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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Politics / What Is The Offence Of People Of Oyigbo LGA In Rivers State (10613 Views)
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Re: What Is The Offence Of People Of Oyigbo LGA In Rivers State by Ugomba(m): 11:36pm On Jun 10, 2017 |
Oyivgr:its obvious that you are an ogoni guy. face your ogoni land and mind your business. 2 Likes |
Re: What Is The Offence Of People Of Oyigbo LGA In Rivers State by Ugomba(m): 11:40pm On Jun 10, 2017 |
He opened a new nairaland account for this purpose.
he is an ogoni guy.
his plans are DOA 1 Like |
Re: What Is The Offence Of People Of Oyigbo LGA In Rivers State by pazienza(m): 11:43pm On Jun 10, 2017 |
Oyivgr:Historically, Ukwa comprises of Ndoki and Asa County Council Areas and these areas, the subject of the claim, comprised all the 17 villages named in the first and second claims. All of them are now merged with the Rivers State. When Imo State was created in 1976, out of the former East Central State, which area originally was pan of the Eastern Region of Nigeria (better called Eastern Nigeria) the territorial area called Ukwa, fell within the Imo State. The whole of the Ndoki County Council and ASA County Council were therefore in Imo State. Learned counsel, therefore, contends that so far as the present Constitution is concerned, the area of Imo State has never been split, nor, was any of the areas merged with the Rivers State. He then referred to an area called Otega in the constituent local government areas of the Rivers State, and submitted, that this did not mean or constitute any known geographical area. 3 Likes |
Re: What Is The Offence Of People Of Oyigbo LGA In Rivers State by pazienza(m): 11:46pm On Jun 10, 2017 |
The Ndoki and Asa county of the old East central state comprises of all Asa and Ndoki towns, including Obigbo township, and that part of the East Central state became Imo state in 1976, right after Mammar Nasir boundary adjustment that took parts of Asa and Ndoki county that we now call Oyigbo and added to old Rivers state The judgement you read was based on mammar Nasir boundary adjustment that took place on 1976, until then, no part of Asa or Ndoki county was in Rivers state, nor did they ever share same divisions with Ogonis. 5 Likes |
Re: What Is The Offence Of People Of Oyigbo LGA In Rivers State by Ugomba(m): 11:46pm On Jun 10, 2017 |
pazienza:nawa o. stop arguing with that op guy. HE IS AN IMPOSTOR he opened this nairaland account for this purpose. BE WISE 3 Likes |
Re: What Is The Offence Of People Of Oyigbo LGA In Rivers State by pazienza(m): 11:48pm On Jun 10, 2017 |
Ugomba: I suspected he is Ogoni. But I was hoping real Oyigbo sons and daughters here silence him. 7 Likes |
Re: What Is The Offence Of People Of Oyigbo LGA In Rivers State by Nonaira1: 11:52pm On Jun 10, 2017 |
Oyivgr: One it does not take a genius to know the only reason your account came into place is because oyigbos have been repeatedly mentioned as igbos on this forum and considering you've lots can't find anywhere where ndokis themselves have denied igbos but we have shown where they themselves says they are Igbo thus you have to create one thus came on this NL to give one. Unfortunately, some of us are smart enough to see Bullshit when we see one. Funny how your I'd just got created and came out now ironically now. It wasn't around during the time the topic was on ndoki identity, nor was it around during the argument of when Ndoki being governors of river state nor did it come out during the about about ndoki's marginalization. ironically enough showed up this month when oyigbo have been mentioned for the past 2 weeks regarding their large oil production and their own claim of being igbo. ![]() Funny thing is you pretending to be ndoki does not remove the identity the Oyigbo themselves have said on FB as well as the media now does it? Nor does trying to create animosity between ndoki and Asa remove the relationship and closeness among the two groups in Oyigbo lga. Funny your thoughts starts and ends on NL Lastly I suggest reread the link you gave. All you provided is both both imo state and river state arguing on whether ndoki belongs to imo or river state. One you neither provide anything that states the lands belongs to River state, all you did was show how Nasir took lands from imo state aND gave it to River state on the claims that the ndokis are treated like "minorities". Infact your own link showed that bulk of the land was indeed in Imo state and when the state was created, the indigienous in question were okay with imo state . I suggest reread your own link. 3 Likes |
Re: What Is The Offence Of People Of Oyigbo LGA In Rivers State by Oyivgr: 11:52pm On Jun 10, 2017 |
pazienza:"There is no such express provision. He further submitted that the Nasir Boundary Adjustment Commission Report, and the Government White Paper thereon, dealt with Ndoki areas and nothing was said about Obigbo. He suggested as a reinforcement of this argument, that the Imo River must be regarded only as a natural boundary between Imo and Cross River States. With respect, this submission is against the context of the acceptance and approval given to the recommendation by the Federal Military Government. It is quite clear that the Imo River was accepted and acted upon, as the natural boundary between the Imo and Rivers States. On that ground Obigbo therefore falls dearly within the Rivers State as well as the Ndoki areas in the Report." "The Ndoki Clan straddles three States Imo, Rivers and Cross River – with the bulk of the Clan living on either side of the Imo River in the Imo State. The Commission found that the Ndokis have consistently been treated as a minority. The bulk of the people living south of the Imo River were more inclined to accede to the Rivers State but the creation of the Imo State appeared to have changed several minds in favour of remaining in Imo State;" Why you dnt think the Ndoki who speak Opobo are not Ndoki too baffles me. I got dragged into this argument after I even pleaded with you that I accept you are correct but you wouldn't stop to derail my thread because I suspect you a one of those loyalist of the elites who wouldn't want this thread to stand for my request for the bad roads to be fixed by the leaders in the LGA and clear the dirty. No you have to talk about how Ndoki and ASA are IBO's. Fine I accept they are IBO's,pls can you move on now so I can have more attention on the roads that needs urgent help or those dirty by the schools...but trust me you will not stop...I accept you are correct I am wrong but pls assist me with pics of the bad roads as I hear they are everywhere,can you plssss 3 Likes |
Re: What Is The Offence Of People Of Oyigbo LGA In Rivers State by Ugomba(m): 11:53pm On Jun 10, 2017 |
pazienza:tthe is an ogoni guy, they are desperate for Oyigbo land. he opened this nl account newly for this purpose. he want to create a rift btw oyigbo people and their SE Brothers. very crafty impostor! don't fall for his tactics 5 Likes |
Re: What Is The Offence Of People Of Oyigbo LGA In Rivers State by Ugomba(m): 11:59pm On Jun 10, 2017 |
where is Amarabae the lioness, I heard she is an Asa woman.
she will roast this impostor of an OP.
also wia is Joeprince23? 2 Likes |
Re: What Is The Offence Of People Of Oyigbo LGA In Rivers State by pazienza(m): 12:01am On Jun 11, 2017 |
Oyivgr: Nasir mammar adjustment was done in 1976, East central state was created in 1970. Obigbo was placed in Rivers state in 1976 . All parts of Asa and Ndoki were in East central state from 1970- 76, and were all in Aba division of the Eastern region before 1970. At no time were they in the same political sphere with Ogonis or Rivers people until 1976 boundary adjustment. What the judgment is saying is that Obigbo part of East central state had already been added to Rivers state from East central in 1976 by mammar Nasir commission before the creation of Imo state, therefore Imo can't lay claim to them. But what Imo is saying is that, Imo inherited all parts of the East central state that those Ndoki and Asa lands in Obigbo were part of, so therefore, Obigbo should be handed back to it. I'm sure you are not an indigene of Oyigbo, if I had to explain these things this much to you. 6 Likes |
Re: What Is The Offence Of People Of Oyigbo LGA In Rivers State by Nonaira1: 12:03am On Jun 11, 2017 |
Ugomba: I'm shocked that he couldn't see it. Pazienza fell my hand I swear. Joeprince even left after he discovered it. Amarabae they have been calling have ignored them Funny, both are from oyigbo, and ignored the OP yet he stop to ask himself why? Even if you can't see the obvious divide and rule, that act alone by those two should make you think. It somewhat similar to how I've told repeatedly to ignore fake ids pretending to be anioma but each time he sees one, he doesn't do so. He goes on a defensive mold and start cc. me, you, bellabulz and whoever to speak. There are times you have to learn to start ignoring ppl pazienza. 3 Likes |
Re: What Is The Offence Of People Of Oyigbo LGA In Rivers State by Oyivgr: 12:03am On Jun 11, 2017 |
Ugomba:I have been following her since I created this so maybe she can assist me with the development pics I asked for. Her ASA people are so marginalized they are practically begging to be allowed to get more than councilor. I can never be Ogoni,while I feel Oyigbo isn't developing fast,its. better than any Ogoni lga 85% theirs is worse, their discrimination against foreigners is out of this world (have you lived in any of the communitieas? when it was tai eleme and obigbo lga obigbo people were only telephone operators and cleaners)yet they have power and state players yet no development My happiness is despite what you think my point has gotten to the present PDP elites there,how they can attract development and play the state game...I sincerely apologize for the arguements just felt irritated when I am being told to accept am a particular tribe,who does that when we are looking for development |
Re: What Is The Offence Of People Of Oyigbo LGA In Rivers State by pazienza(m): 12:07am On Jun 11, 2017 |
Ugomba: If our unity is that delicate, that an impostor can sneak in and break, then we have no unity to start with and that unity better break now that we can plan to contain it than in moments when it's breakage might become fatal to our mission. Meanwhile, we hope Amarabae come in and add Asa local touch to this thread. 2 Likes |
Re: What Is The Offence Of People Of Oyigbo LGA In Rivers State by Ugomba(m): 12:13am On Jun 11, 2017 |
Oyivgr:Amàrabae is a vocal Asa lady here,maybe she is offline busy or on a ban. your mistake here is trying to twist Asa & Ndoki history, you are neither of them. focus on other things and allow oyigbo people sort themselves out. NO INCH OF IGBOLAND CAN BE BALKANISED AGAIN thanks 4 Likes |
Re: What Is The Offence Of People Of Oyigbo LGA In Rivers State by Oyivgr: 12:13am On Jun 11, 2017 |
pazienza:Oyigbo people are one,far better than other lga but the in fightings men is bloody and nothing is achieved see for instance how I ended up arguing history when I came to ask the dirty be cleared |
Re: What Is The Offence Of People Of Oyigbo LGA In Rivers State by pazienza(m): 12:16am On Jun 11, 2017 |
Nonaira1: Hmm! I would pretend I didn't see this post. But I would have you know that I don't tolerate insult on my person so well. I consider you friend and family, so I'd allow this slide. But please, let this not repeat itself. We can agree to disagree. But let's not descend to throwing expletives at each other. Let's reserve that for our common foes. Udo. 2 Likes |
Re: What Is The Offence Of People Of Oyigbo LGA In Rivers State by Oyivgr: 12:17am On Jun 11, 2017 |
Ugomba:Na! I didn't twist nothing, maybe someday we all can sit down and retrace the history. I was so eager to hear from her as I know ASA history more but didn't come to debate history because despite what we know children of 2089 will hear differently. My only offence was asking people to stop telling a people who they were.It's not right, we all grew up being told by our parents and its wrong even if right to prove that wrong |
Re: What Is The Offence Of People Of Oyigbo LGA In Rivers State by Ugomba(m): 12:19am On Jun 11, 2017 |
pazienza:The OP deceived you and you fell for it. Lets not prolong this thread, the OP has a divide and conquer mission. He opened a new NL moniker for that. So nwanne, Ignore him. 1 Like |
Re: What Is The Offence Of People Of Oyigbo LGA In Rivers State by Oyivgr: 12:25am On Jun 11, 2017 |
Ugomba:You see what brought this argument, how can you look at an adult and tell him in public he doesn't know what he is doing? Same thing that is derailing this thread. You can imagine how annoying that is! Divide who from who exactly? when the first post was the heap of dirty should be cleared from the roads then I mistakenly commented on the realities of politics of the LGA which I regret mentioning |
Re: What Is The Offence Of People Of Oyigbo LGA In Rivers State by pazienza(m): 12:44am On Jun 11, 2017 |
Ugomba: No one is being deceived. The area in question is one I'm well conversant with. Online discussions isn't going to Change realities on ground on this regard. The above is a proud Asa Oyigbo man on this forum. I have many of them on my Facebook list as I'm a member of many Asa forums. 4 Likes |
Re: What Is The Offence Of People Of Oyigbo LGA In Rivers State by Oyivgr: 12:49am On Jun 11, 2017 |
comment by a resident of Oyigbo on Facebook Zita Entertainers The streets should be worked abeg!! This will help the inhabitants a lot ! Life in oyigbo is terrifying |
Re: What Is The Offence Of People Of Oyigbo LGA In Rivers State by Oyivgr: 12:54am On Jun 11, 2017 |
Oyigbo LGA Council Protocol Officer Akaya Stanlayson The Hard Bitter Truth...! Whether you're PDP, APC, APGA or even APDA.... Until when the nationalistic, statesmen and patriotic leaders of Oyigbo LGA learn to come together and deliver a whooping and fantastic voting result of 30,000, 40,000 or 50,000 votes in any Governorship election, we won't be taken serious as ardent and equal stakeholders in the business called RIVERS STATE. Both the PDPs, APCs or APGAs, We all should be ashamed of our votes delivery of not more than 10,000 or 15,000 after every election only to showcase our supremacy at the detriment of our entire development. The in-house fighting of PDP versus PDP, APC versus APC, PDP versus APC or any other will do more harm than good,especially during elections is absolutely absurd and retrogressive. It's high time we indulge and inculcate into this modern day politics and be useful to each other. The time to come together and deliver this amount of votes by the good people of Oyigbo LGA in any election despite our party divides,...especially gubernatorial election is now!...2019... As this will stir up massive and positive development in Oyigbo LGA. Am very optimistic that all our leaders are seriously working towards this. Long live Oyigbo LGA Long live Oyigbo leaders Long live Rivers state. |
Re: What Is The Offence Of People Of Oyigbo LGA In Rivers State by HopeAtHand: 6:26am On Jun 13, 2017 |
Ugomba: Shut ur silly mouth up. We are not talking about Delta state here. Maintain ur lane. |
Re: What Is The Offence Of People Of Oyigbo LGA In Rivers State by ideykwum: 7:16am On Jun 13, 2017 |
Oyivgr: You are a shame to your ancestors!! You are now Bini? Whoever cursed Igbo's with this particular kind of curse would not rest in peace!!! |
Re: What Is The Offence Of People Of Oyigbo LGA In Rivers State by Nobody: 7:35am On Jun 13, 2017 |
Oyivgr you're such a disgrace! So you want to pioneer the movement to see Asa recognized as Bini. You have failed already. Shame unto you for pointing to your Father's house with the left hand. Shame! 1 Like |
Re: What Is The Offence Of People Of Oyigbo LGA In Rivers State by joeprince23(m): 11:10am On Jun 13, 2017 |
HopeAtHand:as an anioma man ugomba is a huge stakeholder in ndoki/asa affairs #PAN-IGBO 1 Like |
Re: What Is The Offence Of People Of Oyigbo LGA In Rivers State by joeprince23(m): 11:20am On Jun 13, 2017 |
iSlayer2:myself amarabae and explorerreturns dont share that guys views. asa and ndoki are ethnic igbos found in rivers abia and even akwaibom,but for political reasons some politically exposed persons identity as ndoki ethnic nationality,the aim may not be far fetched... FYI: oyigbo lga(rivers) ukwa west and ukwa east lga(abia) are one and same people... ndoki wu umu asa... i rest my case 1 Like |
Re: What Is The Offence Of People Of Oyigbo LGA In Rivers State by Oyivgr: 8:35pm On Jun 14, 2017 |
Just a little academic exercise I decided to allow after I decided I wasnt going to answer those who want to claim every land they can find. Rather than allow us look at the facts as they are in reality they begin to call me names,and am like dear I understand that's your weakness. Go on its my thread anyway.... Why where there Asa county council and Ndoki county council and why were they not one? what was a county council in say 1934 or 1970 Why was it that Ndoki majority were joined to Asa in Rivers and Imo River used as boundary yet Omuma LGA of Rivers who is on the other side of the same river with Ukwa was still joined to Rivers? Think my friends that's my only offence in all of your name calling which I consider childish though.... Who are the Oyigbo Bini people and the ethnics by the Asa River in Kwara...share research with me so maybe I learn not result to name calling which I though use to understand the level of those derailing my thread. Hope you had a nice day though! And the man who said Ndoki is Asa even after reading that even before the civil war there were two county councils bearing Asa and Ndoki differently...I can now understand |
Re: What Is The Offence Of People Of Oyigbo LGA In Rivers State by Okwyjesus(m): 9:12pm On Jun 14, 2017 |
They are Igbos simple. 1 Like |
Re: What Is The Offence Of People Of Oyigbo LGA In Rivers State by Oyivgr: 6:49am On Jun 24, 2017 |
As shared by nocase on Facebook The beautiful road network of Oyigbo Though it mightn't bother the residents as they care more about the tribal inclination
Re: What Is The Offence Of People Of Oyigbo LGA In Rivers State by Oyivgr: 6:52am On Jun 24, 2017 |
Reps Approve More Borrowing For Presidency / Onnoghen: Nigeria’s Flawed Democracy - Oke Umurhohwo / PDP Didn't Postpone Presidential Campaign - Dele Momodu
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