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The Billings Method of Family Planning by EzigboNwanma(f): 1:12pm On Apr 11, 2017 |
The Billings Method is a natural method of family planning that neither makes use of the pill, coil, condom, iud or withdrawal all of which are artificial methods of family planning. The Billings Method teaches a woman to recognize in her body one sign- which tells her clearly and without doubt that her Ovulation is coming soon. This is the Mucus Sign. She can avail of that sign in order to preselect the sex of her baby or achieve or avoid pregnancy if necessary. Once a woman is able to identify the time of Ovulation and understand its significance, she can do anything she desires with the knowledge. In other to fully understand the billings method, one must truly appreciate the concept of cycle, menses, ovulation, conception, the different body signs- fertile and infertile signs and how to chart the different body signs 3 Likes 1 Share |
Re: The Billings Method of Family Planning by EzigboNwanma(f): 1:13pm On Apr 11, 2017 |
It is imperative to add that the Billings Method Way of family planning is an indispensable tool. This is because the Billings Method works with a woman's body signs- that is her Mucus sign and the need for a woman to know and chart these different signs is important in other for her to fully understand her body both for the purpose of sex determination or achieving or preventing pregnancy. 1 Like 2 Shares |
Re: The Billings Method of Family Planning by EzigboNwanma(f): 1:16pm On Apr 11, 2017 |
Billings method is based on *ovulation* and not *menses* hence the need for a woman to understand her body signs thoroughly and be able to know when she ovulates in each cycle *is very important* |
Re: The Billings Method of Family Planning by EzigboNwanma(f): 1:17pm On Apr 11, 2017 |
*WHAT IS THE OCCURRENCE OF OVULATION?* Ovulation occurs on ONLY one 24 hour day in every Cycle. At times, 2 or 3 eggs are released within the same Cycle as in the case of twins or triplets but they are all released within the same 24 hours. It is worthy to note that Ovulation NEVER occurs on two separate days in one Cycle. It is also imperative to note that a woman is unaware of the exact moment of egg-release, but the sign in her body tells her that her eggsac is preparing for approaching ovulation. When Ovulation occurs, it is referred to as “The Peak”. And the chart sign for it is a *double red X* |
Re: The Billings Method of Family Planning by EzigboNwanma(f): 1:18pm On Apr 11, 2017 |
The billings method should not be confused with the calender method. They are two different methods. Combination of both has been known to fail some women in avoiding pregnancy or in sex pre-selection. The calender method has to do with a women with for example a 28day cycle predicting her ovulation/peak on the 14th day i.e middle of her cycle. The billings method works STRICTLY with the woman's mucus sign- ie what she FEELS and SEES day after day in her vagina. |
Re: The Billings Method of Family Planning by EzigboNwanma(f): 1:19pm On Apr 11, 2017 |
*THE BILLINGS METHOD CHART* The body signs a woman observes everyday is marked in a chart. There are different chart symbols for the different signs. This chart is done with a red and blue/black pen. It is imperative that a woman charts every day throughout her cycle. Charting is done once a day- at night time only before retiring. The stretch test is done after every urination. This is done by wiping the vagina after every urination with toilet tissue and then using the other finger of the other hand to feel the sensation of the discharge on the tissue, whether it is slippery and stretching for eggwhite, non-slippery and breaking for pap or nothing for dryness. It is important to note that when two different body signs occur on the same day, the most fertile sign seen throughout the day is charted that night. Eggwhite is the most fertile sign, followed by pap. The least fertile sign is dryness. Even if a small bit of eggwhite is seen only once, at any time of the day and pap is later seen on that same day, then it is an eggwhite day and a red X is charted for it that night. Whether the purpose of using the billings method is to achieve pregnancy or to preselect the sex of a child, it is important to chart everyday at night before retiring the most fertile sign seen throughout the day. And if it is to avoid pregnancy, the woman is advised to continue to chart year after year until the menopause occurs. For a beginner, the woman should start charting immediately in other to familiarize herself with her body signs and adequately understand it. Note however that the start of the menses begins a new cycle hence it should be charted on a new line. The beginning of a menses and the start of another one makes a cycle and should be charted on one line of the chart. Two cycles must not be charted together to avoid confusion. The only sign you mark in two places is the first day of the menses which is charted both at the end of one cycle to show it has ended and at the beginning of the next cycle. Hence to successfully use the Billings Method, chart the most fertile sign seen throughout the day. 3 Likes 1 Share |
Re: The Billings Method of Family Planning by EzigboNwanma(f): 1:21pm On Apr 11, 2017 |
*WHAT IS THE MUCUS SIGN?* This is also called the reminder bell. A woman needs most importantly to know the mucus sign of her body, understand it and be able to interprete it in other to use it for child sex selection. Apart from the dryness a woman feels in her vagina, she sees some kind of mucus everyday. This mucus is either fertile or infertile mucus. It is actually the feel of it that makes a woman know whether it is fertile mucus or not. and this fertile sign is characterized by slipperiness and stretching. The mucus sign can be both seen and felt. You can feel the slipperiness and see the stretching. This mucus sign is distinct in that it is felt prior to and at the time of ovulation. Infact, the fertile mucus can be referred to as ovulation mucus because it is fertile and is distinctively different from what a woman feels on other days of her cycle. This is because the tiniest bit of fertile mucus is enough to give obvious slipperiness even if stretching is not seen. And it is enough to allow pregnancy to take place. This is because, the fertile mucus protects the sperm and facilitates its survival in the vagina environment before it unites with the egg. |
Re: The Billings Method of Family Planning by EzigboNwanma(f): 1:22pm On Apr 11, 2017 |
*HOW TO CHECK FOR THE MUCUS SIGN* It is imperative to note that the woman would fail in her quest to conceive, prevent pregnancy or preselect the sex of her child if she cannot check for the sign she noticed during the day in other to chart it. This is important because it is her greatest tool in understanding her body inother to determine the proper timing for sexual intercourse. A woman must wipe on the outside of the vagina in the normal way after every urination and strive to notice whether she feels slippery mucus, non-slippery mucus or nothing at all -that is dryness. Urine does not wash the mucus away. Toilet tissue must be used when this test is done as the result can be confusing if the finger is used directly and it is also unhygienic. After wiping with the tissue, the woman then uses the other hand to feel the mucus on the tissue. If there is mucus present, she will see whether it stretches like the white of an uncooked hen's egg or whether it immediately breaks when it is between her fingers. This test is called the stretch test and it is done after every urination, everyday, throughout the cycle. Charting of the sign is done only at night before retiring to bed. It is worthy to note that it is only the most fertile sign seen throughout the day that is charted that night. |
Re: The Billings Method of Family Planning by EzigboNwanma(f): 1:23pm On Apr 11, 2017 |
*SENSATIONS THAT CAN BE FELT DURING THE STRECH TEST* *DRY:* This is the sensation whereby the woman after urination, wipes herself and on feeling the tissue, nothing in particular is felt. *WET:* This is where the sensation feels like a little water or milk and it is not slippery. *STICKY:* It feels like thick pap or thick corn flour. It does not feel slippery and it breaks when felt between the fingers. *SLIPPERY:* This sensation is like oil or the white of an uncooked egg. Most likely, it does not break when felt between the fingers. |
Re: The Billings Method of Family Planning by EzigboNwanma(f): 1:24pm On Apr 11, 2017 |
*OVULATION MUCUS- FERTILE MUCUS* Ovulation mucus is the mucus a woman sees and knows that her ovulation is coming in a few days time. It is a reminder bell that this is the fertile part of her cycle. There are two kinds of ovulation mucus; they are Early Pap and Egg White. *EARLY PAP* Early Pap is the first kind of ovulation mucus to appear. It is the first sign of approaching ovulation. Its appearance tells a woman in no uncertain terms that she is about to ovulate in a few days time. It is called pap because it feels and looks like the baby cereal called pap. It may be thick or thin. It has three distinct features: *first* when it is felt with the hand, it is not slippery. At times it is even sticky; *secondly* if it is stretched between the fingers, it soon breaks; *thirdly* it is very cloudy that is not clear in appearance. It is called Early Pap because it appears before the Eggwhite. It is referred to as fertile mucus because it sometimes hides Eggwhite which occurs just before ovulation and can cause conception. The chart sign for Early Pap is two red lines across *( = )*. *EGG WHITE* Early Pap develops into Eggwhite. Eggwhite feels, stretches and looks like what is commonly known as the white of uncooked Egg. The only difference is that the white of an egg is always clear but ovulation eggwhite can either be clear or cloudy. But not as cloudy as the Early Pap. The chart sign for eggwhite is a *red x* . The appearance of eggwhite is a sure sign that ovulation is very close. The most important thing about eggwhite is its obvious slipperiness. Once the mucus feels definitely slippery then it is certainly eggwhite. Another thing to note is that eggwhite mucus is fertile. Research has shown that the male sperm is protected and nourished by it. Fertile mucus of the eggwhite promotes the sperm's journey through the vagina and uterus. It also forms a protective envelop around the sperm to save it from the destructive environment of the of the vagina. Its three distinctive features are: *first* it is very slippery; *secondly* it stretches nearly always; *thirdly* it is clear or a bit cloudy but not as cloudy as Pap. *PEAK* This is the last day of definite slipperiness whether there is any obvious stretching or not. Ovulation occurs at the peak or within 24 to 48 hours after the peak. The chart sign for the peak is a double *red x x* The peak is the most important time a woman needs to understand about her body signs if she's to be successful in her quest for a male child. At the peak, the woman is sure that ovulation has occurred that is her egg has been released hence whether it is pregnancy she is desiring or the need to have a male child, this is the most important part of her cycle. From experience, the peak is easy to recognize. For some women, apart from the obvious slipperiness they feel, they sometimes see a thick eggwhite –like discharge in their pants that they can even pick in their fingers. When it is felt between the fingers, it stretches and does not break. It is clear like the white of an uncooked egg. While in some other women, they feel this obvious slipperiness that is quite different from the sensation they had when they felt the early pap. For example, when this is noticed like on the 12 th of January and nothing is felt on the 13 th of January. Probably the woman feels dry or even sees pap which is of a different texture, then it is taken that 12 th of January was her peak as it was her last day of eggwhite or definite slipperiness. It is imperative to note that at the peak, the sensation of obvious slipperiness shows her that ovulation has already taken place. Scientific studies have shown that most ovulations take place at the peak or on the following day. The only exception is sometimes present with twins or triplets. Here, the 2nd and 3 rd eggs are released within 24hours of the 1 st one. That is the reason why three days after the peak is known as the 3 red zero days. These 3 days after the peak are seen as fertile days for three reasons: _*first- the 1st red zero day*_ i.e the day after the peak tells a woman that her egg has been released; _*secondly- the 2nd red zero day*_ tells a woman that her egg is now dead as an egg can last for 12hours; _*thirdly- the 3rd red zero day*_ tells a woman that any possible twin or triplet eggs are also dead. Hence the 4th day after the peak is safe for every woman who hopes to avoid conception. It is important to understand that many women recognize their 1st red zero day by a distinct change in mucus rather than by its complete disappearance. This late pap is not slippery, much less stretching and much more cloudy than mucus at the peak. When this change occurs, women have no doubt about it. *LATE PAP* This is what a woman sees after the peak. Late pap is always infertile as it never hides eggwhite after the 3 red zero days. Intercourse on a day of late pap cannot cause pregnancy. It is charted with 2 blue lines across( = ). Most days after the peak are dry but there are occasional days of late pap. |
Re: The Billings Method of Family Planning by EzigboNwanma(f): 1:25pm On Apr 11, 2017 |
*THE FOUR RULES OF THE BILLING METHOD* These four rules is made up of the peak rule and the three early day rules. It is of utmost importance to note that these four rules are fundamental in understanding the billing method. *Early Day Rule 1* Avoid intercourse on days of heavy menstrual bleeding. In a short cycle of about 19 to 21 days fertility may begin before bleeding has finished, and the bleeding could mask the presence of the mucus which indicates fertility. Hence a woman must wait till the last of the menses so that she can observe if there is any fertile mucus in other to abstain from sex. *Early Day Rule 2* Have intercourse on alternate evenings. You wait until evening before having sex so you can be sure there has been no change from your infertile sign. The reason for using alternate evenings i.e avoiding the day after intercourse is because the day after sex you may feel damp and see a discharge of seminal fluid, and this can mask a change in the mucus pattern. The seminal fluid detected on the day after sex will not contain any live sperm. So even if fertility starts in the hours following intercourse there will be no sperm capable of reaching and fertilising the ovum. *Early Day Rule 3* Any slight change in the infertile sign should be followed by three red zeros. In this rule, even one day of early pap must be avoided and followed by three red zero days. Waiting without intercourse when there is a change from a woman's infertile sign allows her to observe whether this change results in a Peak or is a return to the infertile pattern. A change from the infertile pattern indicates potential fertility and the possibility of sperm survival. If the Peak is observed, the Peak Rule can be applied. If the infertile pattern returns you should wait for a further 3 days and then resume using Rule 2 from the fourth evening. *Peak Rule* You may have intercourse at any time from the beginning of the fourth day after the Peak until your next period In this rule, eggwhite occuring even once anytime in the cycle must be followed by three red zeros. the 4th day after any slipperiness is safe and everyday after that morning and evening. Waiting until the 4th day past the Peak allows time for ovulation to take place and for the life-span of the egg. For the remainder of the cycle you are infertile because the egg is dead and you won't ovulate again until after your next menstruation. *Note:* To avoid pregnancy you apply the Early Day Rules and the Peak Rule as above. To achieve a pregnancy you apply the Early Day Rules so you can clearly identify when you become potentially fertile. Once you notice a change from your infertile pattern, wait without sex until you notice the slippery sensation. The slippery sensation means that you're at your most fertile, and that ovulation is very close. Sex over the days of the slippery sensation and the first day or two past the Peak will give you the best chance of conceiving. 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: The Billings Method of Family Planning by EzigboNwanma(f): 1:26pm On Apr 11, 2017 |
So,you see why people think that Billings have failed them,cos they experience mucus almost all the time,so they can tell which one is which again. But if you are a master of your cycle,you will know that every 15th day of your cycle,whether 26,27,28,29 or even 25 day cycle is your ovulation day(that is mine anyways). But if you wait till they tell you when you are about getting married,hubby no go allow you study it ooo,cos ehm go always want to do 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: The Billings Method of Family Planning by EzigboNwanma(f): 1:27pm On Apr 11, 2017 |
Well,I got to learn because Catholic strongly advice against condoms,and what if you marry not so good at sex brother kind of hubby,who is a jjc like you when it comes to the matter nkor? Lol... Then kiss goodbye to withdrawal cos e go fall your hand #COPIED# 3 Likes 1 Share |
Re: The Billings Method of Family Planning by Ubenedictus(m): 7:44pm On Apr 11, 2017 |
EzigboNwanma:catholic also teach strongly against withdrawal method. |
Re: The Billings Method of Family Planning by Nobody: 8:07pm On Apr 11, 2017 |
Dey there and be doing billings method. Your mates in Catholic church are on reliable birth control methods from the clinic. Abi Catholic church will come and take care of your growing family when your billings method fail. 1 Like |
Re: The Billings Method of Family Planning by Mumben(f): 8:41pm On Apr 11, 2017 |
billings method all d way. For d past nine yrs of marriage iv bn using it and iv never bn disappointed. 4 Likes 1 Share |
Re: The Billings Method of Family Planning by EzigboNwanma(f): 11:37pm On Apr 11, 2017 |
Joavid:madam what's your point? If you don't want to do it leave it for people who will do it and get results. It's not by force 1 Like |
Re: The Billings Method of Family Planning by 7footre(m): 10:48am On Apr 12, 2017 |
Off to call my babe.... I wan de shoot but I never wan score! She must get A for this NEPA bill methd |
Re: The Billings Method of Family Planning by mirabeljenny: 7:01pm On Apr 12, 2017 |
Joavid:She will send them the billings of her growing family |
Re: The Billings Method of Family Planning by Ubenedictus(m): 11:51pm On Apr 12, 2017 |
Joavid:Na wa 4 u oh. 2 Likes |
Re: The Billings Method of Family Planning by Nobody: 2:09am On Apr 13, 2017 |
If you are Catholic, Billings method is the best for you as the church teaches against conventional FP methods. Oya single hoping to get married and already married folks key into this lecture |
Re: The Billings Method of Family Planning by inemani: 5:04am On Apr 13, 2017 |
This particular write-up explains Billings method better than the others I read in the past. Thank you dear for the shared piece 1 Like |
Re: The Billings Method of Family Planning by btoks: 6:28am On Apr 13, 2017 |
Joavid: The catholic church has laws just like any organisation and just because some members choose to ignore the laws or are naive about them doesn't make the laws wrong - especially where it pertains to divine/moral or doctrinal laws. Natural family planning respects the natural conjugal act (love giving between the couple and open no new life). Natural family planning is just as reliable as any other methods where used correctly.It requires discipline, patience and cooperation between the couple but what is required in marriage afterall. It carries none of the side effects of the 'so called' reliable clinic methods. Nfp works well for me. 3 Likes |
Re: The Billings Method of Family Planning by Nobody: 7:17am On Apr 13, 2017 |
btoks:Natural Family planning has failed countless times and more times than others. That's known fact. and part of the reason why it fails is because it's frustrating with a lot of calculations, anxieties, restrictions, having to plan intercourse ahead of time just to prevent pregnancy; particularly given that many women are particularly interested in sex during ovulation. Doesn't that ruin the pleasures of it? Imagine the need to diligently plan sex amid a chaotic family life I'm also uncomfortable with the fact that NFP requires women, who do the bulk of domestic and childrearing work in many marriages to shoulder yet another task in service to their family—monitoring their fertility; which can go berserk at times due to stress and a few other factors. God created man, man used her abilities to create science & tech so we can have better and easier lives. I doubt God will be mad at that. and I assume you use a phone, and computers... On a final note, I'm sorry if I was rude about your beliefs & doctrines. I will restrain myself next time. |
Re: The Billings Method of Family Planning by EzigboNwanma(f): 3:11pm On Apr 13, 2017 |
Lalasticlala pls let's help educate others 1 Like |
Re: The Billings Method of Family Planning by btoks: 10:55pm On Apr 13, 2017 |
[quote author=Joavid post=55523585] Natural Family planning has failed countless times and more times than others. That's known fact. No doubt some people have struggled to use NFP usually because they're using it incorrectly, not patient or trying to circumvent the method . However, with a bit of learning, the method is fairly simple to practice with a very high % success rate comparable to other methods. In fact, no method has a 100% success rate. As with everything, one gets used to habits and this also applies when you start off with nfp. Takes a lot of patience initially and it all pays off in the long run. Most people tend to give up in the first few weeks (that's the issue). We've used it 10 years with no problems. The NFP process when used properly inherently helps reduce the chaos within families ( you're discussing all the time) and bring order/planning into most things. I get it that one cannot eliminate chaos totally. I'll like to imagine that even within a chaotic family one has to plan to eat or bathe etc - same with sex. I'm also uncomfortable with the fact that NFP requires women, who do the bulk of domestic and childrearing work in many marriages to shoulder yet another task in service to their family—monitoring their fertility; which can go berserk at times due to stress and a few other factors.On the contrary, success with NFP requires cooperation & support from the husband and wife. NFP will rarely succeed if left to the female alone. It requires constant discussion between the couple. I understand my wife's body so well and this can only be a good thing. Yes, stress does tend to delay ovulation and this can be observed easily with NFP. I understand using science and technology to prevent bad things (like pains etc) or to create good things like phones, computers etc (and I use these) but babies are not a bad thing so why block the natural process by which they come into the world!! Are we saying that separating the life giving purpose of sex from the love giving purpose is a good thing? (I certainly don't know God's mind) We can use science and tech to understand the natural design of our fertile and infertile periods. With the NFP knowledge currently , we only have to abstain from sex for about 7-9 days in a month if we choose not to have babies (more than 20 days left for as much love making as desired!). You only need to reverse this if you want conceive. On a final note, I'm sorry if I was rude about your beliefs & doctrines. I will restrain myself next time.No worries NFP brings with it so many benefits such as: No side effects Closer bond between couples much lower divorce rates of practitioners compared to other couples (http://chastityproject.com/qa/why-do-nfp-couples-have-such-low-divorce-rates/) Sex is not taken for granted and it doesn't make women feel they have to be ready for sex every time. 2 Likes |
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