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French Neo-Colonialism Effects On Nigerian regional Hegemony - Politics - Nairaland

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French Neo-Colonialism Effects On Nigerian regional Hegemony by Blue3k(m): 12:51am On Mar 21, 2017
French Neo-Imperialism:

The most noticeable observation is that Nigeria is an Anglophone country surrounded by Francophone states. The differences between these two sets of countries go beyond the linguistic and into the political-economic realms. It’s clear that each category was previously colonized by a different European power, but a further subdivision can also be made among the four French states. Benin and Niger are part of the West African Franc that’s used among the West African Monetary Union’s (UEMOA) members, while Chad and Cameroon are members of the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC) that use the Central African Franc. Both currencies are directly controlled by Paris, so France thus exercises supreme neo-colonial influence over the affairs of almost every one of its former African colonies. Compounding this astounding level of control is its military component as expressed in Operation Barkhane, which is what France has now branded its transnational African deployment in the wake of the 2013 Malian intervention (officially known as Operation Serval). Of relevance to the WACR, this includes Niger and Chad, which are rich in uranium and oil, respectively. Taken together in all of its various iterations, France refers to its post-colonial policy towards Africa as “Françafrique”.

ECOWAS And Lake Chad:

For as much influence as France is exerting on its former colonies in the region, Nigeria is struggling to push back through its leadership in the Economic Community Of West African States (ECOWAS). As pertaining to WACR, this includes Niger and Benin, the latter state of which is essentially an outgrowth of Lagos in present-day strategic terms and French-extracted Nigerien uranium’s only present transit route to the sea. Nigeria is much too internally weakened right now to positively impact any of its neighbors except in broad future-oriented economic terms, but nevertheless, it remains a force to be reckoned with, which is why ECOWAS is indeed a regional integration organization for observers to keep an eye on. The eastern borderland of this bloc includes the oil-rich Lake Chad region, which thus brings Cameroon and Chad into the same subregional geographic designation as Niger and Nigeria. Furthermore, the transnational threat of Boko Haram has tied these four countries even closer together as they multilaterally attempt to deal with this menace. The terrorist group is exceptionally dangerous to all of them because it nests within an easily traversable territory inherently vulnerable to Daesh-like sudden capture, which means that the states of the anti-Boko Haram coalition must always remain on guard to prevent this blitzkrieg-like threat from ever materializing.

excerpt pulled from : http://orientalreview.org/2017/03/17/hybrid-war-can-wreak-havoc-across-west-africa/


Re: French Neo-Colonialism Effects On Nigerian regional Hegemony by Blue3k(m): 4:32am On Mar 21, 2017
Frances Neo imperialist domination over the region is a big stepping stone towards Nigeria's crawl towards regional hegemony. This gives ECOWAS a bigger place in foreign policy as a way to spread influence. The trading block has plans for integration electricity and energy. Nigeria would become regional top dog if they become industrialized and big energy supplier.

Ps: I do find it odd Niger republics biggest export is Uranium yet they sit in darkness. Anything goes wrong they are SOL of course. They figuring it out slowly with coal power and huge hydro project.


Re: French Neo-Colonialism Effects On Nigerian regional Hegemony by hydroking23(m): 7:54am On Mar 21, 2017
Great post! It's a trait most African countries suffer from; liitle to no benefit from the resources extracted by European colonizers.

It also goes to show how America and it's partners are going out of their way to destabilize Nigeria and Africa as a whole.
Re: French Neo-Colonialism Effects On Nigerian regional Hegemony by GrandGarcon: 9:53am On Mar 21, 2017
Great post! It's a trait most African countries suffer from; liitle to no benefit from the resources extracted by European colonizers.

It also goes to show how America and it's partners are going out of their way to destabilize Nigeria and Africa as a whole.

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Re: French Neo-Colonialism Effects On Nigerian regional Hegemony by hydroking23(m): 10:42am On Mar 21, 2017

If you actually read the article you'd know that this "STORY" is true.
Re: French Neo-Colonialism Effects On Nigerian regional Hegemony by GrandGarcon: 12:10pm On Mar 21, 2017

If you actually read the article you'd know that this "STORY" is true.
your Biggest enemy is Buhari and the British empire , not the french nor the Americans.

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Re: French Neo-Colonialism Effects On Nigerian regional Hegemony by Blue3k(m): 5:18pm On Mar 21, 2017
your Biggest enemy is Buhari and the British empire , not the french nor the Americans.

What are u talking about. The article cites internal weakness as our biggest issue. Frances spear of influence is not immediate threat. Its not good having these essentially vassal states dancing to their drum. Sort of how NATO influence in eastern Europe isn't good for Russia. Don't you think French influence is a hindrance to Nigerian hegemony?


Re: French Neo-Colonialism Effects On Nigerian regional Hegemony by GrandGarcon: 6:17pm On Mar 21, 2017

What are u talking about. The article cites internal weakness as our biggest issue. Frances spear of influence is not immediate threat. Its not good having these essentially vassal states dancing to their drum. Sort of how NATO influence in eastern Europe isn't good for Russia. Don't you think French influence is a hindrance to Nigerian hegemony?
Blaming the French is just a smokescreen. The same French that were praised to high heavens by you Nigerians for saying that Biafra has no future, so how is it now that they are trying to destroy the SAME Nigeria? Look bro, Buhari is your biggest enemy as a nigerian you are, because the Brits are using him as a proxy to maintain the slave-master relationship, if he says no to them, fine, but he is the one doing their dirty job. Blaming the French will not help you.

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Re: French Neo-Colonialism Effects On Nigerian regional Hegemony by Blue3k(m): 6:55pm On Mar 21, 2017
Blaming the French is just a smokescreen. The same French that were praised to high heavens by you Nigerians for saying that Biafra has no future, so how is it now that they are trying to destroy the SAME Nigeria? Look bro, Buhari is your biggest enemy as a nigerian you are, because the Brits are using him as a proxy to maintain the slave-master relationship, if he says no to them, fine, but he is the one doing their dirty job. Blaming the French will not help you.

I think your misunderstood I didnt care about Frances biafra comments either way. I didn't say they are destroying Nigeria I said they are undermining influence within region since they have so much economic, millitary and political sway with Neo colonial countries. The British are using Buhari to do what? It sounds like when people say Obama forced Buhari on Nigeria. Buhari is part of domestic issues with economic and politics. Britain doesn't have that much sway as trade partners.

ECOWAS simply a way to get our economic and political influence spread more. Similarly to hown china policy in Africa is to increase its influence and grow countries in multipolar spear under its guide. I'm guessing in your mind getting rid of Buhari gets us closer to being regional hegemony.

I think Buhari is so so. I'm not impressed but he isn't completely trash either. His economic policy not that good, he messed up with ND but regaining footing, war on curruption a joke till we see jail. We rank in same spot as before war started. He did well with Boko Haram and starting to privatisation of more state assets.

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Re: French Neo-Colonialism Effects On Nigerian regional Hegemony by GrandGarcon: 8:38pm On Mar 21, 2017

I think your misunderstood I didnt care about Frances biafra comments either way. I didn't say they are destroying Nigeria I said they are undermining influence within region since they have so much economic, millitary and political sway with Neo colonial countries. The British are using Buhari to do what? It sounds like when people say Obama forced Buhari on Nigeria. Buhari is part of domestic issues with economic and politics. Britain doesn't have that much sway as trade partners.

ECOWAS simply a way to get our economic and political influence spread more. Similarly to hown china policy in Africa is to increase its influence and grow countries in multipolar spear under its guide. I'm guessing in your mind getting rid of Buhari gets us closer to being regional hegemony.

I think Buhari is so so. I'm not impressed but he isn't completely trash either. His economic policy not that good, he messed up with ND but regaining footing, war on curruption a joke till we see jail. We rank in same spot as before war started. He did well with Boko Haram and starting to privatisation of more state assets.
Britain doesn't have that much sway as trade partners.
When any little scratch he runs to his Godfathers, the Brits, the same people that in collaboration with the demon in human skin Obama to run his campaign, it was Obama's 2008 team that ran Buhari's campaign and he did not pay them a dime. Hahaha! Buhari is another Stalin, acting like a holy man but soooooo demonic on the inside. It is very clear he is a stooge of 10 Downing Street. You think that the Brits simply decided one day to hands off Nigeria? You gotta think again because if you watch all the violence that happened in Nigeria, the Brits have their filthy hands everywhere, from the Jos Riots to the pogroms to the civil war even down to the hanging of Ken Sarowiwa, Even their filthy hands can be found in the Boko Haram you mentioned, in fact they are everywhere. Buhari is your Biggest problem, forget about the French. They are also rulling these countries but by Assimilation. In fact I am typing this from Gabon. But that is always better than the British style because they rule their former colonies by SEGREGATION. The North comes FIRST in everything thereby causing division in the country because the people who are left out will feel cheated, now you can see why the country is internally divided, and the situation is almost entirely hopeless. Forget about the French. Their impact on Nigeria is like a film of dust on a pair of scales. OK?
Re: French Neo-Colonialism Effects On Nigerian regional Hegemony by Blue3k(m): 11:21pm On Mar 21, 2017

the same people that in collaboration with the demon in human skin Obama to run his campaign, it was Obama's 2008 team that ran Buhari's campaign and he did not pay them a dime. Hahaha! Buhari is another Stalin, acting like a holy man but soooooo demonic on the inside. It is very clear he is a stooge of 10 Downing Street. You think that the Brits simply decided one day to hands off Nigeria?

Where is evidence Obama even endorsed him. I looked on white house website. The only thing I could find is him congratulating him on his victory. Opinions on Buhari being evil cool no comment. The British have Neo colonial agenda but they do theirs a little differently. The mainly do it through loans and wash dirty money politicians take their. What stooge action did Buhari do for UK? The examples aren't as clear France and the other countries list.

You gotta think again because if you watch all the violence that happened in Nigeria, the Brits have their filthy hands everywhere, from the Jos Riots to the pogroms to the civil war even down to the hanging of Ken Sarowiwa, Even their filthy hands can be found in the Boko Haram you mentioned, in fact they are everywhere.

I agree on the civil war. I read they had funded the Nigeria side of the conflict. The Riots and hanging would be new to me. Boko Haram I feel might be Saudi Arabia's doing along with domestic traitors.

Buhari is your Biggest problem, forget about the French. They are also rulling these countries but by Assimilation. In fact I am typing this from Gabon. But that is always better than the British style because they rule their former colonies by SEGREGATION. The North comes FIRST in everything thereby causing division in the country because the people who are left out will feel cheated, now you can see why the country is internally divided, and the situation is almost entirely hopeless. Forget about the French. Their impact on Nigeria is like a film of dust on a pair of scales. OK?

French does use Assimilation but they also take over by ways listed and the countries are weaker for it. They are essentially vassal states that feed France resources. UK does divide and conquer but they hardly need to anymore since Nigeria hardly that relevant. We don't fall under common wealth anymore.

Britain doesn't have that much sway as trade partners.
When any little scratch he runs to his Godfathers,

No they aren't big trading partner look at the stats. Netherlands is bigger trading partner. UK number 4 imports. Exports not even big factor either. Netherlands been way more important within Europe. Buhari’s rampant medical toursism doesn't change that.

All in all the response are interesting. I don't blame France or feel they are threat. I simply want Nigeria the top dog in region as hegemony. Those countries should be under our influence if we got our act together. I agree with author of post Nigeria's domestic weakness is main issue. That's why I suggest industrialization and using energy to get those countries in our regional influence.

Re: French Neo-Colonialism Effects On Nigerian regional Hegemony by GrandGarcon: 12:07am On Mar 22, 2017

Where is evidence Obama even endorsed him. I looked on white house website. The only thing I could find is him congratulating him on his victory. Opinions on Buhari being evil cool no comment. The British have Neo colonial agenda but they do theirs a little differently. The mainly do it through loans and wash dirty money politicians take their. What stooge action did Buhari do for UK? The examples aren't as clear France and the other countries list.

I agree on the civil war. I read they had funded the Nigeria side of the conflict. The Riots and hanging would be new to me. Boko Haram I feel might be Saudi Arabia's doing along with domestic traitors.

French does use Assimilation but they also take over by ways listed and the countries are weaker for it. They are essentially vassal states that feed France resources. UK does divide and conquer but they hardly need to anymore since Nigeria hardly that relevant. We don't fall under common wealth anymore.

No they aren't big trading partner look at the stats. Netherlands is bigger trading partner. UK number 4 imports. Exports not even big factor either. Netherlands been way more important within Europe. Buhari’s rampant medical toursism doesn't change that.

All in all the response are interesting. I don't blame France or feel they are threat. I simply want Nigeria the top dog in region as hegemony. Those countries should be under our influence if we got our act together. I agree with author of post Nigeria's domestic weakness is main issue. That's why I suggest industrialization and using energy to get those countries in our regional influence.

Nigeria despite her population cannot become a top dog. Look this population is more like a BURDEN to the rest of Africa. There is no need of arguing back and forth, It is clear that Buhari has been more favourably disposed to the Brits than GEJ, I am not a GEJ fan. But I can assure you that Obama and Cameron RAN Buhari's campaign, even the BBC acknowledged the fact. Okay what was Buhari doing the the "hallowed" Chatham House, and at that time, GEJ was in power, you cannot invite a member of opposition to talk about a country when the president is alive and well, in such a place, it should be the president that will speak on behalf of the country, I mean Buhari became a diplomat before taking power.
You said you read somewhere, you see how you are trivializing the whole the whole thing.
Don't think that I supported Trump because he will make Biafra to exist. No!, no! I only supported Trump because the cozy relationship between Buhari, Obama and Cameron were tooooooo cozy for my liking. But you can take it to the bank that Buhari is your biggest problem. Take it or leave it.
Re: French Neo-Colonialism Effects On Nigerian regional Hegemony by davidif: 7:05am On Jul 05, 2017
Blaming the French is just a smokescreen. The same French that were praised to high heavens by you Nigerians for saying that Biafra has no future, so how is it now that they are trying to destroy the SAME Nigeria? Look bro, Buhari is your biggest enemy as a nigerian you are, because the Brits are using him as a proxy to maintain the slave-master relationship, if he says no to them, fine, but he is the one doing their dirty job. Blaming the French will not help you.

Yeah, the British are your problem and not the fact that you have poor property rights and a hopelessly corrupt legal system? Not the fact that you run a highly centralized state that doesn't give autonomy to local govt to chart their own territory. Not the fact that you can't pass free market reforms that will liberalize the economy and unleash the economic potetial of the economy. Not even the fact that Nigeria ranks very high as one of the most difficult countries to run a business. Nope, Nada. Those are not Nigeria's problems but the British. I guess when in doubt never forget to blame whitey.

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