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Re: American Politics Lounge - Donald Trump Is US President-Elect ! by Lucasbalo(m): 6:26am On Apr 20, 2017 |
ValerianSteel:Don't mind that clown. He always try to make himself knowledgeable about a country he never step his foot on and he always end up showing how ignorant he is about America. That must be his fetish in life. One thing I might agree with Trump is keeping people like him off America with his hard line immigration policy. 3 Likes |
Re: American Politics Lounge - Donald Trump Is US President-Elect ! by ValerianSteel(m): 7:15am On Apr 20, 2017 |
Missy89:Your spin is so glorious you fail to see how ridiculous y'all sound trying to shelve Ossof off as a non-threat. Let me paint a better picture. Imagine a House seat in a district that covers New York City in NY. A blue district that hasn't gone red in 30 years. Let's say this seat was won by 60% and the republicans never getting beyond 21% of the votes in the history of that district. Picture November of 2016, the district went blue as always and the republican candidate got just 21% of the votes as they've done in 30 years. Somehow this representative is appointed by the President. A special election is called. Somehow Democrats couldn't even unite behind a candidate and had to have 17 run against a republican who got 48% of the votes in the first round and the remaining 17 democrats share 51% of the votes with the top democrat candidate clinging to 21% out of the 51%. Also let's not forget Georgia's 6th District has been rigged by republicans, they've drawn the district to disadvantage of black democratic voters. Let's picture our imaginary Blue district has been drawn by democrats to alienate redneck conservatives. Do you get the picture. Ossof may not win in June but's it's sure safe gerrymandered districts are now competitive enough for the GOP to call on the president to attack the democratic challenger without backing 1 out of the 17 republicans. Ossof is a threat and you know it. Trump pulled off wins in Hillary's Blue Walls and somehow you guys think it's impossible for Ossof to win the 6th. If I was the one dreaming during the presidential election, I think you are the one drunk not to acknowledge we have a viable shot at winning this. 4 Likes |
Re: American Politics Lounge - Donald Trump Is US President-Elect ! by ValerianSteel(m): 7:28am On Apr 20, 2017 |
Missy89:You mean 17 candidates shared 100k votes with the top republican Karen Handel at 37k votes. 93k voted for Ossof. How the hell do you make such comparison?? In an election of 200k voters, 93k voted for 1 person, 100k split votes between 17 others ![]() 2 Likes |
Re: American Politics Lounge - Donald Trump Is US President-Elect ! by ValerianSteel(m): 7:32am On Apr 20, 2017 |
Lucasbalo:Am glad he's gone. Right wing talking heads as Auntie Maxine Waters calls them are crumbling like domino. 1 Like |
Re: American Politics Lounge - Donald Trump Is US President-Elect ! by ValerianSteel(m): 7:37am On Apr 20, 2017 |
Lucasbalo:They are scared but won't admit. We went from losing by 30% to losing by 5.7% in Kansas. We went from getting 21% of the votes to 48% against 17 republican contenders. We may not win but it's clear that the GOP stands to lose big in 2018. They gerrymandered districts to their advantages but the constituents are sick of their facade and are woke from the "Vote Republican only" syndrome they've had for decades. 2 Likes |
Re: American Politics Lounge - Donald Trump Is US President-Elect ! by LordReed(m): 7:51am On Apr 20, 2017 |
Hahaha, here it comes. ExxonMobil has asked for a waiver from the Russian sanctions. 4 Likes |
Re: American Politics Lounge - Donald Trump Is US President-Elect ! by obixcel(m): 9:49am On Apr 20, 2017 |
Missy89:Lol, Almost is their participation trophy |
Re: American Politics Lounge - Donald Trump Is US President-Elect ! by ValerianSteel(m): 9:50am On Apr 20, 2017 |
LordReed:They couldn't even wait 100 days to prove everyone right. 1 Like |
Re: American Politics Lounge - Donald Trump Is US President-Elect ! by Lucasbalo(m): 12:18pm On Apr 20, 2017 |
LordReed:No surprise there when the clueless and worthless trump makes Chevron Mobil CEO our Secretary of State. Imagine Ivanka getting exceptions from China and Vietnam . Her Ivanka brand has gone up over 700% in less than one year which is unheard of in history. Trump is turning America to his family business empire and his Servile Dogs who can barely pay their bills are lapping his Orange behind. Thank God that Americans are seeing through the scam the conman is pulling on America . 1 Like |
Re: American Politics Lounge - Donald Trump Is US President-Elect ! by Lucasbalo(m): 12:24pm On Apr 20, 2017 |
ValerianSteel:Wait till his defenders on nairaland come and give you excuse for trump doing that. I am waiting for trump Tax Reform and that's where he will get the ire of the American people. A guy who won't disclose his taxes trying to cut taxes for Billionaires and Multimillionaires while most of his supporters in Appalachia and rural America lives on less than $30.000 a year. Tell me how cutting taxes for the Uber Rich like The Gates, Buffet, Zuckenberg and co help the lapdogs barely surviving on the peanuts they make. America is in a mess for the next four years and hopefully the voice of opposition will get stronger. 2 Likes |
Re: American Politics Lounge - Donald Trump Is US President-Elect ! by Lucasbalo(m): 12:29pm On Apr 20, 2017 |
ValerianSteel:Sean Hannity needs to go too. I guess it takes a while because Faux News is the house of Racists and Xenophobes in American media. Once the advertisers starts boycotting them the way they did to Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck and O'Reilly, the rest will get it that Racism and Misorgyny doesn't sell in America . 1 Like |
Re: American Politics Lounge - Donald Trump Is US President-Elect ! by Missy89(f): 1:56pm On Apr 20, 2017 |
obixcel: The left is desperate for a win. Anything will do lol. The have been losing so much, they can't take it anymore 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: American Politics Lounge - Donald Trump Is US President-Elect ! by Missy89(f): 2:10pm On Apr 20, 2017 |
ValerianSteel: Dude, June is almost here. Prepare yourself for another loss. No point arguing over this. Remember, there is no price for second place. 1 Like |
Re: American Politics Lounge - Donald Trump Is US President-Elect ! by Missy89(f): 2:22pm On Apr 20, 2017 |
LordReed: Do you know that Exxon already got limited administrative action license to work with Rosneft under Obama's treasury department? |
Re: American Politics Lounge - Donald Trump Is US President-Elect ! by happney65: 2:38pm On Apr 20, 2017 |
When you see Republicans who claim to be saints,They dont like Gay Marriage,Dont like Abortion,they are holy men and women.They are holier than the Pope..They claim to be holier than the Pope,But when it comes to Sexual Harassment and doing the very things they claim they are against na them..O reilly comes to mind.. missy89 what do we call that? ![]() ![]() ![]() 6 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: American Politics Lounge - Donald Trump Is US President-Elect ! by Missy89(f): 2:41pm On Apr 20, 2017 |
happney65: When democrats claim to fight for women's rights.... bill Clinton, ted Kennedy, Mel Reynolds, BrockAdams,Fred Richmond comes to mind. What do we call that? 1 Like |
Re: American Politics Lounge - Donald Trump Is US President-Elect ! by Lucasbalo(m): 3:39pm On Apr 20, 2017 |
happney65:They are bunch of fools and Misorgynist. It's not only O'Reilly , it's Roger Ailes and Rash Slimeball and Ted Nuggets .They are sadists that don't care for anyone that's not White. The likes of Pat Buchanan have been shouting about Browning of America since I was a little boy and that's exactly why I am against tramp and our AG. All their black supporters are the bottom of the jokes on their conventions but the House Negroes think the Racist Right Wing fools love them for carrying their water. I grew up loathing the racists and the reason I hate the Party of Lincoln is that it habors and house the Klans and White Nationalists in America. If they can call Obama monkey, guess what they will think of the Generic Negroes lapping on their Orange behind. Keep giving them hell my brother. Majority of Americans are with you. We just have to endure four years of hate, lies, misorgyn, alternate facts and so many other vices. God Bless you my man. 2 Likes |
Re: American Politics Lounge - Donald Trump Is US President-Elect ! by Lucasbalo(m): 3:40pm On Apr 20, 2017 |
Lucasbalo: |
Re: American Politics Lounge - Donald Trump Is US President-Elect ! by obixcel(m): 4:20pm On Apr 20, 2017 |
Missy89:It's called, grabbing on to straws. Anything that looks like a victory however minute it is, they are ok - Just like a dying flame starved of oxygen. |
Re: American Politics Lounge - Donald Trump Is US President-Elect ! by happney65: 4:50pm On Apr 20, 2017 |
Lucasbalo: And God bless you too Sir..I wanted to mention you i totally forgot..I wonder how you guys keep up with the GOP...Its no big deal though,we have their sister party here in Nigeria too..They are a Bunch of Hypocrites.. 2 Likes |
Re: American Politics Lounge - Donald Trump Is US President-Elect ! by Lucasbalo(m): 5:00pm On Apr 20, 2017 |
happney65:Thanks my man. I grew up being a Democrat in the 80s just because of what Reagan did to inner cities of America . He was a devil incarnate but the republicans worshipped him for his bigotry and racism. Trump is even worse than Reagan and that's why I said trump will be a black spot on American history as the worst President in modern American History. I will tell you the personal story of my hatred of republicans or anything republican. They are truly agents of lucifer on earth. 1 Like |
Re: American Politics Lounge - Donald Trump Is US President-Elect ! by Nobody: 5:39pm On Apr 20, 2017 |
Missy89: Mixing up consensual sex with sexual harrassment , are we? Adultery and fornication may be immoral, but they are not infringing on peoples rights. You guys have all fronts covered though, adultery and sexual harassment, right from the groper in chief . 5 Likes |
Re: American Politics Lounge - Donald Trump Is US President-Elect ! by LordReed(m): 5:56pm On Apr 20, 2017 |
Missy89: I would be surprised if there is no difference between administrative actions and drilling for oil. 2 Likes |
Re: American Politics Lounge - Donald Trump Is US President-Elect ! by Lucasbalo(m): 6:08pm On Apr 20, 2017 |
LordReed:This regime is just to enrich trump and his oligarchic friends. Any hardworking middle class American that supports that needs Pyschiatric evaluation . There is a reason Trump chose Exxon Mobil Chairman as his Secretary of State. What sickens me is an average American fighting the cause of Billionaires who don't give a Fvck about them . What kind of poison they are giving the lapdogs to not notice the Oligarchs don't give a hoot about them. I don't eat no one's crumps and I guess some people are just to lap behind their lords like Servile dogs. There is a reason trump won't release his taxes and Ivanka brand went up by 700% in less than one year. Welcome to Oligarchic America. 2 Likes |
Re: American Politics Lounge - Donald Trump Is US President-Elect ! by Lucasbalo(m): 6:13pm On Apr 20, 2017 |
oyb:Imagine a so called lady foaming in the amount about trump who is a serial cheater and who happens to be on his Third marriage. Mr Grab 'em by the Pu*sies still having supposed moral women supporting her. She will find excuse for a despicable serial and unapologetic liar who couldn't give a damn about her or people that looks like her. If trashy tramp can question Obama's birth and citizenship, guess what he will think of the Orange lips lapdogs here on nairaland . 2 Likes |
Re: American Politics Lounge - Donald Trump Is US President-Elect ! by pchukwudi: 6:28pm On Apr 20, 2017 |
You absolutely have zero coherent story to tell apart from the same meaningless hateful chatter emaniting from a brainwashed zombie that does not even know he's mentally reprogramed. Go and read the following article to get an idea what's happenig in the West (not just in the US). The article was written 10 years ago and has nothing to do with Trump. Lucasbalo: |
Re: American Politics Lounge - Donald Trump Is US President-Elect ! by Lucasbalo(m): 6:52pm On Apr 20, 2017 |
pchukwudi:I will take it as a compliment coming from a village skunk who doesn't know what life is with civilized being. You are a mental midget that's barely surviving and all your efforts is being wasted on things that's not germane to your existence. You sure need a lobotomy to set the little that remains of your charred brain right. Go choke on your Garri for diner you piece of garbage. 1 Like |
Re: American Politics Lounge - Donald Trump Is US President-Elect ! by Missy89(f): 6:59pm On Apr 20, 2017 |
oyb: CONSENSUAL? REALLY? The book The Nixon Tapes, unearthed recordings from within the Oval Office during Richard Nixon's presidency revealing Henry Kissinger discussed with the president how Kennedy was "allegedly groping and harrassing Cristina Ford, the wife of Ford executive Henry Ford II, during a dinner party at Kennedy's house." "All during the dinner she had to fight him off because under the table he was grabbing her by the legs," Kissinger said, prompting Nixon to exclaim: "Oh Christ!" Former Rep. Mel Reynolds (D-IL). Reynolds was found "guilty on two counts of solicitation of child pornography, four counts of obstruction of justice and three counts each of aggravated criminal sexual abuse and criminal sexual assault" Sen. Brock Adams (D-WA) was accused in 1987 of assaulting a woman named Kari Tupper, who claimed that Adams had drugged her, and when she woke up began "weeping and feeling nauseated, with Adams handling her hips and breasts and kissing her on the lips," according to the Washington Post. Rep. Fred Richmond (D-NY). In 1978, Richmond was arrested for soliciting "sex from an underage male prostitute" and received "psychiatric counseling" as a result, according to U.S. News and World Report 1 Like |
Re: American Politics Lounge - Donald Trump Is US President-Elect ! by Missy89(f): 7:07pm On Apr 20, 2017 |
Lucasbalo: Senile old man, the candidate you voted for smeared, threatend and targeted her husband's victims. Is she foaming in the mouth too? 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: American Politics Lounge - Donald Trump Is US President-Elect ! by Nobody: 7:14pm On Apr 20, 2017 |
O'Reilly's departure from Fox sends a powerful message to other would-be offenders in the media: sexual harassment/creating a hostile work environment could end your career prematurely. But, as a millionaire, I don't really feel sorry for him. He will never need SS or medicare, or even a pension for the rest of his life. 1 Like |
Re: American Politics Lounge - Donald Trump Is US President-Elect ! by Nobody: 7:18pm On Apr 20, 2017 |
Missy89: touche - though your mixing up ted kennedy with his brother - it should be instructive that you have to go waaaaay back to to the 60s , and 80s you also need to remember your former speaker hastert - seems republicans are really good at coverups and payoffs ![]() 2 Likes |
Re: American Politics Lounge - Donald Trump Is US President-Elect ! by Lucasbalo(m): 7:28pm On Apr 20, 2017 |
Missy89:I think I am getting to Trump's servile dog. When you show your face, I want to see how Orange your lips have turned from kissing the Grab them by the Pu*sies crappy idiot. 1 Like |
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