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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Politics / Foreign Affairs / Satellite Images Of Mosul, Iraq In 2015 Vs 2017 (46895 Views)
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Satellite Images Of Mosul, Iraq In 2015 Vs 2017 by Explorers(m): 7:31am On Jul 21, 2017 |
Mosul's Old City, which once stood as a neighborhood of densely built alley ways and homes on winding lanes, has been reduced to rubble by a months-long war to root out the Islamic State. The effect of the battle, which ended as jihadists made their last attempt to hold on to the region earlier this month, can be seen in stark before and after satellite photographs. Much of the city has been leveled, with rubble and dust covering what was once a thriving neighborhood inIraq. Nearly a third of the Old City, more than 5,000 buildings have been damaged or destroyed in the final three weeks of bombardment up to July 8, according to a survey by UN Habitat using satellite imagery. Across the city, 10,000 buildings were damaged over the course of the war, the large majority in western Mosul, the scene of the most intense artillery, airstrikes and fighting during the past five months. The survey only covers damage visible in satellite photos, meaning the real number is likely higher. 2 Likes 2 Shares
Re: Satellite Images Of Mosul, Iraq In 2015 Vs 2017 by Explorers(m): 7:33am On Jul 21, 2017 |
The population, once numbering over 3 million, is battered and exhausted, with hundreds of thousands displaced. Without a swift campaign to rebuild Mosul, aid and rights groups warn the current humanitarian crisis will balloon and resentment will likely give way to extremism, undermining the victory. It took Iraq's US-backed forces nearly nine months to wrest Mosul from the Islamic State group, and the cost was enormous destruction, especially in the western part of the city. Mosul was finally liberated on July 10. 8 Likes 4 Shares
Re: Satellite Images Of Mosul, Iraq In 2015 Vs 2017 by whitebeard(m): 7:33am On Jul 21, 2017 |
Na so. |
Re: Satellite Images Of Mosul, Iraq In 2015 Vs 2017 by Thewrath(m): 7:33am On Jul 21, 2017 |
I see |
Re: Satellite Images Of Mosul, Iraq In 2015 Vs 2017 by taylor88(m): 7:34am On Jul 21, 2017 |
front page 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Satellite Images Of Mosul, Iraq In 2015 Vs 2017 by whitebeard(m): 7:34am On Jul 21, 2017 |
Even the river turn black.. 26 Likes |
Re: Satellite Images Of Mosul, Iraq In 2015 Vs 2017 by Explorers(m): 7:36am On Jul 21, 2017 |
IS fighters had turned the city into a fortress, holding tens of thousands of civilians as human shields. Iraqi forces often turned to artillery and US-led coalition airstrikes. The Old City was the last battlefield.When al-Abadi declared victory in Mosul on July 10, he pledged reconstruction would begin soon. But his government still struggles to finance day-to-day workings of the state amid low oil prices. Thousands of Mosul families have been left without a home. Schools have been leveled, utility grids wrecked, highways pounded into broken dirt roads. 2 Likes 1 Share
Re: Satellite Images Of Mosul, Iraq In 2015 Vs 2017 by simplyhonest(m): 7:37am On Jul 21, 2017 |
the effects of war are always brutal.... I hope those beating drum wars on Nairaland will think twice.... 82 Likes 9 Shares |
Re: Satellite Images Of Mosul, Iraq In 2015 Vs 2017 by medolab90(m): 7:37am On Jul 21, 2017 |
booked 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Satellite Images Of Mosul, Iraq In 2015 Vs 2017 by mrtegation99(m): 7:39am On Jul 21, 2017 |
As far as I'm concerned, till human existence dies away. Iraq and Afghanistan and Iran and Syria and Palestine and Gaza would always be War Zones. They take war as a way of living. 50 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Satellite Images Of Mosul, Iraq In 2015 Vs 2017 by Explorers(m): 7:40am On Jul 21, 2017 |
All five of the city's bridges spanning the Tigris River have been damaged. The main hospital complex where a battle raged for more than a month is a burned out shell. Mosul's airport looks like a derelict parking lot, booby-trapped with explosives by fleeing IS fighters. In eastern Mosul, the destruction was less intense. More than 160,000 of the 176,000 people who fled the east have returned, according to the UN. Residents have begun rebuilding homes, shops have reopened, and demining is underway. 1 Like
Re: Satellite Images Of Mosul, Iraq In 2015 Vs 2017 by madridguy(m): 7:40am On Jul 21, 2017 |
I know one thing for sure, karma will surely fall on Tony Blair and Bush for their crime against humanity. Useless war mongers. Saddam Hussein said it then but people are just getting his message. 75 Likes 4 Shares |
Re: Satellite Images Of Mosul, Iraq In 2015 Vs 2017 by judey1992(m): 7:42am On Jul 21, 2017 |
reported 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Satellite Images Of Mosul, Iraq In 2015 Vs 2017 by Explorers(m): 7:42am On Jul 21, 2017 |
But west of the Tigris, neighborhoods have been rendered into ghost towns. There, coalition strikes killed some 5,805 civilians between February 19 and June 19, according to Airwars, a London-based monitoring group tracking civilian deaths resulting from coalition actions. 2 Likes
Re: Satellite Images Of Mosul, Iraq In 2015 Vs 2017 by ifex370(m): 7:47am On Jul 21, 2017 |
The river looks funny.. Are you sure these images weren't edited? Just saying 46 Likes 4 Shares |
Re: Satellite Images Of Mosul, Iraq In 2015 Vs 2017 by Explorers(m): 7:49am On Jul 21, 2017 |
'They butchered them by using suicide bombers who included females and brainwashed children,'even in camps for the displaced, he said. Since military operations began in October to retake Mosul from IS extremists, he said approximately one million people have been displaced. UN envoy. 1 Share
Re: Satellite Images Of Mosul, Iraq In 2015 Vs 2017 by madridguy(m): 7:52am On Jul 21, 2017 |
The evil people promised Iraqis Freedom, liberty and democracy just to steal, loot and extract their oil and only to leave them with ISIS and other deadly terrorists group. Now the evil UK/US government want to shut their borders against same group their actions gave birth to, you can close your borders but your boys are already in your territory to cause you havoc so your citizens can as well have a taste in the evil seed you planted. 63 Likes 4 Shares |
Re: Satellite Images Of Mosul, Iraq In 2015 Vs 2017 by Explorers(m): 7:57am On Jul 21, 2017 |
While reconstruction has begun on the east side of Mosul, the West side is far more damaged and will take more time to rebuild. In this July 11, 2017 photos, damaged buildings are lit by the setting sun on the west side of Mosul, Iraq 1 Like
Re: Satellite Images Of Mosul, Iraq In 2015 Vs 2017 by eezeribe(m): 8:04am On Jul 21, 2017 |
What a Religion... God forbid bad thing 44 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Satellite Images Of Mosul, Iraq In 2015 Vs 2017 by Donald7610: 8:08am On Jul 21, 2017 |
Nnamdi Kanu pls consider safety of your people first 15 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Satellite Images Of Mosul, Iraq In 2015 Vs 2017 by awesomely: 8:11am On Jul 21, 2017 |
. 38 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: Satellite Images Of Mosul, Iraq In 2015 Vs 2017 by Nobody: 8:41am On Jul 21, 2017 |
Goahead: So it was Islam who invaded Iraq on false premise - looking for a phantom WMD while using the opportunity to loot Iraqi's crude oil & entire museum? It was Islam that has thousands of ISIS & Al-Qaeda on her pay roll? It was Islam that has airdropped weapons for ISIL terrorists in Syria, Iraq several times? Oh! It was Islam that killed Saddam Hussein just because he said he was no longer selling his crude in US Dollars but in EURO? Wait! When British soldiers were caught in Iraq - dressed in Arabian & Terrorists regalia; It was Islam that instigated them or were they muslims? British Special Forces Caught Dressed As Arab Terrorists British soldiers have been caught posing as Arabs and shooting Iraqis in the occupied city of Basra in southern Iraq. A group of them was caught yesterday by Iraqi police. They were driving an Iraqi car, wearing Arab clothing, and carrying weapons and explosives. The Iraqi police were patrolling the area looking for suspected "terrorists" or "insurgents", and they noticed that the men were acting suspiciously. Suddenly, without warning, the suspicious men started shooting at people, but the new Iraqi security forces managed to capture some of them before they could escape. Obviously, if these men had not been caught, the mass media would now be reporting the incident as just another attempt by evil "terrorists" to create civil war in Iraq. There have been a number of incidents in this area and throughout Iraq in which police and civilians have been targeted and killed by "terrorists" or "insurgents". But this is the first time that any of those responsible have been caught in the act, and it is now clear that at least some of them are working directly for the occupying forces, as many Iraqis have openly suspected all along. A few days ago, in a statement unreported in the corporate mass media, Iran's most senior military official specifically linked the instability in Iraq with agents of the US and its allies: "we have information that the insecurity has its roots in the activities of American and Israeli spies." The post-war violence in Iraq is always been blamed on "Islamic extremists" or "rival ethnic factions". Yet in the history of the country, nothing like this has ever happened before. The problems began precisely when the US and UK seized control. The Iraqi police arrested the men and put them in prison. Unfortunately the police never had a chance to question the men and find out exactly what they were doing, because within minutes the UK sent in six tanks and an elite SAS unit to break their terrorists out of jail. During the illegal prison break Iraqi officials were held at gunpoint, much of the jail was demolished, and all of the other criminals and insurgents were set free. The US and UK do not hesitate to use violence and terror to achieve their objectives, no matter what the consequences. The official explanation for the illegal jail break is that somebody thought the British men might be taken away by a gang of Iraqi resistance fighters and never seen again. This is blatantly nonsense, of course, because the entire prison was entirely surrounded by British tanks and troops. With the full force of the British military at hand, the terrorists were rescued quickly and easily. As further details emerge, the Western media increasingly presents conflicting reports about the nature and sequence of events, and the official British sources cited without question in mainstream news coverage are indicative of a classic disinformation exercise. When local people saw what was happening, the area began to erupt with angry anti-British protests. Source: Do you have an idea of how many of these false flags have been carried out successfully by the Amerikan CIA? Do you? Even the UN Bombing in Abuja that killed over 50 people & wounded over 120 in 2011 was masterminded by the CIA. There is no Boko Haram, there is no ISIS, there is no Al-Qaeda, there is no Rebel fighters or Terrorists anywhere but the Amerikan CIA, Israeli Mosad, British SAS & M16 wreaking havoc all over the continents in their bid to establish their One World Government - where 90% of the inhabitants of this planet - like you will be killed off - and the remaining 10% zombified. And guess who is standing against this plot? Putin of Russia, North Korea, Iran, China, Philippines, Venezuela, India & Pakistan. This statement below was made by the gay Pope in 2015. “To manage the global economy; to revive economies hit by the crisis; to avoid any deterioration of the present crisis and the greater imbalances that would result; to bring about integral and timely disarmament, food security and peace; to guarantee the protection of the environment and to regulate migration: for all this, there is urgent need of a true world political authority, as my predecessor Blessed John xxiii indicated some years ago.” Source: It is because of dumb thinking of people like you that the Amerikan bastards were able to infiltrate every sector of this useless Country. 113 Likes 12 Shares |
Re: Satellite Images Of Mosul, Iraq In 2015 Vs 2017 by seunny4lif(m): 9:15am On Jul 21, 2017 |
US and UK attacked Iraq just like Libya in the name of democracy. Why US and her NATO allies no give S.Arabia democracy? That's the result of Democracy and Iraq should enjoy it. Iraq was a beautiful country before same thing with Libya now Thanks to Russia, Syria could have been even worst. UK and US are the problem of the world Bush and Tony should be held for a war crime 85 Likes 8 Shares
Re: Satellite Images Of Mosul, Iraq In 2015 Vs 2017 by ayatt(m): 10:08am On Jul 21, 2017 |
its explorers gan to the poster above me God bless you.... you have said it all! |
Re: Satellite Images Of Mosul, Iraq In 2015 Vs 2017 by Adeyinka12(m): 10:09am On Jul 21, 2017 |
The outcome of war is always terrible . I hope Igbo drumming for war will learn from these. 8 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Satellite Images Of Mosul, Iraq In 2015 Vs 2017 by mccben4(m): 10:14am On Jul 21, 2017 |
Explorers:Jesus 1 Like |
Re: Satellite Images Of Mosul, Iraq In 2015 Vs 2017 by impossible27(m): 10:32am On Jul 21, 2017 |
mrtegation99:you forgotten Saudi and yemen 1 Like |
Re: Satellite Images Of Mosul, Iraq In 2015 Vs 2017 by EmmaLege: 10:40am On Jul 21, 2017 |
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