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Watch Obama's Grandmother Turns On Him - Reveals His Biggest Secret! by OLAADEGBU(m): 4:33pm On Mar 22, 2017
Obama Grandmother Audio: She Was Present When Obama Was born In Kenya!
By defiantamerica - March 21, 2017

Someone is lying. According to Obama's Kenyan (paternal) grandmother, as well as his half-brother and half-sister, Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya, not in Hawaii as the Democratic candidate for president claims. His grandmother bragged that her grandson is about to be President of the United States and is so proud because she was present DURING HIS BIRTH IN KENYA, in the delivery room. - This, according to several news sites and Pennsylvania attorney Philip J. Berg (see video below) who is, surprisingly, a life long democrat himself. Berg is the former Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania, and he has an impressive background in his activities as a democrat, but his support for the party seemingly stops when it comes to his trust in Barack Hussein Obama.

Now, new audio footage has surfaced that could mean Obama will have to pack his bags very soon.

Recently surfaced audio footage shows Barack Obama's grandmother admit that the President was born in Kenya.

At the end of the interview, Sarah Obama clearly says that she was present at Barack's birth in her country of Kenya.

According to israelnationalnews.com:

One explanation is that Obama's mother Ann Dunham, flew to Kenya in 1961 with Obama's father to meet his family. According to some news reports, Ann Dunham, was not accepted well by her husband's family because she was white:

Obama's family did not take to Stanley Ann Dunham Obama very well, because she was white, according to Sarah Obama. Shortly after she arrived in Kenya Stanley Ann decided to return to Hawaii because she later said, she did not like how Muslim men treated their wives in Kenya.

However, because she was near term the airline would not let her fly until after the birth of her baby. Obama's grandmother said "the baby" —Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.— "was born in Kenya and that shortly after he was born, Stanley Ann returned to Hawaii."

However, by the time she wanted to leave Kenya, it was during the late stages of her pregnancy.

She was not able to board a plane because the airlines wouldn't allow women so close to birth to fly. It is instead believed, that Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya as his grandmother apparently stated.

Then, after he was born, his mother returned with him to Hawaii where his birth was REGISTERED on or about August 8th, 1961, in the public records office in Hawaii.

Here is the audio I have to confirm that I never found any source that disputes this audio conversation where Sarah Obama Barack grandmother confirms that she was present when our former president was born!


Trump made an identical claim in a Today Show interview the same morning: "His grandmother in Kenya said he was born in Kenya and she was there and witnessed the birth, okay?"


Someone is definitely lying.

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Re: Watch Obama's Grandmother Turns On Him - Reveals His Biggest Secret! by Nobody: 6:05pm On Mar 22, 2017
Obama has an Identical half Jewish brother who was born in Kenya. The old step mother could be confusing the two. They look alike and her mom is said to have had problems with how she was treated by Obamas dad.

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Re: Watch Obama's Grandmother Turns On Him - Reveals His Biggest Secret! by OLAADEGBU(m): 8:05pm On Mar 22, 2017

Obama has an Identical half Jewish brother who was born in Kenya. The old step mother could be confusing the two. They look alike and her mom is said to have had problems with how she was treated by Obamas dad.

It is either you are sure that it was his identical half Jewish brother that the grandmother is referring to or you are just bearing false witness. undecided

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Re: Watch Obama's Grandmother Turns On Him - Reveals His Biggest Secret! by Nobody: 9:32pm On Mar 22, 2017

It is either you are sure that it was his identical half Jewish brother that the grandmother is referring to or you are just bearing false witness. undecided

She's an old lady who is not literate. She cannot have accurate memory
Re: Watch Obama's Grandmother Turns On Him - Reveals His Biggest Secret! by OLAADEGBU(m): 4:03am On Mar 23, 2017

She's an old lady who is not literate. She cannot have accurate memory

Are you certain that is what happened or you are just lying for Obama?
Re: Watch Obama's Grandmother Turns On Him - Reveals His Biggest Secret! by Nobody: 4:11am On Mar 23, 2017

Are you certain that is what happened or you are just lying for Obama?
You've got to understand old people
Re: Watch Obama's Grandmother Turns On Him - Reveals His Biggest Secret! by OLAADEGBU(m): 4:15am On Mar 23, 2017

You've got to understand old people

Since you understand her how old was she when Barack was born? undecided
Re: Watch Obama's Grandmother Turns On Him - Reveals His Biggest Secret! by MtuMsuper: 5:35am On Mar 23, 2017

Since you understand her how old was she when Barack was born? undecided
Heres where i wanna slap you like real hard mr. olaawhatever with a roundhouse slap,you know,the one which makes you spin 360. And i want to do like 50 in a minute since my typing speed closely matches my slapping speed.
Obama sr and Ann Dunham begat Obama jr when he was STUDENT ,slam bam in the middle of semester, he wasn't in kenya at the time. And he was born at the Kapiolani Medical Center for women and children in Hawaii. It remains the most important and well equipped paedriatic hospital in Hawaii, it being founded bya Hawaiian princess no less. Since youre insistent on him being born in kenya,tell us which town he was born in, tell us which hospital in colonial kenya would have accepted Ann Dunham or even allowed a multiracial couple to freely cohabit, tell us the name of the hospital he was 'born' in, and tell us his delivering doctor.

So, unless Hawaii is a former province of kenya, then yes, he's technically born in kenya.


Re: Watch Obama's Grandmother Turns On Him - Reveals His Biggest Secret! by Lucasbalo(m): 6:08am On Mar 23, 2017

Heres where i wanna slap you like real hard mr. olaawhatever with a roundhouse slap,you know,the one which makes you spin 360. And i want to do like 50 in a minute since my typing speed closely matches my slapping speed.
Obama sr and Ann Dunham begat Obama jr when he was STUDENT ,slam bam in the middle of semester, he wasn't in kenya at the time. And he was born at the Kapiolani Medical Center for women and children in Hawaii. It remains the most important and well equipped paedriatic hospital in Hawaii, it being founded bya Hawaiian princess no less. Since youre insistent on him being born in kenya,tell us which town he was born in, tell us which hospital in colonial kenya would have accepted Ann Dunham or even allowed a multiracial couple to freely cohabit, tell us the name of the hospital he was 'born' in, and tell us his delivering doctor.

So, unless Hawaii is a former province of kenya, then yes, he's technically born in kenya.
Olaadegbu is one sick puppy who is going to have a heart failure due to his hatred of Obama. Olaadegbu is a guy who come from a lineage of never do well. No one in his entire lineage born or unborn can carry Obama's briefcase hence his hatred for Obama. The charlatan named Olaadegbu like I said is a sick puppy.


Re: Watch Obama's Grandmother Turns On Him - Reveals His Biggest Secret! by OLAADEGBU(m): 1:17am On Mar 24, 2017

You've got to understand old people

I did some research about this "grandmother" and discovered that she is actually Barack's aunt, but that does not remove the fact that she said she was present at the birth of her nephew. As to whether it was Barack or Mark that she witnessed is up for the jury.
Re: Watch Obama's Grandmother Turns On Him - Reveals His Biggest Secret! by Nobody: 1:29am On Mar 24, 2017

I did some research about this "grandmother" and discovered that she is actually Barack's aunt, but that does not remove the fact that she said she was present at the birth of her nephew. As to whether it was Barack or Mark that she witnessed is up for the jury.
God knows. The man had four wives or more and many children and this is an over 80 year old woman who Met Barrack later at 18 years old. Barrack Obama snr was not as poor. He was a polititian whose life is well documented. We could have had more than just tales and stories. She probably thought it would make her more respected and motherly to say she was present at his birth.
Re: Watch Obama's Grandmother Turns On Him - Reveals His Biggest Secret! by MtuMsuper: 7:55am On Mar 24, 2017

God knows. The man had four wives or more and many children and this is an over 80 year old woman who Met Barrack later at 18 years old. Barrack Obama snr was not as poor. He was a polititian whose life is well documented. We could have had more than just tales and stories. She probably thought it would make her more respected and motherly to say she was present at his birth.
the thing is this audio is 1. unclear 2. unverifiable.
That being​ said,the obviously birther and conspiracy minded interviewer might have actually been lost in translation! I mean 3 languages were used!
Also sarah obama was a second wife to obama sr, and i repeat she was never in Hawaii in 1960 . She must have seen him as a young man ,but certainly wasn't present at his birth.The interviewer was looking for a buzzword and he got it Western journalists can twist words,just download Malcolm X interviews on YouTube to see how they always tried to catch people offguard with treacherous wording in their questioning. Its called Yellow Journalism.
Am glad they chose the brightest brain in the family ie Dr Auma Obama as family spokesperson.Somebody with global and social exposure like her understands that western press agencies run on malicious agenda, quite unlike a booty scratcher like Malik.


Re: Watch Obama's Grandmother Turns On Him - Reveals His Biggest Secret! by Caseless: 9:20am On Mar 25, 2017
Re: Watch Obama's Grandmother Turns On Him - Reveals His Biggest Secret! by Nobody: 11:50pm On Mar 25, 2017

the thing is this audio is 1. unclear 2. unverifiable.
That being​ said,the obviously birther and conspiracy minded interviewer might have actually been lost in translation! I mean 3 languages were used!
Also sarah obama was a second wife to obama sr, and i repeat she was never in Hawaii in 1960 . She must have seen him as a young man ,but certainly wasn't present at his birth.The interviewer was looking for a buzzword and he got it Western journalists can twist words,just download Malcolm X interviews on YouTube to see how they always tried to catch people offguard with treacherous wording in their questioning. Its called Yellow Journalism.
Am glad they chose the brightest brain in the family ie Dr Auma Obama as family spokesperson.Somebody with global and social exposure like her understands that western press agencies run on malicious agenda, quite unlike a booty scratcher like Malik.
Well put

My granddad who is almost the same age barely knows all his children. And we are talking of finer details of extended family in Sarahs case
Re: Watch Obama's Grandmother Turns On Him - Reveals His Biggest Secret! by panafrican(m): 6:50am On Mar 26, 2017
Get over!
Obama is the 44th US president .He won two terms smoothly and easily beating folks who couldn' t reason beyond a one inch radius sphere.
Re: Watch Obama's Grandmother Turns On Him - Reveals His Biggest Secret! by Lucasbalo(m): 5:44pm On Mar 26, 2017
Get over!
Obama is the 44th US president .He won two terms smoothly and easily beating folks who couldn' t reason beyond a one inch radius sphere.
Agreed. Olaadegbu is going to have his heart failure due to his pathological hatred of Obama whom no one in his lineage can carry his briefcase.
Re: Watch Obama's Grandmother Turns On Him - Reveals His Biggest Secret! by OLAADEGBU(m): 12:13pm On Mar 27, 2017

Agreed. Olaadegbu is going to have his heart failure due to his pathological hatred of Obama whom no one in his lineage can carry his briefcase.

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Re: Watch Obama's Grandmother Turns On Him - Reveals His Biggest Secret! by OLAADEGBU(m): 1:12pm On Mar 31, 2017
Shall we call this a slip of tongue by the former POTUS and his wife?

Re: Watch Obama's Grandmother Turns On Him - Reveals His Biggest Secret! by Nobody: 7:24pm On Apr 01, 2017
Shall we call this a slip of tongue by the former POTUS and his wife?

Of course it's his home country. All his ancestors are here.

You even posted the joke from the correspondence dinner? Desperation I tell you undecided

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