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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Does God Answer Prayers (2906 Views)
God Does Not Answer Prayers, You Only Think He Does / Does God Really Answer Prayers? / Why Doesn't God Answer My Prayers? (2) (3) (4)
Does God Answer Prayers by Nobody: 1:08pm On Jan 20, 2017 |
The short answer to this question is, “Yes!” God has promised that, when we ask for things that are in accordance with His will for our lives, He will give us what we ask for ( 1 John 5:14–15 ). However, there is one caveat to add to this: we may not always like the answer. We pray for a lot of things—some good, some bad, some really pointless. But God listens to all of our prayers, regardless of what we ask ( Matthew 7:7 ). He does not ignore His children ( Luke 18:1–8 ). When we talk to Him, He has promised to listen and respond ( Matthew 6:6 ; Romans 8:26–27 ). His answer may be some variation of “yes” or “no” or “wait, not now.” Keep in mind that prayer is not our way of getting God to do what we want. Our prayers should be focused on things that honor and glorify God and reflect what the Bible clearly reveals God’s will to be ( Luke 11:2 ). If we pray for something that dishonors God or is not His will for us, He is unlikely to give what we ask for. God’s wisdom far exceeds our own, and we must trust that His answers to our prayers are the best possible solutions. When God says “Yes.” In the first two chapters of 1 Samuel, Hannah prays and asks God to give her a baby. She had been unable to conceive which, in biblical times, was considered a mark of shame for a woman. Hannah prayed fervently—so fervently that a priest who saw her praying thought she was drunk. But God heard Hannah, and He allowed her to give birth to a child. Jesus said, “Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son” ( John 14:3 ). If you have prayed specifically for something and God has granted it to you, then you can be assured that it is His will. Nothing happens without God allowing it to happen ( Romans 8:28 ). When God says “No.” In John 11 , Mary and Martha wanted Jesus to heal their dying brother, yet Jesus allowed Lazarus to die. Why did He say “no” to these grieving women who loved Him so much? Because He had greater things planned for Lazarus, things that no one could possibly have imagined. “No” is one of the hardest answers we can receive. But, once again, it is important to remember that God is all-knowing and is aware of the entire timeline of history. He knows every possible outcome of every possible choice in every possible situation; we do not. He sees the “big picture”; we see a partial brushstroke. Proverbs 3:5 says to “trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.” When we get a “no” answer, we must trust that whatever we asked for was not God’s will. When God says “Wait, not now.” Sometimes hearing “wait” is even harder than hearing “no” because it means we have to be patient ( Romans 8:25 ). While waiting is difficult, we can be thankful God is in control and trust that His timing will be perfect ( Romans 12:12 ; Psalm 37:7—9 ). God wants the best for your life. He does not want you to suffer needlessly. Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Be patient and know that He is your loving Father ( Psalm 46:10 ). Abide by Philippians 4:6 as you make your requests to God: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” Then, when God responds, be prepared to accept His wisdom— whether or not you agree with His answer. |
Re: Does God Answer Prayers by Seun(m): 1:43pm On Jan 20, 2017 |
Junia:Actually, he promised more than that: "if you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” Matthew 21:22 His answer may be some variation of “yes” or “no” or “wait, not now.”You know, I get the same 3 "answers" when I don't pray for something I desire: (1) I get it promptly. (2) I don't get it. (3) I get it after a long time. Why bother with prayer when we can get exactly the same "answers" without praying? 6 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Does God Answer Prayers by obinna58(m): 1:51pm On Jan 20, 2017 |
God Doesn't have the power to grant wishes but we have |
Re: Does God Answer Prayers by Nobody: 2:04pm On Jan 20, 2017 |
Seun: U may get it early when you pray for it |
Re: Does God Answer Prayers by Nobody: 2:04pm On Jan 20, 2017 |
obinna58: Ok .. your wisdom |
Re: Does God Answer Prayers by obinna58(m): 2:25pm On Jan 20, 2017 |
Junia:Must u quote |
Re: Does God Answer Prayers by Nobody: 2:29pm On Jan 20, 2017 |
obinna58:Back it with a scripture Else keep it to yourself |
Re: Does God Answer Prayers by obinna58(m): 2:34pm On Jan 20, 2017 |
Junia: Which scripture or are u talking about bible written by ur fellow being claiming its from unexisting God I said u must not quote me |
Re: Does God Answer Prayers by Nobody: 2:52pm On Jan 20, 2017 |
obinna58: How dumb you are You claim there is no God And you previously said that "God does not have the power to grant wishes" How can you make such a statement concerning God who you think does not exist ?? |
Re: Does God Answer Prayers by Obembem: 2:54pm On Jan 20, 2017 |
obinna58: Which scripture or are u talking about bible written by ur fellow being claiming its from unexisting God I said u must not quote me must you reply to the every replies there is option for quoting |
Re: Does God Answer Prayers by Nobody: 2:57pm On Jan 20, 2017 |
Obembem: Thank you brother |
Re: Does God Answer Prayers by obinna58(m): 3:00pm On Jan 20, 2017 |
Junia: That God do not exist doesn't mean I'm not allowed to mention God anyhow I like If e pain u go hug transformer |
Re: Does God Answer Prayers by hopefulLandlord: 3:06pm On Jan 20, 2017 |
Why doesn't Yahweh heal amputees? |
Re: Does God Answer Prayers by Nobody: 3:08pm On Jan 20, 2017 |
obinna58: It pains me that you are lost and you are dumb as well U claim God does not exist U then say He has no power to grant wishes Your quote just shows that He exists Because you don't understand Him you have allowed the devil to deceive you that He doesn't exist I pray that God should have mercy on you and reveal Himself to you |
Re: Does God Answer Prayers by hopefulLandlord: 3:12pm On Jan 20, 2017 |
The Catholic Church -- last I checked -- had documented what they called 12 "true" miracles from the people who visited Lourdes. They were all of the sort of spontaneous remission of Stage IV cancer and the like. Sounds impressive ... Except that there have been 12 million visitors to Lourdes. A rate of 1 "miracle" cure per million? That's way less than the documented no-prayer-required spontaneous remission rate. In fact, if you're suffering from Stage IV cancer, you're better off -- statistically speaking -- to avoid Lourdes at all costs in order to experience a spontaneous remission. 2 Likes |
Re: Does God Answer Prayers by hopefulLandlord: 3:15pm On Jan 20, 2017 |
There are stories of people praying to the Christian God and being healed. There are stories of people praying to non-Christian gods and being healed. There are stories of people praying to no gods and being healed. There are stories of members of all three categories who are not healed. How do we figure out if anything is going on except confirmation bias? We find people who are sick, we have some prayed for and some not, and we see if there is a different recovery rate. The Templeton Foundation - a group inclined to believe that prayer is effective - ran exactly that experiment and found no difference. I can go on a limb and say You don't have millions of answered prayers; you have millions of people who're determined to believe that their prayers were answered. Big difference. 2 Likes |
Re: Does God Answer Prayers by Nobody: 3:15pm On Jan 20, 2017 |
hopefulLandlord: God heals every disease if it is His will He healed an amputee |
Re: Does God Answer Prayers by hopefulLandlord: 3:16pm On Jan 20, 2017 |
Here are my thoughts on prayer. I'll compare how the Christian god acts regarding prayer with how a potential friend might ask. Let's say I contact a friend and tell her that I need some help doing something; I send an email, make a call, and she never gets back to me, not "Yes" not "No" not "maybe." I'd consider that pretty inconsiderate, though if she was particularly busy I might let it pass. If I ran into her and she said "well, I was going to help you, but I wanted you to stress out, send a few more emails and be more obsequious" I think I'd find a new friend. None of my friends treat me like this. But this is basically how the Christian god operates. Some people say that this is the wrong way to look at prayer, and it's like a *conversation.* But conversations require actual communication. Sitting around silently *feeling the presence* or someone or something isn't adequate communication by my standards. Even distant acquaintances do better than the Christian god seems to do here. So, maybe it's all wrong, and the *only right prayer* is to just tell god "Your way, not my way, I SUBMIT I SUBMIT!" Wow, what a *deep, profound relationship.* It's about the same relationship you would have with a nutcase holding a gun to your head. All said, remote acquaintances seem to provide a lot more meaningful contact than gods do through prayers. 2 Likes |
Re: Does God Answer Prayers by Nobody: 3:18pm On Jan 20, 2017 |
hopefulLandlord: You are an atheist i believe |
Re: Does God Answer Prayers by obinna58(m): 3:18pm On Jan 20, 2017 |
Junia: Shut up my friend u the one who is confused cos u have no sense of understanding That God doesn't has the power can be same as not existing I don't why u guys cry when atheist mention god last time I was in church the priest was busy preaching about atheist who shouted Jesus Christ when his car was scratched I was like ![]() ![]() Epain u ryt go and die if hate seeing atheist mention God |
Re: Does God Answer Prayers by hopefulLandlord: 3:19pm On Jan 20, 2017 |
Junia: Oh! The famous miracle of calanda. At last someone did some digging. The acclaimed miracle is nothing but a hoax by the catholic church. There are no records from the doctors, only so called eye witnesses (who obviously wanted to propagate the story) Read the concluding part of your link. The testimony of witnesses were not available even though it is claimed they testified but there is no record of their testimony. By the way no need to sweat it out on this issue. If god can do it in the 17th century, it should not have been difficult for him to have done it again. At least in a modern age where people can't easily be fooled. It is about 400years now since the so called miracle maybe god is sleeping I recall a case of a Christ embassy pastor in delta state claiming to have healed an HIV carrier through prayers. They had documents videos every evidence. But guess what? Someone here on nairaland called the so called cured hiv man and interviewed him. Soon the lies were exposed. This is one of such cases Only reason why "god" has refused to restore amputated limbs now a days but continues to cure things we cannot see or confirm. 1 Like |
Re: Does God Answer Prayers by hopefulLandlord: 3:20pm On Jan 20, 2017 |
Junia:I'm a Pastafarian 1 Like |
Re: Does God Answer Prayers by Nobody: 3:20pm On Jan 20, 2017 |
hopefulLandlord: Ok .. thats your understanding |
Re: Does God Answer Prayers by Nobody: 3:22pm On Jan 20, 2017 |
hopefulLandlord: God can do every good thing Choose to believe in Him or not Its your own life |
Re: Does God Answer Prayers by Nobody: 3:22pm On Jan 20, 2017 |
hopefulLandlord:Ok |
Re: Does God Answer Prayers by Nobody: 3:24pm On Jan 20, 2017 |
obinna58: I only cry for atheist because they are lost They mention God's name and still say He doesn't exist How dumb this is Well its your own choice |
Re: Does God Answer Prayers by hopefulLandlord: 3:27pm On Jan 20, 2017 |
Junia:nothing fails like prayer |
Re: Does God Answer Prayers by Nobody: 3:29pm On Jan 20, 2017 |
hopefulLandlord:Thats what uve been deceived to believe |
Re: Does God Answer Prayers by obinna58(m): 3:30pm On Jan 20, 2017 |
Re: Does God Answer Prayers by obinna58(m): 3:36pm On Jan 20, 2017 |
hopefulLandlord: Prayering is wishing urself well then probably if what u prayed for happens through hard work U give credit to unexisting god 1 Like |
Re: Does God Answer Prayers by Nobody: 3:42pm On Jan 20, 2017 |
obinna58: What if it happens that same moment when you finish praying without doing any work ?? |
Re: Does God Answer Prayers by hopefulLandlord: 3:44pm On Jan 20, 2017 |
obinna58: The bible is all lies. Its a fantasy created for control, to impoverish the masses and keep them humble. No longer are chains and whips required, we can control people thru a promise in a book . The government loves evangelistic preaching . It subdues masses, keeps them paying taxes, makes them docile, humble meek low self esteem folks just waiting till death for some promises they will never get. Provisions, prayer requests, blessings for behavior, recompence for offerings and tithes, fruitful accomplished life , all this and more gotta believe !! Faith and the promise of hope.... I hope none of you actually believed it and wasted your life doing as the bible says! That would be a waste of life 2 Likes |
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