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Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's - Religion (203) - Nairaland

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Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by JMG1: 8:53pm On Jan 21, 2017
Good day all. I hope we all have been good lately. All through the week, i believe the Holy Spirit impressed into me to do a personal study on the context "the sacrifice of Jesus " which i just had time to do today by His Grace and wish to share with you. Please do exercise patience and go through as it will deeply edify you as it has to me, helping us to understand as we all know and have heard that Jesus died for the sin of the world and also help us to tighten our relationship with Him.

To fully understand this, the Holy Spirit helps me break it down in 3parts which are
1. Why is there a need for a sacrifice
2. What is the sacrifice and
3. The purpose of the sacrifice.

Am going to take them one after another so I'll start with the first
The bible tells us in the book of romans that ALL HAVE SINNED. Romans: 3. 23. For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
Now the major reason is because all have sinned but to further understand why and how all have sinned, Romans: 5. 12. Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned: 14. Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come.

Adam was the first created being made in the image and likeness of God, he was Holy and pure just as God and we are supposed to be just like that coz it is the exact way God created initially and want us to be but adam flaunted Gods order, he disobeyed and sin which resulted into death. Now another thing we need to understand is how did adam died and how did death came through sin according to romans 5:12

Genesis: 2. 16. And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: 17. But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely DIE

Here God commanded adam not to eat a particular fruit, that he will die the day he did but here God wasnt talking about physical death but spiritual death because the bible says in Genesis: 2. 25. And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.
Adam and eve were both naked but weren't ashamed because Genesis: 1. 26. And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 27. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
And the glory of God was there covering which was why they were not ashamed but when they sinned something happened.

Genesis: 3. 6. And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. 7. And the EYES of them both were OPENED , and they KNEW that they were NAKED ; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.

They were naked before but they didn't even think about it but after they disobeyed God, they found out they were naked and when God called out to adam, adam says Genesis: 3. 10. And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself.

Imagine adam who had a close relationship with God was now hiding himself from God and its coz the glory of God has departed from him, this was what God told him will happen if he eats of the tree, God wasnt talking about physical death but a spiritual death, the bible says his eyes was opened to what? to the world. Adam was cut off from God because he sinned and wasnt Holy anymore as he was created. Spiritually dead means to be seperated from God, tho alive physically but dead in the Spirit

Now as all know that adam was the first created being, we all came out from this man who had sinned which takes me back to where i started from in Romans: 5. 12. Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:
So has it is, we are all sinners in the sight of God because of adams transgression, when we realise this ourself we realise the need of a a savior.

Now God in His infinite mercy prepared a way out for us that we may be just as he created us and no longer be cut off from Him, He created a way to bridge that gap between Him and us, have our soul redeemed back to him and be to us as a loving Father and us as his child which was what brought about the sacrifice
In the old testament, young bull was offered as a sacrifice to cleans the people of there sins and some other offerings that was made as a sacrifice to God as an atonement but it only worked temporary. God had to offer a permanent solution that will save us from the wrath to come and to do that, there also has to be a form of sacrifice. to understand this,we have to go into the bible

Romans: 5. 18. Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life. 19. For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.

The main point is that animals cant redeem lifes, if through adam, sin was imputed, also if we were to be saved, someone also has to make it right. See sirs/ma's God is a God of principle, He does things as its supposed to be for He is full of wisdom, glory and power.

Now this is where the problem is, the question is if all men have sinned then who will redeem men? Who will deliver them from the wrath to come? If all men are dead through sin, who is righteous enough to give men back the life they lost through adam? The Answer is NO ONE,NOBODY. but if nobody, still something has to be done.....and yes Something was done, God had a way out....

Philippians: 2. 5. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: 6. Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: 7. But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:

(Now before i continue, people try to understand God with human reasoning forgetting that God is a Spirit and to understand Him, it has to be through the Spirit and if God created the heaven and earth and all that within, if God can hear,see us all at the same time etc, there is absolutely nothing impossible for God to do.)

The question is if God is every where, sees everything and knows everything as i believe we all agree to ; then how is it impossible for God to be in heaven as God and be on earth as a man in flesh at the same time?

The only way for God to bring us back to Him is only through Him, because there is no one to redeem us He had to come Himself in our likeness and be like us just as adam was that He might sacrifice Himself as Holy as He is for our own sake and that man is Jesus Christ.

Hebrews: 2. 9. But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man.

Jesus came to world as a man who knew no sin and never sinned to die for us, He became the human lamb to die for our sins. John: 1. 29. The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world..

To help understand further this, we need to understand the reason why God gave Jesus up

John: 3. 16. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
No 1 reason : God loves you so much and does not want you to perish that He had to make a way out for you through Christ Jesus

Romans: 8. 32. He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?
No2 reason: In the beginning God created everything adam will ever need before He created him and gave him dominion over it all but adam lost it to satan through disobedience but here He is offering back what initially belong to you that you could have all you want for it was made for you and that you were not created to suffer

The blood Jesus shed on the cross delivered and justified us Romans: 5. 8. But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. 9. Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him. 10. For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life. 11. And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement.

The man Jesus was the sacrifice......
Jesus answer this Himself and He says John: 11. 25. Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were DEAD yet shall he LIVE: 26. And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall NEVER DIE. Believest thou this? 27. She saith unto him, Yea, Lord: I believe that thou art the Christ, the Son of God, which should come into the world.

Wow, the reason for my wowing is that the Holy Spirit gave me another insight as i typed that, not even when i went through it in the first place. Again i say wow, wow, wow.....please give me time to rejoice small.....wow

Ok let me explain, Jesus said in verse 25, though you were DEAD, yet you shall LIVE. remember what killed adam spiritually, disobedience to God. That was what seperated adam and through adam to us from God, Jesus said yes you are dead but you will Live, you know why? Because Jesus is the RESURRECTION and LIFE, in Jesus and through Jesus, we have resurrected and now received back the Life with God we were supposed to have if adam had not disobeyed....
This is talking about being spiritually alive while still on earth

Now of you notice in verse 26: Jesus said if we live and believe in Him, we shall NEVER DIE....

Here is talking about being alive even after death which is in heaven.. Jesus is alive today and in heaven at the right side of God. Only through Jesus will we get to heaven, Jesus is the only way, the only truth and the only life.

This is what is to come Revelation: 21. 1. And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. 2. And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. 3. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. 4. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. 5. And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful. 6. And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. 7. He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.

God bless you in Jesus name


Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by CharlyG1: 10:55pm On Jan 21, 2017

God Almighty, to You be all the glory! Thank you for your awesome mercies and jealous eye upon your son. I thank you that Your hand✋ thwarted the forces of darkness that raged against him.

Because your voice has gone out to the ends of the earth, it will not come back to you until Charles has performed your will, unscathed, till You and You alone call him home.

I pray Abba for every gem child of Yours whom you have birthed out of the sides of Your Son Jesus.

When their enemies, who serve idols, come near them, may Your puff of Your wind knock em dead ( on their ashy and wretched behinds......#myownwords). And let your breath freeze them out cold on the ground.( Isaiah 57:13)

For all on this thread who trust in the Lord, I pray that you shall possess God's Holy mountain, for such as these , father, Your SON died.

None among us shall die but live, live and live in Jesus name. Amen.

Wow! What a powerful prayer. God bless you dear. May God stun you with numerous blessings this year in Jesus Name. Amen.

Remain blessed smiley

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Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by CharlyG1: 11:00pm On Jan 21, 2017

Welcome Bro Charles.

Thank you Analice. You're welcome too. How are you?

Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by CharlyG1: 11:03pm On Jan 21, 2017
Hello People of God,

I pray for us all to receive strength in everything we do. Do not grow weary. Keep the faith for your blessing is on the way.

I will continue the message on THE BFG movie on monday. I want to take out tomorrow(sunday) to compile the message.

God is with us and He will continue to be with us.

God bless you all smiley
Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by CharlyG1: 11:13pm On Jan 21, 2017

I love your fire and passion for the things of the Spirit. I read your post, and i must say it's revealing. I enjoyed reading it, it has blessed me.

God bless you brother smiley
Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by CharlyG1: 11:18pm On Jan 21, 2017

Hello bro. For sometime i was put on guest mode, so could just read but couldn't comment. Good to be back.

Welcome back sister.
I'm having trouble logging in via my phone, i don't know why. I always have to use a laptop which isn't very convenient for me.

Has anyone experienced something like this before, or does anyone know how i can resolve this? Thanks
Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by Nobody: 1:35am On Jan 22, 2017
what's on your mind.....
Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by JMG1: 4:05am On Jan 22, 2017

I love your fire and passion for the things of the Spirit. I read your post, and i must say it's revealing. I enjoyed reading it, it has blessed me.

God bless you brother smiley
Thank you sir smiley.good to have you back sir
Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by analice107: 8:03pm On Jan 22, 2017

Welcome back sister.
I'm having trouble logging in via my phone, i don't know why. I always have to use a laptop which isn't very convenient for me.

Has anyone experienced something like this before, or does anyone know how i can resolve this? Thanks
Try to update your phone browser.
Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by analice107: 8:04pm On Jan 22, 2017

Thank you Analice. You're welcome too. How are you?
Am fine bros. Bro Charles are you from the east?
Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by temi4fash(m): 9:40am On Jan 23, 2017

I hope you realize that speaking in Tongues is not the same as Speaking in Unknown Tongues?

Can you help explain these??
Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by analice107: 4:25pm On Jan 23, 2017

Can you help explain these??
But you have been in here long enough to know this nah. This has been discussed extensively when likes of Vooks, Superior1, Oyeludef and the rest were here.
Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by CharlyG1: 10:23pm On Jan 23, 2017

Hello Guys,
I greet you all in the Name of Jesus. This teaching is a continuation from part 1 based on The BFG movie. This will be broken down into PART TWO and PART THREE.

Now, continuing from where I stopped. PART TWO.

It is seen in this movie that these giants (demons) seem to be scared of water a lot. They dislike water a lot for no good reason at all. Could this be a reflection of a psychological trauma they now possess when God used water to wipe the earth in Noah’s days? Rings a bell.

At another part, BFG takes Sophie into another spiritual dimension like a forest, when they reach the place he says ‘We is here at last, we’s in DREAM COUNTRY now’.

To be frank, DREAM COUNTRY is nothing other than ASTRAL PROJECTION (Soul Travel) into the spirit world. This is the major teaching of this movie. It wants to encourage astral projection, because it connects demons to humans and creates a bond between the two. You can see the closeness between the two throughout the movie. Satan wants demons to create a bond with humans as it is seen between Sophie and BFG. And at the end of the movie, I was expecting some real bond (covenant) to happen between Sophie and BFG because Sophie had opened herself up to this demon by Astral projection. And yeah, my expectation came to pass.

Let’s continue...

So as they approach this place, they see a big wide tree. When looking at the reflection in the water, you will see that there are so many tiny light balls floating around the tree. But when looking at the tree itself, there are no light balls. You only see the light balls by entering the water or looking at the reflection of the tree on the water. This tells us that this is a spiritual place and a portal. And we know that no human can enter the spirit realm in flesh. We should realize that Sophie is not there by flesh but by spirit, that is her spiritual body, that is by astral projection. All those light balls she was playing with are spiritual objects. The giant BFG is the one teaching Sophie this experience (Out of body experience). Such demons are called ‘spirit guards’ and an out of body experience (Soul Travel) is a form of witchcraft.

This is a demonic representation of astral travel. And an opening of the third eye.

If you notice in this movie, at the home of the giants, there’s a hill that looks like a triangle. That same shape has been disguised a bit. It’s an occult symbol used to represent ‘The third eye’, which signifies a heightened level of spirituality. A demonic spirituality where a person can see and operate through the spirit world. This symbol is used in demonic games like the Ouija board.

This Ouija board game is not really a game but a method of Satan to connect demons with humans. It’s all about connecting humans with demons and astral travel is a very good method that satan is exploiting. Because Astral travel starts with just a little imagination or fantasy thoughts and day dreaming. Bad prolonged imaginations. With time it grows to become an out of body experience (Astral travel).


That tree is a false replica of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the garden of Eden. Satan’s tactics remains the same. He enticed man to his downfall by offering him knowledge of good and evil, the same way he wants to bring forbidden knowledge of astral projection to children to pollute the generational lineage of man. You can guess what this means when it continues to occur. It is sad that most kids are already engaged in astral projection, and they don’t even know what this means.

BFG teaching Sophie so many things is a representation of the kind of knowledge satan is trying to pass down to humans. Forbidden knowledge. Demonic knowledge. It happened in the beginning of time with Adam. It will happen again, it’s already happening. Satan wants us to learn all these. The illuminati cult worship him as the one that brings illumination(knowledge) to the world. That means he brings a higher wisdom and knowledge to the world.
Ashtaroth (statue of liberty) is a representation of satan holding a torch (light that illuminates the world), because satan (lucifer) was known as the light bearer or light bringer when he was in heaven. This light has now become a demonic light (wrong wisdom and knowledge) being given to a blind world to see in their darkness, according to the illuminati and satanic cults. Most of these satanic wisdom and knowledge will be branded as technology in the future.

Now, BFG catches dreams in this forest. In real sense, BFG is a demon that steals the destinies of man and woman. To steal a dream is symbolic for stealing a destiny. And funny enough, he locks these dreams in a bottle, both good and bad.

At one point, Sophie chases after a dream that suddenly became very dangerous. BFG sees the light ball flying so fast, and when Sophie catches it, he asks her to give it to him. BFG understands what those light balls says because he has an extreme intelligence that isn't human like in anyway...


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Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by CharlyG1: 10:30pm On Jan 23, 2017

Now when Sophie handed over the bad dream to BFG, he quickly put it in a bottle. In the bottle the dream shows an image of a wild uncontrollable fire coming out of the ground from about 5 portals. This may actually represent Hell fire. Sophie asks BFG what does that bad dream say, and BFG replies that the dream says ‘Look at what you has done, and there be no forgiveness’. Now the thing is, this statement is totally pointless. Whose dream was this? No one knows. So the message of the dream is kind of pointless, right?

But if we think hard enough, you will see that this message isn’t pointless. This message is a reminder of someone or some people’s guilty act in the past. It is said in the studies of the Book of Enoch that God made a statement like this to Enoch, for him to tell the fallen angels that they won’t be forgiven of their sins. God even showed Enoch a vision of a fiery fire coming out of the abyss just like the one shown in the bad dream BFG was holding. Also it is said that God showed one of the angels a dream saying ‘There will be no forgiveness for their sin for they fornicated with women of the earth. This may well translate as ‘Look at what you has done, and there’ll be no forgiveness’.
Skip the book of Enoch, since it isn’t in the Bible right? Yeah.

Now in the Bible, the book of 2Peter 2:4 gives us a good idea. It reminds us of an incident that took place a long time ago. It says...

For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment…

It is clearly seen that God never granted these fallen angel’s forgiveness.
The only people ever recorded in this life that were never forgiven of their sins were the fallen angels. That dream that Sophie caught is a reminder to these demons of their costly sin. And this was the reason why BFG turned a sad face and walked out on Sophie.

You can see clearly that these dreams are not just dreams but are people’s Dreams (DESTINY). That was the destiny of the watchers of old, they became fallen angels, condemned to the eternal lake of fire.

Towards the end of the movie, Sophie asks BFG to tell her what her own dream meant (the one he caught). And BFG tells her that her dream tells a story of her future, about her having a family and children that will be successful in life and that she would see good and bad times but in the end she will remember good deeds. And then BFG and Sophie touch each other with their fingers. Now when they do this, that triangular hill is shown with the sun shining through it. It is not ordinary. This represents human and demon connection through the third eye, and the sun (illuminati/satanic wisdom) now shines through that triangle (third eye/demonic spiritual level). The type of touch between Sophie and BFG is used even in this modern times to represent mutuality or an intimate relationship or connection between two people. Only that in this movie, it is purely on satanic grounds.

It’s clearly seen how BFG gave Sophie a bad dream while in an inner chamber, and how he also gave the queen of England a bad dream too. These aren’t ordinary. This is the exact same way that demons sow bad dreams while people are asleep. The characteristics of BFG and that of a night demon is 100% same. The movie directors are only trying to paint BFG as a good demon, which in real sense is a big lie.

This is done so that humans can freely communicate with these demons and see them as helpers. This is done right now via Aliens manifestations and other manifestations to come.
I’ve said it before. Satan’s ultimate weapon in these last days is to enable humans and demons to bond together via astral projection and other means which creates demon possession.

We should be careful so that we don’t engaged in fantasy thoughts, mind reading, and do not keep thinking about a certain thing for too long. When you start to day dream or fantasize about a person or a particular thing, you’re day dreaming. This carries on into astral projection without your knowledge.

In the beginning of this movie, Sophie says it is the witching hour, the time when the boogey man comes out (when demons hover around), when people go missing (indicating when people leave their bodies). And then she turns the clock to 3’oclock (3am). This is very symbolic and not done coincidentally… She even explains further that the girls and matron think it happens at 12, but she believes it happens at 3am. Christians and Occult people know this is the real time of heavy demonic activity, not really 12am. 12am is when it’s just about to start.

And when Sophie goes to her balcony she opens her window, looks up and see night birds flying, flying in triangular shapes (the birds are seen again flying in this way because it’s to indicate a satanic activity of the night).

And then Sophie see four men behaving in a very strange way like zombies (not like drunks). These men are demons. Demons act in such ways too.
One of the men mistakenly enters a small pool of water and the rest are quickly pointing out to him that he’s inside water. If you listen very well, one of them says in a muffled voice ‘ooh mehnn, this is water there, IT WILL KILL YOU’. This reminds us that the giants also hate water. There’s a connection here, indicating that these are demons and demons usually come out by 3am, just like those four men and BFG. This scene is stylishly played to make those men look like drunks, but they’re not. They represent demons, scared of water.

At the scene where BFG took Sophie to Dream country, he tells her he hears things; the walking of a ladybird insect, all the secret whisperings of the world. Now, demons have very sensitive hearings because demons are spirit beings with supernatural powers. They can hear the fast beatings of a person’s heart beat from few steps away and they have a high sense of smell. All these same things, these giants have too, including BFG. BFG has all the characteristics of a demon because BFG IS a demon.

Now fast forward…

* In another scene, Sophie asks BFG how old he is and he says he is as old as the earth. We know the Nephilim demons have been existing for a very very long time.
* When the queen’s soldier’s helicopters follow BFG into his realm, their helicopters begin to malfunction. This would happen because the realm is a spiritual one and not physical.
* When he was given a map to point at the exact location of Giant country, he pointed it outside the map to indicate that the realm wasn’t in the physical realm, but in the spiritual.

Now listen.. The end of this movie is shocking and revealing.

Sophie says she had a dream last night. And in the dream, she heard a beautiful humming noise, walked to her window and saw BFG leaping, she said she could see all the way to giant country (spirit realm). She gave a huge detail of all she could see at giant country (spirit realm), just from her balcony.

She says she talks to BFG and he actually hears her (demon and human communication)…. like I pointed out.
And Sophie says ‘Good morning BFG’ and he hears her all the way from Giant country (spirit realm). And BFG smiles.

This means that Sophie has struck a connection with this demon that it has now become so easy for communication between her and this demon called BFG. Alas, Sophie’s 3rd eyes has now become fully open.

Sophie means ‘wisdom’= To be wise. To be wise here means to gain a higher spiritul consciousness. To have your so called third eye opened. That is the wisom that the illumiantic cult and demons teach. It’s not a mistake to choose Sophie as her name. The concept is to teach satanic wisdom to humans by means of teaching them astral projections and forming a spiritual bond with them. Sophie is a representation of the child human (ignorant humans), especially children.

This movie is clearly a demonic teaching done in a very subtle way. When we continue to accept such movies, our subconscious is being manipulated to lean into these teachings without our conscious knowledge. This movie is a target and attack on humans, especially children and it subtly teaches astral projection, trying to bond humans with demons in the future so that it becomes a normal thing in the future. As childlike as this movie looks, most people won’t believe this contains subliminal messages concerning the intentions of the kingdom of darkness.

It is satanic and I don’t advise anyone to allow their kids watch such movies. I pray God gives us His wisdom and understanding to know right from wrong and may our spiritual sensitivity to sin and things around us not wane in Jesus Name. Amen.

N:B: I have attached pictures. Notice the touch between Sophie and BFG and the 3rd eye symbol with the sun shining through, notice the Triangular shaped hill. Notice the men scared of water (not in a human way), notice the shinning tree and the bad dream that looks like a wild fire.

God bless you all. Have a goodnight rest smiley

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Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by Nobody: 12:01pm On Jan 24, 2017

Wow! What a powerful prayer. God bless you dear. May God stun you with numerous blessings this year in Jesus Name. Amen.

Remain blessed smiley
I have sent you a mail pls reply back, remain blessed. smiley smiley
Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by JMG1: 1:03pm On Jan 24, 2017
Wow....good job sir. This is a big eye opener, even tho I haven't even watched the movie, the way you analyse, explain and fully expose the secret message behind the movie makes me understand it fully. This just shows that the World is coming to an end soon. God help us all. Wow, our unborn children will face more persecutions, challenges, trials in the future with the way things are going but I believe they already overcome by the blood of the Lamb. God bless you sir

Now when Sophie handed over the bad dream to BFG, he quickly put it in a bottle. In the bottle the dream shows an image of a wild uncontrollable fire coming out of the ground from about 5 portals. This may actually represent Hell fire. Sophie asks BFG what does that bad dream say, and BFG replies that the dream says ‘Look at what you has done, and there be no forgiveness’. Now the thing is, this statement is totally pointless. Whose dream was this? No one knows. So the message of the dream is kind of pointless, right?

But if we think hard enough, you will see that this message isn’t pointless. This message is a reminder of someone or some people’s guilty act in the past. It is said in the studies of the Book of Enoch that God made a statement like this to Enoch, for him to tell the fallen angels that they won’t be forgiven of their sins. God even showed Enoch a vision of a fiery fire coming out of the abyss just like the one shown in the bad dream BFG was holding. Also it is said that God showed one of the angels a dream saying ‘There will be no forgiveness for their sin for they fornicated with women of the earth. This may well translate as ‘Look at what you has done, and there’ll be no forgiveness’.
Skip the book of Enoch, since it isn’t in the Bible right? Yeah.

Now in the Bible, the book of 2Peter 2:4 gives us a good idea. It reminds us of an incident that took place a long time ago. It says...

For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment…

It is clearly seen that God never granted these fallen angel’s forgiveness.
The only people ever recorded in this life that were never forgiven of their sins were the fallen angels. That dream that Sophie caught is a reminder to these demons of their costly sin. And this was the reason why BFG turned a sad face and walked out on Sophie.

You can see clearly that these dreams are not just dreams but are people’s Dreams (DESTINY). That was the destiny of the watchers of old, they became fallen angels, condemned to the eternal lake of fire.

Towards the end of the movie, Sophie asks BFG to tell her what her own dream meant (the one he caught). And BFG tells her that her dream tells a story of her future, about her having a family and children that will be successful in life and that she would see good and bad times but in the end she will remember good deeds. And then BFG and Sophie touch each other with their fingers. Now when they do this, that triangular hill is shown with the sun shining through it. It is not ordinary. This represents human and demon connection through the third eye, and the sun (illuminati/satanic wisdom) now shines through that triangle (third eye/demonic spiritual level). The type of touch between Sophie and BFG is used even in this modern times to represent mutuality or an intimate relationship or connection between two people. Only that in this movie, it is purely on satanic grounds.

It’s clearly seen how BFG gave Sophie a bad dream while in an inner chamber, and how he also gave the queen of England a bad dream too. These aren’t ordinary. This is the exact same way that demons sow bad dreams while people are asleep. The characteristics of BFG and that of a night demon is 100% same. The movie directors are only trying to paint BFG as a good demon, which in real sense is a big lie.

This is done so that humans can freely communicate with these demons and see them as helpers. This is done right now via Aliens manifestations and other manifestations to come.
I’ve said it before. Satan’s ultimate weapon in these last days is to enable humans and demons to bond together via astral projection and other means which creates demon possession.

We should be careful so that we don’t engaged in fantasy thoughts, mind reading, and do not keep thinking about a certain thing for too long. When you start to day dream or fantasize about a person or a particular thing, you’re day dreaming. This carries on into astral projection without your knowledge.

In the beginning of this movie, Sophie says it is the witching hour, the time when the boogey man comes out (when demons hover around), when people go missing (indicating when people leave their bodies). And then she turns the clock to 3’oclock (3am). This is very symbolic and not done coincidentally… She even explains further that the girls and matron think it happens at 12, but she believes it happens at 3am. Christians and Occult people know this is the real time of heavy demonic activity, not really 12am. 12am is when it’s just about to start.

And when Sophie goes to her balcony she opens her window, looks up and see night birds flying, flying in triangular shapes (the birds are seen again flying in this way because it’s to indicate a satanic activity of the night).

And then Sophie see four men behaving in a very strange way like zombies (not like drunks). These men are demons. Demons act in such ways too.
One of the men mistakenly enters a small pool of water and the rest are quickly pointing out to him that he’s inside water. If you listen very well, one of them says in a muffled voice ‘ooh mehnn, this is water there, IT WILL KILL YOU’. This reminds us that the giants also hate water. There’s a connection here, indicating that these are demons and demons usually come out by 3am, just like those four men and BFG. This scene is stylishly played to make those men look like drunks, but they’re not. They represent demons, scared of water.

At the scene where BFG took Sophie to Dream country, he tells her he hears things; the walking of a ladybird insect, all the secret whisperings of the world. Now, demons have very sensitive hearings because demons are spirit beings with supernatural powers. They can hear the fast beatings of a person’s heart beat from few steps away and they have a high sense of smell. All these same things, these giants have too, including BFG. BFG has all the characteristics of a demon because BFG IS a demon.

Now fast forward…

* In another scene, Sophie asks BFG how old he is and he says he is as old as the earth. We know the Nephilim demons have been existing for a very very long time.
* When the queen’s soldier’s helicopters follow BFG into his realm, their helicopters begin to malfunction. This would happen because the realm is a spiritual one and not physical.
* When he was given a map to point at the exact location of Giant country, he pointed it outside the map to indicate that the realm wasn’t in the physical realm, but in the spiritual.

Now listen.. The end of this movie is shocking and revealing.

Sophie says she had a dream last night. And in the dream, she heard a beautiful humming noise, walked to her window and saw BFG leaping, she said she could see all the way to giant country (spirit realm). She gave a huge detail of all she could see at giant country (spirit realm), just from her balcony.

She says she talks to BFG and he actually hears her (demon and human communication)…. like I pointed out.
And Sophie says ‘Good morning BFG’ and he hears her all the way from Giant country (spirit realm). And BFG smiles.

This means that Sophie has struck a connection with this demon that it has now become so easy for communication between her and this demon called BFG. Alas, Sophie’s 3rd eyes has now become fully open.

Sophie means ‘wisdom’= To be wise. To be wise here means to gain a higher spiritul consciousness. To have your so called third eye opened. That is the wisom that the illumiantic cult and demons teach. It’s not a mistake to choose Sophie as her name. The concept is to teach satanic wisdom to humans by means of teaching them astral projections and forming a spiritual bond with them. Sophie is a representation of the child human (ignorant humans), especially children.

This movie is clearly a demonic teaching done in a very subtle way. When we continue to accept such movies, our subconscious is being manipulated to lean into these teachings without our conscious knowledge. This movie is a target and attack on humans, especially children and it subtly teaches astral projection, trying to bond humans with demons in the future so that it becomes a normal thing in the future. As childlike as this movie looks, most people won’t believe this contains subliminal messages concerning the intentions of the kingdom of darkness.

It is satanic and I don’t advise anyone to allow their kids watch such movies. I pray God gives us His wisdom and understanding to know right from wrong and may our spiritual sensitivity to sin and things around us not wane in Jesus Name. Amen.

N:B: I have attached pictures. Notice the touch between Sophie and BFG and the 3rd eye symbol with the sun shining through, notice the Triangular shaped hill. Notice the men scared of water (not in a human way), notice the shinning tree and the bad dream that looks like a wild fire.

God bless you all. Have a goodnight rest smiley


Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by providence338: 1:16pm On Jan 24, 2017
Hello Guys,
I greet you all in the Name of Jesus. This teaching is a continuation from part 1 based on The BFG movie. This will be broken down into PART TWO and PART THREE.

Yay! I've been looking forward to the rest of your breakdown of this awfully titled movie -- BFG? Anwyhoo, good to have you back, welcome! cheesy

Now, continuing from where I stopped. PART TWO.

It is seen in this movie that these giants (demons) seem to be scared of water a lot. They dislike water a lot for no good reason at all. Could this be a reflection of a psychological trauma they now possess when God used water to wipe the earth in Noah’s days? Rings a bell.

Good point. It appears BFG and the other giants represent the nephilim giants destroyed by the flood. I will add here per the Book of Enoch, that the nephilim concocted their own strange mixture of creatures -- we call them "aliens" today. These are NOT the disembodied spirits of the nephilim, but intergalactic interdimensional demonic beings called everything from greys, to tall whites, to reptilians. They mate with humans (hence giants post-flood) and literally continue to pollute the human bloodline to this day as the watchers produced the polluted nephilim race in the days of old. This is a whole other topic undecided

At another part, BFG takes Sophie into another spiritual dimension like a forest, when they reach the place he says ‘We is here at last, we’s in DREAM COUNTRY now’.

To be frank, DREAM COUNTRY is nothing other than ASTRAL PROJECTION (Soul Travel) into the spirit world. This is the major teaching of this movie. It wants to encourage astral projection, because it connects demons to humans and creates a bond between the two. You can see the closeness between the two throughout the movie. Satan wants demons to create a bond with humans as it is seen between Sophie and BFG. And at the end of the movie, I was expecting some real bond (covenant) to happen between Sophie and BFG because Sophie had opened herself up to this demon by Astral projection. And yeah, my expectation came to pass.

Let’s continue...

So as they approach this place, they see a big wide tree. When looking at the reflection in the water, you will see that there are so many tiny light balls floating around the tree. But when looking at the tree itself, there are no light balls. You only see the light balls by entering the water or looking at the reflection of the tree on the water. This tells us that this is a spiritual place and a portal. And we know that no human can enter the spirit realm in flesh. We should realize that Sophie is not there by flesh but by spirit, that is her spiritual body, that is by astral projection. All those light balls she was playing with are spiritual objects. The giant BFG is the one teaching Sophie this experience (Out of body experience). Such demons are called ‘spirit guards’ and an out of body experience (Soul Travel) is a form of witchcraft.

This is a demonic representation of astral travel. And an opening of the third eye.
I've always wondered this -- the pineal gland (3rd eye) is a physical part of our body -- it was fashioned by and given to us by our Creator, the Most High God. Is it bad if its opened by the Holy Spirit?

If you notice in this movie, at the home of the giants, there’s a hill that looks like a triangle. That same shape has been disguised a bit. It’s an occult symbol used to represent ‘The third eye’, which signifies a heightened level of spirituality. A demonic spirituality where a person can see and operate through the spirit world. This symbol is used in demonic games like the Ouija board.

This Ouija board game is not really a game but a method of Satan to connect demons with humans. It’s all about connecting humans with demons and astral travel is a very good method that satan is exploiting. Because Astral travel starts with just a little imagination or fantasy thoughts and day dreaming. Bad prolonged imaginations. With time it grows to become an out of body experience (Astral travel).


That tree is a false replica of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the garden of Eden. Satan’s tactics remains the same. He enticed man to his downfall by offering him knowledge of good and evil, the same way he wants to bring forbidden knowledge of astral projection to children to pollute the generational lineage of man. You can guess what this means when it continues to occur. It is sad that most kids are already engaged in astral projection, and they don’t even know what this means.

BFG teaching Sophie so many things is a representation of the kind of knowledge satan is trying to pass down to humans. Forbidden knowledge. Demonic knowledge. It happened in the beginning of time with Adam. It will happen again, it’s already happening. Satan wants us to learn all these. The illuminati cult worship him as the one that brings illumination(knowledge) to the world. That means he brings a higher wisdom and knowledge to the world.
Ashtaroth (statue of liberty) is a representation of satan holding a torch (light that illuminates the world), because satan (lucifer) was known as the light bearer or light bringer when he was in heaven. This light has now become a demonic light (wrong wisdom and knowledge) being given to a blind world to see in their darkness, according to the illuminati and satanic cults. Most of these satanic wisdom and knowledge will be branded as technology in the future.
Yes, I would add that technology is already here in many forms. Google "Internet of Things" or just take a look at how demon technology under the guise of "convenience" is actually being used to condition and prime us for the RFID chip: http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/internet-things-dystopian-nightmare-everyone-everything-will-monitored-internet. I strongly believe that this chip is the culmination of the mark of the beast, because this chip will biologically and genetically transform humans into the image of the beast, and no longer in the image of Yahuah. This is what's been called Transhumanism, but again, that's a whole other topic....

Now, BFG catches dreams in this forest. In real sense, BFG is a demon that steals the destinies of man and woman. To steal a dream is symbolic for stealing a destiny. And funny enough, he locks these dreams in a bottle, both good and bad.
That's just horrible. I struggle with remembering much of my dreams, I pray the Most High gives me the power to remember and retain better memory of my dreams.

At one point, Sophie chases after a dream that suddenly became very dangerous. BFG sees the light ball flying so fast, and when Sophie catches it, he asks her to give it to him. BFG understands what those light balls says because he has an extreme intelligence that isn't human like in anyway...



Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by providence338: 1:41pm On Jan 24, 2017
I agree with JMG1 on your breakdown of this movie, its completely on point! I don't hear many people break down the illuminati like this, talkless of people back home, so this gives me hope smiley We are not ignorant of the enemy's devices.... the tell-LIE-vision and all the satanic "programming" that comes from it should be viewed with heightened scrutiny and spiritual discernment. Because if you want to know what's REALLY happening in this fallen world and what's to come in the future -- watch the films they churn out of hollywood. So you can't claim ignorance, the satanists/illuminists that run the world must show you their plans openly and plainly, though its done esoterically.

I'll keep saying it: The white man juju for Hollywood strong pass de one for Nollywood ooohhh....!!! I dey tell you so.


Now when Sophie handed over the bad dream to BFG, he quickly put it in a bottle. In the bottle the dream shows an image of a wild uncontrollable fire coming out of the ground from about 5 portals. This may actually represent Hell fire. Sophie asks BFG what does that bad dream say, and BFG replies that the dream says ‘Look at what you has done, and there be no forgiveness’. Now the thing is, this statement is totally pointless. Whose dream was this? No one knows. So the message of the dream is kind of pointless, right?

But if we think hard enough, you will see that this message isn’t pointless. This message is a reminder of someone or some people’s guilty act in the past. It is said in the studies of the Book of Enoch that God made a statement like this to Enoch, for him to tell the fallen angels that they won’t be forgiven of their sins. God even showed Enoch a vision of a fiery fire coming out of the abyss just like the one shown in the bad dream BFG was holding. Also it is said that God showed one of the angels a dream saying ‘There will be no forgiveness for their sin for they fornicated with women of the earth. This may well translate as ‘Look at what you has done, and there’ll be no forgiveness’.
Skip the book of Enoch, since it isn’t in the Bible right? Yeah.

Now in the Bible, the book of 2Peter 2:4 gives us a good idea. It reminds us of an incident that took place a long time ago. It says...

For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment…

It is clearly seen that God never granted these fallen angel’s forgiveness.
The only people ever recorded in this life that were never forgiven of their sins were the fallen angels. That dream that Sophie caught is a reminder to these demons of their costly sin. And this was the reason why BFG turned a sad face and walked out on Sophie.

You can see clearly that these dreams are not just dreams but are people’s Dreams (DESTINY). That was the destiny of the watchers of old, they became fallen angels, condemned to the eternal lake of fire.

Towards the end of the movie, Sophie asks BFG to tell her what her own dream meant (the one he caught). And BFG tells her that her dream tells a story of her future, about her having a family and children that will be successful in life and that she would see good and bad times but in the end she will remember good deeds. And then BFG and Sophie touch each other with their fingers. Now when they do this, that triangular hill is shown with the sun shining through it. It is not ordinary. This represents human and demon connection through the third eye, and the sun (illuminati/satanic wisdom) now shines through that triangle (third eye/demonic spiritual level). The type of touch between Sophie and BFG is used even in this modern times to represent mutuality or an intimate relationship or connection between two people. Only that in this movie, it is purely on satanic grounds.

It’s clearly seen how BFG gave Sophie a bad dream while in an inner chamber, and how he also gave the queen of England a bad dream too. These aren’t ordinary. This is the exact same way that demons sow bad dreams while people are asleep. The characteristics of BFG and that of a night demon is 100% same. The movie directors are only trying to paint BFG as a good demon, which in real sense is a big lie.

This is done so that humans can freely communicate with these demons and see them as helpers. This is done right now via Aliens manifestations and other manifestations to come.
I’ve said it before. Satan’s ultimate weapon in these last days is to enable humans and demons to bond together via astral projection and other means which creates demon possession.

We should be careful so that we don’t engaged in fantasy thoughts, mind reading, and do not keep thinking about a certain thing for too long. When you start to day dream or fantasize about a person or a particular thing, you’re day dreaming. This carries on into astral projection without your knowledge.

In the beginning of this movie, Sophie says it is the witching hour, the time when the boogey man comes out (when demons hover around), when people go missing (indicating when people leave their bodies). And then she turns the clock to 3’oclock (3am). This is very symbolic and not done coincidentally… She even explains further that the girls and matron think it happens at 12, but she believes it happens at 3am. Christians and Occult people know this is the real time of heavy demonic activity, not really 12am. 12am is when it’s just about to start.

And when Sophie goes to her balcony she opens her window, looks up and see night birds flying, flying in triangular shapes (the birds are seen again flying in this way because it’s to indicate a satanic activity of the night).

And then Sophie see four men behaving in a very strange way like zombies (not like drunks). These men are demons. Demons act in such ways too.
One of the men mistakenly enters a small pool of water and the rest are quickly pointing out to him that he’s inside water. If you listen very well, one of them says in a muffled voice ‘ooh mehnn, this is water there, IT WILL KILL YOU’. This reminds us that the giants also hate water. There’s a connection here, indicating that these are demons and demons usually come out by 3am, just like those four men and BFG. This scene is stylishly played to make those men look like drunks, but they’re not. They represent demons, scared of water.

At the scene where BFG took Sophie to Dream country, he tells her he hears things; the walking of a ladybird insect, all the secret whisperings of the world. Now, demons have very sensitive hearings because demons are spirit beings with supernatural powers. They can hear the fast beatings of a person’s heart beat from few steps away and they have a high sense of smell. All these same things, these giants have too, including BFG. BFG has all the characteristics of a demon because BFG IS a demon.

Now fast forward…

* In another scene, Sophie asks BFG how old he is and he says he is as old as the earth. We know the Nephilim demons have been existing for a very very long time.
* When the queen’s soldier’s helicopters follow BFG into his realm, their helicopters begin to malfunction. This would happen because the realm is a spiritual one and not physical.
* When he was given a map to point at the exact location of Giant country, he pointed it outside the map to indicate that the realm wasn’t in the physical realm, but in the spiritual.

Now listen.. The end of this movie is shocking and revealing.

Sophie says she had a dream last night. And in the dream, she heard a beautiful humming noise, walked to her window and saw BFG leaping, she said she could see all the way to giant country (spirit realm). She gave a huge detail of all she could see at giant country (spirit realm), just from her balcony.

She says she talks to BFG and he actually hears her (demon and human communication)…. like I pointed out.
And Sophie says ‘Good morning BFG’ and he hears her all the way from Giant country (spirit realm). And BFG smiles.

This means that Sophie has struck a connection with this demon that it has now become so easy for communication between her and this demon called BFG. Alas, Sophie’s 3rd eyes has now become fully open.

Sophie means ‘wisdom’= To be wise. To be wise here means to gain a higher spiritul consciousness. To have your so called third eye opened. That is the wisom that the illumiantic cult and demons teach. It’s not a mistake to choose Sophie as her name. The concept is to teach satanic wisdom to humans by means of teaching them astral projections and forming a spiritual bond with them. Sophie is a representation of the child human (ignorant humans), especially children.

This movie is clearly a demonic teaching done in a very subtle way. When we continue to accept such movies, our subconscious is being manipulated to lean into these teachings without our conscious knowledge. This movie is a target and attack on humans, especially children and it subtly teaches astral projection, trying to bond humans with demons in the future so that it becomes a normal thing in the future. As childlike as this movie looks, most people won’t believe this contains subliminal messages concerning the intentions of the kingdom of darkness.

It is satanic and I don’t advise anyone to allow their kids watch such movies. I pray God gives us His wisdom and understanding to know right from wrong and may our spiritual sensitivity to sin and things around us not wane in Jesus Name. Amen.

N:B: I have attached pictures. Notice the touch between Sophie and BFG and the 3rd eye symbol with the sun shining through, notice the Triangular shaped hill. Notice the men scared of water (not in a human way), notice the shinning tree and the bad dream that looks like a wild fire.

God bless you all. Have a goodnight rest smiley

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Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by temi4fash(m): 1:42pm On Jan 24, 2017

But you have been in here long enough to know this nah. This has been discussed extensively when likes of Vooks, Superior1, Oyeludef and the rest were here.

Sorry my bad..

Would just go back and re-read it
Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by ScienceWatch: 12:24pm On Jan 26, 2017
Please i would like to know if i should go ahead in sharing some hidden facts in the BFG movie i was talking about some weeks ago.

I want to share this message knowing fully well that many of us here have seen the movie.

There has been a long time plan by Satan to unite Man with Beast (demons). This has been an agenda by the powers of darkness for centuries and ages.
And slowly, this has already began to happen. Many people are secretly mingling with demons. Some do it deliberately, and some do it indeliberately.

So many Hollywood movies subtly hide real satanic agendas and demonic symbols in them. When you see the directors behind such type of movies, you realize that they're either in the illuminati secret cult or they're Atheists.

We need to pay attention to things and people around us. Pay attention not with our ears, but with our spirits. Let your spirit be under the influence and guidance of the Holy Spirit, that you may see things for what they really are, that you may see people for who they really are and that you may be kept safe from impending danger.

Not everyone you call friend is a friend. And not everything you see with your physical eyes is as it is.

God has revealed to me so many things in my life, that i actually ignored some of them thinking it wasn't real. I mean how can my Primary school Teacher be in a secret cult? Why would God show me that after about 9years of knowing him. I didn't take that revelation serious, but now it's playing out before my very eyes. Now I have learnt never to doubt the Spirit of God again in my life! Many other things i've learnt from the Holy Spirit..

We need to be more open to the spirit.

God will use us if only we let Him. God bless us all.
Thanks. You have a powerful message to help protect against satanic attacks.

I would like to mention that while your powerful message is helpful indeed, there is an added benefit when people also have the opportunity to see live demonstrations and testimonials of thousands of people that have experienced satanic attacks. Witness thousands of real life examples 24 hes per day on how God effectively destroy satanic attacks on people of all nations.

Emmanuel TV is a great spiritual learning tool that the holy Scoan Church Nigeria has provided, to freely benefit the whole world.
The holy Prophet TB Joshua has ensured that this powerful channel is free of charge to the world.

People learn most effectively when they see evidence and listen to how evil spirits really destroy lives.

People of all religions, doctors, spiritualists are all using Emmanuel TV to learn about the mighty POWER of God
Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by Nobody: 2:09pm On Jan 26, 2017
This BFG movie seems interesting cuz i love adventurous series/filmz . The directors probably wants the audience to be engrossed in the play and discreetly pass a message to encourage demonic practises like astral projection n 'third eye' opening. But there are more hidden revelations to it which brother Charles has just revealed by discernment and knowledge .

Thanks bros, this is really an eye opener with clear analysis...


Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by Nobody: 11:47am On Jan 27, 2017
my experiences are just too numerous. I want everyone reading this to know that these things are real. they aren't made up stories, or myths or anything of that sort.

Demons are real, as real as you and I.
I also came to realise that I have spiritual eyes that see into the spirit realm even when my physical eyes are closed. Yes! that's true. often times I would close my eyes to prevent myself from seeing those scary demons and spirit, but I realised one thing, even when my physical eyes were closed, I was still able to see. In fact, most times I see those demons when they're behind me. you may think I'm lying but of what use is it to lie??.

Recently, while I slept , I had a strange feeling so I opened my eyes. lo and behold, i saw my cousin starring at me. right into my eyes. that was strange, so I said to her "why are you looking at me"?? "why are you looking at me" ? she didn't reply. (my cousin bedwets so she sleeps on a floormat). I didn't know that was a spirit, it was wearing red. I was shocked, I went closer only to find that my cousin's real body was fast asleep and that it was the spirit that sat up from her body and was looking at me. while I was still looking at it, it disappeared. I told my parents but they didn't believe me. it happened again the next day too.

Witchcraft alert

1 Like

Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by Nobody: 12:32pm On Jan 27, 2017
When I entered the University. I had a coursemate who liked me very much. She always wanted to be close to me, I liked her as a friend too but not as much as she liked me.
(I'm not crazy but there's a kind of smell that protrudes from a witch or wizard, pple with the discernment gift wud know this).
If you have ever been in a delieverance session where demons are cast out you may be sensitive to recognize that smell. It's smells like rotten eggs.
Well back to the story..

I liked this girl, she wanted sex from me, she told me verbally and thru sms, she even told my friends to beg me, she wanted to follow me everywhere i went but i always pushed her away not becos I hated her but because God warned me about her.
God would come to me in my dreams and warn me severely about her.. God warned me almost everyday about her, he even showed me wat she would say to me the next day, so I was always a step ahead. Sometimes I saw her in my dream, she wud lure me into a house & with a friend she wud try to rape me.. In this dream, while she was ontop of me, she put her mouth to mine as if kissing me only for me to jump out of my sleep & spit out a yellowish substance( in the physical realm).

One day, we were sitting together talking, and she said 'You think you can run away from me, i'm not from this world & you won't run away from me'.. I smiled & said 'oh yeah? Why did U say that? I definitely won't succumb to you'.
She denied it saying she never said anything like that at all, i then realized God had allowed me to hear her thoughts. I had uncontrollable urge to urinate while I was with her, I had unexplained sexual urges everytime I was with her, all sorts of wierd things.
On a Valentine's day, she gave me a boxers & singlet as a gift. I wore it, that night a woman jumped on me in my dream, i woke up struggling then later released sperm, i realized i had sexual urges when i always wore the boxers. I had to dump it.
To cut the story short,

God gave me self control & i endured it for 4yrs. Devil failed, I never had intercourse with her..Then devil brought another girl to me in form of a born again christian. But I still overcame thru the power of God.
Thank God.
Had the same, but too bad I fell. But God pulls people out of pits. Its just by mercy I am still movjg forward


Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by Nobody: 5:47pm On Jan 27, 2017

There was an incident that happened when I was just 2 months(accrdn to my mum) bt I knew abt it b4 I was told and I still remember the voices and pictures like I was there (till now)

Thanks..But I know deep down that I am not 'ordinary '...I know so many things that happened before I was born and told..so many! I feel strange in myself most times especially when I stare at the mirror, I get unconscious of my environment and my mind and memory goes blank and unfortunately my grandma was more like a river goddess
Not to offend you, but you might have inherited some marine demons from your grandmum down to you. Checked you out , you fit d profile, beautiful, sexually attractive, but ever noticed difficulty keeping a sound relationship or things go bad with men when they associate with you? Its nothing to be offended about, I myself have had to be delivered from demonic activity though I hate anything satanic with passion from birth, but the issues of legal grounds must be dealt with. Don't be a tool in the hands of the enemy, repent, develop a relationship with God and get yourself delivered. Peace

1 Like

Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by analice107: 8:28pm On Jan 27, 2017

Now when Sophie handed over the bad dream to BFG, he quickly put it in a bottle. In the bottle the dream shows an image of a wild uncontrollable fire coming out of the ground from about 5 portals. This may actually represent Hell fire. Sophie asks BFG what does that bad dream say, and BFG replies that the dream says ‘Look at what you has done, and there be no forgiveness’. Now the thing is, this statement is totally pointless. Whose dream was this? No one knows. So the message of the dream is kind of pointless, right?

But if we think hard enough, you will see that this message isn’t pointless. This message is a reminder of someone or some people’s guilty act in the past. It is said in the studies of the Book of Enoch that God made a statement like this to Enoch, for him to tell the fallen angels that they won’t be forgiven of their sins. God even showed Enoch a vision of a fiery fire coming out of the abyss just like the one shown in the bad dream BFG was holding. Also it is said that God showed one of the angels a dream saying ‘There will be no forgiveness for their sin for they fornicated with women of the earth. This may well translate as ‘Look at what you has done, and there’ll be no forgiveness’.
Skip the book of Enoch, since it isn’t in the Bible right? Yeah.

Now in the Bible, the book of 2Peter 2:4 gives us a good idea. It reminds us of an incident that took place a long time ago. It says...

For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment…

It is clearly seen that God never granted these fallen angel’s forgiveness.
The only people ever recorded in this life that were never forgiven of their sins were the fallen angels. That dream that Sophie caught is a reminder to these demons of their costly sin. And this was the reason why BFG turned a sad face and walked out on Sophie.

You can see clearly that these dreams are not just dreams but are people’s Dreams (DESTINY). That was the destiny of the watchers of old, they became fallen angels, condemned to the eternal lake of fire.

Towards the end of the movie, Sophie asks BFG to tell her what her own dream meant (the one he caught). And BFG tells her that her dream tells a story of her future, about her having a family and children that will be successful in life and that she would see good and bad times but in the end she will remember good deeds. And then BFG and Sophie touch each other with their fingers. Now when they do this, that triangular hill is shown with the sun shining through it. It is not ordinary. This represents human and demon connection through the third eye, and the sun (illuminati/satanic wisdom) now shines through that triangle (third eye/demonic spiritual level). The type of touch between Sophie and BFG is used even in this modern times to represent mutuality or an intimate relationship or connection between two people. Only that in this movie, it is purely on satanic grounds.

It’s clearly seen how BFG gave Sophie a bad dream while in an inner chamber, and how he also gave the queen of England a bad dream too. These aren’t ordinary. This is the exact same way that demons sow bad dreams while people are asleep. The characteristics of BFG and that of a night demon is 100% same. The movie directors are only trying to paint BFG as a good demon, which in real sense is a big lie.

This is done so that humans can freely communicate with these demons and see them as helpers. This is done right now via Aliens manifestations and other manifestations to come.
I’ve said it before. Satan’s ultimate weapon in these last days is to enable humans and demons to bond together via astral projection and other means which creates demon possession.

We should be careful so that we don’t engaged in fantasy thoughts, mind reading, and do not keep thinking about a certain thing for too long. When you start to day dream or fantasize about a person or a particular thing, you’re day dreaming. This carries on into astral projection without your knowledge.

In the beginning of this movie, Sophie says it is the witching hour, the time when the boogey man comes out (when demons hover around), when people go missing (indicating when people leave their bodies). And then she turns the clock to 3’oclock (3am). This is very symbolic and not done coincidentally… She even explains further that the girls and matron think it happens at 12, but she believes it happens at 3am. Christians and Occult people know this is the real time of heavy demonic activity, not really 12am. 12am is when it’s just about to start.

And when Sophie goes to her balcony she opens her window, looks up and see night birds flying, flying in triangular shapes (the birds are seen again flying in this way because it’s to indicate a satanic activity of the night).

And then Sophie see four men behaving in a very strange way like zombies (not like drunks). These men are demons. Demons act in such ways too.
One of the men mistakenly enters a small pool of water and the rest are quickly pointing out to him that he’s inside water. If you listen very well, one of them says in a muffled voice ‘ooh mehnn, this is water there, IT WILL KILL YOU’. This reminds us that the giants also hate water. There’s a connection here, indicating that these are demons and demons usually come out by 3am, just like those four men and BFG. This scene is stylishly played to make those men look like drunks, but they’re not. They represent demons, scared of water.

At the scene where BFG took Sophie to Dream country, he tells her he hears things; the walking of a ladybird insect, all the secret whisperings of the world. Now, demons have very sensitive hearings because demons are spirit beings with supernatural powers. They can hear the fast beatings of a person’s heart beat from few steps away and they have a high sense of smell. All these same things, these giants have too, including BFG. BFG has all the characteristics of a demon because BFG IS a demon.

Now fast forward…

* In another scene, Sophie asks BFG how old he is and he says he is as old as the earth. We know the Nephilim demons have been existing for a very very long time.
* When the queen’s soldier’s helicopters follow BFG into his realm, their helicopters begin to malfunction. This would happen because the realm is a spiritual one and not physical.
* When he was given a map to point at the exact location of Giant country, he pointed it outside the map to indicate that the realm wasn’t in the physical realm, but in the spiritual.

Now listen.. The end of this movie is shocking and revealing.

Sophie says she had a dream last night. And in the dream, she heard a beautiful humming noise, walked to her window and saw BFG leaping, she said she could see all the way to giant country (spirit realm). She gave a huge detail of all she could see at giant country (spirit realm), just from her balcony.

She says she talks to BFG and he actually hears her (demon and human communication)…. like I pointed out.
And Sophie says ‘Good morning BFG’ and he hears her all the way from Giant country (spirit realm). And BFG smiles.

This means that Sophie has struck a connection with this demon that it has now become so easy for communication between her and this demon called BFG. Alas, Sophie’s 3rd eyes has now become fully open.

Sophie means ‘wisdom’= To be wise. To be wise here means to gain a higher spiritul consciousness. To have your so called third eye opened. That is the wisom that the illumiantic cult and demons teach. It’s not a mistake to choose Sophie as her name. The concept is to teach satanic wisdom to humans by means of teaching them astral projections and forming a spiritual bond with them. Sophie is a representation of the child human (ignorant humans), especially children.

This movie is clearly a demonic teaching done in a very subtle way. When we continue to accept such movies, our subconscious is being manipulated to lean into these teachings without our conscious knowledge. This movie is a target and attack on humans, especially children and it subtly teaches astral projection, trying to bond humans with demons in the future so that it becomes a normal thing in the future. As childlike as this movie looks, most people won’t believe this contains subliminal messages concerning the intentions of the kingdom of darkness.

It is satanic and I don’t advise anyone to allow their kids watch such movies. I pray God gives us His wisdom and understanding to know right from wrong and may our spiritual sensitivity to sin and things around us not wane in Jesus Name. Amen.

N:B: I have attached pictures. Notice the touch between Sophie and BFG and the 3rd eye symbol with the sun shining through, notice the Triangular shaped hill. Notice the men scared of water (not in a human way), notice the shinning tree and the bad dream that looks like a wild fire.

God bless you all. Have a goodnight rest smiley
Hmmmmm. Anyone who thinks he can conquer satan without the help of Christ has been fooled.

Thank you sir for the job of exposing satan.

Imagine all this in a cartoon.

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Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by Nobody: 9:32pm On Jan 27, 2017

Excellent write up.

But you seem to argue that man has no consciousness that survives death, and as such, anything resembling the departed can only be demons.

Soul Sleep is the name given to this doctrine. Among its proponents are Jehovah's Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventists and so forth

There is another option. There is a conscious human spirit that survives death but they are displaced from the land of the living to await resurrection/judgement.

This is what Jesus taught indirectly in the Rich Man and Lazarus Parable in Luke 16.

In the same Exclesiastes ever favorite among Soul Sleep proponents, we come across this;

Ecclesiastes 3:21 (KJV)
Who knoweth the spirit of man that goeth upward, and the spirit of the beast that goeth downward to the earth?

Question is, what is this 'spirit' that goes upward or downward? Is it conscious, or is this a mere figure of speech? And if it is a figure of speech, why would it puzzle the Preacher?

From beyond he grave the Rich man had a consciousness as did Lazarus and also memory of his life on earth.

Luke 16:23 (KJV)
And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom

And IN HELL....

Before you resort to the standard defense, 'it is a parable', let me remind you that ALL parables of Jesus were founded on REALISM
What happened to the girl in question is not exactly far fetched. Look at moses, no one k ows where he was buried, the devil came to contest for his body course it would have been a very useful asset for deception , however he failed because 1. He had no legal right 2. God intervened through Michael himself.
In the ijeoma's girl's case, she died in obscure circumstances through an abortion, I won't be surprised that the performers of the arbotion were occultic too, and being a pretty girl she was useful, son the demons decided to use her body as a vessel, and they had the legal right to do so, via the sin of abortion, many occultists do this too especially in the entertainment industry. Its just another old trick of the devil
Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by CharlyG1: 9:05pm On Jan 29, 2017
I have sent you a mail pls reply back, remain blessed. smiley smiley

I already replied you. If you didn't see my mail, please send me a mail again. Thanks
Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by CharlyG1: 9:07pm On Jan 29, 2017

Am fine bros. Bro Charles are you from the east?

Oh yes dear.. But my true origin is from above (Heaven), not east, south, north or west wink

God bless you Analice.


Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by CharlyG1: 9:09pm On Jan 29, 2017
Wow....good job sir. This is a big eye opener, even tho I haven't even watched the movie, the way you analyse, explain and fully expose the secret message behind the movie makes me understand it fully. This just shows that the World is coming to an end soon. God help us all. Wow, our unborn children will face more persecutions, challenges, trials in the future with the way things are going but I believe they already overcome by the blood of the Lamb. God bless you sir

Thank you brother. I am happy this has blessed you. I will continue to expose the hidden works of darkness through the grace of Jesus Christ as the Spirit leads me.
Let us pray for our younger generation, and most especially for the future generation to come.

God bless you. Shalom


Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by CharlyG1: 9:14pm On Jan 29, 2017
I agree with JMG1 on your breakdown of this movie, its completely on point! I don't hear many people break down the illuminati like this, talkless of people back home, so this gives me hope smiley We are not ignorant of the enemy's devices.... the tell-LIE-vision and all the satanic "programming" that comes from it should be viewed with heightened scrutiny and spiritual discernment. Because if you want to know what's REALLY happening in this fallen world and what's to come in the future -- watch the films they churn out of hollywood. So you can't claim ignorance, the satanists/illuminists that run the world must show you their plans openly and plainly, though its done esoterically.

I'll keep saying it: The white man juju for Hollywood strong pass de one for Nollywood ooohhh....!!! I dey tell you so.

Thank you for the encouragement providence338...
The Holy Spirit is the revealer of all secrets, and there are many more things He will reveal to us, even on this thread.

I agree with all you said above. 100% correct. May God continue to give us wisdom and grace to discern the deceptions of the enemy in Jesus Name... Amen

Stay blessed smiley

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Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by CharlyG1: 9:22pm On Jan 29, 2017
This BFG movie seems interesting cuz i love adventurous series/filmz . The directors probably wants the audience to be engrossed in the play and discreetly pass a message to encourage demonic practises like astral projection n 'third eye' opening. But there are more hidden revelations to it which brother Charles has just revealed by discernment and knowledge .

Thanks bros, this is really an eye opener with clear analysis...

Yes! You're so on point Jackson.. The movie is meant to be engrossing to capture the attention of people (especially children).
The more immersed they stare into their TV sets or computers, watching this BFG movie, the more it creates an evil registry in their subconscious mind.

Overtime, they will play the act of astral projections without their knowledge if this tends to continue for long. The target is aimed at their mind (soul), to be able to control their actions with it to do evil, and put them in a position that takes away the presence of God in their lives, and make them legible for hell.

Thank you for the encouragement Jacksonville. God bless you real good smiley

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Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by Nobody: 9:23pm On Jan 29, 2017

I already replied you. If you didn't see my mail, please send me a mail again. Thanks
check your email, I have replied back.

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