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Do We Really Have An Anti Gay Law In Nigeria? - Culture - Nairaland

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Do We Really Have An Anti Gay Law In Nigeria? by Sanchez01: 6:36am On Aug 22, 2017
MI's recent rant about Gay rights has got me thinking as to why he would come out to condemn a supposed anti-gay law put in place by the law.

But then again, I find it more worrisome that the so-called arrest made recently is for show.

Do we really have an anti-gay law in Nigeria?
Re: Do We Really Have An Anti Gay Law In Nigeria? by Sanchez01: 6:39am On Aug 22, 2017
I think it is enough to look deep within and ask the last time gays were prosecuted in Nigeria despite an anti-gay law in place.

The so-called cross dressers of this world, the Denreles, the Bobriskys and others who are fast taking the Internet by storm are indications that we have a huge problem at hand
Re: Do We Really Have An Anti Gay Law In Nigeria? by Sanchez01: 6:50am On Aug 22, 2017
MI might have summoned courage to speak on the frustrated sexual orientation of his supposed 'friend' who has been having a hard time coming out but I fear MI is only the beginning of celebrities who would come forward to agitate this craze.

We really should be worried that the so called law has not deemed it fit to caution MI publicly.


Re: Do We Really Have An Anti Gay Law In Nigeria? by fernandez1(m): 6:56am On Aug 22, 2017
Re: Do We Really Have An Anti Gay Law In Nigeria? by peterphd(m): 1:22pm On Aug 22, 2017
MI might have summoned courage to speak on the frustrated sexual orientation of his supposed 'friend' who has been having a hard time coming out but I fear MI is only the beginning of celebrities who would come forward to agitate this craze.

We really should be worried that the so called law has not deemed it fit to caution MI publicly.


No law should stifle an individual's opinion
Re: Do We Really Have An Anti Gay Law In Nigeria? by fratermathy(m): 1:53pm On Aug 22, 2017
We have an anti-gay law in theory and many Nigerians are homophobes, in theory as well.

However, in practice, homosexuals boldly walk the streets every day and unless they become victims of hate-crimes or other circumstances, they are very much free. Many Nigerians would settle for hating them from a distance alone and the homosexuals know this, hence their daring public acts.

In fact, the law is so unexecuted that there are gay marriages being held every week in Nigeria and no one really cares enough to invite the police -even the police certainly won't waste a lot of time trying to round up gays -.

So the anti-gay law was an international power-play. Nigeria made that law as a message and I believe the recipients got it very well. Other than that, gays are very much free -only more cautious and not even for the fear of arrest but for hate-crimes against them-.

Personally, I believe what happens in a person's closet should remain his/her business as long as no other person comes to harm because of it.

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Re: Do We Really Have An Anti Gay Law In Nigeria? by Sanchez01: 5:48pm On Aug 22, 2017

No law should stifle an individual's opinion
In all honesty, true. But then, there should have been a formal, albeit public response to his 'opinion'. Staying mum is indication that we don't have a gay law if, at all we had one, that is.
Re: Do We Really Have An Anti Gay Law In Nigeria? by Sanchez01: 5:58pm On Aug 22, 2017
We have an anti-gay law in theory and many Nigerians are homophobes, in theory as well.

However, in practice, homosexuals boldly walk the streets every day and unless they become victims of hate-crimes or other circumstances, they are very much free. Many Nigerians would settle for hating them from a distance alone and the homosexuals know this, hence their daring public acts.
This is not really the position of the law. We should not say thieves should not be clamped upon because they have not gotten to our homes. The analogy might be harsh compared to these folks but the truth remains that our law does not allow for such

In fact, the law is so unexecuted that there are gay marriages being held every week in Nigeria and no one really cares enough to invite the police -even the police certainly won't waste a lot of time trying to round up gays -.
My fear exactly. I hear some wealthy Alhajis now ask some people to arrange young and willing boys for them. It is a rude shock this is happening in a country with some so-called anti-gay law.

So the anti-gay law was an international power-play. Nigeria made that law as a message and I believe the recipients got it very well. Other than that, gays are very much free -only more cautious and not even for the fear of arrest but for hate-crimes against them-.

Personally, I believe what happens in a person's closet should remain his/her business as long as no other person comes to harm because of it.
Are we to really believe this? Could you recall our lawmakers signing the anti-gay bill into law in 2014 and the excitement that followed despite the horrible pressure Obama and the United States mounted on Jonathan at the time? Did Jonathan 'oppose' Obama to massage the ego of Putin despite his unending romance with the American governement then? I very much doubt it was a power play move.


Re: Do We Really Have An Anti Gay Law In Nigeria? by Nobody: 11:29am On Aug 23, 2017
MI was and is very brave for his comments, considering how unaccepting Nigerians on this issue.

We have an anti-gay law in theory and many Nigerians are homophobes, in theory as well.

However, in practice, homosexuals boldly walk the streets every day and unless they become victims of hate-crimes or other circumstances, they are very much free. Many Nigerians would settle for hating them from a distance alone and the homosexuals know this, hence their daring public acts.

In fact, the law is so unexecuted that there are gay marriages being held every week in Nigeria and no one really cares enough to invite the police -even the police certainly won't waste a lot of time trying to round up gays -.

So the anti-gay law was an international power-play. Nigeria made that law as a message and I believe the recipients got it very well. Other than that, gays are very much free -only more cautious and not even for the fear of arrest but for hate-crimes against them-.

Personally, I believe what happens in a person's closet should remain his/her business as long as no other person comes to harm because of it.
Interesting. I thought an anti-gay law exists in Nigeria. Many are likely victims of hate crimes, tho. We probably don't hear about them much.

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