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Disciplining A Christian Child: The Difference Between Discipline And Punishment - Religion - Nairaland

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Disciplining A Christian Child: The Difference Between Discipline And Punishment by iliyande(m): 8:02am On Jun 18, 2017
In order to apply discipline correctly and according to biblical principles, parents must be familiar with the scriptural advice regarding discipline. There's not a responsible parent on the planet who hasn't struggled with getting a child to obey, and it can be an excruciating experience. How do you get your children to mind without losing yours?

That's a challenge, and God's Word has much to say about how we as parents can meet that challenge. It shows us how to provide the kind of discipline that helps our children fulfill their responsi­bility. If the most important thing for our children to learn is to obey, what do we do when they won't?

The book of Proverbs contains plentiful wisdom regarding the rearing of children, such as, “The rod of correction imparts wisdom, but a child left to himself disgraces his mother” (Proverbs 29:15). This verse outlines the consequences of not disciplining a child—the parents are disgraced. Of course, discipline must have as its goal the good of the child and must never be used to justify the abuse and mistreatment of children. Never should it be used to vent anger or frustration.

No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it (Hebrews 12:11). God's discipline is loving, as should it be between parent and child. Physical discipline should never be used to cause lasting physical harm or pain. Physical punishment should always be followed immediately by comforting the child with assurance that he/she is loved. These moments are the perfect time to teach a child that God disciplines us because He loves us and that, as parents, we do the same for our children.

Discipline and Punishment are Not the Same

Discipline is used to teach and guide.

Punishment is used for the purposes of controlling and retribution. Young children do not commit crimes. Their mistakes call for a corrective disciplinary response.

A study on the moral development of children found that children who feared punishment tended to have less guilt, were less willing to accept responsibility, were less resistant to temptation and had fewer internal controls than children who were not punished.

Punishment interferes with the development of internal controls by teaching children that it is someone else’s responsibility to control them and decide what behavior is “bad” and what the consequences will be. Children may then conclude that it is OK to misbehave if they can avoid getting caught or if they are willing to accept the consequences.

Discipline teaches children a particular misbehavior is bad because it violates the social order, thus promoting the development of internal controls.

A 1985 study shows a correlation between corporal punishment and stealing, truancy, aggression, hostility, lying, depression and low self-esteem.

Punishment causes children to focus their attention and anger toward an “unfair” adult rather than on learning to be responsible for their own actions.

Violence perpetuates violence. In a recent landmark study, 41% of parents believed that a child should be spanked for hitting.

Punishment validates fear, pain, intimidation and violence as acceptable methods of resolving conflict. Corporal punishment denies children equal protection under the law – the rules of our society say you should hit children but may not hit another adult. Sweden and five other countries have outlawed spanking children.

Physical punishment can escalate into battering and can result in permanent physical, mental, spiritual or emotional harm. It also confuses the issue of love and violence, teaching that violence can be an expression of love.

Punishment creates a final solution with the adult acting as judge, jury and executioner.

] creates dialogue and communication with the adult acting as teacher.

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Re: Disciplining A Christian Child: The Difference Between Discipline And Punishment by ayindejimmy(m): 8:49am On Jun 18, 2017
I discipline you not to commit a crime, but if you go ahead to commit that crime, then you can't avoid punishment.
Ask Evans
Re: Disciplining A Christian Child: The Difference Between Discipline And Punishment by NwaAmaikpe: 6:28pm On Jun 18, 2017

I do not believe in discipline and punishment of children.

My parents were civilised so I was fortunate not to undergo such debased inhumane treatment...

And I turned out perfectly.

1 Like 1 Share

Re: Disciplining A Christian Child: The Difference Between Discipline And Punishment by KiNiBiGd: 6:29pm On Jun 18, 2017
Is only God that can help one gives a child proper training...

1 Like

Re: Disciplining A Christian Child: The Difference Between Discipline And Punishment by Ijobaorun(m): 6:29pm On Jun 18, 2017
Nigerians, please rise and react swiftly to this challenge

Hello house, Happy Father's Day. Please, I don't know if this is the appropriate forum to being this topic but I know that the moderator will help me take it to front page. Ladoke Akintola University is about to 'die' if nothing drastic is taking into consideration.
Someone told me today that there are about 30 courses due for accreditation and NUC has shifted the process three times. They have given then last chance to be September, 2017.
If nothing happens then, the school will be back to square one as they will have to start all over. What becomes of the students and the lecturers? I learnt a department is now left with only one lecturer as others have gone to various private institutions.
Ladokites in the house and our well wishers, please rise to this challenge so that the future of the one time best state university in Nigeria will not be in jeopardy.
Do everything in your capacity either prayer, raining fire on her enemies, telling whosoever could be of help, using social media etc to save this great Institution.
O. A. A


Re: Disciplining A Christian Child: The Difference Between Discipline And Punishment by BabaCommander: 6:31pm On Jun 18, 2017
Wisdom is key in child training. A wise parent will know the right time to apply descipline or met out punishment.


Re: Disciplining A Christian Child: The Difference Between Discipline And Punishment by alBHAGDADI: 6:31pm On Jun 18, 2017
This is why I always say that atheists are satanists, whether they know it or not. Their goal is to take away anything God so that Satan reigns supreme.

Now, an important verse in the bible says "spare the rod and spoil the child". If atheists are clamouring for a Godless society, then it means the removal of the book that holds that Vera thereby leading to all manner of evils.

An example is this baby mama nonsense going on. This was a shameful thing in the past. But today, they are glamorized. Children that were seen as bastards in the past are now far celebrated on social media ahead of legitimate children. How did it start? It started when some moronic liberals started being effeminate and sparing the rod of correction. This led to the raising of Children who became a menace to the society. I remember how a woman spoiled her children to the point where they all became rubbish. The females were prostitute while the only boy was a robber. He came home angrily one day a d had a rough argument with his mum. In the process of his destructive anger, he threw a burning stove that had a pot of food cooking on it to a careless direction. That burning stove landed on a 6yr old girls body. She was burnt from her private part to her legs. After months at the hospital, she managed to make it home but in a horrible state cos her legs became bow shaped, private part burnt... from the look of things, I really doubt she would ever grow taller again. This was all because a useless woman refused to train her children in the proper way. The criminal met his Waterloo when he got a jungle justice for armed robbery.

Today, we are promoting bastardy children produced by celebrities who are always quick to clap back at you for pointing out an error in their lifestyle. Imagine what the bastardy they produced will grow up into. Don't blame me for calling such children bastards; I wasn't the one that placed that word in the Oxford dictionary. But gradually, the word is losing its significance and soon it will no longer restrict people from having such children as they are already intentionally doing it. This is just a phase in an agenda by Satan who wants to erased God's Word that restrains evil. First, he made child flogging seem like an archaic practice. Now, the western world is plagued by useless and Godless children who take drugs, have unwanted pregnancy and commit abortion. If the rod wasn't spared, there won't be any need for abortion or the word bastard.


Re: Disciplining A Christian Child: The Difference Between Discipline And Punishment by xynerise: 6:33pm On Jun 18, 2017
Whoop their asses and they will learn it the hard way. grin
Re: Disciplining A Christian Child: The Difference Between Discipline And Punishment by egopersonified(f): 6:36pm On Jun 18, 2017

I do not believe in discipline and punishment of children.

My parents were civilised so I was fortunate not to undergo such debased inhumane treatment...

And I turned out perfectly.

no wonder

1 Like

Re: Disciplining A Christian Child: The Difference Between Discipline And Punishment by oshe11: 6:41pm On Jun 18, 2017

I do not believe in discipline and punishment of children.

My parents were civilised so I was fortunate not to undergo such debased inhumane treatment...

And I turned out perfectly.

If Ďiscipline made Him this way, THEN I'D HAVE TO PUNISH MY KIDS grin


Re: Disciplining A Christian Child: The Difference Between Discipline And Punishment by Nobody: 6:42pm On Jun 18, 2017

I do not believe in discipline and punishment of children.

My parents were civilised so I was fortunate not to undergo such debased inhumane treatment...

And I turned out perfectly.
You were lucky
Re: Disciplining A Christian Child: The Difference Between Discipline And Punishment by jwart(m): 6:47pm On Jun 18, 2017
Punishments is the backup for disciplines.
Re: Disciplining A Christian Child: The Difference Between Discipline And Punishment by Kelvinortabo(m): 6:47pm On Jun 18, 2017
In order to apply discipline correctly and according to biblical principles, parents must be familiar with the scriptural advice regarding discipline. There's not a responsible parent on the planet who hasn't struggled with getting a child to obey, and it can be an excruciating experience. How do you get your children to mind without losing yours?

That's a challenge, and God's Word has much to say about how we as parents can meet that challenge. It shows us how to provide the kind of discipline that helps our children fulfill their responsi­bility. If the most important thing for our children to learn is to obey, what do we do when they won't?

The book of Proverbs contains plentiful wisdom regarding the rearing of children, such as, “The rod of correction imparts wisdom, but a child left to himself disgraces his mother” (Proverbs 29:15). This verse outlines the consequences of not disciplining a child—the parents are disgraced. Of course, discipline must have as its goal the good of the child and must never be used to justify the abuse and mistreatment of children. Never should it be used to vent anger or frustration.

No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it (Hebrews 12:11). God's discipline is loving, as should it be between parent and child. Physical discipline should never be used to cause lasting physical harm or pain. Physical punishment should always be followed immediately by comforting the child with assurance that he/she is loved. These moments are the perfect time to teach a child that God disciplines us because He loves us and that, as parents, we do the same for our children.

Discipline and Punishment are Not the Same

Discipline is used to teach and guide.

Punishment is used for the purposes of controlling and retribution. Young children do not commit crimes. Their mistakes call for a corrective disciplinary response.

A study on the moral development of children found that children who feared punishment tended to have less guilt, were less willing to accept responsibility, were less resistant to temptation and had fewer internal controls than children who were not punished.

Punishment interferes with the development of internal controls by teaching children that it is someone else’s responsibility to control them and decide what behavior is “bad” and what the consequences will be. Children may then conclude that it is OK to misbehave if they can avoid getting caught or if they are willing to accept the consequences.

Discipline teaches children a particular misbehavior is bad because it violates the social order, thus promoting the development of internal controls.

A 1985 study shows a correlation between corporal punishment and stealing, truancy, aggression, hostility, lying, depression and low self-esteem.

Punishment causes children to focus their attention and anger toward an “unfair” adult rather than on learning to be responsible for their own actions.

Violence perpetuates violence. In a recent landmark study, 41% of parents believed that a child should be spanked for hitting.

Punishment validates fear, pain, intimidation and violence as acceptable methods of resolving conflict. Corporal punishment denies children equal protection under the law – the rules of our society say you should hit children but may not hit another adult. Sweden and five other countries have outlawed spanking children.

Physical punishment can escalate into battering and can result in permanent physical, mental, spiritual or emotional harm. It also confuses the issue of love and violence, teaching that violence can be an expression of love.

Punishment creates a final solution with the adult acting as judge, jury and executioner.

] creates dialogue and communication with the adult acting as teacher.

Re: Disciplining A Christian Child: The Difference Between Discipline And Punishment by TonyeBarcanista(m): 7:07pm On Jun 18, 2017
My brother, it shall be well with you.

You see these people are societal menace and they are determined to bring kids that will constitute nuisance in the society.

If they like they should train their kids if they like they should pamper their kids till they turnout to be useless.

As for me, I SHALL never spare the rod in love

This is why I always say that atheists are satanists, whether they know it or not. Their goal is to take away anything God so that Satan reigns supreme.

Now, an important verse in the bible says "spare the rod and spoil the child". If atheists are clamouring for a Godless society, then it means the removal of the book that holds that Vera thereby leading to all manner of evils.

An example is this baby mama nonsense going on. This was a shameful thing in the past. But today, they are glamorized. Children that were seen as bastards in the past are now far celebrated on social media ahead of legitimate children. How did it start? It started when some moronic liberals started being effeminate and sparing the rod of correction. This led to the raising of Children who became a menace to the society. I remember how a woman spoiled her children to the point where they all became rubbish. The females were prostitute while the only boy was a robber. He came home angrily one day a d had a rough argument with his mum. In the process of his destructive anger, he threw a burning stove that had a pot of food cooking on it to a careless direction. That burning stove landed on a 6yr old girls body. She was burnt from her private part to her legs. After months at the hospital, she managed to make it home but in a horrible state cos her legs became bow shaped, private part burnt... from the look of things, I really doubt she would ever grow taller again. This was all because a useless woman refused to train her children in the proper way. The criminal met his Waterloo when he got a jungle justice for armed robbery.

Today, we are promoting bastardy children produced by celebrities who are always quick to clap back at you for pointing out an error in their lifestyle. Imagine what the bastardy they produced will grow up into. Don't blame me for calling such children bastards; I wasn't the one that placed that word in the Oxford dictionary. But gradually, the word is losing its significance and soon it will no longer restrict people from having such children as they are already intentionally doing it. This is just a phase in an agenda by Satan who wants to erased God's Word that restrains evil. First, he made child flogging seem like an archaic practice. Now, the western world is plagued by useless and Godless children who take drugs, have unwanted pregnancy and commit abortion. If the rod wasn't spared, there won't be any need for abortion or the word bastard.
Re: Disciplining A Christian Child: The Difference Between Discipline And Punishment by hopefulLandlord: 7:25pm On Jun 18, 2017
Sharrap there, you come to a Christian thread to hide and take pot shots at atheism cuz you know most atheists wouldn't bother to open this thread let alone respond to it

unfortunately for you I opened the thread out of curiosity and I would not let illogicalities go unpunished especially coming from religious people
This is why I always say that atheists are satanists, whether they know it or not. Their goal is to take away anything God so that Satan reigns supreme.

Now, an important verse in the bible says "spare the rod and spoil the child". If atheists are clamouring for a Godless society, then it means the removal of the book that holds that Vera thereby leading to all manner of evils.

see rubbish! giving Christianity undeserved credit

Question: before your slavemasters brought Christianity, weren't your forefathers disciplining their children? were children of those days as spoilt as children of today?

pray to your imaginary friend for some sense, you really need it

An example is this baby mama nonsense going on. This was a shameful thing in the past. But today, they are glamorized. Children that were seen as bastards in the past are now far celebrated on social media ahead of legitimate children.
and how many atheists do you see on Nairaland front-page with baby mamas?

Davido is a Christian, Wizkid is a Christian, DBanj is a Christian; almost 100% of baby mama topics involve Christians


how long before your start blaming atheists for your religious nonsense?

How did it start? It started when some moronic liberals started being effeminate and sparing the rod of correction. This led to the raising of Children who became a menace to the society. I remember how a woman spoiled her children to the point where they all became rubbish. The females were prostitute while the only boy was a robber. He came home angrily one day a d had a rough argument with his mum. In the process of his destructive anger, he threw a burning stove that had a pot of food cooking on it to a careless direction. That burning stove landed on a 6yr old girls body. She was burnt from her private part to her legs. After months at the hospital, she managed to make it home but in a horrible state cos her legs became bow shaped, private part burnt... from the look of things, I really doubt she would ever grow taller again. This was all because a useless woman refused to train her children in the proper way. The criminal met his Waterloo when he got a jungle justice for armed robbery.

all these rubbish stories still doesn't concern atheism

Today, we are promoting bastardy children produced by celebrities who are always quick to clap back at you for pointing out an error in their lifestyle. Imagine what the bastardy they produced will grow up into. Don't blame me for calling such children bastards; I wasn't the one that placed that word in the Oxford dictionary. But gradually, the word is losing its significance and soon it will no longer restrict people from having such children as they are already intentionally doing it. This is just a phase in an agenda by Satan who wants to erased God's Word that restrains evil. First, he made child flogging seem like an archaic practice. Now, the western world is plagued by useless and Godless children who take drugs, have unwanted pregnancy and commit abortion. If the rod wasn't spared, there won't be any need for abortion or the word bastard.
another rant

I think this guy just wants to get this rubbish off his chest


Re: Disciplining A Christian Child: The Difference Between Discipline And Punishment by MhizzAJ(f): 7:32pm On Jun 18, 2017

I do not believe in discipline and punishment of children.

My parents were civilised so I was fortunate not to undergo such debased inhumane treatment...

And I turned out perfectly.

Re: Disciplining A Christian Child: The Difference Between Discipline And Punishment by ritzyvic1(m): 7:51pm On Jun 18, 2017
OP you made a lot of sense. Beating a child is not the really what will make him grow up into a responsible adult. I think the most important thing is being a role model as a parent and taking out time to teach and inculcate moral values into them. I personally detest violence and I don't do somethings that are wrong now as an adult because of beatings I received as a child but because my parents taught me that they are wrong and led by example.
How ever children tend to be forgetful and cane may be required to drive some points home but it should be seldomly used


Re: Disciplining A Christian Child: The Difference Between Discipline And Punishment by tete7000(m): 8:09pm On Jun 18, 2017
How do you discipline without punishment? Punishment involves inflicting pain or inconvenience on a subject to deter them from repeating an action in future.
Re: Disciplining A Christian Child: The Difference Between Discipline And Punishment by drey69(m): 9:26pm On Jun 18, 2017
Re: Disciplining A Christian Child: The Difference Between Discipline And Punishment by africandictator(m): 12:29am On Jun 19, 2017
This is why I always say that atheists are satanists, whether they know it or not. Their goal is to take away anything God so that Satan reigns supreme.

Now, an important verse in the bible says "spare the rod and spoil the child". If atheists are clamouring for a Godless society, then it means the removal of the book that holds that Vera thereby leading to all manner of evils.

An example is this baby mama nonsense going on. This was a shameful thing in the past. But today, they are glamorized. Children that were seen as bastards in the past are now far celebrated on social media ahead of legitimate children. How did it start? It started when some moronic liberals started being effeminate and sparing the rod of correction. This led to the raising of Children who became a menace to the society. I remember how a woman spoiled her children to the point where they all became rubbish. The females were prostitute while the only boy was a robber. He came home angrily one day a d had a rough argument with his mum. In the process of his destructive anger, he threw a burning stove that had a pot of food cooking on it to a careless direction. That burning stove landed on a 6yr old girls body. She was burnt from her private part to her legs. After months at the hospital, she managed to make it home but in a horrible state cos her legs became bow shaped, private part burnt... from the look of things, I really doubt she would ever grow taller again. This was all because a useless woman refused to train her children in the proper way. The criminal met his Waterloo when he got a jungle justice for armed robbery.

Today, we are promoting bastardy children produced by celebrities who are always quick to clap back at you for pointing out an error in their lifestyle. Imagine what the bastardy they produced will grow up into. Don't blame me for calling such children bastards; I wasn't the one that placed that word in the Oxford dictionary. But gradually, the word is losing its significance and soon it will no longer restrict people from having such children as they are already intentionally doing it. This is just a phase in an agenda by Satan who wants to erased God's Word that restrains evil. First, he made child flogging seem like an archaic practice. Now, the western world is plagued by useless and Godless children who take drugs, have unwanted pregnancy and commit abortion. If the rod wasn't spared, there won't be any need for abortion or the word bastard.
I totally agree! with your assertion, look at bobby christiana for example
Re: Disciplining A Christian Child: The Difference Between Discipline And Punishment by Finest777(m): 8:48am On Jun 19, 2017

I do not believe in discipline and punishment of children.

My parents were civilised so I was fortunate not to undergo such debased inhumane treatment...

And I turned out perfectly.
Perfectly indeed, with all dese ur brainless comments we've seen so far....... mtcheeew!!!
Re: Disciplining A Christian Child: The Difference Between Discipline And Punishment by olowobaba10: 10:48am On Jun 19, 2017

1 Like

Re: Disciplining A Christian Child: The Difference Between Discipline And Punishment by ArcToyin(m): 4:08pm On Jul 14, 2017
This is why I always say that atheists are satanists, whether they know it or not. Their goal is to take away anything God so that Satan reigns supreme.

Now, an important verse in the bible says "spare the rod and spoil the child". If atheists are clamouring for a Godless society, then it means the removal of the book that holds that Vera thereby leading to all manner of evils.

An example is this baby mama nonsense going on. This was a shameful thing in the past. But today, they are glamorized. Children that were seen as bastards in the past are now far celebrated on social media ahead of legitimate children. How did it start? It started when some moronic liberals started being effeminate and sparing the rod of correction. This led to the raising of Children who became a menace to the society. I remember how a woman spoiled her children to the point where they all became rubbish. The females were prostitute while the only boy was a robber. He came home angrily one day a d had a rough argument with his mum. In the process of his destructive anger, he threw a burning stove that had a pot of food cooking on it to a careless direction. That burning stove landed on a 6yr old girls body. She was burnt from her private part to her legs. After months at the hospital, she managed to make it home but in a horrible state cos her legs became bow shaped, private part burnt... from the look of things, I really doubt she would ever grow taller again. This was all because a useless woman refused to train her children in the proper way. The criminal met his Waterloo when he got a jungle justice for armed robbery.

Today, we are promoting bastardy children produced by celebrities who are always quick to clap back at you for pointing out an error in their lifestyle. Imagine what the bastardy they produced will grow up into. Don't blame me for calling such children bastards; I wasn't the one that placed that word in the Oxford dictionary. But gradually, the word is losing its significance and soon it will no longer restrict people from having such children as they are already intentionally doing it. This is just a phase in an agenda by Satan who wants to erased God's Word that restrains evil. First, he made child flogging seem like an archaic practice. Now, the western world is plagued by useless and Godless children who take drugs, have unwanted pregnancy and commit abortion. If the rod wasn't spared, there won't be any need for abortion or the word bastard.
Honestly, you have hit many points. Civilization or westernization has killed, maimed and robbed our society thereby making the devil to take absolute control. Private schools now don't beat students all because of profit they want to make. If parent and schools have failed to put corrective measure via the rod in little children I wonder which institution will do that
The rate at which indecent and enticing dressing is flocking the society is alarming, why wont there is increase in rape. Lets just do our part in talking, and counseling and standing for the truth
Re: Disciplining A Christian Child: The Difference Between Discipline And Punishment by alBHAGDADI: 8:50am On Jul 15, 2017
Sharrap there, you come to a Christian thread to hide and take pot shots at atheism cuz you know most atheists wouldn't bother to open this thread let alone respond to it

unfortunately for you I opened the thread out of curiosity and I would not let illogicalities go unpunished especially coming from religious people

Let's see how you will prove that what I posted is illogical.

Let's see


see rubbish! giving Christianity undeserved credit

Question: before your slave Masters brought Christianity, weren't your forefathers disciplining their children? were children of those days as spoilt as children of today?
My forefathers were disciplining their children which was due to the good human side of them. It is that good side that Christianity came to endorse while they spoke against the evil side of our forefathers.

Guess what? Atheists and satanists want us to remove the good side so that all manner of evil e.g homosexualism, rape, drugs, murder, lying, stealing etc can reign supreme. Or don't you know that the rod is what kept the society in peace in the days of our forefather, both pre-christian and post-christian?

But since atheists and godless people have been clamouring for the removal of the Bible and religion which speaks of using the rod on an erring child, the world has been a huge mess.


pray to your imaginary friend for some sense, you really need it
He did already, and that's what I will use to defeat the evil in you.


and how many atheists do you see on Nairaland front-page with baby mamas?

Davido is a Christian, Wizkid is a Christian, DBanj is a Christian; almost 100% of baby mama topics involve Christians
Just cos one was born into a Christian home doesn't mean the person will turn out to be a Christian. I believe you were born into a Christian home, but today you are an atheist who spends 24hrs of his time attacking Christianity.

The names you mentioned above are examples of children whose parents refused to correct them with the rod when they were little. That's why we see them dancing with semi-nude ladies shaking their butts on TV. Proceeds from such illicit occupation is also spent by the same parents.

You call them Christians. Who is a Christian? A Christian is the one that does the will of the Father by shunning all evils, not the one that bears the title and says "Lord, lord" while enjoying wanton sin.

Mathew 7:21

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall
enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth
the will of my Father which is in heaven.

Can you now see how illogical you are? No wonder you had nothing more to say other than gibberish.



how long before your start blaming atheists for your religious nonsense?

all these rubbish stories still doesn't concern atheism
another rant

I think this guy just wants to get this rubbish off his chest
Re: Disciplining A Christian Child: The Difference Between Discipline And Punishment by GoodMuyis(m): 9:02am On Jul 15, 2017
A good topic for Nairaland Sunday Service

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