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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Politics / Why The Hausa/fulani Won't Allow The Igbos Succession - Harristo's Analysis (3159 Views)
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Why The Hausa/fulani Won't Allow The Igbos Succession - Harristo's Analysis by harristo(m): 8:22am On Oct 26, 2015 |
The Igbos continue to yearn for succession from the Nigeria they believe is controlled by the Hausa/Fulani. Their agitation is rising to it's peak now that a Fulani man is at the head of the Nigerian government (and he seems to be appointing more Hausa/Fulani in key government positions). But should the Igbos breakaway from the country, the chance of other regions or ethnic groups doing the same would drastically increase. And the Hausa/Fulani believe the division of the country would be to their disadvantage, probably because they would no longer directly benefit from the other region's resources and wealth. The chance of the Igbos staying happily in the present Nigeria is very slim because of their history with the Hausa/Fulani, their many reasons for hating them and their present state in the country. And should the Igbos move to succeed, the Hausa/Fulani would definitely move to stop them in the name of protecting the unity of the country.With this it is clear that fight between the Igbo's IPOB and the Hausa/Fulani led Nigeria is imminent. This is why Nnamdi kanu can confidently say that Nigeria is doomed. He knows that there is no helping the Igbos desire to separate from the Hausa/Fulani and with freedom of speech he will continue to stir up that desire in them. And the Hausa/Fulani won't stand Idly by if the Igbos make a serious move to separate from the country. You can begin to understand why notable Igbos won't come out today to say they support succession of the Igbos. They know that if all Igbos say that they want succession it will result in a fight between them and the Hausa/Fulani led Nigeria. It is only some Igbos that will come out and say even if the path of succession will lead to a fight, they will still pursue it. It is not because they are fight loving people. You can also now see the reason people like Nairaland's Tonyebarcanista would condemn the Igbos IPOB and label them a violent group is because they wish for things to continue as they are in Nigeria. But a Nigeria where a particular group is forced to stay is not a true one Nigeria. You can't force others to do as you please because of your selfish reasons. And if the Igbos aren't allowed self determination then they are no different from being in bondage. All this has made clear the fact that while the path of Igbos IPOB may lead to a fight between them and the Hausa/Fulani led Nigeria; the Hausa/Fulani led Nigeria are the ones that will initiate any fight that may result. The yoruba's are mostly to be blamed though, because they are the ones that are suppose to checkmate these two major ethnic group, they being the third major ethnic group. If the yoruba would exercise their power as one of the major ethnic group and insist that the Hausa/Fulani do the right thing (not forcefully stop the Igbos from succeeding) instead of siding with the Hausa/Fulani, Nigeria won't be standing on this landmine today. To stop the plight of the Igbo's IPOB will not result in lasting peace in Nigeria. Years later the Igbos will still be aching to separate from the Hausa/Fulani. The way to ensure lasting peace for the Igbos to be allowed to succeed peacefully. One thing is certain though, the Hausa/Fulani won't let the Igbos succeed unless they are forced to by the yorubas and other ethnic groups in Nigeria. But will the yorubas choose to do the right thing? NOTE: I am not here ranting as another IPOB supporter, I am a regular Nigerian who wants peace to continue to reign in this country. In fact until I carefully thought about this current IPOB saga, I was of the same view as fellow NigerDeltans like TonyeBarcanista, that the Igbos IPOB are a violent group that threatens battle unless they get or are given what they want. |
Re: Why The Hausa/fulani Won't Allow The Igbos Succession - Harristo's Analysis by lordmayor4(m): 8:29am On Oct 26, 2015 |
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Re: Why The Hausa/fulani Won't Allow The Igbos Succession - Harristo's Analysis by kingzizzy: 9:00am On Oct 26, 2015 |
There's an Igbo adage that says that anyone who takes something from a child and raises their hand so as to keep out of reach, a time will come when their arm will be tired and they will have lower it. The Igbos, MASSOB,IPOB,BZF and other secessionist groups are asking for something that is long over due. The fact that Lugard marched all of us at gun point into Nigeria does not mean we have carry on from where he stopped. I'm an Igbo man, nothing connects with a Yoruba or Hausa man. 10 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Why The Hausa/fulani Won't Allow The Igbos Succession - Harristo's Analysis by omolami: 9:14am On Oct 26, 2015 |
It is because the Hausa/Fulanis are lazy and like to reap where they did not sow. 6 Likes |
Re: Why The Hausa/fulani Won't Allow The Igbos Succession - Harristo's Analysis by Saifullah01: 9:17am On Oct 26, 2015 |
Nigeria was a functional federation prior to the Igbo led coup of the 60's with every region enjoying some degree of autonomy. The ironsi led administration unified the federating regions and called them a republic. All this while Biafra saw nothing wrong with this arrangement. Some few months down the line with the Igbo led administration ousted from the centre (they created) secession became the new mantra for the east. The same thing played out in the last administration with the secessionist seeing nothing wrong with Nigeria while their cousin was at the helm, but as soon as there was a change the clamour began again. The whole world is watching you in 3D 2 Likes |
Re: Why The Hausa/fulani Won't Allow The Igbos Succession - Harristo's Analysis by truefact: 9:25am On Oct 26, 2015 |
Saifullah01:Yes we know all that, but the igbos don't want to partake in anything Nigeria again. I no dey do again, na by force 6 Likes |
Re: Why The Hausa/fulani Won't Allow The Igbos Succession - Harristo's Analysis by kettykin: 9:33am On Oct 26, 2015 |
If the war of secession is between igbos and hausa /fulani then it is OK. My biggest headache is Britain and Russia sending in military advisers and sending weapons to only one side of the conflict, this to me is very unacceptable and partiality. |
Re: Why The Hausa/fulani Won't Allow The Igbos Succession - Harristo's Analysis by Milkyways: 9:33am On Oct 26, 2015 |
Biafra will be free this time around without bloodshed. The appetite is not there for war on the Nigerian side except the Fulani wants to do it alone. Yoruba, knows that Biafra is unstoppable this and wont like to sacrifice their children's life to keep Nigeria one. The Middle belt wont fight only for Fulani to use the excuse and fully occupy their land. What is needed right now is for the ND/SE to form an alliance geared at Biafran restoration FIRST and then ND republic can follow in fullness of time. There is a unifying force both regions can tap into to make this alliance possible. 2 Likes |
Re: Why The Hausa/fulani Won't Allow The Igbos Succession - Harristo's Analysis by harristo(m): 10:20am On Oct 26, 2015 |
kettykin: War has always been a tactics loved by fools. Everything must be done to prevent it from happening. |
Re: Why The Hausa/fulani Won't Allow The Igbos Succession - Harristo's Analysis by Nobody: 10:28am On Oct 26, 2015 |
To the Igbos: Yoruba are not against Biafra, infact many are sympathetic towards it but this is no denying some who are bent on death of Biafra but when you ask them why? They are either earning from someone outside their ethnic group or have no reason at all or they mention the importance of Nigerian unity. Which makes me ask them wht not the importance of the voluntary decision of a people to be part of Nigeria abi na by force? The shades thrown around on blog site are majorly to poke fun at the Igbos who enjoy doing the same at every slight misfortune of the Yoruba. It is not to say Yoruba as a whole, at this time will go against Biafra as long as no Yoruba slightest patch of land is encroached upon or invaded - Ore comes to mind. At least, no Yoruba voice, political Thanks to God the bomb whatever did not go off in Lagos, Nigeria's unity would have become non-negotiable. 1 Like |
Re: Why The Hausa/fulani Won't Allow The Igbos Succession - Harristo's Analysis by chiefmidwife: 10:41am On Oct 26, 2015 |
If hausa/fulanis want war. We too are ready for them
Biafra must be 1 Like |
Re: Why The Hausa/fulani Won't Allow The Igbos Succession - Harristo's Analysis by harristo(m): 11:13am On Oct 26, 2015 |
chiefmidwife: Abeg o, I don't want to experience world war or civil war in my lifetime. Everything must be done to prevent things from coming to war. If there is going to be a succession, it must be a peaceful one. The powers that will ensure peace must be encouraged to act accordingly. |
Re: Why The Hausa/fulani Won't Allow The Igbos Succession - Harristo's Analysis by vmacford: 8:31am On Mar 27, 2017 |
Saifullah01:...but my brother is it not better we let them go and have peace?? Why are we forcefully holding them bak against their will?? |
Re: Why The Hausa/fulani Won't Allow The Igbos Succession - Harristo's Analysis by vmacford: 8:35am On Mar 27, 2017 |
kettykin:...ibos shld go to china and isreal nau |
Re: Why The Hausa/fulani Won't Allow The Igbos Succession - Harristo's Analysis by Amarabae(f): 8:44am On Mar 27, 2017 |
For me, my mind is made up, Igbos must leave Nigeria, the hate and injustice is too much. Even if to declare South East alone as a country, no problem beside Rwanda is the size of south east and they are Ok and progressing. 2 Likes |
Re: Why The Hausa/fulani Won't Allow The Igbos Succession - Harristo's Analysis by jakandeola(m): 8:48am On Mar 27, 2017 |
Amarabae:u ar a betrayal u wish we seprate. thurnda fire dose dat wish dis. u dissapoint me |
Re: Why The Hausa/fulani Won't Allow The Igbos Succession - Harristo's Analysis by Amarabae(f): 8:51am On Mar 27, 2017 |
jakandeola:don't use abusive words. what is betrayal in dividing a country filled with hate and injustice? Answer 3 Likes |
Re: Why The Hausa/fulani Won't Allow The Igbos Succession - Harristo's Analysis by jakandeola(m): 8:55am On Mar 27, 2017 |
Amarabae:did u think as a Yoruba nan I hate u I know dat tins are hard but dat dont mean we seprate united we stand divided we fall let prat dat God bless us. am hapy to be a Nigerian. one luv |
Re: Why The Hausa/fulani Won't Allow The Igbos Succession - Harristo's Analysis by Biafman: 9:00am On Mar 27, 2017 |
Saifullah01:And here, you cleverly ommitted the reasons that lead to the wanting out of Igbos from your useless entity called Nigeria. You didn't tell observers about the over 30,000 Igbos killed in the nigerian progrom that led to the first nigeria-Biafra civil war. You refused to mention all the senseless killings of Igbos and destruction of Igbo properties and businesses that have been ongoing till date in all northern states of your useless nigerian since after the nigeria-Biafran civil war that made Igbo people to be asking for secession from your evil union called nigeria so they can finally have peace for themselves? You didn't mention the fact thet Igbos are always reminded whereever they invest in the so called ONE nigeria is not their area and that they should leave and go back to their Igbo areas. This happens both in the northern and South Western regions of your useless nigeria, yet you want the same Igbos to remain tight with your evil in your ONE nigeria? You just wrote about functional federation and then Ironsi and unity and voila, gbamm!! Igbos started asking for secession without any reasons. Perhaps, you think your almajiri people are the the ones reading the comments here. 2 Likes |
Re: Why The Hausa/fulani Won't Allow The Igbos Succession - Harristo's Analysis by Amarabae(f): 9:01am On Mar 27, 2017 |
jakandeola:you didnt understand my point before replying. It pays no-one to live in delusion, we must face reality. One Nigeria na for mouth, we all know this. The foundation and system of Nigeria are fraudulent. Its either we restructure or divide, since the North desperately hate restructuring, Division is the only option. Btw, will you not like oduduwa republic? 4 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Why The Hausa/fulani Won't Allow The Igbos Succession - Harristo's Analysis by Biafman: 9:11am On Mar 27, 2017 |
jakandeola:As a yoruba muslim, you must be disappointed at her wish. Among yorubas, i must say that it's more of their muslims that are afraid of disntigration of nigeria. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Why The Hausa/fulani Won't Allow The Igbos Succession - Harristo's Analysis by Biafman: 9:13am On Mar 27, 2017 |
jakandeola:Look at this foolish illiterate yoruba muslim that can't even write well. Everything is based on praying and praying and praying more. Olodo that depends on allah for everything and can't solve the realities that are facing him. Mr happy one nigerian. 3 Likes |
Re: Why The Hausa/fulani Won't Allow The Igbos Succession - Harristo's Analysis by jakandeola(m): 9:17am On Mar 27, 2017 |
Amarabae:I dont undastand u but I wish to get oduduwa I know is hard but is a wish dat my children live der were ibo and hausa pay to enta but I neva wish we seprate now cos is hard to imagen to stay dat were no hausa and ibo as nebo. we av survived togeda a long time let no throw naija away. luv u amara |
Re: Why The Hausa/fulani Won't Allow The Igbos Succession - Harristo's Analysis by jakandeola(m): 9:19am On Mar 27, 2017 |
Biafman:thurnda fire u barstard am a christain |
Re: Why The Hausa/fulani Won't Allow The Igbos Succession - Harristo's Analysis by InvestinOwerri(m): 9:19am On Mar 27, 2017 |
@harristo, you've made valid points, in fact what you postulated is very similar to my earlier post; Reason Why Other Ethnic Groups Are Scared Of Joining Igbos In Seeking Break Up. Nigeria is made up of over 280 ethnic groups with 3 major ones. Among these 3, Igbos want break up, Hausa/fulani do not while Yorubas are neither here or there, they choose to sit on the fence waiting to join which side that has the upper hand! Hausa/fulani clearly has the advantage because they control the security and politics of the country which they use to push the other hundreds of ethnic groups behind them. The Igbos are now extending a hand of friendship to the N.D (another grossly cheated area) to make up to an extent. The Igbos are faced with 2 options, either to take up arms face the rest of Nigeria (this would be suicidal for several reasons) or a psychological war & obviously they've chosen the later which gives them a good chance of winning considering their global reach, literacy, industry, resourcefulness etc. 1 Like |
Re: Why The Hausa/fulani Won't Allow The Igbos Succession - Harristo's Analysis by Biafman: 9:21am On Mar 27, 2017 |
jakandeola:Thurnder fire you basterd illiterate yoruba muslim in denial. 3 Likes |
Re: Why The Hausa/fulani Won't Allow The Igbos Succession - Harristo's Analysis by InvestinOwerri(m): 9:31am On Mar 27, 2017 |
kettykin:Not just foriegn powers like Britain & Russia sending in weapons and advisers to them under the guise of helping Nigeria to quel insurgency but the fact that yorubas, the rest of the north and parts of the N.Delta will still team up with them to rout us! This is the basic reason why we should never take up arms in our struggle. We can still win this war psychologically by attacking Nigeria on the cyber space, waving Biafran flags whenever we have super eagles matches especially outside Nigeria, stirring up sentiments in the ND & MB etc at a point, they will be so frustrated that they will beg us to go. We have the numbers, intelect, global reach, resources etc to achieve Biafra without firing a single shot! 1 Like |
Re: Why The Hausa/fulani Won't Allow The Igbos Succession - Harristo's Analysis by Biafman: 9:35am On Mar 27, 2017 |
InvestinOwerri:Any wonder why their useless federal government directed that their last friendly match against Senegal in London should not be shown live on TV? They know we are after them in a fight they can't win. As for those useful idiots siding with them, we will get back at them after we have seceded. 2 Likes |
Re: Why The Hausa/fulani Won't Allow The Igbos Succession - Harristo's Analysis by jakandeola(m): 9:59am On Mar 27, 2017 |
Biafman:baby factry |
Re: Why The Hausa/fulani Won't Allow The Igbos Succession - Harristo's Analysis by InvestinOwerri(m): 9:59am On Mar 27, 2017 |
chiefmidwife:Brain is always mightier than brawn! Truth be told, We stand little or no chance if we take up arms for several reasons (in fact our enemies especially the hausa/fulani and yorubas particularly are praying for this). Britain will still want to protect their contraption. Yorubas, M.B & even parts of N.Delta will still team up with the Hausa/fulani to attack us, then what chance do we really have in winning? We shouldnt give our enemies another chance to destroy us now we have succeeded in rebiulding our cities and closing the gap, even surpassing them in many areas already. WE CAN GET BIAFRA WITHOUT FIRING A SHOT! We can win in pschological warfare by sabotaging Nigeria on all fronts and instigating other oppressed groups like the ND & MB. Nigeria is already broken and failed to survive our added onslaught. Internet & our millions of brethren across the globe will make it easy for us!! 1 Like |
Re: Why The Hausa/fulani Won't Allow The Igbos Succession - Harristo's Analysis by newbornmacho(m): 10:33am On Mar 27, 2017 |
Milkyways:Probably. But have you considered that the northern minorities are more comfortable in Nigeria than in an arewa republic where nothing protects them from total Muslim domination? That may force them to fight to keep Nigeria as diverse as it us now. Its a long shot , but could still be an option they may consider. |
Re: Why The Hausa/fulani Won't Allow The Igbos Succession - Harristo's Analysis by InvestinOwerri(m): 10:42am On Mar 27, 2017 |
Biafman:What many do not know is that a war between Biafra & Nigeria has started (all thanks to Nnamdi Kanu that created massive awareness about it). Biafrans are already embarrasing Nigeria in the global arena and it would only get worse with time. Pen is mightier than the sword. |
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