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Nigeria’s Breakup Is Inevitable – Senator Okurounmu - Politics - Nairaland

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Nigeria’s Breakup Is Inevitable – Senator Okurounmu by Ebenstyles(m): 1:32pm On Apr 22, 2017
A delegate to the National Conference and Chairman of the committee that laid the framework, Senator Femi Okurounmu, has declared that Nigeria’s breakup is inevitable.
While giving his reasons, the former lawmaker said it is not compulsory that Nigeria will remain as one nation, noting that the northern region has been oppressing other regions since independence.

Reacting to a recent statement credited to the British High Commissioner to Nigeria where he was quoted as saying that his country will not allow Nigeria to tear apart, Senator Okorounmu said that the Britain is the major problem of Nigeria.

According to him, Nigerians are now fed up with the British-forced marriage of different entities in the country.

He told Sun, “It is possible for Nigeria to break up, we can’t continue this way and expect people to remain silent. As long as we don’t have equity, fairness and justice in the polity, if Nigeria wants to break, let it be so.

“Forget whatever the British High Commissioner was quoted as saying. It’s even these British that are the architects of Nigeria’s problems. The British caused most of our problems.

“On the eve of independence in 1959, the British colonialists rigged the pre-independence election to hand over power to a Northern political party, the Northern Peoples Congress, NPC, and since then the North has been oppressing other parts of the country, especially the South.

“For the past 57 years of independence, the North has been oppressing other geo-political zones. But for how long will this injustice last, and for how long will other Nigerians continue to tolerate the north’s dominance and oppression?

“One thing I know for sure now is that many Nigerians are tired of this British-forced marriage of different entities and nations called Nigeria, and this is why some are clamouring for self determination. Again, as long as we fail to restructure, the possibility of Nigeria breaking up is a reality.

“It is not even compulsory that we must remain as one nation, especially if one region is bent on keeping others backward. We need to return to a true practice of federalism, as it was in the First Republic. The North is dragging Nigeria backward.

“The current unitary system we are practising which the Northern military leaders foisted on Nigeria is dragging us backward. We should return to true federalism as enshrined in our independence constitution.”

[b]SOURCE: http://www.thekalabaris.com/2017/04/22/nigerias-breakup-is-inevitable-senator-okurounmu/

102 Likes 9 Shares

Re: Nigeria’s Breakup Is Inevitable – Senator Okurounmu by successmatters(m): 1:33pm On Apr 22, 2017
What Ojukwu saw early in the morning, Awolowo couldn't see in the afternoon.

What Nnamdi Kanu saw in the evening, some people from the south west are still arguing it till this night! grin

417 Likes 38 Shares

Re: Nigeria’s Breakup Is Inevitable – Senator Okurounmu by ramdris(m): 1:33pm On Apr 22, 2017
Bring it on!

Frankly speaking ehn, I don't really mind breaking up Nigeria so far it will be done without firing a single bullet...

178 Likes 12 Shares

Re: Nigeria’s Breakup Is Inevitable – Senator Okurounmu by Igboesika: 1:35pm On Apr 22, 2017
Sometimes I laugh when some people think that this country would last for ages. If we are divided like this just after 57 years of independence, then what would happen in the next 100 years when people must have been highly exposed and enlightened.

The earlier we go our separate ways now and avoid more killings, hatred, unpatriotism and marginalisation, the better.
Nigeria is just postponing the inevitable.
As for Nigeria to last for centuries.. IT'S VERY IMPOSSIBLE. I repeat .. IT'S IMPOSSIBLE !!.

I pity some poor people on this forum shouting " one Nigeria ", your own case would be worst because , you are creating more problems for your children and generation to come. You and your children have no place to run to when things gets out of hand, unlike the rich ones that can easily fly out of this contraption when things are becoming unbearable for them which has started happening already.

Imagine some people getting furious when you address them as Nigerians...
What is left if not disintegration ?.
Let's stop deceiving ourselves and call a spade a spade. We are not united and can never be.

234 Likes 29 Shares

Re: Nigeria’s Breakup Is Inevitable – Senator Okurounmu by Zenithpeak(m): 1:35pm On Apr 22, 2017
It will even be better.

18 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Nigeria’s Breakup Is Inevitable – Senator Okurounmu by prince985(m): 1:38pm On Apr 22, 2017
Re: Nigeria’s Breakup Is Inevitable – Senator Okurounmu by ojun50(m): 1:40pm On Apr 22, 2017
Hw much is garri now


Re: Nigeria’s Breakup Is Inevitable – Senator Okurounmu by helinues: 1:41pm On Apr 22, 2017
Okunrounmu should go and sit down somewhere. He was a senator during Osoba's first term. He lost woefully to unknown person cos he didn't perform.

27 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Nigeria’s Breakup Is Inevitable – Senator Okurounmu by drss2(m): 1:42pm On Apr 22, 2017
nations ar formed by pipul of similar culture n background coming togeda into a union like wat happend in america. not like d fake one forced fully joined togeda by federick lugard.
nobody in america need to sing "one america" every day like d case in dis cess-pit cos every american feel he/she is part of america. their patriotism to america as citizens was not by force, it came naturally. why will america not develop like it is today u can't force patriotism on pipul who do not see demselves as nijeriyans.
americans live as a united nation, free to practice their religion in peace, unlike northern nijeriya were christians ar persecuted n massacred daily cos of their faith. Americans have a sense of nationhood wia every american matters whether d pesin is from alaska or hawaii. thus every american is proud to be an american. dis is how nations ar formed. can d same be said for nijeriya definately not.
compare d rise of nations from europe to america n u will see nijeriya's problem. dat some pipul have to beg nijeriyans to live as "one nijeria" every single day for d past 50 years goes to show dat d con3 itself is not one.
d massacres currently going on all ova d con3 especially middle belt by terrorist who feel d con3 belongs to dem is by far enough reason for d con3 to break. who will want to live with unrepetant murderers as one nijeriya God forbid!
nijeriya's disintegration is inevitable. as it was in former yugoslavia, USSR n sudan, so shall it be in nijeria.

137 Likes 16 Shares

Re: Nigeria’s Breakup Is Inevitable – Senator Okurounmu by successmatters(m): 1:44pm On Apr 22, 2017
Okunrounmu should go and sit down somewhere. He was a senator during Osoba's first term. He lost woefully to unknown person cos he didn't perform.

He didn't perform because the laws he met are completely flawed. Nobody can perform with these set of antiquated laws made TI favor a few. How successful is your current "sinator"?

106 Likes 9 Shares

Re: Nigeria’s Breakup Is Inevitable – Senator Okurounmu by CplusJason: 1:47pm On Apr 22, 2017
Na now dey break abi?

Happy birthday to captain John Obi Mikel.


Re: Nigeria’s Breakup Is Inevitable – Senator Okurounmu by ZombieTAMER: 1:52pm On Apr 22, 2017
Okunrounmu should go and sit down somewhere. He was a senator during Osoba's first term. He lost woefully to unknown person cos he didn't perform.

If you have nothing meaningful to contribute on the topic at hand
Kingly shushhh it
Nigeria is living on borrowed time
Division is inevitable
Deal with it

141 Likes 12 Shares

Re: Nigeria’s Breakup Is Inevitable – Senator Okurounmu by successmatters(m): 1:53pm On Apr 22, 2017

I know some ewedu yoru-muslims will lampoon Femi for saying the truth that everyone knows. Ewedu muslims don't believe they can survive without the north who even see them as inferior muslims. Tufiakwa!

What Ojukwu saw early in the morning, Awolowo couldn't see in the afternoon.

What Nnamdi Kanu saw in the evening, some people from the south west are still arguing it till this night! grin

104 Likes 17 Shares

Re: Nigeria’s Breakup Is Inevitable – Senator Okurounmu by ZombieTAMER: 1:57pm On Apr 22, 2017
Bring it on!

Frankly speaking ehn, I don't really mind breaking up Nigeria so far it will be done without firing a single bullet...
It will be done peacefully
Break up is the only solution
The thieving politicians wil be totally against it as the status quo favours them

But we will smile at the end

48 Likes 6 Shares

Re: Nigeria’s Breakup Is Inevitable – Senator Okurounmu by CplusJason: 1:58pm On Apr 22, 2017

I know some ewedu yoru-muslims will lampoon Femi for saying the truth that everyone knows. Ewedu muslims don't believe they can survive without the north who even see them as inferior muslims. Tufiakwa!
Lmfao! grin

They can sell their destiny for a plate of Ewedu filled with toilet flies.

50 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Nigeria’s Breakup Is Inevitable – Senator Okurounmu by ipobarecriminals: 2:00pm On Apr 22, 2017
Any power that want to break this country shall be broken.God bless Nig

10 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Nigeria’s Breakup Is Inevitable – Senator Okurounmu by drss2(m): 2:12pm On Apr 22, 2017
keep decieving urself.
Any power that want to break this country shall be broken.God bless Nig

90 Likes 10 Shares

Re: Nigeria’s Breakup Is Inevitable – Senator Okurounmu by Onwardvic(m): 2:16pm On Apr 22, 2017
Nigeria is already divided in the minds of Nigerians

90 Likes 8 Shares

Re: Nigeria’s Breakup Is Inevitable – Senator Okurounmu by Greatihex(m): 2:18pm On Apr 22, 2017

14 Likes 1 Share

Re: Nigeria’s Breakup Is Inevitable – Senator Okurounmu by juman(m): 2:18pm On Apr 22, 2017
Okunrounmu should go and sit down somewhere. He was a senator during Osoba's first term. He lost woefully to unknown person cos he didn't perform.
You mean election that was rigged?

Nigeria is already divided in the minds of Nigerians
One nigeria is a mirage.

36 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Nigeria’s Breakup Is Inevitable – Senator Okurounmu by Jabioro: 2:19pm On Apr 22, 2017
It just the matter of time, we prayed for the time not tarry any longer .The yawning is getting louder and no matter how long you try to suppressed people demand you can't do that forever.. it would be yielded either by force or by peaceful means..

26 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Nigeria’s Breakup Is Inevitable – Senator Okurounmu by Ovamboland(m): 2:19pm On Apr 22, 2017
nations ar formed by pipul of similar culture n background coming togeda into a union like wat happend in america. not like d fake one forced fully joined togeda by lugard.
nobody in america need to sing "one america" every day like d case in dis cess-pit cos every american feel he/she is part of america. why will america not develop like it is today american live as a united nation, free to practice their religion in peace, unlike northern nijeriya were christians ar persecuted n massacred daily cos of their faith. Americans have a sense of nationhood wia every american matters from alaska to hawaii. dat is how nations ar formed. can dis be said of nijeriya
compare d rise of nations from europe to america n u will see nijeriya's problem. dat some pipul have to beg nijeriyans to live as "one nijeria" every single day for 50 years goes to show dat d con3 itself is not one. not to talk of d massacres going on all ova d con3 by terrorist who feel d con3 belongs to dem. who will want to live with these kind of pipul
as it was in former yugoslavia, USSR n sudan, so will it be in nijeria.

The America you are quoting had their own version of ipob and civil war before they could knock sense into the skull of separatist by the force of arms. Try your luck you might do better than the American ipobs

11 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Nigeria’s Breakup Is Inevitable – Senator Okurounmu by helinues: 2:23pm On Apr 22, 2017

You mean election that was rigged?

One nigeria is a mirage.

Which election? let me ask you, are you from Ogun state?

1 Like

Re: Nigeria’s Breakup Is Inevitable – Senator Okurounmu by helinues: 2:24pm On Apr 22, 2017

I know some ewedu yoru-muslims will lampoon Femi for saying the truth that everyone knows. Ewedu muslims don't believe they can survive without the north who even see them as inferior muslims. Tufiakwa!

I don't have to exchange words with you.. Kids everywhere


Re: Nigeria’s Breakup Is Inevitable – Senator Okurounmu by helinues: 2:26pm On Apr 22, 2017

If you have nothing meaningful to contribute on the topic at hand
Kingly shushhh it
Nigeria is living on borrowed time
Division is inevitable
Deal with it

Are you for real? No wonder Al mustapha floated a new party. I am very sure people like you will definitely support him

4 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Nigeria’s Breakup Is Inevitable – Senator Okurounmu by Totti9(m): 2:28pm On Apr 22, 2017
Many people no longer see them selves as a Nigerian

51 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Nigeria’s Breakup Is Inevitable – Senator Okurounmu by Onwardvic(m): 2:28pm On Apr 22, 2017

Abi. One nigeria is a mirage.



Re: Nigeria’s Breakup Is Inevitable – Senator Okurounmu by ChimaAdeoye: 2:29pm On Apr 22, 2017
Bring it on!

Frankly speaking ehn, I don't really mind breaking up Nigeria so far it will be done without firing a single bullet...

Bros, when the time comes, some people will want to keep the south by force and a few bullets will be exchanged.

I just want the south to keep getting ready and meeting with stakeholders to iron out a workable constitution for a true Federalism to thrive in the south.

If southern Nigeria were a country, it's human development index will rival Brazil or Argentina.

52 Likes 7 Shares

Re: Nigeria’s Breakup Is Inevitable – Senator Okurounmu by MirabelArode(f): 2:31pm On Apr 22, 2017

I don't have to exchange words with you.. Kids everywhere

Of course you can't because if you do, your ewedu-stained lips will get some pummelling. Nice decision from you.

58 Likes 7 Shares

Re: Nigeria’s Breakup Is Inevitable – Senator Okurounmu by juman(m): 2:34pm On Apr 22, 2017

Which election? let me ask you, are you from Ogun state?

2003 election was rigged.

Even that year ogun presidential election result was cancelled by the court because of outrageous rigging.

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