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Strong Mystical Ase Soap That Will Make You Rich & Wealthy - Religion - Nairaland

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Strong Mystical Ase Soap That Will Make You Rich & Wealthy by Babalawos(m): 7:38pm On Jun 21, 2017
Aboru Aboye

Here is a mystical ase soap that I prepared and you too can also prepared yours after following my ase soap preparation instructions.

This Strong and Mighty Mystical Ase Soap has the ancient ingredients to make anyone rich and wealthy within a short period of time as long as riches and wealth are already stored in the person's Ori.

It makes business booms, it attracts good-luck and fortunes. It attracts helpers and opportunities. It open closed doors and closed roads. It changes failures to success, disappointment to appointments, bad news to good news ...etc.

Only a few born into Elite families or Orisha families or African Royal families have access to this strong and mighty ase soap which I give to you free.

CAUTION: The information on this page is for educational use only. Use it wisely, I will not be held responsible for the abuse of this knowledge.


(1) Three Live Chameleon
(2) One Red Parrot Feather
(3) Little Quantity Of Iyerosu
(4) Ogun Leaves
(5) Black Soap
(6) 7 Cowries
(7) Ase Leaves
=> Thirty Native Sponge
(9) Mortar
(10) Pestle


(1) You must not share this soap with anyone
(2) You must not have s3x with any woman seeing her period
(3) You must not walk under rope that is used to hang clothes
(4) You must not use any other soap except this one to bathe
(5) You must not curse yourself during and after bathe


Bi mo duro, bi mo wure

Ire ti emi, ko ni se aigba

Bi mo bere, bi mo wure

Ire ti emi, ko ni se aigba

Bi mo joko, bi mo wure

Ire ti emi, ko ni se aigba.

If I pray while standing

My prayers will manifest

If I stoop or kneel while praying

My prayers will manifest

If I sit while praying

My prayers will manifest



Put the Ogun leaves and Ase leaves inside the mortar. Then, put one of the live chameleon inside the mortar and pound it alive until it is grinded and you will recite the above incantation and say your personal prayers "heart desires" while pounding it. Repeat with the other two live chameleons.

Pour grinded Iyerosu on it, grind six cowries separately and pour the grinded the six cowries inside the mortar on the grounded chameleon. Add black soap to it and use your hand to marsh it properly with the grinded chameleon, leaves and Iyerosu.

After which insert one cowry and one red parrot feather inside the soap.

Use the soap to bathe morning and evening for thirty days straight and watch your money multiplies mystically, experience surprised good-lucks, huge fortunes, big breakthroughs, uncommon success, rare victories, rapid promotions and supernatural elevation.

NOTE: I have used it, my clients have used it and it always work. You will thank me latter for teaching you how to prepare ase mystical soap. PLEASE DO NOT BREAK THE TABOO, THE CONSEQUENCES ARE VERY SEVERE.

Thank you for reading, leave a comment


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Re: Strong Mystical Ase Soap That Will Make You Rich & Wealthy by Deicide: 7:52pm On Jun 21, 2017
grin Guy how many Range Rover you get?


Re: Strong Mystical Ase Soap That Will Make You Rich & Wealthy by Nobody: 8:17pm On Jun 21, 2017
I was super pissed today, but dis dude just made my day, Babalawos i wan visit ur American mansion, since am very sure ur Ori is full & overflowing with riches cheesy
Re: Strong Mystical Ase Soap That Will Make You Rich & Wealthy by Ishilove: 8:43pm On Jun 21, 2017
O ga o. Babalawos, I hope you too use all these medemede that you regularly post here? You are supposed to be stinking rich with all these magic soaps and sigidi you are advertising.

No, wait, you don't, do you? You don't use them because you know the long term effect of these things so you leave it for the unwise to use, enjoy the short term benefits and suffer the long term ramifications.


Re: Strong Mystical Ase Soap That Will Make You Rich & Wealthy by matterarising: 9:02pm On Jun 21, 2017
Baba, what if the menstral period just started while having sex. What do you do
Re: Strong Mystical Ase Soap That Will Make You Rich & Wealthy by DaGr8est(m): 9:41pm On Jun 21, 2017
Baba, what if the menstral period just started while having sex. What do you do
Lwkmd, instant madness is the result.

going by nollywood logic
Re: Strong Mystical Ase Soap That Will Make You Rich & Wealthy by stanleyalpacino(m): 10:08pm On Jun 21, 2017
grin grin grin
Re: Strong Mystical Ase Soap That Will Make You Rich & Wealthy by cyojunior1(m): 11:02pm On Jun 21, 2017
Observing !
Re: Strong Mystical Ase Soap That Will Make You Rich & Wealthy by Babalawos(m): 8:02am On Jun 22, 2017

Lwkmd, instant madness is the result.

going by nollywood logic

Stop creating fear in the mind's of people. This is not nollywood

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Re: Strong Mystical Ase Soap That Will Make You Rich & Wealthy by Babalawos(m): 8:10am On Jun 22, 2017
Baba, what if the menstral period just started while having sex. What do you do

Aboru Aboye

The consequences of breaking the taboos are misfortunes, bad luck, bad news... etc.

It reverses everything this Ase Soap did for you.

African Tradition Religion is all about Nature and it Magick.

It is harnessing the power of Magick in Nature.

It is evoking the secret laws of nature like laws of gravity, laws of attraction, laws of polarities, laws of dualities, laws of numbers, laws of colours... etc to do your biding and there is absolutely nothing wrong about it.


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Re: Strong Mystical Ase Soap That Will Make You Rich & Wealthy by Oluballer: 8:15am On Jun 24, 2017

Aboru Aboye

The consequences of breaking the taboos are misfortunes, bad luck, bad news... etc.

It reverses everything this Ase Soap did for you.

African Tradition Religion is all about Nature and it Magick.

It is harnessing the power of Magick in Nature.

It is evoking the secret laws of nature like laws of gravity, laws of attraction, laws of polarities, laws of dualities, laws of numbers, laws of colours... etc to do your biding and there is absolutely nothing wrong about it.


If you broke a taboo, how can you reverse the effects of your violation?
Re: Strong Mystical Ase Soap That Will Make You Rich & Wealthy by Oluballer: 8:16am On Jun 24, 2017

Stop creating fear in the mind's of people. This is not nollywood

What do you think about that ritual where you put a knife under your pillow and go to sleep, then wake up with 'gbere' drawn across your head by witches? Someone told me I need it due to some things he said he saw.
Re: Strong Mystical Ase Soap That Will Make You Rich & Wealthy by Babalawos(m): 7:34am On Jun 25, 2017

What do you think about that ritual where you put a knife under your pillow and go to sleep, then wake up with 'gbere' drawn across your head by witches? Someone told me I need it due to some things he said he saw.

Aboru Aboye

All ebos (sacrifices / rituals) must be prescribed through Ifa Oracle. Any ebo (sacrifice / ritual) outside of IFA Oracle prescribtion is not valid in African Tradition Religion.

I will strongly advise you contact a renowned Babalawo that knows what he is doing. Let IFA speak to you through His Holy Odu. Ase Orunmila

Re: Strong Mystical Ase Soap That Will Make You Rich & Wealthy by Babalawos(m): 7:48am On Jun 25, 2017

If you broke a taboo, how can you reverse the effects of your violation?

Aboru Aboye

You reverse it through ebo (sacrifice).

Re: Strong Mystical Ase Soap That Will Make You Rich & Wealthy by kaja4real: 10:25pm On Jun 25, 2017
Aboru Aboye, i hv been following this topic. How can u tell non-initiate to prepare this ase soap, its unfair. Then, does it mean that we hv two ase soap bcs i know an ase soap which i can share with anybody. So why ur own is different
Re: Strong Mystical Ase Soap That Will Make You Rich & Wealthy by Babalawos(m): 9:37am On Jun 26, 2017
Aboru Aboye, i hv been following this topic. How can u tell non-initiate to prepare this ase soap, its unfair. Then, does it mean that we hv two ase soap bcs i know an ase soap which i can share with anybody. So why ur own is different

Ogboato Aboye Abosisi

There are several ase soaps I know of and this one I posted is just one out of several others.

Ase soaps that can be shared are less powerful than those that can't be shared.

Infact, any charm or ebo that are shared are less powerful than those that can not be shared.

Initiate and non-initiate can prepare Ase soap, the only difference is the result of the soap when it is used.

The initiate ase soap will be far more effective than those that are not initiate.

Thank you for reading, leave a comment

Re: Strong Mystical Ase Soap That Will Make You Rich & Wealthy by kaja4real: 11:52am On Jun 26, 2017

Ogboato Aboye Abosisi

There are several ase soaps I know of and this one I posted is just one out of several others.

Ase soaps that can be shared are less powerful than those that can't be shared.

Infact, any charm or ebo that are shared are less powerful than those that can not be shared.

Initiate and non-initiate can prepare Ase soap, the only difference is the result of the soap when it is used.

The initiate ase soap will be far more effective than those that are not initiate.

Thank you for reading, leave a comment

Aboru Aboye
but in all is never adviseable for anybody to prepare ase soap whether initiate or non, its like telling a church/mosque goer to lead a deliverance session/service bcs at the end nothing i mean nothing will work out for that person.
Re: Strong Mystical Ase Soap That Will Make You Rich & Wealthy by Meel: 1:16pm On Jun 26, 2017
Aboru Aboye

Here is a mystical ase soap that I prepared and you too can also prepared yours after following my ase soap preparation instructions.

This Strong and Mighty Mystical Ase Soap has the ancient ingredients to make anyone rich and wealthy within a short period of time as long as riches and wealth are already stored in the person's Ori.

It makes business booms, it attracts good-luck and fortunes. It attracts helpers and opportunities. It open closed doors and closed roads. It changes failures to success, disappointment to appointments, bad news to good news ...etc.

Only a few born into Elite families or Orisha families or African Royal families have access to this strong and mighty ase soap which I give to you free.

CAUTION: The information on this page is for educational use only. Use it wisely, I will not be held responsible for the abuse of this knowledge.


(1) Three Live Chameleon
(2) One Red Parrot Feather
(3) Little Quantity Of Iyerosu
(4) Ogun Leaves
(5) Black Soap
(6) 7 Cowries
(7) Ase Leaves
=> Thirty Native Sponge
(9) Mortar
(10) Pestle


(1) You must not share this soap with anyone
(2) You must not have s3x with any woman seeing her period
(3) You must not walk under rope that is used to hang clothes
(4) You must not use any other soap except this one to bathe
(5) You must not curse yourself during and after bathe


Bi mo duro, bi mo wure

Ire ti emi, ko ni se aigba

Bi mo bere, bi mo wure

Ire ti emi, ko ni se aigba

Bi mo joko, bi mo wure

Ire ti emi, ko ni se aigba.

If I pray while standing

My prayers will manifest

If I stoop or kneel while praying

My prayers will manifest

If I sit while praying

My prayers will manifest



Put the Ogun leaves and Ase leaves inside the mortar. Then, put one of the live chameleon inside the mortar and pound it alive until it is grinded and you will recite the above incantation and say your personal prayers "heart desires" while pounding it. Repeat with the other two live chameleons.

Pour grinded Iyerosu on it, grind six cowries separately and pour the grinded the six cowries inside the mortar on the grounded chameleon. Add black soap to it and use your hand to marsh it properly with the grinded chameleon, leaves and Iyerosu.

After which insert one cowry and one red parrot feather inside the soap.

Use the soap to bathe morning and evening for thirty days straight and watch your money multiplies mystically, experience surprised good-lucks, huge fortunes, big breakthroughs, uncommon success, rare victories, rapid promotions and supernatural elevation.

NOTE: I have used it, my clients have used it and it always work. You will thank me latter for teaching you how to prepare ase mystical soap. PLEASE DO NOT BREAK THE TABOO, THE CONSEQUENCES ARE VERY SEVERE.

Thank you for reading, leave a comment

baba, I have friends that are into these soap of a thing, and there life has really change.

Please be sincere, what is the effect in the long run?

Cause am sure it not forever,
Re: Strong Mystical Ase Soap That Will Make You Rich & Wealthy by Babalawos(m): 4:52pm On Jun 26, 2017

Aboru Aboye
but in all is never adviseable for anybody to prepare ase soap whether initiate or non, its like telling a church/mosque goer to lead a deliverance session/service bcs at the end nothing i mean nothing will work out for that person.

Why are you discouraging those that wants to learn African Tradition religion?
Re: Strong Mystical Ase Soap That Will Make You Rich & Wealthy by Babalawos(m): 4:54pm On Jun 26, 2017
baba, I have friends that are into these soap of a thing, and there life has really change.

Please be sincere, what is the effect in the long run?

Cause am sure it not forever,

What effect are you referring to? I don't understand your question, can you rephrase your question?
Re: Strong Mystical Ase Soap That Will Make You Rich & Wealthy by Meel: 5:00pm On Jun 26, 2017

What effect are you referring to? I don't understand your question, can you rephrase your question?
What I meant is that what are the repercussions??

is it possible they might not be rich in the future??

Can the soap make a person rich forever?
Re: Strong Mystical Ase Soap That Will Make You Rich & Wealthy by Nobody: 5:05pm On Jun 26, 2017
grin Guy how many Range Rover you get?
Na molueh him dae enter from ikotun to mushin
Legged-dis Benz from sokoto to port
Re: Strong Mystical Ase Soap That Will Make You Rich & Wealthy by kaja4real: 5:12pm On Jun 26, 2017

Why are you discouraging those that wants to learn African Tradition religion?
Aboru Aboye
may the Gods forbid i discourage my African brother to learn ATR. Baba if u can remeber in ur topic on
Religion / Re: Powerful Ebos (sacrifices) At The Back Of My Shrine [picture]
by kaja4real: 3:09pm On Jun 04
aboru aboye how much is black soap for success and goodluck
dats to tell u that I am not discouraging my people rather I am encouraging them. So Baba, how much is ur ase soap.
Thank you
Re: Strong Mystical Ase Soap That Will Make You Rich & Wealthy by Babalawos(m): 5:44pm On Jun 26, 2017

Na molueh him dae enter from ikotun to mushin
Legged-dis Benz from sokoto to port

Hmmmmm... You see Babalawo finish

I hope those poor Babalawos that charges 5 naira or 10 naira or 20 naira or 50 naira for IFA oracle divination reads your comment and change their divination price to 5,000 naira.

This is one of the reason I charge 2,500 Naira for my IFA oracle divination because of people like you.

I hope those poor Babalawos that goes to the forest and spend days without eating searching for medicinal (charms) leaves and goes home to charge his clients 500 Naira or 1,000 Naira read your comment and change their medicine (charm) price to 40,000 naira and above for their cheapest medicine (Charms).

This is one of the reason I charge 20,000 Naira for my cheapest (medicine) charm.

I thank my IFA, I am not poor and I can never be poor because Orunmila wasn't poor.

I have my own cars and houses. Thanks to my Orisas!

Feel free to leave a comment


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Re: Strong Mystical Ase Soap That Will Make You Rich & Wealthy by Babalawos(m): 5:55pm On Jun 26, 2017

Aboru Aboye
may the Gods forbid i discourage my African brother to learn ATR. Baba if u can remeber in ur topic on
Religion / Re: Powerful Ebos (sacrifices) At The Back Of My Shrine [picture]
by kaja4real: 3:09pm On Jun 04
aboru aboye how much is black soap for success and goodluck
dats to tell u that I am not discouraging my people rather I am encouraging them. So Baba, how much is ur ase soap.
Thank you


I was thinking the opposite but now that you have cleared the air, I know you mean well for ATR.

I am doing everything within my power to share to the world what I have learnt over 21 years of Babalawo training.

ATR is highly covered with secrets and it's loosing it value as a great Babalawos takes their secrets with them to join their ancestors.

But I want to leave alot behind and that's what I am doing now.

So where you able to prepare the ase soap?

Re: Strong Mystical Ase Soap That Will Make You Rich & Wealthy by kaja4real: 5:58pm On Jun 26, 2017

Hmmmmm... You see Babalawo finish

I hope those poor Babalawos that charges 5 naira or 10 naira or 20 naira or 50 naira for IFA oracle divination reads your comment and change their divination price to 5,000 naira.

This is one of the reason I charge 2,500 Naira for my IFA oracle divination because of people like you.

I hope those poor Babalawos that goes to the forest and spend days without eating searching for medicinal (charms) leaves and goes home to charge his clients 500 Naira or 1,000 Naira read your comment and change their medicine (charm) price to 40,000 naira and above for their cheapest medicine (Charms).

This is one of the reason I charge 20,000 Naira for my cheapest (medicine) charm.

I thank my IFA, I am not poor and I can never be poor because Orunmila wasn't poor.

I have my own cars and houses. Thanks to my Orisas!

Feel free to leave a comment

Aboru Aboye
forget these people, answer my question na. I know their type, if anybody wana criticise let him/her open a thread and do so. Answer I'm patiently waiting for ur answer
Re: Strong Mystical Ase Soap That Will Make You Rich & Wealthy by Babalawos(m): 6:08pm On Jun 26, 2017
What I meant is that what are the repercussions??

is it possible they might not be rich in the future??

Can the soap make a person rich forever?

Aboru Aboye

To be honest with you, some people are destined to be poor.

No matter how many ase soaps they use to bath, if they like, they should use the biggest tank filled with ase soap and bath with it daily for 100 years, they will still be poor and die poor because wealth and riches are not in their Ori.

The ase soap brings out the wealth and riches in someone's Ori to manifest physically.

If wealth and riches are not stored or saved in your Ori, what do you expect the ase soap to bring out? Poverty off course.

There are no side effects to this ase soap as long as you don't break it taboos or abuse it. You should be OK.


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Re: Strong Mystical Ase Soap That Will Make You Rich & Wealthy by Babalawos(m): 6:09pm On Jun 26, 2017

Aboru Aboye
forget these people, answer my question na. I know their type, if anybody wana criticise let him/her open a thread and do so. Answer I'm patiently waiting for ur answer

I have answered you. Refresh the page to see it
Re: Strong Mystical Ase Soap That Will Make You Rich & Wealthy by Christane: 6:27pm On Jun 26, 2017
does the ase soap make u rich even if u dnt work aslong as wealth and riches is store in the user ori?? ..or u must work before it makes u rich?
Re: Strong Mystical Ase Soap That Will Make You Rich & Wealthy by kaja4real: 6:52pm On Jun 26, 2017
does the ase soap make u rich even if u dnt work aslong as wealth and riches is store in the user ori?? ..or u must work before it makes u rich?
bro u must work, infact u must work harder...harder for u to see the manifestation. Ase soap is like a farmer that wana cultivate in his/her farm but he must clear the bush first for easy growth of his crops. That's how it work, baba u can input urs
Re: Strong Mystical Ase Soap That Will Make You Rich & Wealthy by Christane: 7:20pm On Jun 26, 2017
Kaja4real ...tnx bro ...baba said dat the ase soap z for people dat av riches and wealth store in their ori ..and d ase soap cant make a person with poor ori rich ...so i wonder how u wud av to work extra hard 4 it to manifest?? ...
Re: Strong Mystical Ase Soap That Will Make You Rich & Wealthy by branhampaul: 7:26pm On Jun 26, 2017
idiot. if it really works why are you sharing your secret.. f*ck you & your scam..

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