground five times a day, chanting poems in the guise of prayer.
God is love. Love your neighbor as yourself. If you hate your neighbor (God's image) how can you claim that you love talkleas of worshipping God?
Think about it with opwn mind, it was not meant to disparage anybody, just the naked truth, which is an open aound only conscience can heal us all.
Peace and shalom to you.

We are saying the same thing, God is mysterious, hence the so many ways of worshiping him. Whether you are christian, Muslim or Jew, what matters is the goodness of your heart. We shall all be judged according to our deeds!

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Re: Christian Nigerian Lady Visits Mosque In Abu Dhabi (Photos) by sanerugwei: 8:37pm On Jan 19, 2017

You are confused.

Muslems are descendants of Abraham through Ishmael.

Laff haff tia my belle o.
Wise man are you abi?
So jewish muslims and persian or iraqi or even Chinese and Pakistani ones plus hausa and fulani herdsmen all follow you for Ishmelites. Lol.. ignorance on rampage. No wonder they hate education.. Booku is indeed haram to them.
Nonsense and injiridenti
Re: Christian Nigerian Lady Visits Mosque In Abu Dhabi (Photos) by Malakh: 8:40pm On Jan 19, 2017
then why did he say all knees shall bow before Him(YHWH's Son) or why did He say no man goes to the Father but thru Him, or do you think when He resurrected, He resurrected as a mortal,if you don't kiss the Son you shall all perish, or do you think a mortal can stand in the presence of the One that sent Him that is the Son,you have not heard His voice or seen His shape at anytime as said by John so how in the world do you think you are worshiping the Father?

You are 100% right... We dont worship mere mortal like Holy prophet Jesus, we worship the ONE who sent JESUS...

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Re: Christian Nigerian Lady Visits Mosque In Abu Dhabi (Photos) by tobidipity(m): 8:41pm On Jan 19, 2017
If u like go Sango shrine, ur cup of tea

Re: Christian Nigerian Lady Visits Mosque In Abu Dhabi (Photos) by XXLDICK(m): 8:41pm On Jan 19, 2017

Its not the Arabs that own Islam, Our prophet is sent to the whole world but he hails from an Arab country

get what sir?
arabs no get anything bros.. abi na Jerusalem abi rome get Christian .....come to think of it why dem for Jerusalem and rome no de heal like Nigerian pastors... #foodfortot
By time you guys realise that there is a thin line between religion and culture, then you will understand what I said.

The Yoruba tradition doesn't actually feel oduduwa created the Yorubas alone but the whole world. Same applies to all cultures.... Yahweh, Allah, Buddha...
They are actually the cultures of the Jews, Allah and Indians respectively.

Nigerians abandoned their cultures and adopted foreign ones.

Whether you guys agree or not, the truth remains that Islam and Christianity are foreign.
Re: Christian Nigerian Lady Visits Mosque In Abu Dhabi (Photos) by femi4: 8:44pm On Jan 19, 2017

I totally disagree

Nigerians are one of the most intolerant people religiously and tribally
And that intolerant is responsible for

Inadequate social amenities

Financial mismanagement

Poor health care .....and many more.

Abeg park well
Re: Christian Nigerian Lady Visits Mosque In Abu Dhabi (Photos) by Championlaw200(m): 8:46pm On Jan 19, 2017
Nairalanders beware of this guy o, he is a scammer, all what is saying as regards the data is false o...... Pls beware of him.... Thank u

Re: Christian Nigerian Lady Visits Mosque In Abu Dhabi (Photos) by Boss347(m): 8:48pm On Jan 19, 2017
Satan don show this confused idiot treasure
Re: Christian Nigerian Lady Visits Mosque In Abu Dhabi (Photos) by Duru009(m): 8:49pm On Jan 19, 2017
What information are u passing ooo.....

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