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Game Of Thrones Discussion (Beware Of Spoilers) - TV/Movies (366) - Nairaland

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[SPOILERS ALERT] MARVELS Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D - Fan Thread / Game Of Thrones : Red Wedding Scene / Game Of Thrones Vs Spartacus (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Game Of Thrones Discussion (Beware Of Spoilers) by Nobody: 7:05pm On Jul 23, 2017
The conversations on this sub as per this season 7 of GOT are just too poor in my opinion.
The theories I am reading here are so stupid and uninformed. I even read someone propose that the sick guy who reached out his hand to Sam at the Library was Viserys Targaryen. Like seriously? lol

Majority of you here have no wit. You are just asking stupid questions and predicting rubbish.
No puns, no intelligent jokes. The summation of all I have read so far equates to shallow analysis and silly obsession with the sexiness of the show's female characters. Shame!!

I read a post on Reddit's GOT page and the post and the follow ups were so amazing to read, I had to screenshot that particular page. There were many others like that as well. I came here expecting to read something similar but I was extremely disappointed.

Below is the definition of WIT!!

First Poster: It's pretty cool to see Sam finally discover the internet.

Second Poster: Well Arya discovered Facebook.

Third Poster: Varys was already using Twitter before that.

Fourth Poster: Loras had to give up Grindr.

You can never read something like the above here. Maybe the smart and witty Nairalanders haven't found this thread yet. Or maybe they saw the poor quality posts and fled.

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Re: Game Of Thrones Discussion (Beware Of Spoilers) by Nicolars(m): 7:42pm On Jul 23, 2017
The conversations on this sub as per this season 7 of GOT are just too poor in my opinion.
The theories I am reading here are so stupid and uninformed. I even read someone propose that the sick guy who reached out his hand to Sam at the Library was Viserys Targaryen. Like seriously? lol

Majority of you here have no wit. You are just asking stupid questions and predicting rubbish.
No puns, no intelligent jokes. The summation of all I have read so far equates to shallow analysis and silly obsession with the sexiness of the show's female characters. Shame!!

I read a post on Reddit's GOT page and the post and the follow ups were so amazing to read, I had to screenshot that particular page. There were many others like that as well. I came here expecting to read something similar but I was extremely disappointed.

Below is the definition of WIT!!

First Poster: It's pretty cool to see Sam finally discover the internet.

Second Poster: Well Arya discovered Facebook.

Third Poster: Varys was already using Twitter before that.

Fourth Poster: Loras had to give up Grindr.

You can never read something like the above here. Maybe the smart and witty Nairalanders haven't found this thread yet. Or maybe they saw the poor quality posts and fled.
Mr good wit,

Lead us with an example

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Re: Game Of Thrones Discussion (Beware Of Spoilers) by Nobody: 7:45pm On Jul 23, 2017
Mr good wit,
Lead us with an example
I can't. Hardly anyone here would get it.

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Re: Game Of Thrones Discussion (Beware Of Spoilers) by Nicolars(m): 7:48pm On Jul 23, 2017

I can't. Hardly anyone here would get it.
Now you're beginning to sound like you know it all...

Just paste the speculations you read online or watvhed., we will understand
Re: Game Of Thrones Discussion (Beware Of Spoilers) by Yonce(f): 8:00pm On Jul 23, 2017
The conversations on this sub as per this season 7 of GOT are just too poor in my opinion.
The theories I am reading here are so stupid and uninformed. I even read someone propose that the sick guy who reached out his hand to Sam at the Library was Viserys Targaryen. Like seriously? lol

Majority of you here have no wit. You are just asking stupid questions and predicting rubbish.
No puns, no intelligent jokes. The summation of all I have read so far equates to shallow analysis and silly obsession with the sexiness of the show's female characters. Shame!!

I read a post on Reddit's GOT page and the post and the follow ups were so amazing to read, I had to screenshot that particular page. There were many others like that as well. I came here expecting to read something similar but I was extremely disappointed.

Below is the definition of WIT!!

First Poster: It's pretty cool to see Sam finally discover the internet.

Second Poster: Well Arya discovered Facebook.

Third Poster: Varys was already using Twitter before that.

Fourth Poster: Loras had to give up Grindr.

You can never read something like the above here. Maybe the smart and witty Nairalanders haven't found this thread yet. Or maybe they saw the poor quality posts and fled.

Who knew the Mad King was on nairaland all this while. cheesy

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Re: Game Of Thrones Discussion (Beware Of Spoilers) by Nobody: 8:04pm On Jul 23, 2017

Who knew the Mad King was on nairaland all this while. cheesy

This thread was too cold and dry, so I came to "lighten" it up a bit. cheesy
Re: Game Of Thrones Discussion (Beware Of Spoilers) by Yonce(f): 8:09pm On Jul 23, 2017

This thread was too cold and dry, so I came to lighten it up a bit. cheesy

Burn us all!!! Burn us all! grin

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Re: Game Of Thrones Discussion (Beware Of Spoilers) by TheKingIsHere: 8:13pm On Jul 23, 2017
The conversations on this sub as per this season 7 of GOT are just too poor in my opinion.
The theories I am reading here are so stupid and uninformed. I even read someone propose that the sick guy who reached out his hand to Sam at the Library was Viserys Targaryen. Like seriously? lol

Majority of you here have no wit. You are just asking stupid questions and predicting rubbish.
No puns, no intelligent jokes. The summation of all I have read so far equates to shallow analysis and silly obsession with the sexiness of the show's female characters. Shame!!

I read a post on Reddit's GOT page and the post and the follow ups were so amazing to read, I had to screenshot that particular page. There were many others like that as well. I came here expecting to read something similar but I was extremely disappointed.

Below is the definition of WIT!!

First Poster: It's pretty cool to see Sam finally discover the internet.

Second Poster: Well Arya discovered Facebook.

Third Poster: Varys was already using Twitter before that.

Fourth Poster: Loras had to give up Grindr.

You can never read something like the above here. Maybe the smart and witty Nairalanders haven't found this thread yet. Or maybe they saw the poor quality posts and fled.

While all what you wrote is to criticize, we are yet to see your display of analytical intelligence on the topic or a quality post from you.


Re: Game Of Thrones Discussion (Beware Of Spoilers) by Nobody: 8:16pm On Jul 23, 2017

Burn us all!!! Burn us all! grin

Shitt!! Cersie already used up all my Wild Fire!

You dumb cunts are lucky. grin
Re: Game Of Thrones Discussion (Beware Of Spoilers) by Yonce(f): 8:28pm On Jul 23, 2017

Shitt!! Cersie already used up all my Wild Fire!

You dumb cunts are lucky. grin

In that case you've made Jon Snow look like a genius when compared to you. undecided

You know nothing.


Re: Game Of Thrones Discussion (Beware Of Spoilers) by Naboo(m): 8:30pm On Jul 23, 2017
Isn't Dorne the safest place to be? It doesn't snow there, and I don't think the night king can survive the heat. grin grin
Re: Game Of Thrones Discussion (Beware Of Spoilers) by Nobody: 9:18pm On Jul 23, 2017
Be yourself and know that that is good enough.
Re: Game Of Thrones Discussion (Beware Of Spoilers) by saintwill(m): 9:21pm On Jul 23, 2017
Isn't Dorne the safest place to be? It doesn't snow there, and I don't think the night king can survive the heat. grin grin

seems uve forgotten that the night king walked past fire
Re: Game Of Thrones Discussion (Beware Of Spoilers) by Gbola5(m): 9:32pm On Jul 23, 2017
Isn't Dorne the safest place to be? It doesn't snow there, and I don't think the night king can survive the heat. grin grin

It is unknown whether it snows in Dorne. No evidence.
Re: Game Of Thrones Discussion (Beware Of Spoilers) by Nicolars(m): 9:47pm On Jul 23, 2017

It is unknown whether it snows in Dorne. No evidence.
it doesn't have to snow there

The night king brings winter along

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Re: Game Of Thrones Discussion (Beware Of Spoilers) by kenturkish(m): 10:53pm On Jul 23, 2017
Mr nobody calm it some. Although I understand your assertions, you don't expect everyone to really understand GOT the story line is quite deep and complex. A lot of people watch it cos it's trending
Re: Game Of Thrones Discussion (Beware Of Spoilers) by Naboo(m): 12:03am On Jul 24, 2017

First scene: Jon receives a message from Daenerys Targaryen. The letter says that all the Lords of Westeros have to go to Dragonstone to swear fealty to Queen Daenerys. Jon and Davos decide to go as Daenerys mentions she has dragons and Dragonstone has dragonglass. Jon leaves Sansa in control of the North, not before threatening Baelish to keep away from Sansa. Leaving Ghost, Jon and Davos, along with a few Northmen, head to White Harbour first.Qyburn talks with Cersei Lannister about Daenerys’s landing in Dragonstone. He also informs her that the Maesters were the one who destroyed the dragons last time. He tells Queen Cersei he is busy with creating a weapon to slay dragons. He thinks it won’t take too long before she’ll march to King’s Landing with her dragons. Danys gets a visit from the sandsnakes and on their arrival Yara tells Dany to attack King's Landing now. Later Yara and Ellaria make out.Tyrion, Daenerys, Missandei, Varys and Grey Worm have a meeting in Dragonstone. Tyrion convinces Daenerys to not use her dragons to take King’s Landing as only innocent people will die. Varys agrees with Tyrion and tells Daenerys she has more than enough men to take King’s Landing, even without her dragons. He suggests to hit Casterly Rock first as he knew every bits and pieces of that place. Later Yara and Ellaria make out. The Red Keep is visited by Tycho Nestoris who tells Cersei that the Lannisters have made an enormous debt and that the Iron Bank will always find a way to get the debt paid. He tells Cersei’s he’s curious to find out whether the saying about the Lannisters is true or not in the end.
In Oldtown, Ebrose tells Jorah that dragonglass is the cure for grayscale. He takes Jorah with him to cure him.Jaime tells Cersei they’ll need to pay the debt soon, otherwise the Iron Bank will finance their enemies. He decides to leave King’s Landing together with Bronn to go to Horn Hill. Jaime and the Lannister army go south to sack Highgarden. Jaime takes Widow’s Wail with him. Qyburn also gives him his recently crafted anti-dragon spear.Davos, Jon and a few Northmen arrive in White Harbor and take ships to sail to Dragonstone. Davos tells Jon it’s a strange fate that he’ll soon find himself to be in Dragonstone all over again. It’s night and the two decide to stay together. Arya is travelling and it's night time, so she decides to take some rest. Arya wakes up when she feels that something is sniffling on her. She discovers that Nymeria has found her instead. Arya can’t believe her own eyes and hugs her direwolf. She then continues her journey. Come and beat me, I'm in my father's house. grin grin

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Re: Game Of Thrones Discussion (Beware Of Spoilers) by Nobody: 12:27am On Jul 24, 2017
This was hidden from us since last week so the army of the dead is actually at Castle Black, he saw them in the Fire.

Re: Game Of Thrones Discussion (Beware Of Spoilers) by Nobody: 12:32am On Jul 24, 2017

First scene: Jon receives a message from Daenerys Targaryen. The letter says that all the Lords of Westeros have to go to Dragonstone to swear fealty to Queen Daenerys. Jon and Davos decide to go as Daenerys mentions she has dragons and Dragonstone has dragonglass. Jon leaves Sansa in control of the North, not before threatening Baelish to keep away from Sansa. Leaving Ghost, Jon and Davos, along with a few Northmen, head to White Harbour first.Qyburn talks with Cersei Lannister about Daenerys’s landing in Dragonstone. He also informs her that the Maesters were the one who destroyed the dragons last time. He tells Queen Cersei he is busy with creating a weapon to slay dragons. He thinks it won’t take too long before she’ll march to King’s Landing with her dragons. Danys gets a visit from the sandsnakes and on their arrival Yara tells Dany to attack King's Landing now. Later Yara and Ellaria make out.Tyrion, Daenerys, Missandei, Varys and Grey Worm have a meeting in Dragonstone. Tyrion convinces Daenerys to not use her dragons to take King’s Landing as only innocent people will die. Varys agrees with Tyrion and tells Daenerys she has more than enough men to take King’s Landing, even without her dragons. He suggests to hit Casterly Rock first as he knew every bits and pieces of that place. Later Yara and Ellaria make out. The Red Keep is visited by Tycho Nestoris who tells Cersei that the Lannisters have made an enormous debt and that the Iron Bank will always find a way to get the debt paid. He tells Cersei’s he’s curious to find out whether the saying about the Lannisters is true or not in the end.
In Oldtown, Ebrose tells Jorah that dragonglass is the cure for grayscale. He takes Jorah with him to cure him.Jaime tells Cersei they’ll need to pay the debt soon, otherwise the Iron Bank will finance their enemies. He decides to leave King’s Landing together with Bronn to go to Horn Hill. Jaime and the Lannister army go south to sack Highgarden. Jaime takes Widow’s Wail with him. Qyburn also gives him his recently crafted anti-dragon spear.Davos, Jon and a few Northmen arrive in White Harbor and take ships to sail to Dragonstone. Davos tells Jon it’s a strange fate that he’ll soon find himself to be in Dragonstone all over again. It’s night and the two decide to stay together. Arya is travelling and it's night time, so she decides to take some rest. Arya wakes up when she feels that something is sniffling on her. She discovers that Nymeria has found her instead. Arya can’t believe her own eyes and hugs her direwolf. She then continues her journey. Come and beat me, I'm in my father's house. grin grin

You just might get what you asked for...

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Re: Game Of Thrones Discussion (Beware Of Spoilers) by Nicolars(m): 2:37am On Jul 24, 2017
Where una take download am na... So quick
Re: Game Of Thrones Discussion (Beware Of Spoilers) by Nicolars(m): 2:38am On Jul 24, 2017
This was hidden from us since last week so the army of the dead is actually at Castle Black, he saw them in the Fire.
where did u download it G
Re: Game Of Thrones Discussion (Beware Of Spoilers) by Nobody: 3:06am On Jul 24, 2017
where did u download it G


They uploaded it early today around.... 2:30am
Re: Game Of Thrones Discussion (Beware Of Spoilers) by Nobody: 3:08am On Jul 24, 2017
thanx gee... Already downloading grin
Nice one.... Bye bye to spoilers, we gonna watch it before they start waking up grin
Re: Game Of Thrones Discussion (Beware Of Spoilers) by Nobody: 3:46am On Jul 24, 2017
Who also felt that sex scene between the General of the Unsullied Army and Khaleesi care Lady was not necessary? Like it's time wasting, we want more action scene not this kinda scene, they wasted time + the time spent was too much.

So none of the Unsullied Army have no Blockos grin

Tyrion is the best Right Hand Man ever, that Guy is just too wise!

Greyjoy just messed up the whole plan, I think Jon Snow is the only Khaleesi hope now.
Re: Game Of Thrones Discussion (Beware Of Spoilers) by Chysler(m): 3:48am On Jul 24, 2017
Go watch it at Ade Oba's fb timeline or download it there b4 fb deletes it
Re: Game Of Thrones Discussion (Beware Of Spoilers) by Nobody: 3:48am On Jul 24, 2017
Go watch it at Ade Oba's fb timeline or download it there b4 fb deletes it
It's on Toxicwap joor

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Re: Game Of Thrones Discussion (Beware Of Spoilers) by helpsystem: 3:57am On Jul 24, 2017
Out of respect for others I won't say anything till 12pm. But epic
Re: Game Of Thrones Discussion (Beware Of Spoilers) by Nicolars(m): 4:10am On Jul 24, 2017
Nice one.... Bye bye to spoilers, we gonna watch it before they start waking up grin
I swear.... But nothing to spoil in epi2 jawe
Re: Game Of Thrones Discussion (Beware Of Spoilers) by IamDejman(m): 4:11am On Jul 24, 2017
Out of respect for others I won't say anything till 12pm. But epic

Leave respect.

Why do they have to just keep killing characters I am beginning to love. Goodbye Yara and the Dorne fam. Theon is so cockless and deserves death, why are they still keeping him alive? Why?

Something tells me Sansa is going to do something she'll regret and Jon is off.

Arya's reunion with nysteria (hope I spelt correctly) turned sour.

Finally, I agree with the tyrell grandma. Dany has to be a dragon, Tyrion might be wise and clever however, his plans have clearly failed. The ambush was too emotional for me. The three Dorne ladies ehn angry

But wait, how come euron can fight that good? undecided I feel they're making him unnecessarily extra-vicious

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Re: Game Of Thrones Discussion (Beware Of Spoilers) by Nicolars(m): 4:13am On Jul 24, 2017

First scene: Jon receives a message from Daenerys Targaryen. The letter says that all the Lords of Westeros have to go to Dragonstone to swear fealty to Queen Daenerys. Jon and Davos decide to go as Daenerys mentions she has dragons and Dragonstone has dragonglass. Jon leaves Sansa in control of the North, not before threatening Baelish to keep away from Sansa. Leaving Ghost, Jon and Davos, along with a few Northmen, head to White Harbour first.Qyburn talks with Cersei Lannister about Daenerys’s landing in Dragonstone. He also informs her that the Maesters were the one who destroyed the dragons last time. He tells Queen Cersei he is busy with creating a weapon to slay dragons. He thinks it won’t take too long before she’ll march to King’s Landing with her dragons. Danys gets a visit from the sandsnakes and on their arrival Yara tells Dany to attack King's Landing now. Later Yara and Ellaria make out.Tyrion, Daenerys, Missandei, Varys and Grey Worm have a meeting in Dragonstone. Tyrion convinces Daenerys to not use her dragons to take King’s Landing as only innocent people will die. Varys agrees with Tyrion and tells Daenerys she has more than enough men to take King’s Landing, even without her dragons. He suggests to hit Casterly Rock first as he knew every bits and pieces of that place. Later Yara and Ellaria make out. The Red Keep is visited by Tycho Nestoris who tells Cersei that the Lannisters have made an enormous debt and that the Iron Bank will always find a way to get the debt paid. He tells Cersei’s he’s curious to find out whether the saying about the Lannisters is true or not in the end.
In Oldtown, Ebrose tells Jorah that dragonglass is the cure for grayscale. He takes Jorah with him to cure him.Jaime tells Cersei they’ll need to pay the debt soon, otherwise the Iron Bank will finance their enemies. He decides to leave King’s Landing together with Bronn to go to Horn Hill. Jaime and the Lannister army go south to sack Highgarden. Jaime takes Widow’s Wail with him. Qyburn also gives him his recently crafted anti-dragon spear.Davos, Jon and a few Northmen arrive in White Harbor and take ships to sail to Dragonstone. Davos tells Jon it’s a strange fate that he’ll soon find himself to be in Dragonstone all over again. It’s night and the two decide to stay together. Arya is travelling and it's night time, so she decides to take some rest. Arya wakes up when she feels that something is sniffling on her. She discovers that Nymeria has found her instead. Arya can’t believe her own eyes and hugs her direwolf. She then continues her journey. Come and beat me, I'm in my father's house. grin grin

Which episode u watch... All this one no happen


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