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69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. - Politics - Nairaland

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69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by maupe: 3:53pm On Jul 20, 2017
Even as his domestic approval ratings hit an all-time low, US president Donald Trump can take comfort in his growing popularity in some parts of Africa’s most populous nation.

Though his xenophobic, white nationalist views have no doubt alienated many Nigerians, his nativist and Islamophobic rhetoric has energized others. Indeed some see Trump as a political icon. Even though Trump has said little to nothing about Nigeria, these groups see in him a powerful figure sympathetic to their aims. It goes without saying that Nigerians’ reaction to Trump’s 2016 election victory was muted compared to their response to president Barack Obama’s historic 2008 win.

Over the course of his presidency, however, Nigerian goodwill toward Obama faded, hurt by his decision not to visit Nigeria, his support for gay marriage, and perceived unwillingness to supply arms to the Nigerian military. Former president Goodluck Jonathan even accused the Obama Administration of clandestinely supporting president Muhammadu Buhari’s candidacy, claiming U.S. actions during Nigeria’s 2015 presidential election amounted to interference.

69% of Nigerians still view the United States favorably, according to a 2017 Pew Research Center poll. This reservoir of goodwill—combined with Trump’s robust social media following and his ambivalence about contentious issues like human rights—suggests Trump might receive a warm welcome if he decided to visit Nigeria. A U.S. presidential visit is long overdue: the last was by George W. Bush in July 2003.

Growing Social Media Footprint
So how big is Trump’s Nigerian fan base? In the absence of public polling, one quantifiable metric of Nigerian interest in Trump is the number of people following him on Twitter. Over 700,000 Nigerians tune in to Trump’s tweets: over 2% of his 32 million followers, according to TweepsMap.com. His Nigeria-based Facebook is another useful metric of his popularity: between October and June it more than quadrupled, says analytics firm SocialBakers.com.
Nigeria has the 5th highest share of Trump followers on Twitter

Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by Nobody: 3:54pm On Jul 20, 2017


Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by Optional2(f): 3:55pm On Jul 20, 2017
how much does he pay to follow him..
Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by maupe: 4:02pm On Jul 20, 2017
Nigerians due to their colonial heritage, have always loved strong, dictatorial, autocratic rulers who have no regard for their subjects.
Hence their strange romance with Gen buhari and dislike for jonathan.
Most of those polled must be from the southwest.


Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by Adminisher: 4:11pm On Jul 20, 2017
Nigerians due to their colonial heritage, have always loved strong, dictatorial, autocratic rulers who have no regard for their subjects.
Hence their strange romance with Gen buhari and dislike for jonathan.
Most of those polled must be from the southwest.

Trump is not even strong. Nigerians just like simple minded , basic, uncomplicated people like the clueless Trump.


Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by TippyTop(m): 4:15pm On Jul 20, 2017
I like his no nonsense stance against Muslims but Trump is not my cup of tea. He is not just vile and autocratic, he is racist to boot.


Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by Rossikki: 4:26pm On Jul 20, 2017
Nigerians love him because they are ignorant, allergic to research, and know nothing about his racist, right wing policies.


Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by ChimaAdeoye: 4:46pm On Jul 20, 2017
Trump is a straightforward person. He has no time for lies and deceit. You may not like his opinions but at least you know them.

You know exactly where he stands on every topic. Unlike Barack Obama who is deceitful serpent of lies and intrigue


Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by Rossikki: 4:58pm On Jul 20, 2017
Trump is a straightforward person. He has no time for lies and deceit. You may not like his opinions but at least you know them.

You know exactly where he stands on every topic. Unlike Barack Obama who is deceitful serpent of lies and intrigue

You must be insane. Trump is a pathological liar who lies every time he opens his nasty racist lips. All America knows him as a monstrous liar with zero morals. And he has the lowest approval ratings of any president in US history, at under 36%.

And nobody knows where he stands on anything because he changes his position up to 5 times a day, depending on how it suits his pocket and business interests.


Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by oduastates: 5:14pm On Jul 20, 2017
Definitely not omoluabis

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Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by paschu: 5:22pm On Jul 20, 2017
TRUMP is the President of The United States of America - and will remain so for another 7+ years.

You may go and hug a live transformer if you are unhappy.


You must be insane. Trump is a pathological liar who lies every time he opens his nasty racist lips. All America knows him as a monstrous liar with zero morals. And he has the lowest approval ratings of any president in US history.

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Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by CaeserVelli: 5:24pm On Jul 20, 2017
Definitely not omoluabis
I'm a super proud omoluabi and I love Trump.

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Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by chemicalDisease: 5:29pm On Jul 20, 2017
Fake News. in Trump's voice.
Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by Nobody: 5:33pm On Jul 20, 2017
Only Muslims and terrorists hate trump. Remember, all terrorist are Muslim but all Muslim are not terrorists.

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Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by andyanders: 5:35pm On Jul 20, 2017
Trump is a straightforward person. He has no time for lies and deceit. You may not like his opinions but at least you know them.

You know exactly where he stands on every topic. Unlike Barack Obama who is deceitful serpent of lies and intrigue

I hope you are being sarcastic. Trumps that lies every time he opens his mouth. Trump that flip flops at more than grid electricity (50Hz).


Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by oduastates: 5:36pm On Jul 20, 2017

I'm a super proud omoluabi and I love Trump.

If you love trump , you are not omoluabi.
You have to be eniyan before you can become omoluauabi


Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by Rossikki: 5:40pm On Jul 20, 2017
TRUMP is the President of The United States of America - and will remain so for another 7+ years.

You may go and hug a live transformer if you are unhappy.

Dummy, he's a racist who believes you and your family are subhuman. By supporting him, you are agreeing that you are indeed subhuman. Tragic.

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Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by CaeserVelli: 5:42pm On Jul 20, 2017

If you love trump , you are not omoluabi.
You have to be eniyan before you can become omoluauabi

Maybe I should go commit suicide because I'm not even eniyan. Or maybe I should just dismiss your comment as from eni aini'lakaye.

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Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by CaeserVelli: 5:43pm On Jul 20, 2017
Dummy, he's a racist who believes you and your family are subhuman.

Please post an example of Trump's racism so we can all learn. Thanks.

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Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by Rossikki: 5:50pm On Jul 20, 2017

Please post an example of Trump's racism so we can all learn. Thanks.

His baseless attacks on President Obama whom he accused of being a foreigner born in Kenya, demanding to see his birth certificate. Following media pressure, Obama produced it, showing he was born in Hawaii. Trump said it was a forgery. He also demanded that Obama should produce his university records to prove he really graduated from Harvard. Thankfully, Obama, a Constitutional Law professor, ignored the worthless, stinking animal.

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Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by paschu: 6:07pm On Jul 20, 2017
Cuck. Show me one evidence of Trump saying that you are subhuman. Just one.

The only place it exists is in your warped, racist and cummy mind. Too BAD.

Dummy, he's a racist who believes you and your family are subhuman. By supporting him, you are agreeing that you are indeed subhuman. Tragic.

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Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by Rossikki: 6:14pm On Jul 20, 2017
Cuck. Show me one evidence of Trump saying that you are subhuman. Just one.

The only place it exists is in your warped, racist and cummy mind. Too BAD.

Ignorant dunce. So a racist has to call you subhuman to your face before you know he's a racist? Mumu. Don't go and research the idiot you worship. Wasted education.


Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by CaeserVelli: 6:15pm On Jul 20, 2017
His baseless attacks on President Obama whom he accused of being a foreigner born in Kenya, demanding to see his birth certificate. Following media pressure, Obama produced it, showing he was born in Hawaii. Trump said it was a forgery. He also demanded that Obama should produce his university records to prove he really graduated from Harvard. Thankfully, Obama, a Constitutional Law professor, ignored

If people doubt the veracity of a claim, they are free to seek clarification. And yes, birth certificates can be forged. Sorry, but your post has failed to show Trump was acting in a racist manner or had racist intentions when he tackled Obama about his birth place. Perhaps, Trump really doubted Obama's claim and wanted clarification and was just being a conscientious American. At worst, he was just being an asshole and didn't really like Obama. We will never know.

For you to take that instance and use it as an example of racism does not hold water.
Perhaps, you want to give it another try and bring another example. A real, cogent one, of course.

the worthless, stinking animal.
Perhaps, you are racist for calling a white man such vile names. Do you have a thing against white people?

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Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by ChimaAdeoye: 6:17pm On Jul 20, 2017

You must be insane. Trump is a pathological liar who lies every time he opens his nasty racist lips. All America knows him as a monstrous liar with zero morals. And he has the lowest approval ratings of any president in US history.

Your hatred of Trump is immaterial.
Unlike Nigerian politicians, Trump does what he says.

He promised to pull out of Paris deal, restrict immigration, repeal and replace Obamacare, a temporary ban on muslim countries with high terrorism levels from entering USA . He has done all he promised even if you didnt like his promises.
That us what a straightforward person does. They keep their word.

Compare to Obama that promised immigration reform, shut down guantanamo prison, pull out troops from iraq and Afghanistan and stabilize them as democratic nations. Tell me which one has happened after 8 years ? Excuses excuses and more excuses . OBAMA was a big fraud. We Africans are just too embarrassed to say the truth. NOT ME. I WILL SAY IT AS IT IS.

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Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by juman(m): 6:17pm On Jul 20, 2017
Fake News. in Trump's voice.

grin grin grin

He has much more things boggling his mind that the fake news.
Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by paschu: 6:23pm On Jul 20, 2017
The only idiot here is the raving mad man who flings baseless rants around without proof.


Ignorant dunce. So a racist has to call you subhuman to your face before you know he's a racist? Mumu. Don't go and research the idiot you worship. Wasted education.


Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by Rossikki: 6:27pm On Jul 20, 2017

If people doubt the veracity of a claim, they are free to seek clarification. And yes, birth certificates can be forged. Sorry, but your post has failed to show Trump was acting in a racist manner or had racist intentions when he tackled Obama about his birth place. Perhaps, Trump really doubted Obama's claim and wanted clarification and was just being a conscientious American. At worst, he was just being an asshole and didn't really like Obama. We will never know.

But for you to take that instance and use it as an example of racism does not hold water.

Perhaps, you are racist for calling a white man such vile names. Do you have a thing against white people?
Trump retweeted false statistics exaggerating black crime, refused to rent his apartments to blacks, and stated that a judge of Mexican origin could not be trusted to adjudicate fairly in a trial owing to his Mexican background. Trump is a racist to the core, and got most of his votes from rural white, hardcore racists. When he got elected, the Ku Klux Klan celebrated heavily.


Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by CaeserVelli: 6:31pm On Jul 20, 2017
Trump retweeted false statistics exaggerating black crime, refused to rent his apartments to blacks,

What are these false statistics he published, let's start from there.

and stated that a judge of Mexican origin could not be trusted to adjudicate fairly in a trial owing to his Mexican background.

What is news here? Trump probably felt the judge would be conflicted. Judges recuse themselves from cases all the time, just like plaintiffs/defendants ask for judge changes when they do not feel comfortable with whatever judge the system pushes before them.Nothing to see here.

Next example, please.

and got most of his votes from rural white, hardcore racists.

Most of his votes? Data please.

When he got elected, the Ku Klux Klan celebrated heavily.

Therefore, Trump is racist. grin grin. Brother why you dey yarn dis kain tin?

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Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by Rossikki: 6:38pm On Jul 20, 2017

What are these false statistics he published, let's start from there.
Google it. Can't be bothered.

What is news here? Trump probably felt the judge would be conflicted. Judges recuse themselves from cases all the time. Nothing to see here.
You are sick in the head. You think it is ok to reject a judge based on his RACIAL ORIGIN? You are an animal. Just like Trump.
Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by waledeji(m): 6:45pm On Jul 20, 2017
Nigerians due to their colonial heritage, have always loved strong, dictatorial, autocratic rulers who have no regard for their subjects.
Hence their strange romance with Gen buhari and dislike for jonathan.
Most of those polled must be from the southwest.

Maybe you were still in the cave when his victory was being celebrated in the whole southeast and Porthacourt by iPod yoots undecided undecided undecided

Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by CaeserVelli: 6:52pm On Jul 20, 2017
Google it. Can't be bothered.

Then you're lying. Niggi, stop lying.

You are sick in the head. You think it is ok to reject a judge based on his RACIAL ORIGIN? You are an animal. Just like Trump.

Chineke! All this for only me? I guess the rules of logic should be suspended when blacks and minorities are involved. All of a sudden, minorities get the short end of the stick not because of die process but silly talking points like racism. Wake up, mister. Identity politics died last year.

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Re: 69% Of Nigerians Love Trump, 700k Twitter Followers- Pew Research Center Poll. by juman(m): 7:06pm On Jul 20, 2017
That country need politicians of another generation entirely to build a first world society.

The politicians in their thirties downward.

The president, senators etc that in their thirties.

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